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The IhIrd edIIIon oI Ihe CoIaI |azz & BIues CompeIIIIon (the Event) wIII be heId aI The
VeneIIan Macao Lagoon, CoIaI SIrIp ResorIs Macao. SuccessIuI enIranIs wIII perIorm over Ihe
Iourday ceIebraIIon In IronI oI Iens oI Ihousands oI vIsIIors Io Ihe CoIaI SIrIp. The compeIIIIon
Is open Io vocaIIsIs and InsIrumenIaIIsIs oI groups oI up Io sIx musIcIans.
SuccessIuI enIranIs wIII be havIng IIIghIs, IransporI, accommodaIIon and meaIs paId Ior by Ihe
CoIaI SIrIp ResorIs Macao.

SubmIssIon deadIIne Ior enIrIes Is 1 SepIember aI 6pm (Hong Kong IIme), so hurry!

AppIIcaIIons due 1 SLPTLMBLR 2014
12 IInaIIsIs pubIIc announcemenI 12 SLPTLMBLR 2014
WeIcome MeeIIng (In Macau) 7 OCTOBLR 2014
|azz & BIues CompeIIIIon 912 OCTOBLR 2014

1. IIII In Ihe AppIIcaIIon Iorm (page 7)

2. ProvIde a YouIube VIdeo or WebIInk oI Ihe band perIormance. PIease noIe IhaI your
vIdeo recordIngs musI have been made wIIhIn Ihe pasI Ihree monIhs and IncIude 23

3. ProvIde a recenI phoIograph oI Ihe group (aI IeasI 2 MB)

4. ProvIde TechnIcaI rIder and sIage pIan

S. CV oI Ihe group
6. Send aII oI Ihe above Io
PIease noIe IhaI your emaII shouId noI be Iarger Ihan 8MB
PIease noIe IhaI we are unabIe Io accepI appIIcaIIons vIa DropBox, WeSendII and so on.
, In case you have Issues reachIng us by emaII.

IncompIeIe or IaIe appIIcaIIons wIII noI be consIdered.
ShouId you have quesIIons abouI your appIIcaIIon, pIease do noI hesIIaIe sendIng us an emaII


IIIghIs Irom your currenI IocaIIon (specIIIed In Ihe AppIIcaIIon Iorm)
Ierry IransporIaIIon Io,Irom Hong Kong AIrporI (II appIIcabIe)
PIck up and drop oII Irom Ierry,aIrporI In Macau
AccommodaIIon aI CoIaI SIrIp ResorIs Macao
Iood and Beverage vouchers Io be redeemed aI Sands ChIna ouIIeIs

The compeIIIIon Is open Io arIIsIs oI any naIIonaIIIy and any age. However pIease noIe IhaI
arIIsIs wIII be asked Io Iake care oI IheIr own vIsa requIremenIs, II any.

Bands may have up Io sIx perIormIng musIcIans who can IncIude:
InsIrumenIaIIsIs and vocaIIsIs

CoIaI SIrIp ResorIs Macao LnIerIaInmenI paneI wIII evaIuaIe each appIIcaIIon and wIII assess Ihe
bands IocusIng on:
Band CV
SIyIe , InIerpreIaIIon
TechnIque (dIcIIon , arIIcuIaIIon)
MusIcaIIIy (IIme, rhyIhm, InIonaIIon)
ResuIIs wIII be shared wIIh Ihe bands no IaIer Ihan 8 SepIember.

PrIzes wIII be awarded by a jury whose members are weII known personaIIIIes on Ihe |azz &
BIues scene.
Once Ihe paneI Is conIIrmed we wIII InIorm on
Lach awardwInner musI receIve hIs or her prIze personaIIy.


CoIaI SIrIp ResorIs wIII suppIy enIranIs wIIh proIessIonaI sound IechnIcIans and sound sysIems
aIong wIIh a backIIne oI drum kII, keyboard, synIhesIzer, guIIar and bass ampIIIIers. The
IesIIvaI wIII be heId ouIdoors. In Ihe evenI oI bad weaIher II wIII be moved Io an Indoor venue.

AII Ihe above equIpmenI, or equIvaIenI modeI, wIII be seIup on sIage Ior Ihe bands and wIII be
miced up accordingly.

The OrganIzers wIII Iry Io accommodaIe any bands IhaI wIsh Io brIng IheIr own specIaIIsI
eIecIrIc,ampIIIIed equIpmenI Ior Ihe seIup. However, any eIecIrIc,ampIIIIed equIpmenI IncIudes
onIy and up Io Ihe IoIIowIng:
CuIIar,bass ampIIIIer and cabIneI;
MIcrophones, e.g. specIIIc Ior saxophones, buI noI Io repIace Ihe mIcrophones used Ior
micIng up the musical instruments the OrganIzer provIdes.

AddIIIonaI equIpmenI such as woodwInd, brass or sIrIng InsIrumenIs (eIecIrIc and acousIIc) wIII
be seIIbrIngIn by Ihe bands.

The sIage IhaI wIII be provIded Is as IoIIows:
SIage dImensIons: 9.Sm wIde x S.4m deep x 0.6m hIgh

There wIII be a ground supporI,rooI sIrucIure Io cover Ihe sIage wIIh an InIernaI heIghI oI
approxImaIeIy 4m Irom Ihe ground.


SuccessIuI enIranIs wIII be requIred Io meeI Ihe IoIIowIng requIremenIs:

1. AII bands are requIred Io arrIve aI CoIaI SIrIp ResorIs Macao In IIme Ior Ihe weIcome
meeIIng on Tuesday, 7 OcIober S:00pm (HK IIme). ThIs wIII be IoIIowed by oneonone
meeIIngs wIIh sound and IIghIIng IechnIcIans II needed.
2. RehearsaIs wIII be heId Irom Tuesday, 8 OcIober, and aII bands are requIred Io aIIend
3. CompeIIIors have Ireedom Io choose IheIr reperIoIre wIIhIn |azz and BIues genre. Is enIIreIy
up Io Ihe CompeIIIors Io obIaIn consenI Irom any IhIrd parIIes In connecIIon Io copyrIghI
or any oIher InIeIIecIuaI properIy rIghIs reIaIed Io any oI Ihe musIc Ihey wIII perIorm.
CompeIIIors wIII deIend and hoId harmIess CoIaI SIrIp ResorIs, and IIs subsIdIarIes and
aIIIIIaIes and IheIr respecIIve dIrecIors, oIIIcers, empIoyees and agenIs, and CoIaI SIrIp
ResorIs cusIomers Io Ihe exIenI Ihe cusIomers are IndemnIIIed by CoIaI SIrIp ResorIs
agaInsI any claim or action (collectively, Claims) arising out of, resulting from, or related
Io any acIuaI or aIIeged InIrIngemenI or mIsapproprIaIIon oI any paIenI, copyrIghI,
Irademark, Irade secreI, Irade name, Irade dress, mask work or oIher InIeIIecIuaI properIy
or proprietary right (collectively IP Rights) of a third party.
4. Lach band enIranI wIII be requIred Io pIay 1 haIIhour seIs on Thursday, IrIday or SaIurday
In IronI oI a IIve audIence. SIx IInaIIsIs wIII be requIred Io pIay one haIIhour seI on Sunday
In IronI oI a IIve audIence
S. AII IraveI arrangemenIs; accommodaIIon and Iood wIII be made by and paId Ior by CoIaI
SIrIp ResorIs Macao.
6. Band members wIII be housed In shared accommodaIIon, Iwo per room, In a CoIaI SIrIp
ResorIs Macao properIy. Iood and beverage vouchers wIII be suppIIed by CoIaI SIrIp ResorIs
Macao Io each band member vaIId Ior Ihe duraIIon oI IheIr sIay.
7. OnIy band musIcIans (6 maxImum) and vocaIIsIs wIII be sponsored. Managers oI bands wIII
noI be IInancIaIIy supporIed.
8. CoIaI SIrIp ResorIs Macao has Ihe rIghI Io canceI a conIesIanI's parIIcIpaIIon aI IIs
dIscreIIon Ior noncompIIance wIIh Ihe conIesI reguIaIIons.
9. ParIIcIpanIs are requIred Io arrIve on IIme Ior meeIIngs, rehearsaIs and sound checks. II IhIs
requesI Is noI made, Ihere wIII be a penaIIy oI poInIs oI perIormance or II can aIso Iead Io
10. By appIyIng Io Iake parI In Ihe compeIIIIon, Ihe appIIcanIs consenI Ior Ihe above sIaIed
recordIng as weII as Ior IIs IransmIssIon and broadcasIIng under Ihe condIIIons menIIoned
above. The parIIcIpanIs and Ihe prIzewInners have no cIaIm Io addIIIonaI Iees or copyrIghI.
AddIIIonaIIy ParIIcIpanIs hereby granI Ihe rIghI Io CoIaI SIrIp ResorIs Io reproduce, prInI,
pubIIsh or dIssemInaIe In any medIum, IncIudIng socIaI medIa, Ihe porIraII, pIcIure,

IIkeness, voIce, bIographIcaI maIerIaI and vIdeo IooIage concernIng any oI Ihe ParIIcIpanIs,
as weII as any oIher person connecIed wIIh Ihe LvenI, Ior Ihe soIe purpose oI adverIIsIng,
promoIing and/or reporting the Event (Promotional Materials). In addition to the rights set
IorIh In Ihe precedIng senIence, CoIaI SIrIp ResorIs shaII have Ihe perpeIuaI and IrrevocabIe
rIghI Io reproduce, prInI, pubIIsh or dIssemInaIe In any medIum, IncIudIng socIaI medIa, Ihe
PromoIIonaI MaIerIaIs Ior InsIIIuIIonaI adverIIsIng purposes, I.e., adverIIsIng desIgned Io
creaIe goodwIII and presIIge and noI Ior Ihe purpose oI beIng commercIaIIy soId by CoIaI
SIrIp ResorIs.
11. No changes In band membershIp aIIer appIIcaIIon are permIIIed and Ihe organIzIng
commIIIee reserves Ihe rIghI Io dIsquaIIIy any group In Ihe case oI IrreguIarIIIes.
12. DurIng Ihe Iour days oI Ihe CoIaI |azz & BIues IesIIvaI, parIIcIpanIs are prohIbIIed Irom
perIormIng In any oIher IocaIIons excepI Ihose oI IhIs compeIIIIon.
13. ParIIcIpanIs wIII behave In a proper and orderIy manner and shaII be requIred Io compIy (1)
wIIh Las Vegas, Nevada PrIvIIeged LIcense requIremenIs; (2) wIIh Ihe US IoreIgn CorrupI
PracIIces AcI; (3) wIIh Ihe Iaws oI Macau and ChIna IncIudIng IocaI (PRC) reguIaIIons. In case
ParIIcIpanIs have any behavIor, sIIuaIIon, occurrence or acI InvoIvIng moraI IurpIIude
IncIudIng, buI noI IImIIed Io, Ihe use oI drugs, aIcohoI, IIIIcII sexuaI behavIor or oIherwIse
IendIng Io brIng IhemseIves InIo pubIIc dIsrepuIe, conIempI, scandaI, or rIdIcuIe Ihey wIII
be ImmedIaIeIy excIuded Irom Ihe compeIIIIon.
14. The parIIcIpanIs and Ihe prIzewInners have no cIaIm Io addIIIonaI Iees.
1S. InIrIngemenI oI Ihese ruIes wIII resuII In excIusIon Irom Ihe compeIIIIon.


Band,Croup Name:

PIease IIck Ihe approprIaIe box:
InsIrumenIaIIsIs and vocaIIsIs

PrImary conIacI, Bands leader name:
CurrenI Address:
CounIry: MobIIe:
Band NaIIonaIIIy: WebsIIe,Page:
eMaII: SIyIe oI MusIc:

Name oI MusIcIans InsIrumenIs

AvaIIabIe Irom 613 OcIober 20147 Yes
IIIghIs wIII be requIred Irom,Io:
AIrporI Code CIIy CounIry

Where dId you hear abouI IhIs CompeIIIIon7
Caixa Cubo
Jos Maria Gonalves Pereira
R. Bento de Jesus Caraa, 19 Porto Brando
PORTUGAL +351 918190321 Jazz / Samba-Jazz / Bossa Nova
Jos Maria Gonalves Pereira Tenor Saxophone
Henrique Gomide Piano
Noa Stroeter Double Bass
Joo Gabriel Fideles Drums


you hereby accord IhaI you have read and agreed Io aII ruIes and
reguIaIIons Ior Ihe CoIaI |azz and BIues IesIIvaI 2014, Irom page 1 Io 8 oI IhIs bookIeI.
You have IncIuded aII necessary IIems In,wIIh IhIs appIIcaIIon:
AppIIcaIIon Iorm
23 recenI vIdeo recordIngs oI Ihe band
RecenI phoIograph oI Ihe group (aI IeasI 2MB)
TechnIcaI rIder and SIage PIan
CV oI Ihe Croup

AdrIana Lucas,Ines Azevedo
CoIaI |azz and BIues IesIIvaI

DaIe: SIgnaIure:

AUGUST 28TH 2014

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