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Minibar Procedures

1) To do posting from phone (must use Normal ID):

i) Dial number to access Minibar System.
ii) Enter the User ID followed by # key (System will announce the ID again).
iii) Enter the Pin Number followed by # key (default pin number same as User ID).
iv) Enter the Room Number which you want to do posting and followed by # key
(make sure it is a valid room).
v) Enter the Reference Number followed by # key. Maximum is 10 digits and any
number will do.
vi) Enter <Quantity>*<Item Code>#. This is for posting the minibar item.
For example, one coke which has code number 01.
(item code is in 2 digit)
vii) After entering all the items, press # key again to go to final state.
viii) In final state, there will be 4 options:
[1] To confirm and send the amount to Winsuite.
[2] To listen to all entries again.
[3] To continue posting (may be left out few items).
[4] To cancel the posting.

2) To record items prompt (must use Supervisor ID):
i) Dial number to access Minibar System.
ii) Enter the User ID followed by # key (System will announce the ID again).
iii) Enter the Pin Number followed by # key (default pin number same as User ID).
iv) After that, there will be 2 options:
[1] To record.
[2] To activate new recording.
v) After press [1], enter the Item Code (must be in 2 digit) that you want to record a
prompt. Then record after the beep and press any key to stop. After that, there will be
another 4 options:
[1] To confirm the recording.
[2] To listen to the recording.
[3] To re-record again.
[4] To continue the recording of this prompt.
vi) After press [1] to confirm, you will go back to step (iv) again. Here, you must press
[2] to activate the recording.
IMPORTANT: must do this step before hanging up the phone.

Room Status Procedures

1) To do posting from phone (must use Normal ID):
i) Dial number to access Minibar/Room Status System.
ii) Enter the User ID followed by # key (System will announce the ID again).
iii) Enter the Pin Number followed by # key (default pin number same as User ID).
iv) Enter the Room Number which you want to do posting and followed by # key
(make sure it is a valid room).
v) Enter the status code followed by the # key (make sure it is a valid code which has
been configured in the system).
vi) System will announce the status.

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