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Poem to Ulmo (and Nienna) Should be in Khuduul (from Khdulmod)

The lord of Water, breather of life

On your face shines the power of the seas,
The mystery of ocean depths, which
Only you have seen.
For our dead King sank lifeless
To the place reserved for Thee.
Ulmo, creator and saver of the Khdulmod
Breathed your power and soul
Into our earth-bound race
Mixing our stone blood with
The light blue waters of the Sea.
Forever gifted, eternally cursed,
The Khdulmod find no peace
In their stone clefts
For now the sea also calls to us
Ever dividing out souls in two
Oh Ulmo,
Our majestic saviour,
Together with the Tears of our secret queen
Nienna, teacher of mercy and knowledge unseen,
have forever changed the destiny
of our new sea-bound race.

Dwarves saved by Ulmo.
King Dwarf helped Numenorians when Numenor was destroyed. During the rescue he and his crew
fell into the stormy sea and drowned to the depths that only Ulmo has seen. There Ulmo
recognised them as part of the dwarf people who live by the sea and taking pity on them and their
good deeds to help the numenorians, he breathed live into them. When he breathed life into them,
he also breathed a little of himself into them, and as a result he changed their speech (introducing
sounds like the sea) The dwarves also inherited a deep longing for the sea and they could not dig
their halls deep into the mountain for the longed for the sea and the sounds of its waters, however
the longing for their deep caves did not leave them either and the dwarf people would always be
restless, split between two opposing sides of their nature. This they called the khallad illushien also
knowns as the beautiful curse or curse of mercy.


There are many a sad story that are passed down from generation unto generation,
some only hold only the slightest resemblance to their true beginnings having been
embellished by the teller for the glory of the hero in question. Others are
exaggerated as a result of fear of the terrible deeds recounted in them and the
terrible misery afflicted on elf, dwarf and human alike. However some stories that
deserve a place in the memory of the great deeds of Ea have been forgotten and
secrets of old have been lost, fires extinguished. The great and tragic story of the
Khdulmod has now fallen into oblivion, and the few elves remaining in middle earth
capable of recalling the memories of this unexpected and wonderful race, are so
impeded for it also recalls a great sadness and loss. The elves whose destiny is
intertwined with the pain and longing of Ea have learnt to relish the memory of the
Khdulmod, knowing that a time will come to pass when they will meet Aule and Ulmo
again and all great deeds of the Khdulmod will be told in full to the amazement of
their own people and those who have waited in the great halls (of Mandos?), and the
tale that began with the tears of Nienna, shall thus also end.

The dwarves were not always so caught up in their love for precious stones that it
kept them blind to the rest of the peoples of middle earth and Durins doors are one
of the few testaments remaining to that fact. A time there was when elves and
dwarves called one another friends and both flourished together enjoying the peace
that ruled in the land. However by the ironies embroidered in the course of destiny a
small but majestic portion of Durins folk set out in the search of new treasures, with
greed pulling at their hearts, unaware that it was the pity residing in their hearts that
would later rescue them. In their quest for new precious stones and materials the
dwarves settled by the cliffs near the coast of Ras Morthil also known as Andrast.
There they could take residence in the mountains terrain that ran down from the
Ered Nimrais, close enough to the sea so that they could go to the coast daily in the
search of stones refined by the waters, stones that can only be found by the coast.
They named their new residence Khashdolm and despite their proximity to the sea
they did not bare any love for it, and they both respected and deeply feared it, as can
be said for all dwarves, created by Aule (quote) lord of the lands (quote) and father
to the seven dwarf kings. They did not like the sounds of the waves breaking against
the stone cliffs, it reminded them of the strength and unpredictability of the seas.
Voices could be heard in the breaking of waves, voices that the dwarves did not
understand and believing them to be a curse, no dwarf ever ventured into the open
seas. They greatly loved the precious stones which they found on the cliffs by the
ocean, unlike any other that they had seen before and had to give many of them
names in the fashion of their own tongue, for they did not have names for such
rarities, never before seen by any dwarven eyes. They delved the cliffs deep and
tiredlessly in the search of new precious stones and also to block out the sounds and
memory of the sea.

The prince from Numenor came to their lands many times but the Khdulmod did not
have any dealings with him willingly for they could discern that a doom laid on him.
Only when the prince brough precious stones unknown to the Khdulmod, did they
have any dealings with him. They knew that the Numenorians had condemned his
travels abroad and despite the proximity of their dwellings to the sea they were slow
to trust anyone that showed such clear fondness and ease atthe sea, the realm of
Ulmo, god of the waters and only one who has ever seen the depths of the oceans.

When Numenor was destroyed a terrible storm hit the oceans and great and
powerful voices were in the air. Not a single Khdulmod was free from the trembling
that shook their foundations, for not only the seas, but also the earth shook like it had
never done before, dealing great damage to the caves of the Khdulmod, caves with
all sorts of precious stones and architectural wonders like only the dwarves can
fathom to accomplish. During the terrible day when Numenor was destroyed, some
guards of the Khdulmod spotted the few surviving Numenorians ships that survived
the swallowing of their island by the great sea. A few of the ships had sailed adrift
clearly not in control of their wind-torn sails. When the dwarf king was informed of
what the guards had seen, he went to have a look for himself. Upon seeing the
burning and sinking ships, something happened to him that had not happen to any
dwarf before or since, he was moved by the pity, deeply set in his heart, awoken by
the tears of Nienna, whose forgiving nature had not abandoned the Numenorians
and tried to save as many as possible. Dwarf king decided to use the few ships that
the dwarves possessed to help the Numenoreans. He himself got on one of these
boats and went out to help. However the wrath of the storm had not ceased and
upon the most valiant attempt by the Khdulmod to save the Numenoreans, they
failed. The Khdulmod, not at ease with the sea and having not great mariners in their
midsts soon founds themselves overpowered by the sea and they lost all but two of
their ships that knight. King Dwarf was also lost. Only one Numenorean vessels was

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