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laih, aifd
trjibe, chid ton
lilo God'wit
and nation
Tribes and Trails
in Thailand
MAY, 1957
VOL. 6, NO. 1
Published twice yearly, in spring and aut
umn, by undenominational Christian mission
aries laboring to establish in Thailand (Slam)
self-supporting churches after the New Testa
ment pattern. Distributed with the hope of
gaining needed prayer support for the Thailand
work, of getting more consecrated workers for
this and other fields and of encouraging all to
greater effort in the spread of simple unde
nominational Christianity throughout the
world. Missionaries engaged in this effort are
presently located at two centers in extreme
Northern Thailand: Talat Chiengkam, Cfaang-
wat Chiengrai, Thailand; and Pua, Nan Prov-
ince, Thailand.
Could this be the bouncing, smiling
Old Six who comes to visit the mission
ary? It didn't seem possible that such a
happy-go-lucky fellow could look so
stern. Then one day he stood listening
intently to the gospel story in his own
language--and he looked just like this.
Many times he has paused to listen, al
ways sober eyed, and often the only one
amonga crowd of jostling, effervescent
tribal youth. Theremust Be a real long
ing in his heart, and the Word of the
Living God strikes a responsive chord.
Don't forget this "befor^* picture, for
someday we hope there will be the "af
ter" picture. Surely it will radiate all
the joy of a young man who has found
a pearl of great price.
Since he became the first Blue Miao
to be baptized, Lao Yi has undergone
almost constant persecution from his
parents and family. In December in
fluential relatives from Laos came to
try to persuade him to renounce Christ.
It is difficult to imagine the extent of
the pressures put upon him. Please pray
that he will have continued strength to
Garland and Dorothy Bare and child-
ren attended a three day conference at
Nam Mong December 20-23. Twelve
people made public profession of faith
and were baptized. Included were the
wives and adult children of the village
headman and Yaum, the spirit doctor.
This is the first time that Khamoo wom
en have dared to take a public stand for
Christ in opposition to their husbands.
Wtfit 31 iHIap Him
By Lois Nichols Bare
ThatI may know Him; oh, that I may
know Him.
All knowledge else is profitless and
But to knowChrist, the Life, the Resur
rection, I would attain.
That I may know Him in the cmci-
And die with Him 'till all of self be
And rising, then, to know in resurrec
tion His life instead.
That I may know Him and that they
may know Him.
Who would see Jesus and who ask of me.
However dumbly, dimly, let me show
Him that they may see.
Before your living eyes I've sou^t to
show Him.
If youhave seen Him distantlyand dim,
O take no rest until you also knowHim.
There is no joy, no peace, apart from
Mr. and Mrs. Garland Bare and child
ren arrived in the United States March
21 for a ten month furlough. Reports
will be made to churches which have a
special interest in the Thailand work.
Otherwise no speaking tour is planned.
They can be contacted c/o Mrs. Mar-
jorie Brady, 2535 Pike St., East Gary,
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Byers and three
sons moved to Nan Province in early
March. They will be working among
the tribes people in the Pua area, par
ticularly among the Khamoo at Nam
Mong. Their new address will be: Pua,
Changwat Nan, Thailand.
MissDorothyUhlig returned to Thai
land during March after a year's fur
lough in the United States.
"Now just who did write Acts?" ponders Gawng Santapawn.
School days ate here again for those
at the Leprosy Village ofBanSopeWaan.
Tho it is primarily a Bible School, read
ing, writing, singing and teaching meth-
o<S are aSo taught. Don and Roberta
Byers, MelByersand Imogene Williams
make quite a group riding their bikes
out thru the rice fields enroute to the
village. Lois Callaway came down and
taught the women knitting, crocheting.
anOsewing for two weeks. She also had
a Bible class for those not entering the
regular school.
Ail Bible classes are being taught in
Acts this year. In chapel each dayflan-
nel graphis used in relating the storyof
the chapter for the day's study. Later
in separate classes each group is taught
the same lesson tho in a different man
ner as there is a great difference in ages.
Those who can write are given written
cpiestionsto answer and those who have
not yet learned to write are questioned
orally. It seems they learn slowly and
forget quickly so we hope this method
of having all groups study the same
Scripture will cause more to "stick"
with them. There is evidence of some
things"getting thru" and for this we are
thar&ful. The day we studied the 5th
chapter of Acts and before a present
day application could be given one be
ginner student said, "If we tell a lie
today it is just as bad as Ananias lying
then and tho we won't fall dead now we
will not get to heaven when Jesus comes
again." "Pray for all of these that ihey
might be as faithful in their witness for
Christ as were those first Christians a-
bout whom they are now studying.
There are 49 enrolled in school and
^ain die ages range from 5 to over 40.
This presents a number of problems as
beginners have to be in the same class
regardless of age. Some of the older
people find it a bit embarrassing when
the children learn more cpiickly than
they. However, the adults do remem
ber longer so it will be easier for them
next year. Since the new Thai hymn
books have English numbers they must
learn both the English and Thai num
bers and this, they think, is very diffi
The last class of the day is singing
where they are being taught by Mel
Byers to sing in parts. Tho it is new to
them and hard, they love it and feel
c^ite proud of themselves when they
can sing a whole line in four parts cor
Each Monday after school Imogene
Williams treats those with leprosy sores
of thefeet. Practically every day there
are a fewwaiting to ' catch' her to ask
for rtiedicine for some sick person in
the village.
It is our prayer that thm this school
these might be taught and challenged
to live and witness daily for Christ and
bring glory to His name.
--Imogene Williams
Drowsily I tried to grasp what the
carriers were saying. After an evening
of witnessing to the tribespeople of the
Yao village in which we were spending
the nightDon Byers and I had retired to
our sleeping bags on the guest shelf.
Now near midnight the Thai carriers
were standing at our feet and calling
us. They haa gone out visiting earlier
in the evening.
Handing me a letter they excitedly
told of their visit to a large Yao home
not far fromthe village. They had there
met a youngteacher, nowan opium ad
dict but formerly a believer in Christ.
Many ofthe thirty people livingin that
one nouse were interested in becoming
Christians, they said. One glance at the
letter and I was suddenly fully awake
Who in this isolated mountain village
could be writing in English?
The letter said, "I was like a blind
man without hope until tonight I heard
that you had come." The writer ex
plained that he had gone to a Catholic
high sdiool in Bangkok, had learned
Englishan embraceoCatholicismthere,
but 'now was a hopeless opium addict.
He urged us to go the next day to see
him. I slept little during the remain
der of the night and prayed much that
we might help this one to gain spiritual
A five-minute walk the next morn
ing brought us to the big home. The
writer of the letter along with several
ifao met us at the door.
KmSawat, his name and title, means
"Teacher Good Luck." Short and of
slight build, he appeared to be about
25 years of age. His clothes were shab
by and dirty. His manner was shy and
retiring- -typical ofopiumsmokers gen
erally. Yet his speech was that of a
cultured and educated man. He came
forward smilingly and greeted us with
a polite, "How do you do?" and with
western-style handshake.
Our conversation was alternately in
English, Thai, and Chinese. He can
converse fluently in eight different lan
guages, reads and writes three of these
and is qualified to teadi in either Chi
nese or Thai. During our stayhe played
onhis banjo from memory "Home Sweet
Home," apparently learned in school
days. I sang hyinns with him and he
followed Ae tune well bywatching the
Chinese numerical notes. For the tribes -
people we played the Yao Gospel rec
ords and then brought forth charts and
tracts to aid in fixing precious Gospel
truths in their minds. As we explained
these and preached to the people Km
Sawat practically took the words from
our mouths and explained the message
fluently in the Yao tongue. Soon we
felt that here was a genius who might
have been a most success^l business
man or teacher in modern Bangkok.
Yet now he was going from one small
mountain village to another, staying
perhaps a few months in each place
teaching basic Thai to a few Yao boys.
For this service he received a bare liv
elihood and opium. Ambition was gone
and there seemed to be no future for
himbutthenever-ending search for the
opium his body required.
Howcan one descend to such degra
dation? Km Sawat was of a well-to-do
family. His father was Chinese and
mother Thai. He went to Bangkok and
received agood education. At the close
ofhis schoolingthere he professed Cath-
olicism, but didnot become greatly in
volved in that religion. Joining the po
lice force he was located on the Thai-
Burma border. One day he daringly
took a smoke of opiumbut soon br^e
from the habit. All might have been
well had not his wife deserted him for
another man, taking with her their
three small children.
Brokenhearted, Km Sawat turned a-
gain, about three years ago, to the op
iumshelf. He was then a school teach
er but could not retain such a position
as an opium addict. He moved first
nearer the mountains and eventually
into the mountains in order to supply
the opium to which he was enslaved.
Hopeless? Yes, apart from Christ
his case is a hopeless one. Yet even
for the hopeless opium addict who has
not will power in himself to breakthis
dreadhabit there is hope in Jesus Christ.
Now upon one more who sat in darkness
had the light shined. KmSawat has heard
the Name and the way whereby his life
maybe saved from destmctionHe pro
mised to come to Chiengkam to seek
further helpofus in his problem and we
urged him to do so. Wepray that he will
come. Your fervent prayers can help,
too, in making a "freedom bridge" for
this enslavedman. Isit worthyour while
to prayfor&is one who, if wnolly con
verted, mi^t well reach many others
in circumstances similar to his own.
Why not put your concern to action by
kneeling just now to pray for one on
whose behalf our Master not only prayed
but died? C. W. Callaway
ffojie . . .
I made a shroud today with trembl
ing fingers and a heart that ached for
the Yao mother who was laying her
child down for his last sle^.
Like the child whom ^isha raised
from the dead, Big Brother Two was
plaving in the field where his mother
ana father were harvesting rice. Sudden -
Whe cried, "Oh, my head, my head!"
"though he was very ill all night, they
did not seek help until the child went
into a coma this morning.
When I arrived the mother was wail
ing hysterically and the family assured
me that the child was dead. Seemingly
the child was not breathing, and there
was no pulse. The father tenderly laid
him on a mat on the cold dirt floor,
and 1 busied myself with comforting
the mother, assuring her that her tiny
sonhad found a place in the loving arms
of his Heavenly Father. Suddenly the
earthly father cried, "His body does
not grow cold. He is not dead!"
Imogene Williams quickly went for
a stethoscope and we found trie faintest
heartbeat. With remorse for my delay
I began to work with the child, admin
istering such medicine as I had, and
listening to the tiny heart, praying con
stantly mat the Father would spare the
little fellow--and through a little child
lead the mother to the Lord Jesus.
The heartbeat grew stronger. There
was a fluttering of the pulse, and then
I noticed the devil money (plain pieces
of rice straw paper, thought to be cap
able of fooling the demons into think
ing it wasthe real thing) being prepared
for devil worship. Immediately the
chant of a priest began. Praying for
wisdom, I explained mat I had been
praying to the Heavenly Father, who
indeedwas the only one who could help
this tired little body. They agreed--
the Creator of mankind could surely
help--thedevilscouldnot. Iflhad ac
cess to the Creator, I should pray. The
devil worship stopped. I continued to
pray and administer medicine.
But after I had squatted four hours
beside him on a tiny stool, his soul
slipped away to the God who had given
it. The mother again became hyster
ical, and while 1 went to make the
little trousers they asked me to make
for his burial (he had never had a pair
during his five years on earthl, the fa
ther Bathed him and dressed him in a
red flannel shirt more lovely than any
he had had in life. Then they tucked
someof the "devil money" and a boil
ed egg in his hand. Thus they thought
toprovide for his spirit in the after life.
Mrs. Sang Soy has often told us,
"Oh, yes, it's all right for you foreign
ers not to fearthe demons--butwe poor
Yao! Aiya, ai ya! If we should cease
to worship the Semons, I don't know
whatever would happen to us." But one
day, when the hysteria had given way
to the dull ache of a mother heart, she
came to talk to me about the "bitter
ness that she ate in her heart the whole
long road." Nowthat she was more quiet
Icouldmakeherunderstand that though
she longed for her little one, still he
was happy and well with the Heavenly
Father. Her face lighted with an ins
tant joy as she said, Oh, then, some
day you will see him."
"Yes," I agreed, "I shall see him--
and someday you will, too, for when I
can tell you all about it in your own
language, youwillbelieveinjesus, too,
ana wa^ trie Heaven road."
"I don't understand it all now," she
replied, "But someday, when you can
tell me in words my heart can under-
stand--yes, then, perhaps, I will be
lieve in Jesus, too."
Will you pray that the Spirit will
soon bring understanding to rier long
ing heart?
--Lois Callaway
Buddkism,Rival of Ckristianity
Buddhism came into being about
2500 years ago. Gautama Buddha was
the son of a wealthy and aristocratic
family. He lived a sheltered life. It is
believed that his first contact with pov
erty, sickness, old age and deadi were
a ^ock to him and causedhim to re
nounce the world, leaving his parents,
wife and child and seek for the reason
for existence and a way of salvation.
He tried the philosophical system, but
found no satisfaction, so experimented
with asceticism and meditation, sub
jecting himself to extreme austerities.
He could not find the answer in this way
either. Finally one day while sitting in
meditation and contemplation he be
lieved he found tme enlightenment and
wasemancipated from the endless suc
cessions of rebirths. He had become the
Buddha, the Enlightened. Having found
enlightenmenthe begantoteach others
the disciplineofright thought and right
action, and the faith began to spread
His teachings were handed down among
his disciples forseveral centuries before
being recorded. Buddhism spread thm
Southeast Asia and up into China and
Japan during the 2000 years following
his death. Buddhism began to decline
in India after the first 1000 years. In
other countries its decline began at a
later date, and lost its vitality. Follow
ing the second world war there was a
revival of BuddhisminBurma and a con
nection of Buddhism with nationalism.
Buddhism is the national religion of
Thailand and as such it is supported by
the Thai government. It is required
that Buddhism be taught in all of the
schools of Thailand. According to law
the king must bea Buddhist and all the
highgovernment officials are Buddhists.
There is freedomof religion in Thailand,
but onlyBuddhist officials are promoted
to the higher positions.
Custom requires that all young men
spendsometime inthe priesthood. They
usually spendonly a fewdays or weeks
in the monastery, but some remain in
the priesthood for several years or even
for life. The priests wear a yellow robe
and beg for their foodeach day. Weekly
services are held in the temple. The
services consist of chants by the priests
(usually not understood by the worship
pers), reading of the Buddhistholy books,
and occasionallya sermon. Merit is ob
tained by those who take offerings of
flowers, candles, money, etc. to the
temple. Those whoenter the priesthood
are making merit for themselves and
their families.
There are basic and irreconcilable
differences between Buddhism and Chris
tianity . Salvation is achieved by one's
ownefforts according to the teaching of
Buddha. The gods can't help for they,
too, are in the chain of births and re
births. Buddhist^ too, make merit and
rid themselves of all desire in order to
reach Nirvana, which Buddha taught
waslike blowing out a candle--the life
is extinguished. Among those poorly ed
ucated in the Buddhist faith there is be
lief inheaven to be attained by the good,
and hell for the wicked. There is no
assurance of salvation, but merely the
hope that they can live a goodenough
life to be reborn in a higher state or
to go to heaven. They do not believe
in God as the creator of the universe,
but think the world came into being
thm evolution.
Christianity is in sharp contrast with
Buddhismfor the veryheart of Christian
ity is that He exists and has always ex
isted, that He is a God of love and that
this love was manifested in the giving
of His Son to die on the cross that our
sins might be forgiven and we might
have everlasting life. Our faith centers
around the risen, living Christ. InChris-
tianity also there is the promise of the
indwelling of the Holy Spirit and power
to overcome temptation. Christ changes
lives andgives purposein living. Chris
tianity continues to spread as its follow
ers, compelled by love, go forth to wit
ness for Ae living, victorious Christ.
--Dorothy Uhlig
"Suffer me first to go and bury my
father," said theyoung man in reply to
the challenge of Jesus. Surely his inten
tions were good. He recognized the call
of Christ as oeing noble and worth-while,
and as soon as matters were straightened
up at home he was quite willing to an
swer the challenge.
"As soon as I have sacrificed my buff
alo and paid my obligation to the evil
spirits," said Lao Jur, "I shall become
a Christian." Five years ago I was very
ill. My fathervowed that ifmy life were
spared he would offer a buftalo to the
spirits. When Father was on his death
bed two years ago, his last reminder to
me was to remember the sacrifice."
Lao Jur came to our home at a most
inconvenient time in January. Wewere
sorting and packing for furlough when
he. a Blue Miao, and Lao In, a T'in
tribesman, came down from the moun
tains. "Can you teach me to read the
MiaoLanguage?" inquired Lao Jur. "We
can give you no more than a few spare
moments during the next seven days."
we replied, choking down the impulse
to flat^refuse. Sevendays provedsuff
icient for the keen-minded Miao boy to
master the twenty-two lessons in the
primer. In this time the message of
Christ flooded his spirit with the cnall-
enge, "Follow me!" Nevertheless, he
returned to Kang Haw filled with won
der at the riches of the gospel, but not
surrendered to Christ. We wonder wheth -
er any who read this will take time to
pray that Lao Jur and Lao In will have
the courage to cross the line of comm
"Suffer me first to...burymyfather."
Undoubtedly the young man s father was
still living. Byhuman logic and stand
ards it was only his proper duty to ful
fill his obligations to his parents. But
Christ's "Follow me!" cuts through our
human standards with a demand for im
mediate and unconditional compliance.
"Leave the dead to bury their own dead."
The world is filled with those who
can do the world's work. Only YOU can
fill the place to which Jesus challenges
you NOW!
"Suffer me first to straighten up the
problems of the Centerville church,"
Lao Jur, a Blue Miao (left) and Lao
In a T'in tribesman.
said the young minister who had heard
the challenge to carry the message to
those who had never heard. Som^ow,
as the years passed, there were always
more problems to be solved. As the
preacher grew fat and gray he was al
ways able to salve his conscience with
scores of rational reasons for the path
he had taken. But in his heart of hearts
there was a wound that would never heal
for he had evaded the challenge to
"straightway" rise up and follow--and
Asia was not evangelized.
"My parents are not well, and I feel
thati must look after them." Neverthe
less, the young lady's parents lingered
on till she was no longer young. Her
neighbors admired her selfless patience
through the years and did not guess that
she wouldnever knowperfect peace be
cause she had once said "Wait!" to the
challenge of Christ. And Asia was not
"New Testament Christianity" was
the watchword of a generation that
sprang up in the mid-Twentieth Cent
ury. "Restoration!" they cried as a score
of new Bible colleges sprang up. "Res
toration!" they boomed in preaching
rallies throughout the land. "Restora
tion they gloated as they sent out a
mere five hundred missionaries to evan -
gelize earth's two billion unsaved. But
the self-crucified. Spirit-guided life of
the New Testament was not restored,
and New Testament standards of evan
gelism were not approached. Boasting
of pure doctrine they sent ten mission
aries to Thailand while those preaching
other doctrines sent three hundred.
"Ichabod" was the epitaph of that gen-
eration--and Asia was not evangelized.
--By Garland Bare
\CH1NA \
O 20. 40 00, 60
Approximsie Scale in Miies
C/tten^c .w"'
Dry weafher roads
^ Your Missionaries
O Other Missionaries
Other Villaqes
C. W, and Lois Callaiuay, Missionaries
Mailed by:
Henry Printing Co.
175 East 15th Avenue
Eugene, Oregon
Y- Vac
L.- Lg
B-Blue Mia.o
w-White Miao
':-f. for Thou wasf slatit.'ond didst purchose unto God with Thjjf '
bioed men of every tribe, ond fondue, gad people, and iiqttion." '
Revelation 5:9b. ' 1
Tribes and Trails
in Thailand
OCTOBER, 1957 VOL. 6, NO. 2
Published twice yearly, In spring and aut
umn, by undenominational Christian mission
aries laboring to establish in Thailand (Slam)
self-supporting churches after the New Testa
ment pattern. Distributed with the hope of
gaining needed prayer support for the Thailand
work, of getting more consecrated workers for
this and other fields and of encouraging all to
greater effort in the spread of simple unde
nominational Christianity throughout the
world. Missionaries engaged In this effort are
presently located at two centers in extreme
Northern Thailand: Talat Chiengkam, Chang-
wat Chiengrai, Thailand; and Pua, Nan Prov
ince, Thailand.
A Thai Christian, Nai Brong, cross
ing the Nan river with supplies during
an evangelistic trip.
Got any rivers you think are uncross -
Got any mountains you can't tunnel
Godspecializes in things thou^t im-
He can do just what no other can do.
DonByers is making satisfactoryre
covery after several weekshospitaliz-
ation for hepatitis soon after moving to
LAO YI, Blue MiaoChristianstanding
amidst muchpersecution in Pua area?
CHRISTIANS atKhamoo village of Nam
ROBERT TANG,Chinese Christian, much
onSatan'sfiringline in Chiengkamt
CHRISTIANS at SopeWaan village that
they will not he tempted beyond
that they are able?
NEW ^RISTIANS at BanTungDaa who
were first introduced to Christ by
their relatives and friends who are
now resident in Sope Waan leprosy
MANY YAO in Tzan Fu Ville who are
"almost persuaded?"
LOU SUE and GOY EAN, Yao women at
Ai Liang who are keenly interested
in becoming Christians?
YOUR MISSIONARIES, that they might
have health of body and strength of
spirit for the constant advance into
the area where Satan's throne is?

"God forbid that I should sin against

the Lord in ceasing to pray for you..."
tirtireefolti Corb
By Lois Callaway
(Eccles. 4:12 and Matt. 18:20)
"Go forth!" you cried, "We'll mold
the ropes.
Go out and bring them in.
For many a soul in darkness gropes
In dismal pits of sin.
And what this rope that you shall hold?
And what that can withstand
The fiery darts that Satan bold
Shoots oft at the sons of men?
A cord threefold we need, no less!
A fellowship of prayer.
There's you and I, withChrist to bless
Entwineo, a threefold cord.
'Us not with ease a threefold cord
Is broken, frayed or rent.
The scarlet thread- -blood ofour Lord- -
Assures a lifeline strong.
The tope that holds us at the brink
Must be that threefold cord.
So fuse it well--the prayer-wrou^t
This lifeline of lost men.
Kindling the Fire
Didyou ever tryto kindle a fire with
one stick? I suppose it could be done,
but it would be much simpler and eas
ier with two sticks, and if you really
want a fire with some warmth, the more
sticks the warmer the fire.
Amy Carmichael once wrote her
praying friends thus: "And a new desire
has been bom in me. It is that none of
you m^ miss the peculiar blessing of
UNITED PRAYER. Two little sticks burn
ing together can make a glow, thank
God; but howmuch more warm the glow
of forty or fifty if each be on fire?
Do you have a friend or two whom
you know prays for missions? If so why
not suggest to them that occasionally
you get together to pray for the losti
for laoorers to be sent into the harvest;
and for the effectiveness of the mission
aries whose "ropesyouhold." Shall I
tell you what win happen as this buds
and blossoms into a full-blown prayer
meeting? You wiU be amazed at the
increase indie harvest, and at the num
ber of new laborers He wiU send forth.
Denominational missions have tried the
band planit has wodced for them.
Would not God answer OUR prayers
IF WE PRAYED?Lois E. Callaway
A girl, Robin Elaine Byers, was bom
August 4 in Chiengkam, Thailand to
Mr. and Mrs.Melvert Byers. She weigh
ed 7 lbs. 8 oz.
Saturday Xiglit
"Whose horses are in our yard?" I
asked Dorothy, seeing five of them eat
ing grass in our yard. Just then I saw
Miaotribespeople coming thru the gate
so had my answer. They came carry
ing bags of freshly dug potatoes to sell.
Since the Thai here do not grow them
we were happy to buy some, tho they
were small and rather expensive. They
came only to sell their produce but we
hope they went home with much more
than money from their potatoes.
Many times we have asked the moun
tain people, both Miao and Yao, to
stay with us when they come down to
Chiengkam, but they've always had a
place to sleep. This time from habit I
asked this group to stay with us. They
looked at me in surprise and said, "You'd
let us sleep in your house?" "Yes, we'd
be glad to have you," I assured him.
"What about our horses?" was the next
cpiestion, and they were pleased we'd
let them stay in the yard.
There were five men and three wom
en. They soon had their horses unload
ed and were ready to hear the phono
graph. Some of the men had heard rec
ords here before, but not since we re
ceived the latest Miao records from Gos
pel Recordings (made by Miao Christians
in Cambodia). It was the first time for
the women, and it was interesting to
watch them trying to figure out how
their ownlanguage could come from the
black box. Often they become so ex
cited and talk and giggle so much we
wonder how they can understand. After
listening for anhour one of the men re
membered they had travelled all day
and that he was hungry. At the mention
of food everyone jumped up and start
ed toward the market to get rice. An
oldermanandhiswife, whom he proud
ly told us he bought some years ago for
5,000 baht ($250.00), returned bring
ing some rice and a can of sardines.
It was Saturday night, and tho we
had much to do in preparation for the
Lord's Day, we rejoiced in this oppor
tunity for witnessing to these people. I
enjoyed showing them a letter written
by a Miao Christian in another Province.
(In May I visited missionaries of the
Overseas Mission Fellowship--former
China Inland Mission. They have been
working among the Miao for some years
and have reduced the language to writ
ing and translated portions of the Bible.
I learned to read the script while there.
It was a real joy to know and fellow
ship with Miao Christians. They ate
concerned that others in their tribe know
Christ thus the letter from one of the
Christians there.) Part of the letter reads
like this "Hear the Gospel and be saved
--look for a Saviour who is God's Son,
Jesus. He only is able to be your Sav
iour. When Jesus died on the cross He
concpiered the devil. Take the demon
shelves and burn them and throw them
all away because Jesus has overcome
the demons." Our visitors agreed it
would be wonderful to be free of the
demons and they asked many questions
about those who had accepted Christ.
onsv tney askea.
Thougn tired they were reluctant to
go to bea so kept asking for more records
and also more hot water to make tea.
In the morning after buying supplies
they listened to all the records again.
As mey started for their mountain homes
some were trying to sing "Jesus Loves
Me" which theyhad heard on the rec
ords . Jesus does love them and we pray
that soon they will know and love Him.
--Imogene Williams
Qod GhmM
"If I could jusi see another Yao enter
Christ and not be harmed bythe demons
for doing so then I too would accept
ChristOftenhave the Yao around Tzan
FuVille spoken to us after this manner.
Thevhave known that a number ofYao
at Maesalong village have been convert
ed throu^ me efforts of C.I.M. miss-
ionaries--but that village is four days
journey away and seldom ever visited
by the Yao of our area. The chief con
vert there is the village headman, known
as "Old Six," who gave up, not only
his paraphernalia oT demon worship,
but a long-standing habit of opium
smoking. Heavily burdened for the Yao
generallyhe prayed continually for the
Yao in our area until he felt he must
accompany his prayers by action. Acc
ordingly he came to visit here in March
and Save a radiant testimony among
the Yao he met.
Three hours walk from our village,
in the village of Ai Liang, there lives
a young woman, a niece of "Old Six,"
who had formerly lived in Maesalong
village. She had grasped a bit of the
Gospel, and profesed to believe, but
soonthereafter moved to Ai Liang vill
age near us to be the "little wif^' of a
Yao man. Polygamy is common among
the mountain tribespeople, but die lot
of the second or "little wife" is fuU of
drudgeryandseldom pleasant. GoyEan,
the '^tile wife," cared for the children
of the" bigwife" andperformedlierother
tasks in the home and fields, but longed
for the happier days as a girl in Maes
along. She wept often, grew thin, and
developed many aches and pains. Her
chief consolation was in talking with
LouSue, who, likeherself, was a little
As"01d Six" visitedAi Liang village
hishomesick niece wept the more freely
for her old home. Lou Sue, however,
who had seen her three children die in
infancy, and had found no relief for her
troubles in demon worship, was all ears
to the message he brought. She'd heard
a little before, but it Was different now
with a Yao telling it in Yao. For hours
Lou Sue stood a^ing questions. The
3ext morning before Old Six" .left she
eclared thsn me was going to become
1 - V
a Christian. This encouraged GoyEan
who said that she would stand wlm her
for Christ. Lou Sue's husband, Geera
Hing, whileevidencing no personal in
terest, has raised no objectionto her in
terest and even has been willing to help
explain some matters to her. She has
ceased demon wor^ip and prays to Jesus,
but her understanding is small and she
does not understand as yet the need and
significance of baptism. We can con
verse on ordinary subjects in theYao
language, but do not, as yet, know
manyof the words necessary to explain
adequately to her, in her own language
such Biblical doctrines. But as our lan
guage knowledge improves, we trust
that she, and others, mayin due course
be "buried with Christ and raised with
Him too."
There are many among the Yao who
occupy a hi^et place than Lou Sue. In
fact iiwoula seem thatfeware lower or
weaker than this "little wife." But the
love of God has touched her heart more
than diat of any other. While stronger
ones dare not defy the demons this timid
little woman has boldly declared, "I
want Jesus." This may well give bold
ness to others to step out with her for
Christ. As now the first streaks of dawn
begin to shine upon Yaodom our gaze
fan upon this slender, shaken reed,
which is leaning toward theSavior, and
we seem to hear the apostle reminding
us: "Not many wise after the flesh, not
many migh^, not many noble, are
called: but God chose the Foolish things
of the world, that He might put toshame
them that are wise; and God chose the
weak filings of the world, that He might
put toshame the things that are strong."
C. W. Callaway, Jr.
Chiengkam, Chiengrai
A little Thai boy trudged dismally
along the dirt road on his way to the
temple school. In his hand was a small
school book wrapped in a piece of cloth.
How he hated it I If only he could cpit
school! He was 12 years old and had
gone to school for over 3 years, but still
couldn't read.
And then he had an idea! Maybe his
younger brother would go to school in
his place. (There just weren't enough
schools; so only one child in each fam
ily could go to school.) With joyful
heart he ran home after school and eag
erly talked his brother into going to
school. His parents agreed, hoping at
least one son could learn to read.
So Nai Naw was free to play and
help care for the buffalo. A rash came
out on his hands and feet, but it finally
got well. After he grewolder and could
carry loads on a pole over his shoulder,
a man hired him to carry big baskets of
fish to trade with theYao and Miao tri
bal people for illegal opium. The raw
opium (resembling sticky mbber) was
wrapped in leaves, placed in the bask
ets and hid under red peppers.
Nai Naw made these trips to the
mountains each year until the skin dis
ease came out on his hands and feet a-
gain making the trips impossible. He
tried many different kinds of medicine
without improvement. As he got worse,
neighbors began to shun him, thinking
that he had a contagious disease. Fin
ally his father built him a little hut out
by the rice fields.
One day two missionaries came to
their village. His father asked them to
go examine Nai Naw. He led the way
to a tiny one -room shack on stilts far
outside the village. They peered into
the dark interior and saw a man about
30 years old sitting on the floor. His
hands were badly deformed by the dis
ease, but there was a flickerof hope in
his eyes as they told him diat as soon
as a house for patients was built on their
property he could go there for treatment.
The missionaries often talked to him
about Jesus and howHe could takeaway
sins and give joy and happiness. Some-
timesNai Naw was interested and seem
ed almost ready to take a stand for
Christ. But then he would say, "When
I get well I will become a Christian."
He had leamed to read by himself and
eagerly read all the Thai books, tracts,
New Testament, and newspapers that
were available.
Months and years gradually passed,
and in spite of new medicines he show
ed little improvement. His family did
n't wanthim to come home. Then came
an ultimatum from the landlord saying
that the contract to rent the mission
house would not be renewed unless Nai
Nawleft. Someof the neighbors thought
he had leprosy. Afterdaysofuncertain
ty another missionary suggested that
the family build a little house for Nai
Nawon his property. Otherwise he would
have had to go and live in the forest a -
lone until he died. His family would
have broughthim food, but as far as he
was concerned it would have been a
living death.
Afewmonths later Nai Naw accept
ed Christ and was baptized. His life has
been changed and Instead of the old
bittemess and complaining there is now
joy in his heart and also gradual im
provement of his physical condition.
He enjoys sharing his new found faith
widi others and is witnessing to a blind
boy telling how Jesus changed his life
and gave him hope. - -Dorothy Uhlig
High in the mountains northeast of
Pua is a bowl-shaped valley surrounded
by peaks which we call the Frost Pock-
et. It is probably the coldest area in
Thailand, for, to out knowledge, it is
the only place where freezing temper
atures occur annually. The Blue Miao
village of Kang Haw is located in this
Frost Pocket and is one of the tribal vil
lages which has been consistently friend
ly toward us.
In May, 1956 I took my last trip to
this village. By this time I was in poss
ession of some primers and scripture
portions in the Blue Miao script which
had recently been completed by miss
ionaries. In order to master the com
plexities of their language, I needed an
informant from the tribe who could help
me through some of the vowel and con -
sonant soundsstrange to our English ton
gue. Acircle of young faces around the
open fire were illumined by the flames
on this last evening. All else in the
smoky hut was dark. "Would any of you
like to learn to read books in your own
language?" I asked. The bright young
faces broke into smiles. "Yes, we would
like to," one replies," but we know there
are no books in our language."
"But I really have books in your lan
guage and, if any of you will come
down during the rains and help me learn
to pronounce your sounds, I will teach
you how to read,"
This statement was followed by ex
cited chattering in the tribal language.
Finally, one of the brightest youths,
twenty-one year old Lao Yi, turned to
me. "You have never lied to us yet,"
he said, "so I believe what you say, I
will come to see you next month."
Lao Yi arrived next month with his
bedroll, planning on a week's stay. A
day of study convinced him that this
truly was his language. So enthusiastic
was he in his studies that we almost lit
erally had to push him outdoors each
afternoon for his day's quota of fresh
air. Instead of the week he had planned,
he spent a full month studying at our
home. As he learned to read the Bible,
his heart opened to the spiritual treas
ures which could be his in Christ Jesus.
He sent word to
wished to follow
- The following
weekend his fath-
' came down to
^ state of
won't forbid you
to be a Christian,
LAO YI please don't
be the first in our
tribe. No telling what terrible punish
ment our tribal spirits will bring to
those who desert them to serve Jesus.
Wait until someone else from the tribe
becomes a Christian, and if the spirits
don't kill him then it might be all right
for you to try it."
Nevertheless, after further consider
ation, Lao Yi's mind was made up on
the matter. Knowing that it might mean
loss of a means of living and social os
tracism, he resolutely took his stand for
Christ and was baptized. Returning home
with his books he was met with outrage
and persecution in his village. His
mother has, in effect, disowned him,
and his spirit doctor uncle is vicious in
his condemnation.
Soon before we left Pua, a delega
tion of influential relatives from Laos
came to us to try to get us to release
Lao Yi from his Christianity. We ex
plained that we could no more release
a man from Christ than we could force
him to be a Christian. Lao Yi stood up
valiantly for his faith. The angry rela
tives retumed to Laosdeclaring that they
would send the leading spirit doctor of
the clan back to force LaoYiio renoun
ce Christ, even to the extent of taking
him down to Uie river and "unbapiiz-
ing" him.
To our latest knowledge Lao Yi is
still standing firra--the onlyBlue Miao
Christian in Nan Province. We would
value your prayers for him.
Garland Bare
Pua, Nan, Thailand
Wherever we
we encounter an undue emphasis on
the hard^ps of the missionary life.
In the six years since we left for Thai
land our experience has been diat the
greatest hard^psare met while on fur
lough. To any missionaries still look
ing forward to your first furlough as a
time of rest and refreshment, may we
warn you that sad disillusionment may
be awaiting you.
Perhaps die most vexing experienc^e
is to be diowered with pity. No life is
more filled with enduring joy, spiritual
luxury, and complete security than the
life \^ich is covered with thepromise,
"Lo, I am with you alway." Ours has
been the privilege of observing, first
hand, the life-transforming power of
the gospel where Christ had not prev
iously been named. Nowhere else is
there greater opportunity for observing
God's faithful performance of His Word
than where one becximes completely
dependent upon His strength^removed
by distance from the material depend
ence upon family and friends.
We returned to the United States
eager to share the news of the "great
things He hath done" in Thailand. How
chilling and demoralizing it has been
to be met with head-diaking pity. In
retumour compassion goes out to those
who have never had the privilege of
walking by faith and whose thinking is
limited entirely by material values.
How pitiable the life of one to whom
electricnty in the house is more impor
tant than the indwelling of the Holy
Spirit. How shallow the cnitlook that
equates happiness with modern plumb
ing and super markets.
The lack of world vision among
churcdies which claim to be restoring
the New Testament pattern, is appall
ing to all returning missionaries. Poor
ly attended mission rallies, recruits
wasting valuable months attempting to
raise support, Bible colleges giving
only minor emphasis to world evang-
The Hardships of Furlough
travel it seems that elism, congregations spending less than
10 per cent of their budget on reaching
the unreached--all are^vid evidences
that NewTestament standards of evan
gelism are far from being restored. It
would beeasyfor the missionaryretum-
ing to the States for spiritual renewal
and encouragement to become bitter
and cynical. Only by keeping one*s
eyes fixedonthe unchangingChrist can
the proper perspective and bright out
look be maintained.
Much could be said about the phys
ical and material problemsof furlough.
Such things as finding a suitable place
to settle down with a family, deciding
whether or not to transport small child
ren on a breakneck speaking tour, att
empting to keep up on correspondence
and cpiestionaires, buyingsupplies and
making travel anangements for the
next termall these can lead,to com
plete nervous and physical exhaustion
which leave the missionaryin poorcon-
dition forbeginninganother termof ser-
Lest you begin thinking that we are
becoming boggeddownin self-pity, let
us look on the bri^t side of furlough.
Even on furlough the joysoutweighthe
sorrows. Howthrilling once more to be
able to listen to good preaching in our
own language and to join our voic:es
with multitudes in the great familiar
hymns. Wecherishthe precious reunions
v^th families and classmates and those
who have become dear to us in the faith.
It is a pleasant surprise to find that the
friends who have failed to write us thr
oughtheyears havenotreally forgotten.
Even thoughat times we are seized with
nostalgia for the comparativepeace and
c:alm of Thailand we knowthat throu^
the lonely years ahead we will treasure
memories of the spiritual blessings re
ceived on fiirlou^, for theservant of
Christ has acc:ess at all times to the "joy
unspeakable and full of glory" which
cx>mes from fulfilling His commission.
Dorothy Bare
Pua, Nan, Thailand
"Don't wiggle your toe at anyone
else, as you do at me in class," our
first language teacher wamed us. "It is
very rude to even point your toe at any
one. I understand you foreigners, of
course, and know you do not mean to
be rude, but odier people will think you
are mde, and they won't want to listen
to your teaching."
"Lookat those foreigners I" the young
girl whispered behind her hand. "They
never sit politely--always have their
feet sticking out so rudely." I had been
trying sohard to sit politely on the flooi;
but I tucked my numb legs back a bit
farther out of sight and wished it were
always polite for a woman to sit on a
chair. (But it isq'tl)
A missionary has to learn a lot of
these things that seem strange to him
before he seems like a nice sort of per
son to the people he wants to win for
Language can be fiinny, too. One
day I got out my siethescope and said
to myYaopatient "boot keyah." Every
one looked surprised and when my pat
ient's little son began to giggle, I rea
lized what I had said, and when I laugh-
ed everyone laughed with me. I had
said "boot Keyah" (lose your temper)
when I meant "tow keyah" (take a
Clo<is inThailand and China never
run- -thtey always walk. In China water
"opens" when it boils, and we mission
aries never drink anything but "open
water." ^
lom^iuaes it's hard to saywhat you
in av^n when you know the lang-
uage. For instance how do you invite
someone to eat with you when the only
word they have for "eat a meal" is "eat
rice", and you don't have any rice to
eat? Of course they always have rice at
a meal, and so they think it is we who
are funny not to have rice to e;
er than that their language
not having a wordthat just
--no matter what you ea^
The Thai people of tl
of "entering the Christiai?
them religion means goin^
pie, making sacrifices
the right moment to the right'priest or
idol. The Yao people of the Thai moun
tain slopes have no common word for
religion. They worship the demons. It
is no formality, but the daily task of
keeping the demons happy so they won't
kill or destroy the entire village. When
they speak of becoming a Christian they
simply speak of "entering Christ."
They are right, of course, for that
is what the Bible teaches. "Wherefore
if any man is inChristhe is a newcrea-
ture." (II Cor. 5:17) Religion doesn't
make new creatures of us, and going to
church and going through all the forms
of the religion doesn't make Christians
of us--it's being in Christ that counts.
That is what makes us different from
the world, and that is what will make
the Thai and the Yao new creatures,
too. Theymust enter Christ and nq^ust
the Christian religion.
Have you "entered Christ" fx )wve
you only entered His religion? / /
Lois E. Callaway, Talat Cl^^^am
Changwat Chiengrai, Tl^n^hd
ng at
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