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Route de Bel vs 24480 CADOUI N Dordogne Tl . +33 ( 0) 5 53 63 42 79 Fax +33 ( 0) 5 53 61 72 05 emai l contact@l asal vetat. com



Nos Formules
Plat + Dessert 27,00
Entre + Plat 27,50
Entre + Plat + Dessert ou Fromage 32,00
Entre + Plat + Fromage + Dessert 37,00
Prix Toutes Taxes Comprises, les pourboires restent votre discrtion
Prices are inclusive of TVA, gratuities are at your discretion

*Nos slections de produits du terroir
(v) plat vgtarien
(sg) sans gluten



Carpaccio de Saint-J acques, marinade aux herbes et la mangue (sg)
Thinly sliced scallops with a mango and herb marinade

Terrine de poireaux, vinaigrette balsamique et huile de noix, uf mollet
et mimolette affine * (v) (sg)
Leek terrine with a walnut oil and balsamic vinaigrette, soft boiled egg and aged
Mimolette cheese shavings

Roul de suprme de volaille farci aux abricots et pistaches, coulis
poivrons rouge (sg)
Breast of Chicken stuffed with apricots and pistachio nuts, red pepper coulis

Croustillant descargots au vin de Bergerac et sa crme dail *
Escargots between puff pastry crisps with a local red wine sauce and garlic cream

Aiguillettes de canette au tempura la bire, sauce ananas-gingembre
Strips of duck breast in a crispy beer tempura batter, pineapple and ginger sauce

Saumon marin la betterave et vodka, glace Wasabi
Salmon Gravlax marinated in beetroot and vodka, wasabi ice cream

Foie gras de canard mi-cuit maison, chutney coing et pomme, et son verre de
rosette ou de monbazillac * (sg)
Terrine of Foie gras mi-cuit with a quince and apple chutney and a glass of Rosette
or Monbazillac
(supplment 5)


Mdaillon de pintadeau farci aux chtaignes, sauce lestragon*
Tournedos of free-range Guinea fowl breast stuffed with chestnuts with a tarragon

Pav de cabillaud vapeur, sauce ocane safrane * (sg)
Steamed loin of Cod with a seafood and saffron cream sauce

Filet mignon de porc, sauce charcutire (sg)
Pork tenderloin with a mustard and cornichon sauce

Filet de canette pol, jus de canard aux pommes * (sg)
Pan fried breast of duckling, with a duck and apple jus

Tagliatelles aux lgumes et crme de cpes (v)
Tagliatelli with vegetable ribbons and a creamy cp mushroom sauce

Ctes dagneau et son farci, jus au romarin
Rack of Lamb cutlets with a lamb and mushroom forcemeat, rosemary jus

Suggestions du Chef

Tournedos Rossini, Buf du Limousin, sauce Prigueux (sg)
Filet of prime Limousin beef topped with a slice of foie gras pel, port and
truffle sauce
(supplment 10)

Eminc de ris de veau brais, sauce morilles (sg)
Braised Veal sweetbread with a Morilles mushroom sauce
(supplment 10)

Filet de pigeon rti et sa cuisse en ballottine farci au foie gras, jus la
truffe * (sg)
Roast breast of pigeon and leg stuffed with foie gras, truffle perfumed jus
(Supplment 5)

Tous nos plats sont accompagns dune garniture de lgumes varis

Notre viande bovine est dorigine franaise

Slection maison
Selection of cheese


choisir la commande
Please order your desserts in advance

Dacquoise lgre aux amandes, chantilly au caf, coulis dabricot (sg)

Moist almond meringue (like a macaron), coffee cream and apricot coulis

Souffl Glac au sirop de sureau (sg)
Light Elderflower iced cream souffle

Pruneaux dAgen pochs au th camomille et lArmagnac,
glace la vanille*
Agen prunes steeped in camomile tea and Armagnac, vanilla ice cream

Crme brle la vanille de bourbon (sg)
Anns classic Trinity burnt cream

Tarte Tatin, glace caramel au beurre sal
Upside-down apple tart, salted butter caramel ice cream

Fondant chaud au Chocolat noir
Our speciality !
(supplment 2,50)


Mandarine impriale et sa liqueur
Mandarin sorbet with Mandarin Napolon liqueur

Coupe Williams et sa liqueur* (sg)
Pear sorbet with Poire William liqueur

Coupe Cassis (sorbet cassis arros de sa crme cassis)
Blackcurrant sorbet with Crme de Cassis (sg)

Coupe Prigourdine*
Walnut ice cream with liqueur de noix

Trio de Crmes glaces ou sorbets
Your choice of three ice creams or sorbets

Les Sorbets - Cassis, Mandarine, Poire, Fraise

Les crmes glaces - Chocolat, Caramel, Noix avec cerneaux, Nougat, Vanille

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