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Amener to bring/to lead

(Qui) est sous-entendu (which) is implied

En clair in ordinary language
tre suffisamment (descript.) to be sufficiently (description)
Rdaction essay, wording
nonciation enunciation
Ds (ex : la premire phrase) in/from (ex : the first sentence)
(Nous) aborderons plus en dtails (les rsultats obtenus dans la section sur l'efficacit.) (We will)
look at/adress (the results in more detail in the section on effectiveness.)
Constitue is/constitutes/represents
Il est important d'y apporter grand soin afin de It is important to be careful there in order to
Il y en a qui croient que there are those who believe that
Subi sustained/suffered
Dnoncer to denouce/condemn
Anodin trivial/insignificant
Oeuvre work
Prface introduction
Opprobre shame, dishonor, humiliation
Absolu absolute
Incitatrice instigator/introductive
Au terme de after
Nous pouvons le (verbe) comme suit we can do (blah) as follows
La mise en exergue de the emphasis of
Dplaire displease
Survol overview/skimming over
Soit en tant que (qqc.), soit en tant que (qqc.) either as blah or like blah
Ainsi Hence/Thus
En profondeur in depth
Le parcours the course/journey/path
La richesse the richness
Lors de when/at the moment of
Anodin trivial
tre cense se drouler supposed to take place
Certes while/certainly/admittedly
Use to use
part entire fully/in full/ in itself
Concrtisation realisation
lgard de towards/ in respect of
La jouissance pleasure/enjoyment of
Il sagit de it is/it concerns
Tisser - to forge/weave
Auprs de among
(verb) au mieux to (verb) to the best
Ressenti (adjective) felt/experienced
Faciliter to facilate
Se fonder sur to base (something) on
tre saisissante is striking
La focalisation de the focus of
La thmatique de the theme of
Lintrigue the plot
Rendre justice do justice to
La subtilit the subtlety
Dvoiler to reveal
Affirmation assertion
Concurrent competing, contender
Cadre framework
Au dtriment des autres at the expense of others
Mfier to be weary/careful of
Dpourvu de adj to be free of (something)
Au pralable beforehand
Antrieur previous
Pourtant yet, however
J'avoue que I must admit, confess that
Prcisions specific adjustments
Dfinir to define
Nier que to deny that
Il est indniable que it is undeniable that
Cest affligeant que it is saddening that
Ctait compltement dcousu it was completely disjointed
Cest minable its pathetic
Bien moins que much less than
Tout autant - equally
tayer to support
(noun) Demeure (adj) stays
Certitude certainty
Concilier balance
Citation extraite de loeuvre de quote from the work of

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