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In our daily life, there are so many simple things to do which can control our stress and make us less
distressed. Nothing magical only using common sense it will make real difference. Now Ill
introduce a list of tips, useful for us. Can change our lifestyle and will gradually develop coping
strategies. Let us discuss the tips-
1) Eating Healthy Meals:
Though it sounds so simple, in actual life it is not so simple. poor diet specially !unk food
with lots of sugar increases stress level.
2) Pratiing Reg!lar "er#$i E%erise:
"egular aero#ic e$ercise like walking, !ogging, swimming or cycling are very effective
in managing stress. %$ercise helps #urning up chemicals which gear up stress and help us to
#ecome more rela$ed.
&) Ta'ing En#!gh Rest:
&e have to take enough rest, even if we cant sleep. "est will help to increase our reserve of
strength and energy.
() Esta$lishing )aily r#!tine:
&e have to stick to daily routines. "outine is very important in helping us to feel in control and
to function effectively. &e should work, study and other routines, #ut should not use a work as
way of avoiding painful feelings.
*) "s'ing S!++#rt an) Hel+ ,r#- #thers:
&e should ask for support and help from our family, friends or other community resources
when we need it. &e should not think that this is a sign of weakness.
.) S+en)ing ti-e /ith #thers:
&e can spend time with other people. It is not necessary that we have to talk a#out the trauma,
we can talk a#out foot#all, cricket, #ooks or weather. &e can watch movies or drama. &e can
try to do en!oya#le things with others. This is part of resuming a normal life.
0) F#!sing #n #!r strengths an) #+ing s'ills:
&e have many strengths and strategies to deal with difficult times. please remem#er that I am
not alone, lots of survivors are there over the country, who have e$perienced these kinds of
pro#lems and vast ma!ority have recovered well.
'leep distur#ance is very common in #oth (T') and )epression. *edication sometimes helps, #ut it
should #e used with caution and only as directed #y your medical practitioner. There are several simple
+non-drug strategies you can try that can #e very helpful in improving sleep. Those are,-
1) Get int# reg!lar r#!tine:
In particular, get up at the same time each morning even if you havent slept well.
2) Try t# a3#i) a,,eine:
-rom . p.m. onward avoid tea, coffee, cola, chocolate.
&) Starting a Gentle E%erise R#!tine:
"outine gentle e$ercise and losing some weight often helps in sleeping.
() D#n4t )# anything in $e) e%e+t slee+:
"eserve #ed for sleeping only. )ont watch T/, read, do crosswords or think a#out
worrying things
*) D# s#-ething rela%ing $e,#re $e)
Listen rela$ing music, have a warm #ath,
.) Try n#t t# /#rry a$#!t n#t slee+ing
The more you worry a#out sleep, the less likely you are to drop off to sleep.
(artners and close friends are often at a loss as to how to help someone with (T'). There are several
things to #e done to help the traumatised person.
1) 1isten an) e-+athise /hen the tra!-atise) +ers#n /ants t# tal'
sympathetic listener is very important
2) S+en) ti-e /ith the tra!-atise) +ers#n
There is no su#stitute for personal presence. 0ust keep doing usual things that people do
together. 1eing with people who care a#out them is very important for traumatised
&) Reass!re the- that they are sa,e n#/
() Care a$#!t eah #ther
2ive hugs. 3ffer praise. *ake a point of saying something nice to each other every day.
*) E%+ress y#!r s#rr#/
Tell them you are sorry that they were involved in such an event
.) 2e are,!l a$#!t #ns#lati#n state-ent
It is #est not to say 4I understand what you are feeling4. Try to say 4It must #e difficult
for you5 I can see that it upsets you, is there anything I can do to help64
0) Res+et +ers#n4s nee) ,#r +ri3ay
In some cases individual needs privacy and private grief at times.

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