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Easter Trivia Quiz:Easter and Easter Traditions.

1.Easter is a celebration of... a) The Resurrection of Christ b) The crucifixion of

Christ c) the Last Supper
2.The word "Easter" comes from... a) The white Esturian lower that blooms this time
of !ear b) ""stara" the #n$lo%Saxon $oddess of fertilit! c) The word "East&" referrin$
to the risin$ sun and to sprin$
'.Lent& the period that comes before Easter& be$ins on what da!( a) Shro)e Tuesda! b) *alm Sunda!
c)#sh +ednesda!
,.The e$$ is a s!mbol of... a) Rebirth b) -ournin$ c) ertilit!
..+hen did the rabbit first appear as an Easter s!mbol( a) /n 10th centur! 1erman! b) +hen St. *atric2 dro)e the
sna2es from /reland c) +hen the 13th centur! rabbit population in En$land reached dan$erous proportions
0.+here does the custom of Easter bas2ets ori$inate( a) rom the bas2ets farmers would use to collect their crops
b) rom the custom of people brin$in$ bas2ets of e$$s to the temple of /shtar4Estra 4"estra c) rom the Catholic
custom of brin$in$ Easter food to mass to be blessed
5.*alm Sunda!& one wee2 before Easter& celebrates... a) The edict in '2. #6 b! the council of 7ice that Easter fall on
a Sunda! b) The commemoration of the Last Supper c) The entr! of 8esus into 8erusalem
3.+here can !ou find the world9s lar$est decorated Easter e$$( a) Romania b)
:2raine c) Canada
;. +hat is supposed to brin$ people luc2 at Easter(
a) findin$ a red boiled e$$. b) wearin$ new clothes
c) eatin$ hot cross buns
1<./n C!prus the! li$ht bonfires at Easter and burn a small fi$ure.+ho does this represent ( a) 8esus
b) the de)il c) 8udas
11./n innland&Sweden and 6enmar2 children==.a) dress up as witches and $o from door to door as2in$ for sweets.
b) dress up as rabbits and $o from door to door $i)in$ people boiled e$$s. c) dress up as rabbits and $o from door to
door and as2 people for boiled e$$s.
12./n the 7etherlands& >el$ium and rance bells do not rin$ for a few da!s before Easter and it is said the! ha)e $one
to == a) ?ea)en b) Rome c) 8erusalem
1'./n the C@ech Republic& on Easter -onda!& in an old tradition men==. a) $i)e women a chocolate e$$ b) 2iss
women and dance with them c) span2 women with a special whip
1,."n -aunda! Thursda!&the Thursda! before Easter & traditionall! the da! before 8esus celebrated *asso)er& the
rei$nin$ En$lish -onarch i.e Aueen Eli@abeth $i)es people ==a) mone! b) boiled e$$s c) >ibles
Easter Trivia Quiz:Easter and Easter Traditions.Key
1.Easter is a celebration of... a) The Resurrection of Christ b) The crucifixion of Christ c) the Last Supper
2.The word "Easter" comes from... a) The white Esturian lower that blooms this time of !ear
b) ""stara&" the #n$lo%Saxon $oddess of fertilit! c) The word "East&" referrin$ to the risin$ sun and to sprin$
'.Lent& the period that comes before Easter& be$ins on what da!( a) Shro)e Tuesda! b) *alm Sunda!
c)#sh +ednesda!
,.The e$$ is a s!mbol of... a) Rebirth b) -ournin$ c) ertilit!
..+hen did the rabbit first appear as an Easter s!mbol( a) /n 10th centur! 1erman! b) +hen St. *atric2 dro)e the
sna2es from /reland c) +hen the 13th centur! rabbit population in En$land reached dan$erous proportions
0.+here does the custom of Easter bas2ets ori$inate( a) rom the bas2ets farmers would use to collect their crops
b) rom the custom of people brin$in$ bas2ets of e$$s to the temple of ishtar4Estra c) rom the Catholic custom of
brin$in$ Easter food to mass to be blessed B7o one is Cuite certain where exactl! the custom comes from but these two
are the most li2el! options.)
5.*alm Sunda!& one wee2 before Easter& celebrates... a) The edict in '2. #6 b! the council of 7ice that Easter fall on
a Sunda! b) The commemoration of the Last Supper c) The entr! of 8esus into 8erusalem
3.+here can !ou find the world9s lar$est decorated Easter e$$( a) Romania b) :2raine c) Canada
;. +hat is supposed to brin$ people luc2 at Easter( a) findin$ a red boiled e$$.
b) wearin$ new clothes c) eatin$ hot cross buns
1<./n C!prus the! li$ht bonfires at Easter and burn a small fi$ure.+ho does this represent ( a) 8esus
b) the de)il c) 8udas
11./n innland&Sweden and 6enmar2 children=.a) dress up as witches and $o from door to door as2in$ for sweets. b)
dress up as rabbits and $o from door to door $i)in$ people boiled e$$s. c) dress up as rabbits and $o from door to
door and as2 people for boiled e$$s.
12./n the 7etherlands& >el$ium and rance bells do not rin$ for a few da!s before Easter and it is said the! ha)e $one
to a) ?ea)en b) Rome c) 8erusalem
1'./n the C@ech Republic& on Easter -onda!& in an old tradition men= a) $i)e women a chocolate e$$ b) 2iss women
and dance with them c) span2 women with a special whip
1,."n -aunda! Thursda!&the Thursda! before Easter & traditionall! the da! before 8esus celebrated *asso)er& the
rei$nin$ En$lish -onarch i.e Aueen Eli@abeth $i)es people a) mone! b) boiled e$$s c) >ibles

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