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Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1.1 General
1.2 Description of the Project
2. Objectives of the Study
3. Ters of !eference "TO!#
$. %ethodolo&y
$.1 'oents on TO!
$.2 'oposition of the Study Tea
$.3 Inforation 'ollection
$.$ !evie( and )nalysis
$.* Ipact Identification and %iti&ation
*. !eportin&
+. Tie Schedule
,. 'onsultations and -isits
)nne.ure 1 / Ters of !eference
)nne.ure 2 / 'urriculu -itae of Study Tea
)nne.ure 3 / 0ist of Docuents
1. Introduction
1.1 General
1niversity of %oratu(a "1O%# (as entrusted to conduct a Suppleentary 2nvironental
)ssessent and an 1pdatin& of 2nvironental %ana&eent Plan "2%P# of the Southern
Transport Developent Project "STDP# by Director3 Project %ana&eent 1nit "P%1# of the
!oad Developent )uthority "!D)#. )ccordin&ly3 the 1O% study tea coenced (or4 in
early October 255$. 6o(ever3 as of 2* October3 255$3 P%1 directed 1O% to teporarily
suspend the studies. The inception report for the (or4s coenced and copleted up to then
(as subitted to the !D)3 SPDP and the )D7 in Deceber 255$. 1pon resolution of any
issues bet(een the t(o parties 1O% reactivated the studies on 1 Septeber3 255*3 based on a
revised Ters of !eference "TO!# presented by P%1. This Inception !eport outlines
objectives of the study3 its ethodolo&y and schedule of (or4 pro&ra.
1.2 Description of the Project
The Southern Transport Developent Project "STDP# is presently bein& ipleented by
Governent of Sri 0an4a "GOS0# throu&h !oad Developent )uthority "!D)#. The project
is financed fro parallel fundin& by the )sian Developent 7an4 ")D7# and the 8apan 7an4
for International 'ooperation "87I'#. The ain coponent of this project is the construction
of an "Southern 6i&h(ay# bet(een 9otta(a and %atara. The construction has
already coenced over a lar&e section of the road financed by the )D7.
The project approved by the )D7 (as based on a tentative :'obined Trace;3 (ithin a
corridor3 subject to subse<uent detailed desi&n. This trace (as supported by various studies3
includin& an 2nvironental Ipact )ssessent "2I)# and a subse<uent Suary
2nvironental Ipact )ssessent "S2I)#3 Social Ipact )ssessent "SI)# and a
!esettleent Plan "!P#. The :=inal Trace; evolved durin& the detailed desi&n sta&e contained
t(o ajor deviations fro the 'obined Trace. These deviations had ipacted land
ac<uisition and resettleent as (ell as environental ana&eent and raised ade<uacy of
environental assessents conducted earlier.
The =inal Trace3 (hich eer&ed in response to conditions iposed by the 'entral
2nvironental )uthority "'2)# (as subjected to detailed desi&n study by the consultants
en&a&ed under the )D7>assisted !oad ?et(or4 Project. The detailed desi&n of the =inal
Trace (as also the basis for an updated SI) and soe updatin& of environental assessent
by the desi&n consultants in ?oveber 25553 and preparation of an 2nvironental
%ana&eent Plan "2%P#3 re<uired prior to the coenceent of construction activities.
)ssuin& that the 2%P is based on the =inal Trace3 it has been prepared (ithout the benefit
of a full 2I) alon& that part of the road not coincident (ith 'obined Trace. Social Ipacts
(ere also not coprehensively assessed alon& soe sections of the =inal Trace.
In order to assess the a&nitude and ipact of chan&es that have occurred as a conse<uence
of chan&e in ali&nent fro the 'obined Trace to the =inal Trace an a&reeent (as reached
bet(een the )D7 and the GOS0 that t(o studies on environental assessent and social
assessent should be underta4en. It (as decided that environental assessent and social
assessent (ould be underta4en by !D) under direct supervision of )D7 throu&h
1niversity of %oratu(a "1O%#.
2. Objectives of the tud! and TO"
The objectives of the study by 1O% as e.tracted fro the revised TO! ay be stated as
"i# !evie( all previous reports on the project pertainin& to environental issues@
includin& the 2nvironental Ipact )ssessent "2I)# and Suary 2nvironental
Ipact )ssessent "S2I)#3 to deterine their applicability to the entire len&th of
:=inal Trace; coprisin& both 87I' and )D7 funded sections and Galle Port )ccess
!oad "GP)!#.
"ii# Identify locations on the :=inal Trace; (hich re<uire further assessent in order to
update the draft 2%P3 and usin& paraeters accepted for the ori&inal assessents3
conduct field surveys and other studies that ay be re<uired in these locations "usin&
participatory techni<ues (here appropriate# to deterine environental and social
ipacts and necessary iti&ation easures.
2.2 !evie( the second draft of 2%P based on the additional inforation &enerated by the
studies to deterine its ade<uacy to address the environental ipacts of the entire
project. Deterine additional onitorin& and iti&ation easures that should be
included in 2%P. Infor client of any iediate actions that are re<uired to ensure
that sufficient environental iti&ation easures are bein& applied particularly on the
road sections3 (here construction (or4s have already started. If the current iti&ation
easures are inade<uate to address adverse ipacts3 recoend appropriate and
ade<uate iti&ation easures to be included in 2%P. In this re&ard3 advice on
identifyin& dupin& areas of unsuitable e.cavated soil.
2.3 7ased on the above revie(s3 studies and evaluations prepare t(o reports@
"i# Suppleentary 2nvironental )ssessent !eportA and
"ii# ) report that includes detailed coents on the draft 2%P and ho( to update
it as per )D7 2nvironental )ssessent Guidelines 2553 and GOS0
#. $ethodolo%!
#.1 Co&&ents on TO"
)ll relevant reports and docuents (ere ade available by !D) at the coenceent of
studies in October 255$. The !D) is responsible for release of any available additional
sources of inforation that ay be re<uired based on revised TO!. ) ap of the study area
&ivin& details of land>use3 roads3 contours etc.3 and havin& both =inal and 'obined traces
should be ade available to the tea at the be&innin& of the (or4 The traces ar4ed on the
1@*53555 topo&raphic aps of the Survey Departent have been ade available. ) di&ital
base data of the project in 1@*53555 have been used for the studies done for the !D) and upon
re<uest these di&ital data (ere provided. T(o copies of each draft report (ill be prepared
and subitted to !D) in bound for. One copy (ill be subitted to )D7. In addition soft
copies of reports (ill also be ade available to both !D) and )D7. The !D) is e.pected to
carry out the translation of reports to Sinhalese.
The aps3 tables and fi&ures in the draft for (ill be included for the preliinary (or4
reports. In the final report they (ill be done in a suitable forat for presentation. ?o
estiates have been ade for GIS (or4s and the tea do not intend to carryout di&itiBation of
TOR Item 6(i)
The revie( and <uantification of the said physical differences (ill be done by each e.pert
after coparin& the 1CCC 2I)! and detailed desi&ns for the cobined trace (ith the detailed
desi&n notes3 Desi&n &uidelines3 layout plans3 dra(in&s and the desi&n suaries ade
available by the !D) for the final trace. The identification of the environental ipacts that
have a bearin& on the desi&n3 construction and operation of the project (ould be based on the
site visits by the e.perts3 project docuentation (ith the !D) includin& the coents fro
the public and other a&encies. In case the detail desi&ns are not available the tea (ould
a4e interpretations and recoendations based on the data ade available.
TOR Item 6(ii)
This (or4 (ill be carried out ainly throu&h a study supported by necessary field visits
(here clarifications are re<uired. 2ach e.pert (ill scrutiniBe respective sections for the
deterination of the environental assessent validity3 appropriateness and applicability.
This (ill be deterined by the tea based on the lines of the 1CCC 2I)! for the cobined
trace alon& (ith the layouts D docuentation of the final trace provided by the !D).
TOR Item 6(iii)
In order to carryout the said revie( it is necessary to identify the 87I' supported studies
indicated in this section. The )ssessent of e.act tie duration and resource person inputs
(ill be done once these indicated reports are provided to the tea. In the e.ecution of the
revie(3 tea (ill deterine the &aps (ith the said &uidelines as interpreted by the tea. )
eetin& (ith !D)3 )D73 87I' and other relevant a&encies (ill be conducted at the
be&innin& of the study to identify related concerns and any 4ey issues arisin& fro this (ould
be discussed (ith the on&oin& studies to identify any disa&reeents. =inal report of the tea
(ould address any such issues (here necessary to facilitate )D7.
TOR Item 6(iv)
1nder this (or4 the tea (ould carryout a systeatic study of the draft 2%P and revie( the
environental findin&s reports to identify the contributions to the 2%P. )s a tea3 the
e.perts (ould carryout a systeatic &roup (or4 to identify the contributions in each section.
Si&nificance of such contributions fro the environental findin&s reports (ould be
<ualitatively classified so that the e.tent of the contributions in relevant sections could be
assessed usin& the )D7 &uidelines. The tea (ould identify the additional details that has to
be a part of the environental assessent study of the final trace. )s part of this (or4 the
tea tar&ets sufficient discussions (ith the !D) re&ardin& the preparation of the
environental findin&s reports and the 2%P.
TOR Item 6(v)
1nder this section the tea (ould copare the cobined trace and the final trace and revie(
the 2%P in the conte.t of the )D7 &uidelines. This (or4 (ill span the entire len&th of the
final trace.
a# In this section the revie( (ould be carried out for the sub sections &iven in the )D7
2nvironental )ssessent Guidelines of 2553 under the ain section 2%P. The
ade<uacy (ill be deterined by the tea based on their e.pertise3 data and jud&ent
in cases (here the re<uireents are not entioned e.plicitly..
b# =ollo(in& the assessent in "a# above3 the nature and e.tent of revision re<uired in the
2%P (ill be indicated.
c# Discussions (ith the !D) authorities and field visits (ill be carried out by the tea to
identify the sections (here the construction activities have coenced. 'oparisons
(ill be done (ith the inforation fro the reports and the observations at the sites.
!ecoendations (ill be ade for satisfactory environental iti&ation.
TOR Item 6(vi)
This (or4 involves the entire final trace and the study of the environental ipacts has to be
coprehensive. The (or4 (ill be done in consultation (ith the parties indicated in the TO!.
'onsultative process (ill be based on notices in the project DS offices and in ne(spapers
identified as havin& &ood circulation re<uestin& (ritten responses re&ardin& environental
ipacts of the final trace. )lso the list of concerned personnel (ith the !D) (ill also be
consulted. The public (ill be ade a(are of the road trace and the chan&es ade fro the
cobined trace done in the 1CCC 2I)!. The tea (ill carryout field inspection and des4
studies (here there had been chan&es fro the cobined trace and perfor the assessent of
the environental ipacts. This coprehensive study (ill cover all sections (ith siilar
iportance. Data &aps (ith respect to the e.istin& environent (ill be covered in a siilar
anner as in the 1CCC 2I)!. The updated report (ill refer to the 1CCC 2I)! (here there are
no si&nificant chan&es and (ill include a detailed contents (here there are chan&es that need
to be ta4en into consideration for the environental assessent. The !D) is e.pected to
provide the list of personnel available (ith the !D) (ho are included in the cross section of
personnel for the consultative process as indicated in the TO! ite.
TOR Item 6(vii)
The revision of the 2%P (ill be done based on the identifications and studies done for the
environental assessent. The revisions (ill be done inline (ith the )D7 &uidelines and the
indicators3 level of iti&ation etc.3 (ill be identified siilar to the 2%P for the project that
has been prepared in )u&ust 255$.
TOR Item 6(viii) and Item(ix)
) Draft report each for both these ites (ill be prepared (ith the contributions fro each
specialist in the tea. !eport for +"viii# (ill be consistent (ith the )D7Es outline for 2I) and
the report for +"i.# (ill be consistent (ith the 2%P of )u&ust 255$. 7oth reports (ill be
subitted to the !D) for )D7 revie( and coents as indicated in the tie schedule.
These coents are e.pected (ithin one (ee4 fro subission. The tea plans to hold
several eetin&s to discuss the pro&ress and pro&ra. This (ill enable the !D)3 )D7. etc.3
to e.tend their coents (ell ahead of the subission of the draft reports.
TOR Item 6(x)
The environental assessent report and 2%P (ill be finalised by the tea after a discussion
foru preferably includin& interested parties3 !D) and )D7. It is e.pected that the
coents fro the )D7 and other concerned parties as per !D) assessent (ill be received
(ithin ten days fro subission. The suary environental report (ill be done accordin&
to the &uidelines of the )D7 and the forat is to be received by the tea at the
coenceent of the (or4.
The tea (ould have periodical discussions (ith both !D) and )D7 re&ardin& the process
and ethodolo&y of (or4 prior to the subission of each interi report.
The reportin& as per the TO! (ill be the Interi !eport3 Preliinary Study !eport3 Draft
=inal !eport and the =inal !eport3 respectively.
The studies (ill ostly utiliBe the available base data since it is only a suppleentary study as
it has been indicated. The tea (ould ephasiBe on the si&nificant deviations fro (hat has
been done previously. The other sections (ill be revie(ed and reported. The consultations
(ill be liited to that has been carried out so far3 the responses received by the !D)3 and
available inforation fro the social ipact assessent tea. =ro tie to tie3 the data
and inforation of the suppleentary social assessent should be ade available to the tea
to carryout the ipact assessent. The tea (ould fro tie to tie re<uest the client to
hold joint eetin&s to a&ree and receive the outputs fro the suppleentary social assessent
tea. These consultations and (or4 (ill be based on the detailed desi&ns3 notes and aterial
ade available (ithin a (ee4 fro the coenceent of the (or4. The tea e.pects the
!D) coitent to(ards providin& all base data3 and (or4in& aps aon& the others
indicated in the previous ethod stateent.
The study tea (ould fro tie to tie re<uest the client to hold joint eetin&s to a&ree and
receive the outputs fro the suppleentary social assessent tea.
#.2 Co&position of the tud! Tea&
) ultidisciplinary tea has been put forth by the 1niversity of %oratu(a for the e.ecution
of the tas4s of preparin& the Suppleentary 2nvironental )ssessent Study and 1pdatin&
of 2nvironental Plan. The tea is led by Prof. ?.T. Sohan Fijese4era. Prof "%rs# ?.
!atnaya4a is the 'o>Tea 0eader to ensure that the (or4 is copleted (ithin the indicated
tie (hile ensurin& the <uality of re<uired outputs. The core tea as indicated in Table $.1
coprises an 2I) and Policy Specialist3 a 6ydrolo&ist3 an 2colo&ist3 a Sociolo&ist3 an
)&ricultural 2conoist3 an 2nvironental 2n&ineer3 ) Soil and Geotechnical 2n&ineer3 a
0andscape and )esthetics Specialist3 a Traffic 2n&ineerGTransport Planner and other 'ivil
2n&ineers. The tea also coprises supportin& en&ineers3 teas supportin& the hydrolo&ist3
ecolo&ist3 sociolo&ist3 and other field (or4ers and secretarial staff assi&ned for reainin& field
(or4s3 eetin& and (or4shop or&aniBin&3 and report preparation. The sociolo&ist (ould
tar&et (or4in& (ith the social ipact assessent tea by joinin& their field (or43 attendin&
their (or4shops and sharin& their findin&s considerin& the iportance of deliverin& the
outputs on tie.
The core tea ebers3 their e.pertise and their positions in the study tea are listed in
Table $.1 belo(. Their '-s are included as )nne.ure 2 to this report.
#.' Infor&ation Collection
#.'.1 General
The inforation that (ill be collected by each specialist staff eber of the study tea in
outline for is presented in Table $.2. The ajor deviations of the =inal Trace haven already
been identified "=i&. $.1# and each tea eber (ill focus on &atherin& relevant inforation
(ithin these deviations. Details of inforation to be collected on ajor aspects of the study
are described in sections $.3.2 to $.3.15.
)ll eetin&s and site visits as felt necessary by the tea need to be coordinated and assisted
by the !D). It is e.pected that the !D) (ould release t(o field en&ineers failiar (ith the
Southern Transport Developent Project or&aniBation at !D)3 site locations of the trace3
control points and other landar4s to facilitate the site visits and necessary eetin&s (ith
interested parties. If possible3 release of personnel (ho have earlier (or4ed (ith the 2I)
tea of 1CCC is preferred. The tea e.pects a roo of reasonable siBe in the !D) buildin&
(ith furniture to conduct tea discussions (ith !D) and other officials3 and at least t(o
resource persons could use des4 space3 and for the duration of the environental assessent
(or4 under this TO!.
#.'.2 (!drolo%! and Draina%e
)a* +,IC ection
The follo(in& inforation (ill be collected@

)vailable hydrolo&ical data fro previous Draina&e !eport "1O%# and
6ydrolo&ical Study report.
0and use3 land topo&raphy3 (ater bodies and draina&e patterns (ithin a *55
corridor of the deviated stretches of previous !D) and 'obined Traces identified
fro preliinary site reconnaissance.
!ainfall3 evaporation and strea flo( data alon& the identified road stretches.
)b* AD, ection
)ll previous 2I)! reports and the draina&e study reports (ill be revie(ed to cull the baseline
inforation to perfor the suppleentary environental assessent. The study area
stipulated in the To! (ill be identified in ters of draina&e and hydrolo&y throu&h site
reconnaissance in consultation (ith the !D) en&ineers (ho has the 4no(led&e of the site and
its environs. The 4ey study areas (ill beA
The entire stretch fro 9urundu&ahahet4a to %atara (ith respect to the ipacts
caused by the on&oin& construction processes.
The deviated stretches in full.
Galle Port )ccess !oad in full
-i%. #.1 Dev
#.'.' Geotechnical Aspects
The follo(in& inforation (ill be collected@
o %aps and des4 study considerin& topolo&ical aps3 &eolo&ical aps3 land use
o Data fro previous study reports3 other data available (ith !D)3 Irri&ation
Departent3 Geolo&ical Survey and %ines 7ureau "GS%7#
o Site reconnaissance alon& the final trace in the 87I' and )D7 sections and
Galle Port )ccess !oad includin& a survey of e.istin& borro( pits and
#.'.#. .ater /ualit!0 Air Pollution and 1oise Control
The inforation collection (ill be confined to already established deviations of the =inal
Trace and any other environentally sensitive areas identified durin& preliinary site
reconnaissance. The (ater <uality paraeters in any si&nificant (ater bodies crossin& the
deviated sections alon& the =inal Trace and the Galle Port )ccess !oad (ill be easured. The
baseline status of noise and air <uality (ill be estiated for environental assessent.
#.'.2 3colo%ical Aspects
Identification of critical localities that should be included in the 2%P for onitorin& (ill be
done dependin& on appropriate selection criteria based on identified ajor deviations and
GP)!. The relevant dataG inforation (ill also be identified that are re<uired to be onitored
(ith the 2%P.
#.'.4 A%riculture and 3cono&!
#.'.5 6andscape and Aesthetics
#.'.7 ociolo%ical Aspects
The inforation collection (ill be carried out by the consultant to&ether (ith his field
assistants fro several saple locations of the entire trace and especially t(o deviations and
Galle access road (ill be studied in detail usin& participatory approaches.
#.'.8 Transportation and Traffic -lo9
#.'.1: 3nviron&ent and Polic! Plannin%
#.# "evie9 and Anal!sis
#.#.1 General
The revie( and <uantification of the physical differences (ill be done by each e.pert after
coparin& the 1CCC 2I)! and detailed desi&ns for the cobined trace (ith the detailed
desi&n notes3 Desi&n &uidelines3 layout plans3 dra(in&s and the desi&n suaries ade
available by the !D) for the final trace.
This (or4 (ill be carried out ainly throu&h a study supported by necessary field visits
(here clarifications are re<uired. 2ach e.pert (ill scrutiniBe respective sections for the
deterination of the environental assessent validity3 appropriateness and applicability.
This (ill be deterined by the tea based on the lines of the 1CCC 2I)! for the cobined
trace alon& (ith the layouts D docuentation of the final trace provided by the !D).
1nder this (or4 the tea (ould carryout a systeatic study of the draft 2%P and revie( the
environental findin&s reports to identify the contributions to the 2%P. )s a tea3 the
e.perts (ould carryout &roup (or4 to identify the contributions in each section. Si&nificance
of such contributions fro the environental findin&s reports (ould be <ualitatively
classified so that the e.tent of the contributions in relevant sections could be assessed usin&
the )D7 &uidelines. The tea (ould identify the additional details that has to be a part of the
environental assessent study of the =inal Trace. )s part of this (or4 the tea tar&ets
sufficient discussions (ith the !D) re&ardin& the preparation of the environental findin&s
reports and the 2%P.
The tea (ill copare the 'obined Trace and the =inal Trace and revie( the 2%P in the
conte.t of the )D7 &uidelines. This (or4 (ill span the entire len&th of the final trace.

a# This revie( (ould be carried out for the sub sections &iven in the )D7 2nvironental
)ssessent Guidelines of 2553 under the ain section 2%P. The ade<uacy (ill be
deterined by the tea based on their e.pertise3 data and jud&ent in cases (here the
re<uireents are not entioned e.plicitly..
b# =ollo(in& the assessent in "a# above3 the nature and e.tent of revision re<uired in the
2%P (ill be indicated.
c# Discussions (ith the !D) authorities and field visits (ill be carried out by the tea to
identify the sections (here the construction activities have coenced. 'oparisons
(ill be done (ith the inforation fro the reports and the observations at the sites.
!ecoendations (ill be ade for satisfactory environental iti&ation.
This (or4 involves the entire final trace and the study of the environental ipacts. The
(or4 (ill be done in consultation (ith the parties indicated in the TO!. The consultations
(ill be liited to those or&aniBed and facilitated by the !D) and the )D7. The list of
concerned personnel (ith the !D) (ill also be ta4en and their concerns (ill be ta4en into
consideration of the study. The public (ill be ade a(are of the road trace and the chan&es
ade fro the cobined trace done in the 1CCC 2I)!. The tea (ill carryout field
inspection and des4 studies (here there had been chan&es fro the cobined trace and
perfor the assessent of the environental ipacts. This study (ill cover all sections (ith
siilar iportance. Data &aps (ith respect to the e.istin& environent (ill be covered in a
siilar anner as in the 1CCC 2I)!. The updated report (ill refer to the 1CCC 2I)! (here
there are no si&nificant chan&es and (ill include a detailed contents (here there are chan&es
that need to be ta4en for the environental assessent. The !D) is e.pected to provide the
list of personnel available (ith the !D) (ho are included in the cross section of personnel for
the consultative process as indicated in the TO! ite.
The revision of the 2%P (ill be done based on the identifications and studies done for the
environental assessent. The revisions (ill be done inline (ith the )D7 &uidelines and the
indicators3 level of iti&ation etc.3 (ill be identified siilar to the 2%P for the project that
has been prepared in )u&ust 255$.
The details of revie( and analysis of inforation pertainin& to ajor aspects covered durin&
the study are described belo(.
#.#.2 (!drolo%! and Draina%e
)a* +I,IC ection
=ollo(in& t(o reports (ill be revie(ed
o Draina&e report "1O%#
o 6ydrolo&ical study report 87I' section
)t the deviated stretches of the previous !D) and cobined trace3 draina&e
pattern of the *55 corridor (ill be analyBed (ith chan&es of draina&e pattern
and its ipact to the environent.
)b* AD, ection
It is e.pected to study the follo(in& hydrolo&y and draina&e related paraeters3 especially for
the deviations (hich are no( in the ipleentation (here the environental ipacts have
not been sufficiently covered.
1. Surface (ater <uantity
2. Ground(ater <uantity> preparation of &round(ater survey and location ap.
3. Present uses of surface D &round (ater
$. 'liate "Teperature3 !elative 6uidity3 Find Speed3 2vaporation3 !ainfall #
*. Topo&raphy and Draina&e / Preparation of draina&e pattern aps3 previous and ne(
catchent aps (ith tables.
+. =lood Pea4 and !etention area> preparation of flood survey aps (ith locations and
e.tent of floodin& and Table of !etention )reas len&th alon& the road trace "len&th and
,. Siltation and Sedient !unoff "related to flood and draina&e#
H. Irri&ation and =lood Protection Schees> Preparation of the 0ocation and 2.tent
C. 6ydraulic Structures in the deviated routes> 0ocation of 'ulvert and 7rid&es / %ap
and Table
#.#.' Geotechnical Aspects
1. Ipact of the activities3 durin& pre>construction3 construction and post construction
phases3 related to the solutions for follo(in& &eotechnicalG&eolo&ical probles (ill be
i. 2ban4ent construction on soft &roundsA
ii. =oundations for brid&es and other structuresA
iii. Stability of slopes and earth retainin& structuresA and
iv. Disposal of the construction (aste.
2. Investi&ation of the availability of construction aterials such as@ =ill aterialA Sand
and a&&re&ate "etal# in ters of both <uality and <uantityA and
3. Investi&ation of the e.istin& environent such as stability of slopes3 soil erosion in the
study area and chan&es due to the construction that had already bein& copleted (ill
be studied.
#.#.#. .ater /ualit!0 Air Pollution and 1oise Control
#.#.2 3colo%ical Aspects
#.#.4 A%riculture and 3cono&!
#.#.5 6andscape and Aesthetics
#.#.7 ociolo%ical Aspects
The epirical data collected fro the field especially on social ipact and iti&ation
easures ipleented (ill be copared (ith the easures recoended in the 2I) reports.
7ased on such coparative analyses possible attepts (ill be ade to coe up (ith set of
suppleentary Gne( easures to address the unattended or ne(ly eer&ed ne&ative ipacts
Gissues on the project3 if there are any.
#.#.8 Transportation and Traffic -lo9
#.#.1: 3nviron&ent and Polic! Plannin%
#.2 I&pact Identification and $iti%ation
#.2.1 General
The identification of the environental ipacts that have a bearin& on the desi&n3
construction and operation of the project (ould be based on the site visits by the e.perts3
project docuentation (ith the !D) includin& the coents fro the public and other
a&encies. In case the detail desi&ns are not available the tea (ould a4e interpretations and
recoendations based on the data ade available.
The ethodolo&y used for ipact assessent (ill be consistent (ith that adopted in 1CCC
2I). The project (ill be divided into 2$ project eleents coverin& investi&ation3 construction
and operation sta&es. The affected environent (ill be divided into environental eleents
considerin& the &eneral environent of the area and the environental issues hi&hli&hted in
the TO!. These environental eleents (ill cover physicalGcheical aspects3 biolo&ical
aspects and socialGsocio>econoic aspects.
Once the eleents are identified3 it (ill be possible to for the !elevance %atri.. The
coluns in the !elevance %atri. (ill be the identified project eleents3 (hile the ro(s (ill
be the environental eleents. The list of environental eleents (ill be divided aon&
study tea core ebers in accordance (ith their specialties. This eans that each eber
(ill be loo4in& at fe( ro(s and all coluns in the full atri.. 7ased on the assessents
ade by each eber the Tea 0eader (ill eventually finaliBe the full !elevance %atri. in
consultation (ith the entire tea.
Once the relevance atri. is prepared3 the tea (ill be in a position to select areas that need
to be studied in detail. )ll ipacts identified as :hi&hly si&nificant; in the !elevance %atri.
needs to be studied in detail3 in order to <uantify the ipact3 and recoend iti&atory
easures and onitorin& plans. The ipacts identified as :oderately si&nificant; (ould be
entioned and avoided if possible3 or iti&atory action and onitorin& plans recoended.
#.2.2 (!drolo%! and Draina%e
)a* +I,IC ection
Ipacts due to chan&e of draina&e pattern and iti&ation
Possibility of floodin& and any chan&e of flood plain
Possible ipacts to &round(ater in the area
)b* AD, ection
The environental ipacts (ill be identified in the follo(in& anner.
Ipacts on the paraeters presented above3 (hich have caused durin& the on&oin&
'onstruction Phase (ill be assessed. In this conte.t the (hole trace fro
9urundu&ahahete4a to %atara (ill be covered and the ipacts (ill be identified on
a classified basis. The short ter and lon& ter ipacts on the draina&e net(or43
irri&ation schees (ill be evaluated. The present ipacts (ill be copared (ith the
predicted ipacts listed in the previous reports. This process (ill help forulate and
aeliorate the 2%P.
=or the places (here deviation have been affected the ipacts (ill be considered for
all three phases3 viB. Investi&ation and Preparation Phase3 'onstruction Phase and the
Operation Phase. In these deviated stretches the critical ipact occurrin& places and
the ipact doains (ill be identified (ith special ephases. The ipact evaluation
criteria adopted in the previous study reports (ill be follo(ed .
%iti&atory easures and the onitorin& pro&rae alon& (ith the necessary details
to up&rade the 2%P (ill be presented after assessin& the ipacts. Inforation
necessary to prepare the Ipact %atri. also (ill be obtained.
#.2.' Geotechnical Aspects
Durin& the preliinary revie( of the previous study reports3 it (as found that detailed 2I)
(ere already conducted for !D) trace and the 'obined trace at that sta&e and
2nvironental %iti&ation Plans (ere also prepared. Therefore3 in this suppleentary study3
attention (ill be ainly focused to the deviations of the final trace fro the cobined and
!D) traces. 6o(ever3 the localities (hich are si&nificantly chan&ed since the previous
studies3 due to the construction (or4s in the )D7 section or due to other reasons3 (ill be
identified and studied in detail. Identification of the already e.perienced or anticipated
chan&es to the e.istin& conditions of the environental eleents3 pertainin& to Geotechnical
en&ineerin& and Geolo&y3 durin& the construction sta&e of the project / )lready e.perienced
chan&es in the project area (ill be studied throu&h field visits and anticipated chan&es (ill be
forecast based on "a# The Detailed Desi&n of the road eban4ent and other structures alon&
the trace and "b# The 2nvironental =indin&s !eport "2555# by Filbur Sith )ssociates Inc.
%oreover3 ipleentation of the previously proposed environental iti&ation easures and
its effectiveness (ill also be scrutiniBed.
#.2.#. .ater /ualit!0 Air Pollution and 1oise Control
#.2.2 3colo%ical Aspects
Priary and secondary dataG inforation re<uired to identify the ipacts (ill be collated and
standard ethods of 2I) (ill be adopted for analysis. %iti&atory action (ill be proposed
#.2.4 A%riculture and 3cono&!
#.2.5 6andscape and Aesthetics
#.2.7 ociolo%ical Aspects
The social ipact (ill be identified based on the rapid assessent carried out. The iti&ation
easures (ill be fored based on the e.perience and perception of the affected counities
and other nei&hborin& counities as (ell as the e.perience and opinion of the consultant
"sociolo&ist#. 6o(ever the su&&ested suppleentary or ne( iti&atory easures (ill be
discussed and revie(ed by other consultants of the 2I) study to obtain the ultidisciplinary
vie(s to assess sae proble fro different an&les to verify the practical feasibility of
ipleentin& such sta4eholder su&&ested recoendations.
#.2.8 Transportation and Traffic -lo9
#.2.1: 3nviron&ent and Polic! Plannin%
Table #.1 Co&position of the tud! Tea&
1a&e Position Affiliation
1. Prof. ?.T.S. Fijese4ara Tea 0eaderG6ydrolo&ist 1niversity of %oratu(a
2. Prof. "%rs#. ?. !atnaya4a 'o>Tea 0eaderG2I) and Policy Planner 1niversity of %oratu(a
3. Dr. P.P. Gunaratna Deputy Tea 0eader "!evie( and !eports# 1niversity of %oratu(a
$. Dr. ?.P.D. Gaa&e Deputy Tea 0eader>87I' 1niversity of %oratu(a
*. 2n&. D.).8. !an(ala Deputy Tea 0eader>)D7
+. Prof. 0.0. !atnaya4a Traffic 2n&ineerGTransport Planner 1niversity of %oratu(a
,. Dr. 6.S. Thila4asiri Soil and Geotechnical 2n&ineer 1niversity of %oratu(a
H. Dr. %. F. 8aya(eera 2nvironental 2n&ineer 1niversity of %oratu(a
C. Dr. "%rs# %.D. )arasin&he 2colo&ist 1niversity of 9elaniya
15. 9. 8inapala Sociolo&ist International Fater %ana&eent Institute
11. Dr. O. )arasin&he )&ricultural 2conoist 1niversity of !uhuna
12. )rcht. S. 1da(atta 0andscape and )esthetics Specialist
Table #.2 Details of Planned Infor&ation and Data Collection
"esource Personnel 1ature of Infor&ation to be
$ethod of Data
ources of Infor&ation pecial ite ;isits
1. 6ydrolo&ist 0and use3 land topo&raphy3 (ater
bodies and draina&e patterns of
selected stretches (ithin a *55
corridor (ithin the final hi&h(ay
trace and Galle Port access road
identified fro preliinary site
reconnaissance. !ainfall3
evaporation and strea flo( data.
=ield observations3 !evie(
of available topo&raphical
aps3 land>use aps.
)ccess to data available at
Irri&ation and
Topo&raphical aps3 land>use
aps3 hydrolo&ical data fro
Irri&ation Departent and
%eteorolo&ical Departent.
Site visits to cover selected
se&ents ostly not
coincidin& (ith cobined
trace identified fro
preliinary reconnaissance.
2. 2I) and Policy Specialist 2nvironental ipacts identified by
other resource personnel
'onsultations (ith project
staff and !D) officials
Periodic pro&ress reports by
resource personnel3 Inforation
provided by !D) officials
Site visits to onitor
activities of other resource
3. Deputy Tea 0eader
"!evie( D !eports#
)ll inforation copiled by other
resource personnel and all relevant
docuents and past study reports
Throu&h re<uests ade
fro !D) and other
relevant or&aniBations and
fro other study tea
Periodic pro&ress reports by
resource personnel3 Inforation
provided by !D) officials and
other relevant or&aniBations
Site visits to other than initial
field reconnaissance visit to
be planned based on
ade<uacy of inforation
received fro other project
$. Deputy Tea 0eader>87I' )ll inforation copiled by other
resource personnel and all relevant
docuents and past study reports
pertinent to 87I' section of the
Throu&h consultations in
the 87I' section3 pro&ress
reports relevant to this
section received fro other
tea ebers.
Pro&ress reports of other tea
ebers (or4in& in this
section3 inforation provided
by local residents
Site visits to onitor
activities of other resource
personnel in the 87I' section.
*. Deputy Tea 0eader>)D7 )ll inforation copiled by other
resource personnel and all relevant
docuents and past study reports
pertinent to )D7 section of the
Throu&h consultations in
the )D7 section3 pro&ress
reports relevant to this
section received fro other
tea ebers.
Pro&ress reports of other tea
ebers (or4in& in this
section3 inforation provided
by local residents
Site visits to onitor
activities of other resource
personnel in the )D7 section.
+. Traffic 2n&ineerGTransport
Infrastructure facilities of the project
area3 e.istin& public and private
transport facilities3 Planned
developent activities in the project
!evie( of relevant
previous reports3
consultations (ith officials
of !D)3 1D)3 Provincial
Previous study reports of STDP
and other relevant project
Site visits to clarifyGverify
inforation &athered to
selected stretches.
"esource Personnel 1ature of Infor&ation to be
$ethod of Data
ources of Infor&ation ite ;isits
,. Soils3 Slopes and Geolo&y
Data on ineral resources3
construction %aterials "a# !oc4A "b#
Gravel and fill aterial and "c# sand3
Sub>surface condition3 0and for3
stability of natural and an>ade
!evie( of previous study
reports3 field observations3
consultations (ith local
residents3 &roups and
Previous study reports3
&eolo&ical aps of the project
area3 field observations and
local residents.
Site visits to cover critical
sensitive areas in ters of
stability as identified durin&
preliinary reconnaissance.
H. Fater Iuality and
2nvironental 2n&ineerin&
2.istin& bac4&round data alon& the
proposed trace on air <uality3 noise
levels3 vibration levels3 surface and
&round(ater <uality.
!evie( of relevant
previous reports3 field visits
Pertinent reports fro Industrial
Technolo&y Institute "ITI# and
'entral 2nvironental
)uthority "'2)#3 previous
study reports by 1O%
1. 2nvironental 2n&ineer
C. 2colo&ist Data on plant species richness and
their relative abundance.
Observation on fauna at
representative sites.
=ield visits supported by
t(o field assistants.
Inforal intervie(s of
=ield observations and local
)ppro.. five site visits to
identified stretches durin&
preliinary reconnaissance.
15. Sociolo&ist Deo&raphic data of the affected
failies3 social characteristics3
livelihood activities of affected
people3 type of private properties on
(hich affected failies had relied
for sustainin& their livelihoods3
nature of counal properties
affected3 reli&ious and cultural sites3
affected public institutions3 affected
natural physical assets3 ipacts ade
on infrastructure facilities such as
roads and displaceents.
Siple <uestionnaires3
sei>structured intervie(s3
focus &roup discussions3
transect visits3 direct
People in the affected area and
data collected by SI) study
&roup of the 1niversity of
)ppro. five visits other than
field visits (ith !D) staff
and SI) tea fro
1niversity of 'olobo.
"esource Personnel 1ature of Infor&ation to be
$ethod of Data
ources of Infor&ation ite ;isits
11. )&ricultural 2conoist 0and use3 2ployent3 )&ricultural
and industrial production systes3
Socio>econoic profile and resource
base3 7usiness and self eployent3
6oe &arden systes3 )nial
husbandryGfishin& and environental
e.tracts3 Ta. revenues of local
authorities3 2.istin& ar4et prices of
land3 labour3 inputs and outputs and
their chan&in& patterns3 Touris and
supportin& services3 6andicrafts and
other area specific production
Intervie(s of authorities
and persons in the potential
area3 !apid rural appraisal
ethods to iniiBe the
Divisional Secretariats "DS#3
Graa ?iladaris "G?#3 0ocal
)uthorities "Provincial
'ouncils3 1rban 'ouncils#3
)&rarian Service 'entres3
=arer Or&aniBationsG?GOs3
7usiness enterprises3 !eli&ious
and social leaders3 People in the
affected area.
9o&&ala la4e3 %atte&oda
area3 !antotu(ila3 7orala
tan43 7ol&oda tan43 7ol&oda
la4e3 Panape ela3 Pol(atu
&an&a lo(er catchent3
6i44adu(a tourist area.
12. 0andscape and )esthetics
0andscape alon& final road trace3
historical and archaeolo&ical
onuents3 places of (orship and
reli&ious interest
!evie( of relevant
previous reports3
consultations (ith officials
of Departent of
)rcheolo&y3 field visits
Inforation &athered fro
Departent of )rcheolo&y3
previous study reports3 field
study findin&s3
Site visits to identified
stretches durin& preliinary
2. "eportin%
The follo(in& reports (ill be subitted (ithin the course of the study period.
1. Inception !eport on proposed ethodolo&y3 approach and assessent teas (ithin 1
(ee4 fro the coenceent of (or4.
2. Interi !eport (ithin , (ee4s fro the coenceent of (or4.
3. Draft =inal !eport for )D7 revie( (ithin 15 (ee4s fro the coenceent of (or4.
$. =inal !eport 1* (ee4s after coenceent of study.
4. Ti&e chedule
The tie schedule of activities planned (ithin the study period is as &iven Table +.1.
Proposed Time Schedule
Item Description
1 Mobilisation and Initial Meetings
1-1 Inception Report
2 TOR items 6(i),(ii),(iii), (iv),(v)
2-1 es! "or! and Meetings
2-2 #ite Inspection and ata $ollection
2-3 Internal Report %reparation
3 TOR item 6(vi)
3-1 &otices' $orrespondance ( es! "or!
3-2 #ite inspection' )ield "or! and Meetings
3-3 Maps' )ig*res' +ables and +e,t
4 TOR item 6(vii)-(ix)
4-1 Re-ision and es! "or!
4-2 Report )ormatting and preparaion
4-3 Interim Report
4-4 ra.t )inal Report
4-5 $omments o. R/' /0 and ot1ers
4-6 )inal Report .or R/
5 TOR item 6(x)
5-1 $omment Incorporaton and #*mmar2 3/
5-2 Report and #*mar2 3/ %reparation
5-3 Interim Report
5-4 ra.t )inal Report
5-5 R/ and /0 comments
5-6 )inal Report
*Commencement is from the signinig of the contract and receipt of the first advance payment
"ee!s .rom $ommencement4
Table 4.1 Proposed Ti&e chedule
5. $eetin%s0 Consultations and ;isits
5.1 $eetin%s
Since the re<uest letter dated + Septeber3 255$ to underta4e this study fro the Director3
P%13 STDP (as received several eetin&s too4 place bet(een the study tea
representatives3 !D)3 )D7 and %ana&eent 'onsultants to STDP "%'>STDP# as &iven in
Table ,.1.
Table 5.1 Details of $eetin%s bet9een tud! Tea&0 "DA0 AD, and $C<TDP
Date 6ocation Participants
15 Septeber3 255$ !D) 1O%3 !D) and %'>STDP
1, Septeber3 255$ )D7 1O%3 !D)3 %'>STDP and )D7
* October3 255$ !D) 1O%3 !D) and %'>STDP
H October3 255$ )D7 1O%3 )D7
1$ October3 255$ !D) 1O%3 !D)3 STDP>%'
25 8uly 255* !D) 1O%3 !D) / STDP3 STDP>%'3 SecyJ%inistry of 6i&h(ays
5.2 ;isits
The 1O% study tea undertoo4 t(o preliinary site reconnaissance visits to 87I' and )D7
sections of the hi&h(ay on 15>11 October3 255$ and 1+>1, October3 255$. The findin&s of
these visits (ere revie(ed by the individual ebers to&ether (ith available inforation and
data to plan specific individual site visits.
Since the reactivation of study3 the 1O% study tea undertoo4 a reconnaissance study on $
Septeber3 255* (hich covered both 87I' and )D7 sections.
5.' Consultations
'onsultations (ith local residents and other concerned parties (ill ta4e place if deeed
necessary durin& this study period and (ill be or&aniBed and facilitated by the !D) and )D7.
7. Pro%ress of .or=
The pro&ress of (or4 ade to>date ay be suariBed as follo(s@
1. Several reports and docuents relevant to the study "See )nne.ure 3# collected3 copies
and dispatched aon& tea ebers.
2. Di&ital aps of the hi&h(ay trace prepared and distributed aon& tea ebers.
3. 6ydrolo&ical and environental data and relevant aps purchased.
$. ) eetin& of the study tea (as held to coordinate and distribute the (or4.
*. Three field reconnaissance surveys successfully copleted in 255$ and 255*.
+. Soe individual site visits by specialist staff already underta4en.

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