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Nancy Drew 26: Tomb of the Lost Queen

by Her Interactive
Walkthrouh by !a"t#o !ay 2$%2

"ame&lay: This is a point and click game.
The main menu has new game, load game, options, extras, more
ND and quit selections.
The options menu has voice, efects and music volume
adjustments. Full screen and windowed game screen selection is
here also.
xtras has credits, outtakes and teaser. !uttakes and teaser are
locked until the end o" the game.
#ore ND shows the other Nanc$ Drew casual and adventure
games released %$ &er 'nteractive( as well as links to "ace%ook,
twitter and )ou Tu%e.
*elect to pla$ either +mateur or #aster *leuth. +mateur *leuth
has regular pu,,les( hints availa%le and detailed task list. #aster
*leuth has more challenging pu,,les( no hints and %asic task list.

The game screen has menu at %ottom le"t o" the page. 't has main
menu, save game, load game, options, help and resume game
The cell phone is %eside the menu link. 't has phone, camera,
settings and hints.
The phone has pictures and names o" availa%le characters that
can %e called. -lick on the name or picture to get another "rame
that has a .call. %utton.
The camera can take /0 shots. 1hotos that are taken can %e
viewed. The "ocus can %e ,oomed in2out.
*ettings has wallpaper selections as well as ring %ack tones
The hint shows the hint hotline. &ints appear as needed. *ome
topics have multiple hints. 3ed questions 4when availa%le5 will
return a "ull solution answer.
The power %utton closes the cell phone.
+t the center o" the %ottom %ar is where the items collected are
seen. 6se the slider ta% at top o" the %ar to go through the items.
3ight o" the inventor$ %ar are the "rames "or Tasks and 7ournal.
The tasks list has the to do things in the game.
The journal has o%servations and suspects.
The game is non2linear. The walkthrough %elow is just one wa$ to
get through the game.
aster egg locations are "rom &er 'nteractive "orum.
89 $ears ago, a tom% was uncovered in the desert outside -airo.
+ :ritish expedition set out to ;nd the legendar$ <ost =ueen %ut
never returned. Talk o" a curse "ollowed until toda$.
1resent da$, /99km outside -airo: + team "rom >ingston
6niversit$ is digging in the desert. + dust storm overwhelms the
xpedition leader 7on :o$le is "ound unconscious on the ?oor o"
the main tent.
Nanc$ talks on the cell phone with 7on who is at the hospital. 7on
was hit on the head. <earn that the crew le"t a"ter the incident. 7on
wants Nanc$ to %e his e$es and ears at the campsite and to check
his notes located in his %unk area.
Nanc$ sa$s she will see i" she can prove whose tom% this is and
;nd out who attacked 7on.
'(&lore the main tent:
<ook around and see %unks at %oth sides o" the tent.
Nancy)s bunk: -heck the rightmost %unk on the right.
!pen the "ootlocker and get g$ptian &ierogl$phs to
nglish and &ierogl$ph 1ractice :ook. at the >oko >ringle %ar. :D
Take and read the How to Read Egyptian Hieroglyphs%ook
a%ove the chocolate %ar. '" $ou read all documents or %ooks in the
game( $ou might win an award.
@o to the side ta%le and see The <ost =ueens o" g$pt %$ 1ro"
:eatrice &otchkiss 4Nanc$As old "riend5 %ook. !pen the %ook and
check the phone num%er to enter it on the cell phone. !pen the
pages and read a%out the <ost =ueens o" g$pt.
Lily *rew: @o to the middle %unk at le"t side. Talk to <il$. *he
tells Nanc$ that she is taking charge o" the +merican group
4which means Nanc$5 o" the expedition.
+ther bunks: Tr$ to check the 0 other crew %unks. <il$ stops
Lily: Talk to <il$ again a%out calling 7on and getting his notes.
,in- .rofessor /on 0oyle)s notes:
.rofessor /on 0oyle)s bunk: -heck the rightmost %unk at le"t
Now that $ou told <il$ to call 7on 2 @o to the side ta%le and
take 7on :o$leAs note%ook. 3ead the note%ook. The last page is
cut. 't re"ers to another %ig clue.
!pen the "ootlocker. 3ead Nanc$As letter o" recommendation
written %$ Franklin 3ose, o" :eech &ill #useum 4*ecret o" the
*carlet &and5.
Take the lighter on top o" the jeans.
Be have to ;nd a wa$ to check <il$As and the other %unk later.
.lay the boar- ame in the cam& tent:
@o to the middle ta%le and see a %oard game. 1la$ *enet.
1enet: The o%ject o" the game is to get all $our light %rown
pawns of the %oard.
The light colored casting sticks determine how man$ squares $our
selected pawn can move. '" C dark colored sticks are cast, the
pawn moves D squares. )ou can throw again i" $ou get /, C or D on
the casting sticks.
#ove $our pawn to a %lank square or a square that has $our
opponentAs pawn %ut not on $our own. '" $ou land on a square
with $our opponentAs pawn( $ou move him %ack to the square
where $ou came "rom. This is a good strateg$.
'" a pawn is %locked %$ 0 or more consecutive opponents pawns( it
cannot %e moved or pla$ed until the num%er o" %locker pawns are
less than 0.
The square with the ankh, E dots and e$e are sa"e places( the
pawn that lands there cannot %e %umped %ack.
The square with the %ird must %e landed on no matter what the
casting stick show.
The water square %umps the pawn that lands there %ack to the
ankh square a%ove.
't is also good strateg$ to land on sa"e places so that the
opponent settles on squares that it can %e %umped %ack on.
'" $ou pla$ *enet o"ten enough( $ou might win an award.
xit the tent.
'(&lore the anti2uities tent:
@o to the tent at right and enter.
Left worktable: -heck the le"t workta%le.
Take the ?ashlight on the recharger at le"t side o" the workta%le.
1ick up the map at center o" the ta%le. *tud$ the map o" the
tom%. *ee that there are E main tunnels of a large cham%er. The
map changes as more area is explored.
+t right side, take and read the +ncient g$ptian +rt %ook 43elic5.
<earn a%out amulets.
Take the %ird 4&oopoe5 tile le"t o" the %ook.
*ee a stone with hierogl$ph in a pan. Translate the hierogl$ph %$
clicking the dictionar$ on the stone. Judge is he by the ancestors
of Ra.
'" $ou use the dictionar$ to translate o"ten enough( $ou might win
an award.
1ick up and read the crumpled paper right o" the water %ottle. 'tAs
an ad "or survival guide "or earthAs demolition. +t top is a drawing
o" the e$e o" &orus and F. <earn that it is a *onn$ 7oonAs show
a%out extraterrestrial aliens and space travel.
1helves at mi--le wall of the tent: Turn right to see 0
shelving. <ook close at the wood shelves at right.
Take the %rown %ook at middle shel". !pen and see the !Gcial
site grid. :ased on the map taken "rom the le"t ta%le, the main
cham%er and E tunnels are divided into squares and la%eled.
'aster ': 6se the pick taken "rom right ta%le on the jar on
the le"t shel". Take the nigmatic egg.
)ou will get an award i" $ou get an aster egg.
#iht worktable: Turn right and look around.
+t le"t end, check the list o" amulets "ound.
Take the pick and %rush "rom the tools at middle o" the workta%le.
3se the shattere- &ieces to com&letely rebuil- the amulet
4%: <ook close at the %roken amulet at right side o" the
<e"t click to pick up and right click to turn the pieces. <e"t click
again to drop the piece in place.
The "ront paw piece is missing.
5mateur !aster

Location where the cat amulet was taken: Take note that
the la%el at %ottom le"t is N/E0.
@o %ack to the oGcial site grid at middle wall shel". *ee that
N/E0 is at top end o" tunnel 0 or middle tunnel.
1ee who else stuck aroun- after the storm hit:
xit the tent and go down to the pit ahead. @o through the tom%
Dr6 5b-ullah 0akhoum: Turn le"t twice a"ter entering the
cham%er. Talk to +%dullah standing right o" the exit door.
+%dullah contends that he is the %est archeologist and that this
site is his. 4&e doesnAt lack %elie" in himsel".5
&e doesnAt like <il$ even though she is part o" his team.
'(&lore the main room:
5nubis hieroly&hs: +%dullah wants $ou to practice
translating hierogl$phs at top o" where he is working.
-lim% the ladder right o" +%dullah. 6se the dictionar$ on the
hierogl$phs under the drawing o" +nu%is.
...according thereto. Let it be found inscribed on the tablet. As to
anyone who does not know this spell, he shall never enter.
Worktable: @o to the workta%le at center o" the room. Take
the spade "rom the ta%le.
'(&lore the tunnels:
Tunnel %: @o the hallwa$ at le"t.
*ee hierogl$phs le"t and right o" the entr$wa$. 6se dictionar$ to
translate: Twice is y hiding place opened. Thy bones shall not
be destroyed and thy !esh shall not perish.
@o "orward. The hallwa$ %e"ore the dead end there is hierogl$ph
a%ove the doorwa$. 6se the dictionar$ to translate and get: "
speak that which " wish to his uy. "t becoeth strong.
-heck the doorwa$ at the dead end and see a cat depicted. @o
%ack to the main room.
Tunnel 2: <etAs go to N/E0( the site where the$ "ound the cat
amulet pieces. @o le"t "rom tunnel / entr$wa$ or "orward through
the entrance across the main entr$wa$.
@o "orward until the turn to the right and then le"t and "orward to
the end.
3se the shattere- &ieces to com&letely rebuil- the amulet
*ee a pile o" soil at right. Nanc$ con;rms that this is the site
where the cat amulet pieces were "ound.
6se the shovel taken "rom the main room on the pile o" dirt to get
an amulet piece.
<ook at the %irds and tiger mural on the wall. *ee a %ird tile on
right side o" the mural. "t#s stuck$ 6se the pick on the tile to
get %ird 4vulture5 tile.
xit tunnel 0.
5nti2uities tent: xit the main room. @o up the steps and
enter the antiquities tent.
<ook close at right side o" the workta%le at right wall. +ttach the
amulet piece with the put together cat amulet.
1ick up the cat amulet.
Tunnel 7: @o %ack to the tom%. nter the hallwa$ at le"t when
"acing the main entr$wa$.
1carab &u88le: @o "orward until the ;rst light stand.
Turn le"t "rom the light stand and see a scara% pu,,le. The red
scara% is missing.
1ons of Horus hieroly&h: :ack up "rom the scara% pu,,le.
-heck the hierogl$ph at top o" the wall right o" the entr$wa$.
Nanc$ sa$s that it must %e important since the passage starts and
ends with jackal s$m%ol.
Tr$ the dictionar$ on it and it makes no sense. %ra&yH
'n close up o" the pu,,le, click on a standalone 2 single gl$ph( like
the "eather at start o" Cth line and see the "requenc$ it occurs in
the passage. -lick on letter ' at top o" the page. *ee that all o"
that kind o" gl$ph is now la%eled '.
Decode the rest o" the gl$phs %$ selecting it and then click on the
letter a%ove that $ou think is the letter that works.
-lick on the erase at top right to erase a highlighted entr$.
Nanc$ needs to ;nd the sons o" &orus the "alcon headed god.
%oe ye hither 'ods in the train of Horus
And let the steps ascend
(e are the four of Horus
" a the air that sweeps up the )ile
" a the Hunter who faces to greet
the new day
" a "sety protector of the south
" a the cry that soars towards the
setting sun together we the 'ods in
the train of Horus guard the corners
,in- the burial chamber:
-ontinue "orward until the end. *ee a door ;lled with hierogl$phs
at the dead end o" the hallwa$.
1li-er hieroly&hs: <ook at le"t wall and Nanc$ sa$s this must
%e the one mentioned on 7onAs notes 4last page5. The tob within
sealed behind her titles. Acknowledge the fully with no gaps
fro left to right and it shall be opened according thereto. Let it
*ee 8 %ars with gl$phs in the "rame. :elow are squares that show
the gl$phs o" the column a%ove it. The Dth %ar is ;xed.
The o%ject o" the pu,,le is to arrange the slider %ars in a wa$ that
shows onl$ one kind o" gl$ph in one column and that all the
squares at the %ottom show gl$phs.
5mateur !aster

The door at right opens.
Turn %ack to the slider. 6se the dictionar$ on the gl$phs at the
%ottom to translate it. 'reat *ing#s (ife, Lady of the Two Lands,
+eloved of ,ut.
0urial chamber: xamine the door. 't still has the seal. 't is not
opened $et.
Touch the seal and it %reaks. !oopsH
nter and use the ?ashlight. *ee a tom% ahead.
<il$ enters and checks the tom%. +%dullah "ollows 4:rilliant5( as
well as 0 other people.
*uddenl$, +%dullah who is reading the hierogl$phs on the wall
sa$s to exit the room immediatel$. <il$ sa$s itAs the curse.
The ?ashlight gave out. '" $ou experience unexplained occurrence
in the game( $ou might win an award.
,in- everyone who was at the o&enin of the tomb:
+utomaticall$ %e %ack at the main tent.
Lily: @o to <il$As %unk and talk to her a%out the curses. *he
%elieves in curses and is a "an o" +%dullah.
Nancy)s bunk: @o to Nanc$As %unk and read the %ook %$ the
side ta%le. 3eview the descriptions o" the lost queens.
There are 0 queens that were wives o" great kings and the %odies
were never "ound: Ne"ertiti and Ne"ertari.
Dylan *arter: xit the main tent, go "orward and then turn
le"t. *ee a man sitting on a lounge chair. Talk to D$lan -arter.
<earn what he thinks o" +%dullah. &e is not allowed inside the
tom%. &e is a tour guide.
Take the 1antheon 2 chart o" @ods and @oddesses o" +ncient
g$pt "rom the ta%le.
Water tank: Turn le"t and check the water tank right o" the
Take a drink i" $ou want. '" $ou drink o"ten enough( $ou might win
an award.
1ick up the lamp oil on the trailerAs right edge.
,lashliht: @o to the antiquities tent.
6se the ?ashlight on the charger at le"t workta%le. 6ghH 't short2
circuited. )ou might win an award doing this.
5b-ullah: nter the tom%. Talk to +%dullah right o" the main
&e %elieves that this is the <ost Tom% o" Ne"ertari. &e doesnAt like
/amila 'l9Dine: nter tunnel 0. +t the end o" the tunnel, see a
woman %$ the le"t wall.
Talk to 7amila. *he talks a%out the makers, +nnunaki, teachers or
'(&lore the tomb:
@o to the end o" tunnel E. nter the tom%.
Look for liht: 't is dark in here.
Turn around and "ace the door. #ove the cursor to the right o" the
doorwa$( look "or an active spot.
-lick and see that it is a lamp. 6se the lamp oil "rom the water
tank and the lighter "rom 7onAs "ootlocker with the lamp.
3se the lam& to illuminate the tomb: -lick on lamp and see
the lamp pu,,le.
*ee the mirrors re?ecting the light. +rrange the mirrors so that
the$ re?ect the light to the white circle at right.
Bhen $ou click2turn the mirrors it might show more mirrors
spread out in the room.
Hieroly&hs: <ook a%ove the lamp and see hierogl$phs. This is
the one that +%dullah read %e"ore the warning.
6se the dictionar$ on the gl$phs.
Everyone who had been in this place, they are wretches. There is
no reedy for the because " know their naes. +eware. This is
the taste of death. -arkness shall conceal the.
Then the gl$phs cannot %e translated.
Translate the rest of the hieroly&hs above the lam&:
-lick on the wall hierogl$phs and see the close up o" the pu,,le.
There is a quick translate at top le"t and erase at top right. Take
note o" the gl$ph that goes with what letters. 't will %e help"ul in
later pu,,les.
'" $ou decode all the hierogl$phs the dictionar$ canAt deciphered
and not use the =uick Translate option( $ou might get an award.
Nanc$ is cursed.
Hieroly&h left of -oor: -heck the hierogl$ph le"t o" door.
6se the dictionar$ on the gl$ph. Lady of terrors, sovereign lade,
istress of destruction.
*ano&ic :ars: Turn le"t "rom the hierogl$phs and see a case at
le"t corner.
<ook close. 3emove cover and check the C canopic jars.
ach jar has the hierogl$ph o" the o%ject inside. Take
the "alcon, jackal, human and %a%oon disks.
3ead the last pages o" the 3elics %ook to learn a%out the *ons o"
&orus that gave protection over the em%almed organs.
Wall &u88le: :eside the canopic jar case, and see a circular
wall pu,,le that is missing something.
Tomb: <ook close at tom% and see i" $ou can push the lid of.
Note a hole at le"t side o" the lid. Nanc$ wants a lever.
&ear a loud crash.
,in- a way to o&en the sarco&haus:
,in- the source of the lou- crash: xit the room and go
"orward until the main room.
Face +%dullah %$ the main entr$wa$. The scafolding "ell down.
Take the sturd$ %oard right o" the "allen scafolding.
Talk to +%dullah completel$. &e doesnAt %elieve in aliens.
+%dullah leaves and quarrels with 7amila.
<ook at the hierogl$phs that +%dullah is working on.
. living ones, who art thou that hast coe/ They heart is
covetous. Hearken ye. 0e shall not reove this tobstone fro
this its place forever. -o not rob, but act against the robber,
without allowing any people to tread upon this holy ground. Then
you will hear this secret.
Then the gl$phs cannot %e translated.
Translate the rest of the hieroly&hs above the lam&:
-lick on the wall hierogl$phs and see the close up o" the pu,,le.
There is a quick translate at top le"t and erase at top right. Take
note o" the gl$ph that goes with what letters. 't will %e help"ul in
later pu,,les.
+&en the tomb: @o %ack to tunnel E. *ee 7amila working on
the mural o" a man holding that might %e a ?ashlight.
-ontinue to the tom% room.
<ook at the circular pu,,le at right wall. Take the spears leaning
on the wall.
<ook close at tom%. 6se the spears and the sturd$ %oard "rom the
scafolding on the hole.
1ush on the lever to open the tom%.
.la2ue: *ee a nice sarcophagus. -lick on the plate on her
Translate the hierogl$phs using the known gl$phs "rom previous
translations or check %elow or do a quick translate.
.rocession of "o-s &u88le: *ee a pu,,le with heads o" @ods
%elow her crossed arm. Nanc$ sa$s she needs to get the gods in
their proper locations.
Be need more in"o "or this pu,,le.
,in- out what /amila is hi-in in her han-ba:
@o to the large room at tunnel E and talk to 7amila %$ the mural o"
a man with a ?ashlight.
7amila le"t to check the opened sarcophagus. '" $ou want her to
leave "rom this site at an$time 2 select a dialogue that tells a%out
a new ;nd in the dig.
-lick on her %ag.
+&en /amila)s ba: 't has the $e o" &orus lock. Bhere did we
see re"erences to thatI
!pen the 3elic %ook in inventor$. Turn the page to the Bedjat
page. *ee that each part o" the e$e re"ers to a num%er and a
Then remem%er the crumpled ad at the antiquities tent. 't has the
e$e on the "ront page with F and the num%ers inside the lea?et.
6sing those clues: click on the part o" the e$e in the sequence o"
/82J2C2E0 or /2C. Take note that the e$e example is reversed "rom
the e$e on the lock. The sclera num%ers should %e noted.

xamine the contents o" the %ag. Note spaceships, cameras,
lea?ets and %ooks.
1ick and read the &istorical +ncient g$pt %ook. *ee a picture o"
an ankh amulet that provides health and li"e. Take note o" the
notations 7amila made. *he notes a%out .her. daughters.
Drop the previous %ook and pick up *onn$ 7oonAs Kisitors "rom the
*kies. 3ead a%out +nnunaki and the @reat p$ramid.
1ick up and take a cr$ptic note with letters located at le"t side o"
,iure out what the cry&tic note from /amila)s han-ba
Water tank: xit the tom% and check the water tank. *ee that
someone drained the water using a plastic part o" a spaceship 2
just like what is in 7amilaAs %ag.
Dylan: Talk to D$lan. &e gives a piece o" paper that 7amila
dropped. Take the code "or the cr$ptic note.
<earn that he came here with some traders. &e wants to impress
+sk his help to distract <il$. 'n return, D$lan wants Nanc$ to put a
good word "or him with +%dullah.
*ry&tic note: Now that Nanc$ has the code, look close at the
cr$ptic note in inventor$.
Nanc$ sa$s the letters will create letters %elow. +s noted a%ove,
"orm D or more letter words.
nter a letter in a %lank square %$ clicking on the %lank square
and then click on the letter a%ove that $ou want placed on that
Form words that are related to archeolog$ and location.

6sing the ;rst letters o" the words in each color set( arrange the
letters to "orm a word.
-lick on a letter and then click on the letter $ou want exchange it
Now arrange the words so that the$ "orm a sentence.
/on 0oyle:
6se cell phone to call 7on. 6pdate him on what is going on.
,in- out everythin you can about Dylan:
5b-ullah: *ince Nanc$ told D$lan a%out giving a good word, go
inside the tom% and talk to +%dullah a%out D$lan.
<earn how he started archeolog$ and a%out Ne"ertari.
Dylan: @o %ack to D$lan and talk to him.
*ince he le"t to distract <il$, check his luggage.
*ee a live snake %ag and several Tour @uide -erti;cation cards
"rom diferent countries.
,in- a way to snoo& Lily)s an- 5b-ullah)s bunk:
@o inside the main tent.
1noo& at 5b-ullah)s bunk: -heck +%dullahAs %unk. -lick on
his "ootlocker. 't needs a ke$.
1noo& at Lily)s bunk: -heck <il$As %unk.
<ook at the "ootlocker. 't has a strange lock. 1ull %ack "rom the
lock squares.
Take and read the >rolmeister 'nstruction #anual le"t o" the %ed. 't
needs a transparenc$ overla$.
Take and read the -urses o" the Borld %ook "rom the %ed.
<ook close at the side ta%le and see a pair o" dark glasses with a
missing rhinestone on the side.
Dylan: Talk to D$lan outside.
@et a great .tour guide demo..
,in- an- re&lace the missin scarab:
Tunnel 2: nter the tom% and go "orward to the end o" tunnel
<ook close again at the sand pile where the cat statue pieces
were taken.
*ee and take a red scara% tile on the le"t.
1carab &u88le: @o to tunnel E and "orward to the room where
there is a light stand.
<ook at the scara% pu,,le at le"t wall. +utomaticall$ the red
scara% tile is placed on the pu,,le.
'aster ': :e"ore doing the pu,,le( place the C scara%s at
each corner. + secret compartment opens. Take the 6ncann$ egg.
The aim o" the pu,,le is to place the colored scara%s over the
same colored squares.
The tiles can %e moved using the arrows seen when the tiles are
'" $ou move the scara%s o"ten enough( $ou might win an award.

% 2

7 ;

% 2
7 ;
,iure out who the ; sons of Horus were:
*ee a panel open on the opposite wall. Nanc$ wants a clue.
.rof6 0eatrice Hotchkiss: xit and go outside the tom%.
6se the cell phone to talk to 1ro". :eatrice &otchkiss. <!<. Talk to
her completel$. 4*he made me hungr$.5
<earn a%out the canopic jars with C disks "ound in the tom% room.
; 1ons of Horus &anel: @o %ack to the scara% room at tunnel
E. <ook close at right wall.
.lace the -isks on the correct &lace:
-heck the journal "or a s$nopsis o" what 1ro". &otchkiss said.
&orus had C sons: E animals and a human. ach o" the sons
represents an organ and a cardinal direction.
3emem%er the hierogl$phic translation on the panel at le"t and
what 1ro". &otchkiss stated( place the disks taken "rom the
canopic jars at the correct place.
%oe ye hither
'ods in the
train of Horus
And let the
steps ascend
(e are the four
of Horus
" a the air
that sweeps up
the )ile
" a the Hunter
who faces to
the new day
" a "sety
protector of the
" a the cry
that soars
towards the
setting sun
together we
the 'ods in
the train of
Horus guard
the corners
Bhat does it doI Turn or click one o" the disks. &ear a loud sound.
@o to the main room and see what happened. The columns
changed height. BowH
5rrane the columns as shown on the &u88le: @o %ack to
the sons o" &orus pu,,le.
*ee C columns at center o" the pu,,le. 't is arranged in ascending
Turn a disk to see which column4s5 is afected.
Turn the disks as shown in the screenshot %elow. 'ot it$
1earch the entire site for reference to heavens:
1te& on the columns: -lim% the ladder %eside +%dullah.
Turn around and see the top o" the columns. 7ump2click on the
;rst column. Nanc$ jumps to the other side.
/ournal: nter the passage. 1ick up the journal on the ?oor at
the corner.
3ead the journal. This must the lost expedition. 't tells o" a second
Note the gl$phs o" how :eloved o" &athor is written and the gl$ph
"or #istress at top o" page.
Heaven: Turn the corner and look at the mural on the wall.
't shows 0 rows o" creatures2@ods %elow the sun and NutAs %od$
that arches over the sk$ with hands and "eet on the ground.
@o %ack out and overhear a scolding o" <il$ %$ +%dullah.
@o %ack to the other side and clim% down the ladder.
5b-ullah: Talk to +%dullah a%out the column and <il$.
,in- out what le- to the <ht between Lily an- 5b-ullah:
xit the tom%.
Dylan: Talk to D$lan.
Lily: @o to the main tent and talk to <il$.
*he wants Nanc$ to sort the amulets at the antiquities tent.
Hel& Lily sort the amulets:
@o to the antiquities tent. <ook close at le"t end o" right ta%le.
Nanc$ said to sort the amulets %$ t$pe. 3ead the 3elics %ook and
use it as re"erence.
!ne o" the amulets is missing.

Investiate the cut in the tent:
*ee a cut on the wall o" the tent.
@o outside and around to the other side o" the cut in the tent. *ee
the cut on the tent %ehind stacked %oxes.
*heck for any evi-ence left behin-: Nanc$ wants to check
the ground.
6se the shovel on the sand. This is a random pu,,le.
Take the scrap o" paper "rom the hole.
*ee that it is a request "or a jackal amulet and pa$ment through a
secret ofshore account. *omeone is selling the arti"acts.
/on 0oyle: -all 7on and update him.
5b-ullah: Talk to +%dullah inside the tom%.
/amila: @o to tunnel E and talk to 7amila. )ou donAt need to send
her awa$ %$ telling her o" a new ;nd.
Discover who)s insi-e the co=n:
@o to the tom% at end o" tunnel E.
.rocession of "o-s &u88le: <ook at the pu,,le %elow the
coGnAs hands.
6sing the clue on translated hierogl$phs a%ove, place the picture
o" the gods %ased on the mural seen on top level o" the tom%
under the protection o" the heavens5.
#oving the rows and columns place the appropriate gods inside
the 8 squares.
Top 4<235: 7ackal, i%is and "alcon.
:ottom row 4<235: :eetle, crocodile and lion

s the
of the

Top 4<235: 7ackal and jackal.
0nd "rom top: Falcon, crocodile, lion, crocodile and "alcon.
Erd "rom top: -rocodile, "alcon, lion, %eetle and %eetle.
:ottom row 4<235: '%is and i%is.
Hint: Do the 0nd and third rows ;rst. +rrange the heads outside
the squares 4either a%ove or %elow where $ou can position the
heads 2 move up2down or le"t2right5. -ount the squares, spaces
and then get the heads. Then position them at the squares.
1econ- co=n: &ear a click. !pen the tom%. *ee another
Hieroly&hic clue: Translate the hierogl$phic clue.
Nanc$ sa$s this could %e a%out the queenAs children.
With the hel& of the e(&erts> o&en the inner co=n)s lock:
/on 0oyle: @o outside the tom%. -all 7on :o$le to update him.
.rofessor Hotchkiss: -all 1ro". &otchkiss. 4-aramel ?ans 2
<earn a%out Ne"ertariAs children 4sons and daughters5. *he wants
to know who is depicted a%ove the doors to the antecham%er.
+nswer #aAat.
'" $ou answer all o" 1ro". &otchkiss questions correctl$( $ou might
win an award.
The o%servation in the journal has the in"ormation written down.
Discover who)s insi-e the co=n:
@o %ack to the tom% in tunnel E. <ook close at the childrenAs
nter the name o" Ne"ertariAs children "rom oldest to $oungest
with sons ;rst:
+munherkhepeshe" 4+mun is with his strong arm5
1areherweneme" 43e is with his strong arm5
#er$re 4%eloved o" 3e5, #eriatum 4%eloved o" +tum5.
#eritamun 4%eloved o" +mun5
&enuttaw$ 4mistress o" 0 lands5, Nettawi 4lad$ o" 0 lands5
6se the journal in"ormation taken "rom 1ro"essor &otchkiss( 7onAs
notes and 1antheon as re"erences.
:ased on 7onAs notes, place at the end( the sitting males "or the
%o$s and the sitting "emales "or the girls.
:ased on 7onAs notes( cop$ 1areherweneme" gl$phs on the second
"rom top.
Then "or +munherkhepeshe"( use the drawn gl$phs "or +mun in
the 1antheon and the gl$phs in 7ohn notes.
For the 0 male and one "emale .%eloveds., use the journalAs 0
"eathers and 3e, +tum and +mun "rom the 1antheon.
6se the mistress gl$ph seen in the journal "or the mistress.
Nanc$ will sa$ i" it is correct 4+mateur5. &ear a click.

!pen the second coGn. "t#s epty$
Deco-e the &a&yrus scra&s:
Take the torn papers "rom inside the coGn.
1iece them together. 3ight click to rotate the pieces.
+"ter putting it together, translate the hierogl$phs.
<earn that the true tom% is here.
,in- the blue cat:
@o to tunnel / until the end.
*ee the %lue cat on a mural at the end o" the passage. 6se the
%rush to remove the dirt "rom the mural.
,in- somethin to &lace in the in-entation by the blue
cat: *omething is to %e placed %elow the %lue cat.
'nsert the cat amulet on the indentation. The door opens.
"et &ressure o? Dylan: D$lan arrives and goes in ;rst. 't is
dark in there %ut he touches something that drops rocks on him.
-lick on2remove 8 rocks to ease the pressure on the crushed
D$lan. This pu,,le is random and has several solutions( %elow is
just two o" them.
)ou have to die ;rst %e"ore these solutions work.

D$lan is sent to the hospital. Nanc$ automaticall$ reports to 7on.
Talk to Dylan an- others:
-all and talk to D$lan.
Lily: Talk to <il$ in her %unk. )ou do not need to send her awa$
using the .+%dullah needs $ou. dialogue $et.
Water tank: xit the tent and check the water tank. *ee
locusts on the water tank.
/amila: nter the antiquities tent. &ear 7amila talking a%out not
expecting someone to %e hurt.
5b-ullah: Talk to +%dullah inside the tom%.
/amila: @o to 7amila at the large room in tunnel E. Talk to 7amila.
<earn what she thinks a%out D$lan, +%dullah and the %lack
'(&lore the *at tomb:
@o to the end o" tunnel / where D$lan was crushed.
nter and see rows o" cat statues.
,in- a way to illuminate the new room: @o "orward towards
the dark room.
6se the lamp oil and the lighter to light the lamp on the le"t
%e"ore the entr$wa$.
-lick on the lamp to see the mirror pu,,le.
*ee mirrors at right side o" the overhead view o" the room.
+dd mirrors to direct light to the le"t. -lick the turn arrows to turn
the mirrors a"ter placing it on a slot.
0astet 9 Woman with lion9cat hea-: Translate the
hierogl$phs with the dictionar$ on %oth sides o" the mural o"
woman with cat2lionAs head at right.
To be said1 " rise out of the egg in the land hidden.
0e shall fall down upon the earth and becoe anials in the for
of 2shes.
-heck the contents o" the pans at the corner: !ne has a %all
with a %ell inside and the other has a com%.
#a: Translate the hierogl$phs with the dictionar$ on %oth sides
o" the mural o" man with sun disk with co%ra at le"t.
He !ieth like a bird, he alighteth like a beetle upon the epty
throne in thy boat, . Ra.
)ot hath been found his defect there. The scales have been
eptied of his trial.
*at co=n: !pen the coGn at center o" room.
*ee the mumm$ o" a cat. Take the tag 4winged scara%5 "rom its
.la2ue: Translate the hierogl$ph on the plaque %elow the scale
!ouse scale &u88le:
5mateur: -heck the scale and L mice a%ove the plaque.
The aim o" the pu,,le is to ;nd the mouse that is the lightest.
)ou are given E chances to use the scale to ;nd out.
1lace E mice on each pan. 1ress the scale %utton on top to weigh.
The %ottom %utton is to reset the pu,,le.
+. '" the$ weigh the same, use the remaining E: one on each pan
and one in reserve. -heck which is lighter.
'" the scales are even, the one in reserve is the lightest.
:. '" one is lighter, take of the heavier one and check the E mice
that are lighter.
6se the remaining E: one on each pan and one in reserve. -heck
which is lighter.
'" the scales are even, the one in reserve is the lightest.
!aster: -heck the scale and /E mice a%ove the plaque.
The aim o" the pu,,le is to ;nd the mouse that is the lightest.
)ou are given E chances to use the scale to ;nd out.
1lace D mice on each pan. 1ress the scale %utton on top to weigh.
The %ottom %utton is to reset the pu,,le.
+. '" the$ weigh the same, use the remaining E: one on each pan
and one in reserve. -heck which is lighter.
'" the scales are even, the one in reserve is the lightest.
:. '" one is lighter, take of the heavier one and work on the D
lighter mice.
6se the remaining D: 0 on each pan and one in reserve. -heck
which is lighter.
'" the scales are even, the one in reserve is the lightest.
'" not even, use the 0 "rom the light pan and weigh.
'aster ': '" $ou have collected the aster gg "rom the
antiquities tent( place it in the hole. Take it out again and then
take the gold #$sterious egg.
1ecret com&artment: 1lace the lightest mouse in the hole. +
secret compartment opens.
1ick up the cat tile and learn that the catAs name is #eskhenet.
Take the rest o" the journal notes. 3ead and learn that the writer is
a mem%er o" D.!.N. <earn what happened to her and she wants
to %e relieved o" the %urden she has %een carr$ing "or /9 $ears
soon. *he is looking "or the =ueen.
Tiles: <ook at the ceiling and see %ird tiles. !ne is still missing
even a"ter adding the &oopoe and the vulture.
,in- the missin &iece from the &anel on the tomb)s wall:
@o %ack to the tom% at tunnel E.
'm&ty tomb: @o %ack to the empt$ tom% at end o" tunnel E.
#ove the cover o" the coGn and see a mumm$ inside. !hH
!issin &iece: Face the panel on the tom% wall at right. 6se
the tag2winged scara% on the indentation o" the circular pu,,le.
,in- the true tomb:
1ress the scara%. 't turns and opens to a pu,,le.
-lick to look close at the pu,,le.
*olore- cobra &u88le:
6sing the clue stated %$ the translated torn pap$rus on the empt$
coGn, the co%ra has to %e arranged in speci;c color order.
.n the wings of
rebirth fro a
The path is
opened around
a circle they
+egin with gold
to honor
Aethyst for
And a pause to
3tep ahead to
re4uvenate in
abounds in
And protection
fro evil in
The true tob
is revealed.
The winged
scara% was
taken "rom the
cat companion
o" the queen.
the co%ras:
gold, purple,
space, green,
%lue, red.
The round
metal is the
reset %utton.
+ door opens on
the wall across
the pu,,le.


.n the wings of
rebirth fro a
The path is
opened around
a circle they
+egin with
then a pause to
3tep ahead to
honor in gold,
And protect
fro evil in
abounds in
(hile aethyst
arks her
The true tob
is revealed.
The winged
scara% was
taken "rom the
cat companion
o" the queen.
the co%ras:
green, space,
gold, red, %lue,
The round
metal is the
reset %utton.
+ door opens on
the wall across
the pu,,le.

True tomb:
nter through the opened door. <ook around.
,in- out the meanin of the -estiny ri--le:
-heck the statue o" &athor at le"t. Translate the hierogl$phs she is

@o to the statue at right. 6se the dictionar$ on the hierogl$phs
%ehind the statue. 3o then shall not be done any evil things unto
e by the 2ends.
,in- a way across the stones to the ol- co=n:
<ook at the stone path and see i" the stones can spell the gl$phs
"or destin$. No. '" $ou click on the wrong stone, $ou die.
Be need more in"ormation.
.rofessor Hotchkiss: @o outside and call 1ro". &otchkiss.
Ne"ertari catAs name is Destin$.
*he wants to know what kind o" %ird is in the catAs paw in the
mural. -heck the mural at end o" tunnel 0 and see. 't is a hoopoe.
@o %ack out and give 1ro". &otchkiss a call. @ive her the answer.
Dylan *arter: -all D$lan. <earn that <il$ lied to Nanc$ a%out
the amulets.
/on 0oyle: -all 7on a%out cats and a%out the mumm$ that
appeared in the empt$ tom%. *omeone is staging the site.
!ain tent: @o to the main tent. &ear a hissing sound.
@o to Nanc$As %unk. *ee a co%ra.
*obra: #ove the $ellow trash %in closer to the co%ra.
Take the stick leaning on the wall. 6se the stick on the co%ra.
Nanc$ pushes it in the trash %in.
Take the trash %in and Nanc$ places the trash %in with the co%ra
outside the tent. The trash %in has holes punched on the lid.
1tone &ath: @o %ack to the new tom% at tunnel E.
Now that we know that Ne"ertariAs cat is named #eskhenet
4Destin$5( use $our learned hierogl$phic skills to note the gl$phs
"or #eskhenet.
!r use the gl$phs "rom the ta%let opened %$ the scale pu,,le.
-lick on the stones that spell #eskhenet.
+ stone ramp moves out. Balk up to the gold coGn.
,in- out who is in the ol- co=n:
-lick to check the gold coGn. Nanc$ sa$s the gl$phs on the
sarcophagus are the ones "rom the *enet game. *he wants to talk
to <il$ a%out it.
Take the %ird tile 4'%is5 leaning on the sarcophagus at le"t. + new
passage opens le"t at le"t wall. 3amses '' is depicted le"t o" the
xit through the new opening. @o "orward 4D clicks5 and turn le"t
%e"ore a column with green %irds "acing each other at le"t. *ee a
locked gate.
Tunnel 2: -ontinue "orward until a door. *ee hand lock right o"
door. 1ress on the handprint to open the door to tunnel 0.
Turn le"t to go to main room. This is the ;rst hallwa$ a"ter the
entrance to tunnel 0. 't is the last door on this side.
1olve the bir- &u88le in the cat tomb:
@o to the cat room at end o" tunnel /.
-lick on the tile pu,,le on the ceiling. +utomaticall$ the E %ird
tiles are placed.
6sing the clue "rom the journal written %$ a D.!.N. mem%er and
the %ird mural at end tunnel 0( click on the %irds in numerical
+ door opens at right wall. @o through the new passage.
New &assae:
+t the ;rst room, look at the sand on the ?oor. *ee "ootprints.
1ick up the num%ers %ottom sheet. -heck the shining item in the
sand. 't is a match to <il$As sunglasses.
/ournal: @o "orward and at the ;rst room a"ter the corner 2 take
the journal paper on the "allen column at right.
<earn that the woman wrote a letter to her daughter %e"ore she
*he mentions a mark she saw all over the tom%.
Hallway: -ontinue "orward until a door. *ee hand lock right o"
1ress on the hand to open the door to tunnel 0. *ee that this right
across the new tunnel "rom the true tom% room in tunnel 0.
Turn right to go to main room.
Talk to 5b-ullah about the new <n-:
Tell +%dullah a%out the new mumm$, room and then the gold
coGn. &e leaves immediatel$.
Take the locker ke$ hanging on the scafolding, le"t o" the ladder.
@o the main tent and talk to <il$ completel$. <earn a%out the
*enet gl$phs.
To get her out o" here, tell her +%dullah needs her.
+&en 5b-ullah)s trunk:
Now that <il$ is gone, go to +%dullahAs %unk. 6se the locker ke$ on
the "ootlocker.
-heck the envelope at le"t. 3ead the letter "rom >ingston
6niversit$ a%out <il$As "alsi"$ing her research.
3ead the letter "rom *onn$ 7oon at %ack right. +%dullah contacted
*1'D and learn that 7amila is not a mem%er o" 7oonAs
1earch /amila)s ba aain:
@o %ack to tunnel E and 7amila. Talk to 7amila a%out her ruse.
Tell her that there is a new ;nd somewhere and she will go awa$.
xamine her %ag again. -lick on the %ottom o" the %ag and see
"alse %ottom.
3ead the newspaper and notations a%out +%dullah.
/on 0oyle: @o outside and call 7on. <earn a%out the Daughters
o" Ne"ertari.
Talk to /amila aain: 3eturn and talk to 7amila again.
<earn a%out the Daughter o" Ne"ertari and her "eelings "or
+%dullah. <earn that the women in her "amil$ have %een looking
"or Ne"ertari "or generations to protect her. *o 7amila is the
daughter o" the one who wrote the journal.
7amila gives a top num%ers sheet.
,in- out what the numbers from /amila are for:
@o to main tent and <il$As %unk. <il$ is still not here.
*ince $ou have %oth sheets with num%ers, click on the "ootlocker
lock. *ee the pu,,le.
,iure out how to o&en Lily)s trunk:
3ead the manual on the ?oor le"t o" the %ed to review how to
open the lock.
*ee colored squares with num%ers. This means that there should
%e that man$ squares o" that color there. The similar colored
squares can onl$ %e in hori,ontal or vertical or %lock
-lick2hold on a colored square and then move to cover the
num%er o" squares $ou want colored.
5mateur !aster
The "ootlocker opens. -heck the contents.
*ee a %ook a%out snakes. DidnAt she sa$ snakes give her the
*ee a card "rom a reptile emporium in -airo. *he must have
%ought the co%ra there.
3ead the postcard tucked at right side o" the trunk.
Take the %ottom hal" o" 7onAs note%ook page.
,in- out who is in the co=n:
+ sand storm is %rewing again. Nanc$ wants to shelter in the
@o to the tom% and the gold coGn at the true tom% via tunnel 0
or E 4check map5.
+&en the ol- co=n: <ook at the coGn.
!pen 7onAs missing notes to learn the in"o taken %$ <il$:
3e%irth precedes happiness.
The three truths "ollow the light o" 3e2+toum.
Bater ?ows at the end.
&appiness %e"ore 3e2+toum.
<il$ said that:
+nkh is the &ouse o" 3e%irth
Falcon is the &ouse o" &appiness
Three dots is the &ouse o" Three Truths
$e o" &orus is the &ouse o" 3e2+toum
E lines 2Bater is the &ouse o" Bater
:ased on 7onAs notes and <il$As *enet icons, deduce in what order
to push the icons: +nkh, "alcon, $e o" &orus, Three Truths and
!pen the tom%. Nanc$ sa$s it must %e Ne"ertari.

,in- someone to hel& Lily:
<il$ calls out to Nanc$ across the stone path. *he re"uses to sa$
her part in this curse.
The ceiling caves in and <il$ is %locked in the "alse tom% area.
xit through the new passage and "orward until tunnel 0.
Turn le"t at tunnel 0 and "orward to main room.
@o to 7amila at tunnel E. Talk to her a%out <il$.
7amila gives a signal %ox and tells Nanc$ to go a%ove and call "or
help. Take the signal %ox, the ankh ke$ and the riddle.
"et out of the tomb:
"ate: @o to the main room and then %ack to tunnel 0. nter the
last door at right %e"ore the partition to %e at the new passage.
@o "orward twice and then go right. 6se the +nkh ke$ on the lock
o" the gate.
To& level of the tomb: -lim% the stairs and "orward until the
*ee the ledge going to the exit at end o" the wall is recessed
!n the le"t wall are C circular murals.
@o to the ;rst mural and see that the heads can %e rotated a%ove
the %od$ o" the depicted god.
3eview the riddle paper 7amila gave $ou:
The$ arrive on six "eet or soaring wings, with a howl or a %leat,
the ancient reptile leading the wa$.
6nderneath a %la,ing sun, the jackal joins the mix o" hearts that
stand as one betwi5t the sky and the 6nderworld.
Dressed in red, she is joined %$ the child. +s the evening dew
appears in the cat#s footprints, the$ learn o" knowledge 4looks like
a snake to me5.
Drawn onward %$ the stead"ast cow, a throne accompanied %$
hierogl$phs arrives the %alance o" the other.
:ased on a%ove clues and in"ormation "rom the 1antheon:
First circle: -hange head to ancient alligator. 1ress the center
and the next ledge pulls out.
*econd circle: Falcon. 1ress the center and the next ledge pulls
Third circle: <ion or cat. 1ress the center and the next ledge
pulls out.
Fourth circle: Boman with sun disk. 1ress the center and go to
the exit.

.ath to the e(it: @o "orward until a new room.
*ee an overhead view o" the room. The %addie enters at top right.
The entrance is at %ottom le"t and the exit is at top middle.
ach pillar has C colors. + path is "ormed when similar colors o"
the posts "ace each other.
)ou can turn each post clockwise or counterclockwise.
There are onl$ a certain num%er o" turns o" the posts that can %e
done %e"ore the %addie gets $ou.
-heck the color $ou need and turn the post the shortest wa$
4clockwise or counterclockwise5 to conserve $our turns.
To start $ou of, turn the ;rst post to have %lue "ace the %lue o"
the entrance where Nanc$ is at %ottom le"t.

Nanc$ runs out to %e outside. The %addie stops Nanc$. 7on arrives
to save Nanc$.
-heck the outtakes.
*ee $ou in The Deadl$ DeviceH
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