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Actualmente Natat tiene proyectos de

mediano y largo plazo en Japn, Inglaterra,

India, Argentina, Francia y Austria.
Si hay algn pas que te interese, escrbemos,
dinos que tema, fechas y duracin buscas, as
podremos encontrar algo para t con nuestras
organizaciones socias.
JAPN: La mayora de los estos proyectos
requieren conocimiento del japons.
NICE/LMTI-05B Maki (Nagano) 10/09-05/12
AGRI, SOCI 2 vols.

Zambia ..............pag 3
Uganda............... pag 6
Kenia...................pag 9
Per...................pag 22
Argentina............pag 25
India....................pag 35
Japn..................pag 45
Tailandia.............pag 49
Vietnam...............pag 54
Corea del Sur.......pag 66
Nepal...................pag 74
Israel....................pag 78
Reino Unido........ pag 81
Italia....................pag 83
Francia................pag 85

YAZ/LMTV 01 y 02. Consejo de Recursos de la Comunidad de
El objetivo de la escuela comunitaria de Mkhanya es promover la educacin de
calidad entre los nios a travs de educacin gratuita. La escuela comunitaria de
Mkhanya es una escuela nueva que fue construida por los voluntarios de YAZ y la
comunidad a travs de campamentos de trabajo. La escuela comunitaria tiene
dos salones de clase, una oficina y dos almacenes. YAZ y la comunidad
actualmente estn moldeando bloques para alistarlos para la construccin de
tres casas para maestros en los campamentos de trabajo calendarizados para
Agosto y los venideros. La escuela tiene 223 alumnos con slo 4 maestros para
ensear a todos los nios. La escuela tiene cinco grados, del grado uno al grado
uno. Las materias que se ofrecen son Matemticas, Ingls, Ciencias Naturales,
Ciencias Sociales, Dialectos, Escritura, Dibujo, etc. Ningn maestro en la escuela
ha sido formalmente entrenado. Sin embargo, estn ms organizados como si
todos ellos hayan terminado la secundaria y hablan y escriben bien ingls. Hay
un pozo de agua cerca de la escuela que la gente de la localidad utiliza para
tomar agua as como para cocinar y baarse. Los voluntarios tambin pueden
ajustar sus habilidades e intereses a las necesidades de la comunidad. Tambin
pueden iniciar proyectos locales de investigacin para una tesis. Los voluntarios
estarn inmersos en la vida rural del pueblo y pasarn el tiempo con sus
habitantes clidos y acogedores. Tambin tendrn la oportunidad de ayudar a los
habitantes en reas de gran importancia para su comunidad. Los voluntarios
ensearn, organizarn y administrarn el centro de recursos con algunos
maestros de la comunidad. Tambin podrn ensear ingls e introduccin a un
idioma extranjero para aqullos interesados en la enseanza.
Locacin: Mfuwe est localizacda en el rea del sur del Parque Nacional de
Luangwa al Este de Zambia. Est alrededor de 685 km de la capital Lusaka y a
100 km de la capital provincial Chivata. Est a 25 km de la entrada principal del
Idiomas: Ingls, Kunda
Requisitos: Los voluntarios deben:
Tener habilidad para ensear especialmente ingls e idiomas extranjeros para
aquellos interesados en ensear. Mentes flexibles y abiertas. Deseen ayudar a los
nios de las comunidades pobres y debes ser alguien con la voluntad de alcanzar
e inspirar esperanza donde no hay.
Hospedaje/Alimentos: El voluntario se hospedar donde el o ella puedan
interactuar con la familia africana y tener una experimente intercambio cultural.
Los alimentos provistos sern lo que est disponible y si los voluntarios quieren
algo adems de esto, debern proveerse ellos mismos. A un voluntario, con
razones justificadas, se le puede permitir que arregle un hospedaje bsico por
separado a su costo pero debe ser dentro de la comunidad.
Nmero de voluntarios 2 lugares disponibles por vez

Costo: 200 euros por mes
El Proyecto Juvenil Chawama es una organizacin comunitaria que tiene
ganancias. El objetivo principal de la organizacin es darle poder a la gente joven
con entrenamientos cortos en sastrera, carpintera y computadoras.
Locacin: La organizacin est localizada en al ciudad capital de Zambia. La
organizacin est situada en una de los puntos ms grandes en la provincia. Casi
todas las instalaciones como bancos, buena comunicacin, redes de carreteras,
buenos hospitales pueden ser accesados en el centro del pueblo que est
alrededor de 2 km. El rea tiene electricidad y agua corriente y la gente trabaja en
las industrias en la ciudad.
Hospedaje/Alimentos: El voluntario estar hospedado en una casa donde el o
ella tendr la oportunidad de interactuar con la familia africana y tener una
experiencia de intercambio cultural. La alimentacin provista ser lo que est
disponible localmente y si los voluntarios quieren algo adems de esto ellos deben
proveerse por s mismos. A un voluntario, con razones justificadas, se le puede
permitir que arregle un hospedaje bsico por separado a su costo pero debe ser
dentro de la comunidad.
Los voluntarios interesados deben tener las habilidades siguientes:
Movilizacin de recursos
Administracin financiera
Enseanza y habilidades prcticas en el entrenamiento de Carpintera, Sastrera,
TIC (Tecnologa de la Informacin y Comunicacin)
Produccin musical
Duracin: Los voluntarios tendrn la oportunidad de estar en el lugar por tres
meses o ms
Idioma: Ingls, Nyanja y Bemba
Nmero de voluntarios: 2 lugares disponibles por vez
YAZ/LMTV 04 Asociacin Juvenil de Zambia
La Asociacin Juvenil de Zambia (YAZ) es una organizacin juvenil altruista cuyo
objetivo es mejorar el estndar de vida de la juventud y la niez de Zambia. Fue
fundada el 11 de mayo de 1994. YAZ provee de educacin a organizaciones
juveniles y grupos en desarrollo en desarrollo de organizacin, planeacin
estratgica, desarrollo en recursos humanos, administracin de proyectos y
apoyo basados en las Metas de Desarrollo del Milenio (MGDs). La organizacin
involucra a la gente joven en la implementacin de actividad para contribuir en
hacer la diferencia en la comunidad as como contribuir con su crecimiento
personal y desarrollo nacional a travs de campamentos de trabajo y estudio y
voluntariado. El voluntario interesado debe poseer habilidades en las reas de
preparacin de campamentos de trabajo, recaudacin de fondos, TIC,
administracin microfinanciera y habilidades de facilitacin. El voluntario
tambin participar en las actividades del da a da de la organizacin. Ellos
deben estar listos para trabajar baj mucha presin. El voluntario debe estar
versado con los siguientes programas:
Campamentos de estudio y trabajo voluntarios

Concientizacin y Orientacin en VIH
Derechos y proteccin de los nios
Educacin cvica
Desarrollo de organizacin para NGOs juveniles
Programas de Intercambio Juveniles Locales e Internacionales
Locacin: La organizacin se localiza en el centro de la ciudad de Lusaka, la
ciudad capital de Zambia. El pueblo se divide en cuatro distritos a saber Lusaka,
Kafue, Luangwa y Chongwe. La ciudad tiene todas las instalaciones como bancos,
buena comunicacin, redes de carreteras, buenos hospitales. Casi toda el rea
tiene electricidad y agua corriente y la gente es autosuficiente.
Experiencia y requisitos: Las habilidades del voluntario esperadas por el
proyecto anfitrin son: buenas habilidades interpersonales. de facilitacin,
habilidades para solucionar conflictos, escritura de reportes y documentacin, de
labor de equipo, prctica en igualar oportunidades, habilidad para
administracin de proyectos, de recaudacin de fondos, y promocionar
campamentos de Zambia y colocacin de voluntarios internacionales.
El voluntario estar hospedado en una casa donde el o ella tendr la oportunidad
de interactuar con la familia africana y tener una experiencia de intercambio
cultural. La alimentacin provista ser lo que est disponible localmente y si los
voluntarios quieren algo adems de esto ellos deben proveerse por s mismos. A
un voluntario, con razones justificadas, se le puede permitir que arregle un
hospedaje bsico por separado a su costo pero debe ser dentro de la comunidad.
Idioma; Ingls, Nyanja y Bemba
Nmero de voluntarios 2 lugares disponibles por vez
Costos: 200 euros por mes
Los costos incluyen: Orientacin en el pas, apoyo del staff del pas, materiales
escritos antes de la salida, Comunicacin, Alimentos, Hospedaje, Transporte al y
del sitio de trabajo.
Duracin: tres meses
YAZ/LMTV 05: Kyalalankuba
La escuela comunitaria de Kyalalankuba est localizada en Solwezi, al noroeste
de Zambia. Est situada en el puebo de Kyalankuba. La escuela est en
construccin actualmente y los alumnos utilizar la iglesia como saln de clases.
La mayora de la gente en este pueblo es analfabeta. El rea no tieene electricidad
ni agua corriente. Otros productos esenciales como alimentos, bancos, hospitales
y seguro pueden ser accesados en el pueblo de Solwezi. Los voluntarios tambin
pueden ajustar sus habilidades e intereses a las necesidades de la comuidad.
Tambin se puedn iniciar proyectos locales de investigacin para una tesis. Los
voluntarios estaras inmersos en la vida rural del pueblo y pasarn tiempo con
los habitantes que son clidos y acogedores; tambin tendrn la oportunidad de
ayudar a los habitantes en reas de gran importancia para su comunidad.
Locacin: La escuela est alrededor de 3 km del centro del pueblo. Los
voluntarios se pueden mover en cualquier momento durante el da por ellos
mismos porque el lugar es muy seguro.
Los voluntarios ensearn, organizarn y administrarn el centro de recursos
con algunos individuos de la comunidad. Tambin podrn ensear ingls,
matemticas, escritura e introduccin a un idioma extranjero.

El voluntario estar hospedado en una casa donde el o ella tendr la oportunidad
de interactuar con la familia africana y tener una experiencia de intercambio
cultural. La alimentacin provista ser lo que est disponible localmente y si los
voluntarios quieren algo adems de esto ellos deben proveerse por s mismos. A
un voluntario, con razones justificadas, se le puede permitir que arregle un
hospedaje bsico por separado a su costo pero debe ser dentro de la comunidad.
Idioma: Ingls, Kaonde y Bemba
Nmero de voluntarios 2 lugares disponibles por vez
Costos; 200 euros por mes
Los costos incluyen: Orientacin en el pas, apoyo del staff del pas, materiales
escritos antes de la salida, Comunicacin, Alimentos, Hospedaje, Transporte al y
del sitio de trabajo.
Duracin: tres meses
Women living with
HI V/ AI DS i n t he
Northern Region
Social work; HIV/AIDS Awareness
Educational and Orphan support;
Innovation & creativity; Guidance and
Gulu District 2
B u s o g a Y o u t h
E n v i r o n m e n t a l
P r o t e c t i o n
Teaching and educational support;
G u i d a n c e a n d c o u n s e l i n g ;
environmental conservation activities;
coordination of club activities; career
Jinja District
Mumbe Conservation
Forest project
Teaching and educational support;
G u i d a n c e a n d c o u n s e l i n g ;
environmental conservation activities;
coordination of club activities; career
development; study of the Buganda

Busia District
Buganda Ki ngdom
cultural department
Restoration and promotion of cultural
val ues and si t es; I nt er cul t ur al
exchange; social work; educational
support; Guiding and counseling
Cent r al Regi on
(Inter District and
r e s t o r a t i o n o f
several cul t ural
sites)in Buganda
Butakoola Voluntary
D e v e l o p m e n t
Teaching in computer technology; Eco
protection; agriculture lessons and
practical work; sports and first aid
programmes; capacity building and
resource mobilization
Kayunga District

Loi Jodhong cultural Teaching and educational support on
cultural restoration and protection;
career development; coordination of
club activities; mentoring the youth to
confront drug use and abuse
Nebbi District
Elgon Conservation
and projection project
Teaching and educational support;
promotion of gender sensitivity in the
local community; sports and extra
curricular activities
Elgon Sub Region
Eco- trust Educational support; guidance and
counseling; career development;
Increase the number of partnership
formed in support of conservation and
sustainable tourism and development;
Increase di rect parti ci pati on by
communities in tourism and increase
incomes derived by communities from
t o u r i s m a c t i v i t i e s a n d s ma l l
enterprises; capacity building and
resource mobilization; awareness
creation focus on human/wildlife
Albertine Region
Mityana Community
Fi r st Ai d Awar eness cr eat i on;
pharmacy; registration of patients and
Mityana District
Nor t her n Uganda
R e c o n s t r u c t i o n
Volunteering for a vision. How to take
advantage and deepen the chances for
intercultural. Learning and the
transformation of conicts related to
international voluntary service
N o r t h e r n
R e g i o n ( T h i s
i nvol ves several
Di st r i ct s i n t he
Wakiso Community
Educational support in handicraft,
mechanic, driving; mentoring the
youth; sports and extra curricular
act i vi t i es; car eer devel opment ;
capaci t y bui l di ng and resource
Wakiso District
Namagabi Catholic
Teaching and educational support;
career development; coordination of
club activities; mentoring the youth to
confront drug use and abuse
Kayunga District
Kayunga District
Community Clinic
Strengthening the capacity of
essential health systems;
Supporting a wide range of
activities, for example, updating
and improving curricula; training
health workers; training the
trainers; improving the clinical
environment; Support mutual
learning, helping to inform the
development of good practice
Kayunga and
Mityana District.

Northern Uganda
Water and Sanitation minor repairs
ss raising;
Northern Region 3
PROJECT NAME : Tangnegiri Women Group
TIME : 3-6 months or over
LOCATION OF THE CAMP : Kisumu West Nyanza Province
PROJECT TITLE : Empowering Women and
Community Health

! Fund raising for the women groups
! Keeping their accounts
! Counseling patients with HIV/AIDS.
! Voluntary testing
! Visiting patients of HIV/AIDS in the community.
! To support the orphans and vulnerable children through counseling.
With the host family.
PROJECT NAME : Gede community health centre
TIME : 3-6 months and over
LOCATION OF THE CAMP : Gede, Malindi, Wetamu, Coast
PROJECT TITLE : Community Empowerment

! Nursing
! Maternity wards
! Attending to T,B patients /HIV/AIDS
! Giving drugs and recording
! Booking patients
! Attending to pregnant mothers clinic/family planning
! Giving children injection and weighing
! Community outreach programme
PROJECT NAME : Ewaso Ngiro Health Centre
TIME : 3 -6 Months
PROJECT TITLE : Community Health
Attending patient
Booking patient
Giving drugs and recording
Attending to pregnant mother clinic/ family/planning
Giving children injections and weighing.
Laboratory services.
Comprehensive care centre HIV / drug counseling.

Within the health centre.
PROJECT NAME : Genesis joy project community
TIME : 3-6 months
LOCATION OF THE PROJECT : Mathare slum Nairobi
THE COMMUNITY : Mixture of different tribes.
PROJECT TITLE : Education and Support in
disadvantaged area.
Teaching foreign Languages and English.
Organize games and drama festivals.
Organize environment educational classes and cultural change.
As a volunteer you need to show patience and initiative to cope with the
sheer volume of children in workshops and classes.
Experience of working with young people is desirable, Good nature steady
nerve and a sense of humor is important for this project. Skills like Art and
Crafts, drama, sports outdoor activities and music are very welcomed.
Remember that: - children may come from difficult backgrounds and you will
need to show patience and understanding and be able to act as role model. Skills
in any extracurricular activities will be welcomed at this project, particularly (but
not limited to (art, music and sports.
In the school compound in separate building with required facilities e.g. are pit
Latrines, Local bathrooms and Kitchen and internet access available.
PROJECT NAME : Olukarto Health Centre.
TIME : 3-6 Months
LOCATION OF THE PROJECT : Narok - Province Rift
PROJECT TITLE : Community, Health and support.
Attending to TB patiences/HIV/AIDS.
Giving drugs and recording, Booking patiences and attending to pregnant
mother clinic/family/planning
Giving children injections and weighing and Laboratory services.

Skills, knowledge in health management system and human resource
management skills are required for these projects, doctors, nurses and medical
students are welcome. Ready to work in the rural areas.
Volunteers will sleep in hostels provided by health community.
PROJECT NAME : Ajijik Community Health centre.
TIME : 3-6 Months
LOCATION OF THE PROJECT : Sakitiek, Mau Division,
Narok District, Rift
Valley province.
PROJECT TITLE : Community, Health and support.
Offering HIV Diagnostic, counseling and testing services.
Offering curative service Daily service.
Child welfare clinic services daily.
Antenatal clinic delivery on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Pertanal services.
Attending minor surgeries and operations.
Skills, knowledge in health management system and human resource
management skills are required for these projects are doctors, nurses and
medical students are welcome.
Volunteers will be provided with a house within the health centre.

PROJECT NAME : Marikekuni community Health
TIME : 3-6 Months
Province - Coast
PROJECT TITLE : Community, Health and support.
Attending to TB patiences/HIV/AIDS.
Giving drugs and recording.
Booking patience.
Attending to pregnant mothers clinic/family/planning
Giving children injections and weighing.
Laboratory services.

Skills, knowledge in health management system and human resource
management skills are required for these projects, doctors, nurses and medical
students are welcome.
Volunteers will be provided with a house within the health centre.
PROJECT NAME : Sori lake Junior Academy (the
school of
Orphan vulnerable children school (OVC).
TIME : 3-6 Months
Migori District Nyanza
Province, Town Sori Trading Centre.
PROJECT TITLE : Education, support and
Rehabilitation of disadvantage
Teaching and counseling infected and affected childrens with HIV/AIDs.
Organize games and drama festivals.
Organize environment educational classes.
Visiting and Home base care.
As a volunteer you need to show patience and initiative to cope with the
sheer volume of children in workshops and classes.
Experience of working with young people is desirable, Good nature steady
nerve and a sense of humor is important for this project. Skills like Art and
Crafts, drama, sports outdoor activities and music are very welcomed.
Remember that: - some of these children are orphans or they come from difficult
backgrounds and you will need to show patience and understanding and be able
to act as role model. Skills in any extracurricular activities will be welcomed at
this project, particularly (but not limited to (art, music and sports.
In a Hostel within the school compound.
PROJECT NAME : Kipsongo Training Centre
TIME : 3-6 Months

LOCATION OF THE PROJECT : Kitale Municipality
District rift Valley province.
THE COMMUNITY : Cosmopolitan.
PROJECT TITLE : Education, support and
Volunteers will be provided with a house within the training centre.
PROJECT NAME : Kuntai Primary
TIME : 3-6 Months
LOCATION OF THE PROJECT : Nairobi Division, Narok
District in Rift Valley
Valley province.
PROJECT TITLE : Education and support in
disadvantaged area.
Teaching English and other foreign subjects.
Volunteers will be assisting at creative workshops in activities such as
Organize games and drama festivals.
Organize environment educational classes.
The project aims to fulfill basic requirement for education but also works to
improve neglected areas of education such as creativity, culture and art.
As a volunteer you need to show patience and initiative to cope with the
sheer volume of children in workshops and classes.
Experience of working with young people is desirable, Good nature steady
nerve and a sense of humor is important for this project. Skills like Art and
Crafts, drama, sports outdoor activities and music are very welcomed.
Volunteer will stay within the school compound.
PROJECT NAME : Legacy community school.

TIME : 3-6 Months
LOCATION OF THE PROJECT : Narok North District-
Rift Valley Province.
PROJECT TITLE : Education and support.
Creative arts, Art group and Crafts classes.
Teaching the girls in various subjects e.g. English, Math and Science.
Training the girls in various skills techniques.
Performance enhancement skills, Information and advice.
Games for health and fun and games.
Administration and office management.
Basic computer classes/inch dry digital imaging.
The project aims to fulfill basic requirement for education but also works to
improve neglected areas of education such as creativity, culture and art.
Experience of working with young people is desirable, Good nature steady
nerve and a sense of humor is important for this project. Skills like Art and
Crafts, drama, sports outdoor activities and music are very welcomed.
Volunteers will stay in Hostels in school compound.
PROJECT NAME : Amazing Grace Children Centre
Orphance School.
TIME : 3-6 Months
THE COMMUNITY : Mixture of different tribes.
PROJECT TITLE : Education, support and
Rehabilitation of disadvantaged children.
Computer teaching.
Game and playing.
Craft classes and Art group.
Help children that need help in learning English or some other subjects.
Administration Assistance and Medical Assistance and Teaching.
The project aims to fulfill basic requirement for education but also works to
improve neglected areas of education such as creativity, culture and art.

It will be great if you have experience of working with children and know
about safety: - Computer, music, games and sports.
Experience of working with young people is desirable, Good nature steady
nerve and a sense of humor is important for this project. Skills like Art and
Crafts, drama, sports outdoor activities and music are very welcomed.
Remember that: - some of these children are orphans or they come from difficult
backgrounds and you will need to show patience and understanding and be able
to act as role model. Skills in any extracurricular activities will be welcomed at
this project, particularly (but not limited to (art, music and sports.
Volunteers will stay in the Hostels in Orphanage.
PROJECT NAME : Ole Sankale Primary School.
TIME : 3-6 Months.
LOCATION OF THE PROJECT : Central Division Narok
Town, Rift Valley
PROJECT TITLE : Education and support.
Teaching English and other foreign subjects.
Organize games and drama festivals.
Organize environment educational classes and cultural change
As a volunteer you need to show patience and initiative to cope with the
sheer volume of children in workshops and classes.
Experience of working with young people is desirable, Good nature steady
nerve and a sense of humor is important for this project. Skills like Art and
Crafts, drama, sports outdoor activities and music are very welcomed.
In the school compound.
PROJECT NAME : Brookshine Education center for
and less privileged age-5-14 years.
TIME : 3-6 Months
THE COMMUNITY : Cosmopolitan.
PROJECT TITLE : Education Support and
rehabilitation of disadvantaged

Teaching in various subjects e.g. English, Math and Science.
Training in various skills techniques.
Performance enhancement skills, Information and advice.
Games for health and fun and games.
Basic computer classes/inch dry digital imaging.
Counseling and Bible teaching.
Creative arts, Art group and Crafts classes.
The project aims to fulfill basic requirement for education but also works to
improve neglected areas of education such as creativity, culture and art.
Experience of working with young
People are desirable, Good nature steady nerve and a sense of humor is
important for this project. Skills like Art and Crafts, drama, sports outdoor
activities and music are very welcomed.
Remember that: - some of these children are orphan or they come from difficult
backgrounds and you will need to show patience and understanding and be able
to act as role model. Skills in any extracurricular activities will be welcomed at
this project, particularly (but not limited to (art, music and sports.
Volunteers will stay in the Hostels within the school compound.
PROJECT NAME : Talek Health Centre.
TIME : 3- 6 Months
PROJECT TITLE : Project Development, Management,
and social
Attending patient
Booking patient
Giving drugs and recording
Attending to pregnant mother clinic/ family/planning
Giving children injections and weighing.
Laboratory services.
Comprehensive care centre HIV / drug counseling.

Skill in social work and community health is welcomed.
Be self driven, a person of high integrity team player, dynamic innovative,
result oriented and high achiever. Be computer literate and good
communication skills.

Enthusiastic and team work minded volunteers.
A challenging function in good working environment.
Good international exposure possibility is welcome and ready to work in
the rural community.

Within the hospital.
PROJECT NAME : Sori Lakeside Community Health
LOCATION OF THE PROJECT : Sori trading centre,
Nyatike constitution,
Karungu division, Migori, Nyanza Province
TIME : 3-6 Months

PROJECT TITLE : Human Growth Development and
Registration of people living with HIV/AIDs.
Assist training prevention of mothers to child transmission.
Giving ARV and T.B dugs to patience living with HIV/AIDs.
Counseling and testing of pregnant mothers.
Helping patience living with HIV/AIDs.
V.C.T voluntary counseling and testing.
Care and support for people living with HIV/AIDS.

Good mental ability and aptitude to think logically, Keen, alert and quick in
Warm personality and Patience.
Commitment to service to mankind (compassionate love for life)
Constant updating of knowledge and Ability to interact and work with
Good communication skills, Stamina and technical expertise.
Knowledge in health management systems and human resource
Experience in health/social work and Willing to work in rural areas
! Volunteers will stay in Hostels next to the Hospital.
PROJECT NAME : Olokurto Secondary School.

TIME : 3-6 Months
LOCATION OF THE PROJECT : Olokurto Location,
Narok District, Rift
PROJECT TITLE : Education and support.
Teaching in various subjects e.g. English, Math and Science.
Organizing sports and games.
Experience of working with young people is desirable, Good nature steady
nerve and a sense of humor is important for this project. Skills like Art and
Crafts, drama, sports outdoor activities and music are very welcomed.
Volunteers will stay in the school compound.
PROJECT NAME : Osuta Girls Rescue Home
TIME : 3-6 Months
LOCATION OF THE PROJECT : Narok town, Rift Valley
PROJECT TITLE : Education health and rehabilitation.
Training the girls in various skills techniques.
Performance enhancement skills, Information and advice.
Games for health and fun and games.
Creative arts, Art group and Crafts classes.
The project aims to fulfill basic requirement for education but also works to
improve neglected areas of education such as creativity, culture and art.
Experience of working with young people is desirable, Good nature steady
nerve and a sense of humor is important for this project. Skills like Art and
Crafts, drama, sports outdoor activities and music are very welcomed.
Remember that: - children may come from difficult backgrounds and you will
need to show patience and understanding and be able to act as role model. Skills
in any extracurricular activities will be welcomed at this project, particularly (but
not limited to (art, music and sports.

Volunteers will stay in Hostels.
PROJECT NAME : Top Choice youth center.
TIME : 3-6 Months
LOCATION OF THE PROJECT : Kabete Kikuyu Nairobi
THE COMMUNITY : Mixture of many tribes.
PROJECT TITLE : Education and support.
Teaching foreign languages e.g. English, Japanese, Germany Spanish.
Organize environmental classes and culture.
Training the youth in various skills techniques.
Performance enhancement skills, Information and advice.
Games for health and fun and games.
Experience of working with young people is desirable, Good nature steady
nerve and a sense of humor is important for this project. Skills like Art and
Crafts, drama, sports outdoor activities and music are very welcomed.

Remember that: - children may come from difficult backgrounds and you will
need to show patience and understanding and be able to act as role model. Skills
in any extracurricular activities will be welcomed at this project, particularly (but
not limited to (art, music and sports.
Volunteers will stay in Hostels.
PROJECT NAME : Jansta provide centre
TIME : 3-6 Months
LOCATION OF THE PROJECT : Njiru Embakasi District.
THE COMMUNITY : Cosmopolitan.
PROJECT TITLE : Education and Support.

Provide assessment and counseling to the disabled children to the area.
Sensitization to the community on how to identify and tackle disability.
Mobilizing the people to campaign for the right of the disabled people in
getting of proper Education.
Visiting of the disabled family.
Teaching English

Experience of working with disabled people is desirable, Good nature
steady nerve and a sense of humor is important for this project. Skills like
Art and Crafts, drama, sports outdoor activities and music are very

Hosted by the project co-ordination.
PROJECT NAME : Keekonyokie Matonyok Disables
Self Help Group
TIME : 3-6 Months
PROJECT TITLE : Education Accommodation and
Information and advice assist in medical for disabled children.
Teaching various skills and games.
Public relation of disabled building.
Volunteer talk on the self esteem.
Support people with physical disability and children with any type of
disability of special need.
Volunteers should receive training and on going to support to make sure
they are comfortable with their role.
Mature genuine interest in people concern for people welfare and respect
for them.
Ability to mobilize people to improve their well-being, patience and
Good interpersonal skills, tolerance for diversity and guidance and
Volunteer knowledge with be dealing in with physical disabled people and
Donations like computers, sewing machine are welcome.
Hosted by the project co-ordination.
PROJECT NAME : Heritage of Faith and Hope Children
TIME : 3-6 Months
Mulongolonya, Eastern province.
THE COMMUNITY : cosmopolitan

PROJECT TITLE : Education Rehabilitation and
support of disadvantaged
Volunteers will assist in Teaching English and other foreign subjects.
Organize games and drama festivals.
Organize environment educational classes and cultural change.
As a volunteer you need to show patience and initiative to cope with the
sheer volume of children in workshops and classes.
Experience of working with young people is desirable, Good nature steady
nerve and a sense of humor is important for this project. Skills like Art and
Crafts, drama, sports outdoor activities and music are very welcomed.
Remember that: - children may come from difficult backgrounds and you will
need to show patience and understanding and be able to act as role model. Skills
in any extracurricular activities will be welcomed at this project, particularly (but
not limited to (art, music and sports.
Volunteer will stay within the school compound.
The dates are tentative and volunteers are welcome to stay longer if desired and if
openings are still available.
The goal of its program is the offer an opportunity to improve their skills as well
as the experience of working in an international environment. A volunteer general
finds the experience to be rewarding and interesting.

Ventanilla, es uno de los seis distritos que conforman la Provincia
Constitucional del Callao; se encuentra ubicada al norte de Lima, a
70 Km., del centro de la ciudad cuenta con una poblacin de
aproximadamente 250, 000 habitantes, con los servicios bsicos
precariamente cubiertos.
Dentro de los mas de 120 diferentes asentamientos humanos que
cuenta el distrito de Ventanilla se viene observando la proliferacin
de consumo de drogas entre los jvenes, el crecimiento de las
pandillas juveniles, barras bravas y embarazos en adolescentes
La falta de acceso al empleo y una educacin de calidad as como a
una buena atencin de la salud pblica hace que lo convierta en uno
de los distritos ms pobres de Lima y Callao.
Programa Internacional de Voluntariado Jvenes de Buena Voluntad,
es una institucin que viene trabajando en diversos asentamientos
humanos del distrito de Ventanilla, los cuales tienen grandes
limitaciones y problemticas de diferentes dimensiones, pero que a
pesar de esta situacin se tiene el deseo de salir adelante
mediante el trabajo comunal y a travs de sus propios esfuerzos e
El trabajo de campo y/o las diferentes actividades se realizan en
diferentes asentamientos
humanos del distrito de Ventanilla. Desde la sede de Jvenes de
Buena Voluntad se coordina:
La recepcin de voluntarios y su ubicacin en los lugares de
residencia (Las Flores e Hijos de Villa
los Reyes).
Se les otorga a los voluntarios la oportunidad de residir en sitios
estratgicos, que brinden los
medios necesarios para movilizarse con rapidez y seguridad, hacia los
lugares donde se realicen la accin voluntaria.
Las actividades y proyectos que realiza Jvenes de Buena Voluntad,
viene ofreciendo una respuesta para los nios y jvenes que
conforman las diferentes comunidades de Ventanilla y una
oportunidad de unir nuestros esfuerzos con ellos, que son los
principales protagonistas de su propia superacin.
Aprender en Verano (Enero Febrero)
Nace como consecuencia de la falta de espacios de participacin para
el buen uso del tiempo libre durante el verano, en donde se detecta la
necesidad de ocupar el largo tiempo libre de los nios yjvenes de las
comunidades, que una vez finalizada el ao acadmico escolar, no
tienen un espacioni un conjunto de actividades adecuadas para su

edad, as como los recursos existente de actividades puntuales no
ofrecen los horarios compatibles con las jornadas laborales de sus
progenitores , a esta circunstancias hay que aadir las problemticas
econmicas y acceso a ella por no encontrarse dentro de su zona de
Aprendiendo Enseando ( Marzo-Junio) (Agosto-Noviembre)
Es un programa diseado con el propsito de dar un mayor refuerzo y
soporte a la enseanza que los menores vienen teniendo dentro de
sus escuelas y hogares complementados con talleres de desarrollo de
habilidades y desarrollo personal.
Campo Internacional de Trabajo (Julio)
Un campo de trabajo adems de ser una oportunidad de contribuir
con la mejora de la comunidad
es una oportunidad de encuentro y de intercambio entre hombres y
mujeres de distintos pases,
creencias y culturas con la poblacin local y su problemtica.
Jornada de Solidaridad y Voluntariado (Una vez cada seis meses)
Campaa para recolectar la mayor cantidad de alimentos y ropa a
favor de los menores albergados en instituciones de caridad.
Encajando una Sonrisa( Diciembre)
Campaa por navidad; donde se recolecta la mayor cantidad de
regalos para luego ser distribuidos entre los nios de los sectores ms
pobres de Ventanilla.
Viaje Solidario a Chincho (Abril Mayo-Octubre)
La comunidad campesina de Chincho les da la bienvenida a una
experiencia inolvidable, donde el voluntario tendr la oportunidad de
aprender de nuestra cultura, dentro de un programa devoluntariado
Adems de pasar unas vacaciones maravillosa el voluntario disfrutar
de la belleza del paisaje, desus cielos cambiantes y de la especial
composicin de las noches serranas. Como voluntario en
Chincho podr unirse a voluntarios de nuestra asociacin y tomar
tiempo para disfrutar de esta comunidad o conocer otras
comunidades aledaas.
Chincho; necesita voluntarios que crean en la igualdad y que estn
motivados a promover eldesarrollo social cultural y econmico de esta
comunidad para ayudarlos a salir de la extrema
pobreza que los agobia.
La persona voluntaria tendrn la oportunidad de convivir con una de
las familias de la comunidad,estas representan a la mayora de las
familias de la localidad lo que contribuye, a que puedan

integrarse, participar y lograr un entendimiento de la realidad social y
econmica y al mismo tiempo comprender ciertos patrones de
conducta de las familias peruanas frente a las situaciones
Cuota de participacin: 350 dlares mensuales.

SAS 01
Pas: Clorinda, Argentina
Ttulo: Ecoclub Clorinda
Fecha de inicio: 30 Abril, 25 Junio, 27 Agosto, 29 Octubre, 10
Trabajo: cultural/social/medioambiental/nios
COSTO: los gastos del viaje (interno y externo) y los gastos relativos a
la formacin cuando llegue el voluntario (alojamiento y comida) estn
a cargo del voluntario.
El voluntario tendr que pagar por nica vez en pesos argentinos a
Subir al sur cuando llegue: 1 mes - 350 pesos, 2-3 meses 550 pesos,
4-12 meses 850 pesos. Este dinero sirve para los gastos de
administracin de Subir al sur durante la estada del voluntario.
Adems, el voluntario tendr que pagar unas cuotas mensuales de
700 pesos a lo largo del proyecto a la organizacin local recibidora,
Ecoclub Clorinda. Este dinero servir para el alojamiento y gastos
Nota a los socios:
El On Arrival training es obligatoria. Los costos de la estada debern
ser pagados por el voluntario. Por favor comunican a los voluntarios
cuando, porque y para que pagan los gastos de inscripcin a SAS, y
por mes a los socios locales Luego de esto, viajarn a su proyecto en
el Norte del provincia de Formosa (18 horas en colectivo de Buenos
Debido a que Subir al Sur trabaja en conjuntos con joevnes en
grupos organizados quienes reciben y trabajan con los voluntarios
y no con profesionales pedimos a los socios internacionales y los
voluntarios el seguiente con la aplicacin:
Carta de Buena conducta

Evaluacin pre proyecto en castellano antes de su llegada en
Buenos Aires, mandamos con la hoja gua
Un acto acuerdo firmado por el voluntario mostrando que han
ledo y entendido los derechos y deberes un documento que
mandamos con la hoja gua.
Un nivel intermediario de Castellano

Una carta desde la organizacin de envi confirmando que
han tenido contacto personal con el voluntario y que van o
han hecho en una formacin pre departure y que el
voluntario es motivado y preparado para trabajar con jvenes
en lugares de bajos recursos
Participacin en el Taller de Bienvenida en Buenos Aires es
ECO CLUBES piden una reunion por Skype con los voluntarios en
el momento que aplican para definir su aceptacin en el
Ecoclubes Clorinda QUIENES SOMOS?
Ecoclubes es una asociacin civil, democrtica, compuesta de nios
y jvenes, los cuales emprenden acciones con otras instituciones para
mejorar la calidad de vida en su ciudad.
DONDE ESTAMOS? Ecoclubes existe en 30 pases de Amrica,
Europa y frica: Alemania, Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Costa
Rica, Colombia, Cuba, Repblica Dominicana, Ecuador, El Salvador,
Espaa, Guatemala, Guinea, Guyana, Hait, Honduras, Marruecos,
Mjico, Nicaragua, Panam, Paraguay, Per, Polonia, Portugal,
Ucrania, Uruguay, EEUU y Venezuela.
En el ao 2010 somos 10000 jvenes voluntarios involucrados en este
COMO TRABAJAMOS? Definimos problemas locales. Nos
capacitamos y nos informamos a travs de la ayuda de especialistas,
referencias de la comunidad, etc. Buscamos alianzas con otras
instituciones, gobiernos locales, empresas, etc. Promovemos un
cambio de comportamiento dentro de la comunidad gracias a
estrategias innovadoras, difundimos nuestras propuestas y sus
resultados, medimos el impacto de nuestras acciones.
Descripcin del trabajo del voluntario y de las necesidades de la
El voluntario tiene que estar dispuesto a trabajar de una manera
independiente y con nios y jvenes con problemas sociales que viven
en barrios carenciados (con necesidades bsicas insatisfechas,
discapacidades fsicas). Nos gustara tener a alguien que posee la
capacidad de acercarse a nios, adolescentes y jvenes, intercambiar,

compartir, comunicar y pasar tiempo con ellos. Las actividades se
desarrollaran en una Escuela, la cual funciona como sede del
ECOCLUB, la misma se denomina Escuela N454 Dominga Ayala de
Duarte, y en otros lugares como el centro de usos mltiples San
Miguel Arcangel, el Barrio Toba, Barrio Guadalupe. Integrarme es una
asociacin en Clorinda que trabaja con nios y adultos con
necesidades especiales. Los voluntarios tendrn la oportunidad de
trabajar con ellos si lo desean.
En la Escuela contamos con 15 computadoras, con acceso a Internet,
en donde se dictan clases de computacin, alli se puede realizar
cualquier tipo de actividad con los nios de la escuela.
Los voluntarios tendran para trabajar diversas acciones y proyectos
que llevamos adelante. Las actividades a desarrollar pueden ser
ecolgicas, artsticas, apoyo escolar, recreacin o todas ellas. Los
voluntarios estarn encargados de filmar y fotografiar diferentes
actividades as que sera muy apreciado que tuvieran una cmara
digital. En caso de no tenerla, usaran la del centro. La asociacin
cuenta con una cmara de video para que los voluntarios utilicen.
La ONG San Miguel Arcangel nos da la oportunidad de hacer uso de
un espacio en otra parte de la ciudad ( Barrio 29 de Septiembre) en su
Saln de usos mltiples San Miguel Arcangel, donde nios desde los
dos a los catorce aos van a jugar, comer y encontrarse. Los
voluntarios tendrn la posibilidad de trabajar all por lo menos una
vez a la semana durante una hora y media para organizar actividades
como las descriptas anteriormente as como lo que ellos crean
Durante las vacaciones de verano (desde Enero a Marzo), los
voluntarios tendrn la oportunidad de organizar un campamento de
verano una a cinco veces por semana siguiendo cada una un tema
diferente para sensibilizar a los nios en diferentes temas a travs de
Adems de trabajar con nios y jvenes los voluntarios trabajarn en
temas de medio ambiente y culturales. Sera muy bueno si tienen la
capacidad para compartir su conocimiento sobre como tocar algn
instrumento, hablar algn idioma o realizar tareas artsticas.
Cualquier habilidad artstica ser apreciada enormemente, tenemos a
nuestra disposicin guitarras que podrn ser utilizadas para ensear
o para usar en el contexto de nuestro proyecto cultural y artstico
Expresarte que consiste en
ensear gratuitamente msica, guitarra (con un coro en lengua
aborigen), teatro y danzas folklricas, saln de juegos de mesa, mesas
de ping pong, danzas rtmicas, adonde concurren 100 nios
Tambin se apreciar la capacidad para transmitir informacin,
compartir conocimiento, lenguajes, etc.

En barrio TOBA es el lugar en donde viven personas de este gran
Pueblo Originario, alli los voluntarios trabajan con los nios, en
diferentes juegos buscando con los mismos lograr un trabajo en
equipo, solidaridad, respeto y cooperacin. Los nios tobas son muy
pobres, muchos de ellos indigentes, ECOCLUB es la nica Institucin
que trabaja en dicho barrio con los nios y adolescentes.
Los voluntarios tambin trabajarn en talleres en escuelas en temas
como Dengue, Basura y Medio Ambiente. Tambin colaborarn en la
plantacin de rboles en espacios comunitarios.
Participarn en teatro de tteres, tcnica muy utilizada para compartir
informacin acerca de los temas mencionados anteriormente.
Adems, una vez o ms por mes Ecoclub organiza Cine en el barrio.
Pueden ver los que realizamos en
Disposiciones prcticas para el Voluntario
Comida: el voluntario tendra el almuerzo gratis en a escuela lunes -
Viernes. Desayuno y cena y comida para los fin de semana son a
cargo de los voluntarios.
Alojamiento: El voluntario vivir o bien en una casa independiente
con hasta tres otros voluntarios o en un departamento con bao
privado con hasta otro voluntario, en la parte trasera de la casa
familiar del coordinador del proyecto.
Lugar: Clorinda, Formosa, Argentina
Regin: noreste de la Argentina, NEA (cerca de la frontera con
Paraguay, a una hora de la capital paraguaya, Asuncin)
Idioma: bases en castellano, ganas de aprender!
Vacunas sugeridas: fiebre amarilla
MTV/LTV Agrupacin I.D.E.A.S
SAS 02
Pas: Reconquista, Provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina
Voluntarios: 2.
Ttulo: Agrupacin I.D.E.A.S (Integracin Democrtica Estudiantil
Abocada al Servicio.
Fecha de inicio: 30 Abril, 25 Junio, 27 Agosto, 29 Octubre, 10

Trabajo: cultural/social/nios/salud
COSTO: Los gastos del viaje (interno y externo) y los gastos relativos a
la formacin cuando llegue el voluntario (alojamiento y comida) estn
a cargo del voluntario.El voluntario tendr que pagar por nica vez
en pesos argentinos a Subir al sur cuando llegue: 1 mes - 350 pesos,
2-3 meses 550 pesos, 4-12 meses 850 pesos. Este dinero sirve para
los gastos de administracin de Subir al sur durante la estada del
voluntario. Adems, el voluntario tendr que pagar unas cuotas
mensuales de 600 pesos a lo largo del proyecto a la organizacin local
recibidora, Agrupacin I.D.E.A.S. Este dinero servir para el
alojamiento del voluntario durante el proyecto y para gastos
administrativos del organizacin local.
Nota a los socios:
El On Arrival training es obligatoria. Los costos de la estada debern
ser pagados por el voluntario. Por favor comunican a los voluntarios
cuando, porque y para que pagan los gastos de inscripcin a SAS, y
por mes a los socios locales Luego de esto, viajarn a su proyecto en
el norte de la provincia de Santa Fe (12 horas de viaje en colectivo)
Debido a que Subir al Sur trabaja en conjuntos con joevnes en
grupos organizados quienes reciben y trabajan con los voluntarios
y no con profesionales pedimos a los socios internacionales y los
voluntarios el seguiente con la aplicacin:
Carta de Buena conducta

Evaluacin pre proyecto en castellano antes de su llegada en
Buenos Aires, mandamos con la hoja gua
Un acto acuerdo firmado por el voluntario mostrando que han
ledo y entendido los derechos y deberes un documento que
mandamos con la hoja gua.
Un nivel intermediario de Castellano
Una carta desde la organizacin de envi confirmando que
han tenido contacto personal con el voluntario y que van o
han hecho en una formacin pre departure y que el

voluntario es motivado y preparado para trabajar con jvenes
en lugares de bajos recursos
Participacin en el Taller de Bienvenida en Buenos Aires es
Descripcin de la asociacin acogida:
Descripcin de la asociacin acogida:
Agrupacin I.D.E.A.S. (Integracin Democrtica Estudiantil Abocada
al Servicio) surge en el ao 2008 de la inquietud de un grupo de
alumnos del I.S.P. N 4 (Instituto Superior del Profesorado N 4) de la
Ciudad de Reconquista sobre la problemtica estudiantil del mismo,
que deciden juntarse para pelear el Centro de Estudiante y de esa
forma contribuir a una mejor calidad educativa para todos.
Pasado ya dos aos de su nacimiento, deciden extender sus fronteras
hacia toda la localidad, considerando que la base de la educacin
comienza en la familia. Por este motivo, venimos trabajando en los
barrios (Barrios Itati, Santa Rosa y Don Pepito) y consideramos este
proyecto como una buena oportunidad de interactuar el intercambio
cultural con el trabajo social voluntario.
El trabajo que se viene realizando es, todo tipo de talleres con los
nios, matematicas, biologa, porcelana fra, msica, teatro,
manualidades, ingles, alemn. Tambin tenemos a nuestro cargo una
copa de leche que le ofrecemos a los nios los das sabados por la
tarde, donde tambin realizamos actividades deportivas con dichos
Descripcin del trabajo del voluntario y de las necesidades de la

El voluntario tendr que estar preparado para trabajar de

manera independiente y con nios, jvenes y adultos que tienen
problemas sociales y viven en zonas de bajos recursos.

El voluntario deber tener la habilidad de conectarse con jvenes

y adultos por medio de juegos y actividades educativas y tendr
que estar en contacto con sus familias.

El voluntario necesita tener carisma, involucrarse, compartir

conocimiento y estar dispuesto a trabajar con la Agrupacin.

Predisposicin a compartir y aprender la vida bsica cultural de

nuestro pas.
Ningn barrio de la comunidad cuenta con una estadstica real sobre
las problemticas en los distintos enfoques, Educacin (desercin

escolar, analfabetismo), Salud (desnutricin, vacunacin,
discapacidad, etc) y perfil Socio-Econmico del barrio.
La idea es, extraer informacin sobre los problemas que surgen de las
encuestas a realizar, e ir buscando una posible solucin contando con
la ayuda de la comunidad, el grupo y los voluntarios.
La tarea de los voluntarios estar abocada en una primera instancia a
recorrer en barrio en conjunto con la agrupacin, conocer la realidad
del lugar e ir haciendo un seguimiento del mismo a travs de
encuestas, entrevistas y otros tipos de actividades que sirvan para
extraer datos de la comunidad.
Como segunda medida y ya teniendo conocimiento de las distintas
problemticas, su tarea ser colaborar en la formacin de estadsticas
reales que surjan de las actividades de la primera instancia. As como
la participacin en charlas, campaas de prevencin y otras posibles
lneas de accin a llevar a cabo en el barrio.
A su vez formar parte de un rea de educacin, en la que pueda
ensear idiomas.
Horas de trabajo Por lo menos 4-5 horas por da y a veces durante
los fines de semana y en ocasiones especiales.
Alojamiento: Compartido con una familia o casa particular.
Lugar: Reconquista, (Cuidad de 80,000 habitantes) Provincia de
Santa Fe, Argentina, en casa de una familia
Regin: Norte de la provincia de Santa Fe (12 horas de Capital
Idioma: Castellano Bsico
Vacunas sugeridas: Fiebre amarilla
MTV/LTV Comisin de Ecologa del Movimiento Tupaj Katari
SAS 03
Pas: Argentina
Localidad: Provincia de Jujuy. Ciudad de San Salvador de Jujuy y
Voluntarios: 2.

Ttulo: En Defensa de la Madre Tierra
Fecha de inicio: Todo el ao. Mnimo 1 mes.
Trabajo: cultural/social/medioambiental/artstico/educativo.
COSTO: Los gastos del viaje (interno y externo) y los gastos relativos a
la formacin cuando llegue el voluntario (alojamiento y comida) estn
a cargo del voluntario.El voluntario tendr que pagar por nica vez
en pesos argentinos a Subir al sur cuando llegue: 1 mes - 350 pesos,
2-3 meses 550 pesos, 4-12 meses 850 pesos. Este dinero sirve para
los gastos de administracin de Subir al sur durante la estada del
voluntario. Adems, el voluntario tendr que pagar unas cuotas
mensuales de 500 pesos a lo largo del proyecto a la organizacin local
recibidora Comisin de Ecologa del Movimiento Tupaj Katari,
Este dinero servir para el alojamiento del voluntario durante el
proyecto y para gastos administrativos del organizacin local.
Nota a los socios:
El On Arrival training es obligatoria. Los costos de la estada debern
ser pagados por el voluntario. Por favor comunican a los voluntarios
cuando, porque y para que pagan los gastos de inscripcin a SAS, y
por mes a los socios locales Luego de esto, viajarn a su proyecto en
el Noroeste (24 horas de viaje en colectivo)

Descripcin de la Regin:
La provincia de Jujuy est ubicada al extremo Noroeste de la
Argentina, a 1600 km de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (24 hs en
mnibus), a 300 km de la frontera con Bolivia y a 150 km de Chile.
San Salvador es la capital de la provincia.
Est ubicada en la zona de los Valles de la provincia y es una regin
vecina de la Quebrada de Humahuaca, Patrimonio Cultural y Natural
de la Humanidad.
Sus habitantes, en gran proporcin, son descendientes de los pueblos
originarios, sobre todo de culturas aymara y quechua.
Descripcin de la asociacin de acogida:
Comisin de Ecologa del Movimiento Tupaj Katari:
Desde la Comisin se est trabajando desde hace ms de 3 aos en
distintas actividades que tienen que ver con la ecologa y el cuidado
del medio Ambiente.
Una de las tareas ms fuertes es acompaar procesos en distintas
comunidades para el trabajo de tratamiento de los residuos,
construcciones en materiales naturales para el uso eficiente de la
lea, y la defensa del territorio ante el avasallamiento de las empresas
de mega minera. Se trata de trabajar desde el aporte de informacin,
el acompaamiento de las gestiones y acciones, y la difusin de la
situacin y las actividades.

Tambin se llevan adelante actividades de difusin en escuelas y
organizaciones sociales, intentando un abordaje participativo y desde
la Educacin Popular.
Otras tareas tienen que ver con la investigacin de informacin legal y
tcnica sobre los procesos de la Minera en el pas.
Adems se est avanzando con la experimentacin y bsqueda en el
uso de energas alternativas (solar, biogs, etc)
Dentro de la Comisin de Ecologa somos alrededor de 10 jvenes con
distintas experiencias y saberes y a su vez articulamos con el resto
del Movimiento Tupaj Katari y con otras organizaciones sociales y
Descripcin del trabajo del/a voluntario/a y de las necesidades
de la agrupacin:
La propuesta para el voluntario est centrada en las actividades de la
Comisin y segn las voluntades mutuas se podrn combinar con el
trabajo articulado con otras organizaciones.
Las actividades podrn ser:

Participar del registro escrito, fotogrfico y/o flmico, y

sistematizacin del desarrollo de las actividades.

Formar parte del equipo de trabajo en la construccin de

herramientas pedaggicas para la difusin e informacin.

Investigacin y bsqueda de informacin sobre los temas

abordados en Internet y otros medios.

Trabajar en las actividades directas de construccin en barro y

otros materiales naturales y de reciclado.

Acompaar y asistir en las distintas tareas organizativas,

operativas y administrativas.
Tambin participar, segn las posibilidades, de otras actividades y
proyectos como Talleres desde el Movimiento de Teatro del Oprimido
de Jujuy.
Se propone que el voluntario trabaje en las actividades,
conjuntamente acordadas, entre 4 y 6 horas por da, 5 das a la
semana, pudiendo ser en el fin de semana.
Se le ofrece al voluntario la posibilidad de:

Compartir la vida cotidiana social y familiar, conocer y aprender

sobre la cultura y costumbres de la regin.

Participar de los talleres de capacitacin que se realicen sobre

las distintas disciplinas en las que est involucrado y/o tenga

Conocer, segn acuerdo conjunto, la regin y localidades

cercanas tursticas y pequeas comunidades andinas.

Todo esto segn la posibilidad geogrfica, de tiempo y econmica, y
basados en el respeto mutuo y aprendizaje de la convivencia en la
Sobre el Voluntario:
Se sugiere, de ser posible, que el voluntario tenga alguna de las
siguientes aptitudes, actitudes y/o intereses:

Espaol intermediario

Conocimiento y/o prctica en ecologa y medioambiente.

conocimientos o inters de aprender sobre temas de ecologa:
tratamiento de residuos, contaminacin, conflictos con la Mega
Mi ner a, Energ as al ter nati vas ( sol ar, bi odi gestores,
construcciones en barro), etc.

Prctica e inters en el trabajo educativo y social.

Ser organizado e independiente.

Buena predisposicin, tener respeto y buen vnculo con la gente

y los lugares.
Alojamiento: Compartido con una familia o casa particular.
Lugar: San Salvador de Jujuy, Provincia de Jujuy, Argentina.
Regin: Noroeste de la Argentina, cercana con la frontera Boliviana.
Idioma: Castellano intermediario.
Vacunas sugeridas: Fiebre amarilla.

Informacin bsica para ser un voluntario de mediano/largo
plazo en India.
Application: Volunteers must apply to our partner organizations
in their own country.
Placements: We will try and complete the placements of
volunteers to projects as early as possible. Volunteers can apply
to a LTV program for a minimum of one month.
Information: FSL!India will send the required Information to
the volunteers ! including a pre!arrival letter, project profile,
general information and travel details
Arrivals: Volunteers arrive in Kundapur by the first Monday of
each month.
Orientation week: The program will start with a week long
Registration: Your registration will be completed during the
first week of arrival.

Projects: Following the Orientation week, volunteers will join

their respective projects in different locations, depending on
the placement.
Participation Fee RS. 10,000/! for each month*
Proyectos disponibles en India:
LTV O1 A Regular Teaching
Education is an important tool in development. Teaching spoken
English, basic Maths, Health and Hygiene
awareness, Environmental education and conducting extra curricular
activities with local school children can
be a very rewarding experience.
You will be working in a Kannada Medium School, which is lacking in
resources and/or English teaching staff. One of the important aims of

this project is to support the staff in the classroom and to bring an
dimension to learning. Your tasks will be to assist with English
language learning using creative
teaching methods to encourage and to develop learning skills in the
students. You will also assist with extra-curricular activities, inspiring
children to learn new languages and learn about new cultures.
You will be developing teaching methods and passing this information
(through the Final Evaluation/Report) to future volunteers with a
view to create long-term improvements to the educational model.
The volunteers should bring creative ideas to initiate new activities in
the school, for example, environmental, organizational or computer
education. You have to love children, as you will be surrounded by
them everyday. If you have many ideas in teaching different kinds of
activities such as games, songs, arts and crafts or sports and
athletics to children then this type of project is for you! You will be
teaching a variety of subjects depending on your personal interests
and skills. Volunteers should have a good level of spoken English and
some knowledge
in teaching children will be useful.
Note: Please note that the project will not run between the Months of
March until May.
Three weeks in October are winter holidays and depending on the
school there are also
holidays in December. During these months, volunteers are
encouraged to take part in a
summer and/or a winter holiday camp.
LTV O1 B Orphan Children Teaching
Volunteers have the chance to work in orphanages, by supporting the
staff in the project with the daily care of orphan children. The work is
varied and so you must be flexible in tackling your work. The work
could involve rehabilitation, education and supporting the orphan
children to return and participate within mainstream life.
The work might also include cleaning activities, cooking, gardening,
playing with the children in the evening, helping with homework,
teaching and singing.
A creative approach to work will be useful - If you have many ideas in
teaching different kinds of activities such as games, songs, arts and
crafts or sports and athletics to children, then this type of project is
for you! You will need to take a flexible approach to the work and you
should be prepared to undertake a variety of tasks.
The Info sheet will have more information regarding the individual
projects with schedules, and

LTV O1 C Ethnic Tribes Teaching
There are several ethnic minorities in India. NGOs are working
towards community development to prepare them to participate and
compete within mainstream society. The primary focus of NGOs is to
help the tribal communities cope with issues they are facing - such as
education problems, lack of adequate medical care and isolation.
Working in this field requires a high grade of flexibility, and
volunteers must try get involved directly with these people and with
the staff of the local project.
Most projects in this field are located in rural and remote areas, near
to or within the tribal communities. You will be working with tribal
communities and so you should be prepared for very basic living
conditions. There will also be a strong language barrier which will be
a challenge for any one working in this field.
A prior experience or a good knowledge of these kinds of situations is
Most of the development work carried out by NGOs working towards
community development projects is based on education and
awareness. Therefore the volunteers will be required to teach in most
of the projects where they work with tribal children. So an interest in
teaching and a love for children is important. However, you could also
be supporting the staff in the daily running of the orphanage, when
the children go to their normal school.
A creative approach to work is useful and you will have the
opportunity to initiate new mini projects or activities. You will need to
take a flexible approach to the work and you should be prepared to
undertake a variety of tasks. If you have many ideas of teaching
different kinds of activities such as games, songs, arts and
crafts or sports and athletics to children, then this type of project is
for you!
LTV O1 D Street Children Teaching
Many NGOs and local initiatives in India work for the welfare of street
children or working children, and
FSL-India is one of them. The aim is to take these children away from
the streets and from their working
place in order to give them a chance to live a decent and balanced life.
By placing them in centres,
boarding schools and or day-care shelters, the children return to the
regular schooling system and/or to train
them in vocational activities to give them skills that will help them to
find a decent job and keep them away from exploitation.
Much of the development work in street children projects is based on
education known also as alternative education. Therefore the

volunteers will be required to teach in most of the projects where they
work with street children. So an interest in teaching and a love for
children is essential in this project, like all teaching projects. Other
work activities will involve supporting the staff in the daily running of
the schools.
A creative approach to work will be useful and you will have the
opportunity to initiate new mini projects or activities. You will need to
take a flexible approach to the work and you should be prepared to
undertake a variety of tasks.
In some cases the volunteer will be required to go amidst the tent
community to raise awareness of the teaching program, gain interest
and collect children.
If you have many ideas in teaching different kinds of activities such
as games, songs, arts and crafts or sports and athletics to children,
then this type of project is for you!
Note: These projects are running all year long
LTV O2 A Sea Turtle Conservation
For the last 15 years, the Sea Turtle population has been under
threat from fishing and egg predation by locals. Three species of the
protected Sea turtle are nesting on Indias West coast and all of them
are endangered species. As part of this project, FSL-India is working
along a 60 kilometre stretch of beach in the south and north
of Kundapur, Karnataka. The work is focused on sea turtle protection
and conservation. The work involves surveys, data gathering and
analysis, awareness raising amongst the local community and within
schools, harbours and fishing communities. You will also be required
to build hatcheries and temporary information centres, as well as
design and create promotional material. Please note: This project is
seasonal and starts in August and runs until February, only for six
months. The work requires high motivation and some knowledge in
this particular field is useful. Please remember in the first month and
the last month the majority of the work is
preparation and report making. There is NO guarantee you will see
sea turtles, hatchlings or eggs whilst working on this project.
LTV O2 B Environmental Education
This project has been set up by FSL-India in association with local
NGOs. The aim is to educate lower economic and social groups, the
local community, youth and children about environmental concerns,
good practices and present situations. This project is usually run in
rural areas where there has not been much development.
As a volunteer in this project, you have to develop and support

creative education in nature conservation and to educate the local
community on the economic and social benefits of environmental
protection and nature conservation. You will be visiting schools,
colleges, and youth groups and organizing environmental educational
workshops. There is also a chance to work with the local community
where our volunteers, together with field assistants, try and create
model streets. The local community is introduced to Solid waste
management, the building of compost pits and the separation of
biodegradable material. There is a lot of scope for interested
volunteers who have prior experience to bring in their ideas and
develop them within the project.
*Please note minimum application for Environmental Education is for
four months
LTV O2 C Eco Tourism
Ecotourism involves two major themes: Nature and Culture.
Ecotourism is a form of responsible travel which contributes to the
protection of the environment in natural areas, and the preservation
of culture in local communities. It also provides conscious travellers
with unique experiences which cannot be provided by mass tourism.
This is a new project initiated by FSL, which means there is still a lot
to be done!
The volunteers will start by getting to know the village,
neighbourhood and villagers in order to work together with them and
see the different aspects of their lives. Educating the locals about the
problems and exploring possibilities with Eco-tourism is an important
aspect of the work.
Volunteers have to develop a working methodology that taps into local
resourcesVolunteers will
develop a way of working, drawing local potential, introducing and
setting up structures, such
Creating a database of information of the surrounding areas
Training and working with the local community in order to involve
them in active
Raising environmental and cultural preservation awareness
Setting up and running the Eco Tourism project
Making a web site and promoting Eco tourism as a form of
livelihood for the local community.
The main fields of work are: art, traditional life, sights, environmental
awareness, food,
agriculture, industry, medicine, landscape, outdoor activities, religion,
and spiritual
experience. Each of those fields is divided into more sub fields. You
will be working in a small

team or individually to complete the database. The work will include
site-based research
hence the ability to research and write reports is appreciated.
*Please note minimum application is for four months.
LTV O2 D Eco-Clubs
Eco-clubs is a governmental initiative which was introduced 5 years
ago in government schools. As part of this initiative, Eco-clubs were
formed in schools and the members are comprised of school children.
The aim of Eco-clubs is to introduce environmental concerns and
good practices to the school children, in order to make them actively
involved and to be aware of the necessity to protect nature. However
most government schools lack personnel and financial means to run
the Eco-clubs efficiently. As a result, Eco-clubs have been formed in
most schools but they do not function.
Hence, the FSL-Eco-Clubs projects were initiated with the objective of
supporting schools, the children and the teachers. Since August
2008, volunteers have run a 5-sessions programme in different
schools in the surrounding areas of Kundapur for the children in the
8th standard. These sessions combine theoretical and practical
learning methods. The children who have
been trained this year, will train the next batch of children to run the
Eco clubs. At the moment we have a potential of about 200 children
ready to pursue our work.
As a volunteer your task will be to design and run the sessions in the
schools, with the help of other volunteers, a field assistant and
teachers. You'll need to be creative and have a love for
children, as they are the main concern of the project. You will also get
the chance to work with the local community in order to organize
some out door events for the children.
LTV O2 E Rain Water Harvesting
LTV O2 F Sanitation programme
LTV O2 A Physically Handicapped and
Mentally Challenged Childrens Project
These children are rejected by mainstream society and so volunteers
are needed to participate and bring joy in the lives of these children,
and help the NGO to bring some structure in their daily lives and
prepare them for adulthood.
Working with disabled people can be quite a challenging task for
anyone. However, the spirit of these people can bring a lot of joy and a
lot can be learnt. The main work will be teaching and supporting the
staff in their daily activities for the care of physically and/or mentally
disabled children. In the home or project it is essential that the
volunteer is part of the group ; help has to be done wherever

necessary and so you should be flexible and open to all kinds of work
and activities.
Additional work activities involve maintenance and gardening work,
preparing meals, serving them, cleaning and giving company.
A creative approach to work is useful and you will have the
opportunity to initiate new mini projects or activities. You will need to
take a flexible approach to the work and you should be
prepared to undertake a variety of tasks.
LTV O3 B Rehabilitation Projects
There are many NGOs working for social inclusion projects where
minorities or less fortunate
people have been left behind in the race for economic and social
reform. FSL India tries to motivate/support them by placing
interested volunteers to help them in their office, field work
or to bring new creative ideas to their work. The work varies from
project to project. So, in the application the volunteers must write
clearly why they want such a project and also how
they can contribute to the project.
Following are examples of the different kinds of projects:
! projects where working children are given vocational training ;
! projects where young people are given training in various trades ;
! projects where Micro-finances are given to a minority community
and we help them to
become economically stable.
! projects where computer education is given.
! projects with disabled children and/or adults, in order to give them
more autonomy
and to eventually reintegrate them in mainstream society.
Volunteers can help in many ways; for example there were instances
when volunteers have
taken photographs of local projects and helped them build a web
page. Then volunteers in a
vocational training centre helped the project to make a catalogue of
all their products.
Volunteers have helped projects by implementing a good filing system
and helping in survey
data collection. Here creativity plays a major role, and prior
experience can help the project
as well as the volunteer. FSL India also helps less fortunate youth
from slums or low economic backgrounds by giving them training in
camp leading or office work. For example, slum boys will be recruited
and given training in camp leading. After training they will work as
camp leaders for a year. Then they go back to their slum and organize

work camps for the next year so as to bring in development to their
LTV O2 C Old Age Home
FSL-India helps many projects by sending volunteers to old age
homes where the elderly are neglected and forgotten by the
mainstream society.
Working at an Old Aged home can be quite a challenge. The work will
include interacting with the old people and basic support towards the
staff in their daily routine. The volunteers will
take part helping in the daily activities, medical care, special
programs for physical exercise, and simply giving company to the
This project is for those who are willing to work with old people and
also for those who like this kind of work.
LTV O2 D Women Empowerment
Many NGOs and government organizations are increasingly putting
women at the centre of their projects and are working out programs
and strategies in which they support the socially and economically
disadvantaged women of India. Empowering women and educating
them on their constitutional rights, and the law, works towards the
achievement of social and economical security of women.
Since most of the women you are going to work with come from an
underprivileged background, they speak very little or no English. Be
ready to find creative and alternative ways of communication. Please
note the work mainly involves working in the office with the NGO as
well as field work.
LTV O2 E Slum Development
Indian cities suffer from huge urbanization problems and slums are
present and growing in many places. These areas of the cities are
clusters of houses and shacks built illegally, where
all basic infrastructures are absent. Water and electricity supply are
scarce or non existent, hygiene is low and outbreaks of diseases are
common. The rate of unemployment is very high.
The aim of many NGOs working in the slums is to improve the basic
living conditions of the large number of people living in these slums.
The volunteers will have the opportunity to join
hands with the local NGO to support ongoing projects such as
awareness campaigns, literacy programs, educational projects and
empowerment of minorities.
A prior experience and/or a good knowledge of the situation are
appreciated. Working and
living conditions can be hard.
LTV O4 A HIV and AIDS Awareness and Care of Support

HIV and AIDS related issues are a world wide problem which is
threatening the entire human population.
There are many NGOs taking up this issue and working to tackle this
problem. Each NGO adapts different methods; some work in
promoting awareness whereas other NGOs work directly with
HIV/AIDS affected people. The volunteers applying for this field must
have some prior experience or some medical background. The work is
varied and will involve assisting the
NGOs in their programs. The work will predominantly be awareness
raising and not practical work with AIDS patients. In these
organizations, volunteers will be required to help give
counselling, to work in hospitals or homes by treating patients,
participating in daily care and also to provide education and social
LTV O4 C Rural Medication
The regional medical colleges and government institutes conduct
rural health check ups and rural medication as part of health
legislations. There is always a lack of staff support.
The volunteers will work and serve as medical assistants and help the
rural medical team as a team member. Volunteers applying for this
program must have medical back ground.
LTV O4 D Rural Mid wife
Standards of safe practice are required to reassure women who plan
to deliver their babies in rural settings. Sadly, government hospitals
are severely under staffed and over worked, thus, medical and
professional assistants are severely needed in these settings.
Volunteers applying for this program must be trained in a medical
background. The volunteers will work and serve as medical assistants
and help the rural medical team as a team member, within villages
and government hospitals.
LTV O5 A Special teaching
Do you have any vocational or special skills other than what is
mentioned in our project information section above? For example, are
you a musician? A carpenter? An Electrician? Or do you have skills in
sewing? Are you a qualified teacher in Maths or IT/Computing,
website design? If so, we welcome you to contact us as we can
consider special projects for you in which you could use your special
skills to benefit and serve an underprivileged community.
LTV O5 B Special learning
As FSL India works towards cultural understanding, we are in touch
with many local institutes,

schools, individual groups who are working to keep the local art,
music, culture, traditions alive. We also have an option for placing
volunteers who are interested in this field, to help these mini projects
by involving themselves in these art forms to learn and to give
performances to spread it to others.
The different fields are:
Wood Carving
Stone Carving
Eco Farming

NICE/LMTI-1A Abukuma 1 (Fukushima) 24/01-15/04 AGRI, KIDS 2 vols .
NICE/LMTI-1B Abukuma 2 (Fukushima) 21/03-09/06 AGRI, KIDS 2 vols .
NICE/LMTI-1C Abukuma 3 (Fukushima) 16/05-05/08 AGRI, KIDS 2 vols .
NICE/LMTI-1D Abukuma 4 (Fukushima) 13/06-06/09 AGRI, KIDS 2 vols .
El proyecto se desarrolla con la escuela ABUKUMA, que tiene el lema:
aprende de la tierra y la naturaleza y vivan juntos. Bajo este lema, la
escuela organiza diversas actividades como: una escuela de
naturaleza, salones de clases para granjeros y productores orgnicos,
visitas a escuelas locales y campamentos para nios.
Los voluntarios van a apoyar al equipo en la preparacin de sus
actividades y a participar en actividades agrcolas.
Japn, en un pequeo pueblo rural en el bosque a dos horas de tokio.
El hospedaje es en un cuarto en la escuela, los voluntarios preparan
sus propios alimentos pero reciben un dinero de bolsillo de 20,000
yenes al mes.
NICE/LMTI-4A Maki (Nagano) 24/01-15/04 AGRI, HERI 2 vols.
NICE/LMTI-4B Maki (Nagano) 21/03-09/06 AGRI, HERI 2 vols.
NICE/LMTI-4C Maki (Nagano) 16/05-05/08 AGRI, HERI 2 vols.
NICE/LMTI-4D Maki (Nagano) 13/06-06/06 AGRI, HERI 2 vols.
La organizacin MAKI FARM OF KYODO GAKUSHA, tiene cinco
proyectos de comunidades de agricultura orgnica en Japn, en
donde personas de diferntes contextos culturales y sociales, as como
personas con discapacidad trabajan con la creencia de convertir la
agricultura en cooperativa, en lugar de competitiva.
La granja Maki, se encuentra en un lugar muy alejado de la
civilizacin (4 km caminando) por lo que en 1970 se convirti casi en
un pueblo fantasma.
Los voluntarios van a participar en limpieza del lugar, traer cosas del
pueblo ms cercano, ayudar con las tareas domsticas, limpiar los

senderos, etc. En invierno tambin apoyarn quitando la nieve de la
casa y los caminos.
Lugar: En un sitio muy alejado pero hermoso, situadio en los Alpes
Japoneses. Aqu se pueden ver paisajes que se han perdido en gran
parte de Japn.
Estacin mas cercana: 4 horas de Tokio en tren express. 8-10 horas
en autobs o tren normal.
Requisitos: Hablar Japons, idioma oficial del campamento.
NICE/LMTI-02H Ikata 9 (Ehime) 10/09-05/12 AGRI, HERI 2 vols.
NICE/LMTI-02I Ikata 10 (Ehime) 01/10-27/12 AGRI, HERI 2 vols.
NICE/LMTI-02J Ikata 11 (Ehime) 29/10-23/01 AGRI, HERI 2
NICE/LMTI-02K Ikata 12 (Ehime) 03/12-27/02 AGRI, HERI 2
Host organization is Kikuya Community Group (KCG), formed by
the local young people to think of the future of their small village.
Ikata is famous for its main industry of oranges farming, but has
been facing depopulation, lack of workers and ageing society since
most of young people leave the town. So, the number of abandoned
orange farms is increasing and the town is losing its tradition, life,
custom and scenery. KCG strongly hopes to host vols. to work
together to animate the town and revive the farms.
W: You will help orange farming (This is the main work!! Harvesting,
taking care of trees, etc, depend on season!), support local youth
club (Taking care of elderly people etc), and create new activities
to animate the town.
A: Share room at the volunteers" house. Cooked by vols. Pocket
money is 20,000 yen per month.
L: In the edge of Sata Peninsula, surrounded by the sea, so fishing is
also famous. There are only 30 houses in this community. The
climate is relatively warm though it can be cold in winter.
T: Matsuyama. From Matsuyama, about 2 hours by train and bus
LA: Participation in the local events, exchange with the local groups,
SR: Speaking good Japanese, strong motivation to work with the
host, respect to the local custom and life, open mind and

NICE/LMTI-03G Hinode 7 (Tokyo) 10/09-05/12 SOCI 1 vol.
NICE/LMTI-03H Hinode 8 (Tokyo) 03/12-27/02 SOCI 1 vol.
NICE/LMTI-3A Hinode 1 (Tokyo) 24/01-15/04 SOCI, HERI 1 vol.
NICE/LMTI-3B Hinode 2 (Tokyo) 21/03-09/06 SOCI, HERI 1 vol.
NICE/LMTI-3C Hinode 3 (Tokyo) 16/05-05/08 SOCI, HERI 1 vol.
NICE/LMTI-3D Hinode 4 (Tokyo) 13/06-06/06 SOCI, HERI 1 vol.
Host organization is Hinode Taiyo no Ie (HTI), home for mentally
challenged, that was used to be isolated from the local community
since the locals were afraid & against to its construction in the late
80s. We have been creating a "bridge" between locals & HTI by the
workcamps through which the locals have met the challenged people
and removed prejudice step by step. They have Samurai house that is
used for a training of vols. and a rental facility for organization of
conferences, gatherings, lodging etc.
W: You will advertise for groups to use Samurai house (updating the
website, to make a brochure, etc.), coordinate to host the groups,
plan new hosting programs, assist other staff members to help the
daily life and work of the mentally disadvantaged people.
S: Management of welfare facilities, mixture between social welfare
and ecology.
A: Single room of Samurai house (very traditional Japanese house!)
where meals are often provided (No vegetarian!). Pocket money is
30,000 yen per month
L: Mountain side with natural surroundings, about 50 km west of
T: Tokyo (90 min by local train)
LA: Participation in the seminar for volunteer coordinators, exchange
with the local people, etc.
SR: Speaking good Japanese, strong motivation to work with the
host, respect to the local custom and life, flexibility, friendliness,
positive mind and those who likes children and also creates new
activities. Experience of similar types of work is welcome! There will
be a short term international workcamp with 8 vols. in 16/08-30/08
NICE/LMTI-09 B Miyazu (Kyoto) 10/09-05/12 AGRI 2 vols.
This is the first LMTV in collaboration with the local farmer, Shizen-
Koubou AOKI". which do organic farming over 10 years. There only 2
people to do farming in the large scale vegetable field, so they need
help to protect the non-chemical farm area. The host organizer, Mr.
Aoki wants people to know about -- 12 --
the organic farming through doing volunteer work, and they!d like to
spread the thinking about organic farming and also how to live with
nature. They have established organization for shipment.

W: To support organic farming. Planting a seeding, cutting grasses,
pulling the grasses out, Harvesting, shipment work, spread water.
A: Local House. SBN, CV.
L: 90 km northwest of Kyoto prefecture.
T: Osaka(3 hours by train or Bus). From Tokyo, 4 hours by bullet
train or 10 hours by midnight bus.
LA: Festival for harvest, sightseeing for Japanese 3 most beautiful
landscape heritage, Amanohashidate etc SR: Japanese basic
language is needed. Driving license.

Project: Villa de Pescadores
FECHAS: Todo el ao.
Kok Payom es un pequeo pueblo de pescadores, con una poblacin de 600
habitantes, localizados a 7 km de distancia del pueblo de La Ngoo en la Provincia
de Satun, al sur de Tailandia. La villa se encuentra junto a un gran ro y como
est a 10 km del mar, el agua es salada y con marea. (olas).
Es una poblacin muy pacfica rodeada de un manglar. Casi todas las familias de
la villa, estn unidas por la industria de la pesca, por lo general estn
involucrados en la cra de peces o camarones y son una comunidad slida, ya que
algunas de las familias han vivido ah por ms de 100 aos. Mientras que la
pesca sigue siendo una industria fuerte, su modo de vida tradicional ha
cambiado mucho y el pueblo se enfrenta a muchos desafos. La comunidad ha
reconocido estos problemas y estn trabajando fuerte, para encontrar soluciones
a los problemas ambientales y sociales que enfrentan. Los visitantes y activistas
que puedan contribuir con estos esfuerzos, son recibidos con gran satisfaccin.
Formar parte de esta comunidad, es una experiencia especial para los voluntarios
y aprenders mucho sobre la vida del pueblo, lejos de las prisas de la ciudad.
Lleva una vida sencilla, como la de un lugareo!
Los habitantes de Kok Payom son musulmanes, as que ah no se come carne de
puerco, ni se consume alcohol. Las mujeres deben vestir modestamente, aunque
cuando t vivas ah, descubrirs que la vida de los lugareos es muy relajada.
El papel de los voluntarios ser dar clases de ingls creativas en las escuelas
locales, y clases para adultos en las noches, tratando de concientizarlos sobre la
proteccin del medio ambiente, asistir en los proyectos de construccin y apoyar
a la comunidad en sus diferentes actividades.
Aunque t estars contribuyendo a la gran cantidad de actividades, los grupos
voluntarios, suelen decir que el aspecto ms importante del proyecto, es la vida
comunitaria, compartir con el pueblo de pescadores, que son muy buenos
anfitriones y estn muy contentos de recibirte.
Actividades del Proyecto, Viviendo en Comunidad, Clases Creativas de Ingls y
Medio Ambiente.
Este proyecto se desarrolla todo el tiempo, as que t puedes implementar nuevas
actividades, si t quieres. El trabajo previo, incluye:

Creando un lugar en donde las personas locales y los nios puedan

aprender y ser ms concientes de la importancia de nuestro medio

Dar clases de ingls creativas para la escuela local y para los adultos de la

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Organizar viajes a la naturaleza con los nios.

Plantar plantas jvenes en el bosque de manglares.

Cultivas ms plantas en el vivero.

Organizar actividades divertidas y agradables para los nios del pueblo

Objetivos del proyecto.


Ayudar a preservar el medio ambiente en la villa.

Dar clases de ingls no formales en las escuelas locales y a los adultos


Ayudar a concientizar.

Protejer el medio ambiente en la villa.

Apoyar y compartir experiencias con la comunidad local de Kok Payom.

Construir amistades entre los voluntarios y los lugareos.

Organizar actividades divertidas y agradables para los nios.

Cultivar plantas pequeas de manglar.

Ser parte de la comunidad de la Villa de Kok Payom.

Alojamiento: te puedes quedar en la cabaa triple, estilo bungalow, con otros
Costo: Depende del tiempo de estancia (mnimo por 2 meses)
Ubicacin: Pueblo de Kok Payom, La Ngoo, Province de Satun (sur de Tailandia).
Project: Klong Dang
FECHAS: Todo el ao.
Klong Dan significa Un canal-frontera. Es una pequea y compacta comunidad
budista, situada en la frontera de Nakorn Sritammarat y provincia de Songkhla,
separados por una antigua va fluvial, llamada Klong Dan. En el pasado, Klong
Dan era un Puerto importante y las personas utilizan este canal como una puerta
de entrada, para viajar de un lugar a otro.
Tiendas de oro y joyeras surgieron cuando comerciantes chinos y otros colonos
se mudaron a vivir ah. El estilo de vida de los pueblos antiguos que florecieron
en ese momento, pero despus de la construccin de carreteras a la comunidad,
sta famosa puerta, perdi importancia y la mayora de los habitantes
abandonaron el lugar.
Hoy en da, las personas que continan viviendo en Klong Dan han formado una
comunidad slida y su objetivo es revitalizar este lugar y atraer a ms gente a
vivir all. El monje jefe de esta comunidad juega un papel importante, l es la
persona ms influyente en la comunidad y tiene la capacidad de estimular al
pueblo a seguir el camino de la vida de Buda. Todos los monjes de Klong Dan, as
como los lugareos tienen puesta su atencin en el mismo objetivo, que es
establecer a su comunidad como Una comunidad camino al budismo, bajo los
siguientes conceptos: las personas pueden ayudarse unos a otros, llevar una vida
de auto-suficiencia, sin prejuicios raciales o religiosos.
Actividad principal: los voluntario darn clases de ingls no formales en las
escuelas primarias/secundarias locales en la comunidad. Las edades de los
estudiantes van de 3 a 15 aos.
Otras actividades (ocasionales):
-aprender el camino Budista (por ejemplo, meditacin).
-participar en grupos comunitarios (ellos tienen otras formas de ganarse la vida,
aparte de sus carreras y de dedicarse a la agricultura y trabajos temporales),
forman sus propios grupos de artesanos, que son personas expertas que hacen
trabajo con arcilla o esulturas de cemento, hacen comida tpica con alimentos
nativos, clases de danza Nora a las personas interesadas (danza surea),

procesamiento de mariscos, manipulacin de arboles y arbustos decorativos,
haciendo postres, promoviendo la permanencia.
Objetivos del proyecto.
#Mejorar y aumentar la habilidad del lenguaje ingls.
#Apoyar a las escuelas
#Construir buenas relaciones entre voluntarios y las personas locales.
#Ser parte de la comunidad de Klong Dan.
#Dejar a los nios ser familiares con los voluntarios y aprender en atmosfferas
internacionales y multi-culturales.
Alojamiento: 2 residencias de 2 pisos de Madera, estilo dormitorio, para
compartirlas con otros voluntarios.
Costo: Depende del tiempo de estancia (mnimo por 2 meses)
Ubicacion: Klong Dan, Provincia de Nakorn Sritammarat, sur de Tailandia.
Punto de Encuentro: Hat Yai (desde Bangkok t puedes elegir viajar por avin,
camin o tren)
Project: Kao Kor
FECHAS: Todo el ao.
Kao Kor es un pueblo budista localizado en el Distrito de Promkiri, en la
provincia de Nakorn Sri Tammarat, al Sur de Tailandia. La poblacin de este
pueblo es de 1,800 personas, El 90% de ellas se dedican pricipalmente a la
siembra de caucho, mientras que el resto son dueos de huertas y algunos son
trabajadores temporales. El nombre del pueblo es derivado de la abundancia en
fuentes de bambus, que haba en el pasado. Puede traducirse como camina un
paso ms, un bosque de bambu est por delante.
As que desde entonces empez a ser conocido como el pueblo de Kao Kor. Kao
Kor ha sido una comunidad sobresaliente y ha sido un pueblo modelo, siguiendo
una de las campaas lanzadas por el gobierno Tai, conocida como Campaa de
Comunidades Solidarias y Anti-drogas. En 2004, el pueblo de Kao Kor gan el
Premio Green World (verde mundial), el cual fue un orgullo y una motivacin para
los lugareos.
Ser dirigido por un lder convencido, dedicado y respetado, ha hecho que los
pobladores se unan y dediquen a actividades en su pueblo, como la conservacin
ambiental, la creacin de un grupo de investigacin de orqudeas y plantas de
viveros. Ellos incluso tienen su propio sistema de justicia. Por ejemplo, si a uno
de los miembros se le acusa por un acto de maldad, los habitantes decidirn sus
cargos, de acuerdo a un sistema penal acordado por la comunidad-vigilante.
Actividad Principal:
Los voluntarios darn clases de ingls no formales en las escuelas pblicas
primarias y secundarias en la comunidad. Las edades de los estudiantes van de 3
a 15 aos. El conocimiento del idioma es muy pobre, comparado con las escuelas

de la ciudad. Para los nios Tai, el ingls es un idioma realmente difcil, el
alfabeto y la pronunciacin son completamente diferentes. T experimentrs esto
por t mismo durante tu proyecto. Con el poyecto de enseanza, los voluntarios
acordarn el calendario mutuamente y los tiempos de clases. Primeramente
nosotros estimulamos a los alumnos para disfrutar las clases, les enseamos que
puede ser divertido y til aprender el idioma a travs de clases creativas (juegos y
canciones) en un ambiente relajado.
Otras: Voluntarios estarn completamente dedicados, a involucrarse en la
organizacion de otras actividades del pueblo, Y/o pueden crear sus propias
actividades, como formar un grupo nocturno para adultos y nios, quienes estan
interesados en aprender ingls.
Objetivos del proyecto.
# Mejorar y aumentar la habilidad del lenguaje ingls.
# Apoyar a las escuelas
# Construir buenas relaciones entre voluntarios y las personas locales.
# Ser parte de la comunidad de Kao Kor.
# Dejar a los nios ser familiares con los voluntarios y aprender en atmosferas
internacionales y multi-culturales.
Alojamiento: 2 residencias de 2 pisos de Madera, estilo dormitorio, para
compartirlas con otros voluntarios.
Costo: Depende del tiempo de estancia (mnimo por 2 meses)
Ubicacin: Kao Kor, Provincia de Nakorn Sritammarat, Sur de Tailandia.
Punto de Encuentro: Hat Yai (desde Bangkok t puedes elegir viajar por avin,
camin o tren)
Hoja-Informativa: Si ests interesado, pregunta en tu organizacin, ms detalles
de este proyecto.
Project: Pru Chaba
FECHAS: Todo el ao.
Pru Chaba es un pequeo pueblo en el Distrito de Hat Yai, provincia de
Songkhla, al sur de Tailandia. Ah viven 400 familias, la mayoria de ellos se
dedican a sembrar caucho, o tienen parcelas de rambutan, durian, mangostan,
Pru Chaba es tambin un lugar visitado, con uno de los parques nacionales ms
bellos y un santuario para la vida salvaje, del sur de Tailandia, el cual es muy
famoso por sus cascadas de 7 niveles, conocidas como cascadas Ton Nga Chang,
colmillos de elefantes.
La colaboracin entre los pobladores es muy fuerte. Ellos crearon sus propios
grupos a fin de ganar ms salario para mantener a sus familias, como el grupo de
amas de casa y el grupo agrario, en beneficio de todo el pueblo. Se activ una
cooperativa local y se ha mantenido en servicio por muchos aos.
DaLaa conoci este pueblo, por un guardabosques que trabaja en el parque
nacional. l nos llev a la escuela local en donde se poda organizar un taller de
enseanza por dis semanas, en 2009. Para el ao 2011, en un programa MLTV,

nosotros, as como los lugareos y las escuelas, acordamos promover este
preyecto de enseanza a quienes estuvieran interesados. Nos dimos cuenta de
que establecer un proyecto a largo plazo donde se requiere la enseanza de ingls
creativo podra ser el mejor plan para mejorar la capacidad de los nios en el
Actividades Principales: los voluntarios darn clases de ingls no formales, en
las escuelas pblicas locales, primarias y secundarias, de la comunidad. La edad
de los estudiantes va de 3 a 15 aos. El conocimiento del ingls es muy pobre,
comparado con las escuelas de la ciudad. Para los nios tai, el ingls es muy
dificil de aprender, el alfabeto y la pronunciacin son completamente diferentes.
T podrs experimentar por t mismo esta diferencia, durante tu proyecto. Con el
proyecto de enseanza, los voluntarios ensearn, acordando previamente el
tiempo de las clases y la peridicidad. Primeramente, nosotros estimulamos a los
alumnos, para disfrutar las clases, les enseamos que puede ser divertido y util
aprender ingles, a travs de clases creativas (con juegos y canciones), de una
manera relajada.
Otros: Adems de las clases en las escuelas, otras actividades creativas y tiles
para los nios, son bienvenidas, durante o despues de la escuela. Los voluntarios
pueden apoyar en el club extraescolar, por ejemplo, haciendo actividades juntos.
Las ideas y planes sern discutidas y acordadas con el grupo.
Objetivos del proyecto.
# Mejorar y aumentar la habilidad del lenguaje ingls.
# Apoyar a las escuelas
# Construir buenas relaciones entre voluntarios y las personas locales.
# Ser parte de la comunidad de Kao Kor.
# Dejar a los nios ser familiares con los voluntarios y aprender en atmosferas
internacionales y multi-culturales.
Alojamiento: se otorga alojamiento.
Costo: Depende del tiempo de estancia (mnimo por 2 meses)
Ubicacin: Pru Chaba, provincial de Songkhla, Sur de Tailandia
Punto de Encuentro: Hat Yai (desde Bangkok t puedes elegir viajar por avin,
camin o tren)
Hoja-Informativa: Si ests interesado, pregunta en tu organizacin, ms detalles
de este proyecto.
Costo para los proyectos a mediano y largo plazo
El periodo mnimo de estancia es de dos meses.
El costo ser utilizado para pagar gastos de vivienda (como gas, agua, electricidad
y comida) y para materiales que se utilizarn en las actividades del proyecto.
Incluso parte del costo ser utilizado para apoyar a los voluntarios tai y nuestra

We impose 220 Euro/month/volunteer of participation fee for
volunteers staying at our Long term house and 250Euro/month/
volunteer for volunteers staying at host families.
We can only place maximum 12 volunteers in Long-term House.
Others who arrive when Long-term house is full will stay at host
Type: RESEARCH/SOCI/EDU Language: English Age: 20 + Work & activities:
The Research Center of Social Sciences and Humanity is one of the leading in the
region of Mekong Delta, under the management of An Giang university. The
major objective of the research centre is to conduct research activities that
contribute to the development of society particularly in the field of social work,
education, culture and humanity. Firstly, volunteers will assist local staffs in
improving their language skills, and also support them to work on different
projects of UNDP, NGOs organized by the university, and/ or attend in
implementation in other projects from universities, agencies on social subject.
Objectives: The University would like to have exchanges and also to learn foreign
working style from international volunteers. Volunteers will share their knowledge
and understanding on social issues with the local partner, which helps to carry
out social projects in better ways and bring more effective result to local
communities. Accommodation & Food: Simple accommodation surrounding
project site will be provided. Volunteers have the other choice which is host
families, by this way they can improve their Vietnamese language and
understanding about Vietnamese life. Volunteers need to bring their sleeping bag,
mosquito net, pillow, and a sheet with them. Vegetarian catering is possible.
Leisure activities: Exchanges as well as discussions on culture, environment,
Global issues etc will be organized together with local people and local people
regularly to have deeper understanding between different cultures. An Giang is
located in the south of Vietnam where it has rich culture and tradition, so
volunteers can explore about local people and region in their free time. Location:
An Giang University, An Giang province, Vietnam. Remarks: Volunteers need to
have knowledge on social problems, working experience with groups, be
enthusiastic, optimistic, creative, patient and full of energy.
Type: ENVI/ MANU/ SOCI Language: English Age: 20 +

Work & activities: Xuan Thuy National Marine Park is 150 kilometers south-east of
Hanoi. The core zone of the park has a total area of 7,100 hectares. In 2003 Xuan
Thuy Natural Reserve was approved as a national park. The park is considered to be
a typical wetland ecosystem of national and international importance. In addition to
a high bio-diversity, Xuan Thuy National Park is also known as an important
platform for migratory birds including the black-faced spoonbill, one of the world!s
endangered species, other important marine species and mangrove ecosystem. Many
local projects such as planting mushroom, raising bee to have honey, collecting and
classifying rubbishetc are implementing.
Volunteers are expected to plant trees, build garbage storages in the national park
with the local community, support for the local staffs of the park in daily work such
as making research, making reports, as well as work on related fields, take part in
local projects, and participate in social and collective activities with the local
community. Also volunteers will organize workshops or campaigns to raise
awareness of the local people about environmental protection and the ecological
systems and update the website of the national park to promote it to many people.
Volunteers will also organize English classes for the young people in the village as
well as for staffs of the park to improve this language!s skills for them and encourage
them to communicate in English, because it is a famous ecotourism place so there
are many foreign tourists visit this place every year. Objectives: The volunteers are
expected to raise awareness about environmental protection within the local
community. They can try to find solutions about how to protect the ecosystem during
their voluntary work. This is a chance for volunteers to practice what they have
learnt from universities/ collages, and also an opportunity to explore the diversity of
mangrove forest as well as the nature in general. The park and SJ Vietnam hope that
volunteers will have valuable experience after their voluntary time there, and hope
they will organize campaigns to raise attitude of local people on environment. The
local community also hopes to have exchanges with foreign people from different
cultures. Accommodation & Food: Home-stay with the local people or staying at
guesthouse of National Park is 2 choices for accommodation. The life with the natives
will help volunteers understand deeply about regional culture and some main
characters in Vietnamese families, especially in traditional families. In countryside
there are many traditional value are still obvious in daily life. The district which the
part is located in is really famous for seafood and some tourist places so volunteers
can take this chance to discover the nature of the region. Sleeping bags, sleeping
mat, pillow, mosquito net, spray are needed. Vegetarian catering is possible.
Leisure activities: Volunteers can enjoy the rich nature of the park and the region.
Besides, biking, sailing and bird watching is very interesting as well. Some other
famous tourist places surrounding are good choices for volunteers at weekend or in
free time Location: Giao Xuan District, Nam Dinh province (150 km from Hanoi).
Remarks: Volunteers need to have knowledge about nature, birds, mangrove forest
and agriculture. They also need to be enthusiastic, patient, optimistic, and full of
energy as well as ready to work hard and be able to do manual work for example rice
harvesting. They are supposed to be active and proactive in taking activities with
staffs of the National Park as well as local people. They should understand that
sometimes there are a lot of duties but sometimes they will have quite a lot of free

Language: English
Age: 18+
Work & activities: Hai Duong welfare center was established in March 1982. Has
about 1000 mentally and physically disabled and disadvantaged children coming
from many parts of Hai Duong province, the center aims to provide compulsory
education and vocational training courses to create employment opportunities for the
teenagers. The center has a wide variety of courses for children ranging from 6 years
old to 18 years old. For example, children between the ages of 6 to 12 are provided
with educational courses, and the older children are able to attend vocational
training courses at the center. Volunteers are supposed to organize activities with the
children and support the local staffs. Volunteers will play games with the children,
take care of infant orphans and organize activities such as funny games, collective
activities, children songsetc. The voluntary work at the center is quite hard and it
requires high motivation and patience from volunteers. So volunteers need to be well
prepared before starting this project. Objectives: To encourage the disabled children
to integrate into the community and communicate with other people. Help the
children to be more self-confident thanks to the work with volunteers. The children
will have fun and relaxed time after lessons. Accommodation & Food: Volunteers
will stay in a dormitory. The accommodation is very simple, basic, so sleeping bag,
sleeping mat, sheet, and pillow are needed. Food can be prepared by the center if
volunteers want. Vegetarian catering is possible. Leisure activities: There are
famous tourist places near the center so volunteers can discover by themselves at
weekends and in free time. It is also easy to come to Hanoi from Hai Duong by bus.
Location: Hai Duong city (50 km from Hanoi)
Remarks: Volunteers should be enthusiastic, patient, optimistic, creative and full of
energy and ready to work with children with different levels of disability. Working
experience with disadvantaged kids is an advantage
Type: KID/SOCI/DISA/EDU Language: English Age: 18+
Work and activities: The Red Cross center is hosting around 10 orphans who are
under 2 years old and around 20 disadvantaged and disabled children attending
vocational training courses. The orphan infancies are having taking care of nannies,
but the problem is that the nannies do not know how to take care of the infancies in
best ways. They really need to have consultants to help them in building nutrient
table for the kids. The center is not only aim at giving good care with good food but
they also wants to have consultancy about the method to take care of the kids in all
aspects in general. Many disadvantaged and disabled children are having free
training courses at the center. They hope to have more communication with society,
which is the reason why they want to learn foreign language which can help them in
finding jobs or searching document for their studying. Teaching English is a need of

the center together with the need of having computer classes. Besides, the center
hopes to have more leisure activities for the people who are learning and staying
there. Volunteers are supposed to work together with staffs of the center to build
nutrient table for the kids, give English and computer classes as well as organize
leisure activities for the disadvantaged and disabled people staying and learning at
the center. Objectives: SJ Vietnam wants to call for help from volunteers so that the
Red Cross center has better caring for the kids and disadvantaged and disabled
people there. Having a foreign language and good training course will help a lot for
them to find out job to earn living by them. Accommodation & Food: Volunteers
will stay at the project site with simple and basic accommodation. Volunteers need to
take sleeping bag, mosquito net, pillow, and a sheet with them. Vegetarian catering is
possible. Leisure activities: There are famous tourist places near the center so
volunteers can discover by themselves at weekends and in free time. It is also easy to
come to Hanoi from Hai Duong by bus. Location: Hai Duong city (50 km far from
Hanoi). Remarks: Volunteers should be enthusiastic, patient, optimistic, creative
and full of energy and ready to work with children with different levels of disability.
Working experience with disadvantaged kids is an advantage.
Type: RESEARCH/SOCI/EDU Language: English Age: 20+ Work and activities:
Volunteers will cooperate with some teachers in the department and support them in
implementing social projects. They also will work with some groups of students both
normal and disabled ones to make plans on different topics such as communication
skills, soft skills, etc and carry out those plans. They also go on field trips with
students to invest and solve problems related to their studying.
Objectives: SJ Vietnam wants international volunteers have deep understanding
about what are taught in sociology department in Vietnam, how student are manage
this as well as have exchanges with young Vietnamese people.
Accommodation & Food: Volunteers will stay at the project site with simple and
basic accommodation. Volunteers need to take sleeping bag, mosquito net, pillow,
and a sheet with them. Vegetarian catering is possible. Leisure activities: Hanoi in
the Capital of Vietnam so volunteers have the chance to explore the rich culture of
the 100o year city. Location: Hanoi, Vietnam
Remarks: Volunteers need to be enthusiastic, optimistic, and patient, especially they
need to have experience social and global issues.
Type: SOCI/EDU/CHARITABLE Language: English Age: 18+ Work and activities:
FPT universities are leading ones in Vietnam in teaching IT and related issues. They
also have so many social/ charitable activities, which is one part of the activities for
their students every year. FPT universities have campaigns on social work and they
need as many volunteers as possible to join that. They also want to have exchanges
with foreigners to improve their English skills so that students can integrate better
with the world out of Vietnam. International volunteers are expected to have non-
formal classes to share experience in learning English, to support for students in
this. Besides, volunteers will take part in planning voluntary activities with students
and be responsible for implementing those activities. Objectives: More and more
exchanges it has, much deeper mutual understanding it gets. Because of that, SJ

Vietnams wants to be the bridge to connect Vietnamese young generation and the
ones from abroad so that they can work together in the common aim for a peaceful
world. Accommodation & Food: Volunteers will stay at the project site with simple
and basic accommodation. Volunteers need to take sleeping bag, mosquito net,
pillow, and a sheet with them. Vegetarian catering is possible. Leisure activities:
There are famous tourist places near the project sites so volunteers can discover by
themselves at weekends and in free time. Location: Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh City,
Remarks: Volunteers need to be enthusiastic, optimistic, and patient. They are
supposed to have experience in teaching and organizing activities as well as working
in groups. They need to be creative with many ideas.
Type: KID/ SOCI/ MANU/ EDU Language: English Age: 18+ Work and activities:
The Youth House School is a small non-formal education center for disadvantaged,
street and poor children. It is also a friendly place for young local people and
international volunteers to come to explore their cultural diversity with lots of youth
exchanges such as music performance, photos exhibition, and lessons for the
children and funny leisure activities. We need teachers and volunteers to give lessons
to the children and cook meals for 20 children every day. SJ Vietnam combines these
activities with projects to help disadvantaged people at Fisher village who are very old
and live in slum-boats on Red river by giving them free food, supporting medicine for
their disease, providing water filter, toothpaste, second-hand warm clothes etc.
Volunteers will join a team of young local people and SJ Vietnam coordinators to
manage the projects and participate in daily activities at the school. Volunteers need
to have a very high motivation, very good communication skills and to be able to be
independent in your work. Volunteers also need to have many ideas about how to
keep the children!s interest and they need to know how to deal with problematic
situations with the children as well encourages the children to go to the Youth House
regularly for free basic education and nutrition food. We have been increasing their
awareness of education which can help them to get a simple job and a better future
to ensure their independent living, economic self-sufficiency. The scheme will
demonstrate the important role of volunteerism and public-private partnerships for
social development. Our general aspirations: gathering together to establish this
center for disadvantaged, poor and street children people to exchange ideas, have a
chance to study vocation, integrate in the community Accommodation & Food:
Simple and small accommodation in SJ Vietnam!s LTV House. Volunteers will stay in
dormitory beds. It is supposed to have from 5 to 6 volunteers sharing a bedroom and
18 volunteers share 2 bathrooms/showers. Volunteers need to take sleeping bag,
mosquito net, pillow, sheet with them. Volunteers will prepare meals by themselves
in the kitchen of LTV House. Vegetarian catering is possible. Leisure activities:
Hanoi has many historical and cultural places and it is also a famous destination for
tourists. Visiting Old Quarters, traditional trade villages are good choices for
volunteers at weekends or in free time. Many cultural festivals are held in Hanoi
annual so this is a great chance for volunteers to explore the Capital which is 1000
years old. Location: Hanoi, Vietnam Remark: Volunteers are supposed to have
experience in teaching and working with children, especially with street children.

Language: English
Age: 18+
Work & activities: Nguyen Dinh Chieu is a school for blind children and a center
for blind adults. The blind children come from different provinces with different
backgrounds, not only from Hanoi. The school is aim at giving free vocational
training, education courses for the blind children at school. There they also have
musical classes because many of them are good at music, which is the reason why
they often have performance in and out of Vietnam. There has been many volunteers
teaching English there so English level of the children are quite good, but they do not
want to stop at basic level so they want to improve it at higher levels, also the young
kids want to learn the language because the older ones are able to communicate in
English, which encourage a lot the younger ones in learning this language. The
school needs volunteers who can teach English to children and create a friendly
environment in order to encourage them to use the most popular and useful
language in Vietnam. High motivation, patient, enthusiasm and independence are
necessary soft skills volunteers need to have to work with the children. Volunteers
also need to be creative so they can keep the children!s interest and help them to
improve English. Experience in teaching and in working with children is helpful in
case to solve problematic situations with the children Objectives: One effective way
to learn English is to communicate with people who can speak English fluently. SJ
Vietnam wants to help the children in the Blind school know more one foreign
language which is useful & helpful with them in communication, broadening their
knowledge as well as in their daily life. Learning together with international
volunteers gives the children the chance to have cultural exchanges
Accommodation & Food: Simple and small accommodation in SJ Vietnam!s LTV
House. Volunteers will stay in dormitory beds. It is supposed to have from 5 to 6
volunteers sharing a bedroom and 18 volunteers share 2 bathrooms/showers.
Volunteers need to take sleeping bag, mosquito net, pillow, sheet with them.
Volunteers will prepare meals by themselves in the kitchen of LTV House. Vegetarian
catering is possible. Leisure activities: Hanoi has many historical and cultural
places and it is also a famous destination for tourists. Visiting Old Quarters,
traditional trade villages are good choices for volunteers at weekends or in free time.
Many cultural festivals are held in Hanoi annual so this is a great chance for
volunteers to explore the Capital which is 1000 years old. Location: Hanoi, Vietnam
Remarks: Volunteers need to be enthusiastic, patient, optimistic, full of energy and
ready to work with disabled people. They also need to be creative in giving lessons to
the children so it is easier for them to remember their lessons. Organizing leisure
activities will be held in order to have fun and reduce stress for the children after
having classes.
Language: English

Work & activities: The National Hospital of Pediatrics (NHP) is specialized in
treating for children coming from different provinces in Vietnam. The hospital
consists of 22 departments, with the number of permanent treating patients
amounting up to 1000-1200, age rages from infancy to nearly 17 years old. The
majority of them are afflicted with difficult to cure ailments, such as hematologist,
nephrologists Most patients come from low-income families in which parents are
working in agriculture sector, leading a rather poor life. During the treatment period,
the patients do not have opportunities to participate in common leisure activities,
they often have to suffer from stress of staying long time in hospital, so having fun
and activities to reduce worry and sadness while they are in hospital is necessary. SJ
Vietnam needs volunteers to organize games and collective activities for the children
(e.g: singing, drawing, magic shows, etc).Volunteers can prepare a performance with
the children every month. They can also help the Vietnamese volunteers to build
playrooms, and a library. Objectives: The volunteers will support the children by
playing with them. Through the games volunteers will help to distract the children
from their physical and mental pain/ hurt and they will not feel so much afraid of
being in hospital. SJ Vietnam hopes that the lovely children in the hospital will have
sweet and comfortable time in hospital with both Vietnamese and international
volunteers. Accommodation & Food: Simple and small accommodation in SJ
Vietnam!s LTV House. Volunteers will stay in dormitory beds. It is supposed to have
from 5 to 6 volunteers sharing a bedroom and 18 volunteers share 2 bathrooms/
showers. Volunteers need to take sleeping bag, mosquito net, pillow, sheet with them.
Volunteers will prepare meals by themselves in the kitchen of LTV House. Vegetarian
catering is possible. Leisure activities: Hanoi has many historical and cultural
places and it is also a famous destination for tourists. Visiting Old Quarters,
traditional trade villages are good choices for volunteers at weekends or in free time.
Many cultural festivals are held in Hanoi annual so this is a great chance for
volunteers to explore the Capital which is 1000 years old. Location: Hanoi, Vietnam
Remarks: Volunteers need to be enthusiastic, patient, optimistic, full of energy and
ready to work with sick children. They also need to be creative in organizing activities
to the children so the children will feel relaxed.
Language: English Age:18+
Work & activities: SOS Village is the place for orphan kids where the kids are
brought up carefully with free accommodation, food and schooling. But the kids
really want to have integration as much as possible so that they understand more
about out-side world which they do not have much idea on it. They also do not have
tutor on foreign languages so volunteers are expected to give free English lessons for
them. Volunteers will have support from one local organization called Sun-kid which
is working on education. The organization really cares to education for disadvantaged
kids so volunteers will work with them as well. Objectives: SJ Vietnam wants to
cooperate with different organizations/ communities to give disadvantaged kids as
much care as possible. Leisure activities: Volunteers can visit some beauty spots of
Thanh Hoa province. Thanh Hoa is very famous for Sam Son beach and many
delicious seafood. Volunteers can spend their weekend at the beach and enjoy Thanh

Hoa!s specialties. Location: Thanh Hoa, Vietnam Remarks: Volunteers need to be
enthusiastic, optimistic, and patient to work with disabled people. Volunteers should
have PR and designing experience
Type: SOCI/ KID Language: English Age: 18+
Work & activities: Bo De pagoda is a place of Buddhist worshipping. Regarding the
religion, the female monks always try their best to help people and always act in a
peaceful and respectful way toward others. According to the Buddhist belief, pagodas
always welcome all kinds of people with different situations and help them to find out
how to solve their problems. There are about 100 children living in the pagoda. The
pagoda also is a place for homeless people. The director of the pagoda, Monk Thich
Dam Lan, wants to give all the children the chance to have an education. It needs
volunteers to take care of babies, organize leisure activities for them, teach them how
to protect surrounding environment of the pagoda. Especially the kids at the
kindergarten of the pagoda need to have careful take-care and teaching from
experienced volunteers. Now they are at starting level to learn games, figures,
alphabetsetc so it is good to have volunteers who are good at that. Volunteers Will
coordinate following activities for kids: morning tea, play with children, prepare
crafts and music activities, provide physical care, coordinate daily teeth cleaning
and Fruit Friday, clean the kindergarten everyday after the activities, model correct
behavior for the children and nannies regarding non physical discipline, healthy
eating, mouth and hand hygiene and fair play.
Objectives: Orphan children will have the chance to communicate with foreigners, to
have fun with them and have useful lessons about keeping environment tidy. The
little kids will have the caring from volunteers. Accommodation & Food: Simple and
small accommodation in SJ Vietnam!s LTV House. Volunteers will stay in dormitory
beds. It is supposed to have from 5 to 6 volunteers sharing a bedroom and 18
volunteers share 2 bathrooms/showers. Volunteers need to take sleeping bag,
mosquito net, pillow, sheet with them. Volunteers will prepare meals by themselves
in the kitchen of LTV House. Vegetarian catering is possible. Leisure activities:
Hanoi has many historical and cultural places and it is also a famous destination for
tourists. Visiting Old Quarters, traditional trade villages are good choices for
volunteers at weekends or in free time. Many cultural festivals are held in Hanoi
annual so this is a great chance for volunteers to explore the Capital which is 1000
years old. Location: Hanoi, Vietnam Remarks: Volunteers should be enthusiastic,
optimistic, and patient and also they need to have skills to work with children
Type : EDU/ SOCI/ CULTURE/ Language : English Age : 18 + Work and
activities: The E&C NGO is a Vietnamese non-government organization, and partner
of The Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Association (VUSTA). It has
developed projects offering improved education for poor children in the Highlands;
vocational education for the disabled; traditional playgrounds for poor children; an
educational program for disadvantaged youth; and teaching English to children
through active learning. It has also managed to establish many professional
partnerships that support and promote its program activities. E & C NGO focuses on

following areas: education and culture, community projects, disadvantaged
communities. There are some main tasks for volunteers to support work at E & C
NGO : Develop, facilitate and evaluate specific projects to meet the needs of
disadvantaged communities. Provide educational opportunities to children,
disadvantaged youth, university students, people with a disability, parents and other
groups. Develop projects that introduce the best of modern knowledge of teaching
and educational methods to Vietnamese audiences and professionals. Liaise and
partner with professionals, government, other NGOs and international organizations
for the benefit of disadvantaged communities in Vietnam. Objectives: SJ Vietnam
hopes to have good volunteers to support development programs which are aiming to
bring more benefit to the development of society in general as well as to the
development of disadvantaged communities. Accommodation & Food: Simple and
small accommodation in SJ Vietnam!s LTV House. Volunteers will stay in dormitory
beds. It is supposed to have from 5 to 6 volunteers sharing a bedroom and 18
volunteers share 2 bathrooms/showers. Volunteers need to take sleeping bag,
mosquito net, pillow, sheet with them. Volunteers will prepare meals by themselves
in the kitchen of LTV House. Vegetarian catering is possible. Leisure activities:
Hanoi has many historical and cultural places and it is also a famous destination for
tourists. Visiting Old Quarters, traditional trade villages are good choices for
volunteers at weekends or in free time. Many cultural festivals are held in Hanoi
annual so this is a great chance for volunteers to explore the Capital which is 1000
years old. Location: Hanoi, Vietnam Remarks: Volunteers should be enthusiastic,
optimistic, and patient. They need to have experience in teaching or social fields/
related fields.
Type: SOCI/ RESEARCH Language: English Age: 20+ Work and activities:
Forestry Science Technique Application Center of Forest Science Institute of Vietnam
has been working on this biomass program since 1990 and has implemented it in 25
provinces nationwide though foreign organization finances in Vietnam. The program
is aimed at popularize the making and using of biomass energy in households in
countryside and mountainous areas of Vietnam. Volunteers will join a team from
Biomass Energy Department of the institute to write project proposals calling for
funding. If the institute succeeds in getting the grand, it will help to bring the new
energy source to poor people in disadvantageous communities in remote areas. While
working with the team from 2-3 officers, volunteers can help them to improve their
English to enhance the project proposals writing result and create a friendly
environment between volunteers and the institute's officers. The most important part
of this project is to call for fund for the biomass energy implication.
Objectives: Volunteers have chance to know more about the use of energy and
countryside life in Vietnam. Furthermore, volunteers and staffs will understand more
about each other, which is a good way to have cultural exchanges. When English of
staffs is improved they can speak that language better and they can use it more
efficiently, helping them a lot in their working. Activities will bring benefits to the
center and communities in Vietnam which is an developing country and needs great
help from outside.
Accommodation & Food: Simple and small accommodation in SJ Vietnam!s LTV
House. Volunteers will stay in dormitory beds. It is supposed to have from 5 to 6
volunteers sharing a bedroom and 18 volunteers share 2 bathrooms/showers.
Volunteers need to take sleeping bag, mosquito net, pillow, sheet with them.

Volunteers will prepare meals by themselves in the kitchen of LTV House. Vegetarian
catering is possible. Leisure activities: Hanoi has many historical and cultural
places and it is also a famous destination for tourists. Visiting Old Quarters,
traditional trade villages are good choices for volunteers at weekends or in free time.
Many cultural festivals are held in Hanoi annual so this is a great chance for
volunteers to explore the Capital which is 1000 years old. Location: Hanoi, Vietnam
Remarks: Volunteers need to be enthusiastic, full of energy and have strong English
writing skills. They also need to be creative and logical in writing proposals.
Type: ADMIN/ MANU Language: English Age: 18+ Work and activities: Volunteers
will be full members of the national and international SJ Vietnam organization. It is
supposed that volunteers who are at this position will mainly work with PR
department. PR coordinator will have orientation for volunteers and guide them how
to work. Volunteers will manage and update the website of SJ Vietnam, organize it in
better ways. Volunteers are supposed to join different projects of SJ Vietnam in order
to understand more about those activities, work with local volunteers to look for
information so they can update news and write articles about SJ Vietnam.
Objectives: Help public relation staff to update the website and promote special
events. Manage SJ Vietnam!s website, update information, and write articles for our
Accommodation & Food: Simple and small accommodation in SJ Vietnam!s LTV
House. Volunteers will stay in dormitory beds. It is supposed to have from 5 to 6
volunteers sharing a bedroom and 18 volunteers shared 2 bathrooms/showers.
Volunteers need to take sleeping bag, mosquito net, pillow, sheet with them.
Volunteers will prepare meals by themselves in the kitchen of LTV House. Vegetarian
catering is possible. Leisure activities: Hanoi has many historical and cultural
places and it is also a famous destination for tourists. Visiting Old Quarters,
traditional trade villages are good choices for volunteers at weekends or in free time.
Many cultural festivals are held in Hanoi annual so this is a great chance for
volunteers to explore the Capital which is 1000 years old. Location: Hanoi, Vietnam
Remarks: The volunteer should be enthusiastic, optimistic, and ready to deal with
differences. They need to adapt quickly with new environment both in nature and life
style. Volunteers are supposed to have managing skills.
Type: ADMIN/ MANU Language: English Age: 18+ Work and activities: Long-term
volunteers will be full members of the national and international SJ Vietnam
organization. Volunteers are supposed to assist SJ Vietnam!s workcamp coordinators
for working on projects and logistic of projects as well. The workcamp coordinators
will have orientation days to guide volunteers how to work, solve problems and
manage workcamp department. Volunteers will have training to have managing skills
on voluntary field and will get working schedule form the coordinators. Running
workcamps, building working schedule for short-term volunteers, making orientation
as well as evaluations, updating the info-sheets of workcamp department, setup
regulations, build strategies for workcamp department .etc will be main work of
volunteers who take over this position. This position also requires volunteers to

promote the image of SJ Vietnam, and build manual work template for next
volunteers who will be in charge of this place.
Objectives: Learning how to manage the work of workcamp department, how to set
up and have good relationship with partners both local and international ones. After
working in this position, volunteers will have strong managing skills.
Accommodation & Food: Simple and small accommodation in SJ Vietnam!s LTV
House. Volunteers will stay in dormitory beds. It is supposed to have from 5 to 6
volunteers sharing a bedroom and 18 volunteers shared 2 bathrooms/showers.
Volunteers need to take sleeping bag, mosquito net, pillow, sheet with them.
Volunteers will prepare meals by themselves in the kitchen of LTV House. Vegetarian
catering is possible. Leisure activities: Hanoi has many historical and cultural
places and it is also a famous destination for tourists. Visiting Old Quarters,
traditional trade villages are good choices for volunteers at weekends or in free time.
Many cultural festivals are held in Hanoi annual so this is a great chance for
volunteers to explore the Capital which is 1000 years old. Location: Hanoi, Vietnam
Remarks: The volunteer should be enthusiastic, optimistic, and ready to deal with
differences. They need to adapt quickly with new environment both in nature and life
style. Volunteers are supposed to have managing skills
Type: ADMIN/ MANU Language: English Age: 18+ Work and activities:
Volunteers will work mainly at office and they will be considered as staff members of
SJ Vietnam. Volunteers will have working schedule given by long-term volunteer
coordinators. Volunteers is supposed to help the coordinators to manage the work of
long-term department such as coordinating the relationships among long-term
volunteers and SJ Vietnam staffs to ensure a good and friendly working environment,
to work with both local & international partners, to build strategies for the
department!s development. Volunteers will take part in LTV meeting every Thursday
evening and staff meeting every Friday evening with all the long-term volunteers and
SJ Vietnam staffs to discuss the SJ Vietnam!s projects. A report will be made every
LTV meeting. Working on projects of SJ Vietnam with LTV department also will be
the main work of volunteers.
Objectives: To understand more about working in a Vietnamese NGO and give out
solutions to improve the organization, as well as promote SJ Vietnam!s projects and
its activities
Accommodation & Food: Simple and small accommodation in SJ Vietnam!s LTV
House. Volunteers will stay in dormitory beds. It is supposed to have from 5 to 6
volunteers sharing a bedroom and 18 volunteers shared 2 bathrooms/showers.
Volunteers need to take sleeping bag, mosquito net, pillow, sheet with them.
Volunteers will prepare meals by themselves in the kitchen of LTV House. Vegetarian
catering is possible. Leisure activities: Hanoi has many historical and cultural
places and it is also a famous destination for tourists. Visiting Old Quarters,
traditional trade villages are good choices for volunteers at weekends or in free time.
Many cultural festivals are held in Hanoi annual so this is a great chance for
volunteers to explore the Capital which is 1000 years old. Location: Hanoi, Vietnam
Remarks: The volunteer should be enthusiastic, optimistic, and ready to deal with
differences. They need to adapt quickly with new environment both in nature and life
style. Volunteers are supposed to have managing skills.

Type: KID/ SOCI/DIAS Language: English Age:18+ Work & activities: Art
Orientation and Mentally-disabled children integration Center is established in
02/01/2009 and is now helping 14 intellectually handicapped children at the age of
4-23. This is a center which takes care and educates children with intellectual
disabilities. The center gives an opportunity for mentally disabled children to have
special education to help them develop self-help, language and communication skills.
From 1-5 pm, the children at the center can be divided into 2 groups. The first one is
relatively heavily handicapped group who can!t speak and some even can!t hear.
Volunteers will help them improve their muscular strength by taking them for a walk,
teaching them to do simple exercises and to play simple games. The other one is less
handicapped group. Volunteers will organize English class, teach them to play simple
games, sing songs, draw and many things else. After that, you can teach them to
play sports such as basketball in the backyard.
Objectives: With recreation activities, those children have more chance to integrate
into communities instead of living their whole life in their family houses. With
English of the children improved, they can speak that language better and they can
use it more efficiently, which will help them a lot in their studying. The English and
leisure activities will bring knowledge and happiness to children so that they will
have optimistic view with life around them and they will become useful people for our
society. Furthermore, volunteers and students will understand more about each
other, which is a good way to have cultural exchanges. Accommodation & Food:
Simple and small accommodation in SJ Vietnam!s LTV House. Volunteers will stay in
dormitory beds. It is supposed to have from 5 to 6 volunteers sharing a bedroom and
18 volunteers share 2 bathrooms/showers. Volunteers need to take sleeping bag,
mosquito net, pillow, sheet with them. Volunteers will prepare meals by themselves
in the kitchen of LTV House. Vegetarian catering is possible. Leisure activities:
Hanoi has many historical and cultural places and it is also a famous destination for
tourists. Visiting Old Quarters, traditional trade villages are good choices for
volunteers at weekends or in free time. Many cultural festivals are held in Hanoi
annual so this is a great chance for volunteers to explore the Capital which is 1000
years old. Location: Hanoi, Vietnam Remarks: Volunteers need to be enthusiastic,
patient, optimistic, full of energy and ready to work with sick children. They also
need to be creative in organizing activities to the children so the children will feel

Project: For a long time, people have been searching for a happy life and the
answer is still under investigation. In order to pursue a happy life in a peaceful
and harmonious way, a group of people gathered in Sanan village in 1984. Sanan
village was established as an idealistic community. Now around 20 people
(including children) live together there. The community follows the philosophy of
an environment-friendly and non-possessive society. People in this village want to
encourage young people to give more attention to the environment and share the
public resources together. Those who are interested in a new perspective way of
living, which seems very different from "normal and capitalized life", this project
will give them some fresh ideas about your life.
Work: Participants will work with the village people at an organic farm & chicken
house, and kindergarten to take care of village children. They will also give non-
formal English class to the children in the village. There will be culture exchange
with village children and grown-ups through sports, cooking, small trips and so
on. Participants will also get a chance to learn Korean or Japanese language
(there are some Japanese residents as well). They will be able to experience the
warmth and kindness of the people, healthy food from the nature and the farm
Extra activities: You can join various local based festivals in the village. In
addition, Its close to Seoul so that you may have chance to explore Seoul.
Qualifications of Volunteers:
Previous volunteer project experiences(Preferred but not necessary)
Interest about Korea (learning the language and cultures in local areas).
Ability to teach and communicate in English (Non-formal English teaching)
Initiative and active personality
Flexibility / Positive mind
No allergies to Chicken
Not very strict vegetarian
Documents to be submitted: CV, VEF, Motivation Letter and applicant's picture
Location: Hwaseong, GYEONGGI Province, about 1 hour away south from Seoul
For more information about the location, please visit the websites below:
Accommodation: In the house of the community.
Food : 3 meals are provided. They are all organic.
Free time : Sunday and national holidays
Participation fee: 200 EUR for 3 month
Terminal: Incheon International Airport
Project: The project site is located in Muju, is distinguished enough to have
earned the nickname Korean Alps. The entire area is covered with mountains.
The host organization is an alternative high school called Green dream school'.
This school focused on traditional Korean cultures, eco-farming education,

foreign language, autonomic study and peace community building. They also
have unique education system so that they are flexible and open to new ideas and
people. The school would like to provide activities and programs related with
intercultural class to the students so that students will experience the different
cultures and people through this project with volunteers.
*Alternative school is a new concept of school based upon experiential learning (It
is a kind of free school movement). It emphasis on values such as nature and
peace and has democratic and independent atmosphere. Summer hill school in
UK is good example of it.
The project is aimed to promote more chances to meet different cultures and
people with students and opening their mind to the world. The volunteers will
lead and join the intercultural class such as country introduction, language class
(mainly English). Volunteers will also join in eco-farming with students such as
raising flowers, vegetables, working at rice field and so on. You can also join in
various activities with students.
Extra activities: You may join in field trip such as hiking mountains and Rafting
trip. Visiting famous place in the local area is also available.
Qualifications of Volunteers:
Previous volunteer project experiences with teenagers (Preferred but not
Interest about Korea (learning the language and cultures in local areas).
Ability to teach and communicate in English (Non-formal English teaching)
Initiative and active personality
Skills to manage club activities (eg. music, dance, sports, theatre and etc)
Flexibility / Positive mind
Documents to be submitted: CV, VEF, Motivation Letter and applicant's picture
Location: Muju, JEONBUK Province about 2 hours away south from Seoul
For more information about the location, please visit the websites below:
Accommodation: School dormitory
Food : 3 meals are provided
Free time : Weekends and national holidays
Participation fee: 200 EUR for 3 month
Terminal: Incheon International Airport

IWO/MTV-A3 Horseman JEONBUK 06/04 - 30/06 YOUTH&EDU
IWO/MTV-B3 Horseman JEONBUK 21/09 - 09/12 YOUTH&EDU
Project: Korea Horseman High School takes pride in being known as the first
choice among students who seek to begin their careers as horse trainers and
managers. It is a public high school designed for in depth instruction and
exercises about managing and training racing horses. The students in this school
build their horsemanship skills and eventually seek to be employed in horse
managing fields.
The school was originally founded as a livestock farming school. However as the
appreciation for farming and livestock have decreased among young people, the
school transformed its curriculum to train young horsemen. In the past few
years, the school has earned more recognition, but still lacks in its international
programs and interactions. The school is looking forward to develop its
international interaction through this MTV project. Volunteers of this project will
be the ones who will make a leap toward a new change of the school.
Work: Since the school is located in an area where it has limitation in meeting
various international people, the project is mainly aimed to provide the students
more chance to meet and experience other cultures through international
volunteers. We hope that the students will develop global thinking through this
project. Volunteers, on the other hand, will have the benefit of getting to know
with Korean culture and especially horsemanship skills.
Volunteers will mainly lead English or Japanese classes (Non-formal),
intercultural classes such as country introduction and language classes. There
are about 15-20 students in one class. Having skills such as dancing, singing,
acting, teaching languages (preferably English and Japanese) and other
educational purposes can be very helpful. Volunteers will also have opportunity to
join in other school activities or class field trips.
Specialty of this program
Volunteers of this project will have three months free course of horseback riding.
The school teachers there will kindly guide and instruct the volunteers with
horsemanship skills. If volunteers are fond of horses, and love outdoor activities,
this opportunity is perfect for them and will give them memorable experiences.
Qualifications of Volunteers:
Inclination toward animals especially, horses. (Strongly Recommended)
Previous volunteer project experiences with teenagers (preferably with high
school students).
Ability to teach and speak in English or Japanese (Non-formal teaching)
Interest about Korea (learning the language and cultures in local areas).
Skills to manage club activities (eg. music, dance, sports, theatre and etc)
Interest in learning horsemanship skills
Initiative and active personality
Flexibility / Positive mind
Documents to be submitted: Motivation letter, CV, VEF, applicant's picture.
Location: Nanwon, Jeollabuk Province, about 4 hours away south from Seoul.
For more information about the location, please visit the websites below:
Accommodation : School dormitory
Food : 3 meals are provided at the school cafeteria
Free time : Weekends and national holidays
Participation fee: 200 EUR for 3 month
Terminal : Incheon International Airport.

Project: This MTV project is newly organized together with Sanmaeul High
School in Ganghwa Island. The host organization is an alternative high school
focused on eco-farming education, energy independency, foreign language and
peace community building. They also have unique education system and so are
flexible and open to new ideas and people. The school is trying to bring
intercultural learning to the students so that students will get to experience
diverse cultures.
Work: Volunteers will mainly participate in activities of Sanmaeul High School
programs. They will mainly join English conversation class. And they will get a
chance to participate various fun programs, such as Eco-farming and playing
Korean traditional instruments. On top of that, they will debate and discuss
nature, cultural diversity, and peace. And volunteers organize cultural day with
student which they come from.

Extra activities: All the school teachers and students really keen on football so
that you will have a chance to play it in school with students.
And Ganghwa Island is very beautiful and there are many places to go;
mountains and beach. For 3 month, you dont need to worry about what you are
going to do.
Qualifications of Volunteers:
Previous volunteer project experiences with teenager (Preferred but not
Interest about Korea (learning the language and cultures in local areas).
Ability to teach and communicate in English (Non-formal English teaching)
Initiative and active personality
Skills to manage club activities (eg. music, dance, sports, theatre and etc)
Flexibility / Positive mind
Documents to be submitted: CV, VEF, Motivation Letter and applicant's picture
Location: Ganghwa Island : about 1 hours away from Seoul by bus. Its a big
island very near to main land. For more information about the location, please
visit the websites below:
Accommodation: School dormitory
Food : 3 meals are provided
Free time : Weekends and national holidays
Participation fee: 200 EUR for 3 month
Terminal: Incheon International Airport
Samcheok is a city of tourism with the beautiful beach and cave. But the
standard of living is not developed well comparatively and especially education
facilities are not enough for local community. The host organization is a local
church and they runs local children center to provide educational and cultural

opportunities to children. They offer not only studying but also the various
extracurricular activities to them. Musical team and Korean traditional music
performance team, which are particular offering of this center, perform a road
show for local people. The Host wants to give them intercultural experience
through volunteers and you also can feel the typical warmth and kindness of
rural Korean community.
Work: Together with Korean MTV volunteer, international volunteers will organize
and manage cultural and education programs such as foreign language (mainly
English), outdoor activities and etc for children who attend in the Local Children
Centers. The children at the centers are mainly elementary students with few
middle school students. Students normally stay at the center after their school
from 2 PM and stay until around 8PM.
Any kind of activities and ideas are welcomed by the host organization as long as
they provide the local children the opportunities of cultural exchange. The local
children are very open and interested about different countries in the world.
Extra activities: There are many beautiful beaches and sightseeing places to
visit during the free time. Big fish market is also famous in this area.
Qualifications of Volunteers:
Previous experiences related to music or theatre (Preferred)
Previous volunteer project experiences with children (Preferred but not
Interest about Korea (learning the language and cultures in local areas).
Ability to teach and communicate in English (Non-formal English teaching)
Initiative and active personality
Skills to manage club activities (eg. music, dance, sports, theatre and etc)
Flexibility / Positive mind
Not very strict vegetarian
Documents to be submitted: CV, VEF, Motivation Letter and applicant's picture
Location: Samcheok, Gangwon Province; about 3 hours away from Seoul by
express bus.
For more information about the location, please visit the websites below:
Accommodation: Staying in the local children center
Food : 3 meals are provided
Free time : Weekends and national holidays
Participation fee: 200 EUR for 3 month
Terminal: Incheon International Airport

Yeongdoek is a small town which is famous for beautiful scenery of East Sea and
delicious sea foods such as snow crap, anchovy etc. Even though this place is
quite attractive, people normally commute to workplace in big cities near around
and stay home only for night. Due to this reason, their children are not fully
cared by their busy parents. The host organization gives children a shelter which
can protect them until their parents come. It also cares these children to study as
if their parents try to.
These children usually live in rural areas, where there are very few opportunities
to experience diverse cultures. Your participation in this project will open up a
door to a new experience for the local children and youths.
Work: Together with Korean MTV volunteer, international volunteers will organize
and manage cultural and education programs such as foreign language (mainly
English), outdoor activities and etc for children who attend in the Local Children
Centers. The children at the centers are mainly elementary students with few
middle school students. Students normally stay at the center after their school
from 12 PM and stay until around 6PM.
Any kind of activities and ideas are welcomed by the host organization as long as
they provide the local children the opportunities of cultural exchange. The local
children are very open and interested about different countries in the world.
Extra activities: If you cant decide whether you go between mountain and sea,
Yeongdoek is perfect place for you. Wherever you go, you can experience real
Qualifications of Volunteers:
Previous volunteer project experiences with children (Preferred but not
Interest about Korea (learning the language and cultures in local areas).
Ability to teach and communicate in English (Non-formal English teaching)
Initiative and active personality
Skills to manage club activities (eg. music, dance, sports, theatre and etc)
Flexibility / Positive mind
Not very strict vegetarian
Documents to be submitted: CV, VEF, Motivation Letter and applicant's picture
Location: Yeongdeok, Gyeongbuk Province; about 5 hours away from Seoul by
express bus.
For more information about the location, please visit the websites below:
Accommodation: Staying in the local children center
Food : 3 meals are provided
Free time : Weekends and national holidays
Participation fee: 200 EUR for 3 month
Terminal: Incheon International Airport

Project: Uiryeong is the small town of beautiful nature and famous of typical rice
cake in Korea. Since the government usually develops infra-structure depending
on the population of the region, many people in this area are isolated from those
benefits. The host organization for this project organizes small childrens center to
provide educational opportunity for children in the local community. The center
has many children who grow up in families with only one parent or multicultural
families. Most of them have very small chance to meet foreigners. The Host wants
to give them intercultural experience with volunteers.
Work: Together with Korean MTV volunteer, international volunteers will organize
and manage cultural and education programs such as foreign language (mainly
English), outdoor activities and etc for children who attend in the Local Children
Centers. The children at the centers are mainly elementary students with few
middle school students. Students normally stay at the center after their school
from 2 PM and stay until around 9PM.
Any kind of activities and ideas are welcomed by the host organization as long as
they provide the local children the opportunities of cultural exchange. The local
children are very open and interested about different countries in the world.
Extra activities: There is sports complex nearby. You can also visit to many
traditional sites around this area such as mountains, temple, villages and palaces
so on.
Qualifications of Volunteers:
Previous volunteer project experiences with children (Preferred but not
Interest about Korea (learning the language and cultures in local areas).
Ability to teach and communicate in English (Non-formal English teaching)
Initiative and active personality
Skills to manage club activities (eg. music, dance, sports, theatre and etc)
Flexibility / Positive mind
Not very strict vegetarian
Documents to be submitted: CV, VEF, Motivation Letter and applicant's picture
Location: Uiryeong, Gyeongnam Province; about 4 hours away from Seoul by
express bus.
For more information about the location, please visit the websites below:
Accommodation: Staying in the flat for volunteer
Food : 3 meals are provided
Free time : Weekends and national holidays
Participation fee: 200 EUR for 3 month
Terminal: Incheon International Airport

Project: Wando is a island located in west-south about 500km away from Seoul.
It has a bridge to mainland and very close each other. And it has the first-class
clean sea area in Korea. Wando provides abundant sea foods which is the most
delicious and high-quality in nation. Because of the distance, the local people do
not get many opportunities to see and meet foreign people. In this respect, the
project will play an important role in bringing the local children and people to get
a taste of diverse cultures.
Work: The host organization runs local children center, local teenager center and
various social service centers. International volunteers and Korean volunteer
mainly join their own education program and various activities for local children
and teenagers. Also, there are 1-2 times English camp with local youth during the
project period. Any kind of activities and ideas are welcomed by the host
organization as long as they provide the local children and teenager the
opportunities of cultural exchange.
Extra activities: There are many social service centers run by host organization.
You can join local senior center, free food center and local self-support center.
During the weekends, there are lots of things to do in Jeonnam area, various
local festival, beautiful nature and historical places.
Qualifications of Volunteers:
Previous volunteer project experiences with children (Preferred but not
Interest about Korea (learning the language and cultures in local areas).
Ability to teach and communicate in English (Non-formal English teaching)
Initiative and active personality
Skills to manage club activities (eg. music, dance, sports, theatre and etc)
Flexibility / Positive mind
Not very strict vegetarian
Documents to be submitted: CV, VEF, Motivation Letter and applicant's picture
Location: Wando, Jeonnam Province; about 5 hours away from Seoul by bus.
For more information about the location, please visit the websites below:
Accommodation: Staying in the flat for volunteer
Food : 3 meals are provided
Free time : Weekends and national holidays
Participation fee: 200 EUR for 3 month
Terminal: Incheon International Airport

1. Project: FFNLMTVP01
2. Vacancy: 30 (one school two vols. at one time)
3. Type: TEACHING basic English in School
4. Location: In or around Kathmandu valley, Kaski (Pokhara), Tanhun,
Lamjung, Chitwan, Makwanpur, Nawalparasi district of Nepal
5. Placement duration: 2-5 months
6. When to start: First Monday of each month.
7. Working day/hours: Saturday is holiday and Friday is half-holiday in
Nepal. Nepalese school open at 10am and closed 4pm, teaching volunteer
will take 3-5 classes each day. Each classs duration is 45 minute.
8. Qualification: Age- 18+, Education- High School Graduate+, relevant
training and skills are appreciated.
9. Pre-placement Preparation: Volunteer will get an opportunity to
participate in a 3 days orientation seminar at our training center in
Kathmandu. The seminar aim to provide basic knowledge to participants
on Education system of Nepal, details information on project school, Do
and Dont issues, Nepali language, culture, dresses, food etc. The
orientation seminar will start on first Monday of each month.
10. Food and Accommodation: Most of long term volunteers will stay with
Nepali family near by school. We have already listed our partner homestay
families around project locations. Most of them have already hosted
international volunteers. Staying with Nepali family is very interesting, you
can feel yourselves member of the family and member of local community
as well. Nepali houses are simple; using very basic facilities (i.e. heating
system, hot shower, cooking, washing methods, toilet and bathroom etc).
Most families do not have HOT shower, but most of them have bath room
and toilet, please do not except facilities like in your country! However
volunteer will get their own single room and enough Nepali food Dalbhat.
There is two time food system in Nepal, heavy breakfast around 9am and
Dinner around 7pm. Tea is very common, when you visit a family they used
to welcome you by tea!
11. Essentials: Best motivation, flexibility, and need to be cooperative.
12. What to bring: Sleeping bag, mosquito net, seasonal clothes, your
insurance papers, materials on your country (i.e. photo, poster or music/
video CDs. etc)
13. Security: All long term projects are located in safe places. Now there is NO
conflict in Nepal. Even in conflict period, Nepal was never danger for
volunteers; we hosted several volunteers around the globe during that
14. Placement Fee: Registration: Euro 200 + monthly contribution Euro 100.
(The fee cover a 3 days orientation seminar in Kathmandu, public
transportation Kathmandu to placement place, food and accommodation +
volunteer project support up to Euro 50)
15. Communication: Nepal is quite comfortable country; you can get all
modern communication facilities here i.e. telephone, Internet, post office
etc. Pre-paid mobile SIM cards are easily available in market.
16. How to find Friendship Foundation Nepal (FFN) Office: FFN is located
in Thamel in front of Pilgrim Guest House on Main Street. You can see

our signboard, please note the building where Sandwich point is located
on ground floor, our office is in on
floor. Full address of our office is as
Post Box No. 11276, Thamel (In front of Pilgrim Guest House)
Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel +977-1-2151415 (Office), 4357136 (training center), 9851047543
(LMTV Coordinators Mobile), Fax: +977-1-4363950
E-mail: Web: or
17. How to meet/travel: Volunteers are requested to visit our office or
contact LMTV coordinator at least one day before the project start. We take
all volunteers to our training center for 3 days pre-placement training then
we arrange all necessary traveling arrangements to get their respective
project site. If volunteer need to pick up at the airport and book hotel room
before the project start need to request LMTV coordinator in time.
18. Monitoring and evaluation: Our long term volunteer project coordinator
will be in touch with all Long Term Volunteers. He will monitor all LTV
projects while volunteer working and also organize final evaluation meeting
with them.
1. Project: FFNLMTVP02
2. Vacancy: 15 (one school one vols. at one time)
3. Type: COMPUTER TEACHING in School
4. Location: In or around Kathmandu valley, Kaski (Pokhara), Tanhun,
Lamjung, Chitwan, Makwanpur, Nawalparasi district of Nepal
5. Placement duration: 2-5 months
6. When to start: First Monday of each month.
7. Working day/hours: Saturday is holiday and Friday is half-holiday in
Nepal. Nepalese school open at 10am and closed 4pm, teaching volunteer
will take 3-5 classes each days. Each classs duration is 45 minute.
8. Qualification: Age- 18+, Education- High School Graduate+, Good
knowledge in computer, relevant training and skills are appreciated.
9. Pre-placement Preparation: Volunteer will get an opportunity to
participate in a 3 days orientation seminar at our training center in
Kathmandu. The seminar aim to provide basic knowledge to participants
on Education system of Nepal, importance of computer education, Do and
Dont issues, Nepali language, culture, dresses, food etc. The orientation
seminar will start on first Monday of each month.
10. Food and Accommodation: Most of long-term volunteers will stay with
Nepali family near by school. We have already listed our partner homestay
families around project locations. Most of them have already hosted
international volunteers. Staying with Nepali family is very interesting, you
can feel yourselves member of the family and member of local community
as well. Nepali houses are simple; using very basic facilities (i.e. heating
system, hot shower, cooking, washing methods, toilet and bathroom etc).
Most families do not have HOT shower, but most of them have bath room
and toilet, please do not except facilities like in your country! However
volunteer will get their own single room and enough Nepali food Dalbhat.

There is two time food system in Nepal, heavy breakfast around 9am and
Dinner around 7pm. Tea is very common, when you visit a family they used
to welcome you by tea!
11. Essentials: Best motivation, flexibility, and need to be cooperative.
12. What to bring: Sleeping bag, mosquito net, seasonal clothes, your
insurance papers, materials on your country (i.e. photo, poster or music/
video CDs. etc)
13. Security: All long term projects are located in safe places. Now there is NO
conflict in Nepal. Even in conflict period, Nepal was never danger for
volunteers; we hosted several volunteers around the globe during that
14. Placement Fee: Registration: Euro 200 + monthly contribution Euro 100.
(The fee cover a 3 days orientation seminar in Kathmandu, public
transportation Kathmandu to placement place, food and accommodation +
volunteer project support up to Euro 50)
15. Communication: Nepal is quite comfortable country; you can get all
modern communication facilities here i.e. telephone, Internet, post office
etc. Pre-paid mobile SIM cards are easily available in market.
16. How to find Friendship Foundation Nepal (FFN) Office: FFN is located
in Thamel in front of Pilgrim Guest House on Main Street. You can see
our signboard, please note the building where Sandwich point is located
on ground floor, our office is in on
floor. Full address of our office is as
17. How to meet/travel: Volunteers are requested to visit FFN office or
contact LMTV coordinator at least one day before the project start. We
take all volunteers to our training center for 3 days pre-placement training
then we arrange all necessary traveling arrangements to get their respective
project site. If volunteer need to pick up at the airport and book hotel room
before the project start need to request LMTV coordinator in time.
18 Monitoring and evaluation: Our long term volunteer project coordinator
will be in touch with all Long Term Volunteers. He will monitor all LTV
projects while volunteer working and also organize final evaluation meeting
with them.
1. Project: FFNLMTVP03
2. Vacancy: 10(one center two vols. at one time)
3. Type: CHILD CARE in Orphanage houses.
4. Location: In or around Kathmandu valley, Chitwan and Makwanpur
district of Nepal
5. Placement duration: 2-5 months
6. When to start: First Monday of each month.
7. Working day/hours: Saturday is holiday and Friday is half holiday in
Nepal. Nepalese school open at 10am and closed 4pm, teaching volunteer
will take 3-5 classes each days. Each classs duration is 45 minute.
8. Qualification: Age- 18+, Education- High School Graduate+, relevant
training and skills are appreciated.

9. Pre-placement Preparation: Volunteer will get an opportunity to
participate in a 3 days orientation seminar at our training center in
Kathmandu. The seminar aim to provide basic knowledge to participants
on STREET CHILDREN problem, Do and Dont issues, Nepali language,
culture, dresses, food etc. The orientation seminar will start on first
Monday of each month.
10. Food and Accommodation: Will be arranged in or near Orphanage house.
Most orphanage centers do not have HOT shower, but most of them have
bath room and toilet, please do not except facilities like in your country!
However volunteer will get their own single room and enough Nepali food
Dalbhat. There is two time food system in Nepal, heavy breakfast around
9am and Dinner around 7pm. Tea is very common, when you visit a family
they used to welcome you by tea!
11. Essentials: Best motivation, interest to work with children, flexibility, and
need to be cooperative.
12. What to bring: Sleeping bag, mosquito net, seasonal clothes, your
insurance papers, materials on your country (i.e. photo, poster or music/
video CDs. etc)
13. Security: All long term projects are located in safe places. Now there is NO
conflict in Nepal. Even in conflict period, Nepal was never danger for
volunteers; we hosted several volunteers around the globe during that
14. Placement Fee: Registration: Euro 200 + monthly contribution Euro 100.
(The fee cover a 3 days orientation seminar in Kathmandu, public
transportation Kathmandu to placement place, food and accommodation +
volunteer project support up to Euro 50 )
15. Communication: Nepal is quite comfortable country; you can get all
modern communication facilities here i.e. telephone, internet post office
etc. Pre-paid mobile SIM cards are easily available in market.
16. How to find Friendship Foundation Nepal (FFN) Office: FFN is located
in Thamel in front of Pilgrim Guest House on Main Street. You can see
our signboard, please note the building where Sandwich point is located
on ground floor, our office is in on
floor. Full address of our office is as
17. How to meet/travel: Volunteers are requested to visit our office or
contact LMTV coordinator at least one day before the project start. We take
all volunteers to our training center for 3 days pre-placement training then
we arrange all necessary traveling arrangements to get their respective
project site. If volunteer need to pick up at the airport and book hotel room
before the project start need to request LMTV coordinator in time.
18 Monitoring and evaluation: Our long term volunteer project coordinator
will be in touch with all Long Term Volunteers. He will monitor all LTV
projects while volunteer working and also organize final evaluation meeting
with them.

GoEco01 Preservacin de la vida silvestre ALL YEAR 5 VOL
Lugar: La reserva se encuentra en la ruta 90 (mar muerto-Eilat), casi 35 kms de
Proyecto: La misin de la reserva natural Yotvata Hai Bar (preservacin de la
vida silvestre) es crear grupos de reproduccin de poblaciones de animales
salvajes mencionados en la biblia pero que han desaparecido de la tierra, as
como de otros animales del desierto en peligro de exitinsin. La reseva tiene tres
partes: un rea abierta para el cuidado de rboles y donde viven animales
herbiboros; El centro de predadores donde reptiles, animales del desierto y un
gran nmero de depredadores estn en exhibicin; El ra de exhibicin de la
vida noctura en donde los visitantes pueden ver como los animales nocturnos
viven en sus horas activas.
Trabajo: Los voluntarios sern parte del staff de la reserva y participarn en:
preparacin de comida, alimentar animales, limpieza de la reserva, observacin,
registro de informacin, acompaar y asistir a los guas del parque.
Hospedaje: Los voluntarios se quedan en un departamento en la reserva.
Cuota: 150 euros
Inicio: El campamento inicia cada mes.
La casa Fausi Azar, es un hermoso edificio Otomano construido hace 300 aos
que desde el 2005 se convirti en un hotel que promueve el ecoturismo en
Nazareth y trabaja con la comunidad para apoyar su desarrollo en varias reas.
El hotel usa recursos naturales para generar espacios de trabajo y promover el
desarrollo econmico cuidando el medio ambiente.
Trabajo: Como voluntario participars en la recepcin de huspedes,
informacin, preparar te, caf y pasteles. Tambin se motivar a que participes
en otros proyectos como el camino de Jess, un sendero de caminata de
Nazareth al Mar de Galilee) Los voluntarios tambin ensearn su lengua
materna al staff del hotel y a organizar actividades y tours para los huspedes.
Lugar: Nazareth
Hospedaje: En un departamento cerca del hotel.
Cuota 150 euros.
Todo el ao se puede particiar.

Lugar: En el Desierto Arava a 200 km de Jerusalem
Desert days, es un hotel de un pueblo que se construy con lodo y materiales
locales. Se encuentra al sureste de Israel cerca de Tzukim. Este espacio se cre
por una familia local que quera vivir bajo los principios de una vida simple en
armonia con la naturaleza y contacto con la tierra.
Trabajo: Los voluntarios ayudarn en la construccin de el eco-pueblo, con
tcnicas y materiales ecolgicas y locales. Ayudarn en la limpieza de jardines, en
la cocina y en la recepcin de huspedes.
Hospedaje: En chozas bsicas compartidas.
Cuota de participacin: 150 euros
El proyecto inicia todo el ao, pero la participacin es de 2 a 8 semanas con 2
das de orientacin en Jerusalem.
GoEco06 Cultural Camp 12/07/11-27/07/11 15 VOL EDU/KIDS/
Desde 1969 la Asociacin Israelita de Centros Comunitarios trabaja en
programas adecuados a las necesidades de cada comunidad promoviendo: la
tolerancia y coexistencia de rabes y judos, recaudacin de fondos,
capacitaciones, planeacin y desarrollo de proyuectos. Los temas principales del
campamento son: coexsistencia, arte, deportes y ecologa en ingls-
Los voluntarios apoyarn al Centro comunitario Mughar a llevar a cabo un
proyecto de verano para jovenes en donde se organizarn varias actividades,
talleres sobre ecologa, msica, deportes y arte; excursiones y clases de ingls.
Lugar: En Maghar, un pueblo multicultural e histrico.
Hospedaje: con una familia local. El proyecto no incluye alimentos, se estima que
con 5 euros diarios el voluntario podr comer en los mercados locales. Las fechas
incluyen una capacitacin de dos dias en Tel Aviv.
Cuota 150 euros

El Hostel Abraham Jerusalem es un nuevo centro de viajes que se dedica a la
promocin del turismo ecolgico. Los objetivos del hostal incluyen reciclaje,
composta, jardineria orgnica, interaccin con comidades locales y manejo de
Los voluntarios se involucrarn en diferentes actividades como: acompaantes de
grupos de turistas, organizar y dirigir caminatas por el sendero de Jerusalem,
planear y promover actividades sociales en las instalaciones del hostal,
implementar un sistema de reciclaje y manejo de desperdicios asi como de
composta, renovacin del techo del jardn orgnico.
Lugar: Jerusalem.
Hospedaje: En el hostal
150 euros.
Los voluntarios pueden iniciar durante todo el ao, hay das especificos
cada mes para iniciar. La participacin es de mnimo 4 semanas y mximo


Established in 1996, the Umm El-Fahem Art Gallery aims to bring
quality contemporary art to the city and region. In addition, the
gallery aspires to serve as an artistic and culture center for the city,
bring art awareness and appreciation to its population, and serve as a
bridge between Jewish and Arab cultures in Israel.
Work: Volunteers will have the opportunity to contribute to the gallery
in a number of ways. Main duties include: Fundraising; Event
Coordinating/Organizing; Website maintenance and content
contribution; Routine gallery maintenance; Assistance with children's
workshops. During the program, volunteers will work between 4-8
hours a day and will have 1-2 days off every week.
Location: Umm El-Fahem is located near Megido in Northern Israel
in a prominently Arab area. The city sits on the Umm El-Fahem
mountain range and is the social, cultural and economic center for
residents of the Wadi Ara and Triangle regions.
Arrival airport: BenGurion Airport, Tel Aviv.

Meeting point: Abraham Hostel in Jerusalem
Accommodation: Volunteers will stay in rooms suitable for two. The
rooms are located in a two bedroom flat which is situated in the
upper floor of the gallery premises. This flat has two twin bedrooms, a
shared toilet/bathroom with hot shower, a kitchen and communal
dining area.
We are very excited to announce another LTV project with the YMCA Fairthorne
Manor. We are giving the opportunity of 5 Volunteers to do a 9 month project
starting in 2011 that will provide valid experience and training working with very
young children.
YMCA Fairthorne Manor Nursery opened in 1999 and received an Outstanding
Ofsted grading in 2009. The experienced staff team understand the importance of
play based learning, healthy eating and time spent outside.
The nursery is able to provide childcare to 89 children aged between 4 month and
5 years. The children are split into 3 aged groups.
Work: Volunteers will be part of a team who are dedicated to the holistic
development of each child. During the first few weeks volunteers will have the
opportunity to volunteer with each of the age groups and find the age group that
suits their skills. Volunteers will then be placed with that age group for the rest of
the placement.
YMCA pride themselves on a forest school approach and strongly believe in
allowing children to spend as much time as possible playing outside. Typical
activities may include woodland walks, puddle jumping, growing plants in the
allotment, bug hunting and going on boat trips.
Training: YMCA Fairthorne Group is committed to staff training at all levels and
actively encourages participation. In addition, we offer full and comprehensive
training in all elements of nursery life, plus a combination of work experience
here at Fairthorne Manor.
Accomadation: Volunteers will be allocated a basic room, which maybe shared
with up to 4 other instructors. This is your own space and as much as possible

we allow you to treat it as your own. Three meals a day will be will be provided in
the canteen and there are toilet and shower facilities and a washing machine.
Location: Fairthorne Manor is located in a village called Curdridge which is near
the city of Southampton on the South Coast of England. It is about 15 minutes
walk from Fairthorne Manor into the village where there are shops and pubs. The
nearest train station is Botley which is about half an hours journey into
Terminal: London or Southampton Airports and Botley train station for arrivals
and departures.
Working Hours: 37.5 hours per week Monday to Friday between the hours of
7.45am to 6.15pm
Holiday: Holiday entitlement is 20 days pro rata plus bank holidays, by prior
Special Requirements: Volunteers will need to provide a certificate of good
conduct, motivational letter, fill in the application form and provide two
references. A phone interview will also be conducted. Volunteers will be
provided with 60 per week pocket money and food and accommodation. The
application and the job description are available from the UK Volunteer
programme co-ordinator.
Volunteer profile:

An outgoing and friendly personality, able to communicate well and engage a

wide range of people, including very young children and staff.

A genuine enthusiasm for working with very young children

A genuine enthusiasm for the work of the organisation.

Willingness to learn new skills and undergo training.

As this post involves working with children and living on site, all applicants
must be aged between 18 30 years old.

Center of Diversities is a place where intercultural
learning and diversity are improved.
The aim of the project is to promote, through intercultural
approach and the method of Non Formal Education, a civil
cohabitation and respect of any diversity: geographical,
gender, economical, political, cultural, religious, ... in order
to foster a deeper integration among immigrants and local
Project lasts two years during which intercultural paths, activities and events
(festival, seminar, meetings) are foreseen in order to present to children,
youngsters and local population cultural and traditional differences among
The center organises:

Educative paths aiming at showing to children foreign culture and

customs. In order to achieve this objective four themes are foreseen to
present four continents: Europe, Asia, Africa, America.

Three times per week the Center offers to children and youngsters the
opportunity to meet and spend the afternoon together participating in
informal activities organised with the help of local and international

The center provides opportunity to students, researchers, teachers and

stakeholders to improve their knowledge about immigration and different
cultures and traditions through a Documentation Center opened two
times per week.

A database has been created to facilitate the communication between

artists and public and private institutions interested in the organisation of
cultural events.

In the evening the Center organises public events, debates, cultural and
multicultural events addressed to adult population.

All the activities are realised by local facilitators with the help of international
volunteers (through Mid-term projects and workcamps). They involve immigrants,
Italian citizens, organisations and institutions at national and international level.
As for the last paths, the volunteers will work in the Intercultural Center Centro
delle Diversit
The volunteers will be involved in:

Organisation and management of educative paths during the morning.

They will develop games and other activities to introduce foreign cultures to

They will help to present to the children languages, traditions, foods,

customs and games of their countries.

In the afternoon they will organise informal activities and games with
foreign and local children and will help local volunteers to develop

They will be involved in the management of the Documentation Center and

foreign artists database.
Volunteers will work an average of 6 hours per day, including less structured
group work. Volunteers will have two free days per week in which cultural trip
and excursions are provided.
The volunteers will have the opportunity to get to know the local culture better, to
meet families and to try local food.
Food and Accomodation will be provided to volunteers. They will
share a flat with other international volunteers .
The first part was concluded with the presentation of the European
continent. Three international volunteers from Hungary, Ukraine and
France have been involved into the project, collaborating in the morning in
the realization of paths with schools and in the afternoon organising
informal activities with Italian and foreign children.
Name of the Camp: Verona Villa Buri

Si te interesa un voluntariado en Francia, podemos enviarte un
programa completo con todos los campamentos. Aqu
peresentamos una parte.
MTV 2011 Concordia S.S.O
EL proyecto se encuentra en una zona rural al sur de Francia, en el
parque natural Les Grands Causses.Las ciudades ms grandes
cerca del rea son: Millau 25 km, Montpellier 120 km y Toulouse
170 km.
El proyecto surge de una colaboracin entre Concordia Francia y el
pueblo de St Rome du Tarn, en los Pirineos. En esta zona rural existe
un sistema de riego a base de canales que necesita ser reparado para
proveer el agua necesaria a los agricultores. Concordia y el
Ayuntamiento local, consideran que es una buena oportunidad para
voluntarios de conocer la vida rural francesa y apoyar a los
Existen diferentes actividades necesarias para la restauracin de los
canales, como limpieza del rea (quitar hierbas y plantas a los
alrededores), preparacin de materiales y trabajos de albailera.
Los voluntarios reciben 40 euros a la semana
LTVSJ01-La Maison des Bateleurs
Being an association of youth and popular education, La Maison des
Bateleurs is the regional delegation in Poitou-Charentes of the
national french
movement Solidarits Jeunesses. It aims to promote peace between
people by
organising voluntary work and intercultural encounters.
One of our main values is the appreciation of each individual in a
group, so one
can develop oneself while respecting and being considerate of ones
fellow being.
It is our wish to build a collective project, in order to demonstrate that
we can live
together, every participant being provided with a different cultural
background, and use our potential in a constructive way. The

association believes in values of tolerance and respect, she opposes
every form of
exclusion et discrimination. The entire of the actions of the
association aims to facilitate the encounter of
people with diverse horizons, in order to provide them with the
opportunity to contribute to the construction
of an open society, where all generations, cultures and nations can
live in peace.
All year long the Maison des Bateleurs hosts long term volunteers
(VLT), a minimum of four or five VLT
so as to assure the continuity of our activities and the cultural
mixture of our group. The group consists of
french, european and international volunteers from other continents.
The volunteer wants to contribute to the collective life of the house
(cooking, washing up, cleaning) but he
also realise practicals activities to learn manual tasks such as
masonry and last not least the french
language. The motivation of taking responsibility in the functioning of
the Maison des Bateleurs , and in
the carrying out of creative and artistic activities.
Furthermore, the volunteer has the possibility to develop a personal
project. It is therefore important that he
knows or learns- to evaluate and appreciate his interests, his goals,
his limits and also the means to
achieve his personal objectives in the end. This approach is a iterative
means of the philosophy of the
association: by developing an active citizenship and a distinct sense of
responsibility it aims at the concrete
construction of peace.
The activities organised with and by the volunteers are generally
activities of manual work, artistic activities
(painting, theatre) and activities of local development in partnership
with local associations and people of
all ages.
The majority of the organised activities take place in the Maison des
Bateleurs, but some also take place in
Montendre or neighbouring villages, or in other delegations of
Solidarits Jeunesses.
LTVSJ02 Centre de Beaumotte

The Centre de Beaumotte was founded in 1979 and is a non-formal
educational association. It is the
regional delegation of Solidarits Jeunesses' in the Franche-Comt
region. The aim of our centre is to
support people who have fewer opportunities and to encourage them
to take responsibility for their own lives.
The project
One of the most important things we do at the centre is to simply
participate in the everyday exchange that
occurs when people from different social and cultural backgrounds
live together. There are about 20 people
who live and work at the centre, and 10 more who come to work
during the day. The centre hosts teenagers
and adults who are facing social and professional problems, and who
often have difficulties functioning in
society and perhaps do not have support from their family. They live
at the centre from 6 months to one year.
The exchange between the volunteers and those living at the centre is
extremely important, and together we
focus our efforts to realise specific projects around the centre and in
neighbouring villages. The residents
also participate in seminars covering subject such as alcohol and
drug addictions and help with employment
or other life skills. The volunteers are welcome to participate in these
if they would like, for example to give a
presentation about your country. Throughout the year we also
organise different social and cultural events,
such as concerts, theatrical productions, workshops, and the like.
This project requires no specific
knowledge or skills. You do not have to be able to speak French but it
is important to be aware that not
everybody living here can speak English. There is the opportunity to
have French lessons while you are
here. All long term volunteers receive 105 Euros every month and
have 15 days holiday per year.
We work approximately 7 hours per day, sometimes we are based in
the house, other times we work outside
the house. The outside work could be:
!Renovation of the centre (masonry, carpentry, etc.)
!Preservation of the grounds
!Renovation of the local heritage (fountains, ancient wash-houses,
!Environmental projects (preservation of the river, gardening, etc.)

LTVSJ03 Le Crneau (2008-FR-103)
Created in 1993, the association 'Le Crneau' is the delegation of
Solidarits Jeunesses in Auvergne/Rhne-Alpes.
Its objectives are the following:
!To have a meeting and hosting structure where
the dominant theme is intercultural exchanges
through group life and .
!To help enliven and develop the region by
working in cooperation with the local government
and education centres (recreation centres, clubs, schools, etc.).
!To support projects sponsored both by our association and the
community by organizing international work camps.
!To help people with social and professional difficulties get back on
The Crneau keeps it's doors open to everyone. in doing this we hope
to enable all types of people to meet and live together, learning from
each other in spite of linguistic, social, and economical barriers. We
feel that these kinds of exchanges are
crucial in fighting prejudices. The Crneau encourages active and
responsible citizenship through promoting
values such as solidarity, justice, respect and peace.
The work :
1) The main part of the work consists in restoring the buildings and
keeping them in a good state, as well as
laying out the gardens, farmyard, etc.
2) Throughout the year groups of people will join us at the Chteau,
many of them with social difficulties.
Volunteers will help in planning activities, workshops, etc. according
to their personal
3) Other opportunities may include organizing workshops in the
schools, participating in and/or
leading an international summer work camp, gardening, and
promoting the association through
local events.
4)Individual project :
We strongly believe that is important for the volunteer to implement,
during his/her voluntary service, one or
several personal ideas in accordance with the values and the project
of the association. We think voluntary

should also be an opportunity to reflect, to experiment and to take
initiatives. Time is set aside each week in
order to allow to the volunteers to dedicate themselves to their
personal projects
LTVSJ06 Vaunires (2009-FR-122)
The association Village des Jeunes, the regional delegation of
Solidarits Jeunesse in Provence Alpes Cte
dAzur, is an informal education association recognized by the
Ministry of Youth and Sports. Through its
actions, the Villages des Jeunes aims to promote :
The voluntary participation of everyone, especially the youth and
the underprivileged, in local,
national and international life.
Local development that keep in mind individuals, the environment
and cultural heritage.
Communication between people from different countries and
different generations.
The concrete construction of peace.
Toward this aim, the association organises short and long-term
international programmes, integration
actions, trainings, international solidarity actions, and manages three
hosting structures in rural
environments, including the hamlet of Vaunires.
The EVS volunteers will participate in the following activities:
" The project/work camps: This category describes the ongoing work
that occurs at the farm. It is the area
in which education takes place, and where people can exchange
through work. It concerns
environmental projects (cleaning rivers, clearing brushwood), cultural
heritage projects (working on a old
Chalaisienne abbey), restoring and improving projects of buildings in
villages or in the farm.
In agreement with the paid staff, the volunteers who want to may
become pedagogic activity leaders on
these projects.
" Hosting: The hamlet of Vaunires has space to welcome groups,
families and individuals who are on
holiday and/or desire to participate in projects. The volunteers will be
encouraged to participate in
leading these activities (cooking, organising cultural nights, games,
hikes in the mountain).

" Cultural activities: We strongly encourage the volunteers to join our
team in designing and organising
cultural activities which take place in Vaunires or in the nearby
villages. The team of the hamlet has put
specific tools in place which will enable the volunteers to appropriate
this aspect of life on the site.
Personal projects are seen as a way to reflection, discovery and
personal enrichment for the volunteers, and
to this end, after an initial period of settling in, the volunteer will have
the chance to carry out one or more
individual or collective projects that go along with the goals of the
overall project
LTVSJ08 TVSJ08 - Vir'Volt (2009-FR-49)
Vir'Volt is one of the regional delegations of the movement Solidarits
Jeunesses. Vir'volt stands up for the same values as the national
movement. Defending peace aims at the international and national
our local project is meant to develop similar activities .
To reach those goals, the movement is implementing the following
activities :
- Organizing international workcamps (long and short term) in
with the local communities or partner organizations
- Hosting different groups (schools, community centers but also
free leisure for different kinds of groups).
- Organizing trainings and seminars but also supports activities for
members of our organization
- Sending volunteers on international workcamps but also to short or
term projects or trainings and seminars.
- Supporting local projects
- Organizing and participating to activities on social, economical and
working integration involving
participants with less opportunities.
-Organizing(training sessions for volunteers (France and abroad) with
less opportunities.
Proposed activities for volunteers:
Through their involvement in local activities, the volunteers will be
able to get a sense of responsibility, to get

involved actively in the local community and to think when they
return to their country, about new ways of
becoming active citizens in their every day life.
We believe that volunteers, by running projects and activities in
Vir'Volt, will learn to be more responsible,
and to take initiatives, which will be useful in their social and
professional life.
For the short-term and long-term volunteers hosting a weekly
evaluation will be organized with the group to
give feed back about the projects and the collective life.
Times will be organized for trainings and discussions but also to
assess motivations of the volunteers,
objectives and results of the activities. The volunteer will be able to
request individual evaluations whenever
he/she wants. Volunteers of the association (especially board
members) take an active part in the
implementation and support of the project. As a result, they will be
involved in the support of the volunteers.
During the national events, the volunteers will be able to discover the
French territory and will have a better
understanding of French association's life especially the Solidarits
Jeunesses project.
Many organizations have been created by volunteers when they
return in their country, others have become
project leaders in partner organizations
Vir'volt implements several projects in the social, cultural and
integration fields. As for an organization based
on people's education, it is highly important that they should work on
projects with people coming from
different cultural backgrounds.
In this framework, volunteers bring the very necessary intercultural
touch to our projects. In all our actions,
they help us to keep an intercultural distance, to work on our
prejudice, to cross our looks and views on the
Thanks to their status and commitment, the volunteers bring along
deep thinking about each one's
responsibility and about one's involvement as a person and as a
citizen. In every action, they draw people's
attention about voluntary work and promote it.
They are the stamina of our organization and they keep us aware.
They make proposals, they have their external point of view and they
ceaselessly question our project, to
make it progress and get better.

LTVSJ09 - CITRUS (2009-Fr-75)
Created in 2003, the association CITRUS, represents the project of
Jeunesses in Midi-Pyrnes. Solidarits Jeunesses consists of seven
associations in rural areas with their own structures of reception and
Solidarits Jeunesses organises international workcamps, activities of
trainings, actions of international solidarity, awareness-raising
activities in citizenship
and the voluntary service, in the international mobility...
The activities
The hosted volunteers are welcomed in the heart of our structure and
will participate in two sectors which
are part of our activities: workcamps and local animation.
1. Workcamp
Participating in workcamps will be the main activity of the volunteers.
This includes renewing and
reconstructing the place : an old farm and its buildings, which is
called La Mayounelle, in order to create a
centre of reception and intercultural meeting, as well as the
restoration of the small buildings in the
surrounding municipalities. The work is undertaken in a team, and
managed under the responsibility of a
qualified leader.
The association endeavours to transmit the traditional manual know-
how, which is the link between
the generations. The methods of construction and restoration are
realised within the objective of using local
materials and the traditional techniques (dry stones, cherts etc.). The
environmental quality is another
important aspect of the project, which the association CITRUS wishes
to promote by choosing ecological
elements. An example would be the landscaping and the maintenance
of green places or a kitchen garden
are part of the activities program. It can also mean the installation of
tools to reduce energy consumption
(solar showers, baker's oven, etc.) or to use ecological materials for
Long term volunteers may become pedagogical leaders of workcamps
during the summer in other

villages of the region, under the support of the team of employees.
Every year, a collective training of one
week is organised by Solidarits Jeunesses to enable them to acquire
the necessary skills to function as
workcamp leader. They can also invest themselves in the preparation
of workcamps (prenegotiation
meetings, logistic support, establishment of tools, selection of the
location etc.)
2. Local animation
The volunteers will participate regularly in activities of local
animation, in cultural events or in
activities with educational character in partnership with the
municipalities, institutions and the local
associations. The association supports for example the local schools
to set up workshops regarding the
environment, within the framework of the project of the collective
garden. During the international
workcamps, discovery workshops with cultural or linguistic themes
are organised. In these activities, the
international volunteers bring an intercultural dimension, which is
highly appreciated by teachers and public
Substantive work has begun to build relationships with people,
municipalities, associations and other
structures to facilitate the installation of new projects. The hosted
volunteers will be encouraged to imagine
and realise activities of local animation, which engage the
intercultural dialogue.
3. Intercultural dimension
The aim of our work is to build a social Europe in terms of peace,
respect and tolerance. Therefore
we encourage meetings and exchanges of others who have different
social, cultural, and geographical
backgrounds. Volunteers might be asked to work with people with
fewer opportunities, within the role of
providing an international and cultural exchange. For example adults
who are in situations of reintegration
may be present on the workcamps. The meeting and the achievement
of a common work, with the
involvement of both, international volunteers as well as
disadvantaged or less mobile persons, is an
excellent way to achieve this aim.
Our fields of action relate to cultural, social and environmental issues
and for which we encourage

citizen participation. Our actions intend to promote solidarity,
tolerance, openness and multiculturalism.
Support during the voluntary service
Long Term volunteers will be an integral part of the association's
team. Each week they will
participate to the meetings and the preparation of activities. The
association's members will facilitate the
integration of volunteers in the local community by offering to
participate in a multitude of activities and
To encourage the initiative and independence of long term volunteers,
lessons in French will be given
once a week by the permanent and volunteers members of the
association. In fact, dialogues with
storekeepers, inhabitants and partners are often in French, and are
the best way to learn this language.
After getting to know the actions which are conducted by the
association, volunteers will develop one
or more personal projects, which can be individual or collective,
insofar as it will be in line with the project of
the association. Volunteers will be encouraged to imagine and
organise actions which involve the local
environment - depending on their interests and how they want to
contribute to the project. Examples for
possible actions are the organisation of debate evenings, an art
exhibition, the construction of a solar oven,
offering dance workshops, etc.
The volunteers will be monitored by a tutor, responsible for welcoming
volunteers, whose role is to
facilitate their integration, promote adoption of their own project, and
assist them in achieving personal
project(s). If necessary, other members of the association may provide
LTVSJ07 Rseau dEntraide Volontaire / REV (2007-FR-220)
Description of the activities:
The hosting of LTVs:
The group of Long Term Volunteers is made up of 8 individuals who
begin their projects mid-September and
finish at the end of August each year. They work on renovation site
around 30 hours per week. They learn
French, participate in cultural activities, and use their talents to
enhance the project.

LTVs are lodges in the village house, and they manage their daily life
amongst themselves (cooking,
cleaning, budget, activities, etc.), with the help of the permanent staff
and the elected officials of the
association which live in the vicinity.
They are here:
- To give another point of view of the world to those working toward
- To bring a dynamic of animation in and with the village (intervention
in the schools, participation in local
events, organization of intercultural evenings with topic, etc.)
- To discover the area, in all its facets (cultural, tourist, culinary, etc.)
- To live autonomously and responsibly in a serene environment
-To invest themselves in the project, and to enrich it.
LTVSJ08 TVSJ08 - Vir'Volt (2009-FR-49)
Vir'Volt is one of the regional delegations of the movement Solidarits
Jeunesses. Vir'volt stands up for the same values as the national
movement. Defending peace aims at the international and national
our local project is meant to develop similar activities .
Proposed activities for volunteers:
Through their involvement in local activities, the volunteers will be
able to get a sense of responsibility, to get
involved actively in the local community and to think when they
return to their country, about new ways of
becoming active citizens in their every day life.
We believe that volunteers, by running projects and activities in
Vir'Volt, will learn to be more responsible,
and to take initiatives, which will be useful in their social and
professional life.
For the short-term and long-term volunteers hosting a weekly
evaluation will be organized with the group to
give feed back about the projects and the collective life.
Times will be organized for trainings and discussions but also to
assess motivations of the volunteers,
objectives and results of the activities. The volunteer will be able to
request individual evaluations whenever
he/she wants. Volunteers of the association (especially board
members) take an active part in the

implementation and support of the project. As a result, they will be
involved in the support of the volunteers.
During the national events, the volunteers will be able to discover the
French territory and will have a better
understanding of French association's life especially the Solidarits
Jeunesses project.
Many organizations have been created by volunteers when they
return in their country, others have become
project leaders in partner organizations
Vir'volt implements several projects in the social, cultural and
integration fields. As for an organization based
on people's education, it is highly important that they should work on
projects with people coming from
different cultural backgrounds.
In this framework, volunteers bring the very necessary intercultural
touch to our projects. In all our actions,
they help us to keep an intercultural distance, to work on our
prejudice, to cross our looks and views on the
Thanks to their status and commitment, the volunteers bring along
deep thinking about each one's
responsibility and about one's involvement as a person and as a
citizen. In every action, they draw people's
attention about voluntary work and promote it.
They are the stamina of our organization and they keep us aware.
They make proposals, they have their external point of view and they
ceaselessly question our project, to
make it progress and get better.
Local community :
Pre-qualification activity (starts in April and last 6 months) : this
action based on mobility and will alternate
workcamp activities and training activities will host about 10 people
in difficult situations. The volunteers will
take part in the workcamp with the participants. They will also take
part to some training activities as well and
will talk about their country and what it is to be volunteer. Because of
their presence, they will guarantee a
social mixture in the group. By working in the workcamp, they will
get more responsible. For the volunteers,
this is a real learning opportunity as a mixed-social group and
intercultural experience.
N.B. : on this activity, the volunteers will never be responsible for the
activity. This project will be lead by 2
staff members.

Permanent workcamp (all year long) : it will be organized in the town
of La Fert sous Jouarre. Different sites
are scheduled in the town. The technical aspects can be wall building,
restoration of social apartments,
The site where the organization is needs also some restoration and
will be part of the permanent workcamp.
There are some work in the garden which adds value to our project
and group many people. This is also a
site where initiatives can rise (one volunteer is actually organizing a
project on painting walls).
Moreover, to promote our project based on sustainable development
and respect of the environment, the
volunteers will maintain and develop the vegetable garden. This
garden is considered as a tool to raise
awareness on ecological issues. We use this garden to work with
children and with groups coming to the
Because of the partnership with the town, Vir'Volt is participating to
events of the town and the volunteers will
get involved in the following projects : " Fte de la Musique ", Fert-
plage, festival " les mains bleues " (street
art festival), public debate on actual issues (we developed this activity
with a partner organization " Matire
Prise "). We're working also on an exhibition about the " meulire rock
" (interviews of older generations,
We will be able to host groups soon as the organization will be in
charge to run a park (before it was a
camping site). These groups will come from different backgrounds :
youth groups, community centers, ... We
plan to offer cheap accommodation, close to Paris, but " in the green
". The groups will be able to participate
to the daily activities : (workcamp, garden, cooking, cultural visits...)
and also benefit of the local sports
organizations Organizations are regularly asking for these type of
projects. The volunteers will work with
these groups.
Frequent interventions in junior high and high schools of the area :
language courses. The volunteers are
able to attend the French classes in these schools. Usually, it's about
one day per week.
Regional activities:

International volunteers will be offered the chance to be an activity
leader at work camps for young
international volunteers. Volunteers are responsible for the daily life
of the group during the summer camp.
As described above, they will have undergone training as activity
leaders in May. This experience is in many
cases a chance for volunteers to pass on the skills acquired during
their volunteer experience. It is certainly a
very rich experience in terms of responsibility and initiative.
Our association, due to its regional spread, is often asked to promote
volunteering in various salons, forums
and meetings dealing with youth, and organized by General Councils,
the Region and municipalities. Our
volunteers lend a more dynamic character to our interventions. It is
an opportunity for them to become aware
of other initiatives and to better understand the context of the French
system, as well as to report on their
own experiences.
LTVSJ09 - CITRUS (2009-Fr-75)
Created in 2003, the association CITRUS, represents the project of
Jeunesses in Midi-Pyrnes. Solidarits Jeunesses consists of seven
associations in rural areas with their own structures of reception and
Solidarits Jeunesses organises international workcamps, activities of
trainings, actions of international solidarity, awareness-raising
activities in citizenship
and the voluntary service, in the international mobility...
The association CITRUS aims to :
" Support local projects within municipalities and/or within
associations by the mobilisation of young
volunteers, particularly by organising international workcamps;
" encourage animation in the local development of the region by
working in co-operation with regional
and local authorities, with structures of animation and education
(associations, schools etc.);
" encourage everyone to participate in the local life and the actions in
favour of an active and
responsible citizenship;

" contribute to the sustainable development of the region by
awareness-raising activities in the
protection of the environment;
" mobilise and accompany persons who are in difficulties to be socially
and professionally
The main activities of the association CITRUS are the organisation of
workcamps with international
volunteers, the organisation of workshops raising awareness of the
environment, and the promotion of
The workcamp consists of a group of around fifteen young people
involved in the realisation of a
concrete work of public interest. The implemented works concerns
three domains:
! Restoration of heritage : renovation of washhouses, reconstruction
of dry stone walls...
! Transmission of the cultural heritage : working on the memory of
sites or historic events, participation
at the organization of festivals...
! Exploitation of the natural heritage : arrangement of municipal
gardens, hiking trails
The reception of young international volunteers in small rural areas
allows the facilitation of local dynamics,
by suggesting everyone can be involved in collective actions.
In the frame of the activities, a collective garden with social and
educational uses was set up in the
municipality of Septfonds, where the association CITRUS has been
since 2008. This garden, situated in the
heart of a village with 1800 inhabitants, is equipped to receive
different kind of people who come there to
learn, try or exchange about gardening. This place allows a raising
awareness of the natural heritage, trough
running workshops which aim to promote a respectful attitude
towards the environment (compost, toilet
sandbanks, recovery of rain water, etc.) The garden is also a place of
permanent exchange for the
inhabitants and it is the centre of social links between the
generations (children, young people, old people.)
Finally, the association CITRUS participates regularly in forums and
information days in the region and the
department, especially for youth (in secondary schools, universities,
festivals etc.) in order to promote

European and international voluntary service, and workcamps. To
mobilise the local population, the
association regularly organises cultural events : concerts, dancing
evenings, thematic meetings, workshops
of discovery... During the year, the association would like to develop
these type of events (around subjects
as citizenship, Europe, sustainable development, etc.) with the
cooperation of the volunteers.
Proposed activities for the volunteers
Volunteers will work 30 to 35 hours per week and take their holidays
in consultation with the team, according
to the season and needs of the association. Two half days per week
are given to the conception and
realisation of a personal project and language support. By
participating in workshops and meetings
organised by the association, volunteers are actively involved in the
associative life, contribute to the general
organization of the implemented activities, and can propose their own
The activities
The hosted volunteers are welcomed in the heart of our structure and
will participate in two sectors which
are part of our activities: workcamps and local animation.
1. Workcamp
Participating in workcamps will be the main activity of the volunteers.
This includes renewing and
reconstructing the place : an old farm and its buildings, which is
called La Mayounelle, in order to create a
centre of reception and intercultural meeting, as well as the
restoration of the small buildings in the
surrounding municipalities. The work is undertaken in a team, and
managed under the responsibility of a
qualified leader.
The association endeavours to transmit the traditional manual know-
how, which is the link between
the generations. The methods of construction and restoration are
realised within the objective of using local
materials and the traditional techniques (dry stones, cherts etc.). The
environmental quality is another
important aspect of the project, which the association CITRUS wishes
to promote by choosing ecological
elements. An example would be the landscaping and the maintenance
of green places or a kitchen garden

are part of the activities program. It can also mean the installation of
tools to reduce energy consumption
(solar showers, baker's oven, etc.) or to use ecological materials for
Long term volunteers may become pedagogical leaders of workcamps
during the summer in other
villages of the region, under the support of the team of employees.
Every year, a collective training of one
week is organised by Solidarits Jeunesses to enable them to acquire
the necessary skills to function as
workcamp leader. They can also invest themselves in the preparation
of workcamps (prenegotiation
meetings, logistic support, establishment of tools, selection of the
location etc.)
2. Local animation
The volunteers will participate regularly in activities of local
animation, in cultural events or in
activities with educational character in partnership with the
municipalities, institutions and the local
associations. The association supports for example the local schools
to set up workshops regarding the
environment, within the framework of the project of the collective
garden. During the international
workcamps, discovery workshops with cultural or linguistic themes
are organised. In these activities, the
international volunteers bring an intercultural dimension, which is
highly appreciated by teachers and public
Substantive work has begun to build relationships with people,
municipalities, associations and other
structures to facilitate the installation of new projects. The hosted
volunteers will be encouraged to imagine
and realise activities of local animation, which engage the
intercultural dialogue.
3. Intercultural dimension
The aim of our work is to build a social Europe in terms of peace,
respect and tolerance. Therefore
we encourage meetings and exchanges of others who have different
social, cultural, and geographical
backgrounds. Volunteers might be asked to work with people with
fewer opportunities, within the role of
providing an international and cultural exchange. For example adults
who are in situations of reintegration
may be present on the workcamps. The meeting and the achievement
of a common work, with the

involvement of both, international volunteers as well as
disadvantaged or less mobile persons, is an
excellent way to achieve this aim.
Our fields of action relate to cultural, social and environmental issues
and for which we encourage
citizen participation. Our actions intend to promote solidarity,
tolerance, openness and multiculturalism.
The association "La ferme de No" has purchased in 2003 a property of 4 hectares
in the village of Trets-en-Provence, to create a social and organic farm. The
association has 50 members. Friend and family members give a hand regularly for
the development of the farm. For the time being, the objective is to develop the
economic aspect of the activity to achieve financial autonomy (visits of the public,
restaurant, selling of farm products).
You will participate in agricultural work, planting and harvesting; removing of weeds,
maintenance of the buildings, the installation of folds for animals in the pinewood in
front of the house, taking care of farm animals (make sure you have no allergies).
The farm also receives visitors, you may (if you wish) participate in preparation of
meals for visitors (restaurant open to the public).
Accommodation and food
The access to the farm, outside and inside, is open. Volunteers are accommodated
in a room with 2 beds, general space available being quite reduced. Active
members of the association live in the house (3 persons permanently, and a baby,
which means that inside of the house must be quiet). All meals are shared with
volunteers and permanent team. Nb : home stay type requires effort from everyone,
respect of shared space, maintain room and common space clean, participation in
daily chores (washing up). There is a cinema and a library in Trets where books can
be borrowed. Please note the farm is isolated from the village centre (at 4 km).
Bring some games for the evenings. Please bring a sleeping bag, and work clothes.
During winter period, it can be cold and rainy.
La ferme de No
location & leisure
Located a few kilometres from the center of the village of Trets-en-Provence,
the farm is in the middle of the vines, in front of the Sainte Victoire (a
preserved mountain). Trets-en-Provence has a population of 12 000
inhabitants, with a shopping area. The farm is isolated (4 km from town
Minimum age : 20. NB : there is no campleader; volunteers work under
supervision of the active members of the association. Group is composed of
2 volunteers only. Volunteers should be interested in contributing to the
development of the project; to work at different tasks according to the
needs; be ready to share one room with other volunteers, respect the rules
of home stay and common "family type" living, be ready to do agricultural
work and work with farm animals (check allergies). Participation in the

project will be confirmed by hosting partner on reception of the Agreement
Form, reminding the conditions of participation. Please, make sure when
applying that you will adapt yourself to this type of project. REMARKS 1 /
At the end of the workcamp, no transport will be organized by our
association. You will then have to arrange your own means of transport to
return to the bus/train station or airport. 2 / Our association does not
provide a car during the workcamp. 3 / European Union volunteers must
bring with themselves the European Health Card (for the refunding of the
medical expenses in your country). Other volunteers have to bring personal
travel insurance. What to bring: a sleeping bag, warm clothes, a sweater
and rain-coat. For work: old clothes and strong shoes. Your games,
songbooks, cassettes, musical instruments and recipes, will be also
welcome! To make exchanges and encounters easier, please also bring
photographs of your home, some postcards, and small gifts.
Meeting point
1st possibility: Meeting at the bus station of Trets-en-Provence at 6.15 pm,
on the first day of the camp. To get there, take the bus from Marseille train
station to L. , departure at 5.15 pm. 2nd possibility: in case you are not in
time. From the train station of Marseille St Charles, take a bus to Trets-en-
Provence. Once at the bus stop in Trets-en-Provence, please call the farm
for picking up. Please note: the last bus from Marseille train station to
Trets-en-Provence leaves at 6.15 pm. For this second possibility, please
imperatively call the camp a few days before arrival, and indicate your
arrival date (and time if possible).
Existe un cupo limitado en cada campamento, por lo que la
participacin est sujeta a disponibilidad.
Si te interesa participar en alguno de estos proyectos, por favor
solicita la informacin completa as como las formas de
aplicacin y fichas de inscripcin correspondientes a:
Existe una cuota de inscripcin para participar en los proyectos
de voluntariado internacional.
Los voluntarios son responsables de la organizacin y costos de
su viaje: boletos de avin, visas, seguros mdicos etc.
Algunos proyectos tienen una cuota de participacin para los
Natat Voluntariado Internacional A.C

Diego de Mazariegos 90
Barrio la Merced, San Cristbal de las Casas
Chiapas, Mxico
Telfono: +52 967 6316918




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