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designed by Irina Poludnenko

Small/Medium (Medium/Large, Large/XL)

Bust 42 (46, 50)"/106.5 (117, 127) cm
To Fit Bust Sizes 34-38 (38-42, 42-46)"/71-
86.5 (91.5-106.5, 112-127) cm
Length 18 (19, 20)"/47 (49.5, 51.5) cm,
with edging unrolled

7 (7, 8) balls S. Charles Collezione
ECLIPSE 92% cotton, 4% polyester, 4%
nylon (1.75oz/50g; 162yds/147.5m) in color
#06 citrine

One pair size 8 (5mm) needles
One size 8 (5mm) circular needle,
16"/40cm long
One size 4 (3.5mm) circular needle,
16"/40cm long
One size 4 (3.5mm) circular needle,
40"/100cm long
One pair double-pointed needles (dpn) size
4 (3.5mm) for I-Cord
Waste yarn
Stitch marker
Yarn needle

17 sts and 25 rows = 4"/10 cm in Rib
Pattern, using larger needles
TAKE TIME TO CHECK GAUGE 2011 Tahki Stacy Charles, Inc.

Reverse Stockinette stitch (Rev St st)
Purl on RS, knit on WS.
Stockinette stitch (St st) in rows
Knit on RS, purl on WS.
Stockinette stitch (St st) in the round
Knit every row.

Rib Pattern (multiple of 4 sts + 2)
All Rows: *K2, yo, k2tog; rep from * to last 2
sts, k2.

NOTE: PULLOVER is worked in one piece
from center BACK, across FRONT, to center
BACK. Armhole sts are worked in waste
yarn, then Sleeves are picked up after BODY
is complete.
Using larger needles, cast on 75 (79, 83) sts.
(RS) Slip 1, work Rib Pattern to last 4 sts,
work in Rev St st (beg with a purl row) to
end. Work even, slipping first st and purling
last st of every row, until piece measures 7
(7, 8)" from beg, end with a WS row.
Establish Sleeves
(RS) Work 35 sts, change to waste yarn, k27
(31, 35), turn, p27 (31, 35), turn, change to
working yarn, work to end. Work even until
piece measures 35 (38, 42)" from beg, end
with a WS row.
(RS) Establish second Sleeve as for first.
Work even for 7 (7, 8)", end with a WS row.
Bind off all sts. Sew cast-on and bound-off
edges together.

Carefully remove waste yarn and place 54
(62, 70) sts on larger 16" circular needle.
With RS facing, rejoin yarn, pick up and knit
1 st, work in Rib Pattern to end, pick up and
knit 1 st 56 (64, 72) sts. Work even,
slipping first st of every row and keeping last
st in St st, until piece measures 13" from
beg, end with a WS row.
(RS) Change to smaller circular needle and
St st; work even for 6 rows. Bind off all sts.

Block piece to measurements. Sew Sleeve

Bottom Band
With RS facing, using smaller 40" long
circular needle and beg at BACK seam, pick
up and knit 137 (150, 163) sts along bottom
edge (opposite rolled Rev St st edge) . Join
for working in the rnd; pm for beg of rnd. Beg
St st; work even for 6 rnds. Bind off all sts.

I-CORD TIES (make 2)
With dpn, cast on 3 sts. Work I-Cord 40 (44,
48)" long. Fasten off. With RS facing, beg at
center FRONT, thread first TIE through
eyelets just below Rev St st edge. Thread
second TIE through eyelets above Bottom
Weave in ends.

With drawstrings on both top and bottom of
the pullover, it is versatile enough to wear in
different ways. To wear as shown in the
image on the left on page 1 of the pattern, let
the bottom hem fall around your hips, then
tighten the bottom drawstring loosely around
the hips. Tighten the top drawstring around
the top of your shoulders and adjust the
fabric to create an even ruffle around the
neckline. To wear as shown in the image on
the right, bring the bottom hem of the
pullover around your waist, then tighten the
bottom drawstring more tightly to keep it at
waist level. The top drawstring can be
loosened as much as possible (or removed if
you prefer) to let the neckline droop in the
center, forming a frame for the camisole or
top you choose to wear underneath it.

I-CORD: On dpn, cast on [or pick up]
number of sts indicated in instructions. DO
NOT TURN. *Slide sts to the opposite end of
the needle and knit them, pulling yarn firmly
behind sts; rep from * to desired length. After
a few rows, you will see that you are knitting
a tiny tube; give it a gentle tug now and then
to adjust any loose sts. Bind off all sts,
leaving approx. 12 tail for finishing. 2011 Tahki Stacy Charles, Inc.

beg begin(ning)
cm centimeter
k knit
k2tog knit 2 sts together
mm millimeters
p purl
pm (Pm) place marker
rem remain(ed)(ing)(s)
rep repeat(ed)(ing)(s)
rnd(s) round(s)
RS right side
st(s) stitch(es)
tog together
WS wrong side
yo yarn over

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