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Types of Kriging

The second panel of the kriging method is where users choose the type of kriging to
perform. The options available change depending on whether or not there is secondary
information available.
The panel also holds options for estimating spatial components (also known as factorial
kriging) and employing a population adjustment method (Poisson kriging). If you choose
to use the Poisson population adjustment method, you will have select the population
dataset and the population denominator.
The input reuired from the user varies with each type!
Kriging Type User Input
"imple kriging global mean
#rdinary kriging $$
%riging with a trend trend components (&, ', &
, '
, &')
)actorial kriging $$
"imple kriging with local
means (kriging of residuals)
local mean dataset, residuals
variogram model
%riging with e*ternal drifts up to three drift dataset
Poisson kriging population dataset and population
denominator, poisson variogram

Implementation details for kriging
+et u, be the prediction unit! point or polygon centroid.
1. Simple Kriging
The following kriging system is used!

-.n is the /data$to$data/ covariance between locations u. and un. It is computed as!

where -(,) is the sill of the semivariogram model, and (u. $ un) is the value taken by
the variogram model for the vector joining u. and un. 0 similar e*pression is used for
the /data$to$unknown/ covariance term -.,.
The vector of solutions (i.e. kriging weights) will be used to compute the kriging estimate
and kriging variance datasets, computed as!

where n is the number of observations found in the search window, and m is the /global
mean/ parameter.

2. Ordinary Kriging
The following kriging system is used!

where is the +agrange parameter, and -.n is the covariance between
locations u. and un. It is computed as!

where -(,) is the sill of the semivariogram model, and (u. $ un) is the value taken by
the variogram model for the vector joining u. and un. If the semivariogram has no sill
(i.e. power model), the sill -(,) is replaced by a pseudo$sill 0 which is a large positive
value such as 0 1 (h) for all h (P2 book, page .34).
The vector of solutions (i.e. kriging weights) will be used to compute the kriging estimate
and kriging variance datasets!
If the 5#utput trend coefficients5 option is selected, a third output dataset (trend
component) will be computed as!

where the kriging weights are computed as!

3. Kriging with a Trend
This type of kriging allows the user to select the number % of trend components, or trend
functions fk. )or e*ample, if the bo*es & and ' are checked, the trend model is!

where * and y are the *$coordinate and y$coordinate of location u 6 (*,y). The function
f,() is . by default, and other trend functions fk() k 6 .,...,% are selected by the user. If
the user checks all the bo*es, the following uadratic model is selected!
)or e*ample, if %6(, then the following kriging system is used!
There are as many +agrange parameters as constraints in the system of euations.
7ote that the ordinary kriging system is just the particular case %6,.
The vector of solutions (i.e. kriging weights) will be used to compute the kriging estimate
and kriging variance datasets!
If the 5#utput trend coefficients5 option is selected, (%8.) output datasets (trend
component 8 % trend coefficients) will be created. )irst the trend component will be
computed as!
where the kriging weights are computed as!
"econd, each of the trend coefficients ak for k1, will be estimated as!
The kriging weights are computed as!
where if k9 6 k and , otherwise.
4. a!torial kriging
In factorial kriging, spatial components corresponding to the different basic
semivariogram models are interpolated. )or e*ample, if the semivariogram model
consists of + basic models (i.e. +6( for one nugget effect and one spherical model), the
ordinary kriging estimate can be decomposed as!
The kriging estimate, kriging variance and the trend component m:(u,) will be computed
according to the euations described for ordinary kriging). In addition, each of the +
spatial components is estimated as!
The kriging weights are computed as!
is the covariance between locations u. and u, for the lth basic model. The following
relation is satisfied!
". Simple Kriging with #o!al $eans
The following simple kriging system is used!

The vector of solutions (i.e. kriging weights) will be used to compute the kriging estimate
and kriging variance dataset!

where n is the number of observations found in the search window, and m(u,) is the
5local mean5 dataset.
%. Kriging with &'ternal (rifts
The user may selects % 5drift5 datasets! yk(u), k6., ... ,%. These datasets are used to
model the trend of the variable z to be interpolated. )or e*ample, if two drift datasets
are selected, the trend model is!
This formulation is similar to the trend model used for kriging with a trend, where f,()6.
by default, and the other trend functions fk()6yk(). The same euations can be used to
; the kriging estimate and kriging variance.
; (%8.) output datasets (trend component 8 % trend coefficients) if the 5#utput trend
coefficients5 option is selected.
). *oisson Kriging
The following kriging system is used!
The only difference between this system and the ordinary kriging system is the diagonal
of the matri* where an error variance term, m:<n(ui), is added to each of the covariance
term -ii. m: is the population$weighted mean of the rate dataset, and n(ui) is the
population at that location.
The vector of solutions (i.e. kriging weights) will be used to compute the kriging estimate
and kriging variance datasets.
If the 5#utput trend coefficients5 option is selected, a third output dataset (trend
component) is computed as!
where the kriging weights are computed as!

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