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A Report on

National Service Scheme

Special Camp
Adopted Village: Annaswami Palli
Address: VenkataPuram (P) !enigunta(") Chittoor #ist$ A$P
#ates: %&'()'&(%* to %+'()'&(%*
,heme: -ealth .s /ealth
S!00 !A"A 0N1.N00!.N1
(A4liated to 5awaharlal Nehru ,echnological 6niversit7 Anantapur 8
Approved 97 A.C,0 New #elhi)
!ami!edd7 Nagar :arkam9adi !oad "angalam(p)!enigunta(") ,irupathi
Chittoor #ist$ ;%<;(<$
S!00 !A"A 0N1.N00!.N1
(A4liated to 5awaharlal Nehru ,echnological 6niversit7 Anantapur 8
Approved 97 A.C,0 New #elhi)
!ami!edd7 Nagar :arkam9adi !oad "angalam(p)!enigunta(") ,irupathi
Chittoor #ist$ ;%<;(<$
This is to certify that the National Service Scheme for the Academic
Year 2013-14 had been Sccessflly completed in or Adopted !illa"e#
Annas$ami %alli# Reni"nta &andal# 'hittoor (istrict# A)%)
%rincipal * NSS 'hairman
SR+T,4'-# Tirpathi
.e consider# it is or privile"e to e/press or "ratitde and
respect to all those $ho spported# inspired and helped s in the
completion of an NSS Special 'amp)
.e are than0fl to Smt) A) Radhamma# &%(1# Reni"nta# all of
her "idance and co-operation of a special camp)
.e are than0fl to or chairman &r) &) RamiReddy "ar# (irector
2)')!en0ata Reddy "ar and principal (r) 3)4ayachandra "ar for
permittin" s to se facilities available in this colle"e to accomplish the
NSS Special 'amp completely)
.e e/press or deep sense of "ratitde to &rs )S) Shoba Rani
"ar# A"ricltral 15cer6 Special 15cer# Annas$ami %alii villa"e#
Reni"nta &andal for her 0ind help that she e/tended at every sta"e of
or $or0 for all provisions made s to complete this endeavor
.e are than0fl to &r)&ni Reddy "ar# !illa"e Sarpanch# all of
his "idance and co-operation of Special 'amp)
.e are also than0fl to all or sta7 members of SR++ RA&A
+N89N++R9N8 '1::+8+ for their co-operation)
:ast bt not least# $e $ish to than0 to all my friends# $ho helped
directly or indirectly in completion NSS Special 'amp Sccessflly)
1) .ntroduction o> National Service Scheme
2) A9out our college 8 holl7 place ,irupathi
3) A9out our adopted village
4) Pre camp surve7
;) NSS Coordinators?24cials
<) Volunteer 3ist
=) "odule o> < da7s Activities
>) Valedictor7
?) Post Camp surve7
10) NSS Special camp Certi@cate
11) Proo>s o> Paper Clippings
%$ .N,!2#6C,.2N 2= NA,.2NA3 S0!V.C0 SC-0"0
P-.32S2P-A 2= NA,.2NA3 S0!V.C0 SC-0"0
-istor7 and 1rowth o> NSS:
9n 9ndia# the idea of involvin" stdents in the tas0 of national service
dates bac0 to the times of &ahatma 8andhi# the father of the nation) The
central theme $hich he tried to impress pon his stdent adience time and
a"ain# $as that they shold al$ays 0eep before them# their social
responsibility) The @rst dty of the stdents shold be# not to treat their
period of stdy as one of the opportnities for indl"ence in intellectal
l/ry# bt for preparin" themselves for @nal dedication in the service of
those $ho provided the sine$s of the nation $ith the national "oods *
services so essential to society) Advisin" them to form a livin" contact $ith
the commnity in $hose midst their instittion is located# he s""ested that
instead of nderta0in" academic research abot economic and social
disability# the stdents shold do Asomethin" positive so that the life of the
villa"ers mi"ht be raised to a hi"her material and moral levelB)
The post-independence era $as mar0ed by an r"e for introdcin"
social service for stdents# both as a measre of edcational reform and as a
means to improve the Cality of edcated manpo$er) The Dniversity 8rants
'ommission headed by (r) Radha0rishnan recommended introdction of
national service in the academic instittions on a volntary basis $ith a vie$
to developin" healthy contacts bet$een the stdents and teachers on the one
hand and establishin" a constrctive lin0a"e bet$een the camps and the
commnity on the other hand)
The idea $as a"ain considered by the 'entral Advisory 2oard of
+dcation ,'A2+- at its meetin" held in 4anary# 1?;0) After e/aminin" the
varios aspects of the matter and in the li"ht of e/perience of other contries
in this @eld# the 2oard recommended that stdents shold devote some time
to manal $or0 on a volntary basis and that the teachers shold also
associate $ith them in sch $or0) 9n the draft Eirst Eive year %lan adopted by
the 8overnment of 9ndia in 1?;2# the need for social and labor service for
stdents for one year $as frther stressed) 'onseCent pon this# labor and
social service camps# campFs $or0 proGects# villa"e apprenticeship scheme
etc) # $ere pt into operation by varios edcational instittions) 9n 1?;># the
then %rime &inister %andit 4a$aharlal Nehr in his letter to the 'hief &inisters#
mooted the idea of havin" social service as a prereCisite for "radation) He
frther directed the &inistry of +dcation to formlate a sitable scheme for
introdction of national service into the academic instittions)
9n 1?;?# a draft otline of the scheme $as placed before the +dcation
&inisterIs 'onference) The 'onference $as nanimos abot the r"ent need
for tryin" ot a $or0able scheme for national service) 9n vie$ of the fact that
edcation as it $as imparted in schools and colle"es# left somethin" to be
desired and it $as necessary to spplement it $ith pro"rammes $hich $old
arose interest the social and economic reconstrction of the contry) 9t $as
vie$ed that if the obGectives of the scheme $ere to be realiJed# it $as
essential to inte"rate social service $ith the edcational process as early as
possible) The 'onference s""ested the appointment of a committee to $or0
ot details of the proposed pilot proGect) 9n prsance of these
recommendations# a National Service 'ommittee $as appointed nder the
'hairmanship of (r) ')() (eshm0lh on A"st 2># 1?;? to ma0e concrete
s""estions in this direction) The committee recommended that national
service for a period of nine months to a year may be made complsory for all
stdents completin" hi"h school edcation and intendin" to enroll themselves
in a colle"e or a niversity) The scheme $as to inclde some military trainin"#
social service# manal labor and "eneral edcation) The recommendations
of the 'ommittee cold not be accepted becase of its @nancial implications
and di5clties in implementation)
9n 1?<0# at the instance of the 8overnment of 9ndia# %rof) 3)8) Saiyidain
stdied national service by stdents implemented in several contries of the
$orld and sbmitted his report nder the title ANational Service for the YothB
to the 8overnment $ith a nmber of recommendations as to $hat cold be
done in 9ndia to develop a feasible scheme of social service by stdents) 9t
$as also recommended that social service camps shold be open to stdents
as $ell as non-stdents $ithin the prescribed a"e "rop for better inter-
The +dcation 'ommission headed by (r) ()S) 3othari ,1?<4-<<-
recommended that stdents at all sta"es of edcation shold be associated
$ith some form of social service) This $as ta0en into accont by the State
+dcation &inister drin" their conference in April 1?<= and they
recommended that at the niversity sta"e# stdents cold be permitted to
Goin the National 'adet 'orps ,N''- $hich $as already in e/istence on a
volntary basis and an alternative to this cold be o7ered to them in the form
of a ne$ pro"ramme called the National Service Scheme ,NSS-) %romisin"
sportsmen# ho$ever# shold be e/empted from both and allo$ed to Goin
another scheme calle4d the National Sports 1r"anisation ,NS1-# in vie$ of
the need to "ive priority to the development of sports and athletics)
The !ice 'hancellorsI 'onference in September# 1?<? $elcomed this
recommendation and s""ested that a special committee of !ice 'hancellors
cold be set p to e/amine this Cestion in detail) 9n the stateme nt of
national policy on edcation of the 8overnment of 9ndia# it $as laid do$n that
$or0 e/perience and national service shold be an inte"ral part of edcation)
9n &ay# 1?<?# a conference of the stdentsI representatives of the niversities
and instittions of hi"her learnin" convened by the &inistry of +dcation and
the Dniversity 8rants 'ommission also nanimosly declared that national
service cold be a po$erfl instrment for national inte"ration) 9t cold be
sed to introdce rban stdents to rral life) %roGects of permanent vale
cold also be nderta0en as a symbol of the contribtion of the stdent
commnity to the pro"ress and pliftment of the nation)
The details $ere soon $or0ed ot and the %lannin" 'ommission
sanctioned an otlay of Rs) ; crores for National Service Scheme ,NSS- drin"
the Eorth Eive Year %lan) 9t $as stiplated that the NSS pro"ramme shold be
started as a pilot proGect in select instittions and niversities)
1n September 24# 1?<?# the then Dnion +dcation &inister (r) !)3)R)!)
Rao# lanched the NSS pro"ramme in 3= niversities coverin" all States and
simltaneosly reCested the 'hief &inisters of States for their cooperation
and help) 9t $as appropriate that the pro"ramme $as started drin" the
8andhi 'entenary Year as it $as 8andhiGi $ho inspired the 9ndian yoth to
participate in the movement for 9ndian independence and the social plift of
the do$ntrodden masses of or nation)K
The overall aim of National Service Scheme as envisa"ed earlier# is to
"ive an e/tension dimension to the hi"her edcation system and orient the
stdent yoth to commnity service $hile they are stdyin" in edcational
instittion) The reason for the formlation of this obGective is the "eneral
realiJation that the colle"e and L2 level stdents have a tendency to "et
alienated from the villa"e6slm masses $hich constitte the maGority of the
poplation of the contry) The edcated yoth $ho are e/pected to ta0e the
reins of administration in ftre are fond to be na$are of the problems of
the villa"e6slm commnity and in certain cases are indi7erent to$ards their
needs and problems) Therefore it is necessary to arose the social conscience
of the stdents# and to provide them an opportnity to $or0 $ith the people
in the villa"es and slms) 9t is felt that their interaction $ith the common
villa"ers and slm d$ellers $ill e/pose them to the realities of life and brin"
abot a chan"e in their social perception)
The broad obGectives of NSS are toM
,i- Dnderstand the commnity in $hich they $or0
,ii- Dnderstand themselves in relation to their commnity
,iii- 9dentify the needs and problems of the commnity and
involve them in problem solvin" process
,iv- (evelop amon" themselves a sense of social and civic
,v- DtiliJe their 0no$led"e in @ndin" practical soltion to individal
and commnity problems
,vi- (evelop competence reCired for "rop livin" and sharin" of
,vii- 8ain s0ills in mobiliJin" commnity participation
,viii- AcCire leadership Calities and democratic attitde
,i/- (evelop capacity to meet emer"encies and natral disasters and
,/- %ractice national inte"ration and social harmony)
,he "otto
The motto or $atch$ord of the National Service Scheme is M
EN2, "0 C6, A26F$
This reNects the essence of democratic livin" and pholds the need for
selNess service and appreciation of the other personIs point of vie$ and also
to sho$ consideration for fello$ hman bein"s) 9t nderlines that the $elfare
of an individal is ltimately dependent on the $elfare of society on the
$hole) Therefore# it shold be the aim of the NSS to demonstrate this motto
in its day-to-day pro"ramme)
NSS S7m9ol
The symbol of the National Service Scheme# as appearin" on the cover
pa"e of this &anal is based on the ORathI $heel of the 3onar0 Sn Temple
sitated in 1rissa) These "iant $heels of the Sn Temple portray the cycle of
creation# preservation and release# and si"nify the movement in life across
time and space) The desi"n of the symbol# a simpli@ed form of the Sn-
chariot $heel primarily depicts movement) The $heel si"ni@es the
pro"ressive cycle of life) 9t stands for continity as $ell as chan"e and implies
the continos strivin" of NSS for social transformation and pliftment)
NSS Cadge
The NSS symbol is embossed on the NSS bad"e) The NSS volnteers
$ear it $hile nderta0in" any pro"ramme of commnity service) The 3onar0
$heel in the symbol has ei"ht bars $hich represent the 24 hors of the day)
Hence# the bad"e reminds the $earer to be in readiness for service of the
nation rond the cloc0 i)e) for 24 hors) The red color in the bad"e indicates
that the NSS volnteers are fll of blood i)e) lively# active# ener"etic and fll of
hi"h spirit) The navy ble color indicates the cosmos of $hich the NSS is a
tiny part# ready to contribte its share for the $elfare of the man0ind)
NSS #a7
NSS $as formally lanched on 24th September# 1?<?# the birth
centenary year of the Eather of the Nation) Therefore# 24 September is
celebrated every year as NSS (ay $ith appropriate pro"rammes and
NSS Song
(rin" Silver 4bilee Year# the NSS theme son" has been composed) All
NSS volnteers are e/pected to learn the theme son" and sin" the son"
drin" NSS pro"rammes and celebrations) The theme son" cassette is
available and the theme son" is "iven in the end of the &anal)
&$ A9out S!0,(*C)College 8 Place:
.e are very mch pleased to introdce orselves as one of the
pcomin" +n"ineerin" 'olle"es aspirin" for providin" hi"h standards of
technical edcation) 1r colle"e fosters a vision of edcational transformation
in 0eepin" pace $ith the times) 9t emphasiJes a symbiotic relationship
bet$een the stdents# faclties# academic crricla and indstries
1r established instittionsM
Rayalaseema Residential Hi"h School M 1?>= ,!9 'lass to P 'lass-
Rayalaseema Arts and Science Residential 4nior 'olle"e - 1??<
Sree Rama !idyamandir - 2000 ,:38 to !99 'lass-
Sree Rama 'olle"e of +dcation ,2)+d)- - 2002
Sree Rama (e"ree 'olle"e - 2003
Sree Rama 'olle"e of +dcation ,&)+d)- - 200=
Sree Rama 9nstitte of +lementary Teacher +dcation ,(9+T- - 200>
Sree Rama +n"ineerin" 'olle"e 200>
Shree Rama +dcational Society 8rop 1f 9nstittions
,9nte"rated 'olle"e- Q 2010
A9out ,irupathi:'
Tirpati is a maGor pil"rima"e and cltral city located in the 'hittoor
district and forth lar"est rban a""lomeration of Andhra %radesh# ;<th in
9ndia) 9t is located at the foothills of the eastern "hats at a distance of ;;0
0ilometres ,340 mi- soth of Hyderabad# the capital of the state# 2;0
0ilometres ,1<0 mi- east of 2an"alore# and 1;0 0ilometres ,?3 mi- north of
Tirpati is famos for the !en0ates$ara S$amy temple dedicated to
:ord !en0ates$ara# located abot 20 0ilometres ,12 mi- north $est of Tirpati
in the Tirmala hills at an elevation of >;3 metres ,2#=?? ft-) 1ne of the most
important pil"rima"e centers in the .orld# the temple dra$s millions of
pil"rims and is the bsiest pil"rima"e centre in the $orld) Tirpati 'ity itself
has several temples and is famos for its red $ooden toys# copper and brass
idols) Also# the city is a maGor economical and edcational hb in the sothern
re"ion of the state)
)$ A9out our adopted village:
1r adopted villa"e# named as ANNAS.A&9%A::9 $hich is located at
123& from the holy to$n Tirpathi and it is ;3& distance from or colle"e)
The villa"e loo0s "reenish srronded $ith a fll of paddy @elds by havin" a 2
lar"e la0es they cltivate the rice# s"arcane etc) The villa"e havin" arond
200 hoses $ith 3 areas li0e main street# S' colony * ST colony their main
sorce of life is cltivation and &il0)
*$ Pre camp Surve7:
9n this srvey# or coordinators had visited the adopted villa"e by
"ettin" the permission from the villa"e special o5cer# Annas$ami %alli
villa"e# Reni"nta &andal)
!illa"ers are $ell spported to or"aniJe the Special 'amp in their
villa"e for = (ays) &ean$hile or coordinators had ronded the villa"e $ith
some of the villa"e representatives to $atch all the streets# paddy @elds# slm
areas# draina"es and etc)#
The accommodation and facilities for or volnteers is "iven at school
bildin" for = days ,day * ni"ht- incldes yo"a# coo0in"# * sleepin")
The villa"es had told abot their economic * cltral aspects $ith
$hatever the problems they are facin" these are li0eM
a) Some of the villa"es are s7erin" a serios +ye and (ental problems
so they need a doctor)
b) They need a$areness on plastic# clean * 8reen# +conomic assets#
sin" of electric pmps in rainy season etc)
The above seen are the %re 'amp srvey report made at adopted
villa"e ,Annas$ami %alli !illa"e -)
;$ NSS Coordinators?24cials:
NSS 'hairman M(r3)4ayachandra#%rincipal# SR+T,4'-)
NSS %ro"ramme 15cer M &r 8) :a0shmi0anth
NSS 'o1rdinators M &r 2)R)!) Smanth# &r 3) &alli0arGna
Reddy# &r A) Na"es$ara Rao
G$ Volunteer 3ist
The Nmber of volnteers attended for Special 'amp M ;0
1en 2CC SC S, ,otal
2oys 12 ? 4 3 2>
8irls ? ? 3 1 22
Total 21 1> = 4 ;0
<$ "odule o> < #a7s Special Camp:'
9t is an inte"ral part of NSS activities) 9t provides opportnities to or
yoth for "rop livin"# sharin" of e/perience $ith each other and constant
interaction $ith commnity) Special 'ampin"Is are or"aniJed "enerally on
varios developmental and social isses of National importance) The theme of
NSS has been chan"ed from time to time and at present or theme is
A-ealth is wealthB) +very year# ;0R of the volnteers of each NSS nit are
e/pected to participate in special a camp $hich is of = days) As part of
Special 'ampin" %ro"ram or volnteers ma0e e7orts in collaboration $ith
the other departments and local athorities en"a"ed in development $or0 in
rral areas and rban slms for improvin" the livin" conditions of
economically and socially $ea0er sections of the commnity)
1bGectives of the Special 'ampin" %ro"rammes M-
1) &a0in" +dcation more relevant to the present sitation to meet the needs
of the commnities and spplement the edcation of niversity6 colle"e
6school stdents by brin"in" them face to face $ith the commnity sitation)
2) To provide opportnities to stdents to play their dal roles in the
implementation of varios development pro"rammes by plannin" and
e/ectin" development proGects# $hich not only help in creatin" drable
commnity assests in rral areas and slms bt also reslt in improvement of
the condition of $ea0er sections of the commnities)
3) +ncora"in" the stdents and non-stdents yoth to $or0 alon" $ith the
adlts in rral areas# thereby developin" their character# social consciosness
and commitment# discipline and healthy and helpfl attitdes to$ards the
4) 2ildin" p potential yoth leaders by e/plorin" the latent potential amon"
the campers# both stdents as $ell as local yoth ,rral and rban-# $ith a
vie$ to involve them more intimately in development proGects for lon"er
periods) The local leadership "enerated drin" the camps $old also be
sefl in ensrin" proper maintenance of the assests created as a reslt of
the camps)
;) +mphasiJin" the di"nity of labor and self-help and the need for combinin"
physical $or0 $ith intellectal prsits)
<) +ncora"in" yoth to participate enthsiastically in the process of national
development# and promote national inte"ration thro"h democratic livin" and
cooperative action)
S""estive list of activities drin" Re"lar as $ell as Special 'ampin"
The aim of the Re"lar and Special 'ampin" %ro"ramme is to brin" yoth
face to face $ith the commnity and ma0e e7orts# to improve their life)
%&$()$%* B =.!S, #AA
The NSS special camp $as ina"rated by or colle"e %rincipal (r
3)4ayachandra and $as presided by or colle"e Academic (irector
%rof)2)')!en0ata Reddy# nder presence of &r !) %rabh# !illa"e Secretary#
Annas$ami %alli# NSS %ro"rame 15cer and Some 'oordinators of or NSS
team and $ished all sccess for the pro"ramme)
The ina"ral pro"ramme $as follo$ed by the 'leanin" of 8ovt Hi"h
School and 'leanin" of $ater tan0 in school area)
%)$()$%*' S0C2N# #AA
A$areness %ro"ramme on &a0in" the Srronds 'lean M-
A$areness on 'leanin" the Srrondin"s $as "iven to all the
villa"es by or volnteers by door to door meetin" follo$ed by
cleanin" the road at middle of villa"e)
A$areness on 8oober 8as sin" dn")
.ater harvestin" and cleanin" the chec0 dams)

%*$()$%* B ,-.!# #AA
=ree #ental Camp:
.e condcted a day lon" (ental camp for !illa"ers and School 'hilders)
(e to e/tensive propa"ation in the villa"e $e "ot an over$helmin" response
for a total day# $here in 1?; villa"ers and 30 school children had attended
the (ental camp) .e provided them $ith free of cost aid in the form of
medicines and refreshments)
This camp $as or"aniJed by the help of (r) !anaGa# 3amas0hi (ental
Hospital # Tirpathi)
!econstruction o> Pathwa7:
To the villa"e there is a metal road connectin" the main road to the
villa"e of abot 33& lon" $hich is totally spoiled# by "ettin" the soil from
forest or volnteers re@lled the metal road $ith soil by ma0in" some$hat
Ne/ibility for villa"ers)
%;$()$%* B =26!,- #AA
Eree +ye 'hec0p 'ampM-
.e condcted a day lon" +ye 'hec0p camp for !illa"ers and School
'hilders) (e to e/tensive propa"ation in the villa"e $e "ot an over$helmin"
response for a total day# $here in 2=; villa"ers and 4; school children had
attended the +ye 'hec0p camp) .e provided them $ith free of cost aid in
the form of medicines and refreshments)
This camp $as or"aniJed by the help of (r) (oravell# !asan Sper
Specialty +ye Hospital # Tirpathi)
%G$()$%* B =.=,- #AA
S$ine N A$areness and (istribtion of &edicineM
S.9N+E:D A.AR+N+SS * (9STR92DT91N 1E
&+(9'9N+ A pro"ram $as condcted in adopted villa"es) The medicine for
S$ine N $as distribted in adopted !illa"es )The medicine $as distribted
to 13; families) 1r ;0 NSS !olnteers participated in this activity) The
homeo medicine for S$ineN is also distribted to all the villa"ers and
%<$()$%* B S.H,- #AA
(istribtion of Dniforms at 8ovt) SchoolM-
9n order to p"rade rral School children# Dniforms $ere distribted to
;0 School children at 8ovt) School in or adopted villa"e)
1n this day or volnteers had involved in A$areness pro"ram and
cleanin" of road $hich is fll of plastic papers as $ell as spreader (iseases
and A9(S a$areness pro"ramme by the service of (r)2harmanadham #
&adal Health 15cer) 9n this pro"ramme# !illa"e Yoth raised many
nmber of Cestions abot spreadin" methods and symptoms of A9(S.
%+$()$%* B S0V0N,- #AA
Tree %lantation pro"ramme $as or"aniJed# in order to provide
importance of Trees for the srvival of &an0ind in the ftre and to provide
importance of 1S1N+ layer)
At +venin" $e or"aniJed the Socio +conomic Srvey in the villa"e and the
@nal report is sbmitted to villa"e 15cer)
.e condcted the follo$in" activities for the NSS volnteersM
1- %hysical Trainin"M- Activities li0e e/ercisin"# Go""in"# etc $ere
condcted early in the mornin")
2- A"ricltreM - The $eeds in the a"ricltral land area $ere
prooted and the land $as plo"hed to help the farmers in the
3- Eishin"M-!olnteers also did @shin" at the la0e side area)
4- 'oo0in"M- The volnteers had a "reat time coo0in" of rice and
crry as a treat to the villa"e 0ids) 9t $as a learnin" e/perience
for the volnteers and bro"ht "reat Goy amon"st the 0ids too)
1ther than edcational activities# the hi"hli"hts of the camp $ere
'amp@re# Eashion Sho$ and mimicries as a part of the +ntertainment
Sessions held every evenin")
.e all sa$ life thro"h the eyes of the heart) This camp e/perience
$ill be inscribed in all the villa"ers and volnteersI hearts forever)
The NSS !aledictory %ro"ram $as condcted at the elementary
school of Anna S$ami %alli !illa"e#;0 stdents# $ho had completed
their special camp of NSS# The cro$d composed of <; villa"ers alon"
$ith or %rincipal# (r)3)4ayachandra and the NSS 'o-1rdinators
headed by &r)8):a0shmi 3anth) %hotos $ere sho$n re"ardin" the
NSS camp $hich $as an insi"ht# for the villa"ers to the $orld of social
service) AThis %hotos $ill help in inclcatin" the spirit of social service
in the ne$ NSS volnteers)B said# &r)2)R)!)Smanth# NSS
'oordinator)The "atherin" $as addressed by or %rincipal $ho said# B
&ay 8od "ive yo several opportnities to serve the society)B The
vote of Than0s $as addressed by A) Hemanth 3mar in $hich he said
that the seniors are the motivation for the Gniors) The pro"ram
ended $ith NSS clap a "rop photo of the NSS Dnit follo$ed by
I$Post Camp Surve7:'
%ost camp srvey $as condcted in or adopted villa"e
called Anna s$ami palli after 10 days of completion of or special
camp in that villa"e) This $as done to obtain feedbac0 abot the
camp from the villa"ers) &ore than ?0 percent of the individals $ho
received the clinical service $ere e/tremely happy and satis@ed $ith
the services provided and the $ay it $as e/ected and also they
$ere happy $ith the $or0s that are done by or volnteers $ith
shramadhanam) Some of them# $ho didnIt attend the camp#
e/pressed that it $as becase they $ere bsy $ith cltivation)
%($ NSS Special Camp Certi@cates:
%%$Proo>s o> Paper Clippings:
/e are the >orce that is driven to achieve the impossi9le

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