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August 24, 2014

Faithbuilders (E. Hall)

9:00 Sanctuary Worship
Childrens Classes (Info in Room 11)
Youth Classes: (N. Forum)
Salt, Adult Class (N. Room)

10:30 Watermark Worship
Childrens Classes (Info in Room 11)
Pathnders, Adult Class (N. Room)
High Flight, Adult Class (E. Hall)
CoreFit & More Tu & Th, 4:15 p ..............
Mens Bible Study Wednesday, 6:30 a ..........
*Womens Bible Study Wednesday, 7:00 p ....
*Adult Choir Wednesday, 7:00 p ...................
Womens Bible Study Thursday, 6:45 a .....
*Mens Bible Study Thursday, 7:00 a ........
Roots (Young Adults) Thursday, 7:00 p ....
*Womens Bible Study Friday, 9:30 a ...
KP Prayer Group Saturday, 6:30 a ...........
CrossFit ...........................
Chain Gang (Craft) 2
Monday 10 a .......
Reap What You Sew 2
& 4
Wed. 9 a .....
* on break

Praise Songs


Morning Prayer

Word in Song
On the Willows - Godspell
Andy Abbott, Jim Erven,
Bly Hostetler, Jim Langdal,
Michael Statler

Frank Shirvinski
The Story: Forgiveness

Closing Song
Amazing Grace

Closing Prayer
Regularly Scheduled Programs
Frank Shirvinski
Lead Pastor
Nick Stavlund
Executive Pastor
Katy Statler
Ministry Director: Youth
Nicole Moran
Preschool Director
Jenny Statler
Interim Worship Leader
Kiefer Ireland
Childrens Ministry Asst.
Sara Perrine
Minister, Missional Groups
Mary Cartwright
Minister, Pastoral Care
Sharon Hostetler
Ministry Director:
Connections & Events
Stacy Shirvinski
Executive Director: Community
Impact, Families and Children
Helpful Info
Communion/Lords Supper
All followers of Christ are welcome to
participate in our Service of
Communion. If you have prepared
yourself for this very special moment
with our Savior, you are invited to His
table. (1 Corinthians 11:23-30) Please
take the emblems as they are passed
and partake when you are ready.
Some prefer to take it before passing
it along.

In all of our services, a special time
for giving is set aside. Participation is
an act of worship and voluntary.

We have a friendly, well-sta!ed and
impeccably clean nursery located on
the north side of the narthex. Please
see an usher for directions.
Prayer: Irv Ekelund, Chris Hachey 6451 E. Shea
8/24-30 Family Promise Forum .......... ...........
8/27 6:00 p Youth Family Promise Forum ... .. .
8/31 11:30 a Stavlund Farewell East Hall ... ....

Northwest Haiti Christian Mission has put
out a call for nurses and anesthesiologists for
our October
Medical Mission
trip. If you know
of any nurses who
might be interested,
please contact
Worthington or
Sara Perrine.
August 31, breakfast will
begin again on Sunday
mornings from 7-9:00 in the
Commons! Dave will be back
at the grill cooking up eggs, sausage, hash
browns and such. Be sure to come a little
early and enjoy a little break before service!
Coming October 12th!
Sign up on
October 5th.
Watch for more details!
Next Sunday,
join us in the
East Hall for
a Farewell
Luncheon for the
Stavlund Family.
Bring the whole family and let Nick,
Tracy and the kids know how much we
have appreciated their ministry with us!
Childrens Christmas Musical 2014
Open to all students in grades K-5
No experience necessary!

Rehearsals: Sunday
Lunch at noon,
Rehearsal at 12:30 p.m.
Performance: Sunday,
December 7, 2014

Rehearsals will begin September 7.
Watch for more information on how to sign up.
Contact Sharon Hostetler with questions or for
more information. or 480-991-9878
Steve and kather|ne Iones grew up |n the
Va||ey and have been |nvo|ved |n cross-
cu|tura| Chr|snan work s|nce co||ege. 1hey
have been work|ng w|th IDLAS |n 1urkey
s|nce 2000 where they |everage the|r
tra|n|ng as Lng||sh teachers to restore hope.
Last year, Chaparra| was ab|e to prov|de
some add|nona| funds to ass|st Steve and
kather|ne w|th some of the|r educanona|
expenses. If you fee| ca||ed upon to ass|st
them on the|r [ourney of restoranon and
hope, p|ease p|ace donanons |n I|||more
the p|ggy bank |n the foyer!
Wednesday (8/27) -
This will be the youth
group night to help
clean up after dinner,
play games with the
kids, and share some
time in fellowship with the Family
Promise families. Come for dinner at
6:00 and we will keep them busy and
entertained until about 8:30. Let Katy
know if you are able to commit to
Do you know#people in your neighbor-
hood who can use the love and support
of a church familyfriends who live on
your block, attend your school or share
a cubical at work?##Its time to reach out
and invite them to your small group or
bring them on Sunday morning!##We
have set aside September 7th as our
Kick-off Sunday.##And, we are asking
everyone who loves Chaparral to bring
someone that morning.##We will have
Snow Cones and activities for the kids
(of all ages)!
Wednesday (9/3) -
This is our junior
high kick-off event
and it is everything
bananas! If you are a junior high
student (6-8th grade), come and
join us for games, fellowship and
banana splits from 7-8:30 p.m.
Our Footnotes Small
Groups have been a
huge success in
creating connections
and strengthening our understanding of
The Story. These groups are continuing,
but we are looking for hosts as we move
into our fall sessions. If you would like
to open up your home for such a group,
please contact Sara Perrine
( If every
week is too much, consider co-hosting
with another host.

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