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How to Stop Hair Loss Naturally

1,856,570 views86 Editors Edited 10 days ago

Three Methods:Herbs and SupplementsTopical TreatmentsLifestyle Changes
Men, and sometimes women, notice that their hair is thinning prematurely for sev
eral different reasons. Age, menopause, pregnancy, genetics, illness, and other
factors all play a role in hair loss. Sure, you can use drugs like Rogaine, or y
ou can go in for a hair transplant or fusion, but sometimes the easiest, most in
expensive solution, is to try to stop hair loss naturally.
Method 1 of 3: Herbs and Supplements
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1Treat with saw palmetto. Native Americans use saw palmetto to promote healthy h
air and skin. Saw palmetto also blocks the production of DHT (a metabolite of te
stosterone), a contributing factor to enlarging of the prostate. Because DHT pro
duction also causes hair loss, saw palmetto has been shown in some small studies
to be effective for preventing hair loss in some men.

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2Take vitamins. Your mother told you they were good for you, but you may not kno
w that they are good for your hair, too. Add some extra milligrams of these vita
mins to your daily regimen:
Vitamin A: Vitamin A is an anti-oxidant, which promotes healthy production of se
bum in the scalp.
Omega-3: Take Omega-3 fatty acids. Foods rich in Omega-3 are fatty fish, egg yol
ks, fish eggs (caviar) and milk.
Vitamin E: This vitamin stimulates circulation, and good blood circulation in th
e scalp is important in keeping your hair follicles productive.
B vitamins: The B vitamins help your body produce melanin, which gives hair its
healthy color. Melanin also stimulates blood circulation.[1]
Method 2 of 3: Topical Treatments
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1Use essential oils combined with a scalp massage. Massage promotes good circula
tion in the scalp, to keep your hair follicles active. Massage your scalp daily
by hand for a couple of minutes. To enhance the massage, use a few drops of lave
nder or bay essential oil in an almond, or sesame oil base on your scalp.
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2Use egg oil. Massage egg oil into the scalp and leave on overnight.
Shampoo off in the morning with a mild, preferably herbal shampoo. Use shampoo o
nly once as repetition removes the natural lipids of hair making it dry and brit
Use egg oil 2-3 times a week for at least 12 weeks for visible results. Regular,
continued use is important for proper nourishment of the cell membranes.
Continue long term massage therapy of egg oil to prevent hairfall and graying. D
iscontinuing use may gradually bring back hairfall problems and resume graying.
Egg oil is mess free and stable. It is a more convenient alternative to egg yolk
masks and does not smell like raw egg yolks or cook in the hair during a hot sh
ower. There is no risk of salmonella which could give you a scalp infection.
You can make egg oil at home [[1]] or buy it online.
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3Restore moisture through hot oil treatments. You can use any natural oil includ
ing safflower and canola or olive oil. Use this method judiciously as frequent u
se of hot oil or using oil which is too hot can bring on premature graying.
Heat the oil up so it is warm, but not too hot. The ideal temperature is not exc
eeding 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit). Then, massage the oil into y
our scalp.
Put on a shower cap for about an hour. When the hour is up, rinse or shampoo out
the oil.
Mayonnaise also works well as a conditioner. Slather your hair with a generous d
ollop, put on a shower cap for up to an hour, and then rinse it off.[2]
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4Try rubbing your scalp with garlic juice, onion juice, or ginger juice. Make su
re you only use 1 of these juices; don't mix them. Leave the juice on your scalp
overnight, and wash it out in the morning.
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5Rub rangoli henna into your hair. It is a green powder with the texture of talc
that seals the hair cuticle, which strengthens the hair shaft at the root.[3]
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6Rub green tea into your hair. The tea contains anti-oxidants, which may prevent
hair loss and help hair growth.
Brew 2 bags of green tea in 1 cup of water. Let the tea cool slightly, and then
apply it to your hair.
Leave the tea on for 1 hour. Then, rinse your hair thoroughly.[4]
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7Boil potatoes and rosemary in water on your stove top. Strain the liquid, and u
se it daily as a hair rinse.
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8Try fenugreek (methi) seeds treatment. This will provide shine and add strength
to hair with regular use, helping to keep hair intact.
Soak and grind one cup of fenugreek (Indian methi seeds) with sufficient water t
o make a paste.
Apply to the scalp and massage it lightly.
Leave it for half an hour.
Rinse out with cold water.
Method 3 of 3: Lifestyle Changes
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1Include more high-protein foods in your diet. Eating lean meats, fish, soy, or
other proteins may help to curb hair loss. Besides containing protein, many food
s rich in protein also contain Vitamin B-12.
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2Take care of the hair that you have. Never brush wet hair, and avoid rubbing yo
ur hair dry with a towel. Instead, let it air dry or else blow dry it to the poi
nt of dampness, and let it dry from there.
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3Reduce stress. Sometimes, the root cause for hair loss is stress.
Practice meditation. Meditation can help to both reduce stress and restore your
hormonal balance. Practicing meditation can also help you in other aspects of yo
ur life.
Get some exercise. Walk, swim, or bike for 30 to 60 minutes per day. Or, try pla
ying a sport like tennis, so you can take out your aggression by hitting a ball.
The exercise will help to lower your stress levels.
Talk or write it out. Talk to your spouse, a friend, or family member, or to a t
herapist about what you are experiencing. Take the time to record your feelings
in a journal.
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4Avoid wigs or hairpieces. While these may seem like good cosmetic solutions, th
ey may also speed up hair loss by damaging your hair follicles.[5]

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When you apply topical treatments to your scalp, make sure that you don't use th
em around clothes, furniture, or bedding that could either be ruined, or acquire
an unpleasant odor from the treatments.

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