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R O. Box 612
Waianae, Hawaii 96792
January, 1987
Forwarding Agents
11345 Moreno Avenue
Lakeside, Calif. 92040
($19) 44^7137
Dear Friends In Christ,
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
We want to bring you up-to-date about our work here in Hawaii. In particular about
the work being done here along our Waianae Coast. We are just praising the Lord
for all the wonderful things that have been happening with His Church here at Maili.
Our Bible Club is averaging about 15 and it is such a wonderful tool to witness to
the young people of the corimunity. Mrs. Henrietta Luttrell is doing a real fantas
tic job in the preparation of the lesson materials and we have them doing Bible ver
ses and crafts that all relate to the lesson each week. It is also good to see an
adult admit that they do not know much about the Bible and also come to the Bible
Club so she can also learn. A few months ago 1 had a funeral of a friend that we
have know for many years here in Hawaii. They are right next door to the church
and the wife of this man has been talking and mentioning that some day they would
c^e. It took the dea^ of her husband and now her and the two children have not
missed many se]nn.ces since that time. When she first started coming she seemed
a little restless and then she ask me if it would be alright if she joined her
children in their class as she knew that they would be getting more basic things
and t^t is what she needed. 1 told here to go ri^t ahead. It took a great deal
^ pride to ccxne to the point to know that you do not need much cotimon sense to
knoWi^that you need many tiroes to start at the bottpm before you can get to the top.
We ^e also very fortunate to have Mrs. Luttrells* Daughter Leta and her husband
David helping us. Dave and Leta just jumped right in and began to take positions
that we needed here at the church. We had no Bible SchDol teachers and even with
^r body in a brace from recent back surgery, Leta has taken on the younger chil
dren ^ David the Older ones. On Sunday Evening Leta and her mother take turns
Inching the younger ones while the message is being preached and on Wednesday
wien we study our Bible Lesson.
Hiere have been a great number of first time visitors to the worship services and
we are doing, our best to keep in contact with them. Sometimes they will not give
you an address and so we have to use other means to at least let them know thaf-we
were very happy to have them in our services. Recently one of the young men had
i^ted a family that goes to another church and to his surprise, and ours, they
did come. We are hoping that maybe they will come back and visit. The children
we did discover knew alot about the Bible and that made us realize that at least
God s Word was being shared in one family in our area.
- 2 -
In order that our newsletter will be sent out on time we are going to our Forwarding
Agents, Sam and Kit Fisher do the mailing for'us. We were having a time trying to
get the letter out on time. This way we know that it will get to you and you will not
have to be wondering if the Sholtis family is alive or not. We do appreciate your
patience with us in this matter and we also will be saving some postage and some times
there may have been double mailings and with the cost of postage and other expenses
we feel that this will be the best way^ to make sure all, parties here about our work.
Also to save postage Bro. Sam wanted us to mention that if you remember that all re-
ceits will be sent out at the end of the year giving you a grand total of your giv
ing. We have to cut back in many areas, but we do not want to let you sort of hold
ing on wondering about the work. We are very happy with our work here in Hawaii and
we just know that the Lord has great things in store for us here<. Mission work is
a wonderful work and we hope that with your support and especially your prayer sup
port we cannnot but help to grow in all areas of the church. It has been my goal
to be able to see both myself and my wife be able to devote full time to the work
and althou^the support is small at present we just know that Withr<^nstant prayer'
to Him will be a source of strength to us both a^ the blessing will come.
Well we will say "Aloha** until next time and trust that the Lord will bless all as
you serve Him day by day.
Aloha In Christ,
Joe, Dora, John aixi Eleanor Sholtis
H' Vw
R O. Box 612
Waianae, Hawaii 96792
Forwarding Agents
11345 Moreno Avenue
Lakeside, Calif. 92040
Dear Friends In Qirist,
Greetings in (3irist from the Aloha State.
It does seem a long time since we wrote and in checking we saw that it was in January
that we wrote our last newsletter. One of the reasons that we are not writing every
month IS that postage does cost and we are hoping that you will understand that when
you send out letters first class it can amount to a lot of money and we are trying
to do our best to get you the information about our work. So we do hope that if our
letter get a little long you will understand this and enjoy our reports when thev
come to you. ^ j r j
We mentioned in our last letter about a young lady and her two children coming to
our services as the result of the loss of her husband last year. We are happy to
on April 22, 1987 the Maili Christian Church became the proud bearers
of three new Christians. Roberta Velles and her two children Paris Kapiolani Green-
leaf and Dutch M. P. Greenleaf were baptized in the Pacific Ocean around 4:00pm.
Nani as she is called by most, wanted to be baptized on her birthday, but said that
the Lord just couldn t wait as He was letting her know that she must do it now if
she ^ her family are going to be happy. She talked to her children and all three
of thOT agreed to be baptized together. So we took their confession and all of us
went dovni into the water and they came out of the water brand new Qiristians. We
^e asking that you pray for this new family in Christ as it will be many new exper
iences from them and we know that this is just the beginning for the Maili Christian
Cnurcn new growth. = o - _
We are sad to report that David and Leta Leggitt had to return to the mainland. They
are missed very much as they did do a lot with the work \^iile they were here and we
do wish th^ the very best in their work for the Lord. At present we have the Kings,
uavid and Amy and their four girls here. Amy and Leta are children of the veteran
missionary family here in Hawaii, Charles and Henrietta Luttrell. Bro. Luttrell passed
away on June 11, 1986. Sister Luttrell continues to work with both Waipahu and the
Maili wrk under the Hawaii Calls Mission. They both put their membership with the
^ili Quristian Church. Mrs. Luttrell will be leaving for the mainland to first of all
to see her daughter, Lora graduate from Ozark Christian College. Then she will be
attending the North American Christian Convention in Oklahoma City. If you are at
the convention please take the opportunity to visit with her and hear first hand about
the work here in Hawaii.
- 2 .
As you know the reason most missionaries write newsletter is to inform you of their
work and vhat r^eeds they do have to let you to have the opportunity to share in those
needs. Last month we have a very desperate need where we needed $800.00. The money
that came put a big dent into the funds that we would normally receive over the next
few months. If you are able to give Just a little more over the next few months we
would deeply apprei^iate it very much. The money was needed to pay for the school
bill of our son John. The school that he attends does not take monthly payments.
They told us that John would not be able to take his requiered tests unless we payed
the whole amount. Thus our Forwarding Agents Same and Kit Fisher were able to come
up with the amount, as a result we will not be receiving as much as we had been
for a while. Please E^Y with us on this matter that we can begin to do a more
effective work here in Hawaii. This is a vital work and we do not want to see it
die because of lack of funds to dp the work for Him. If you can help we urge you to
please send all contributions to SAM and KIT FISHER, 11345 MORENO AVENUE, lAKESIDE,
C3VLIF. "92040. "
We were very happy to greet some folk from the Lakeside Church of Qirist at the airport.
Bro. Sam Fisher gave us a call and we were able to give them a Hawaiian greetings. We
do hope that your stay here was a pleasant one. We must apologize in our newsletter
to them as this preacher lost the paper with their names on them and if you get a
copy of this newletter, please accept our apology and please write so we can let you
know we enjoyed having to meet you. We would like to let others of you know that if
you are planning a trip or if you know of someone who is coming to visit our Islands
we would be more that happy to meet them at the airport and feel a little of our
Aloha Spirit.
We have not said much about the family and maybe now is the time. It seems that the
Chicken Pox have finally left us. It all started with our daughter, Eleanor having
them. Then to granson, Johnathan. From him he wasted no time in giving them to his
Uncle John and to his father, Stephen. Leaving only granddaughter, Bridgette. Well
it looks like somewhere down the future Bridgette will have to have the Chicken Pox
again as hers never really developed into a full case. As for the Grandparents and
the Mother of the two grandchildren it was a time to behold. Especially when two
seemingly strong young men all of a sudden come down what is to be know as a Child
hood thing that you have in your younger days. They both marveled as a baby of
11 months just went on as nothing was happening to him. We are happy to report that
ail is oh this Hawaiian front.
Once again we do want to say MAHALO NUI LOA(Thank you very much) for your continued
prayer and financial support of our work here and to let you know the happenings of
the effort being made forth here on behalf of our Lord. We will continue to do His
Work and hope and pray that we can continue to win precious souls for Him.
Aloha In Christ,
Joe, Dora, John & Eleanor Sholtis
mi chau
P. O- Boa 612 - Wt*n. Qahu Hirai> 96^92
^3 9^
Dear Friends in Christ,
Greetings in the name of Christ.
We want to start out by telling you that Dor and I celebrated our 25th Wedding
Anniversary in style. Our children, mostly our dau^ter-in-law, gave us a party
at the Maili Christian Church. Edean, our daughter-in-law did most of the work.
It seems that boys are not good planners when it comes to this type of thing and
it does take a womans touch in getting the invitations out and some of the other
minor details. It has been a great 25 years and although the road has seemed a
little rough at times we have endured those and have come to realize that the
Lord is still with us and with His help we will be able to have a 50th wedding
In news of the church we cannot begin to tell you the spiritual growth we have
seen in the folk. We are averaging around 15 on Sundays and we feel that we have
begun to reach out to others in the community. When school ended we were going
to stop our Bible Club, but some of the childgen approached one of our newest
members and asked her to have it in her home for the simmer. So she came to me
and ask if we could have one during the summer and that her and Amy King would
handle it for the simmer. They not only handles it they made it two days a week
instead of one. So on Tuesday and Thursday during the simmer we have a Summer
Bible Club. Also instead of one hour they have it for two hours. We are just
overjoyed at the response and we hope that from this we will be able to see these
precious young people come to the Lord. One little girl even brought her mother
to the class to see idiat they were learning and ask her to come each week. It
is just wonderful how the Lord works and we hope that Christ will be a vital part
of this little girls home.
We are anxiously awaiting the return of b^s. Henrietta Luttrell from the mainland.
She is due back in a few weeks and we are going to have our Vacation Bible School
in August between our two weeks of Summer Christian Service Camp. The activity
around here has us encouraged and we hope that you can be encouraged with us.
There is a prayer request that we have and we hope that in some way the Lord will
lead us to help this family. A young teenage girl ran away from home and caused
quite a stir among the family members. It seems that her real mother has been
putting off letting her and brother from coming home and not really telling the
girl the real reason for her and the brother to come home to live with her. So
other family menbers have been taking the responsibility of both of them. They
live next to the church property. Our newest convert has been trying to witness
to her and hoping that she will see the need to come to the Lord. We do not know
- 2 -
the girls name, but do hope that you will pray for her and our efforts to see her
come to the Lord, She re^ly needs bur prayers and we hope that through the com
bined efforts of both us and you fine Christian folk we will see one more come to
Another big event is that our daughter Eleanor will be going to Christian Camp for
the first time. She is excited about it and we just know that she will have a good
time in the Lord, We have three weeks of camp here in Hawaii and it is a wonderful
time for the children. Also it is a good time for the missionaries and Christian
workers to get together and share together. Also pray for our efforts here that
some of these young people will accepjb the challenge of the Lord, ^ _
With all of the activity that is going on here in Hawaii, even more than ever, we
need to raise more support finacially. At present we need $1000,00 a month coming
it if we are going to provide the ri^t effort here to make this work continue for
Himju_ _We_cannot stress^enou^-the importance of^good financiaUsupport, At present
the congregation is able to support all but the minister and his family. So as a
result we need the support of you fine Christian folk on the mainland churches.
It will be a great day when we can write that we no longer need your support,'-but
until that day canes we must continue to write and ask for your wonderful finan-';^.
cial and most of all Prayer support. Without thoseiprayers going up to Our Heaven
ly Father we become weak in Him, It is that knowle^e that there are j^ose else
where who are praying for us that keep many a missionary really going in the Lord.
It is with grateful hearts that vire say '*MAHALO NUI lOA" to those \dio are sufport-
ipg us financially; Each gift big or small will be used to the effort of Him vAio
gives us our physical strength to do His bidding.
Once again Mahalo to you all and if you can send a little gift we would appreciate
it that you send it to our Forwarding Agents, SAM &KIT FISHER, 11345 MORENO AVENUE,
LAKESIDE, CALIFORNIA, If you want to write us a note, Bro. Sam will forwarded it
on to us here in Hawaii, We cannot begin to say enough about this fine couple who
have taken on a great task of seeing that the gospel is proclaimed here in our 50th
Aloha In Christ,
Joe, Dora, John, & Eleanor Sholtis
TIE (ins HIT
P. O. Bok 612 - vyn9. 0*tw. hwm 9679?
SEPa?BMBER2^ 1987
Sam Fishert ^wdg Agt
Moreno Ave
Lakeside^ CA 92040
(619) 443-7137
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christy
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
We want to say vhat a great summer we had here at the Maili (Christian Church.
It was a very full one for all of us here at the church. The Fun and Fellow
ship time was a great experience for those children idio attended. To Mrs.
Amy King and Mrs. Roberta Velles who led this time it was a great reward to see
the many children who came each week to leam about Jesus. It was a great
time in the Lord.
Then we also had a summer full of Cliristsiin Service C^amp. Althou^ we only
have three weeks of camp here in Hawaii, it is a great time to meet some of
the other children from the other churches and to spend time with some of the
other christain workers here among our churches. T had the opportunity to
work once again in camp, \diich 1 have not been able to do for some years. It
gave me the chance to see what a wonderful opportunity this part of Christian
work is idien it comes to telling young people what Christ means to you and how
important it is for then to follow Jesus. Part of this is watching the change
in a young persons life from the beginning of the week to the end of the week.
Brother Steve Sturm, minister of the Waialua Christian Church was the dean
and we had a great staff. A young man from Great Lakes Bible College, John
Scott was a great help in this week of camp the kids really related to him
and we talked for many hours about the Lord's Work not only here in Hawaii,
but all over the world.
Lora Luttrell, dau^ter of "Henrietta Luttrell, worked in the Junior High and
the Senior High camps. Lora told us that they were great weeks and we here
at Maili are especially proud as one of our young people came home with the
Best Clamper of the Junior High week. Although she was a high school student
we let her go to the Junior Hi^ week as she won't go to camp without her
brother who is a junior high camper. It all worked out in that it made an
impression on both of then and now they see the value of learning about Jesus.
Since school has started we have gone back to our regular schedule in that our
Fun and Fellowship is back to the Wednesday Bible club. We are pleased with
the attendance so far. Our biggest attend^ce was 19 on one Wednesday. We hope
that this attendance will continue or increase. The Wednesday night service
we are studing the CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE series by Joseph Dampier. We have a lot
of new people and it is felt ti^t they need this teaching. Of course, it is
good for us "old folk" also as we need to be refreshed dn the teachings of Christ.
- 2 - , ......
Our Vacation Bible School was a great time in '&e M^rfc 30. and
once again we were blessed by great help. Mrs. H^i^ta..tuttrell was, in,charge and
with help fror her daughters, Amy King and Lora Luttrell'^d her soh-inrlaw^- David.
King and the young man we mentioned to you that helped 'in c^^ Jolm Scott and myself
and Mrs. Roberta Velles if was. felt that'the next one is going, to be great;.. We put
our Vacation Bible School between the two weeks of our ClhcistainvService Camp, August
10-14 and the Lord really blessed our every effort for Him this ^st st^er ^
We cannot express the heartfelt thanks to all who receive this letter from us and to
know that you are praying for our work here in Hawaii. We recently received a note
from a man who will be here in January who wants to preach for me. ' We cannot .stress
enougb how many times people come and never take the opportunity to worship with us
and we miss that fellowship with them and even more precious is the sharing about
the Lord's work around the country. So if you are planning a trip to Hawaii, please
drop us a line and all the information that goes with your trip so we can at least
meet you at the-airp^t. What-we--need-is-the-Airline. Date of arrival-and-the-time
-ofyour^arrival. Give us this opportunity-to share with^ou n^rr rih-risi-ipn Aloha
We cannot say enough to you fine folk vAio are supporting us financially. We are
still in need of funds. There are some of our bills that are backed up and we are
very appreciative of our creditors ^o are trying to understand our situation. If
you could write a check today and help us we would greatly appreciate it. Please
send it to our Forwarding Agents, SAM and KIT FISHER, 11345 MORENO AVENUE, LAKESIDE,
CM.IPORNIA 92040. Any gift will be greatly appreciated and by sending it to them
gives us a better record of all gifts. The gospel is needed in this area and we
cannot proclaim it if we do not have the funds to stay here and work with some of
the Lord's poeple.
Once again we also thank those of you who are continually praying for our needs
here. Please keep us on your list and we ask that you continue to pray that we will
raise the necessary funds that I will not have to go to work. Within the last year
we have raised our attendance in all of our services. It is felt that because I have
been able to be at the church property and visible among the poeople in the community
and we have provided services that others are not doing* we feel blessed by the Lord
to do these things. So continue to pray for us daily.
Our family members are fine and at present everyone is healthy. Our granddau^ter
has started school with Amy King. She is really enjoying it and we pray that she
will learn much. Eleanor, our daughter, is~lrr~the'forth grade and doing very well.
John Earl, our second son, is working at Burger King at present looking for better
employment. Dora and I are well and hope that we will be able to do more for the
Lord at time goes on.
Mahalo Nui Loa to you all and we will be writing again to tell you more of the Lord's
Work here in Hawaii.
Aloha In Christ,
Joe, Dora, John Earl, & Eleanor Sholtis

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