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Caros colegas,

A ESN Minho enquanto Organizao de Envio, procura participantes motivados para

integrar o intercmbio United for Minorieties a decorrer nos dias 29 de Setembro a 6
de Outubro, em Lublin, Polnia. O projeto reunir jovens oriundos de variados pases
Europeus, nomeadamente Polnia, Portugal, Armnia e Turquia, num ambiente
multicultural e de troca de ideias.
O principal objetivo do intercmbio refletir e discutir sobre a situao das minorias
nos pases presentes no intercmbio, na forma de as ajudar e aumentar o conhecimento
dos participantes sobre o assunto.
Integrando-se numa iniciativa do programa Erasmus+ da Unio Europeia, esta
iniciativa cobre a 100% o alojamento e alimentao, sendo ainda reembolsado 270
euros gastos na viagem, ficando a cargo do participantes apenas os gastos
superiores a esse valor.
Certamente uma oportunidade nica de te pores prova e uma experincia gratificante
que acontece uma vez na vida!
Importante: Um conhecimento slido da lngua inglesa obrigatrio visto que a
lngua oficial de desenvolvimento do projeto ser o ingls.
So considerados participantes elegveis todos os jovens com residncia em Portugal
com idade compreendida entre os 18 e os 24 anos. Estudantes de mobilidade com
bolsas da UE no podem participar nestes projetos, pois estariam a beneficiar de duplo
Cada participante interessado dever entrar em contacto, atravs do e-mail, fazendo-se acompanhar de um breve CV e carta
de motivao.
O prazo para apresentao de candidaturas decorre at ao dia 9 Setembro.
Os candidatos sero informados dos resultados at ao dia 10 de Setembro.
Para o esclarecimento de eventuais dvidas, no hesites em contactar-nos pelo e-mail
citado no corpo da mensagem. Mais informaes disponibilizadas relacionadas com o
projeto (plano de atividades, etc.) sero imediatamente divulgadas.

Um abrao,
ESN Minho

United for Minorieties

Description of the project:
The countries which will participate in this project every day deal with national
minorities. They get to know their customs, history and culture. Through the contact
they are aware what kind of problems and challenges they struggle with. We want to
reflect on and discuss together about different arisen situations in our countries. Next,
we want to work out actions, which purpose is to help national minorities and
popularize knowledge about them. We are aware that the challenge which we take
and the topic of project will require time and sacrifice but we hope that thanks to
solidarity and tolerance which well be promoting we instill these values also in our
local societies.
The next goals of project is to increase of the integration between participants from
different countries, common action and solving problems and also overcome the
stereotypes. Besides actions connected with national minorities the cross-cultural
dimension will be increased by national evenings.
The situation that youth from national minority have fewer chances is very often.
Through concrete, common actions we want to present this problem and tasks that we
can take to make this situation better.
Usually people from national minorities are treated negatively. In this project we want
to change their perception and we want to show that these people are like us and
there are no real differences because before the law everyone is equal.
The working methods that well use in the project are: drama workshops, reporting
workshops, simulation games, case studies, role plays, street survey, discussions and
meetings with the representatives of national minorieties.
We are expecting that the project will establish a transnational dialogue and will lead
to understanding situation of national minorieties. Result on the project, especially the
report, we will promote to our communities we work with every day
Anna Pietro

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