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Christina Bolich Brown

1800 E Spring Creek Pkwy

Plano, TX 75074
71!" 5!0#$515 %o&ile
Looking for a position as a Team Member at Whole Foods where I may contribute all of
my combined skills and epertise in the grocery! restaurant! food manufacturing! retail
industries and the in fields of holistic health! nutrition! and fitness to perform the very
best job I can in order to powerfully promote and positively affect the mission and
growth of Whole Foods Market"
Relevant Qualifications
Three years as Owner of #ature$s Market %eli & 'atering (whole foods and
vegetarian cuisine)
Four years of eperience as *ales 'lerk in #atural+,ealth Food grocery
Ten years of eperience as an Office Manager + Full charge -ookkeeper
. *pecialty /etail (The /oycroft *hops and 'opper 0allery)
. 1rtisanal Food Manufacturing ( Lucky Layla)
*i years eperience as 2ersonal Trainer! Whole Foods #utrition 3ducator!
3nvironmental education instructor
Related Work Experience
Lucky Layla Farms (MooCheese) Customer Service/Buyer/Office
Administrator !"!
Plano, Tx @ Lavon Farms- home to hih !ualit" #uernse"s, $erse"s, and %ilkin
'Local premium artisanal dair" product manufacturer for a(ard (innin Luck"
La"la )rand drinka)le "ourts, olden )utter, hand-crafted cheeses, * milk
'ustomer /elations. Friendly! 3nthusiastic & 4nowledgeable *ales /ep at Farm
Markets! Farm *tore & 3pos" Warmly! courteously! and professionally related
with all 'ustomers5 as 6isitors! on the 2hone! or in 3mail
Team -uilding . ,igh level of interaction and coordination with all levels of
management and department personnel of the manufacturing facility and dairy farm"
2urchasing . all aspects! including sourcing of local vendors & suppliers
Inventory control! both physical and computer systems input and validation
3nsured all employees! including myself! were in full compliance of all ,ealth &
*anitation codes and procedures
#ature$s Market %eli and Caterin& O'ner ( O)erator "**+,!!!
Located (ithin the Earth &pirit ,atural Foods health store in Williamsville, ,-
&uccessful full service (hole foods and veetarian deli (ith caterin service, in soups ')randed as /oup0+, stir-fr", (raps, fresh 1uices2 smoothies, and
trail mix ')randed as 3app" Trails+ (ith a directed focus on providin the healthiest
fare locall" sourced and seasonall" produced2
2erformed the full range of duties re7uired of a restaurant owner!
. Menu design! costing! pricing! market positioning
. *ourced all ingredients locally and seasonally as much as possible and
direct from farms when available
. Food preparation! food service5 seated! take.out! deli case! and catering
. Marketing and 3ducation5 brochures! rewards card! local adverts! food
demonstrations! seminars!
booths at Farmer$s Markets and local festivals
. 'ross marketed with 3arth *pirit #atural Foods by featuring and
promoting store product in menus and daily specials
. *upported services of #aturopath by incorporating diet
re7uirements for clients in menus and products
. 'reated and sold at store and to local outlets an organic trail mi under the
label ,appy Trails
. Maintained the highest standard of freshness! cleanliness and attractive
display of food items
. Full compliance with all ,ealth & *anitation codes
Country Cu)-oard (.ast Aurora/ #0)/ .arth S)irit #atural Food
(1illiamsville/ #0) , Sales Clerk full, and )art,time/ as needed/ and 'hen
needed "***,!!
- Friendly! enthusiastic! and conscientious sales clerk & cashier
. 3pert nutritional (food and supplement) consulting & sales
. 3ffective and eye.catching product placement and promotion
. 2roduct rotation! re.stocking! and re.ordering
. Maintained highest standards of cleanliness and pride in representing the
2ames .3 Cheney C4A/ 4LLC Accountin& S)ecialist/Office Administrator
Phelps, ,- in the Finer Lakes
'lients ranged from small business! such as retail! service! restaurant to not.for.
profits such as community organi8ations! libraries! foundations! theatre and religious
Cra'ford Broadcastin&/ 5nc3 Office Mana&er !!6,!!7
4hristian Radio &tation located in the historic district of do(nto(n 5uffalo, ,-
8he 9oycroft Sho)s/ 5nc3 (Arts ( Crafts &ift store) and Co))er Sho) Art :allery
Accountin& ( Store Mana&er !!!,!!6
at the Ro"croft 4ampus 'a ,ational 3istoric Landmark+ in the villae of East
2erformed all duties and function re7uired of a /etail 1ccounting & *tore
Manager (appro 9: employees)
/epresented store and sold product at local festivals and 1rts & 'rafts fairs
-usiness+systems analyst and computer consultant for several Fortune ;:: companies5
<ero! I-M! 0eneral 3lectric! 4odak! and #ational 0rid! formerly #iagara Mohawk
2ower 'orporation (a major #= utility). *yracuse! /ochester! and -uffalo! #=
6ccomplishments * ;ther Relevant Experience
-oard Member > #utrition -oard! Iro7uois 'entral *chool %istrict (3lma! #=)
%eveloped and implemented Farm to *chool lunch program . Iro7uois 'entral
*chool %istrict 9::A
6olunteer #utrition 3ducator . Iro7uois 'entral *chool %istrict 9::B.9::A
'reated! organi8ed & conducted -ack to the Farm %ay for city children at a local
organic farm . 31! #= 9::C
Working member of twoorganic '*1 ('ommunity *upported 1griculture) farms.
from farm labor! to harvest! to food share distribution! to selling the farm
produce at the farm stands and at local Farmer$s Markets 9:::.9::A
0rant writing to D*%1 for local organic farms and for creation of a
Local+*easonal Foods 'o.Op"9:::.9::?
Food + #utrition Instructor for county wide school districts 3arth %ay programs
with 3arth *pirit 3nvironmental 3ducation *vcs" . 3rie 'ounty! #=
#ewsletter 3ditor for 3arth *pirit 3nvironmental 3ducation *vc" 9:::.9::;
'ertified 2ersonal Trainer & Whole Foods #utrition 3ducator . ;EE@.9::9
'ontributing nutrition+health & fitness writer for the -uffalo *pree Maga8ine and
,olistic ,ealth Maga8ine
'ertification in Fuality Leadership Training and Team -uilding . <ero
'orporation! /ochester! #= ;EGE (winner Malcom -aldridge #ational Fuality
1ward same year)
State ;niversity of #e' 0ork < :eneseo . 0eneseo! #= . 2sychology and
'omputer *cience ;EG:.;EG;
9ochester 5nstitute of 8echnolo&y > /ochester! #= Information Technology -"T"
9eferences availa-le u)on re=uest

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