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march , i9Si

P.OtSOX ><-
APAPF?a c:aiAvVAN1
At^o f?obbtp**t*A
MRsi R ; U. r Oi. livbr
One of the great victories that
was won for Christ during the
past year was the conversion of
two priests of the Philippine
Independent Catholic Church.
There were three priests who
were baptized, but only two of
them have remained faithful to
the Lord. Bro. Rosendo Montilla,
one of these two, has done much
writing, both intracts and in our
llocano paper, UBBOG T1 BlAG
(Fbuntain of Life), concerning
why he left the priesthood, and
concerning many of the false
teachings and superstitions of
the Catholic faith. As a result,
he has received several letters
threatening to kill him if he doe s
not cease writing .about,-:these
things. During these summer
months, both Bro. Montilla and
Bro. Viloria will be, visiting
Church e s everywhere to tell
their story of "The Priests Who
Found Christl' There are a num
ber of other priests who would
like to get out of the priesthood
also. Most of themlack the cou
rage shown by these other two
men. We are hoping to be able
to contact some of these men
personally sometiriie this sum
mer. Perhaps their biggest
problemis financial. The priest
hood i s their only means of live -
lihood. The Independent priests
are permitted to marry and most
of themhave families. How will
they take care of their families ?
That is their big problem, and
One with which 1 amin full sym
pathy. Pray urgently for these
two faithful men and for those
who have hot the faith as yet to
step out of darkness into the
marvelous light, walking by
faith and not by sight.
THE ^ /'0?.r IS FRSlArS
..Lord wM He wakfui^c^^^^
was for the so\iLs./of ~men., A's
Cliristians, we caii .be no less
coneernedj J5b?ery^; dire ct quota
tion that we have from the lips
of Chr-isf during His last foi'ty
days oh earth have to do with
pr^'i'ching- "the Gospel to every
creature." This has been our
primary concern in the work
here since our arriVal on the
field in 1947, Every activity in
which we are engaged is desigh
ed to h'Olp carry; on a more ef
fective ;^evaingeli'stic program.
The greatest portion of the funds
which we receive goes directly
into the work^of jevangelismi ' We
are giving some helpto quite a
numb et" of- preachers every
month, As' a resuit.of the little
help'we give .ithem, . they are
-able to spend most all of their
time in the -work of preaching
the: Gospel.-
Thei effe ctivehe s s of: thisv e -
vahgeldstic progTamcanbe seen
in a comparison of the size of
the: work; now with that of. jnst
three .yedrs ago .v, Cn Jan.; . 1,
i9'5'8, there were 30 [Churches
in this, part of the Philippines,
: most of them in the province of
-Gagayan,. Op. J'an.;, 1st this year
there were':54 Churchesdnra 5-
provincs area. Several other
Churches are in the precess of

1 1
being'Established at this time.
- In r 1195.9 -.there were '226 soxils.
#onto[ iChr^^ st,' ahd' ih
fpwere 'lo sotils won to Himii
CC . During .the Summer-months
of i960 a very effective program
of evangelism and Ghristiap ed-.
ucation was^idarried "outi Teh
teams of preadhers and student
preachers were forfhed, and an
attempt was made by these ten
teams to reach every one of the ;
45;'Gjiurche4 that we had at that
time; Ibe^lfe Institutes
in the mornings fqr the Ghurch
members^ and e v a ng e 1 i s t i c
meetings at night tb reach the
unsaved. This programi resulted *
in quite a large number of souls
won to Ghrist, and the strength
ening of many in their faith. An
other resuit of thi s prograni was
that a newprovince was entered ;
so far as ourwork here 5s con ;
Ge rned, One of our. lOlder stud-
entS'wehtto the province of Que -
zon andhasppened a very effec
tive work there. The brethren
;inthe Manila area have work in
1 cent r al and souths rnQue zon, but
this .particular 7work is-in the
'northernmost part of the prov
ince cm the east coast of :
Duzon,, iit is an 8-hour trip, by
barge, up1.the seacoa,st to reach
.this very remote^ area. I .am
. hoping- to; be..;able to visit that
place sometime.,during I 'ay.
A similar program is now in
progress with twel/e teams cut
this year. They have all made
schedules for them'^olyes They
are hoping to be able to stay in
eachplaceior two weeks or even
longer if that seems advisable.
Most rteeonsihave two men, one
an experiencedpreacher s^done
a^ student preacher.. -There will
be times' when each of,the:i-two
wilP b.e holding separate
meetings at the same time. "We
are praying much that this pro
gram- cwill; {bring hxmdreds of
souls to Christ, and will open
many new fields to the preach
ing of the.Gospel. Already I have
received word from some -thiat
they have'enteredinto newfields
with the Gospei. .
It is my planto visit as many
of the Churches pf this, area :as I
can during the next few months .
There willbe more time for tra
veling this year: because ,of our
change in the Seminary school
year as explained elsewhere.
Regular monthly gifts for e-
vangetlists 'smd evangelism are
needed. We would surely ap
preciate hearing from any who
would like .to help in this most
important wo rk of e stabli shing
Churches after the New .Testa
ment pattern and winning s.aals
to Christ. To those who are
sending regular gifts for this
part of the work, we send pur
most heartfelt thanks and pray
that you will be able to continue
to help inPhis way.
We stiilhave a debt of $4, 836
onthe l^eniiuary Building and. the
Bpys' Dormitory biulding. We
would surelylike-to get this pb-
ligation all paid off before we
returnto l^ie States. a., year from
now. If oialy 500 of the 2, 000
who receiye this issue of the
just $10 to be. ^.pplied on this
debt, we coiild ofiE com
pletely and have some deft to
finish the Boys' dormitory be
fore the opening of the next
school year. We would like to
urge each of you to give this
requestyPUr special-considera
tion. :
Some of you might ask, "How
did you get into debt like this ? "
Most of the, debt was incurred
when we purchased the house
which the Campbell family built
when they were working with us
he re in Aparri. Then in prder to
make that building useful to the
work, we had to remodelnnd ex
pand, it. It has been, made into a
very fine Seminarybuilding, ad
equate for pur needs fpr spme
time to come. We ran oqt of
money before we cotflTd quite fin
ish the Seminarybuil ding, -so. we
wrote to agoodfriend of the work
here and asked if he co\ild.make
us a, loan of $2, 000 so we. could
complete the Seminary building
and build a. -Boys J. dormitory.
. .Cont'd on p. 8
This past year, J960-61y was
one of"the "best the Seminary hds
experienced. Mofe than 60 stud
ents were enrolled, only^aboiit
lb being part-time*, the rest f\ill
tirhe Bible students. The gene
ral attitude of the sttidehts deem
ed better, With more' devotiOh to
their studies, and good coOpera-
tioii inliving and working togeth
er. A 20-irninute devotional was
conducted by one of the faculty
members at 6:40 every morning,
to start the day right. Classep
wereheldfour days a week from
7:00 to 1^:00 a.m^v "and 6:30 to
8:30p.m. Afte moons we re given
to study and work. A.common
diiiing room was instituted this
year with *'Adela Maddagan, '^a
graduate of the Seminary, in
charge. The girls aided in the
cooking and dish-washing.:OHier
girls worked in the library, did
Office work and typing, ahd sort
ed literature. Boys worked at
various jobs, such as scooping
andhauling s andfor filling, car-
pentry work, painting, cleaning
buildings , caring for poultry and
pigs, garden and yard wOrk.
Each student brought one" cavaun
of rice per seniester and worked
out the remainder of his food.
Eriday nights were given to re
creation, with an hQur^for Mt-
erary Society meetings, and
abOiit an hour and a half for
singing and games.
Several -Olde/r students went
out each weekend to preach, or
toteaoh childreninnearby towns
ahdbarrios. The Churches paid
their transportation amd gave a
little helpbesides. A number of
the" bOys organized into teams,
and did personal ' evangelism in
- Aparri and nearby barrios diirv
ing the ' afternoons. On Sunday
afternoon, several girls taught
outside Bible school classes in
various parts of Aparri. Stud-
entSledsingingr presenfSd^per
dial-music and preached for the
WOd/mghtS^ chapel ser^
vide at the chapel building of the
Aparri Church of-Christ."
During the school year, sev
eral special programs were pre-
sehted. Just before semester
vacation in Oct., the. Drama
class presented three short dra-^
mas on the three nights of the
evangelistic conference; held
herev Just before Christmas
vacation, the choir presented
" a special Christmas concert at
the Chapel building and at the
two mainhigh schools of Aparri.
-They also took a tour and pre-
-sented the program in 6 more
places. The Churches Which
they visited helped with the ex
penses of this tour ; During Jan.
and Feb., the two Literary So
cieties presented Literary-Mu
sical- programs, the piano .and
accordion students presented a
re<sit^, and the a^ma Q1as s
presented the Bible drama,
"Jairus' Daughter".
.rThe closing week of school
always brings many activities.
On Fri. , Feb. 24, one
fore Commencement, vwiajsii the
aimual, Can^dates' Banquet fo r
candidates for diplomas ap-d cer
tificates with, their guests, and
faqulty rnembers. Thi.siwas held
isk'the Seminary.Auditor iutn, and
students - and faculty made all
preparations-cookingi decora
ting, serving,, etc^The program,
as usual, was presented by the
candidates. .Simday. night ..was
Baccalaureate, , wi^. F a cul t y
member Laureano Lopezbrmg-
ing a fine message. Mon. night,
.Xues. and Wed. we,re final ex-
cuninations .. .Xue '
Senior night, with . a progrsim
. plenned : and pres ented by the
Seriiors i Wed.; rught was the
opening night of the Conference
:;pn. Evangeli sm, and the. pres en-
tatipn of -the drama,: . ' J ai rus'
Daughter. " The Confe rence con
tinued.through Thurs. and Fri.,
and Fri. night, Mar.. 3,.^ was
Ck>mm,encemept. .>N p r v a 1 and
Dondena Campbell and Charlotte
frpm^Vigan, Ilocos Sur, were
here for .the., Coiiference- and
Commencement, and N o r v a 1
preached inspiring messages
all three nights. Two young .peo
ple, Daniei Sagab^aen and lylrs ..
. Leticia Bautistaj graduated with
the Bachelor of Iheology degree.
Four young ladies received their
two-year Christian Worker
For various reasons, plans
are being^ fpr a change of
s chedul e thi s next s chool year.
Classes usually begin in J'une
and .cipse . in Marchl The new
plan is to ,haye three 8-week
te r m s instead of two 16- week
semesters,^beginning in August
and closing in March, Classes
will be lengthened and will be
held five days a week instead of
four, so students will receive as
much pr a little more actual
class instruction than under the
pid schedule. A shorter school
ye ar will cut down on operating
expenses of the Seminary, but
more important, it will enable
student preachers amd faculty to
spendinore time in evangelism,.
Thirteen student preachers
are now busy in evangelistic
work in various, places. Two
have gone to CalUyan, an island
8-hours boat ride north of Aparri
to begin, a new work. A number
of girls are also working in VBS.
Please remember to pray for
the s e worker s, that they may
have courage and wisdom, and
that their efforts will be fruit
ful, in bringing souls to Christ.
Since. 1954, 23 young people
have graduated from the Aparri
BiblejSeminary. 20 pf these are
vin full time work for the Lord.
At this time 14 years ago, iii
1947, the Selbyfamily was mail
ing preparations to sail for the
Philippines for the first time.
Four years ago, we were pre
paring to return frOm our sec
ond furlough. During all these
years, the Indiahola Church of
Christ in Columbus, Ohio, has
very faithfully and regulatly
supported us in this work. In
addition to our living-link salary,
various individuals and groups
have sent substantial gifts for
the work. We womd like to ex
press pul?licly our deep grati
tude to this facthfiil, missionary
Church for their constant sup
port of us and our work for the
Lord. May God continue to bless
them richly as they continue
s e rving Himfaithfully uiide r the
leadership of their consecrated
minister, Brother Harold Scott.
It was wonderful to have our
former cO-workers here iii A-
parri, Norval and Dbndena
Campbell and Charlotte from
Vigaji, Ilocos Sur, with us for
a few days in March. Philip
Campbell paid us a couple vis
its also while he was in the Phil
ippines. All their friends in A-
parriwere so happy to see them
and visit with them again. DurW.
ing January we enjoyed a few
days 'visit from Ward Patterson,
who was making a quick tour of
Luzohin the Philippines, on his
way to Australia.
Some people might think or
ask, 'T wonder'what ai mission
ary'does "mth all his time! "Some
times we wonder, too, but i)er-
haps ina diffe reht way We woh-
der whSre all the time goes so
that we neve manage to get done
all the things that heedto be done.
I^erhaps you'd be interested in
knowing some of the things we
do to keepbusy: Charles - Plan
ning schedules, classes, etc.,
and supervising all the opera
tions of the Aparri Bible Semi
nary, teaching 12 to 16 hours a
week in iliie Seminary, planning
and supervising any building
projects, planning evangelistic
confferehces, consulting with
and advisigg evangelists, advi
sor of students, printer (writer,
typist, editor, press operator)^j
office -worker (book-keeping,
writing receipts, letters, etc.-
this is no small item in the work
of a missionary), preacher (on
Simday nights in Aparri, and
other special occasions here and
whentravelling among the Chur
ches), teacher of Bible School,
part-time medhanic (on cars,
press, generators, lawnmower,
etc.), and husband and Father.
Roberta - Wife and mother and
manager of household (including
three Filipino young people).
Seminary teacher (music, dra
ma and English classes). Moth-
e*r>-.s,dviser to Ystud:e3::tta,.- Bibi,^
School teacher, Critic of Lit
erary SJociety and School paper,
typist (letters, etc.), School-
teache r of ^.Lloyd and ? i cky.
These are some of our activi
ties, but not ^1 by. any nie.ans.
At least we keep busy,
andfeel that itis good to be busy
in the service.of the Lord. .
The Selby boys are growing
up. Lloyd will be 15 in Jun^
Ricky 1^ in August and Robby 11
in Sept. Both Lloyd and Ricky
are t^ler than their mother and
proud of it. Ricky has just finish
ed his 7th grade Calvert course,
and -Rbbby has just finished-5th
grade Tn the lo<^al elementary
school. Lloyd was enrolled in
the local,High School, but after
the first semester, it appeared
that he would be top far behind
. when he goes to the sta.tes to
High School- So he withdrew,
and is now taking the Uni. of
^Nebjr ... corresi)pndence course
for. the. 9th grade. Because he
was late starting, he will be hav
ing classes all summer. It is a
good course, and is really teach
ing him tp study . apd, think for
himself. .Robby is in Vacation
Bible. School right now, being
taught,by one..of pur Seminary
girls. .,-The seaspn is hbre that
. ,theyYan,S:Wim.inthe ocean in the
morni.iTtgs, ^sp.they ' enjoying
that,. They,have .their bicycles,
.^^n^yaripup-games.,such as bas-
ketbanvoiley - ball, b adminton,
croquet, soft-ball,' and ping-
pong to keep theni busy. They
alTlove to read and do lots of it.
All are active in Church aPtivi-
ties, .toblXlpy'd is siiigihg in an
octet and. Ricky is playing theor
gan for a special program soon
tp be presented at Church. Lloyd
and Ricky both like to' go' on
evangelistic trips/with their Dad,
and are a big help to him because
they understand and speak the
Ilocano dialect so fluently . All
three 'boys are looking forward
eage rly to our pliopbs ed fur1otigh
to the States in another year.
17e ask. your prayers for us
. as a faihily that'we might "keep
faithfid .to the Lord.
P R E B S R O C M N E V,' S. .
. The Muitilith which was given
the work he re by the Churches of
Clay County, 111.,, is proving to
"be one of the greatest blessings
we have ever had in the Lprd's
work here.. During the.past two
years we have published about
j 5 tracts dealing with as many
different subjects .. Pight now we
are in the process of reprinting
several of these. We feel that
this printed niaterial has played
a ve ry important part ,in the Jr^p-
id growth of the work ih this
country that is. ^Rornan.Cath-
olio.V F,Q" the past two year's,
,n..' : '"i?' Vi-'
. the -preachers of the are^. have
been writing and ^.di^ing j^jiar-
terly Ilocano paper, UBBOG TI
31AG . (Fountain of Life). This
little paper has been reaqhmg
many places out of our normsil
field of labor, and has been do
ing 9. lot of good for the Lord's
work everywhere. We do not
claimperfection in any of these
pubUcations, but we do knowthat
many people have come to know
more about the^ New Te stament
Church and the Christianlife be
cause of themthan they have e v
er known before. As cill of you
know, printing is an expensive
business. Paper here is very
high, even the poor qualities
that we can buy. Regular gifts
for this printing ministry will
also be greatly appreciated. We
have plsins for greatly expanding
this part of our ministry here in
the next few years. We ask for
your help and for your prayers
that we might use this medium
to get the Gospel into the hands
of thousands who ipaight not oth
erwise hear the truth concerning
their great hope of salvation.
DEBT . . Cont'd.
This!he graciously consented to
do. We nowhave the se two build
ings and have been using them
the past two years. Nearly hialf
of the debt onthe Campbell house
has been paid, Can you:help us
pay the other half and the $2, GOC
which we owe our good friend
in Nebraska?
SUMMARY of the WORK, I960
STb Souls won to Christ. ^
10 Churches Established.
68 Students enrolled, APARRI
82 Students enrolled, Cagayan
Valley Christian Camp.
15 tracts now in print.
Ilocano paper, UBBOG TI
BIAG, published each quarter
Special Gifts to help pay
Seminary Debt.
$500 to finish BOys' Dorm.
Books for Seminary Library.
Used Literature.
Choir Music or Song Books
Used Summer weight clothing
Baby Clothes, hew or used.
Student support, $10 a month.
Support for Seminary faculty.
j' C.Gifts for Evangelism,
NOTICE: Send all gifts of money
to Mr. R. L. Tolliver, Fair-
field, Nebraska. Please send all
packages a!ndother correspond
ence to our Aparri address.
A Missionary Packet and
Slides of our work are available
upon reque st from Mission Ser-
vices, 36x96iB. Joliet, Illinois.

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