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TUTORIAL 3 (Week 4) Intro to Advertising and

NB: Remember that in todays Tutorial one group will be randomly
selected to give an informal presentation of the case to the class.
Case: P!I"R Ado#tion !rive$
Please read the case study that follows and discuss the following
(1.) Analyse the role that the various IMC tools played in this
capaign!s success. "o you thin# they chose the ost
appropriate IMC tools given their o$%ectives& 'ustify your answer.
((.) Analyse and identify the capaign!s target ar#et ($oth
deographically and psychographically). "o you thin# that
P)"I*+)) used the ost appropriate IMC tools given its target
ar#et& ,hy-why not&
(..) )/plain how this capaign has successfully used all the four
#ey eleents of the IMC Process (i.e.0 a1ect $ehaviour0
considers all contacts0 $egins with the custoer0 and achieves
(2.) 3his capaign was o$viously a winner for P)"I*+)). 4ow0 the
challenge for the is to aintain their oentu. ,hat would
you recoend they do in their ne/t IMC capaign in order to
$uild on the success of this capaign and ensure that people
continue to thin# a$out all the anials in shelters who require
IA% A&ards '()' &inner
Pedigree Ado#tion !rive
Posted on August (10 (51( $y Mar#eting
Winner: 6rand 7oyalty 8 +etention
Cam#aign: Pedigree Adoption "rive
C*ient: Mars Petcare
Agen+,: ,hy$in936,A93equila
In #eeping with Pedigree!s stated $elief that every dog deserves a
loving hoe0 it partnered with a not:for:pro;t organisation Pet+escue
to try and iprove the plight of the 1550555 dogs in shelters across
Australia that are euthanised each year $ecause they are una$le to
;nd new owners.
3he Pedigree Adoption "rive initiative needed a fresh capaign to
raise awareness for the plight of these dogs and to try and change the
isperception that shelter dogs are daaged in soe way. It also
needed to address the reality that fewer and fewer people are visiting
dog shelters year on year due to geographic and tie constraints.
3he client!s $rief was siple. It wanted to reach the widest possi$le
audience in order to ;rst raise awareness of the fact that over 1550555
dogs a year were euthanised0 and second to change people!s
perceptions of the nature and character of shelter dogs and ultiately
to drive and increase the nu$er of adoptions ta#ing place across
3he #ey stu$ling $loc# to increasing the nu$er of shelter dog
adoptions was the fact that the volue of people visiting shelters was
in decline. 3he agency therefore needed to ;nd a way to $ring people
face to face with the dogs to see for theselves that they were healthy
and to create an iediate $ond to encourage adoption.
3he ;rst step was to create a unique canine search engine that
centralised every single dog in Australia!s <1= shelters into one single
data$ase. 3his provided the technology to help a#e searching for a
dog as siple0 accessi$le and uch fun as possi$le.
A series of online and o>ine activities were designed to facilitate the
atching of dogs and potential owners with a o$ile app (for i?@ and
Android) and Aace$oo# application called "og:A:7i#e at its core. 3he
app $rought shelter dogs face:to:face with potential owners to ena$le
people to ;nd their perfect atch fro the newly created Pet+escue
3his was supported $y e/periential and video activity to help create an
eotional $ond with the target audience to a/iise the chances for
3he capaign was launched with an e/periential BCnderdog "ay! at
6ondi 6each in @ydney where yellow $randed dog leads were tied to
1.D #iloetres of the $eachfront each with the pro;le of an availa$le
adoptee dog. 3hrough a unique online code attached to the pro;le0
people could enter the code into the Pet+escue search engine to ;nd
out ore and adopt. 3he widespread pu$licity created fro this event
drove the target audience to the online activity at the centre of the
capaign. 3he "og:A:7i#e o$ile app and Aace$oo# app used facial
recognition software to create an instantaneous eotional connection
$etween potential owner and dog. Playing with the popular notion that
dogs often loo# li#e their owners0 it was designed to atch the features
of people with those of every single availa$le shelter dog in Australia
until a perfect atch was found. Csers were then given the option to
adopt a pet when otherwise it would $e put down.
3he app was loaded with clever touches0 such as the $uilt:in Bwhistle!
feature that ta#es the user straight to the "og:A:7i#e!s adoption page
when they whistle into the phone0 and a Bsha#e! functionality that
allowed users to either a#e a donation or give their perfect atch a
$owl of Pedigree dog food.
3he eotional connection $etween the dogs and the target audience
was also deepened $y the creation of an eight:part online
docuentary0 Cnderdogs0 which followed the a1ecting stories of how
;ve shelter dogs found a new adoptive hoe. 3his served to address
the perception that shelter dogs were daaged in soe way $y ta#ing
the audience on their %ourney fro $eing hoeless to ;nding a loving
"og:A:7i#e $ecae the nu$er one app in the Australian i3unes store
for two wee#s E and0 over a few onths of the capaign0 ore than
.D55 dogs were adopted. It $ecae Australia!s ost successful
rehoing capaign with ore than (= illion edia ipressions. 3he
capaign reached D.F illion Aace$oo# users and the (550555 $owls of
dog food pledged via Aace$oo# B7i#es! ran out in the ;rst onth. As a
result0 it ade Aace$oo#!s 3op D5 Apps worldwide in (51(.
Ipressively0 the Cnderdogs docuentary garnered such an
unprecedented online audience that it inspired a national 3G series
with a second series due to air in (51.. 3hat an eleent of the creative
content of the capaign has ta#en on a life of its own is an ipressive
feat and one of the holy grails of a successful ar#eting capaign. As
one %udge noted0 H3he agency clearly tapped into a resonant creative
e/ecution0 which ore than ful;lled the client!s $rief to change
Most iportantly0 a .= percent increase in the nu$er of dogs re:
hoed has $een achieved since the progra was launched0 aounting
to ((55 dogs each onth: Pedigree!s ost successful rehoing
initiative to date. A #ey driver of this was the way in which the agency
developed an innovative and e1ective echanis to $ring the shelter
dogs to the target audience.
3he %udges also highlighted the iaginative use of technology to
create the unique shelter dog data$ase and facial recognition app
noting that the He1ective use of $ac#:end technology to create a fun0
accessi$le and entertaining application that $uilt $rand a1ection and
loyalty was world:classI.

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