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(Adapted from Oversees appointments in education Industry)


Stage 1: Preparation
(i) Review of needs (role, strategic imperatives
(ii) Review role and develop duty statement;
(iii) Develop selection criteria;
(iv) Obtain approval to recruit;
(v) Establish Selection Panel
(vi) Plan recruitment process, including selection techniques and timetable

Stage 2: Obtaining Candidates
(i) Advertise and/or search for suitable candidates
(ii) Process applications

Stage 3: Selection
(i) Shortlist candidates
(ii) Conduct selection procedures involving interviews, presentations, tests.
(iii) Conduct referee checks
(iv) Recommend successful candidate
(v) Obtain approval from Executive Manager
(vi) Advise unsuccessful candidates

Stage 4: Entering Into the Employment Contract
(i) Make verbal offer/negotiate remuneration package
(ii) Issue written contract
(iii) Organise Visas and relocation when necessary

Stage 5: Monitoring the Process


3.1 Review of needs

Prior to commencing the recruitment process, Schools/Areas conduct a review of the need for the
position to take into account the following:

Strategic and Operational plans for the School/Area and the University;
current staffing structure;
University and area targets for diverse staffing profiles across all levels;
academic profile and specialisations - current and future requirements;
current staffing and skill levels;
any foreseeable changes which might impact on the area or the role; and
how the needs for the position might best be met.

In reviewing the needs, the views of relevant stakeholders (faculty colleagues, Association
bodies, industry partners, potential departmental clients) should be sought. This allows broad
consultation at an early stage in the process, is likely to increase commitment to the position
decided upon and reduces the need for large numbers of people on the Selection Panel.

HR Consultants within Staff Services are available to assist Schools/Areas with Workforce

3.2 Review role and develop Position Description and Selection Criteria

The review of the position will usually result in an updated Position Description (PD) that outlines
the key outcomes and activities to be undertaken.

A standard Position Description template for use across the oraganisation may be freezed in
advance. Values to be included are:

o Integrity - being consistently honest and trustworthy in all activities
o Respect - having regard for self and others
o Fairness - ensuring just decisions through open decision-making
o Care - acting to ensure the welfare of others

For both academic and general staff, the skills, knowledge, experience, values and behaviours
required to perform the duties of the position are the basis of the selection criteria which provide
the standards against which a panel may assess and select candidates.

Selection criteria should be expressed in terms of

o Essential requirements that are critical to successful performance in the position
without which a person could not be appointed; and
o Desirable requirements that would enable the person to perform at a higher level in the
position, but without which the person could still be appointed.

The selection criteria should relate to the important requirements of the position and must not be
excessive or overly prescriptive which may restrict the potential pool of applicants. The total
number of essential and desirable criterion shall not exceed ten.
Selection criteria shall:
be written in simple and clear language;
be specific and not overlapping or repetitive;
be based on the real requirements of the position;
not be excessive in number (i.e. not more than 10 in total)
not discriminate unlawfully either directly or indirectly against applicants
not favour either internal or external applicants; and
be consistent with the classification standards of the position.
The selection criteria can not changed once a position has been advertised.

Note: The elements included within the selection criteria form the basis for interview
questions and any other selection tool used. The selection decision must be based on an
assessment of all applicants against the selection criteria.

Position Descriptions need to be reviewed and endorsed by Staff Services prior to
advertisement/search to ensure the appropriate classification of the position and no discrimination
in relation to the inherent job requirements.

Specific occupational requirements, hazards and/or risks associated with the position must be
identified at this stage and documented on the Request to Advertise Form. This may include:

police clearance (i.e. security officers, cash and cheque handling positions);
need for a medical assessment (eg occupational safety and health considerations).

This information will also be provided to the successful candidate to enable them to advise the
University of any pre-existing conditions or requirements which would affect their ability to perform
the role, and/or which could be exacerbated by the duties of the position.

3.3 Approval to Recruit

The Request to Advertise Form and attachments bring together all the information needed to
check that there is authorisation to fill the position and to enable Staff Services to carry out its
responsibilities in a timely manner and with clarity as to what is required.

The Request to Advertise form must be signed before any further action can be taken to ensure
that there is a clear understanding between all the parties as to what is required.

3.4 Establish Selection Panel

The selection panel should have a minimum of 3 and ideally a maximum of 5 people and be
capable of accessing the skills and attributes required of the position.

However, the Chair of the Selection Panel shall determine the size and composition of the
Selection Panel depending upon the nature of the appointment.

The following guidelines refer to the composition of a Selection Panel and should include:

o a person who has an understanding of how the role contributes to the effectiveness of the
area (this will usually be the supervisor);
o a person with expertise in the field of the position;
o staff representative when a role has managerial responsibility;
o student representative when a role has student contact.

Every effort should be made to ensure that Selection Panels include persons from EEO Target
Groups and that gender balance is achieved where possible.

Panel members must ensure no conflict of interest in relation to the field of applicants. Refer to
Appendix B (Referee Reports) of these Guidelines for specific arrangements if a selection panel
member is nominated as a referee.

The selection panel should consist of the same members for the entire process, however panel
members may be substituted and/or co-opted at the discretion of the Chair where this becomes

All University staff participating on selection panels must have completed approved training in
recruitment and equal opportunity awareness, including specific information on EEO Target
Groups, or have prior experience on selection panels where such principles were part of the
overall recruitment approach.

The Manager, Recruitment, or nominee, may participate on selection panels in an observer
capacity in instances where the level or nature of the position warrants such an attendance or for
the purposes of quality assurance.

3.5 Roles of Selection Panel:

The Selection Panel undertakes a number of roles throughout a recruitment campaign, including:

o plan the recruitment process appropriate to the position, providing the opportunity for
candidates to demonstrate evidence of the selection criteria;
o plan and agree the timetable for the recruitment process;
o shortlist preferred applicants;
o Arrange and take part in the selection process, including collecting references;
o Identifying the candidates who meet the selection criteria, rank suitable candidates in
order of suitability and recommend the preferred candidate to the Executive Manager via
the Selection Panel Report and Recommendation for Occupancy Form.

The Selection Panel will consider the best mechanism(s) for selecting from the pool of applicants.
This will normally include an interview (in person or via teleconference or video-conference) and
referee reports.

The use of external search agencies is also an option and information on this is available from
Staff Services.

For consistency in assessment the same selection process or tools should be applied to all
applicants, although additional steps may need to be used to distinguish between closely
matched candidates.

Recruitment Advisors with Staff Services are available to assist in the planning process and to
provide expert advice to Selection Panels on selection techniques, and development of interview


4.1 Advertising/Searching

Advertising is organised by Staff Services on receipt of the Request to Advertise form and
accompanying documentation.

Before a position can be advertised the vacancy must be considered for potential filling by a
redeployee. Nothing in these guidelines precludes Staff Services from referring a staff member
who has redeployee status for consideration during a recruitment exercise, and the staff member
shall be considered as if she/he were an applicant for the position.

Areas may also circulate approved advertisements to members of their professional network(s)
via e-mail on a without prejudice basis. website to provide all staff with the opportunity for career
development or movement in accordance with University policy.

Positions may be advertised externally (simultaneously with the internal advertisement) in print
media (local, metropolitan and/or national/international) and/or internet, through professional
associations or though other avenues. Staff Services is responsible for co-ordinating all
advertising activities.

Unless otherwise authorised by the Manager, Recruitment, or nominee, the minimum period of
time all advertised vacancies must remain open for the lodgement of applications from the date of
publication are as follows:
continuing positions at least 10 working days;
fixed term positions at least five working days.
Process applications.


5.1 Short-listing

Short-listing is carried out by the Selection Panel. Alternatively short-listing may be undertaken
by a sub-group of the Selection Panel, comprising at least two panel members nominated by the
Chair and agreed to by all panel members.

Candidates who are ineligible or who have not provided sufficient information to enable the
selection panel to assess their claims against the selection criteria and accountabilities for the
position shall be excluded.

However, at the discretion of the Selection Panel, applicant(s) may be requested to specifically
address the selection criteria to enable a comprehensive assessment of an applicant(s) claim. In
doing so the selection panel must ensure that such a request is not considered preferential
treatment and that all applicants have been afforded equal consideration.

The selection panel must ensure that the applicant(s) short-listed have the required skills and
experience that meet the essential selection criteria, and a demonstrated commitment to the
values of the University.

Where a large number of candidates demonstrate that they meet all the essential requirements,
the Selection Panel need only undertake further assessment (e.g. interview) of those candidates
who are deemed most competitive against the selection criteria.

In instances of only one applicant, the Chair may take steps to increase the field of applicants
through re-advertising/search. Alternatively, the Selection Panel may proceed with interviewing
the candidate if it has been demonstrated that they meet the essential selection criteria, or decide
that the candidate can be recommended without the need for further assessment (eg. interview).

5.2 Interviews, Presentations, and other selection techniques

It is for the Selection Panel to determine the most effective selection process for the position.

The process chosen should enable the collection of evidence that confirms that the applicant
meets the selection criteria and embraces the organisationals values. Therefore, the selection
panel must ensure that the applicant(s) selected have the required skills and experience,
and also demonstrate commitment to the values of the organisation.

It is recommended that the minimum selection technique include an interview (either in person or
via tele-conference or video-conference) unless the circumstances are such that only one person
applied and further assessment is not necessary.

It is the Chair's responsibility prior to interviews to remind the Selection Panel to abide by the
University's recruitment policy and guidelines and in particular the equity principles in the
selection process.

Other selection tools that may be considered by a selection panel include:

(i) Presentations / seminars;
(ii) skills tests;
(iii) assessment centres; and/or
(iv) psychometric assessment.

The Manager, Recruitment must be consulted if a selection panel wishes to utilise items (iii) or (iv)

Candidates must be given reasonable notice of their requirement to attend an interview and/or
participate in other forms of assessments. Such notice shall take into consideration such
circumstances that may affect ability to attend, e.g. overseas teaching commitments.

The Recruitment Advisors within Staff Services can provide advice in relation to the selection
tools available.

5.3 Referee Checks

References may be taken up at any stage in the selection process but they should be completed
before an offer of employment is made.

The purpose of referee checks/reports is to collect additional evidence to assess the candidate(s)
against the selection criteria, and to gain supporting evidence of the information provided by the

The Chair of the Selection Panel will carry out the referee checks or will delegate this to another
member of the panel. References must be obtained to confirm the suitability of appointable
applicants. The Chair shall determine the following:

o timing of obtaining referee reports (i.e. before short-listing or following interview);
o format of such reports (i.e either verbally using the Referee Pro-forma or in writing
(electronic copy or e-mail is acceptable); and
o number of referees to be contacted.

Persons not specifically nominated by the candidate as referees may only be contacted with the
applicants knowledge and the candidate provided with an opportunity to comment on any aspect
of their relationship with that individual which may be prejudicial to their claim for the position.

5.4 Signing off on preferred candidate

The Selection Panel shall make a decision on the basis of consensus. The Chair of the Selection
Panel will complete the Selection Panel Report and Recommendation for Occupancy Form sign it
and forward it for approved by the Executive Manager.

The recommended candidate may only be contacted in accordance with the provisions outlined in
section 6.1 of these Guidelines.

The following lists additional information that must also be sent to the person approving the

Successful candidates application;
Referee reports; and
Any other associated documents.

The Executive Manager will review the recommendation from the Selection Panel and approve
the decision or refer it back to the Selection Panel for further consideration.

The Chair of the Selection Panel is responsible for ensuring that the authorised Recommendation
for Occupancy and Selection Panel report and the accompanying documents are forwarded to
Staff Services for preparation of the contract.

5.5 Advising unsuccessful candidates

The Chair of the Selection Panel is responsible for contacting unsuccessful candidates. Out of
respect to the candidates and mindful of the Universitys public relations, unsuccessful candidates
should be advised of the outcome as soon as possible. If the Chair has verbally advised an
unsuccessful interviewed candidate of the outcome and provided feedback than there is no
requirement to provide written notification to that candidate. The Chair should record that verbal
notification (and feedback if sought) was provided.

Internal candidates who have been unsuccessful should be provided with the opportunity to
obtain feedback from the Chair as a means of assisting their self development and advised of the
opportunity to seek a review of staffing decisions as provided for within the Recruitment and
Selection policy.

Unsuccessful external candidates who have been interviewed may also be given the opportunity
for verbal feedback if they request this

Work areas should retain applications from short-listed unsuccessful candidates for twelve
months in case the successful candidate declines the position or in the event of an enquiry about
the recruitment process. The Recruitment Advisors within Staff Services may also seek access to
the information to assist with other recruitment campaigns being undertaken across the


6.1 Verbal Offer/Negotiations

Once the appointment has been approved by the Executive Manager, the Chair of the selection
panel may advise the successful candidate verbally that they are the preferred candidate for

A verbal offer of employment and the candidates verbal acceptance creates a contractual
relationship between the candidate and the University, therefore a verbal offer must not be made
until the appointment has been approved and Staff Services are informed.
Any negotiations on employment conditions must be on a without prejudice basis until a
formal written offer is made by the Director, Staff Services.
Legally binding contracts may be entered into unwittingly with the minimum of formality,
eg through a series of telephone calls.
Specifically, verbal offers of employment with Curtin may only be made as follows:
following approval of the appointment;
by the Head of School/Area, or delegated to the Chair of the Selection Panel;

on the basis of the term of employment agreed for the position;
with the requisite approval under the University's Recruitment and Selection policy;
by a person who is in possession of all pertinent facts in relation to the requirements
of the terms of the contract.
Even innocent misrepresentation of the terms of contract of employment may allow the party who
has been misled to void the contract, and may also be the basis of a claim for damages for
negligence, for example, if an applicant resigns from their current position on the basis of the
The law holds that before any contract of employment - simple or otherwise - is enforceable, it
must be formed so as to contain various elements. Some of these are:
there must be an intention between the parties to create a legal relationship, the
terms of which are enforceable
there must be an offer by one party and its acceptance by the other
the parties must genuinely consent to the terms of the contract.
Heads of Organisation, or if delegated to the Chair of the Selection Panel, are authorised to
negotiate elements of the employment package, eg salary and non-salary items (e.g.
superannuation) relocation expenses, retention allowance. It is recommended that Heads contact
the Manager Recruitment in the first instance if an employment package is to be varied from the
standard package which was advertised.

Staff Services must be advised in writing of any changes to the terms of employment which may
be negotiated at this stage to ensure that the correct contract is issued.

Staff Services can assist Heads of Area in preparing employment packages tailored to the
requirements of an applicant, including varied conditions of employment (eg flexible
superannuation arrangements) provided via an individual agreement or payment of market
loadings to secure an applicant.

6.2 Issuing Written Contract

On receipt of the completed Recommendation for Occupancy Form, Staff Services will issue the
written contract of employment. Written contracts may only be issued by Staff Services and must
be signed in accordance with the organisations contract rules.

6.3 Visas And Relocation

If appropriate, upon formal acceptance of the offer, Staff Services will commence the Visa
application process for the successful applicant. The process of granting a visa can take up to 4
months, and this timescale should be factored into the planning process.

Staff Services will also liaise with providers of relocation services for the new employee.


Staff Services will monitor the time taken for the stages of the recruitment process for which it has
responsibility and will provide a report to the Deputy Heads and Executive Managers on a half-
yearly basis.


In order to assist with planning, the following timescales are shown as a possible indicator for
each stage of the recruitment process. Schools/Areas may be able to reduce these timescales

Activity Possible Time Range
Pre-recruitment stage (planning) 1 - 2 weeks
Review and/or classification of Position
Description (PD)
1- 2 weeks
From receipt of Request to Advertise to
1 - 2 weeks
(depending on which media and copy dates)
Advertising period 1 - 4 weeks
Shortlisting 1 - 2 weeks
From shortlising to interview date 1 - 2 weeks
Selection process 1 - 2 weeks
Referee checks 3 days
Letter to unsuccessful candidates 1 week after interview
Getting Recommendation for Occupancy
signed off
2 - 5 days

From receipt of Appointment Form to issue
of contract
5 days
Timeline for candidate acceptance of
2 weeks
TOTAL (from start to acceptance) 11 20 weeks

Minimum: 5-6 weeks

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