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Question 1: Provide a tafseer of surat Al-Ra'ad, verses 1-5 in the light of following parts of the

complete methodology of !RP" #rite down the !RP$awhidi methodology as scientific research

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful





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Alif Lam Mim Ra. These are the verses of the Book; and
that which is revealed to you from your Lord is the truth,
ut most !eo!le do not elieve.


2 34

7 8.

: 5










Allah is #e $ho raised the heavens without any !illars
that you see, and #e is firm in !ower and #e made the sun
and the moon suservient %to you&; each one !ursues its
course to an a!!ointed time; #e re'ulates the affair,
makin' clear the si'ns that you may e certain of meetin'
your Lord.
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And #e it is $ho s!read the earth and made in it firm
mountains and rivers, and of all fruits #e has made in it
two kinds; #e makes the ni'ht cover the day; most surely
there are si'ns in this for a !eo!le who reflect.
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And in the earth there are tracts side y side and 'ardens
of 'ra!es and corn and !alm trees havin' one root and
%others& havin' distinct roots** they are watered with one
water, and $e make some of them e+cel others in fruit; most
surely there are si'ns in this for a !eo!le who understand.
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And if you would wonder, then wondrous is their sayin'-
$hat. when we are dust, shall we then certainly e in a new
creation/ These are they who diselieve in their Lord, and
these have chains on their necks, and they are the inmates
of the fire; in it they shall aide.
a% he functional nature of primal functional ontology of the Quran and !unnah"
True knowledges are based on conformity of unity and interrelationship of the seen and unseen
interweaving upon equilibrium paradigm. Segregation of the relationship is the violation of
unity of knowledge and thus leads to the incomplete partisan view model. Rationalist view
model does the so and far from any comprehend and completeness. Bridging between the seen
and unseen is the requirement of completeness.

A rigorous and exhaustive organiation of knowledge domain that is usually hierarchical and
contains all the relevant entities and their relations are based on the revelation. So the Allah
subhanu ta!ala says"
#These are the verses of the Book; and that which is
revealed to you from your Lord is the truth$%&'(&).
&% he role of the '(lul umri min)um* in formulation of ma)asid as-shari'ah"
Building knowledge block is a continuous process. Believing in the final day is significant as
the unity of truth manifests. *beying Allah and the messenger refers to the obeying +uran and Sunnah.
Thus addressing epistemology to uphold the consciousness based on tawhidic principle is an ongoing
process of parametric and nonparametric function. Absence of ,lul amri minkum
will fail to uphold the consciousness in the contemporary context followed by evolutionary processes
of learning and lead to the unsuccessful implementation of obedience. Successful shariah
implementation requires an active role of realiation upon formulation based on tawhidi unity of
knowledge(flow. The relations starting from the epistemological origin %" S) are well(defined %implied
by the f(functions). -n .hase / the same experience of .hase & is repeated but now with evolutionary
learning according to unity of knowledge" i.e. 0%" S)1 2 Such learning processes combining
Seen 3orld Allah
.hase & and .hase / continue on in perpetuity.
5ig &.b.&6 7lementary circular causality between embedded prosperity concepts induced by the 8oral 9aw and
its evolution
#,llil amri minkum$ together with obeying +uran and sunnah play key roles in bringing about complementaries
between the variables of various learning relations to in formulation of makasid as(shariah.
c% he methodological construction of derived )nowledges + flows representation unity of
Recalling %"S) in continuum
:0 S1 %T); Z%) .hase / " 5ig &.b.& and many more learning processes %&)
Moral Law (, S)
3ealth6 -ndividual %<
%)) A 3ealth6 Social %<
% %" S)) f
% %" S))

%" <
%)) f
%" <

=ontinued simulation of social wellbeing" s.t. circular causation
followed by evolutionary processes of learning
7volutionary process
of learning in unity of
.hase & of learning in
Tawhidi unity of
.hases / and more of
learning in Tawhidi
unity of knowledge
Simulated Social 3ellbeing
5unction" s.t. circular causation
.hase & in 5ig &.b.&
%"S) by recalling %"S) across continuums
08oral 9aw1
:-slamic 9aw;,nified 3orld(System learning continuums
according to the %T) %"S)
induced variables
>erived knowledge comprises of measurement of known and unknown parameter and
nonparametric function represents unity of knowledge. The epistemological origin %"S) are
well defined by the f(function and repeated with evolutionary learning according to unity of
knowledge %"S)(?.
d% he same as Q,"c in respect of the unity of the world system"
>erived knowledge comprises of measurement of known and unknown parameters and nonparametric
function represents unity of knowledge therefore the unity of the world(system.

e% he formation of the )nowledge + induced events in the dimension of )nowledge, space and
time of the world-system"
@nowledge(induced events by means of which man can gain knowledge of Reality" either in its partial
or total aspects. Therefore to speak of methodology is first of all to speak of man who is the subAective
pole of knowledge" that is to say" the subAect that knows. This pole consists of all the faculties and
powers of knowing within man" which are hierarchic in nature. -n other words" man is capable of
having multiple levels of consciousness. Bext" to speak of methodology is to speak of the ,niverse"
which is the obAective pole of knowledge" that is to say" the obAect that is knowable" and which is also
hierarchical. -n other words" the ,niverse has multiple levels of being or existence. -slamic
methodology of knowledge %al(Cilm) deals precisely with the essential relationship between this
hierarchy of manDs faculties of knowing and the hierarchy of the ,niverse" and with principles
governing that relationship.
The span of knowledge hierarchy development wave is squeeing as the time passes and society is
experiencing rapid changes in this cycle. =onsciousness with the development phase is in demand.
+uality education as that prepares learner how to cope in phase within the development cycles within
its life span along with the moral values" religious integrity and societal responsibilities. -t is to be
noted that religion is the ultimate source of ethics and morality and from the historical point of view
education is the best way to promote religion and religion is best way to educate society. As it is
depicted in following diagram that next development cycle is going to address the new issues such as
environmental and social obAectives" religion is the center point of both aspects.
5igure &.e.&6 5requency of knowledge development hierarchy of technology.
f% -ogical formalism as functional ontology e.plaining
0" 1ircular 1ausation as inter-uria&le causation
," 2valuation as 2stimation 3 !imulation"
4" 5nter-process of continuity of the evolutionary learning phenomenology of unity of )nowledge"
5"6efinition of Quranic historicism"
-slam considers a society to be composed of conscious individuals who are equipped with free will and
who have a responsibility toward both themselves and others %Eod and other living and non(living
beings). -t sees humanity as the FmotorF of history. Gust as" without excluding Eod!s forgiveness" mercy"
and extra aids" every individual!s will and behavior determine the outcome of their life in this world
and in the Hereafter" a society!s progress or decline is determined by the will" world(view" and lifestyle
of its members. The verse means Eod will not change the state of a people unless they change
themselves %with respect to their beliefs" world(view" and lifestyle). -n other words" each society holds
the reins of its fate in its own hands. A .rophetic Tradition emphasies this idea6 FIou will be ruled
according to how you are %how you believe" live" and behave).F
The essence of +uranic historicism is thus embedded in the continuity in fundamental principle of
transition. According to the +ur!Jn" we sow the field of this world or the present time in order to
harvest in the near %this world) and far future %the next world or eternal life). Eiven this" history is
made up of our own choices and not laid out by a compelling will.
Question 0: !RP applies to &oth truth and falsehood" Point out or write down the !R$awhidi !tring
Relationship% as in Q1 for e.plaining the epistemological model of rationalism"
Question ,: 5dentify in the !R formal model how the following pro&lem can &e studied: /1/
Application for 7angladesh"
&. >ispensation of wealth in -slam" .rofessor 8asudul Alam =houdhury
/. .rofessor .aul 3 Gowitt of Heriot(3att ,niversity" Kth Brunel -nternational 9ecture" -=7
'. -slamic 3orld System" 8asudul Alam =houdhury

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