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9:00 am Contemporary Worship Service

We come this morning to worship and give thanks for Gods overwhelming love.
May Gods promised gift through Jesus change the way we live within the

Welcome and Call to Worship Rev. Todd Noren-Hentz

Passing the Peace

Praise and Worship Time Praise Band
Like a Lion
Lord, I Need You
Beautiful Things

Prayers of the People The Lords Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is
the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.
Childrens bulletins and Busy Bags are available in the gathering area outside
the double doors. Childrens Worship and Wonder is available for children
age 4 through 2

Scripture Ecclesiastes 3:1-11

Message FAMILY MATTERS Rev. Bryan Sisson
Embracing Life Seasons

Giving Our Tithes and Offerings

Closing Song Forever Reign Praise Band

Words of Challenge Rev. Bryan Sisson

Please stand as you are able

Earplugs are available at the back of the Sanctuary
for those who might need them.
Welcome to Our Guests!
Thank you for worshiping at Grace UMC! You are our honored guest, and
we hope you will make yourself at home this morning. We want to welcome
and follow up with you, so please fill out a First-Time Visitor Card in the
Attendance Pads and share your information. Also, please make sure to
introduce yourself to Pastor Bryan or Pastor Todd after the service.

Join the GraceFull Singers!
Its not too late for youth and kids in Grades 1-8 to join the GraceFull Singers
as we prepare a Christmas musical, Dude, You Hear What I Hear? to be
presented Sunday, December 7
, followed by a church-wide potluck. Come
and join us for lots of fun, singing, drama, and more! Rehearsals are on
Sundays from 4:00-5:30 pm. Questions? Contact Gianna Gimenez.

Wednesday Family Night This Week
Join us at 5:00 pm for our Wednesday Family Night fellowship meal this
Wednesday, September 3
! The Tuesday morning Ladies' Bible Study Group
is hosting this weeks meal, and the menu is: Meatloaf, mashed potatoes,
green beans, mixed salad, canned peaches, and rolls. There will be ham
rolls for the kids. Following the meal, at 6:00 pm we have Wee BZ for ages
2-Pre-K, Bible Zone for K-5
Grades, youth small groups, and adult studies.
Nursery care will be available.

Outdoor Church
Grace UMC is sponsoring Outdoor Church at the Manna House in downtown
Huntsville on Saturday, September 6
, from 8:00 am - Noon. In addition to
providing lunch, were also leading a worship service at 11:00 am, so come
join us! To help as a volunteer cooking and/or serving food for the homeless
on that Saturday, please contact Brian Mitchell at
or (256) 527-4583.

GraceFull Players Sunday
Please make every effort to come for GraceFull Players Sunday at both the
9:00 and 11:00 services next Sunday, September 7
. This talented group of
performers will be offering Gods Word through drama and dance, as well as
leading us in receiving the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Please mark your
calendars and plan on being a part of this special experience!

Next Growing as Parents Class
Join us next Sunday, September 7
, from 4:00 - 5:30 pm as our guest
speaker, Rev. Jim Norris from The Vine Pastoral Counseling Center, discusses
Child Development. Over the next few weeks well have other topics of
interest led by various people from the church and our community.
Childcare and programming for kids is available while we meet. Nursery
workers will play with kids in Kindergarten and younger, and children in 1

Grade though 8
Grade are invited to join our GraceFull Singers program.
For more information on upcoming speakers/topics, please visit

Let's Become a "Sticky Church" - A Mixer for Members and Visitors
Join us on September 21
during the Sunday School hour in the Fellowship
Hall as the Invitational Ministry Team leads us in a mixer to help us become
a "sticky church." This experience is designed to help members and regular
attenders at Grace meet newer folks who have begun to attend worship at
Grace. We'll have activities that go beyond mingling to help each of us know
who is new in our midst at both services and begin to build relationships
with these folks. This will help us move towards our vision of being a church
that "creates connections" to grow God's Kingdom. If you would like to help,
please contact Gina Barlow (

Please Continue to Give
We ask that everyone continues to be faithful in their giving in order for our
church to meet the budget goal which was set for 2014. Grace relies on the
pledges and the amounts budgeted to provide the programs and outreach to
those who attend the church as well as those in our community. Please
continue to faithfully give!
UPCOMING CHURCH ACTIVITIES 11:00 am Traditional Worship Service
Through SONG, PRAYER, and WORD let us come before God this morning with
willing hearts. Come, Holy Spirit, and fill us with the power of your peace this
day of new beginnings!

Words of Gathering Rev. Todd Noren-Hentz

Musical Invitation and Lighting of Candles Curtis Lindsay, piano
Steal Away

Introit All My Hope is Firmly Grounded Chancel Choir

Welcome & Announcements Rev. Todd Noren-Hentz

Opening Hymn #139 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty

Passing the Peace

Prayers of the People The Lords Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the
kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen!

Hymn #377 It Is Well with My Soul

Childrens Message Rev. Todd Noren-Hentz
Childrens bulletins and Busy Bags are available in the gathering area outside
the double doors. Childrens Worship and Wonder is offered for children
age 4 through 2

Anthem The Time for Turning Chancel Choir

Scripture Reading Ecclesiastes 3:1-11

Message FAMILY MATTERS Rev. Bryan Sisson
Embracing Life Seasons

Giving Our Tithes and Offerings Curtis Lindsay, piano
Didnt My Lord Deliver Daniel?

Words of Praise and Doxology #95
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here
below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy
Ghost. Amen.

Closing Hymn #117 O God, Our Help in Ages Past

Blessing and Sending Forth

Please stand as you are able

Imagine having a group of encouragers - friends - who help you become
who God intends for you to be...Imagine time taken each week to delve
deeper into Gods Word and its meaning for your life...Imagine church as
fun fellowship!
IMAGINE GRACE LIFEGROUPS! Coming September 2014.
Stay tuned for more upcoming news and information!

The worshipers at Grace UMC are its ministers.
The staff who support them are:

Senior Pastor: J. Bryan Sisson
Associate Pastor: Todd Noren-Hentz
Director of Youth Ministries: Adam McNeil
Office Administrator: Vicki Sheehy
Music Director: Gianna Gimenez
Praise and Worship Leader: Doug Wright
Accompanist: Curtis Lindsay
Facilities Manager: Ben Allen
Nursery Coordinator: Kalyn Polatty
Church Activities This Week*

Sunday, 8/31
9:00 am Contemporary Worship
10:05 am Sunday School
11:00 am Traditional Worship
12:00 pm Disc Golf Association - UAH
3:00 pm Explorations Class

Monday, 9/1

Tuesday, 9/2
9:30 am Womens Bible Study
10:30 am Staff Meeting

Wednesday, 9/3
11:30 am Men of Grace Luncheon
5:00 pm Wednesday Family Night Meal
6:00 pm Wee BZ, Bible Zone, Youth
Small Groups, & Adult Studies
7:00 pm Choir Practice
7:30 pm Pick-Up Basketball
Thursday, 9/4
5:30 pm Praise Band Practice

Saturday, 9/6
8:00 am Outdoor Church
3:00 pm Dress Rehearsal for GraceFull
Players Sunday

Sunday, 9/7
9:00 am Worship Led by GraceFull
10:05 am Sunday School
11:00 am Worship Led by GraceFull
1:00 pm Grace Family Fun Fly
4:00 pm GraceFull Singers Practice
4:00 pm Parenting Class
5:30 pm Club 45
5:30 pm MYF
5:30 PM SPRC Meeting
Greeters: 9:00 Service Nick & Betty Van Valkenburgh
Greeters: 11:00 Service Amit Patel/JoAnn Gore
Acolytes: 11:00 Service Carter Noren-Hentz/Harper Rasmussen
Guest Deliveries: Carl Ivey
Worship and Wonder (9:00 Service) - Angela Ward/Emily Ward
Worship and Wonder (11:00 Service) - Shelley Lenahan
Soundboard: Brent Jones/Phillip Owen/Matthew Sweet
2113 Old Monrovia Road
Huntsville, AL 35806
(256) 430-0003
Fax: (256) 430-0704

Wee Bible Zone & Bible Zone This Wednesday!
Come join our Wee BZ and BZ classes this Wednesday at 6:00 pm for some
fun, interactive time with the Bible! Wee BZ (for ages 2 years-Pre-K) is a
fun, age-appropriate time to learn about God's love and His Son, Jesus. BZ
(for Grades K-5
) is all about Science and how it relates to God. We'll have
guest teachers who know their stuff, as well as play games, and enjoy other
awesome activities. Make plans to join us!

Join Us for Club 45!
Does Your 4
Grade Student Need Something More? Come check out
Club 45, an exciting new program for tweens led by Jim and Holly Cecil
from 5:30-7:00 pm each Sunday night. This program is designed to help fill
the gap between our elementary and youth programs. Contact the Cecils
for more information at (256) 828-1387.

Volunteers Welcome!
If youd like to volunteer your time and help with any of the great events we
have coming up for the children at Grace, we would love to have you!
Whether you feel led to teach Sunday School or to be involved with a
particular event or program, your help is always appreciated. Contact
Shelley Lenahan at (256) 721-3794 to see how you can help.
* For a complete calendar of events at the
church, please visit our website.
The Mission of Grace UMC:
Praising God...Proclaiming Christ
Serving Others
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Calendars Are Available
The Youth 3
Quarter Calendar is posted and ready to go! Check it out at, or pick up a hard copy in the youth room to mark
your calendars for upcoming events.

Snack Supper Volunteers Needed
We are looking for volunteers to prepare snack supper on Sunday nights
after UMYF. We have menu suggestions available. Anyone who is
interested can sign-up at or
email Adam.
CASA TEMP$ Assessor Meeting
CASA needs volunteers to assess homes for the elderly and homebound of
Madison County for weatherization and safety needs. No prior construction
experience necessary! If you would like to help, there is a CASA TEMP$
Assessor Meeting on Tuesday, September 9
, at 5:30 pm at the CASA office
(701 Andrew Jackson Way). To RSVP or for more information, call Lauren
at (256) 533-7775. Please RSVP by Friday, September 5
. The TEMP$
Work Day is Saturday, November 1
. Every house that CASA weatherizes
on November 1
must be assessed each fall. CASA needs more volunteers.
If you cannot attend this meeting and want to help please talk with Don

Do Something Amazing! Please Give Blood!
There will be a LifeSouth Blood Drive at Grace on Wednesday, September
, from 4:00 - 8:00 pm. Please consider making a difference in
someones life by being a blood donor. All donors will receive a free ball

HAP (Huntsville Assistance Program) Food Pantry Donations
During the month of August Grace UMC is collecting soap, shampoo, and
Kleenex to support the Huntsville Assistance Program. Please place
donated items in the Food Pantry in Fellowship Hall Room #3.
Embracing Life Seasons
Please share additional concerns
during prayer time.

Helen Matthews, Joann Wiemers,
Martha Rothermel, Jim Martin,
& Stacey McIntyre
Report for 8/24/14
Giving to 2014 General Fund

Average Weekly Goal $13,789.00
Given Last Sunday $13,334.31
Needed as of Last Sunday $468,826.00
Given as of Last Sunday $399,839.10

Other Gifts
Childrens Ministry $100.00
Food & Fellowship Team $359.00
Joel Curry Soup Kitchen $25.00

Attendance 294
9:00 Service 86
10:00 Service 208

Worship Flowers This Week:

The flowers by the altar this morning
are given to the glory of God
by Rich & Marsha Hosner in
celebration of their 30





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