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What is our greatest hope for our kids?

For each student to find Christ-centered, intimate, transparent, community with their
peers and leaders, that points them closer to Jesus.
Method: Small Group Communities (Tribe Culture)

Definition: Tribe
Any aggregate of people united by ties of descent from a common ancestor,
community of customs and traditions, adherence to the same leaders, etc.
Definition: Culture
the behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age group

Why tribe culture?
We seek to join our students where they are. Each student has influence and subcultures with
their peers, we seek to join them in growing a Christ-centered culture within their natural sphere
of influence. Each group is naturally tied together by their innate tribal attributes. Nuances in
beliefs, social habits, inside jokes, behaviors, and language all subtly define each group
What does a tribe look like?
A culture 3-10 students chosen by themselves, facilitated by 1-2 small group leaders, united by
common spiritual ancestry (faith journey pursuing Jesus), with the expectation to "connect",
"grow", and "go". Each tribe will have time together EACH WEEK after family dinner time to
connect and discuss.
Each tribe culture is:
Connecting: Seeking new ways to relationally connect with people in their
sphere of influence, and invite them into their tribe.
Growing: Reflecting, discussing, and being accountable to next steps in their
faith journey. Transparency and passion for growth are held in the highest
regard during group time. Ultimately our prayer is that each student would be
walking faithfully in a personal relationship with Jesus.
Going: Seeking ways to serve the world around us. Within our youth group,
within our church, within our community, or a mission trip, each group will be
challenged to "have a mission" for something they hope to impact.
Each tribe culture is NOT:
Exclusive. If someone is seeking to be a part of a group. NO group should
EVER turn ANYONE away. If students are having a tough time finding the right
"fit", small group leaders will help to bridge connections to each student's best
chance at finding a place to belong.
Cliques. We seek to GROW each culture. We want to see each group using
their influences outside group in their extra curricular clubs, social groups, sports,
musicals, etc. as spheres of influence. Each new season is a new group to "pull
along" with us on the journey. Cliques seek to "protect" their comforts, and
exclude people who may stretch them. We don't want cliques, we want tribes.
Tribes Ministry

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