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Application 1: Automatic fruit juice composing system

Logical functions implemented in SIMEX MultiCon CMC makes simple control procedures available. Depending on tanks level
our device switches batch valves. fter finishing whole se!uence our controler switch the pump on. "hose levels are seen on
CMC screen. "here is a possibilit# to implement some outputs as an alarm signals. "here are simple controler and $MI unit
collected in one single device. "here is no need to create visuali%ation aplication and control procedures separatel#.
Application 2: Analog measure points concentrator system
In this kind of industr# application CMC&'' collects all analog measurements and sends them through Modbus (") to main *LC.
"he distance between CMC&'' and a *LC installation can be up to +,,, m. ll measurements are sent using one cable- this is a
ver# cost effective method. Modbus (") is ver# popular and reliable communication protocol. "here is a possibilit# to divide
Modbus network into several subnets. CMC&'' can work as a Master in one subnet and as a Slave in another.
Application 3: Distracted application structures
MultiCon CMC collects all analog measurements using Modbus (") protocol as a Master mode. ll data are sent to another
device .e.g. *LC/ using one single cable. "oda# it is the most advisable communiacation method. It is ver# usefull in distracted
application structures.
Modbus (") protocol can be used in e0plosive te0 %one as well. "here is no need to e0tend s#stem. ll analog measurements
are collected together and seen on CMC screen. 1ur Controler can be e0tended up to three Modbus (") subnets. 2or e0ample
introduced above another subnet connects CMC with a *LC. *LC is a Master and the MultiCon is a Slave.
Application 4: Industrial automation trends
3owada#s industrial automation trends are going towards miniaturi%ation and universali%ation. 1utdated and unreliable
s#stems like s#noptic control boards can be now replaced with multi&purpose single devices."oda# meters4controlers should be
able to meet man# customers specific needs.
MultiCon CMC is an ideal solution for applications where simultaneous measurement and regulation of numerous channels are
re!uired. ll control functions are collected in one single device. CMC is e!uipped with colour "2" touchscreen that makes $MI
simple applications possible. It is a ver# time saving facilitation. *lent# of screen t#pes allow to visuali%e different measurements
ver# clearl#.
Even complicated automation process can be implemented in MultiCon easil#. Different t#pes of inputs are 5oined with virtual
channels. )sing those channels and built in control methods Sime0 MultiCon CMC covers almost ever# industrial automation
Application 5: Expanded mathematical functions
MultiCon CMC controller allows to operate logical channels with mathematical functions. 1ne can change ever# channel value
using arithmetic operations. "his possibilit# is ver# usefull when CMC should work for e0ample as a signal circuit anal#ser for
monitoring eg.7 power- power factors and electric energ#. $aving onl# voltage and current as input channels- all mentioned
values can be calculated using mathematical functions onl#. "he result of arithmetic operation is also an input channel and it
can be displa#ed on CMC&'' screen or connected with our controller8s output. )sing binar# logic as arithmetic component
MultiCon CMC gives #ou a great possibilit# to implement simple *LC industrial application control s#stems.
Application : !ser"s simplification
Sime0 MultiCon CMC controller has a lot of parametres and functions to set up. "he# make this device more versatile and the#
can cover our customers specific needs. E0tended options- that CMC device has- can make set working process time&consuming.
Luckil# two )S9 $ost ports are available. 1ne can plug a *C mouse and ke#board to fasten configuration and programming
process. lthough each CMC is supplied with a scriber- an operator can also use a *C mouse for eas# configuration- especiall# if
one has to configure man# CMC units at the same time.
Application #: $ID loop systems
3owada#s industrial automation trends are going towards advanced controlling s#stems. SIMEX MultiCon CMC has up to ;
seperate *ID controllers. Even ver# enhanced industrial application can be supported with CMC device. It is obvious that *ID
loop applications are cost and energ# effective control s#stems.
Application %: &ulti'on '&' as a temperature meter
s a great e0ample of CMC universal functionalit# is our latest successful stor#. MultiCon CMC&'' collects measurements from
+6 temperature points .CMC&+<+ from += temperature points/ and sends them to the SimCorder software which loggs them in a
file. "he customer uses one CMC onl# to view all the measurements at one place. >reat facilitation is that our device has
dedicated input slots for temperature sensors either resistance or thermocouple. "here is no need to use additional devices like
eg. e0ternal transmitters.
Application (: )igh current relay outputs
great amount of available controllers have built in rela# outputs- but MultiCon CMC has high current rela# output slots as an
option. "he CMC can be e!uipped with < (ela#s ; or ? (ela#s ; current load modules. 2or e0ample CMC having this rela#
output module in- can control heaters with +6,,@ load. 2urthermore CMC users don8t have to install contactors or indirect
rela#s in their applications- which significantl# can save space in electric cabinets. @hen contactors or indirect rela#s are
necessar# in an# wa#- MultiCon CMC has 6<A DC power suppl# e0citation- in order to drive their coils.
Application 1*: +ast ,,- outputs
great deal of industrial automation solutions needs fast durable outputs. MultiCon CMC is now read# to meet the
re!uirement due to the SS( output available as another *C9 module. 2ast SS( output can be driven down to ,.+ sec time
period. s an e0ample- t#pical production lines re!uire fast working controllers. Sime0 MultiCon CMC- with its colour displa# and
visualisation possibilities covers our customers needs prefectl#.
Application 11: '&' scatter application
"hanks to dvanced Communication Module .A'&/ available as another slot in CMC- there is a great possibilit# to implement
scatter applications using all Sime0 and other devices e!uipped with (S&<=; port. MultiCon8s Modbus (") Master has man#
settings that make demanding and complicate applications possible to reali%e. Intermediate pumping stations scatter in wide
distance is a good e0ample of CMC universalit#. 1ptions like Modbus "ime&out are ver# usefull for eg. >*(S communication.
Application 12: Auto configuration for ,imex de.ices in '&' &od/us -0! interface
Multicon CMC Modbus Master communication options ma# not be obvious for non e0perienced maintenance engineers. @e
have made read#made settings for all Sime0 devices e!uipped with (S&<=;. "o set it up one 5ust has to choose a device from the
list in the CMC menu. "here is no need to change an# Modbus option. Communication will start and function automaticall#.
Application 13: '&' date and time controller
Man# t#pical automation applications are time period. It is ver# unprofitable to make an investment with e0pensive *LC if
control applications are relativel# simple. "he MultiCon CMC- thanks to implemented timer s#stem- has a great possibilit# to
control those s#stems alone. )sing different input and output slots one can design as complicated automation s#stems as *LC-
but ine0pensivel#.
s an e0ample- gardening industr# needs controllers with date and time functions.
Application 14: $recise analog outputs as a ne1 '&' slot
"hanks to available nalog output module- there is a great possibilit# to control industrial applications using continuous analog
signals. "here are <,'? divisions available. )sing profiles function one can compose even ver# complicated controling. Chemical
and pharmaceutical applications that need complicated composing s#stems are eas# to implement with CMC.
Application 15: &ulti'on '&' the scatter controller
"aking into consideration actual industrial trends- we are pleased to introduce the MultiCon CMC as a scatter controller. "here is
a Sime0 famil# of digital I41- counter and analog input e0ternal modules- implemented in a small housing- that are eas# to built
inside control bo0es. single cable connection with (S&<=; as a Modbus (") makes applications economical and noise robust.
"he CMC can be used as the net Master that works out outputs using information collected from different inputs. Scatter
solutions are ver# common when industrial applications occup# a lot of space.
Application 1: 0,235 DI3 rail holders
Sometimes there is a necessit# to build MultiCon CMC inside a control bo0. )sing a common "S&:; DI3 rail and new- optional
MultiCon CMC DI3 rail holders- the controller is eas# to assemble in such applications. "his wa# of installation is ver# helpfull if
access to this device has to be protected against unauthori%ed personel or high I* protection is re!uired.
Application 1#: &ulti'on '&' screen using 1e/ /ro1ser
MultiCon CMC is well known as a universal meter and data logger. "he unit is capable to collect different t#pe of measurements
coming to the input modules or transmitted via Modbus (") port. 3ow- thanks to the Ethernet port build&in optionall#- CMC
gets a new functionalit# & displa# channels can be selected and viewed using t#pical web browser. "he device can have a static
or d#namic I* address .D$C* mode/ which enables #ou to introduce CMC to a corporate network.
Application 1%: &ulti'on '&' data logger
"aking into consideration current industrial trends- there is usuall# a re!uirement to control actuators and logg data using a one
single device. In this case CMC is the right choice. )sing the software licence ke# a customer can activate data logging functions.
(ecorded data can be moved to the DC Manager *C software with a )S9 flashdrive. "he DC Manager allows to anal#se
recorded measurements using tables or graphs. Data can even be e0ported as a file for use in other customer programs for
further anal#sis.
Application 1(: Easy 4setpoint4 access
It is ver# convenient- for users- to change DSetpointE values in each regulator easil#. In the MultiCon one has 5ust to touch a
choosen logic channel on the unit screen and hold for at least one second. "here is no need to struggle with all settings in the
Menu mode. Setpoint value can be mathematical function or picked profile as well. It is ver# usefull in a heating characteristic
procedure eg.
Application 2*: 0ime profiles at industrial applications
"here are man# industrial ob5ects that are time period determined. Ever#da# controlling c#cle depends on da# time. >ood
e0amples for those applications are t#pical pumping stations or chicken farms. "he MultiCon CMC has built in- time control
functions that are suitable for common time c#cle applications. )sing other CMC8s functions- one can build !uite sophisticated
controlling procedures.
Application 21: 3e1 pulse5 flo1 and tacho inputs
great number of industrial applications are built using a wide range of pro0imit# switches- which are mostl# driven with fast
digital inputs- like pulse counter inputs. "hese signals give some pieces of information about position- speed- flow- etc. "he
Muliticon I41 modules list has now been e0tended with the following new onces7
'$4 & < universal pulse counters
+04 & < tachometer4flow inputs with totali%er counters and < analog current inputs e0tra
+I4 & < flow inputs as analog current inputs with totali%er counters and < analog current inputs e0tra.
Application 22: 0echnical manual a.aila/le inside &ulti'on memory
In order to make the configuration easier- we have decided to keep the MultiCon operating manual inside the CMC memor#.
1ne can download manual using a )S9 memor# stick- if there is a need. "his functionalit# helps to keep all re!uired
documentation close to device.
Application 23: &od/us 0'$ opens up great opportunities
"he MultiCon has implemented Modbus "C* server version. )p to : clients can communicate with our device at the same time.
It can be the CMC8s web page- the DC Manager *C software or a dedicated SCD software. 3owada#s ethernet4internet is
the most popular communication medium. "he MultiCon8s functionalit# with Modbus "C* offers now man# new possibilities in
the industr# monitoring and control applications.
Application 24: 'ost2effecit.e ,'ADA solution
It is obvious that more sophisticated applications re!uire comple0 $uman Machine Interfaces. Multipurpose SCD s#stems are
!uite e0pensive solution. 1ur proposal is to build #our own $"ML @eb pages. ll measurements are than available through Fava
script Modbus "C* librar#. "here are plent# of applications that support html programming and the# are free of charge. "he
$"ML language allows to design even !uite sophisticated and demanding applications.
Application 25: )ourmeter modules
"he )&2 and )&4 are the hourmeters modules developed for the &ulti'on '&' units. llow to measure period of time
between S"(" and S"1* signals- as well as sum of periods. "hese modules are ideal solution to control working time of a
machiner#- duration of phenomena or for maintenance purposes. "he )&2 and )&4 have 6 and < independent couters
respectivel#. Each counter is e!uipped with 6 inputs & S"("4S"1* and programmable- which can be set as as#nchronous (ESE"-
$1LD or used as independent digital input.
Application 2: 0ime format
"ime format is an advanced method of data presentation in format of time. )ser can easil# get a desired format- b# entering a
Gformatting stringG composed of letters and colons- for e0ample a string7 Gw7d7hh7mmG lets user to displa# data as number of
weeks- da#s- hours and minutes- separated b# colons. "his mechanism allows also for dividing the result on two independent
channels. Input data must be e0pressed in seconds. "he ma0imum displa#ing precision is +4+,,, of a second.
Application 2#: &ulti'on as a modern compass rose
&ulti'on '&' features +.; >9 of memor# enabling to save up to +6;-,,,-,,, samples- and offers the possibilit# of remote
access. "hus- it can be successfull# used as a service&free recorder of climate data. "he mode of displa#ing values as phasor
diagrams makes it possible to visualise the data collected from a weather station in the form of a classic compass rose.
Application 2%: +lo1 measurement modules
s a universal controller and recorder- &ulti'on '&' can cooperate with impulse flow meters as well as flow meters e!uipped
with a current output. part from the instantaneous value- the total flow of li!uid- gas or powder is calculated on a separate
channel thanks to the totali%er function. "he high load rela# output modules as well as precise analogue outputs with the
resolution of <,'? segments make MultiCon CMC an ideal solution for the demanding processes of flow capacit# regulation.
Application 2(: &ulti6e.el Access
@ith an effort to meet the re!uirements of the most difficult industrial automation applications- we have e!uipped the
multichannel MultiCon CMC controllers with a new feature. "he H&ulti6e.el AccessG mode makes the MultiCon CMC even more
universal. Iou can define up to +? independent users including the administrator who is the onl# user with a permission to freel#
configure the device without an# limitations. "he administratorJs role also consists in defining permissions for other users. 1nl#
one user can be logged on at a given moment. "he user is logged off after the lapse of time from the moment of the last
interaction of the user with the device as specified b# the administrator or upon e0press re!uest of the user after clicking the
padlock icon on the information bar. "he authorisation process is additionall# facilitated b# the possibilit# of using )S9 ke#s. "he
hardware ke# allows the user to log on without the necessit# of entering a password while removal of the ke# is e!ual to logging
off. "he ke# is assigned individuall# to each user. Such a facilitation will be available onl# for those users whose devices have
ccess Dongle licence activated. 1therwise the login and logoff process must be carried out manuall#. "he permission file ma#
be saved using e0ternal memor# and thus it is portable- which highl# decreases the configuration time of subse!uent units. "he
hardware ke# options are available with a MultiCon CMC device having ccess Dongle licence activated onl#.
Application 3*: Extended operating temperature range of the &ulti'on '&'
s an universal controller- the &ulti'on '&' ma# operate in various conditions- such as in a closed control cabinet- at a
production hall surrounded b# heav#&dut# e!uipment and even in the control units of seagoing vessels. In response to the
re!uirements of the most demanding customers- MultiCon CMC has met another challenge- i.e. low temperatures. @e are
proud to inform #ou that the version with an e0tended operating temperature range between &6,KC and L;,KC is now available.
Application 31: &ulti'on '&' as a supporti.e element for small and medium2si7ed pumping stations
1wing to the broad and varied range of the available input4output modules- the &ulti'on '&' is an ideal control unit for small
and medium&si%ed pumping stations. 1n the basis of the signals supplied from the flow meters and the h#drostatic probes- the
implemented mathematical functions make it possible to reali%e comple0 algorithms of the ph#sical output control. "he
possibilit# of securing pumps against dr# runs is an additional advantage.
Application 32: &ulti'on in a porta/le case
&ulti'on enclosed in a *ELI case is dedicated to especiall# difficult applications in industrial automation where there is no
possibilit# of safe installation of a recorder4controller. "he cases are made of highl# impact resistant pol#prop#lene copol#mer-
9S and stainless steel and meet the most demanding safet# standards. "he increase of safet# does not mean that MultiCon is
less functional. It is possible to suppl# as man# as 6, multipin connectors for sensors and e0ternal interfaces.
Application 33: &ulti'on as a remote controller
part from remote data insight via a web browser or the DC Manager software- &ulti'on '&' also enables direct process
controlling from almost an#where in the world. )sing the Modbus "C*4I* protocol implemented in MultiCon CMC as well as
the remote displa# functionalit#- the user can easil# transfer the displa# of the device onto their computer screen. Connecting
&ulti'on '&' to a router with properl# routed ports enables full control of the application from home- office or even a hotel
Application 34: )eating
"he availabilit# of multiple I41 modules enables to adapt the &ulti'on to a variet# of applications. It is a perfect solution for
an# heating processes. MultiCon can cooperate with thermocouples as well as ("Ds. "he rela# outputs- a !uick&connect SS(
output and analogue outputs enable to realise simple algorithms of threshold control as well as comple0 *ID control
algorithms. "he highl# user friendl# and intuitive interface allows to create appropriate heating profiles.
Application 35: -emote support
)sing an Ethernet connection and the G(emote Displa#G feature- nearl# an# user of the &ulti'on has the possibilit# of
receiving remote support regardless of their location. ll it takes is a connection of the MultiCon to a router with properl#
routed ports. 1ur engineers will be happ# to assist in configuring the device. 2urthermore- ever# user has the abilit# to save
an# configuration which the# ma# send to us for diagnostic and possible correction purposes.
Application 3: Dosing
&ulti'on supports various modules of measuring inputs as well as rela# and analogue outputs. 1wing to the above- the device
has nearl# unlimited possibilities. n# t#pes of dosing functions can be a great e0ample of this. &ulti'on e!uipped with flow
meter inputs as well as rela# outputs mentioned above can become a smart dispenser. It measures the e0isting flow values
with unusual ease as well as calculates the balance of the medium and distributes it.
Application 3#: &ulti'on as an energy meter
&ulti'on efficienc# has been proven in various industr# applications. In some branches- measurement of energ# consumption
is highl# important. "here is no need to invest in additional meters & that is where our multichannel controller4recorder comes
in hand#. "hanks to the transmitters available in our offer- #ou can easil# change the voltage and current into standard
automation signals. &ulti'on can use a number of the built&in mathematical functions to easil# calculate the balance and the
e0isting energ# consumption.
-E6 1
-E6 2
solenoid .al.e
Application 3%: &ulti'on 2 0rend diagrams
&ulti'on supports both the d#namic processes as well as the slowl# var#ing processes. Especiall# in case of the latter- the
trend diagram function becomes ver# useful. "he user is granted with the possibilit# of presenting the process4processes on
the screen lasting for a period of up to + week.
Application 3(: &ulti'on 2 Impro.ed mathematical functions
Implementing new mathematical functions such as7 derivative- integral- count pulses- flip flop and average- e0tends the wide
scope of possibilities of the &ulti'on and also significantl# decreases the number of the logical channels involved- which
makes it possible to optimise complicated applications. Computing the power and acceleration- as well as balancing and
averaging of measurement data is much more convenient.
}}}U =
= R
( )W
x - dx

(x y)
d =
sin "
= 0#$#
%&h -%&h
'(x 'in
h -h
'(x 'in
Application 4*: $roduction processes supporting
"he broad range of I41 modules- e0panded regulation features and +.; >9 memor# for simultaneous recording of ?,
measuring channels make the &ulti'on an ideal solution in supporting production processes. part from measuring the non&
electrical parameters which are ke# for production- such as temperature- pressure- flow- the MultiCon also calculates
details4c#cles- records the machine operation time and assigns control signals on the basis of the data collected.
Application 41: 'ommunication /et1een de.ices
Installing an A'& communication module in the &ulti'on provides a number of possibilities. "he three isolated (S&<=;
interfaces enable eas# communication between the devices which also facilitates management of large applications. "he full#
correlated units ma# share such activities as7 local displa#ing of the measured values and controlling the ph#sical outputs at the
other end of the network. MultiCon which simultaneousl# carries the Master and Slave functions is an ideal base for creating
e0pansive Modbus networks.
Application 42: 9ptoisolated counter input modules
mong the numerous I41 modules- the optoisolated meter input modules are specificall# worth mentioning. &ulti'on
e!uipped with a '$2:'$4 module is compatible with pro0imit# sensors as well as incremental encoders. "he device e!uipped
with a meter input module and rela# inputs is perfect for such applications as7 counting the current !uantities of produced
components- calculating the production c#cles- measuring length or balancing production with control of the drive mechanism
of the production line.
Application 43: &ulti'on as a multichannel con.erter
&ulti'on as a multifunctional device offers features of a multichannel meter- regulator and recorder. 1wing to the
implemented (") Modbus as well as the possibilit# of e!uipping this device with three (S&<=; interfaces- CMC is ideal as a
converter. "he device converts Modbus digital signal into analogue signal and vice versa without an# problems. huge
competitive advantage of the MultiCon used as a converter is the possibilit# of displa#ing all transmitted signals on a large
colour displa#.

$);,I'A6 : A3A69<!E I3$!0,
&9D=!, -0! &A,0E-
Application 44: Automatic change2of2.ie1
&ulti'on provides ', logical channels & displa#ing such a large number of variables is a huge challenge. "his is where the
automatic change&of&view feature is helpful. "he user ma# precisel# determine the list of views- change timeout- source of
change activation and displa# time. "he following displa# modes are also available7 numeric values- line charts and phasor
diagrams- vertical and hori%ontal bargraphs as well as an analogue meter mode.
Application 45: 3e1 mathematical functions in the &ulti'on
part from the basic arithmetic and trigonometric functions .sum- product- sine or involution/ and logical functions- we have
introduced advanced functions such as7 derivative and integral. n e0ample of appl#ing an integral is displa#ing the total value
of flow using a standard module of current inputs. "his is a solution for all users whose units were not e!uipped with dedicated
+0:+I flow measuring modules and balancing of flow is necessar#.




}}}U =
= R
( )W

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