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About 2000 years ago God sent an angel to Israel, to a virgin named Mary.

She was
engaged to Joseph, a carpenter. The angel told Mary that by God's power, she would
conceive a son.

When Joseph learned that she was pregnant, an angel instructed him to marry her.
Joseph took her to Bethlehem to register for a census. While there, Mary gave birth to
Jesus. She laid him in a manger because there was no room at the inn. Shepherds
visited Jesus in Bethlehem.

Jesus Christ was born circa 6 B.C. in Bethlehem. Little is known about his early life, but
as a young man, he founded Christianity, one of the worlds most influential religions. His
life is recorded in the New Testament, more a theological document than a biography.
According to Christians, Jesus is considered the incarnation of God and his teachings an
example for living a more spiritual life. Christians believe he died for the sins of all
people and rose from the dead.

Jesus feeds 5000

Some friends came to Jesus and told him that John the Baptist had been killed. When
Jesus heard this, he went to the Sea of Galilee to be alone, but many people knew
where he was and came to hear him teach. Jesus taught the people, more than five
thousand of them, all day. In the evening, it was time to eat, and the people did not have
any food. Jesus told the disciples to look for food, and they found one boy with five
loaves of bread and two fish. Jesus blessed the bread and the fish and broke them into
pieces. The disciples passed the pieces of food around for the people to eat and there
was more than enough food for all of them. When they were all full, they collected 12
baskets of leftovers. It was a miracle.

Jesus heals a blind man

After feeding the 5000, Jesus sends his disciples ahead of him in a boat to cross the
Sea of Galilee. Several hours later in the night, the disciples encounter a storm. Jesus
comes to them, walking on the water. This terrifies the disciples who think they are
seeing a ghost. Jesus tells them in verse 27, "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."
Peter replies, "Lord, if it's you, tell me to come to you on the water." So Jesus invites
Peter to come. Peter gets out of the boat and begins walking on the water toward Jesus.
But when Peter takes his eyes off Jesus and sees the wind and waves, he begins to
sink. Peter cries out to the Lord and Jesus immediately reaches out his hand and
catches Peter. As they climb into the boat together, the storm ceases. Then the disciples
worship Jesus, saying, "Truly you are the Son of God."

Jesus did not die from exhaustion, the beatings or the 3 hours of crucifixion, but that he
died from agony of mind producing rupture of the heart. Answer If Jesus is God, how
could he die. Frederick Zugibe, believes Christ died from shock due to loss of blood and
fluid, plus traumatic shock from his injuries, plus cardiogenic shock causing Christs
heart to fail.

Jesus' body was hastily placed in a tomb on Friday afternoon. There was no time to
properly prepare the body for burial with spices and ointments according to Jewish
customs. No work could be done on the Sabbath, so that task had to wait until Sunday.
Early Sunday morning, Mary Magdalene and several other women went to the tomb with
the spices they had prepared. When they arrived, they found the tomb had been opened
already. When they went in, they did not find Jesus' body, and they wondered what had
Suddenly, two angels in dazzling white clothes were there. The women were terrified,
but the angels said to them, "Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not
here; He has risen! Remember how He told you that He would be turned over to sinful
men, be crucified, and rise again on the third day!"
The women ran back to tell Jesus' apostles what they had seen. Peter and one other
apostle went to the tomb to see for themselves. They looked in and saw the linen cloths
that Jesus' body had been wrapped in but nothing else. Then they went home, amazed
and confused.

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