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Vol.18, No.

9 September 1996 V

Continuing Education Article

FOCAL POINT Principles and
★ Veterinarians must understand
the strengths and limitations of
available vaccines and know the
Immunization Strategy
types of protection needed to
defend animals against
pathogenic organisms. Bradley Animal Hospital
Abilene, Kansas Lawrence, Kansas
KEY FACTS Robert L. Larson, DVM, PhD, ACT John S. Bradley, DVM
■ Commercial vaccines are

not available for all important ontrolling infectious disease is a primary concern for practicing veteri-
infectious agents. narians. Proper nutrition, environment enhancement, stress reduction,
minimization of exposure to pathogens, and use of effective vaccines
■ The humoral (antibody) and are all important for the control of infectious disease.
cell-mediated systems can be Numerous vaccines have been developed for controlling infectious agents
stimulated by vaccination. that cause disease in animals. For the vaccines to produce an optimum im-
mune response and decrease the risk of disease, they must be used in accor-
■ The immune response is further dance with the principles of immunology. This article reviews basic immuno-
separated into systemic and logic principles that affect the development of protection against infectious
mucosal compartments. agents and considers how to apply these principles when developing an immu-
nization program.
■ Passive immunity (maternal
antibody) can interfere with BASIC IMMUNOLOGIC PRINCIPLES
active immunization. Immunization implies that after vaccination, the animal develops a protec-
tive immune response against the invading pathogen. A proper vaccination
■ Disease prevalence, housing protocol must select the correct antigen and deliver it in an optimum fashion
stressors, population density, and at the correct time to elicit a response that can protect the animal. In gen-
and exposure to other animals eral, a successful immune response should produce the same humoral and cel-
influence selection of a lular response that results from natural infection. To achieve this goal, the de-
vaccination protocol. livery system should place the vaccine in association with lymphoid cells in the
target tissue.1 Effectiveness of vaccination is influenced by the age, nutrition,
immune status, and overall health of the recipient.
When selecting diseases to include in a vaccination program, immunization
with every available vaccine may be wasteful and unjustifiable (see Some Ques-
tions to Consider). Some vaccines that have been manufactured for controlling
certain infectious agents are not efficacious. Other diseases for which vaccines
are available are not a primary concern in all geographic areas. The vaccines se-
lected should be limited to those that produce protective immunity and for
which there is a risk of disease.
Small Animal The Compendium September 1996

Humoral Immune System cells.3 IgE also plays a primary role in the immune re-
Two parts of an animal’s defense mechanism can be sponse to helminth parasites.
stimulated by vaccination: the humoral (antibody) sys- Immunoglobulin against surface antigens on bacteria
tem and the cell-mediated system. The humoral system may confer protection from disease. Examples include
consists of B lym- antigens from the flagellum, pilus, capsule, or cell wall.
phocytes (non–thy- Conversely, a humoral immune response to antigens
Some Questions to Consider mus-derived lym- from inside living bacteria is unlikely to be protective
phocytes); plasma because internal antigens are inaccessible to im-
■ Is it likely that sufficient cells; and immuno- munoglobulins. These internal antigens include cyto-
immunity to protect the globulins (antibod- plasmic antigens as well as certain cell-wall and mem-
animal against a given ies)—that is, IgG, brane antigens.
disease is already present? IgM, IgA, and IgE. Similarly, immunoglobulins against external viral
For an antigen to antigens (e.g., envelope and capsid antigens) may pro-
■ Could immunity already be
stimulate immuno- vide protective immunity from viruses. Immunoglobu-
present and thus inactivate globulin production, lins against internal viral antigens (e.g., core protein
the vaccine? the antigen must be antigens) do not provide protective humoral immunity
■ What is the nutritional status processed (primarily from viral pathogens.
of the animal? by macrophages) and
■ What is the health status of presented to B lym- Nonspecific Immune System
phocytes. In the Assisting the humoral system is the nonspecific im-
the animal?
presence of antigen, mune system, which includes phagocytic cells (granu-
■ Does the animal have specific lymphocytes locytes and macrophages), natural lymphocyte killer
possible immunosuppression are transformed into cells, and complement. The nonspecific immune sys-
attributable to physiologic lymphoblasts that tem is not directly affected by either vaccination or
stressors or pharmacologic rapidly increase in previous exposure to an infectious agent. This system
intervention? number. These acti- can respond to an infectious agent almost immediately
vated B cells either and is crucial in the initial control of infection. The
■ What is the level of exposure
differentiate into im- humoral and cell-mediated systems require 2 weeks to
that the animal is likely to munoglobulin-pro- reach optimum function after the first exposure to an
encounter for the disease(s) ducing plasma cells antigen. On second exposure to the same antigen, the
being considered for or remain as memo- response is rapid. This anamnestic response is the pro-
vaccination? ry B cells. Each plas- tective principle on which vaccination is based. The
■ If cost is a factor for the ma cell produces anamnestic response is the result of immunologic
only one class-specif- memory provided by special classes of lymphocytes
client, which veterinary
ic immunoglobulin (memory cells).
service (vaccinations or to a specific antigen. Immunoglobulin molecules alone cannot destroy in-
diagnostic screening Approximately fectious agents but do activate the nonspecific defense
procedures) is more 80% of immuno- mechanisms and improve their efficiency. Im-
appropriate? globulin activity in munoglobulins may coat infectious agents, thereby
serum is IgG. IgG minimizing the likelihood that the agents will attach to
binds to and op- host cells. Immunoglobulins may agglutinate infectious
sonizes antigen. The resultant complex activates the agents (thus reducing their infectivity) and directly
complement cascade.2 IgM, which is effective in com- bind to and neutralize toxins. Immunoglobulins also
plement fixation and opsonization, is the first im- act by working with other cells or effector molecules by
munoglobulin produced in an immune response.2 Lym- binding to and marking an antigen so that phagocytic
phoid tissue located near mucosal surfaces produces cells, cytotoxic cells, or complement destroys the infec-
IgA. IgA does not activate complement or opsonize tious agent.
bacteria but acts to prevent antigens from binding to
mucosal surfaces. IgE is associated with tissue mast Cell-Mediated Immune System
cells. When IgE binds to an antigen, the mast cells re- The cell-mediated system consists of macrophages,
lease vasoactive agents such as histamine. The vasoac- lymphocytes, lymphokines, and monokines. The sys-
tive agents cause a local inflammatory response that tem is organized by thymus-matured lymphocytes (T
floods the tissue with immunoglobulins and phagocytic lymphocytes) that recognize specific antigens.3 When


The Compendium September 1996 Small Animal

an animal is exposed to a disease or a vaccine that in- mune response, whereas antigens transferred across a
duces cell-mediated immunity, the T lymphocytes that mucosal surface induce mucosal immunity.5 Whether
recognize the antigen respond by replicating themselves parenteral or local immunization is necessary for pro-
through mitosis. With reexposure to the same antigen, tection depends on the pathogenesis of the disease.
a large number of T lymphocytes (T memory cells) rec- Mucosal immunity is particularly beneficial when the
ognize it and replicate. The T lymphocytes attempt to route of exposure of a pathogen is the same as that of
destroy the infectious agent directly and by secreting the target tissue. Examples of local immune stimulation
lymphokines. Lymphokines are proteins that direct and are the intranasal use of attenuated infectious bovine
encourage other white blood cells to attack and destroy rhinotracheitis (IBR) virus vaccine against respiratory
the agent. disease in calves, intranasal use of Bordetella and
Cell-mediated immunity is particularly important for Parainfluenza vaccines for control of infectious tracheo-
protection against facultative intracellular viral and bac- bronchitis in dogs, and intraocular or intranasal use of
terial pathogens. The cell-mediated system can destroy vaccine to control calicivirus infection in cats. The in-
infected cells, thereby releasing the invading organism tranasal route has the advantage of inducing systemic
so that it can be destroyed by phagocytic or killer cells. immunity as well as local antibody and cell-mediated
Internal antigens as well as external and secreted anti- immunity in the respiratory tract.
gens can induce a protective cell-mediated response.
This response differs from the humoral response be- Protective Responses
cause antigen processing and presentation of internal The type of immune response that protects an ani-
antigens by an antigen-presenting cell can induce a cell- mal against infectious disease varies between pathogens
mediated response that can destroy invaded host cells. and depends on the route of introduction and site of
The cell-mediated system may recognize antigens that replication of particular organisms. Protection may re-
remain on the surface of host cells after viral penetra- sult from the presence of circulating immunoglobulins
tion, viral antigens synthesized by the host cells and ex- (humoral immunity), sensitized T lymphocytes (cell-
pressed on the cell surface, or processed antigens associ- mediated immunity), immunoglobulins on mucosal
ated with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) surfaces, or a combination of these factors.4
class I molecules.4 Humoral immunity is important for protection
Cytotoxic T lymphocytes may destroy cells that ex- against extracellular phases of systemic viral and bacte-
press viral antigens associated with MHC class I rial infection and for protection against endotoxin- and
molecules; such destruction is believed to be important exotoxin-induced diseases.4 Cell-mediated immunity is
in protective immunity against many viral diseases.4 important in combating facultative intracellular bacte-
The T-helper lymphocytes responding to antigens asso- rial pathogens (e.g., Brucella), intracellular viral infec-
ciated with MHC class II molecules may mediate pro- tion (e.g., herpesvirus), fungal disease, and protozoal
tection from viral disease through secretion of lym- disease.4
phokines. Lymphokines may make cells resistant to
viral infection, damage viral infected cells, and enhance ANIMAL FACTORS OF IMMUNOLOGY
activity of cytotoxic cells (e.g., macrophages, neu- Numerous factors can influence an animal’s defense
trophils, and natural killer cells).4 mechanisms and thus affect the immune response to
vaccination. Factors important to an effective vaccina-
Systemic and Mucosal Immune Systems tion program include the blocking effect of colostral
The immune response is further separated into two antibody, the age and nutritional condition of the ani-
distinct compartments: systemic and mucosal. Systemic mal, and the effect of concurrent infection. All of these
immunity derives from cells in the spleen or lymph factors affect an individual’s immune status.
nodes, whereas mucosal immune responses are generat- One of the most common problems associated with
ed by lymphoid tissue associated with mucosal surfaces vaccination is interference of passive immunity (mater-
or the associated draining lymph nodes.5 It is especially nal antibody) with active immunization.7 For example,
difficult for the immune system to protect animals immunization of puppies against canine parvovirus 2 is
against infection on mucosal surfaces, such as the in- commonly prevented or delayed because of maternal
testinal, reproductive, and respiratory tracts.6 Most of interference. The interference probably occurs when
the antibody classes responsible for humoral immunity passively derived maternal antibody binds to the vac-
as well as the white blood cells responsible for cell-me- cine antigen, thus resulting in clearance of the vaccine
diated immunity are not found on mucosal surfaces. antigen from the body before it stimulates an immune
Parenteral antigens usually result in a systemic im- response.3 The level of maternal antibody that can in-


Small Animal The Compendium September 1996

subjects for immunization because the

Viral Vaccines immune response may be diminished
by various mechanisms, including im-
Modified Live Noninfectious
Viral Vaccines Viral Vaccines munosuppression by endogenous cor-
ticosteroids.12–14 Glucocorticoid ad-
■ Provide longer-lasting and more ■ Provide short-lived systemic ministration may interfere with the
complete immunity than immunity ability of animals to produce a prima-
ry response after vaccination, al-
noninfectious vaccines
though proof is lacking.15,16 It seems
■ Offer poor cellular and secretory prudent, however, to reduce or elimi-
■ Stimulate cellular and secretory immunity nate glucocorticoid therapy for a week
immunity before and 2 weeks after primary vac-
■ Require multiple vaccinations cination if possible.15
■ Do not require multiple for immunity Vaccination will fail to immunize
an animal adequately if it is already
vaccinations for immunologic
incubating the organism at the time
memory ■ Often require revaccination to of administration. Clinical illness or
ensure immunologic memory stress from the presence of disease
■ Often do not require unrelated to the vaccine antigen may
revaccination or require fewer ■ Often cause hypersensitivity also be associated with immunosup-
revaccinations during the life of reactions pression and may interfere with suc-
cessful immunization.17
the animal
■ Cannot cause disease even in ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS
■ Rarely cause the immunologically compromised Disease prevalence, housing stres-
hypersensitivities but may be animals sors, population density, and exposure
virulent for certain individual to other animals are important factors
animals or revert to virulence in the selection of a vaccination proto-
col. As veterinarians perform risk-to-
benefit assessments in different geo-
graphic areas, they should develop
terfere with parvovirus vaccination is less than that different vaccination protocols. For example, risk of Lyme
needed to protect the puppy from infection. A gap in disease is much lower in Kansas than in Connecticut; that
immune protection therefore occurs when the puppy is difference should be taken into consideration. Stressful
susceptible to parvovirus infection yet maternal anti- housing situations (e.g., kennel or cattery environments)
body interferes with immunization. Such susceptibility decrease immune response to vaccination, increase sus-
is the reason for frequent revaccination between 6 and ceptibility, and can activate latent viral infection. Animals
16 weeks of age for kittens and between 6 and 22 in these types of housing situations have very different
weeks of age for puppies. By vaccinating young animals vaccination requirements for proper immunization than
every 3 weeks, the period of susceptibility to disease is would an indoor cat in a single-pet household. Vaccina-
shortened but not eliminated.8 Studies have shown tion protocols also should take into account the increased
that, at least in the case of canine parvovirus9 and prob- exposure to potential carriers for animals that roam, share
ably canine distemper,10 vaccines with high antigen common exercise areas, attend exhibitions or training
titers are likely to be more effective in the presence of classes, or are frequently kennelled.
maternal-derived antibodies.9 Practitioners have the responsibility to tailor vaccina-
The general health and nutritional state of the animal tion protocols so that each animal has the greatest
is important for successful immunization because an op- opportunity to develop protection from the infectious
timum immune response requires extensive cell division diseases that it will come in contact with while mini-
and synthesis of proteins. Inadequate nutrition, includ- mizing risk of vaccine-induced complications.
ing deficiencies of protein and certain micronutrients
(e.g., copper and zinc), is known to restrict immune re- VACCINE TYPES
sponses.11 Animals under stress as a result of transporta- Animals require different classes of immunity for
tion, climate, or other environmental stressors are poor protection from various pathogens. The type of vac-


Small Animal The Compendium September 1996

cine, route of administration, and particular adjuvant onibacterium acnes stimulate the activity of macro-
characteristics affect the type of immune response pro- phages and enhance their ability to present antigen.23
duced. Two types of vaccine are currently used in vet- Another method of enhancing the immune response is
erinary medicine: attenuated (modified live) and non- to ensure that the antigen remains in the body for a
infectious (see Viral Vaccines). Noninfectious vaccines prolonged period, which can be done by incorporating
include both killed (inactivated) and subunit products. antigen in such insoluble adjuvants as alum or oil.23
Attenuated vaccines use infective agents that are altered Several new adjuvants that apparently facilitate cell-me-
so that they are no longer virulent yet retain the anti- diated responses are under investigation.1
genic properties that induce a protective immune re-
sponse. Subunit Vaccines
Subunit vaccines being introduced to veterinary
Attenuated Vaccines medicine have many of the same advantages and disad-
Attenuated vaccines, which can be given locally or vantages as killed vaccines because the subunit vaccines
parenterally, do not contain enough antigen to immu- also are noninfectious. Subunit vaccines differ from at-
nize an animal unless the organism can infect and repli- tenuated and inactivated vaccines in that subunit vac-
cate in the host.3 An effective local immune response cines contain a portion of an organism rather than the
requires a replicating organism and cannot be produced entire organism. For a subunit vaccine to be effective,
by noninfectious (killed) vaccines.3 Because attenuated the portion of the organism in the vaccine must include
vaccine organisms replicate in the host, they more one or more antigens that induce a protective response.
closely resemble virulent infection and generally pro- The advantage of subunit vaccines is the reduction in
duce a stronger and more durable protective immune risk of an allergic reaction to nonessential elements.3
response than do the noninfectious vaccines.3 Attenuat-
ed vaccines may also induce interferon production dur- Bacterins
ing the first few days after immunization, thus provid- Bacterins (killed bacterial vaccines) are generally less
ing additional early protection against some virulent effective than viral vaccines and provide short-lived,
viral infections.3 partial immunity.1 The immune response required for
Attenuated vaccines also have disadvantages. Some protective immunity to bacteria is much more complex
attenuated infectious agents can induce immunosup- than that required to protect against viruses. With re-
pression, may be shed into the environment, may be gard to structure and antigens, viruses are simpler than
contaminated with unintended viruses, or may revert bacteria. Most viruses have only a few critical immuno-
to virulence or cause vaccine-induced disease.18–20 determinants that stimulate a protective immune re-
sponse. In contrast, bacteria are more complex struc-
Noninfectious Vaccines turally and have many immunodeterminants.3 Because
Inactivated Vaccines of these differences, vaccines for some bacterial diseases,
Inactivated vaccines cannot replicate and are unable such as that caused by Bordetella bronchiseptica in dogs,
to cause infectious disease. To induce a protective im- may require more frequent (annual) revaccination than
mune response, inactivated vaccines require a large do vaccines for many viral diseases.
antigenic dose, multiple immunizations, and the use of
adjuvants that can cause tissue irritation at the injection Revaccination
site. These factors substantially increase the cost of in- Viral diseases for which long-term, protective im-
activated vaccines and the probability of local and sys- mune responses are developed after vaccination do not
temic vaccine reactions.3 Several studies have shown require annual revaccinations once the animal reaches
that the use of feline leukemia and rabies vaccines in adulthood. Controlled studies indicate that immuniza-
cats are associated with an increased frequency of sarco- tion with attenuated canine distemper vaccine main-
ma. The incidence of vaccine-associated fibrosarcoma is tains titers for at least 5 years,a and attenuated canine
low and does not outweigh the risk of feline leukemia parvovirus vaccine maintains titers for at least 3 years.a
in at-risk cats.21,22 For these two diseases, the correlation between the
Inactivated vaccines generally produce weaker im- presence of immunoglobulin titers and protection from
mune responses with a shorter duration than the im- disease is good, although exceptions do occur.a Serum
mune responses produced by attenuated vaccines. To neutralization titers greater than 1:10 for canine dis-
lessen this shortfall, adjuvants are added to increase vac- temper and hemagglutination inhibition titers greater
cine efficacy in stimulating immune protection. Modi- a
Schultz RD: Personal communication, School of Veterinary
fied Freund’s adjuvant, Bordetella pertussis, and Propi- Medicine, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, 1996.


The Compendium September 1996 Small Animal

Guidelines for Proper Handling of Vaccines
Proper handling of vaccines is es-
sential for the development of im-
■ All vaccines should be maintained at the recommended temperature from munity (see Guidelines for Proper
the time they leave the manufacturer until they are administered to the Handling of Vaccines). Attenuated
animal. vaccines are particularly sensitive to
improper storage; but exposing either
■ All vaccines should be protected against exposure to ultraviolet light.
attenuated or inactivated vaccines to
■ The diluent provided by the manufacturer has been pH-adjusted for a freezing temperatures, excessive heat,
particular organism. Therefore, practitioners should never use a diluent or ultraviolet light also may result in
intended for a different vaccine to rehydrate a lyophilized product— reduced immunogenicity.3 All vac-
even a diluent from the same manufacturer. cines should be stored according to
■ Because different vaccines require different pH values and may have manufacturer recommendations.
Lyophilized products should be
various activating agents or adjuvants that can affect the pH, practitioners
used immediately after reconstitu-
should never mix vaccine products unless it is recommended by the tion and should not be exposed to
manufacturer. ultraviolet light or temperature ex-
■ Attenuated vaccines should be used soon after they have been tremes. Different vaccines (even from
reconstituted. Therefore, practitioners should ensure that the vaccines are the same manufacturer) should not
not stored for use at a later date. be mixed in the same syringe unless
directed by manufacturer instruc-
■ Chemically sterilized syringes should not be used because traces of
tions. Syringes used to deliver atten-
disinfectant can inactivate attenuated vaccines. uated products should not be chem-
■ Before administering any vaccine, practitioners should properly restrain the ically sterilized because traces of
animal and ensure that the injection site has been cleansed. disinfectant can inactivate infective

than 1:100 for parvovirus are indications that revacci- IMMUNE RESPONSE FAILURE
nation is unwarranted.a These titers may not always be Even when a vaccine is handled properly and induces
able to protect against pathogen exposure; but they can an immune response, that immune response can fail to
result in vaccine clearance, making revaccination inef- protect the animal. Such failure can occur when:25–27
fective. a Immunization with attenuated feline pan-
leukopenia vaccine results in lifelong protection. Im- ■ The animal produces a humoral response to the
munoglobulin titers for panleukopenia as well as feline vaccination, but a cell-mediated response is
calicivirus have good correlation with protection.a The necessary for protection.
correlation between immunoglobulin titer and protec- ■ The antigen for which the animal builds an immune
tion for feline rhinotracheitis is not as strong.a response is not important for control of the disease.
■ The infectious agent the animal is exposed to differs
Potential Vaccine Developments from that the animal was immunized against.
Immunoglobulin A is produced in lymphoid tissue ■ The protection induced by the vaccine wanes after a
located on mucosal surfaces (i.e., Peyer’s patches and period of time so that a low to moderate exposure to
related structures) and prevents antigen from binding the pathogen can overcome the animal’s defense
to surfaces.2 There is evidence for migration of reactive mechanisms.
lymphocytes between various mucosal sites, including ■ An immune response is overwhelmed by extreme
the gut, respiratory tract, urogenital tract, and mam- exposure to a particular pathogen.
mary gland.3 In the future, oral vaccination to stimu-
late mucosal immunity through IgA secretion may be OBSTACLES TO PLANNING
possible by using microsphere polymers that can carry A VACCINATION PROGRAM
antigens through the stomach and into the intestine, To be certain that a relevant immune response is
where they are absorbed by Peyer’s patches.24 These de- stimulated, the veterinarian must know which specif-
velopments could lead to oral vaccines that stimulate ic antigens confer protective immunity and what as-
mucosal and humoral immunity on any mucosal sur- pects of the immune response are responsible for pro-
face. tection against a given disease. Such information is


Small Animal The Compendium September 1996

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