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For each pair of sentences below, complete the second sentence with

the adjective form of the italicized noun or verb in the first sentence.

1. I don't want fortune or fame. Not all rich and _____ people are happy.
2. It takes skill to be a professional race-car driver. However, I am not yet a
_____ driver.
3. Everyone enjoyed the concert last night. All in all, it was an _____
4. My father faces danger every day. Firefighting is a _____ profession.
5. The teacher had to raise his voice because of the noise in the classroom. It's
hard to get any work done in a _____ classroom.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of these words.
1. I like most classical music because its very ________________ (relax).
2. You need a _____________________ (power) voice to sing opera.
3. Bright colors are __________________ (fashion) this season.
4. I couldnt afford this dress because it was too ___________________ (expense).
5. This painting is an ______________ (attract) and _________________ (artist) piece of
6. Oh, how __________________ (thought) of you to bring me these lovely flowers.

Put in the correct preposition.
1) England is famous ____________ its rainy weather.
2) I'm very proud ____________my daughter, she worked very hard.
3) He isn't really interested ____________ getting married.
4) Unfortunately, I'm very bad ____________ music.
5) She's very excited ____________ the party.
6) Julie is very different ____________ her sister.
7) My niece is frightened ____________ dogs.
8) I am curious _______________ the test results.
Complete the sentences with these words.
paperbacks atlas novels phonebook
instruction manual blogs comics
1) If you need a map, look at the _______________.
2) I enjoy reading non-fiction because I am not a huge fan of __________.
3) The shop sells newspapers and children's _____________.
4) I cannot remember my friends home number, pass me the ___________.
5) ______________ are cheaper than hardbacks.
6) Please read this ___________________ carefully before you use the dishwasher.
7) There are some interesting _____________ I follow online, especially the ones about
Complete these sentences. Use the personality adjectives from the box.
cheerful carefree hardworking introvert

anxious helpful talkative organized reliable

1. I envy her. Shes always smiling. Shes a really ________________ person.
2. Isnt she a ________________ professor? You can always ask her for advice and help.
3. When I first met him, I thought he was just an ________________ guy who too shy to talk to
4. She is so ________________, she spends all day on the phone with her friends.
5. Sometimes I wish I could be more ________________ like my brother. Nothing bothers him.
6. If you want to be successful, the most important thing is to be ________________.
7 Jack was really worried and _______________ about the football match last night.
8. A: Why do you like Jake?
B: Well, I know I can always count on him and be sure he wont tell any of my secrets. Hes a
________________person. Thats really important to me.
9. I wish I were more ________________ . My room is a mess and I can never find what I am
looking for.
10. It was so __________________ of Jason to bring me flowers when I was in hospital.
Put in the correct form of 'make' or 'do':
1. Could you ___________the laundry today? We have no clean clothes.
2. William ______________ an excuse to the teacher to apologize for being
3. Alison cannot come tonight. She has already ___________ some plans.
4. I think Jane ______________ a mistake in her presentation yesterday.
5. Jerry has ______________ fun of me because of my outfit!
6. You don't need to win the competition, just ___________ your best!
7. Why does he always _________ a promise and then break it?
8. He _______ the assignment, but forgot to bring it to school.

Replace the underlined parts of the sentences with the correct phrasal verb.

1. Superman never removes his mask in public.
2. While I was tiding my room, I found some of my old high school
3. The story of Gladiator happens in ancient Rome.
4. Would you look after my dog while I am in Greece?
5. She always does something in the school play.
6. Id like to start judo next term.
7. You shouldnt ride in a car with strangers.
8. We had to learn some dates for our history homework.
Match the words with their definitions:
1. Superstition a) things that have been thrown away on the ground in a public place
2. Minor b) adventurous travelers who go camping, sleeping in tents
3. Litter c) a belief in things that bring good or bad luck
4. Leisure activities d) from a very distant past/very old
5. Backpackers e) the opposite of an adult person/ an underage person
6. Hospitality f) a calm and relaxed person who gets along with people
7. Ancient g) a person who replaces an actor in dangerous scenes
8. Stuntman h) an emotional, sympathetic person
/take off/ /take part in/ /take care of/
/take up/ /take place/ / come across/
/find out/ /get into/
9. Easy-going i) friendly and generous attitude towards guests/strangers
10. Sensitive j)thrilled and happy
11. Delighted k) things you do in your free time

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