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Subject: PE Class: Year 9 Unit: Learning to Play Ball Games # 2 Topic: Volleyball # 1; Digging and Setting Number o Students!
Achievement Objective(s): "#$B1; %o&ement S'ills; "(uire and a))ly *om)le+ motor s'ills by using basi* )rin*i)les o motor learning
Learnin Outcome(s) an!"or Learnin #ntentions
What should the students learn?
,o understand a*tors )rodu*e teams'ills in relation to
,o be able to dig and set t.e ball -it. t.e *orre*t te*.ni(ue/
Assessment an!"or Success Criteria
How do we know what we have learnt?
Students -ill re)ort ba*' in grou)s to s.o- ma'es su**essul &olleyball teams'ills0 and t.en
use t.ese in t.e game situation
Students -ill des*ribe t.e te*.ni(ue o a dig and a set in t.e lesson e&aluation
Students -ill be able to *om)lete a dig and a set -it. in*reasing a**ura*y
$e% Competenc% &ocus
1elating to ot.ers; Students -ill need to s.are ideas ater *om)leting t.e guided dis*o&ery tas' to ind out t.e most a))ro)riate te*.ni(ues or setting and digging/
,.ey -ill also oer ad&i*e during )air-or' on .o- to im)ro&e
,.e set must be used in a game situation to be ollo-ed on by )ass0 t.ereore students must -or' as a team to 'ee) t.e game going
Time Stu!ent Learnin Activities Teacher Activities
$ mins
$ mins
2Sit do-n and res)ond to roll *all
2,o *ontribute i t.ey .a&e )arti*i)ated in &olleyball beore
#ntro!uction to 'olle%ball:
1a'au "*ti&ity!
2Students are to get into $ grou)s
23sing t.e title o t.eir sti*'0 ea*. grou) must *ome u) -it. as)e*ts relating to
t.eir s'ill and &olleyball and ma'e a s)ider diagram on an "4 s.eet o )a)er
Possible 1es)onses! P.ysi*al S'ills; ser&e0 dig0 set0 s)i'e
,a*ti*al S'ills! )ositioning on t.e *ourt0 using your 4 .its to your ad&antage
5ommuni*ation S'ills! *alling or t.e ball0 being )ositi&e and en*ouraging
So*ial S'ills! being *oo)erati&e0 su))orti&e0 res)e*tul0 )atient0 tolerant

2,ea*.er to as' students to sitting on t.e loor near t.e -.iteboard
2,ea*.er to ta'e t.e roll
2,ea*.er to -rite u) Learning #ut*ome on board and basi* session )lan
and e+)lain briely to students t.ey -ill be doing
2"ny (uestions6anyone unable to )arti*i)ate6any in7uries8
29as anyone .ad any )rior e+)erien*e in &olleyball8 :; so0 -.at8<
#ntro!uction to 'olle%ball:
1a'au "*ti&ity
2"s' t.e *lass to get into $ e&en grou)s
2#ne )erson rom ea*. grou) is to *.oose a sti*' :ra'au< rom t.e
tea*.er :ea*. ra'au -it. .a&e P.ysi*al S'ills0 ,a*ti*al S'ills0
5ommuni*ation S'ills0 So*ial S'ills0 Personal S'ills -ritten on it<
2"s' one )erson rom ea*. grou) to re)ort ba*'
23sing t.e irst letter rom ea*. s'ill :P0 ,0 50 S0 P<' o a -ay to
remember t.ese
Possible 1es)onse! Positi&e ,eams 5an Produ*e Su**ess
1= mins
4 mins
> mins
1= mins
Personal S'ills! air0 .ard-or'ing0 )ositi&e
(arm up:
#&er t.e Net
2Students to get into t.eir our teams
2%ust 'ee) t.e ball in t.e air
2?.en )lay is sto))ed .al -ay0 *reate a basi* strategy :e/g/ some stand at ront0
some in t.e middle0 some at t.e ba*'0 use )eo)les )umana-a<
'i!eo Clips:
Students are to sim)ly -at*. t.e &ideos and learn t.e names o t.e t-o .its; a set
and a dig
&ocus Activities: Sets an! )is
;n&idiual S'ills; Guided Dis*o&ery
2#ne ball )er student
2Students to )ra*ti*e one arm .its0 )rogressing into sets and digs -it. t.eir o-n
te*.ni(ue/ ,.in' about -or's best/
Pra*ti*ing Digging and Setting
2"*ti&ity 1/
2Students to get into )airs and number t.emsel&es 1 and 2
2#ne ball bet-een 2/
2# 1 )ra*ti*es setting and digging to .imsel0 -.ilst 2 gi&es im)ro&ement ti)s
:ormati&e assessment</ S-a)/
2# 1 t.e ball to # 20 -.o tries to dig or set it ba*' to #1/ S-a)/
2#1 and #2 try to *ontinuously set6dig t.e ball to
2E+tension or talented! set or dig t.e ball slig.tly to t.e rig.t or let o t.e
(arm up:
#&er t.e Net
Pre)aration @ E+)lanation!
>Have a cross set up with strings/nets
>Split class into four teams by handing out large deck of playing cards
(Hearts are one team, Clubs are one team etc)
>Students in four groups in one section each
>Pass one ball between them over the string/net
>Introduce 2 then 3 balls, must keep balls going as fast as possible
>Half way through, blow the whistle and have students sit down where
they are to prevent continuing play. Ask them to have a quick discussion
in their groups and come up with tactics to improve their play
'i!eo Clips:
9a&e students *ome and around t.e -.iteboard0 sitting do-n
S.o- youtube *li)s o a set and a dig0 indi&idually/ ,ea*. t.e students
t.e name o t.e .it0 but not t.e te*.ni(ue/
&ocus Activities: Sets an! )is
;n&idiual S'ills; Guided Dis*o&ery
2E+)lain; students are to )ra*ti*e .itting t.e ball -it. one arm0
alternating :rig.t0let0rig.t0let et*<
29o- many times *ould you .it it beore it tou*.ed t.e ground8
2Go around as'ing students! -or's best8
2Progression! Students to try using t.e set and dig te*.ni(ue to 'ee) t.e
ball in t.e air
Pra*ti*ing Digging and Setting
29a&e students around -.iteboard sitting do-n again/ Dis*uss
t.ey t.oug.t -or'ed or sets and digs/ Put t.ese &ie-s on a s)ider
diagram on t.e board/ Aee) on t.e board or lesson *on*lusion/
2E+)lain *orre*t te*.ni(ue/ 3se )i*ture *ards as -ell as tea*.er
,ea*.ing ,e*.ni(ue!
Dig! #ne .and s.ould be laid o&er t.e ot.er0 -it. t.e )alms a*ing
u)-ards/ Pla*e t.e t.umbs lat on to) o t.e to) )alm so t.ey are
1= mins
$ mins
)artner to in*rease dii*ulty
%odiied Volleyball
2Students are to get ba*' into t.eir our teams
2 Students -ill attem)t to use sets and digs in modiied game situation
2Students -ill try to s*ore )oints by tou*.ing t.e loor o any o t.e t.ree
o))onents *ourts/
25ontribute to t.e dis*ussion and re*a) o t.e *orre*t te*.ni(ues o a set and a
tou*.ing/ Aee) t.e arms straig.t0 'nees s.ould be bent/ ?.en you get
*onta*t -it. t.e ball lit t.e arms and straig.ten t.e leg
Set! ,.e .ands s.ould orm a triangle B loo'ing -indo-C0 it re(uires a
)us. -it. t.e ingers/ "s t.e ball *omes into *onta*t/ ,.e legs s.ould be
bent/ #n *onta*t -it. t.e ball t.e arms e+tend and so do t.e legs0 )
2;ntrodu*e a*ti&ity 1 -.ilst students are sitting0 t.en as' t.em to get into
)airs and ollo- t.e student a*ti&ities
2"s' students to e+)lain ba*' to you t.e *orre*t te*.ni(ue or setting
and digging :*.e*' or understanding<
%odiied Volleyball
2Same game as t.e -arm u) .o-e&er students must use sets and digs to
'ee) t.e ball in t.e air/
2,o s*ore a )oint0 t.e ball must tou*. t.e o))osing teams loor
21e*a) t.e tea*.ing )oints! B?.at are t.e t-o ty)es o )assing -e
.a&e learnt today8C
2"s' someone to demonstrate and e+)lain a *orre*t dig
E+)e*ted 1es)onse! #ne .and laid o&er t.e ot.er0 straig.t arms0 'nees
bent0 t.umbs 'e)t in and out o t.e -ay
2"s' someone to demonstrate and e+)lain a *orre*t set
E+)e*ted 1es)onse! 9ands s.ould orm a -indo-0 )us. ball -it.
ingers0 legs bent0 legs straig.ten as )layer *omes into *onta*t -it. t.e
2"dd t.ese &ie-s in a dierent *olour to t.e s)ider diagram and *om)are
t.e dieren*es and similarities to t.eir initial t.oug.ts/
E+uipment , -esources: Sti*'s -it. titles0 "4 )a)er0 $ )ens0 one &olleyball )er student0 2 &olleyball nets0 D sets o bibs0 -.iteboard0 2 -.iteboard mar'ers0
te*.ni(ue )osters0 Youtube &ideos :*om)uter6)ro7e*tor<
Teacher Evaluation
Student achievement where to next?
Teacher practice what have I learnt?
what will I changes will I make?

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