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Centre number Number

Candidate Name ______________________________________
English for Spe!ers of O"her Lng#ges
MODULE 1 S)ple Tes"
Language and background to language learning and teaching 1 hour 20 minutes
Additional materials
Ans!er sheet
"o#t clean eraser
"o#t $encil %t&$e ' or (' is recommended)
TIME 1 hour 20 minutes
*rite &our name+ Centre number and candidate number in the s$aces at the to$ o# this $age+ *rite
these details on &our ans!er sheet if "hese re no" lre*+ prin"e*+
Do not o$en this booklet until &ou are told to do so+
,here are eight& -uestions in this $a$er+
Ans!er ll -uestions+
Mark &our ans!ers on "he sepr"e ns,er shee"+ Use a $encil+
.ou ma& !rite on the -uestion $a$er/ but &ou must mark &our ans!ers in $encil on the ans!er
sheet+ .ou !ill ha0e no e1tra time #or this/ so &ou must #inish in one hour and t!ent& minutes+
At the end o# the test/ hand in both the -uestion $a$er and the ans!er sheet+
Each -uestion in this $a$er carries one mark+
This -#es"ion pper .onsis"s of (/ prin"e* pges n* 0 1ln! pges2
2 UCLE" 2003 3T#rn o4er
4or -uestions ( 5 6/ match the e1am$le language !ith the grammatical terms listed A7F2
Mark the correct letter %A7F) on &our ans!er sheet+
,here is one e1tra o$tion !hich &ou do not need to use+

E8)ple lng#ge Gr))"i.l "er)s
( !ho/ !hich/ that A $ossessi0e ad5ecti0es
0 across/ along/ o## B relati0e $ronouns
9 &oursel#/ oursel0es/ themsel0es C re#le1i0e $ronouns
/ &our/ his/ our D demonstrati0e ad5ecti0es
6 abo0e/ against/ b& E $re$ositions o# $lace
F $re$ositions o# mo0ement

,aken #rom ,eaching 6no!ledge ,est (andbook
4or internal use onl& 7 Mock 1 Module 1
4or -uestions : 5 ('/ match the underlined !ords in the te1t !ith the grammatical terms
listed A7F2
Mark the correct letter %A7F) on &our ans!er sheet+
,here is one e1tra o$tion !hich &ou do not need to use+

Gr))"i.l "er)s
A $ronoun
B collecti0e noun
C $lural noun
D com$ound noun
E $ro$er noun
F uncountable noun
6o#ie stood on the shore o# %8) Lake 9olta and looked at the small %:) #ishing boat bobbing
on the !a0es+ ,he boat !as em$t& and had been there #or t!o da&s+ %;) (e had !anted
to 5um$ into the lake and $ull it onto the beach/ but he remembered his #ather<s %=) ad0ice/
and kne! that he must not take other $eo$le<s $ro$ert&+ (is %10) #amil& o#ten !ent hungr&/
and he could ha0e caught #ish i# he onl& had a boat+

3T#rn o4er
,aken #rom ,eaching 6no!ledge ,est (andbook
4or internal use onl& 7 Mock 1 Module 1
4or -uestions ((7(:/ choose the correct !ord%s) to com$lete each de#inition o# le1ical
Mark the correct letter %A/ B or C) on &our ans!er sheet+
+ + + + + + + + + + is a grou$ o# !ords !hich together mean something di##erent #rom the
meanings o# indi0idual !ords+
A An idiom B A $hrase C A clause
(0 Collo-uial English contrasts !ith >>>>> English+
A #ormal B accurate C s$oken
(9 ,!o or more !ords that o#ten go together are called>>>>>>
A com$arati0es B collocations C con5unctions
(/ (omo$hones are !ords that ha0e the same>>>>>
A s$elling B sound C meaning
(6 "&non&ms are !ords !ith>>>>> meanings+
A o$$osite B similar C se0eral
(: An a$$ro$riate>>>> is the st&le o# language that best #its a $articular situation+
A rh&thm B conte1t C register

,aken #rom ,eaching 6no!ledge ,est (andbook
4or internal use onl& 7 Mock 1 Module 1
4or -uestions (;7 0(/ match the e1am$le sentences !ith the #unctions listed A7F+
Mark the correct letter %A7F) on &our ans!er sheet+
,here is one e1tra o$tion !hich &ou do not need to use+

E8)ple sen" F#n."ions
(; ,his burger hasn<t been cooked $ro$erl&+ A suggesting
(< (o! about reading the latest (arr& ?otter book@ At<s brilliantB B disagreeing
(= A !ouldn<t take the car !ithout asking him 7 he<d get reall& angr&+ C ad0ising
0' E1cuse me/ is it too late to get a ticket #or the disco tonight@ D asking #or and o$inion
0( *hat do &ou think o# the latest "$iderman #ilm@ E en-uiring
F com$laining
3T#rn o4er
,aken #rom ,eaching 6no!ledge ,est (andbook
4or internal use onl& 7 Mock 1 Module 1
4or -uestions 007 0=/ look at the t!o 0o!el sounds in each !ord+ Match the 0o!el sounds
in the !ords !ith the $airs o# $honemic s&mbols listed A7I+
Mark the correct letter %A7I) on &our ans!er sheet+
,here is one e1tra o$tion !hich &ou do not need to use+

&or*s >hone)i. s+)1ols
00 curl& A // //
09 o0er B /e/ //
0/ 0illage C // //
06 $a$er D // //
0: home!ork E /a/ //
0; learner F
/a/ //
0< nightclub G
// //
0= bab& $
/e/ //
I // //

,aken #rom ,eaching 6no!ledge ,est (andbook
4or internal use onl& 7 Mock 1 Module 1
4or -uestions 9'7 96/ match !hat the !riter does !ith the !riting subskills listed A7G+
Mark the correct letter %A7G) on &our ans!er sheet+
,here is one e1tra o$tion !hich &ou do not need to use+

&ri"ing s#1s!ills
A Using a model
B Dra#ting
C ?eerCe0aluation
D 'rainstorming
E ?lanning
F DeCdra#ting
G ?roo#reading
9' 'e#ore A start/ A !rite do!n as man& ideas as A can+
9( A organise m& main $oints into di##erent $aragra$hs in note #orm+
90 A start !riting/ de0elo$ing m& main $oints+
99 A reCorganise !hat A ha0e !ritten to make m& ideas clearer+
9/ A gi0e m& !ork to someone else to ask #or hisEher o$inion+
96 A gi0e m& !ork a #inal check #or accurac&+
3T#rn o4er
,aken #rom ,eaching 6no!ledge ,est (andbook
4or internal use onl& 7 Mock 1 Module 1
4or -uestions 9:7/'/ look at the #ollo!ing terms #or language skills and three $ossible
descri$tions o# the terms
Choose the correct o$tion A/ B or C+
Mark the correct letter %A/ B or C) on &our ans!er sheet+
9: "ummarising is
A e1$laining a te1t in detail
B !riting the last sentence o# a te1t+
C gi0ing the main $oints o# a te1t+
9; Anteracti0e listening is
A listening/ res$onding and gi0ing #eedback+
B listening #or detail/ mood and attitude+
C listening and identi#&ing !ord stress and linking
9< Oral #luenc& is
A s$eaking !ithout making an& mistakes+
B s$eaking naturall& !ithout hesitating too much+
C s$eaking !ithout considering the listener+
9= ?ara$hrasing is
A using $hrases to sa& something instead o# using com$lete sentences+
B connecting sentences together in s$eech or !riting b& using con5unctions+
C #inding another !a& to sa& something !hen &ou cannot think o# the right language+
/' "canning is
A reading a te1t -uickl& to get the general idea+
B reading a te1t -uickl& to #ind s$eci#ic in#ormation+
C reading a te1t -uickl& to identi#& the !riter<s o$inion+
,aken #rom ,eaching 6no!ledge ,est (andbook
4or internal use onl& 7 Mock 1 Module 1
4or -uestions /(7 /:/ match the general ad0ice on moti0ation !ith the techni-ues #or
encouraging moti0ation listed A/ B/ C or D
Mark the correct letter %A/ B/ C or D) on &our ans!er sheet+
.ou need to use some o$tions more than once+

A Encourage learner autonom&+
B 4ind out !hat students think+
C Make &our #eedback $ositi0e and constructi0e+
D 'uild a 0ariet& into &our teaching
/( Listen to student #eedback using a class Fsuggestion bo1< or a short -uestionnaire+
/0 ,rain students to use re#erence resources to hel$ them stud& success#ull& on their o!n+
,hink about ho! &ou tell students about their $rogress+ (o! can &ou $raise or encourage
them instead o# 5ust gi0ing marks@
// ?ut students into ne! grou$s #or di##erent acti0ities+
Gi0e comments on students< !ork !hich are hel$#ul and enable them to #eel a sense o#
Don<t al!a&s do the same kinds o# things in the classroom+ ,r& ne! acti0ities and change
acti0ities in each lesson+
3T#rn o4er
,aken #rom ,eaching 6no!ledge ,est (andbook
4or internal use onl& 7 Mock 1 Module 1
4or -uestions /;7 69/ match the learners< comments to the descri$tions o# learner
$re#erences listed A7$+
Mark the correct letter %A7$) on &our ans!er sheet+
,here is one e1tra o$tion !hich &ou do not need to use+

/; FMost o# the time should be s$ent doing grammar e1ercises+<
/< FA $re#er !orking !ith other students to s$eaking to the teacher in #ront o# the class<
/= FA reall& like kno!ing ho! language !orks+<
6' FDules 5ust con#use me 7 it<s better to !ork out language #rom e1am$les+<
6( F*h& should A listen to other students< mistakes@ ,he teacher should talk most o# the time+<
60 FA 5ust !ant $eo$le to understand !hat A mean+ A don<t !orr& i# A make mistakes+<
69 FAt<s im$ortant #or me to kno! ho! !ell A<m doing+<
A ,his learner !ants e1$lanations o# grammar rules+
B ,his learner en5o&s e1$laining language to other students+
C ,his learner en5o&s $ractising language in $airs and grou$s+
D ,his learner en5o&s doing language $ractice that #ocuses on accurac&+
E ,his learner doesn<t !ant to !ork !ith other students+
F ,his learner needs to #eel a sense o# $rogress+
G ,his learner #ocuses on communicating+
$ ,his learner doesn<t !ant the teacher to e1$lain grammar+
,aken #rom ,eaching 6no!ledge ,est (andbook
4or internal use onl& 7 Mock 1 Module 1
4or -uestions 6/7 6=/ match !hat the student does !ith the learning strategies listed A7G+
Mark the correct letter %A7G) on &our ans!er sheet+
,here is one e1tra o$tion !hich &ou do not need to use+

Lerning s"r"egies
A sel#Cmonitoring
B guessing #rom conte1t
C memorising
D organising learning aids
E re$eating
F consulting re#erence resources
G using o$$ortunities #or $ractice
6/ F,o learn ne! !ords/ A al!a&s create $ictures o# them in m& mind+<
66 FA al!a&s kee$ ne! 0ocabular& on cards !hich A se$arate into to$ics+<
6: F*hene0er A can/ A talk !ith nati0e English s$eakers in social situations+<
6; FA !ork out the meaning o# a ne! !ord #rom the language around it+<
6< FA $a& attention to m& o!n language to make sure it is accurate+<
6= FA# A<m not sure o# the meaning o# a !ord or o# ho! to use it/ A look it u$ in a dictionar&+<
3T#rn o4er
,aken #rom ,eaching 6no!ledge ,est (andbook
4or internal use onl& 7 Mock 1 Module 1
4or -uestions :'7 ::/ match the statements !ith the teaching a$$roaches that the&
describe listed A/ B or C
Mark the correct letter %A/ B/ or C) on &our ans!er sheet+

Te.hing ppro.hes
A ?resentation/ ?ractice and ?roduction %???)
B ,askCbased Learning %,'L)
C GrammarC,ranslation
,he teacher mo0es #rom $ro0iding models o# language use to monitoring learner<s use o#
4irst the learners com$lete a communicati0e task the& are encouraged to use an&
English the& kno! and the& do not ha0e to use an& $articular language item+
:0 ,he !ritten #orm o# the language is more im$ortant than the s$oken #orm+
,he language #ocus is at the start o# the teaching se-uence/ !ith #luenc& acti0ities coming
,he language #ocus comes a#ter a communicati0e acti0it&/ so that learners notice ga$s in
their language+
:6 Learners ac-uire language b& tr&ing to use it in real communicati0e situations+
:: ,he learners< #irst language $la&s a central role in the teaching+
,aken #rom ,eaching 6no!ledge ,est (andbook
4or internal use onl& 7 Mock 1 Module 1
4or -uestions :;7 ;9/ match the classroom acti0ities !ith the t&$es o# s$eaking $ractice
listed A/ B or C
Mark the correct letter %A/ B/ or C) on &our ans!er sheet+

T+pes of spe!ing pr."i.e
A oral #luenc& $ractice
B controlled oral $ractice
C neither
Clssroo) ."i4i"ies
At the beginning o# the lesson/ !e got into grou$s and talked about an interesting ne!s$a$er
article that !e had read+
,he teacher ga0e us !ord $rom$ts such as Fcinema< and F#riends</ and !e had to sa& them in
sentences using the $ast sim$le/ e+g+ F*e !ent to the cinema<H F*e 0isited some #riends+<
*e listened to a recording o# t!o $eo$le talking about their hobbies/ then did a ga$C#ill
com$rehension task+
,he teacher ga0e us roles such as F#ilm star< or Fs$orts star< and !e had to role $la& a $art& in
!hich !e chatted to each other+
;( *e had a discussion about the ad0antages and disad0antages o# the internet+
,he teacher read out some sentences/ some o# !hich !ere correct and some incorrect+ *e
had to shout out FDight< or F*rong<+
;9 *e had to ask our $artner #i0e -uestions about their abilities/ using Fcan</ e+g+ Can &ou s!im@
T#rn o4er
,aken #rom ,eaching 6no!ledge ,est (andbook
4or internal use onl& 7 Mock 1 Module 1
4or -uestions ;/7 <'/ match the e1am$les o# teaching or assessment acti0ities !ith the
taskCt&$es listed A7$+
Mark the correct letter %A7$) on &our ans!er sheet+
,here is one e1tra o$tion !hich &ou do not need to use+

A "entence trans#ormation
B Iumbled sentence
C Odd one out
D 4ormC#illing
E Multi$le choice
F Categorising
G Labelling
$ Ga$C#ill
,aken #rom ,eaching 6no!ledge ,est (andbook
4or internal use onl& 7 Mock 1 Module 1
;/ Com$lete the sentence+ ;6 Complete the sentence
Last night A !ent>>>the cinema+
The weather yesterday was
A delicious B exciting C fantastic
;: 4ind the !ord that doesn<t #it+
banana, apple, onion, pear,
;; Put the words in the list in the
correct box
Thai, India, Britain, Chinese, Swedish,
Hungarian, Czech, Portugal
Countries Languages
Complete sentence B so it means the
same as sentence A.
A The man built the bridge in 189
B The bridge ;= Com$lete !ith &our $ersonal details
4amil& name >>>>>>>>
4irst name >>>>>>>>>
Date o# birth >>>>>>>>
<' Put the words in the right order.
Address >>>>>>>>>>
do usually what in you do summer
3T#rn o4er
,aken #rom ,eaching 6no!ledge ,est (andbook
4or internal use onl& 7 Mock 1 Module 1

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