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Paper 2 Set B Solutions

Regn No: _________________

Name: ___________________
(To be written by the candidate)
PAPER 2) Ener*! E++i,ien,! in Ther-al 'tilities
(ate) #./#2/2#11 Ti-in*s) 10##112## 3RS (uration) 4 3RS Ma5/ Mar6s) 1.#
General instructions:
o Please check that this question paper contains 13 printed pages
o Please check that this question paper contains 64 questions
o The question paper is divided into three sections
o All questions in all three sections are compulsory
o All parts of a question should be answered at one place
Se,tion 1 I) OB7ECTI8E T%PE Mar6s) .# 5 1 9 .#
(i) Answer all .# questions
(ii) Each question carries one mark
(iii) Please hatch the aroriate o!al in the "#R answer sheet with $lack Pen or %$
encil& as er instructions
'( )ith increase in the ercentage o* e+cess air *or combustion o* coal& ercentage o* ,"- in *lue gas(
a) increases b) decreases c) remains same d) none o* the abo!e
-( )hich o* the *ollowing is not a roerty o* ceramic *ibre insulation.
a) low thermal conducti!ity b) light weight
c) high heat caacity d) thermal shock resistant
/( )hich o* the *ollowing *uel requires ma+imum air *or stochiometric combustion.
a) butane b) roane c) hydrogen d) coal
0( )hich o* the *ollowing does not contribute to steam sa!ings
a) insulation o* steam ie lines b) suerheated steam *or indirect rocess heating
c) ro!iding dry steam *or rocess d) none o* the abo!e
1( )hich loss is the highest in a tyical *orging *urnace oerating at '/22
a) *lue gas loss b) wall loss c) cooling water loss d) una!oidable oening loss
$ureau o* Energy E**iciency
Paper 2 Set B Solutions
3( )hen the liquid 4P5 e!aorates the !olume o* gas occuied will be about
a) -1 times b) -12 times c) '22 times d) None o* the abo!e
6( )hat is the most e**ecti!e way to a!oid ambient air in*iltration into a *uel *ired *urnace7
a) slight negati!e ressure should be maintained b) oerate at about 829 caacity
c) increase the chimney height d) slight ositi!e ressure should be maintained
:( ;elocity o* steam in steam ie is directly roortional to7
a) number o* bends in ie b) seci*ic !olume o* steam
c) length o* ie d) diameter o* the ie
8( The working media in a thermocomressor is
a) electricity b) comressed air c) high temerature oil d) steam
'2( The tye o* boiler in which water asses through the tubes and hot gases ass outside the tubes is
known as7
a) water tube b) *ire tube c) ackaged boiler d) none o* the abo!e
''( The turbine heat rate is e+ressed as
a) k)h<k,al b) kg<k,al c) k,al<k)h d) none o* the abo!e
'-( The steam ressure dro in a steam ie is in!ersely roortional to the _____ o* ie diameter
a) 0
ower b) 3
ower c) 1
ower d) none o* abo!e
'/( The resence o* ,alcium and #agnesium $icarbonates in boiler *eed water would *orm:
a) acidic solution b) alkaline solution c) neutral solution d) none o* the abo!e
'0( The mode o* heat trans*er *rom hot body to cold body without a con!eying medium is7
a) conduction b) radiation c) con!ection d) none o* the abo!e
'1( The main constituent o* natural gas& accounting *or about 819 o* the total !olume& is7

a) methane b) iso=octane c) roane d) he+ane
'3( The lowest le!el o* e+cess air is required in a7
a) coal burner b) low ressure oil burner
c) high ressure gas burner d) high ressure oil burner
'6( The emissi!ity o* con!entional re*ractories used in a *urnace7
a) increases with increase in temerature b) decreases with increase in temerature
c) remains constant d) decreases with increase in *urnace ressure
':( The dra*t caused solely by the di**erence in weight between the column o* hot gas inside the
chimney and column o* outside air is known as7
a) balanced dra*t b) induced dra*t c) *orced dra*t d) natural dra*t
'8( The di**erence in temerature between steam and condensate re*ers to the rincile o* oeration o*
$ureau o* Energy E**iciency
Paper 2 Set B Solutions
a) thermodynamic tra b) thermostatic tra c) ori*ice tye tra d) *loat tra
-2( The best quality o* steam *or indirect rocess heating is7
a) dry saturated steam b) suer heated steam c) wet steam d) suer critical steam
-'( The air to natural gas (stoichiometric) ratio& by !olume& *or comlete combustion !aries between
a) '0:' to '1:' b) 6:' to ::' c) 8(1:' to '2:' d) None o* the abo!e
--( >uitable atomi?ing !iscosity o* *urnace oil ('22 Redwood seconds=') *or use in 4AP<#AP burners
requires an oil reheating temerature o* about7
a) :2
, b) '21
, c) '-1
, d) '/1
-/( >team generated in a boiler is /3 tonnes in / hours( @uel consumtion in the same eriod is '
tonne er hour( ,ontinuous blow down is :9 o* *eed water inut( The boiler e!aoration ratio is7
a) '- b) ''(6 c) /3 d) -0
-0( >cale losses in a reheating *urnace will7
a) increase with ," in combustion gases b) increase with e+cess air
c) ha!e no relation with e+cess air d) decrease with e+cess air
-1( Pro+imate analysis o* a *uel is determination o*
a) carbon& hydrogen& nitrogen& sulhur& moisture b) @i+ed carbon& ash& !olatile matter and moisture
c) higher calori*ic !alue d) lower calori*ic !alue
-3( Pinch analysis uses the ______ law o* Thermodynamics
a) *irst b) second c) third d) both *irst A second
-6( #olecular weight o* >"- in kg<kg mole is7
a) /0 b) /- c) '- d) 00
-:( #agnesite& chrome magnesite and dolomite are ________ tye o* re*ractory7
a) acidic b) basic c) neutral d) none o* the abo!e
-8( 4iquid *uel density is measured by an instrument called
a) tachometer b) hydrometer c) anemometer d) none o* the abo!e
/2( 4atent heat at the critical oint o* a steam hase diagram is7
a) 302 k,al<kg b) ?ero c) 102 k,al<kg d) 1:0 k,al<kg
/'( Bn a steam system& the urose o* !enting air is because air is a7
a) good conductor b) inert substance c) dilutant d) insulator
/-( Bn a reheating *urnace& soaking time o* a cycle deends tyically on7
a) e+cess air le!el b) reheat temerature o* charge
c) thickness o* the charged material d) *urnace atmoshere
//( Bn a #ollier diagram& the oint at which the saturated liquid and saturated !aour lines meet is
known as the7
$ureau o* Energy E**iciency
Paper 2 Set B Solutions
a) !aour oint b) liquid oint c) critical oint d) sub=critical oint
/0( Bn a heat e+changer& *or the same heat duty& higher the heat trans*er coe**icient7
a) higher will be the heat trans*er area needed b) higher will be the 4#TC
c) lower will be the heat trans*er area needed d) lower will be the 4#TC
/1( Bn a cogeneration system& with e+traction condensing turbine& the highest heat rate is recorded
a) ma+imum ower outut and ma+imum e+traction to rocess
b) ma+imum ower outut and normal e+traction to rocess
c) ma+imum ower outut and minimum e+traction to rocess
d) none o* the abo!e
/3( %eat loss through *urnace oenings is directly roortional to7
a) *ourth ower o* *urnace temerature b) *ourth ower o* absolute *urnace temerature
c) absolute *urnace temerature d) square o* absolute *urnace temerature
/6( @or otimum combustion o* *uel oil& "- ercentage in *lue gases should be maintained at7
a) -=/9 b) '0='19 c) -'=-/9 d) none o* the abo!e
/:( @ A A (*rom and at) rating o* the boiler is the amount o* steam generated *rom7
a) water at 2 D, to saturated steam at '22 D,
b) water at *eed water temerature to saturated steam at '22 D,
c) water at '22 D, to saturated steam at '22 D,
d) water at ambient temerature to saturated steam at '22 D,
/8( ,orrection *actor *or 4#TC is commonly alicable *or7
a) arallel *low tye b) counter *low tye c) cross *low tye d) both (a) and (b)
02( ,ondensate& at ressure o* 0 kg<cm
and '32
, temerature& when e+osed to atmoshere will7
a) *ully con!ert into *lash steam b) artially con!ert into *lash steam
c) remain as condensate d) immediately cool down to ambient temerature
0'( ,"- ercentage (by !olume) measurement in *lue gases can be done by using7
a) ultrasonic robe b) otassium o+ide robe
c) ortable *yrite d) ?irconium o+ide robe
0-( Au+iliary ower consumtion *or coal rearation will be highest in a7
a) stoker *ired boiler b) A@$, boiler c) ,@$, boiler d) ul!eri?ed coal *ired boiler
0/( As the ressure o* steam increases *rom 0 kg<cm
to : kg<cm
& the !alue o* total enthaly and latent
heat o* steam resecti!ely7
a) increases A remains the same b) increases A decreases
c) decreases A increases d) decreases A remains the same
00( Alumina is a EE(( tye o* re*ractory(
a) acid b) basic c) neutral d) none o* the abo!e
$ureau o* Energy E**iciency
Paper 2 Set B Solutions
01( A suercritical boiler has arameters beyond critical oint which re*ers to7
a) --'(- bar (a) ressure and /60(':
, temerature
b) -03 bar (a) ressure and 1/:
, temerature
c) /23 bar (a) ressure and 18:
, temerature
d) '62 bar (a) ressure and 1/:
, temerature
03( A rise in conducti!ity o* boiler *eed water indicates
a) dro in the total dissol!ed solids in boiler water b) more steam generation
c) rise in the total dissol!ed solids in boiler water d) greater urity o* *eed water
06( A recuerator in a *urnace is used to e+tract heat *rom *lue gases *or reheating7
a) the charge b) *uel oil c) air *or combustion o* *uel d) *eed water
0:( A rocess lant needs 0 bar and '1 bar steam in addition to electric ower( The most suitable co=
generation otion *or this rocess lant among the *ollowing& will be7
a) e+traction cum back ressure turbine b) back ressure turbine
c) condensing turbine d) none o* the abo!e
08( A ower generation system which uses *irst a gas turbine *ollowed by a steam turbine is called7
a) toing cycle b) combined cycle c) $rayton cycle d) bottoming cycle
12( A bottoming cycle is one in which *uel is used *or roducing
a) ower rimarily *ollowed by byroduct heat outut
b) heat rimarily *ollowed by byroduct ower outut
c) ower& heat and re*rigeration simultaneously
d) none o* the abo!e
. End of Section I .
$ureau o* Energy E**iciency
Paper 2 Set B Solutions
PAPER 2) Ener*! E++i,ien,! in Ther-al 'tilities
(ate) #./#2/2#11 Ti-in*s) 10##112## 3RS (uration) 4 3RS Ma5/ Mar6s) 1.#
General instructions:
o All questions are compulsory
o All parts of a question should be answered at one place
Se,tion II) S3ORT (ESCRIPTI8E :'ESTIONS Mar6s) ; 5 . 9 0#
(i) Answer all Ei*ht questions
(ii) Each question carries Fi<e marks
>=' ,alculate the induction melting *urnace e**iciency *rom the *ollowing melt cycle data
#ild steel (#>) scra charged : '122 kg
>eci*ic heat o* #> : 2(3:- kF<kg
4atent heat o* #> : -6- kF<kg
#> melting temerature : '312
Bnlet #> charge temerature : 02
Electricity consumed during cycle : 8:2 k)h
Theoretical energy required *or melting G '122 (2(3:- + ('312 H 02) I -6-)</322 k)h
G 162(: k)h

Actual inut G 8:2 k)h
@urnace e**iciency G 162(: + '22 < 8:2
G 1:(/9

>=- )hat is meant by trigeneration. E+lain how trigeneration can be alied in a hotel
using C5 set continuously *or ower generation(
Trigeneration re*ers to simultaneous generation o* steam (heat)& ower and re*rigeration
through integrated systems( Bndustries requiring electricity& steam and cooling such as
*ood rocessing and cold storages *ind the concets o* tri=generation !ery attracti!e(
$ureau o* Energy E**iciency
Paper 2 Set B Solutions
Bn a %otel& ower can be generated *rom C5 sets and with the waste heat& steam can be
generated( This steam can be used *or both ;aour absortion system *or generating
chiller water *or A, alications and also *or generating hot water (
>=/ )hat is meant by critical oint o* steam and gi!e two ad!antages o* >uer ,ritical
The critical oint is the highest temerature at which liquid can e+ist( Any comression at
constant temerature abo!e the critical oint will not roduce a hase change(
,omression at constant temerature below the critical oint howe!er& will result in
lique*action o* the !aour as it asses *rom the suerheated region into the wet steam
region( The critical oint occurs at /60('1J, and --'(- bar (a) *or steam and at this
oint the latent heat o* steam is ?ero(
A=<anta*es o+ super ,riti,al oiler
%igher %eat Trans*er Rate
#ore @le+ible in acceting load !ariations
5reater ease o* oeration
%igh thermal e**iciency o* 02=0-9
The absence o* two hase mi+ture minimi?e the roblem o* erosion and corrosion
>teadier Pressure le!el
>=0 @or combustion o* 122 lit<hr o* *urnace oil& estimate combustion air quantity er hour with
-29 e+cess air( >eci*ic gra!ity o* *urnace oil 2(8( (@uel analysis: , = :09& % ='-9& > =
/9 " = '9)
, I "- ==== ,"- ( 2(:0 K /-<'-) H -(-0 kg o* "-<kg o* ,
'- I /- === 00
% I L "- ==== %-" ( 2('- + '3<-) H 2(83 kg o* "-< kg o* %
- I '3 === ':
> I "- ==== >"- ( 2(2/ K/-</-) = 2(2/ kg o* "- < kg o* >
/- I /- == 30
Total "- required G ( -(-0 I 2(83 I 2(2/ H 2(2') G /(-- kg o* "-<kg *uel
G ( /(-- < 2(-/ G '0 kg o* air)
E+cess air G -29
Air sulied G ( ' I 2(-) + '0 G '3(: kg o* air < kg o* oil
Muantity o* @(oil G 122 lit<hr ( 122 + 2(8) G 012 kg<hr
Total quantity o* air required G 061 + '3(: G 6132 kgs o* air <hr
$ureau o* Energy E**iciency
Paper 2 Set B Solutions
>=1 The e**iciency o* a boiler on 5,; basis is :19( The *uel contains '9 moisture and '-9
hydrogen( The 5,; o* *uel is '2&222 k,al<kg( )hat is the boiler e**iciency on the basis
o* net calori*ic !alue.
N,; G 5,; H N8K(9age o* %ydrogen in *uel<'22) I (9age o* #oisture in *uel<'22)K1:0O
N,; G '2222 H N8K ('-<'22) I ('(2<'22)K1:0O
G 8/3/ k,al<kg(
$oiler e**iciency on N,; G :1K'2222<8/3/ G82(:9
>=3 4ist down *i!e energy conser!ation measures in steam system
@i+ steam leaks and condensate leaks(
Pse back ressure steam turbines to roduce lower steam ressures(
Pse dry steam *or indirect rocess heating(
Ensure rocess temeratures are correctly controlled(
#aintain lowest accetable rocess steam ressures(
Remo!e or blank o** all redundant steam iing(
Ensure condensate is returned or re=used in the rocess(
Preheat boiler *eed=water(
Reco!er boiler blowdown(
,heck oeration o* steam tras(
Remo!e air *rom indirect steam using equiment
Bnsect steam tras regularly and reair mal*unctioning tras romtly(
,onsider reco!ery o* *lash steam
Pse waste steam *or water heating(
Reduce work done by steam

>=6 A boiler generates steam at the rate o* -2 tonnes<hr consuming 0 ton<hr o* coal ha!ing a
gross calori*ic !alue o* 0122 k,al<kg( ,alculate the e!aoration ratio and e**iciency o*
the boiler i* the enthaly o* the generated steam is 312 k,al<kg and *eed water
temerature is 32
E!aoration ratio means kilogram steam generated *or kilogram o* *uel consumed(
E!aoration ratio G (-2<0) G 1
$ureau o* Energy E**iciency
Paper 2 Set B Solutions
E**iciency o* the boiler G -2K'222K(312=32)K'22
G 31(19
>=: $rie*ly e+lain the working o* a thermic *luid heater and its ad!antages o!er steam
heating system
Bn thermic *luid heaters& a seci*ic tye o* oil synthetic<mineral is used as heat carrier(
This *luid can be heated uto /22
, at atmosheric ressure( Bn comarison steam
would require a ressure o* :1 bars to obtain this temerature(
The heaters are made with coils o* seamless tubes( The thermal *luid is heated during
the *low through the tubes( The heat is trans*erred to the *luid as radiant heat in the
combustion chamber& where the inner cylindrical tube coil and a *lat tube coil *orm the
chamber wall and the bottom resecti!ely( The hot thermic *luid is circulated to !arious
rocess equiments such as dryers& heaters& deodouriser etc( where it gi!es u the
heat( The return oil at a temerature '2 to -2
, less comes back to the thermic *luid
heater to get heated u again( The circulation is carried out by a thermic *luid circulation
The thermic *luid heater oerates between two temerature ranges( "nce the uer limit
is reached the burner is switched "@@ or goes into the low *ire mode( Bn the case o* solid
*uel *ired system the BC *an switches "@@ on reaching the uer limit( )hen the
temerature reaches the lower limit due to heat trans*er in the rocess& the burners
come "N again and in case o* solid *uels& the BC *an comes "N again(
There are several advantages in using thermic fluids compared to steam systems. The
most obvious advantages are as follows
High temperature operation at atmospheric pressure
Optional temperature level set points
No supply of treated water and hence no heat loss due to condensate flash
No risk of corrosion
asy to operate
------- End of Section - II ---------
Se,tion III) LON$ (ESCRIPTI8E :'ESTIONS Mar6s) > 5 1# 9 >#
(i) Answer all Si5 questions
(ii) Each question carries Ten marks
$ureau o* Energy E**iciency
Paper 2 Set B Solutions
4=' )rite short notes on an! t?o o* the *ollowing
a) )et reser!ation method *or boilers
a) Re!erse osmosis
b) Recirocating engine co=generation system
a) @et preser<ation -etho= +or oilers) Bn the wet method the boiler is *illed to the
normal le!el with water at a % o* '2(1 to ''( %ydra?ine to the e+tent o* -22 m is to be
dosed with the water( The unit is to be steamed in ser!ice to ensure uni*orm
concentration o* boiler water throughout the unit and to eliminate dissol!ed o+ygen *rom
water( >odium sulhite (Na->"/)& which acts as a de=o+ygenerator& can also be used as
an alternati!e to hydra?ine and the sulhite concentration has to be maintained at /22=
022 m(
Analysis o* boiler water should be carried out *requently( B* the hydra?ine concentration in
water haens to dro below 12 m& the water in the drum should be lowered to the
normal oerating le!el and an aroriate quantity o* chemicals should be dosed to
bring back -22 the concentration o* hydra?ine or sodium sulhite( The boiler should be
steamed to circulate chemicals to uni*orm concentration(
b) Re<erse os-osis) )hen solutions o* di**ering concentrations are searated by a semi=
ermeable membrane& water *rom less concentrated solution asses through the
membrane to dilute the liquid o* high concentration& which is called osmosis( B* the
solution o* high concentration is ressuri?ed& the rocess is re!ersed and the water *rom
the solution o* high concentration *lows to the weaker solution( This is known as re!erse
c) Re,ipro,atin* en*ine ,o1*eneration s!ste-) Also known as internal combustion (B(
,() engines& these cogeneration systems ha!e high ower generation e**iciencies in
comarison with other rime mo!ers( There are two sources o* heat *or reco!ery:
e+haust gas at high temerature and engine Racket cooling water system at low
temerature( As heat reco!ery can be quite e**icient *or smaller systems& these systems
are more oular with smaller energy consuming *acilities& articularly those ha!ing a
greater need *or electricity than thermal energy and where the quality o* heat required is
not high& e(g( low ressure steam or hot water(

4=- a) )rite short notes on hot blast cuola
b) Bn an industry an electrical o!en consuming '222 k)h<batch is roosed *or
relacement by a *uel *ired o!en( ,alculate the simle ayback eriod *or the *ollowing
Number o* batches < year G 0222
E**iciency o* electric o!en G :29
E**iciency o* @" *ired o!en G 119
$ureau o* Energy E**iciency
Paper 2 Set B Solutions
,ost o* @" G Rs( /2&222<Tonne
5,; o* @" G '2-22 k,al<kg
Electricity cost G Rs( 1(2 <k)h
Bn!estment *or @" *ired o!en G Rs( '22 4akhs
a) 3ot Blast Cupola
The temerature o* e+haust gas o* a cuola is as high as :22 J,& making it ossible to
reheat blast air u to as high as 022 J, by heat e+change( Bn addition& both the
sensible and latent heat o* e+haust gas can be recycled *or reheating blast air by
combustion o* ," gas included in e+haust gas( )hen blast air is reheated to /22 J, or
higher& the sensible heat o* blast air is added to heat inut& acti!ating combustion o*
coke& leading to the rise in combustion temerature
b) The use*ul heat er batch required G '222 + :32 + 2(:
G 3::222 k,al<batch
@" inut er batch G 3::222 < (2(11 + '2-22)
G '--(3 kg
Electricity cost er batch G Rs( 1 + '222
G Rs( 1222
@" cost er batch G '--(3 + Rs( /2
G Rs( /36:
,ost sa!ings er batch G Rs( '/--
Annual cost sa!ings at 0222 batches G Rs( 1-&::&222
Bnitial in!estment G Rs( '22 lakhs
>imle ayback eriod G '(:8 years
4=/ Bn a chlor alkali lant& '-2 TPC caustic solution at //9 concentration is dried to 129
concentration( The e+isting single e**ect e!aorator& where steam inut to moisture
remo!al ratio is '(2 kg<kg is roosed to be relaced by a trile e**ect e!aorator where
the ratio o* steam inut to moisture remo!al is 2(0 kg<kg( ,alculate annual *uel cost
sa!ings *or /22 days oeration at an e!aoration ratio o* '- in the oil *ired boiler and
cost o* @" Rs( /-&222<Tonne(
Cry caustic G '-2 TPC + 2(//
G 02 TPC
Bnlet moisture < day G ('-2 H 02) G :2 TPC
"utlet moisture < day G 02 < 2(1 = 02
G :2 TPC H 02(2
#oisture remo!ed< day G 02 TPC
Bnitial steam consumtion at ' kg<kg G 02 TPC
$ureau o* Energy E**iciency
Paper 2 Set B Solutions
>team consumtion with trile e**ect e!aorator at 2(0 kg<kg
G 02 + 2(0
G '3 TPC
>team sa!ings er day G 02 = '3
G -0 TPC
@" sa!ings < day at e!aoration ratio o* '-
Ruee sa!ings er day at Rs( /-&222<#T G Rs( 30&222
Annual monetary sa!ings at /22 days working G Rs( '8- 4akhs
4=0 a) $rie*ly e+lain the signi*icance o* 4#TC in a heat e+changer
b) Bn a double ie heat e+changer hot *luid is entering at //2 J, and lea!ing at '62 J,(
,old *luid enters at /2 J, and lea!es at '-2 J,( ,alculate 4#TC& i* the *low is counter
(a) The dri!ing *orce *or any heat trans*er rocess is the temerature di**erence between
two *luids( Bn the heat trans*er rocess& the temerature o* the two *luids kee changing
as they ass through the heat e+change& *or which some tyes o* a!erage temerature
is needed( The a!erage temerature di**erence through the heat e+change is described
by the log mean temerature di**erence (4#TC)( The larger the temerature di**erence&
the smaller the required heat e+change area and !ice !ersa(
(b) 4#TC ,ounter current *low
t' G //2 H '-2 G -'2 J,
t- G '62 H /2 G '02 J,
4#TC G
2 t
1 t
2 t 1 t

140 210
G '6-(30 J,
4=1 $rie*ly e+lain the working rincile o* an! t?o o* the *ollowing
a) ,ondenser in a steam ower lant
b) Cistillation tower in a re*inery
c) #ulti=e**ect E!aorator
$ureau o* Energy E**iciency
Paper 2 Set B Solutions
a) ,ondenser: Bn steam alications& condenser is associated with condensing steam
turbines and with eRector systems( Bn steam turbine alications& condenser remo!e
signi*icant amount o* latent heat *rom the e+haust steam allowing it to be reco!ered as
condensate( Bn steam eRector alications& condenser increases the e**ecti!eness o* the
eRector by condensing both the moti!e steam and condensable ulled *rom the rocess(
,ondensers are sulied with cooling water that circulates through condenser tubes
ro!iding a cool sur*ace area that causes steam condensation(
b) Cistillation tower : The etroleum re*ining and chemical manu*acturing industries use
large amount o* steam to *acilitate the searation o* crude oil or chemical *eed stocks
into !arious comonents( This searation rocess relies on di**erence in the boiling
oints o* these !arious comonents( >team is inRected into bottom o* these towers to
reduce the artial ressure o* the hydrocarbons& which *acilitates their searation and to
reduce coke *ormation on tray tower sur*aces(
c) #ulti=e**ect E!aorator : Bn multi=e**ect E!aorator& the latent heat o* the !aour roduct
o* an e**ect is used to heat the *ollowing e**ect( E**ects are thus numbered beginning with
the one heated by steam( Bt will ha!e the highest ressure( ;aour *rom e**ect B will be
used to heat e**ect BB& which consequently will oerate at low ressure( This continues
throughout the train& ressure dros through the sequence so that the hot !aour will
tra!el *rom one e**ect to the ne+t(
Mar6s) . 5 2 A +or an! t?o o+ the ao<eB
4=3 A steam ieline o* '22 mm outer diameter is not insulated *or '22 meters and sulying
steam at '2 kg<cm
( @ind out the annual *uel sa!ings i* the line is roerly insulated with
31 mm insulating material( Assume :222 hours<year o* oeration(
$oiler e**iciency = :19
@uel "il cost = Rs(/-&222<tonne
,alori*ic ;alue o* *uel oil = '2&/22 k,al<kg
>ur*ace temerature without insulation = ':2
>ur*ace temerature a*ter insulation = 61
Ambient temerature = /2
E+isting heat loss G S'2 I (Ts HTa)<-2T + (Ts H Ta)
G -3-1 k,al<hr er >quare meter
%eat loss a*ter insulation G ( '2 I (61 H /2)<-2 T + (61 H /2)
G 11'(-1 k,al<hr H >q( m
>ur*ace Area E+isting G /('0 C 4
G /('0 + 2(' + '22 G /'(0 >quare meter
>ur*ace Area a*ter insulation G /('0 + 2(-/ + '22 G 6-(- >quare meter
%eat loss e+isting G -3-1 + /'(0 G :-& 0-1 k,al<hr
$ureau o* Energy E**iciency
Paper 2 Set B Solutions
%eat loss a*ter insulation G 11'(-1 + 6-(- G /8& :'' k,al<hr
Annual sa!ings
G Rs( '-(03 4akhs
-------- End of Section - III ---------
$ureau o* Energy E**iciency
(:-&0-1 = /8&:'') + :&222 + /-&222
'2&/22 + '222 + 2(:1

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