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By Yang, Jwing-Ming
The Yang Qiao
A. Coure!
(1). Below the lateral malleolus at Shenmai (B-62) - (2). Ascens along the lateral as!ect o"
the leg - (#). $osterior as!ecl% o" the hy!ochonrium - (#). &ateral sie o" the shouler - (').
(ra)erses the nec* - (+). $asses ,esie the mouth -(6). -nner canthus (.oins the Yin /eel
)essel an the urinary ,laer channel) - (0). Ascens across the "orehea - (1). 2ins
,ehin the ear to 3engchi (4B-25) - (6). 7nters the ,rain at 3eng"u (4)-l4).
888(his )essel intersects Shenmai (B-62), $ushen (B-61), 3uyang (B-+6), Jingming (B-1),
Juliao (4B-26), 3engchi (4B-25), 9aoshu (S--15), Jugu (&--16), Jianyu (&--1+), :icang (S-'),
Juliao (S #), ;heng<i (S-1), an 3eng"u (4)-l6).
Yin Qiao
A. Coure!
(1). =haohai (>-6) ,elow the meial malleolus - (2). 7?tens u!war along the meial as!ect
o" the leg - (#). ;rossing the !er ineum an chest entering the su!racla)icular "ossa - (').
Ascens through the throat an emerges in "ront o" @enying (S-6)- (+). (ra)erses the meial
as!ect o" the chee* - (6). -nner canthus (.oins the urinary ,laer channel an Yang /eel
)essels) - (0). Ascens o)er the hea an into the ,rain.
888(his )essel intersects =haohai (>-6), Jiao?in (>-1), an Jingming (B-1)
(he 7ight 7?traorinary Meriians
(he :u Meriian
(he @en Meriian
(he ;hong Meriian
(he :ai Meriian
Yin A Yang Biao Meriians
Yin A Yang 2ei Meriians
By Yang, Jwing-Ming
Yang "ei!
A. Coure! (1). Jinmen (B-6#) on the heel -(2). Ascens along the lateral as!ect o" the leg -
(#). &ower a,omen - ('). Slants u!war across the !osterior as!ect o" the hy!ochonrium -
(+). Across the !osterior a?illary "ol to the shouler - (6). Ascens the nec* an crosses
,ehin the ear - (0). $rocees to the "orehea - (1). :ou,les ,ac* o)er the hea- (6). 3eng"u
88CC(his )essel intersects Jinmen (B-6#), Yang.iao (4B-#+), (4B-21), 3engchi (4B-25),
9ao*ong (4B-16), ;hengling (4B-11), =hengying (4B-10), Muchuang (4B-16), /ea-&in<i
(4B-1+), Yang,ai (4B-1'), Benshen (4B-1#), (ianliao ((B-1+), 9aoshu (S--15), Yamen (4)-lS),
3eng"u (4)-l4), an (ouwei (S-1).
Yin "ei
A. Coure! (1). &ower leg at =hu,in (>-6) - (2). Ascening along the meial as!ect o" the
leg - (#). 7nters the lower a,omen - ('). D!war across the chest - (+). (hroat (meets
(iantu (&--22) an &iansuan (&--2#).
EC(his )essel intersects =hu,in (>-6), ;hongmen (S!-12), 3ushe (S!- 1#), :aheng (S!- 1+),
3uai (S!-l6), Bimen (&i 1'), (iantu (&--22), an &ian<uan (&--2#).
The Dai (Gir#$e) Meri#ian
By Yang, Jwing-Ming
A. ;ourseF
(1). Below the hy!ochonrium at the le)el o" the 2n lum,ar )erte,ra -(2). (urns ownwar
an encircles the ,oy at the waist li*e a girle.
888(his )essel intersects :aimai (4B-26), 2ushu (4B-20), an 2eiao (4B-21).
By Yang, Jwing-Ming
A. Coure!
Coure %&! (1). &ower a,omen ,elow Bugu (&--2) -(2). Ascens along the miline o" the
a,omen an chest - (#). ;rosses the throat an .aw ('). wins aroun the mouth - (+).
(erminates in the region o" the eye.
Coure %'!
(6). $el)ic ca)ity - (0). 7nters the s!ine an ascens along the ,ac*.
888(his )essel intersects ;heng<i (S-1) an Yin.iao (4)-21).
(. Ca)i*ie!
/uiyin (&--l), Bugu (&--2), =hongli (&--#), 4uanyuan (&--'), Shimen (&--+), Bihai (&--6),
A,omen-Yin.iao (&--0), Shen.ue (;o 1), Shui"en (&--6), Giawan (&--15), Jianli (&--ll), =hongwan
(&--12), Shangwan (&--1#), Ju<ue (&--1'), Jiuwei (&--1+), =hongting (&--16), ShanHhong (&--10),
Yutang (&--11), ;hest-=igong (&--16), /uagai (&--25), Guan.i (&--21), (iantu (&--22), &ian<uan
(&--2#), an ;heng.iang (&--2').
By Yang, Jwing-Ming
A. Coure!Coure %&!
(1). &ower a,omen - (2). 7merges along the $ath o" Bi - (#). (rac*s the course o" the *iney
channel - ('). Ascens through the a,omen - (+). S*irts the na)el - (6). :is!erses in the
Coure %'!
(6). ;hest -(0). Ascens across the throat -(1). 3ace -(6). 9asal ca)ity. ;ourse I#F (1). &ower
a,omen - (15). Below the *iney - (11). 7merges along the $ath o" Bi - (12). :escens
along the meial as!ect o" the thigh - (1#). $o!liteal "ossa - (1'). Meial margin o" the ti,ia
an the !osterior as!ect o" the meial malleolus - (1+). Bottom o" the "oot.
Coure %+!
(16). (i,ia - (10). (owar the lateral margin o" the ,one - (11). enters the heel - (16). ;rosses
the tarsal ,ones o" the "oot - (25). Big toe.
Coure %,!
(21). $el)ic ca)ity - (22). 7nter the s!ine an circulates through the ,ac*. 888(his )essel
intersects /uiyin (&--l), Yin.iao (&--0), Bichong (S-#5), /enggu (>-11), :ahe (>-12), Bi?ue (>-
1#), Siman (>-1'), =hongHhu (>-1+), /uangshu (>-16), Shang<u (>-10), Shiguan (>-11), Yinu
(>-16), (onggu (>-25), an Youmen (>-21).
Distribution & Indications of the Fifteen Luo (Connecting) Points
Luo (Connecting)
Excess Deficiency
Lieque (Lu.7) large intestine
feverish palm and wrist shortness of breath,
frequent urination
Tongli (H.5) small intestine
fullness in the chest difficult speech
eiguan (!.") #an$iao meridian cardiac pain restlessness
%hi&heng (#.'.7) heart meridian motor impairment warts
!ianli (L.'.") lung meridian toothache. deafness cold in teeth, chest
(eiguan (#.).5) pericardium meridian spasm of elbow motor impairment of the
*ei+ang (,.-.5.) /idne+ meridian nasal obstruction, pain
in bac/ and head
liver meridian s+ncope (ei s+ndrome
*englong (#t.34) spleen meridian sore throat, aphonia,
foot drop
1ongsun (#p.3) stomach meridian sudden abdominal
pain, diarrhea
5a&hong (6.3) urinar+ bladder
restlessness, d+suria lumbar pain
Ligou (Liv.5) 1all bladder meridian prolapse of uterus,
itching genitalia
)iuwei (7en 85) connecting with
abdominal pain itching in abdominal
9hangqiang (5u
connecting with head spinal rigidit+ di&&iness, heav+ head
5abao (#p.:8) connecting with
general pain generalwea/ness
4uie to use local an istal !oint in acu!unctur
By :r. Ma
#+mptoms occurring locall+ can be treated distall+. The following is a guide to the relationship between
local and distal points.
Diseased area Local Points Distal Points
*orehead #t ., 5u :2, 1- 83, ;in Tang L.'. 3, #t 38, #t 33
Temple Tai ;ang, 1- ., 1- :4 #) 5, 1- 38
ape ,- <, ,- 84, 5u 83, 5u 8" #' 2, #' ", ,- "4, ,- "2, ,- "5, ,- "7
=erte0 5u :4 Liv 2
>+es ,- 8, ,- :, 1- 8, 1- :4, ?iu Hou Liv 2, 1- 27
ose L.'. :4, 5u :2, -i Tong Lu 7 L.'. 3
Teeth #t ", #t 7, #t 5, 7en :3 L.'. 3, #t 33
>ars #) :8, #' 8<, 1- :, #) 87, 1- :4 #) 5, 1- 38, #) 2, 1- 32, 6id 2
Tongue 7en :2, 5u 85 Ht 5, !c 7, #p 5, 6id "
Throat #' 87, 7en :2 L.'. 8, Lu 7, Lu 84, Lu 88, 6id ", #t 33
9hest 7en 87, ,b 82, Lu 8 !c ", Lu 5
,pper @bdomen 7en 8:, #t :8, ,- :8 #t 2", #p 3, !c "
Aiddle @bdomen #t :5, 7en ", ,- :5, ,- :7 #t 2", #t 27, #t 2<
Lower @bdomen 7en 2, 7en 3 ,- 34, #p "
9ostal region Liv 82, Liv 83, 1- :3, ,- 8., ,- 8< #) ", 1- 23, Liv 2
Lumbar region ,- :2, ,- :5, ,- 5: ,- 34
"y#$to#s Points
5u 83, L.'. 3, L.'. 88, #hi Buan points, the twelve )ingCwell
points, >r )ian
9oma or fainting
5u :", (all ten) #hi Buan points, the twelve )ingCwell points, 6id
Loss of consiousness due to e0haustion or
5u :4, 7en 3, 7en . (mo0a), #t 2"
#pontaneous sweating L.'. 3
ight sweating #' 2, Ht ", 6id 7
'nsomnia 5u :3, 1- 82, #i #hen 6ong, Ht 7, #p ", 6id "
>0cessive dreaming Ht 7, ,- 85, Liv 2, 1- 33
Hoarse voice L.'. 8., L.'. 3, !c 5
Loc/$aw #t ", #t 7, L.'. 3
#tiff tongue 5u 85, 7en :2, Ht 5
#ore Throat L.'. 3, Lu 88, L.'. 8, L.'. 8.
#alivation 5u :", #t ", L.'. 3
!alpitations !c 3, !c "
9hest pain 7en 87, !c 3, !c "
9oughD@sthma Lu 7, 7en ::, 5ing 9huan, ,- 82
*ullness in 9hest !c ", 7en 8:, 7en 87
5+sphagia 7en ::, !c "
auseaD=omiting !c ", #t 2"
Hiccough !c ", !c ., ,- :, ,- 87
@bdominal 5istension #t :5, 7en 8:, 7en ", !c ", #t 2"
H+pochondriac pain #) ", 1- 23
'ndigestion #t 2", #p 3
Aalnutrition or indigestion in children #i *eng
'nsufficient lactation #' 8, #t 8.
H+pertension #t <
-en Lou #+ndrome #p 8, #p ., Liv "
'tching of the e0ternal genitalia Liv 5
#permatorrhea, impotence, premature
7en 3, #p "
9onstipation #t :5, 7en ", 7en 8:, #) ", 6id "
7ectal prolapse 5u 8, ,- 57, 5u :4
#pasm of gastrocnemius muscle ,- 57, 1- 23
'tching #p 84, L.'. 88, #p "
1eneral wea/ness 7en 3, #t 2", 5u 3, 7en ", ,- :2
9onvulsions L.'. 3, Liv 2
>pista0is 5u :2, L.'. 3, Lu "
5iarrhea #t :5, #p <, #t 2", 7en . (mo0a)
Du '( is the crossing point of the 5u and si0 ;ang channels.
L)I) (* L)I) ''
The HeCsea and ;uanCsource point of hand ;ang Aing channels. 'n the ;ang Aing channel, ;ang ?i
develops to its final stages (EThe -right ;angE) Tai ;ang is greater ;ang, ;ang ?i is vigorousF #hao
;ang is lesser ;ang where the ;ang ?i is wea/. @t the HeCsea point and ;uanCsource points, the )ing
?' is livel+ and at L.'. 3 and L.'. 88, the ;ang ?i is liveliest.
5u :"G
7en %hong (Human 9enter or !ersonHs 9enter). The three components of the 9hinese universe are
Heaven, humanit+, and >arth. The nose receives the five ?i from Heaven. The mouth receives the five
tastes from >arth. Located between the nose and the mouth, 5u :" can thus be li/ened unto
human/ind positioned in the center, between Heaven and >arth. #o, 5u :" is called Human 9enter. 't
can connect HeavenHs ?i and >arthHs ?i. The 5u channel supervises all the ;ang channels of the bod+
$ust as Heaven supervises the ;ang of the universe. The 7en channel ta/es charge of all the ;in
channels of the bod+. Located between the 5u and 7en 9hannels, 5u :" can regulate ;in and ;ang.
9oma is considered the prelude to the final separation of ;in and ;ang. @dditionall+, the 5u channel
enters the brain, which is obviousl+ an important component in the coma state.
#hi Buan points and the twelve )ingCwell pointsG The ;in channels lin/ with the ;ang channels at the
twelve )ingCwell points. #hi Buan is located on the tips of the ten fingers, so #hi Buan points along with
the twelve )ingCwell points can regulate ;in and ;ang thus resuscitating the depleted ;ang and
rescuing the patient from danger.
8) Heat
:) (ei ;ang deficienc+G L.'. 3 is the ;uanCsource point of the +ang Aing channel. 't can tonif+ the ;ang.
,ight "+eats& (-in deficiency)
6idne+ 7G )ingCriver (metal) point of the 6idne+ (water) channel. Tonif+ing the mother point for 6idne+
;in deficienc+.
#' 2G The #huCstream point of the #mall 'ntestine channel belongs to wood. #weat is the fluid of the
Heart. Tonif+ing the mother point (wood) of the HeartHs (fire) paired channel (#.'.) serves to tonif+ Heart
;in. Heart " is the BiCcleft point on the Heart channel which will stop bleeding and sweating. -lood and
sweat both come from the Heart.
"tiff ongue&
5u 85, 7en :2G
These two points connect to the root of the tongue. 5u 85 is called EAuteHs 1ate.E Heart 5 is the LuoC
connecting point of the Heart channel to treat tongue disease. The Heart open into the tongue.
Insufficient Lactation&
#.'. 8G The #mall 'ntestine channel is used for E;eE (thic/ fluid) diseases. #.'. 8 is the )ingCwell (metal)
point for E;eE deficienc+ (water) Tonifies metal.
#t <G eedled 5eep, the needle will effect the cervical arterial bulbus which is a part of the coratid
arter+ that monitors and ad$usts the blood pressure. eedle even deeper, the acupuncture will effect
the s+mpathetic trun/ in such as wa+ that will lower blood pressure.
#) "G (hen constipation is a disorder of ?i, the #an )iao channel is emplo+ed for ?i problems in the
%ang *u, especiall+ the inabilit+ of the raising of the refined substances and eliminating the Eheav+
.eneral /ea!ness
7en ", #t 2", for general wea/ness. 7en 3 tonifies ;uan source ?i, and #tomach 2" tonifies digestive
function hence increasing 1u ?i. 5u 3 and 7en 3 tonif+ Aing Aen fire, ,- :2 tonifies 6idne+s.

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