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Patterns shou|d be ter c|ose to actua| slte

IoIIov diieclions (leIov pallein pieces) foi assenlIy.
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4-Panc! KIppah: Cul 4 pieces of IINISH IARIC and 4 pieces of IININC. Lach seclion
neasuies 5 (diaving a sliaighl Iine fion lollon poinl lo poinl.)
1. Sev 2 quaileis logelhei using a scanl 1/8 sean aIIovance. Repeal vilh olhei 2 quaileis.
Iiess each haIf. I use a diessnakeis han lo piess lhe cuived seans.
2. Sev lhe 2 haIves logelhei vilh sane 1/8 sean aIIovance and piess.
3. Repeal foi 4 Iining pieces.
6-Panc! KIppah: Cul 6 pieces of IINISH IARIC and 6 pieces of IININC. Lach seclion
neasuies 3- (diaving a sliaighl Iine fion lollon poinl lo poinl.) Ycu naq natc |c usc a
grapnics prcgran |c cn|argc cr rcducc |nc pa||crn |c |nc dcsircd sizc.
1. Sev 3 seclions logelhei using a scanl 1/8 sean aIIovance. Repeal vilh olhei 3 seclions.
Iiess each haIf. I use a diessnakeis han lo piess lhe cuived seans.
2. Sev lhe 2 haIves logelhei vilh sane 1/8 sean aIIovance and piess.
3. Repeal foi 6 Iining pieces.
If you aie NOT going lo pul a decoialive linding oi liin aiound lhe lollon, sev Iining and
finished faliic RICHT sides logelhei and slilch aiound lollon vilh a 1/2 sean Ieaving a snaII
opening lo luin. Tiin sean aIIovance. Tuin iighl side oul and sIip slilch lhe lollon cIosed. You
nay have lo pIay vilh lhis a lil -- if lhe kippah is loo Iaige, luin lack lo viong side and slilch
again aloul 1/8 inside of lhe oiiginaI lollon edge.
If you aie going lo liin lhe lollon vilh linding (doulIe foId), sev Iining and finished faliic
WRONC sides logelhei fion lhe lollon edge. Tiin veiy cIose lo slilched Iine. Cul
linding on lhe lias so lhal il slielches sIighlIy foi a lellei fil! AppIy linding ly sandviching
finished kippah in lhe foId and slilch cIose lo lhe edge of lhe linding. e suie lo luin one end
of lhe linding in and oveiIap edges foi a finished Iook. You can aIso open up lhe foIded
linding and sev (iighl sides logelhei) lo lhe edge of lhe kippah, lhen foId lhe ienaindei lo
lhe lack side and hand sev oi gIue. If I an naking lhe kippah lo nalch a laIIil, I nake ny
ovn lias linding oul of siIk oi use a fancy liin vhich can le sevn oi gIued lo lhe edge aflei
Cel ciealive and have fun. Theie aie lons of possiliIilies foi naking leaulifuI kippol fion
siIk, collon and veIvel.
IIease enaiI ne if any queslions: jankippahdesign.con

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