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An Indigenous Approach in the Management of Low Backache

Dr Nilesh Ahuja
Deputy Director (ISM), Directorate of AYUSH, Government of NCT of Delhi.

Low backache commonly known as Lumbago is the price which we humans have
paid during the course of evolution from quadripeds to bipeds. The modern lifestyle
and faulty postures have played havoc with our spine and every other person
suffers from low back ache at some or other time in their respective life span.

Incidence and causes:-
Low backache is not a specific disease but can be an outcome of different diseases
and it may appear in combination with other symptoms depending upon the
underlying disease, each with its own level of seriousness. However, the majority of
these cases do not have a clear-cut cause. The most common causes of backache

Lifestyle: Obesity, smoking, weight gain during pregnancy, stress, poor physical
condition, poor posture and poor sleeping position may also contribute to low
back pain
Women: The incidence of backache is more in women as compared to men.
Common causes in women are pregnancy, faulty posture, sedentary lifestyle,
stress, menstrual cramps, pregnancy, endometriosis etc.
Musculoskeletal - mechanical trauma (including falls, muscle strain, muscle
spasm), herniated nucleus pulposus, herniated disc, compression fracture etc.
Ageing: Osteoarthritis, osteoporosis etc.
Inflammatory inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis viz. ankylosing spondylitis,
reactive arthritis etc.
Malignancy metastatic from lung, breast, prostate, thyroid etc.
Infectious Tuberculosis, osteomyelitis, abscess etc.
Psychogenic mental stress and strain, anxiety disorders, mood disorders viz.
depression etc.

Maintaining a correct posture and using ergonomically designed furniture is
key to prevention in the present era.
If you are overweight, reducing weight is vital.
Lifting of heavy weight is to be avoided at all costs. However, if required, do
not stoop or bend to pick up the object instead lower the body to the level of
the object by bending your knees and then pick the object holding it close to
your body while keeping the back staright.
Sleeping on hard comfortable mattress.
Avoid high heels regular excercises and yogic practices to maintainthe
strenght of the muscle.
Reduce level of stress and strain by following meditation and yoga.

Indigenous approach for Management of Low backache

Treatments like spinal baths, hip bath help in relaxation of back muscles and should
be taken from a qualified Naturopath. Besides above, mudtherapy, acupuncture and
acupressure techniques are beneficial in the mangement of low back ache.

Practicing yogic asanas such as Bhujangasana, Salabh asana, Dhanurasana,
Pawanmuktasana, parswachakrasana, naukasana and above all pranayama i.e
correct breathing is helpful in mangament of back ache.


Shalabasana Dhanurasana


Ayurvedic treatments such as kativasti, Abhnga, Pottali sweda, Shastikshali Pind
sweda are important modalities which help in relieving stiffness of the back and
prevent degenerative changes in the spine and strenghen the muscles. Adopting
right diet and lifestyle along with ayurvedic medicines low back ache can be fairly
managed.Diet rich in calcium and protein including fresh fruits, vegetables and
wholegrain cereals is beneficial. Coldrinks, icecreams, sweets and curd are to be

Homoeopathic remedies like Rhus tox, Kali carb, Arnica, Hypericum, Ruta
Symphytum, Mag phos, Bellis per etc. under supervision of a qualified homoepath
may prove to be beneficial. If problem perisists and is recurring a constitutional
remedy can be planned by a homoeopath.

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