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Sant Dariya Sahib of Bihar, a Towering Figure in Sant Mat

History, by James Bean

Background About Sant Dariya Sahib of Bihar
Dariya Sahib of Bihar (1674-1780) was born at village Dharkanna in !rrah istri"t near D#$raon %in
the State of Bihar& at the ho#se of his $aternal granfather' (e was the son of )#ran Shah (a *#sli$ of
+,,ain) whose an"estors r#le -agish.#r near B#/ar' (e is believe to be the in"arnation of 0abir1
who affir$e this to his $other when he was one $onth ol1 an it was 0abir who "hristene hi$ as
Dariya'2 !t the age of 3 he $arrie b#t before it "o#l be "ons#$$ate1 at 141 he reno#n"e worlly
.#rs#its1 altho#gh he "ontin#e to live as a ho#seholer' !t the age of 501 he a"6#ire higher s.irit#al
knowlege an at 701 he set #. his "ongregation' Being a *#sli$ by birth1 a large n#$ber of his
followers even toay offer .rayers in the *#sli$ style'''(e was a S#fi saint of the highest orer an
re,e"te the worshi. of all avatars1 .ro.hets1 iols1 te$.les1 $os6#es1 .ilgri$age1 fasting1 sharia1
0ar$akan1 "aste an s"ri.t#res' (is eity was (a6 or Satt' (is $a,or works are Dariya Sagar an
8yan Dee.ak' (e e"lare that his goal was Satt.a ((a6)1 whi"h is far beyon the .ale of the 0oran1
the 9eas1 an above the three lokas vi:' )in1 +n an Brah$an' (e e"lare that ;a$''' Brah$a1
9ishn#1 *ahesh1 et"' "annot be the instr#$ents of e$an"i.ation fro$ trans$igration an that it is only
the Sattnaa$ whi"h is the Sar Shab (the Se$inal <a$e) an whi"h "an obtain eliveran"e fro$ the
"laws of Brah$an (0aal) an *aya ()rakriti)' =he ervish is one who is not involve in 0ali$a or
!#$kar b#t who follows the !lif1 the sy$bol of >ne1 !bsol#te Satt )#r#sh' =he seeker $#st have only
$eitation to rely #.on1 one esire (aas)1 one "onvi"tion (vishwas or biswas)1 only the love an
"ertit#e of the 8reat <a$e1 an s#"h a seeker alone "an be the tr#e slave (aas) of a saint1 f#lly
" of is"ri$inating between the fleeting an the .er$anent (vivek)'? (entry for Dariya Sahib in
the1 ?Di"tionary of @nian ;eligions?1 by *'8' 8#.ta1 *' 8' )#blishers an (#$a Books1 !gra
htt.ABBwww'(#$aBooks'"o$ )
2<oteA 0abir a..earingA 0abirBSat SahebBSat )#r#shA @n other a""o#nts1 the Civing *aster who gave
Dariya his na$e an event#ally initiate Dariya into Sant *at *eitation (S#rat Shab Doga) was
"alle ?Sat Saheb?' ?Dariya never looke #.on hi$ as a h#$an being1 an always referre to hi$ as the
Cor or Sat )#r#sh'E
Sant Dariya was born in 1674 in the ;ohtas Distri"t of Bihar1 @nia' (e was bro#ght #. an re$aine at
that .la"e for $ost of his life' Dariya was a..arently given his na$e by the fa$ily 8#r#1 Sat Saheb'
DariyaFs birth was "elebrate with great festivity' !fter the baby was one $onth ol1 a holy $an visite
his .la"e an the $other bro#ght the baby before hi$' =his holy $an "aref#lly looke at the baby fro$
hea to foot1 aske the $other to take very goo "are of the baby an na$e hi$ Dariya1 to be so
re"ogni:e later' Dariya never looke #.on hi$ as a h#$an being1 an always referre to hi$ as the
Cor or Sat )#r#sh' Sant Dariya got enlighten$ent at the age of twenty years' (e was initiate into
@nner Cight an So#n *eitation1 Shab <aa$1 by the sa$e Satg#r# $entione above1 Sat Saheb1 that
ha been a $a,or infl#en"e on DariyaFs life' (See the book1 Dariya Sahib1 Saint of BiharE1 by 0'<'
+.ahyaya1 ;S Book$ent1 S"ien"e of the So#l ;esear"h Gentre)
Sat Saheb1 DariyaHs s.irit#al *aster1 $#st have been asso"iate with the Sant Dhara$asB0abir line of
*asters1 as DariyaFs writings reveal he was greatly infl#en"e by the tea"hings of 0abir1 Sant
Dhara$as1 Dhara$asi literat#re like the !n#rag Sagar1 an a""oring to those affiliate with the Sant
Dariya bran"h of Sant *at1 Sant Dariya Sahib of Bihar is believe to have been a rein"arnation of 8#r#
0abir' (see the Sant Dariya *ission Iebsite1 !treya1 .age 661 Darshana @nternationalE1 an see
Iiki.eiaA htt.sABBen'Iiki.eia'orgBwikiBBihariJ"#lt#re )
Rare uotes From Sat Sahib, the S!iritua" Master of Sant Dariya Sahib of Bihar
=he #lti$ate ;eal$ is !kah2 (+ns.eakable)
Ihi"h is f#lly "ontaine within the inner $irror'
=he !kah2 is the so#r"e of tr#e <aa$ (the So#n G#rrent)
=his (<aa$) is the tr#est s.irit#al te"hni6#e'E
(Sat Sahib221 the S.irit#al *aster of Sant Dariya Sahib of Bihar)
2=he ter$ !kahE has been #se by 0abir also as the #lti$ate !boe of !na$i )#r#sh'
Base on the Dhara$asiB!n#rag SagarE ty.e ter$inology of Sat Sahib an his s#""essor Dariya
Sahib1 Sat Sahib $ost likely wo#l have been a is"i.le of Sant Dhara$ Das or his son Gh#ra$ani
<aa$1 or Sh#narshan <aa$Kin other wors1 one of the 8#r#s in the 0abirBSant Dhara$ Das line of
Do# have been given the seal to i$.rint the so#ls1
!n yo# know that the transa"tion is "arrie on
thro#gh the =r#e <a$e (Satna$)'
Ihosoever "o$es1 bearing the i$.rint of yo#r han
@ will take hi$ to the other shore'
)ri"eless inee1 is $y <a$e'
Cet one hol fast to it with "on"entration'
<ear s#"h a .erson 0al %lor of ti$e1 eath an ill#sion& shall not go'
Ihile rising or sitting1 let hi$ fi/ his attention on it1
!n let hi$ evelo. love for the Divine Cight within'
Cet hi$ abanon all e"e.tive worshi.
of the gos an the goesses'
Cet hi$ be absorbe in his real Cor1
reali:ing (i$ to be the =r#th'
Ihile rising an sitting1 the$e Cor
sho#l be the "enter of his attention1
!n let hi$ re$ain $erge into the So#n G#rrent'
By taking ref#ge #ner the =r#th in s#"h a way1
he will "ertainly over"o$e 0al'E
K Sat Sahib the S.irit#al *aster of Sant Dariya Sahib of Bihar (s.eaking to Dariya abo#t his f#t#re
$ission as a Sant Sat 8#r#)
<oteA =he tea"hings of Sat Sahib an Sant Dariya Sahib of Bihar are very "lose to the s"hool of Sant
*at asso"iate with Sant Dhara$ DasKthe 0abir line of *asters' See1 =he !n#rag SagarE1 .#blishe
by Sant Bani )ress1 an1 Dariya Sahib1 Saint of BiharE1 .#blishe by S"ien"e of the So#lB;S Books'
!lso see1 the Sant Dariya *ission IebsiteA
!n atA htt.ABB=he(olySo#n'"o$Bsant-ariya-saheb-biharBine/'ht$l
=his "onne"tion between Dhara$asis %0abir-Dhara$as gro#.BLsoteri" Santis$& an ;ahasoa$is1
to whi"h the !n#rag Sagar has lea #s1 is "onfir$e by another set of writings venerate by
;ahasoa$i leaers b#t little known o#tsie of ;ahasoa$i an Dhara$asi "ir"lesA the .oetry of
Dariya Sahib %who a#thore aro#n twenty-three books&' Dariya Sahib was an eighteenth-"ent#ry .oet
who live in a Dhara$asi region of Bihar an referre to both 0abir an Dhara$ Das as his
.ree"essors' Cike the a#thor of the !n#rag Sagar1 he viewe 0abir as a ivine an $ysti"al for"e an
en#$erate as.e"ts of the as"ening real$s of "ons"io#sness in a $anner re$arkably si$ilar to that
one sees in Swa$i Shiv DayalFs Sar Ba"hanE' Dariya Sahib is liste by Brah$ Sankar *isra as one of
@niaFs great saintsME (*ark -#ergens$eyer1 .age 531 ;ahasoa$i ;ealityK=he Cogi" of a *oern
NaithE1 )rin"eton +niversity )ress1 1331)

Sant Dariya Sahib as the Reincarnation of #uru $abir and Adi #uru%Founder of Sant Mat
During $a"i &uga
Sant Dariya Sahib of Bihar was a 8reat *aster in the Cineage of @nner Cight an So#n *asters of
Dariya .rea"he non-violen"e (ahi$sa) an was against killing of any living being' (e was of the
view that #nless the la$. of kinness (kar#na) is ill#$inate in the heart1 one "annot .ro"ee on the
.ath of reali:ation of 8o'E (Sant Dariya *ission IebsiteA htt.ABBwww'SantDariya'org an see the
$irrorBba"k#. website for Sant Dariya Saheb bihar waleA htt.ABB=he(olySo#n'"o$Bsant-ariya-saheb-
biharBine/'ht$l )
Dariya be"a$e one of the great Saints of the Sant traition of @nia1 a towering fig#re o""#.ying so$e
of that s.a"e in history between the ti$e of 0abir an that of Sant =#lsi Sahib of (athras' @n fa"t1 for
awhile1 Dariya an =#lsi Sahib were alive at the sa$e ti$e' Dariya .asse on when =#lsi was aro#n
seventeen years of age' Dariya Sahib a..ointe several Saints to be his s.irit#al s#""essorsA Nakkar
Das1 Basti Das1 Sant =ika Das1 an1 Sant 8#na Das1 also "onte$.oraries with =#lsi Sahib1 who likely
s.ent so$e ti$e in Bihar' Bihar was1 an re$ains1 ho$e-base of the Satsang of Sant Dariya Sahib' ?(e
%=#lsi Sahib& has freely #se wors of Bra,1 !vahi1 ;a,asthani (*arwari)1 8#,rati1 )#n,abi an
*aithili1 whi"h leas one to "on"l#e that1 like $any other Saints1 he $#st have travele wiely in 9')'1
;a,asthan1 8#,rat1 )#n,ab an Bihar'? (=#lsi Sahib1 Saint of (athrasE1 -';' )#ri1 an 9'0' Sethi1 ;S
Sant Dariya has the istin"tion of being the only living or re"ently Sant *at *aster
"onte$.orary with =#lsi Sahib that =#lsi $ention in his writings' *y view is that Sant =#lsi Sahib of
(athras likely was initiate by Dariya Sahib or one of DariyaHs s.irit#al s#""essors in Bihar' @n his
book1 8hat ;a$ayan1 the only living or re"ent *aster that =#lsi Sahib $entions is Sant Dariya Sahib
of Bihar' =#lsi es"ribe Dariya as being one of the greatest Saints in the history of @nia1 of e6#al
stat#re to 0abir1 8#r# <anak1 an Da# Dayal' Nor $ore1 see the arti"leA Iho Ias =#lsi SahibHs
8#r#O >#r >ne-!n->nly ;eal Gl#eEA htt.sABB*ei#$'"o$Bsant-$at-$eitation-an-
@ o believe =#lsi a"t#ally i $ention the na$e of his g#r# in his writings' Soa$i -iFs list of @niaFs
greatest Sants in"l#e the na$e of one fairly #nknown g#r# at the ti$e1 a "onte$.orary $aster by the
na$e of =#lsi Sahib' !n we know ,#st how signifi"ant a referen"e that t#rne o#t to beP =he sa$e
with =#lsi' (is list of all-ti$e great Sants also in"l#e one relatively obs"#re "onte$.orary na$eA
Dariya Sahib of Bihar'
*asters s#"h as Dariya Sahib an =#lsi Sahib re.resente $ysti"al har"ore refor$ist voi"es
so$ewhat "riti"al of the overall ire"tion the oler Sant )anths were heae in'
Sant Dariya $abir, Adi #uru 'ho He"!ed to (reser)e Surat Shabd &oga During This (art of
$a"i &uga*The +i)ing +ine of Masters ,ontinues -nto the Twenty.First ,entury
"Sat Purush is the living Lord
And His own son serves as the ladder.
That ladder is continued through me, says Dariya.
Fakkar Das, asti Das, and !una Das,
Are the ladders "roceeding #rom me.
$homsoever they a""oint as their successors
$ould also %e known as ladders.
Thus will my line o# succession continue.....
"Those souls who remain in o%edience
to these successors,
Shall cross the &cean o# the world.
How long will this line o# succession continue'
(indly relate it to us in your own words, asks Fakkar Das.
Listen mind#ully, ) Fakkar Das,
* e+"lain this to you, says Dariya,
As long as the disci"line o# the Sound -urrent
is "reserved unadulterated,
The line o# succession will truly continue.
ut when it is mi+ed with outer rituals
and dis"lay o# e+ternal gar%s,
.y Sound -urrent will "art com"any.
.y Divine essence will de"art,
And the souls will go into the mouth o# (al.
* shall then come to this world,
And shall "roclaim the teaching
o# the Sound -urrent again.
Proclaiming the teaching,
* shall #ound the line o# succession.
And emanci"ating the souls,
* shall take them to my A%ode.
For aeons * have %een coming,
And im"arting the teaching
o# the true Sound -urrent."
.. From A Bha/an of Sant Dariya Sahib of Bihar

'ho 'as Tu"si Sahib0s #uru1 2ur 2ne.And.2n"y Rea" ,"ue
By James Bean
The Short 3ersion
@t is believe that Sant =#lsi Sahib1 the great Saint of (athras1 never $entione the na$e of his g#r#'
(owever1 $y view is that Sant =#lsi a"t#ally i $ention the na$e of his g#r# on $#lti.le o""asions in
his vario#s writings an hy$ns'
@n the first .art of Sar Ba"han )roseE1 (#:#r *ahara, .rovies an intro#"tion to the Lssen"e of the
=ea"hings of )ara$ 8#r# Soa$i,i *ahara,E' @t in"l#es Sant ;ahasoa$i SahibBSoa$i -iFs list of
@niaFs greatest Saints in"l#ing the na$e of one fairly #nknown g#r# #ring those ays1 a
"onte$.orary $aster by the na$e of =#lsi SahibA
=he na$es of so$e of the .erfe"t an tr#e Sants1 Sahs an Na6irs who $anifeste the$selves #ring
the .ast seven h#nre years are 0abir Saheb1 =#lsi Saheb1 -ag,iwan Saheb1 8arib Das1 )alt# Saheb1
8#r# <anak1 Da# Saheb1 =#lsi Das1 <abha,i1 Swa$i (ari Das1 S#r Das an ;ai Das' !n so$e of the
*#sli$ na$es are Sha$s =abre:1 *a#lvi ;#$i1 (afi:1 Sar$a an *#,ai !lif Sani' ! .er#sal of
their writings wo#l give an iea of their s.irit#al attain$ents'E (Sar Ba"han )roseE1 Book >ne1 !
S#$$ary of the =ea"hings of Soa$i -i *ahara,)
!n we know ,#st how signifi"ant a referen"e that t#rne o#t to beP >ne of these things is not like the
othersE1 or in other wors1 one of the na$es on the list is 6#ite ifferent fro$ the rest1 in that itFs the
na$e of a "onte$.orary g#r#1 not a "lassi" Sant who live $any e"aes or "ent#ries earlier' =he
in"l#sion of the na$e =#lsi Sahib on this list is .regnant with $eaning' Ie know that =#lsi Sahib was
the g#r# of Soa$i -i *ahara,' Soa$i,i an his wife ;aha,i were .art of the =#lsi Sahib Satsang
"o$$#nity1 as were their fa$ilies an e/tene fa$ilies' N#rther$ore1 after the eath of =#lsi Sahib in
18471 Soa$i -i be"a$e "losely affiliate with a s.irit#al s#""essor of =#lsi Sahib in the =#lsi Sahib
"o$$#nity by the na$e of *ahara, 8irhari Sahib all the way #. till his .assing in !#g#st of 18601
then a few $onths later Soa$i -i offi"ially ina#g#rate his ;ahasoa$i Satsang in !gra1 #ring
Nebr#ary of 1861'
See $y arti"le1 4Mahara/ #irdhari Sahib*The 56nknown #uru7 of Radhasoami History8 A
=he sa$e "an be observe with =#lsi Sahib' (e too ha a si$ilar list of all-ti$e greatest Saints in the
history of @nia1 an it also in"l#e a na$e .regnant with $eaning ifferent fro$ all the othersE1 one
relatively obs"#re "onte$.orary na$eA Dariya Sahi% o# ihar.
'''@ have given o#t the sa$e tr#e se"rets whi"h Sants like 0abir Saheb1 Da# Saheb1 ;ai Das -i1 Dariya
Sahib1 8#r# <anak1 Soor Das -i1 <abha -i an *ira Bai have s.oken of' =hey1 too1 have "o$.ose
si$ilar hy$ns es"ribing the bliss of the highest s.irit#al region1 whose glory @ also have s#ng1 blesse
by the gra"e an the #st of the holy feet of Sants'E (8hat ;a$ayanE)
Dariya Sahib of BiharFs na$e a..ears in the s.irit#al is"o#rses an hy$ns of =#lsi Sahib1 serving as
o#r one-an-only real "l#e abo#t the ientity of =#lsi SahibFs g#r#'
The Sant Mat 'e $now*This (ath of the Masters*,an Be Traced Back to Dariya Sahib, Tu"si
Sahib, and Soami Ji Mahara/
Both Dariya Sahib of Bihar an =#lsi Sahib of (athras were $ysti"al har"ore refor$ist voi"es
so$ewhat "riti"al of the overall ire"tion the oler Sant )anths were heae in' =#lsiFs an DariyaFs
tea"hings are .ra"ti"ally ienti"al1 fro$ the sa$e esoteri" s"hool of Sant *at1 to the egree that one
"an easily say that =#lsi SahibFs s.irit#al $ission s#""essf#lly "o$$#ni"ate the sa$e noble tea"hings
an S#rat Shab Doga *eitation on to f#t#re generations by way of his several s#""essors1 in"l#ing
Sant 8irhari Sahib an Sant ;ahasoa$i Sahib1 et"M
$ee!ing the (ath A"i)e During $a"i &uga
Sat )#r#sh is the living Cor1 an (is own son serves as the laer' =hat laer is "ontin#e thro#gh
$e1 says Dariya' Nakkar Das1 Basti Das1 an 8#na Das are the laers .ro"eeing fro$ $e'
Iho$soever they a..oint as their s#""essors wo#l also be known as laers' =h#s will $y line of
s#""ession "ontin#eM' =hose so#ls who re$ain in obeien"e to these s#""essors1 shall "ross the >"ean
of the worl'
(ow long will this line of s#""ession "ontin#eO 0inly relate it to #s in yo#r own wors1 asks Nakkar
Das' QCisten $inf#lly1 0 Nakkar Das1 @ e/.lain this to yo#1 says DariyaA
/As long as the disci"line o# the Sound -urrent
is "reserved unadulterated,
The line o# succession will truly continue.
ut when it is mi+ed with outer rituals
and dis"lay o# e+ternal gar%s,
.y Sound -urrent will "art com"any.
.y Divine essence will de"art,
And the souls will go into the mouth o# (al.
* shall then come to this world,
And shall "roclaim the teaching
o# the Sound -urrent again.
Proclaiming the teaching,
* shall #ound the line o# succession.
And emanci"ating the souls,
* shall take them to my A%ode0.
For aeons * have %een coming,
And im"arting the teaching
o# the true Sound -urrent.12
(Bha,an of Sant Dariya Sahib)
9ow For The +ong 3ersion
The Ratnagar Rao Theory or Doctrine
@n Sikh legen there are several stories abo#t 8#r# 8obin Singh s#rviving his assassination at <ane
an living a se"ret life #nknown to his is"i.les fro$ that .oint forwar1 in so$e a""o#nts for a few
years1 an in others he is .ortraye as living $any e"aes to a ol age of well over a "ent#ry'
Nor instan"e1 the <a$hari version says 8#r# 8obin Singh live to be one h#nre an forty si/ years
olP @n ea"h of these highly hailogra.hi"al stories so$eone is na$e as being the s.irit#al s#""essor of
8#r# 8obin Singh1 th#s inventing a "onne"ting link between the =enth Sikh 8#r# to one of several
se"ts or instit#tions' =he s.e"ifi" etails1 ates1 lo"ations1 an na$e s.irit#al s#""essors vary fro$ one
a""o#nt to another1 an ea"h of these is highly "onteste an is.#te by historians' =he ;atnagar ;ao
version is another variation on this the$e'
=he ;atnagar ;ao theory is the belief that 8#r# 8obin Singh i not ie on >"tober 7th1 17081 in
<ane1 @nia after all1 b#t allowing everyone to believe he ha .asse on1 in reality he live a se"ret
life in"ognito1 traveling wiely fro$ the (i$alayas in the north to the De""an in so#thern @nia' !s this
a.o"ry.hal story goes1 event#ally the =enth Sikh 8#r# a"6#ire a st#ent by the na$e of ;atnagar ;ao
or ;atanrav1 an at so$e .oint $ae hi$ his s.irit#al s#""essor' =he belief is this hy.otheti"al Sant
;atnagar ;ao wo#l have initiate a st#ent by the na$e of Sha$ ;ao or Shya$rav1 event#ally
$aking hi$ his s.irit#al s#""essor1 an this Shya$rav "a$e to be known as =#lsi Sahib1 who $ove to
Se)era" 4-f7s in a Row 'ou"d Ha)e to Be So to #et Ra.2
*any @NFsE are aboveA @N 8#r# 8obin Singh live on after his assassination1 faking his own eathM''
@N there was so$eone by the na$e of ;atnagar ;ao who was a histori" .erson that really e/isteM'' @N
this ;atnagar ;ao was a is"i.le an s#""essor of the =enth Sikh 8#r#M' @N so$eone by the na$e of
;atnagar ;ao was a Sant an event#ally a..ointe Shaya$rav as his s#""essorM'' @N Sha$ ;ao of
)eshwa royal "o#rt fa$e in )#ne an =#lsi Sahib are the sa$e .erson1 the one who relo"ate to
=he na$e ;atnagar ;ao in "onne"tion with =#lsi Sahib see$s to first a..ear in written for$ only
re"ently in history1 sin"e the late 1340Hs or early 60Hs in the tea"hings or satsang talks of Singh'
)rofessor !ga$ )rasa *ath#r1 one of @niaFs to. historians1 is"#sses this in his book1 ;ahasoa$i
Naith1 ! (istori"al St#yE1 .#blishe in !gra' =ra"ing the ba"kgro#n of the for$ative infl#en"es on
the ;ahasoa$i Naith1 Shri Singh links #. the history of s.irit#al heritage with last Sikh 8#r#
8obin Singh' (e hols that 8#r# 8obin Singh travele far an wie an went to )oona in
*aharashtra an bro#ght in his fol $any a $e$ber of the )eshwa fa$ily' (e .res#$es1 b#t witho#t
any histori"al basis1 that Sha$ ;ao1 the eler brother of Ba,i ;ao )eshwa $#st have "o$e into "onta"t
with ;atnagar ;ao1 a is"i.le of 8#r# 8obin Singh an #lti$ately Sha$ ;ao settle at (athras an
"a$e to be known as =#lsi Saheb' B#t this state$ent is not histori"ally tr#e' 8#r# 8obin Singh ie in
1708' =he sa$e year Sah#1 son of Shiva,i1 be"a$e king of *aharashtra an a..ointe Bala,i
9ishwanath as the first )eshwa in 1717' Ba,i ;ao @ be"a$e )eshwa in 1750 an he was the elest son
of his father (Bala,i 9ishwanath)'E
Cet $e say that1 if any evien"e t#rns #. showing there really was inee a Sant ;atnagar ;ao
so$ewhere in @nian history1 @ wo#l be ha..y to re"ant an share that infor$ation1 .osting any
Shabs or Banis fro$ hi$ online' @ a$ also 6#ite fon of the Sikh s"ri.t#res' @f there ever was a .roven
or reasonable ire"t link between the Sikh 8#r#s an =#lsi Sahib by way of a ;atnagar ;ao1 that wo#l
be fine by $e' +lti$ately1 all *asters are one' *y interest here is in the fa"ts of history1 not a og$ati"
faith-base history where one is "o$.elle to agree with a set of o"trines base on blin faith' =h#s
far1 @ fin no re"or of there ever being a is"i.le of 8#r# 8obin Singh or a Sant fro$ @nia by the
na$e of ;atnagar ;ao'
=ho#gh not $any are aware of this1 Singh hi$self es"ribe the ;atnagar ;ao theory as a bit
#.-in-the-air an ten#o#s at best1 not a "lear-"#t establishe history that links =#lsi Sahib to ;atnagar
;ao or to the Sikh 8#r#s' @t was his noble atte$.t to sort thro#gh a.o"ry.hal tales an $ira"le stories
abo#t =#lsi Sahib1 esiring to aress an obs"#re "ha.ter of @nian history' Singh saiA (istory
is generally written later on1 when noboy any longer knows' @ tell yo#1 @ was going to write abo#t
=#lsi1 a great Saint fro$ the Last' @ wante to fin o#t (is lineage1 in "onne"tion with the life of Baba
-ai$al Singh @ wrote' @ "o#l not fin it' (e was the elest brother Iho was to s#""ee to the throne of
the (#lkar fa$ily' (e left the s"ene1 be"a$e a re"l#se1 an later on t#rne o#t to be a Saint' !n the
se"on brother sat on the throne' @ trie to fin o#t whether his na$e was Sha$ ;ao (#lkar1 b#t his
na$e was also not given in history' Ihat was @ to oOE (fro$ a talk given at =#stin1 Galifornia1
De"e$ber 18th1 13671 also re.#blishe in the De"e$ber 1376 iss#e of Sat SaneshE' See the
;#haniSatsang+S! website')
)erha.s for this reason1 in $y view1 Darshan Singh in his book1 Strea$s of <e"tarE1 i not in"l#e
any $ention of ;atnagar ;ao in the "ha.ter ei"ate to Sant =#lsi Sahib of (athras' (=hatFs a great
book abo#t the lives of $any Saints of the .ast')

Sant Dariya Sahib of Bihar (.i"t#re above) an Sant =#lsi Sahib of (athras (.i"t#re below) ha a
si$ilar a..earan"eA the bare-"heste yogi sitting in the lot#s .osition with a .#ffy bear' <ot always1
b#t so$eti$es s.irit#al s#""essors ao.t a si$ilar a..earan"e an "lothing as their *aster' >f "o#rse
thereFs no har-an-fast r#le abo#t this1 an it is the so#l an inwar state of enlighten$ent that
$atters1 not a..earan"es1 b#t nevertheless itFs "o$$on for there to be styles an "#sto$s #ni6#e to
"ertain regions1 satsangs an ti$e .erios' Shri S#rswa$i ha a si$ilar a..earan"e as Sant =#lsi Sahib
later in life1 wearing his blanket or .at"hwork 6#ilt of $any "olors' (Go$.are the i"on i$ages of both
=#lsi Sahib (oler) an Shri S#rswa$i at the en of this arti"le') So$e of the !gra ;ahasoa$i *asters
ha a istin"tive kinglyE or $a,esti" a..earan"e' =he one "onte$.orary Sant Satg#r# that Sant =#lsi
Sahib $entione in his writings was Sant Dariya Sahib of BiharKo#r one-an-only real "l#e'

So, if it wasn7t Ratnagar Rao, who then cou"d ha)e been Tu"si Sahib7s Rea" #uru1
=here are a "o#.le of very i$.ortant 6#otes that sho#l be in"l#e here'
1) <o infor$ation is available as to when =#lsi Sahib $et a *aster' <or is it known whether he was
initiate into the .ath of the So#n G#rrent (S#rat Shab Doga) while he was still a .rin"e1 or later1
when leaving everything1 he ao.te an itinerant life' (e oes not give the na$e of his *aster in his
writings'E (-';' )#ri an 9'0' Sethi1 =#lsi Sahib1 Saint of (athrasE)
5) =his is an interesting 6#ote also fo#n in the book1 =#lsi Sahib1 Saint of (athrasEA !ltho#gh there
is no ire"t ini"ation on who$ =#lsi SahibFs $aster $ay have been1 there has been so$e .ointe
is"#ssion on the 6#estion' )anit )an#rang Shar$a1 a *arathi s"holar1 in the -#ne 1371 iss#e of
9ivih 8yan 9istarE writes1 Q%=#lsi Sahib& was initiate by a g#r# in the town of (athras1 an #ner
the instr#"tions of his 8#r# in the town of (athras i intensive $eitation'FE
'hat 'e D2 $now
=#lsi was born in 1767 an .asse on in 1847' (e wo#l have been in his teens when Dariya Sahib of
Bihar was still aliveKol eno#gh to have .erha.s re"eive initiation fro$ Dariya Sahib of Bihar or
one of his re.resentatives1 in other wors'
(<oteA @n Sant *at history there was another DariyaA Dariya Sahib of *arwar1 who .asse on in 1748')
Larly in his life =#lsi i e/tensive travelling aro#n @nia' @n the book1 =#lsi SahibKSaint of
(athrasE1 it statesA =#lsi SahibFs works in"l#e wors an e/.ressions of Sanskrit1 !rabi"1 an )ersian
M'' *arathi M' he has freely #se wors of Bra,1 !vahi1 ;a,asthani (*arwari)1 8#,rati1 )#n,abi an
*aithili1 whi"h leas one to "on"l#e that1 like $any other Saints1 he $#st have travelle wiely in
+')'1 ;a,asthan1 8#,rat1 )#n,ab an Bihar'E
How cou"d (anch 9aam initiation come to Tu"si Sahib by way of #uru #obind Singh and the
Sikh "ine of #urus if one of the Fi)e 9ames is missing1
Ihat Sant *at *aster or s.irit#al .ath i =#lsi Sahib re"eive initiation fro$O =his .re-=#lsi Sahib
Sant *at .athE1 if yo# will1 wo#l have #se a rare sa"re te/t "alle the !n#rag SagarE (0abirFs
>"ean of Cove a""oring to Sant Dhara$ Das)1 sin"e =#lsi Sahib i' >ne of their s.irit#al .ra"ti"es
was the re.etition (si$ran) of the Nive <a$es (the )an"h <aa$ $antra)' !CC N@9L na$es were .art
of their $ysti"al vo"ab#lary' (owever1 all five of the na$es are not fo#n in the !i 8ranthE an Sikh
traition' >ne of the na$es is $issing1 so how "o#l )an"h <aa$ initiation "o$e to =#lsi Sahib by
way of 8#r# 8obin Singh an the Sikh line of 8#r#sO
!ll five of the )an"h <aa$ *antras or Nive <a$es are to be fo#n .art of the vo"ab#lary of the
Dhara$ DasB0abir line of *asters' See the o"#$entA 0ar <ainon Diar *ahal *en )iara (aiE1 the
8reat )oe$ of 0abir abo#t the !s"ension of the So#l (See Do#r Belove Cor in the =e$.le of Do#r
>wn BoyE)' (ere it is in two translationsA htt.sABB$ei#$'"o$Bsant-$at-$eitation-an-
The (eo!"e of the Anurag Sagar :Dharam Das%$abir%Dariya Sahib +ine of Masters;
(aving the #nerstaning that Sant Dhara$ Das is the .ri$ary s.irit#al s#""essor of 0abirE is another
"entral tea"hing' =hese are all hall$arks of this gro#.1 the )eo.le of the !n#rag SagarE1 as @ like to
"all the$1 this .re-=#lsi Sahib Sant *at .athE' =hey e/iste in @nia );@>; to the ti$e of =#lsi
Sahib' Sin"e these ele$ents be"a$e .art of =#lsi SahibFs tea"hingKhis Sant *at K$ost likely he
learne of the$ at the feet of his s.irit#al *aster' !s .rofessor *ark -#ergens$eyer .oints o#t in his
book1 ;ahasoa$i ;ealityE1 the !n#gar Sagar is not .art of the Sikh worl' (istori"ally1 .rior to the
ti$e of =#lsi Sahib an ;ahasoa$i1 the !n#rag Sagar was only #se by the Dhara$asi bran"h of
0abir )anth1 a 0abir-relate line of *asters'
Nor $ore on the Sant Dariya Sahib%$abir (anth%Dharam Das ,onnection1 seeA Sant Dariya Sahib
of Bihar1 a =owering Nig#re in Sant *at (istoryEA htt.sABB$ei#$'"o$Bsant-$at-$eitation-an-
Tu"si Sahib7s +ist and Soami Ji Mahara/7s +ist of A"".Time #reat Saints
Dariya Sahib an =#lsi were "onte$.oraries1 for a ti$e1 alive at the sa$e ti$e' Dariya Sahib was the
only living *aster that =#lsi $entione in his writings1 on his list of so$e of the greatest Saints in the
history of @nia' Dariya Sahib of Bihar is $entione $any ti$es in the writings of =#lsi Sahib' )erha.s
this s#ggests a ire"t asso"iation between Dariya an =#lsi Sahib' !fter all1 Soa$i -i *ahara, ha a
si$ilar list' >n his list of all-ti$e great Saints only one na$e was that of so$eone who ha been
"onte$.orary with hi$1 an that was =#lsi Sahib' !n we know that1 in that "ase1 the $entioning of
=#lsi Sahib was 6#ite a signifi"ant "l#e1 sin"e =#lsi Sahib was the fa$ily 8#r#' Soa$i -i an his fa$ily
were all followers an initiates of =#lsi Sahib1 an .art of the (athras Satsang' =h#s1 a si$ilar list of
8#r#s with one "ons.i"#o#s na$e being that of a "onte$.orary *aster $ight be a $a,or .ie"e of
evien"e staring right at #s'
Soami Ji Mahara/7s +ist of A"".Time #reat Saints
=he na$es of so$e of the .erfe"t an tr#e Sants1 Sahs an Na6irs who $anifeste the$selves #ring
the .ast seven h#nre years are 0abir Saheb1 =+CS@ S!(LB21 -ag,iwan Saheb1 8arib Das1 )alt#
Saheb1 8#r# <anak1 Da# Saheb1 =#lsi Das1 <abha,i1 Swa$i (ari Das1 S#r Das an ;ai Das' !n
so$e of the *#sli$ na$es are Sha$s =abre:1 *a#lvi ;#$i1 (afi:1 Sar$a an *#,ai !lif Sani' !
.er#sal of their writings wo#l give an iea of their s.irit#al attain$ents'E (Sar Ba"han )roseE1 Book
>ne1 ! S#$$ary of the =ea"hings of Soa$i -i *ahara,)
2=#lsi Sahib an Soa$i -i were "onte$.oraries1 for a ti$e1 alive at the sa$e ti$e'
Tu"si Sahib7s +ist of A"".Time #reat Saints*2ur 2ne.And.2n"y Rea" ,"ue
Cisten1 > )hool Das1 @ have given o#t the sa$e tr#e se"rets whi"h Sants like 0abir Saheb1 Da#
Saheb1 ;ai Das -i1 D!;@D! S!(@B21 8#r# <anak1 Soor Das -i1 <abha -i an *ira Bai have s.oken
of' =hey1 too1 have "o$.ose si$ilar hy$ns es"ribing the bliss of the highest s.irit#al region1 whose
glory @ also have s#ng1 blesse by the gra"e an the #st of the holy feet of Sants'E (8hat ;a$ayanE)
2Dariya Sahib an =#lsi were "onte$.oraries1 for a ti$e1 alive at the sa$e ti$e'
*y o.inion re$ains1 that the +nknown 8#r# of =#lsi Sahib likely was Sant Dariya1 a s#""essor of Sant
Dariya Sahib of Bihar like Sant =ika Das1 or a relate Satg#r# "onne"ting so$ewhere along the way
ba"k to Sant Dhara$ Das an the Dhara$asi bran"h of 0abir )anth' (See the 8#r# Cineage Ghart
below ill#strating the "onne"tion by to Sant Dhara$ Das') @n any "ase1 the only contem"orary s"iritual
.aster Tulsi Sahi% actually names in his writings is Sant Dariya Sahi% o# ihar, which #or me is a very
signi#icant clue, the only real clue we have #rom his writings.
See the ear"ier b"og entry on the 6#estion of =#lsi SahibFs g#r# A
!lso seeA Sant Dariya Sahib of Bihar, a Towering Figure in Sant Mat History8A

Mahara/ #irdhari Sahib*The 56nknown #uru7 of Radhasoami
History< A S!iritua" Successor of Sant Tu"si Sahib, and Another
#uru of Soami Ji Mahara/
by James Bean

Cink to this arti"le now .#blishe in1 Sa"h 0hanK=he -o#rnal of ;ahasoa$i St#ies1 *S!G
)hiloso.hy 8ro#.A htt.sABBo"s'google'"o$BviewerO
Nor $any years so$e s"holars an others "#rio#s abo#t Sant *at history have been .#::le by
referen"es in ;ahasoa$i literat#re to a living $aster that Soa$i -i *ahara, asso"iate with an
a..arently was very evote to' (is na$e was 8irhari Sahib' (owever1 little was known abo#t this
.arti"#lar 8#r#1 or his a"t#al stat#s in either =#lsi Sahib or the earliest ;ahasoa$i "o$$#nities'
Iith the avent of the worlwie web an a growing .o.#lation of Lnglish-s.eaking @nians getting
online1 in"l#ing evotees of vario#s Sant *at "enters all over @nia1 $any new aven#es of infor$ation
are starting to o.en #.' @tFs now be"o$ing $#"h easier to "orres.on with inivi#als affiliate with
any n#$ber of s.irit#al "o$$#nities in the Sant *at "ategory that1 #. to now1 have been "onsiere
virt#ally #nknown in the Iest' !shra$s affiliate with vario#s 8#r# lineages asso"iate with 0abir1
8#r# <anak1 Da# Dayal1 Shri )ara$hans !vait *at1 Sant Daryia Sahib of Bihar1 Sant =#lsi Sahib1
an a .lethora of ;ahasoa$i "o$$#nities are even "reating offi"ial websites an Na"ebook .ages or
gro#.s' <ew books an e books are being .#blishe' Ieb .ages "ontaining e/"er.ts fro$ rare writings
are a..earing'
@s there evien"e that Baba 8irhari Saheb was a 8#r# in the =#lsi Sahib "o$$#nityO Des there is1 an
a""oring to several ifferent so#r"es an ine.enent bran"hes of Sant *at'
@$age aboveA Sant =#lsi Sahib of (athras1 @nia being fanne by a yo#ng is"i.le by the na$e of
8irhari Sahib (8irhari Cal)' @tFs a"t#ally a .hoto of an i"on at the Sa$ah (to$b) of =#lsi Sahib' !
satsangi affiliate with the =#lsi Sahib gro#. an so#r"e of the .hoto saysA =his is the i$age of
Q)ara$ Sant Dayal Shri 1008 =#lsi Sahib1 (athras Iale an )ara$ Sant Dayal Shri 108 8irhari
Sahib1 Iale'FE =he sa$e i"on is also is.laye at the C#"know Sa$ah (to$b) of *ahara, 8irhari
The Sant Tu"si Sahib Mandir in Hathras, and Sant #irdhari Sahib Mandir of +ucknow
Nro$ $y ire"t "orres.onen"e with vario#s followers affiliate with the =#lsi Sahib gro#.1 @ a$ tol
that 8irhari be"a$e a s.irit#al s#""essor 8#r# of =#lsi Sahib1 fo#ning an ashra$ an s.irit#al
$ission base in C#"know known as the Sant 8irhari Sahib *anir' @F$ s#re 8irhariFs ba"kgro#n
was that of a sah# like the !gra books e$.hasi:e1 b#t "learly1 he is es"ribe by the =#lsi Sahib
satsang as be"o$ing 8#r# s#""essor1 not ,#st re$aining sah#1 initiating re.resentative1 or eler
satsangi brother' (e has been referre to not only as a )ara$ SantE b#t also with ter$s like ShriE1
*ahat$aE1 BabaE1 an *ahara,E by vario#s ashra$s "onne"te with =#lsi Sahib an ;ahaswa$i'
Satsangis fro$ the =#lsi Sahib gro#. tell $e there are five $a,or ashra$ "enters ire"tly asso"iate
with =#lsi Sahib1 one in (athras1 one in C#"know1 an others in nearby "ities' La"h wali or $anir
(ashra$) has a line of 8#r#s #. to the .resent ti$e' @ have .hotos of $any of these 8#r#s1 in"l#ing all
the re"ent ones'

!""oring to so$e o"#$ents Dayal Bagh sent $e awhile ba"k1 the (athras 8#r# (*ahant,iE1 also
known as 8#r# Dayal Das) attene the"on 5010 inter-faith Sant *at event hel in !gra' ((e has
sin"e .asse on1 an the "#rrent 8#r# at the (athras *anir is now Shri *issra Das')

=he #nerstaning that 8irhari was a s#""essor 8#r# in the =#lsi Sahib sangat1 an that he sho#l also
be a"knowlege as a 8#r# of Soa$i -i *ahara,1 is not new' Cet #s e/a$ine what others have alreay
sai abo#t *ahara, 8irhari Sahib of C#"know an Shiv Dayal Singh (Soa$i -i *ahara,1 Sant
;ahasoa$i Sahib)'
=#lasi SahibB=#lsi SahibA ! g#r# of the eighteenth to nineteenth "ent#ries1 who fo#ne a se"t known
as Saheb )anthM' (is "hief is"i.les in"l#e ;a$akrishna1 a she.her1 8irhari Cal1 also known as
8irhari Das1 an S#rswa$i' =#lasi ie in 1845 or 18471 an his is"i.les "arrie on his tea"hings'E
(the entry for Q=#lsi SahibF in the book1 (in#is$A !n !l.habeti"al 8#ieE1 By ;oshen Dalal)

(rofessor Mark Juergensmeyer
*ark -#ergens$eyer in1 ;ahasoa$i ;ealityEA 8irhari Das is es"ribe as being the Q"hief is"i.leF
of =#lsi Sahib1 a ter$ that wo#l #s#ally i$.ly he was #nerstoo as his esignate s#""essor ()rata.
Singh Seth1 QBiogra.hy of Soa$i -i *ahara,F1 .' 108)' !fter =#lsi SahibFs eath1 Swa$i Shiv Dayal
bro#ght 8irhari Das into his ho#se1 Qtreate hi$ with love1 an a""ore hi$ res.e"t #e to a .io#s
*ahat$aF ()rata. Singh Seth1 Biogra.hy of Soa$i -i *ahara,E1 Soa$i Bagh version1 .' 77)'
Soa$i -i *ahara, treate 8irhari Das as his 8#r#1 as well as onate an gave s#bstantial $aterial
s#..ortE to his s.irit#al $ission for a n#$ber of yearsE a""oring to1 =he Biogra.hy of Soa$i,i
*ahara,E1 an a""oring to Daniel 8ol in1 =he Cor !s 8#r#A (ini Sants in the <orth @nian
=raitionE' =here is also another so#r"e1 whi"h we will e/.lore in etail below1 that "onfir$s Soa$i -i
*ahara, attene the satsang of *ahara, 8irhari Sahib for a very long .erio of ti$e'E
Agra Branches of Radhasoami
=here are a few ifferent o"#$ents fro$ !gra ;ahasoa$i so#r"es that es"ribe 8irhari Das as
"hief is"i.le of =#lsi SahabE' @n the sangat or s.irit#al "o$$#nity fo#ne by Sant =#lsi Sahib we
know there were several 8#r#s to "hoose fro$ after =#lsi SahibFs .assing' Nor the ;ahasoa$i
literat#re to .reserve the #nerstaning that Baba 8irhari Sahib in .arti"#lar was the "hief is"i.leE
of =#lsi Sahib1 this likely refle"ts Soa$i -iFs own view of hi$' >f "o#rse Soa$i -i $ay also have
revere other 8#r#s too1 s#"h as S#rswa$i1 who was the ne/t 8#r# at the ashra$ in (athras (not
Soa$i -i at the ti$eP)1 b#t Baba 8irhari Sahib is the 8#r# that Soa$i -i s#..orte an s.ent ti$e
with1 an only he is s.e"ifi"ally na$e1 an es"ribe as "hief is"i.leE in the writings .#blishe by
vario#s ;ahasoa$i gro#.s'
!""oring to the Biogra.hy of Bab#,i *ahara,E (*ahav )rasa Sinha)1 Soa$i -i *ahara, #se to
treat Baba 8irhari Das -iE1 who was one of the "hief is"i.les of Saheb,i or =#lsi Saheb of (athrasE1
as 8#r#'
@n the Biogra.hy of Soa$i,i *ahara,E1 by Cala )rata. Singh Seth1 we reaA 8irhari Das -i was one
of the Sah#s who were followers of =#lsi Saheb' (e was a great evotee an !bhyasi' Soa$i,i
*ahara, treate hi$ with love1 an a""ore hi$ res.e"t #e to a .io#s *ahat$a' Nor a n#$ber of
years1 Soa$i -i loge hi$ in one of (is ho#ses an s#..lie hi$ foo1 "lothing1 et"ME
=he Biogra.hy of Soa$i,i *ahara,E $entions the "ity of C#"know as being the lo"ation where
8irhari s.ent $ost of his ti$e1 an when 8irhari was abo#t to .ass away1 Soa$i,i travele to
C#"know to be with hi$1 an s.ent ti$e with hi$ in intense $eitation' Both the fe$ale is"i.les of
8irhari Das -i "a$e r#nning to Soa$i,i *ahara, an re6#este hi$ to save his 8#r#'E (Biogra.hy of
Bab#,i *ahara,E1 .age 776) =here is even a story tol that Soa$i -i hel.e 8irhari1 at eathFs oor1 to
re"onne"t with the So#n G#rrent1 th#s .ost.oning his eath briefly' (=here is a belief in Sant *at that
at the ti$e of eath the So#n G#rrent1 like the so#l1 begins to withraw fro$ the boy')
So$e intereste in the history of Sant *at fin it to not be a "oin"ien"e that only after Baba 8irhari
Sahib left the s"ene i Soa$i -i *ahara, offi"ially an o.enly began his own s.irit#al $ission base
in !gra1 an soon thereafter began holing a .#bli" satsang (in 1861)'
(!nother 8#r# was ne/t in line at the ashra$ in C#"know after 8irhariFs eath' Nro$ "orres.onen"e
with satsangis affiliate with the C#"know !shra$ @ a$ infor$e that this is the list of their 8#r#sK
the C#"know *anir lineageA Shri 8irhari SahebKShri Dihal SahebKShri Seva SahebKan at
.resent Shri (ari"haran SahebE is the living tea"her at the Sant 8irhari *anir in C#"know')
(rofessor Da)id +ane, Aaron Ta"sky, Haras)aru!a Mathura, and More from Danie" #o"d
Davi Cane in1 =he ;ahasoa$i =raition writesA (istori"ally1 it wo#l be interesting to fin o#t when
8irhari Das .asse awayM %2<>=LA =he 8irhari DasKShiv Dayal Singh "onne"tion1 tho#gh rarely
if ever $entione by Sant $at historians1 has not es"a.e the wat"hf#l eye of ;ahasoa$iFs two
yo#ngest s"holars Daniel 8ol an !aron =alsky' !s =alsky s.e"#lates1 Q! .rovo"ative .ossibility is
that Shiv Dayal i not begin his .#bli" $inistry #ring this interval %1847W1861& either be"a#se he
was sensitive to the stat#s of 8irhari Das as a re.#te s#""essor to =#lsi Sahib or inee followe the
latter in so$e way' Ie "an is"over that the two ha a "lose relationshi.A see Gha"ha,iFs brief
es"ri.tion of this relationshi. %Biogra.hy of Soa$i,i *ahara,&1 .ages 77W73' *ore enlightening1
.erha.s1 is the fa"t that Gha"ha,iFs narration of the ina#g#ration of .#bli" satsang in 1861 i$$eiately
follows his es"ri.tion of the eath of 8irhari' Ninally1 the =#lsi (or SahibE) .anth whi"h evelo.e
after the eath of the (athras Sant asserts not only that Soa$i,i venerate 8irhari1 b#t so$eti$es that
he a"t#ally re"eive his #.esh %instr#"tion& fro$ this so#r"e' See (arasvar#.a *ath#ra1 Bharatiya
Sahana !#ra Santa =#lsi1 o.' "it'1 .ages 416W417'E %!aron =alsky1 =he ;ahasoa$i =raition1 o.' "it'1
.ages 178W173' Daniel 8ol in Cor as 8#r# 1 o.' "it' (.age 553)1 also $entions the 8irhari DasK
Shiv Dayal Singh "onne"tion' 2&E (=he ;ahasoa$i =raition1 ! Griti"al (istory of 8#r# S#""essionE1
8arlan )#blishing1 1335)
=The in#ormation mentioned a%ove a%out Soami 3i venerating !irdhari and receiving s"iritual
instruction #rom him cited %y Aaron Talsky comes #rom a Hindi %ook %y Harasvaru"a .athura called,
4haratiya Aadhana Aura Santa Tulasi, Tulasi Saha%a ki 3ivani, 5acanaom Aura Pantha ka
6ivecanatmaka Adhyayana2, "u%lished %y (ana"ura, Sahitya 7iketana, 89:;.>
The ?@act Death.Date For Sant #irdhari and 'hat -t Re)ea"s
@ re"ently aske so$e is"i.les of the C#"know satsang for the ate of 8irhariFs .assing1 a very
i$.ortant ay for the$1 whi"h they re$e$ber ea"h year' =his is the ate they gave $e' =he e/a"t
eath-ate for *ahara, 8irhari Sahib a""oring to the (in# "alenar is 9ikra$ Sa$vat 1317
Shravan Sh#kla Sa.ta$i1 whi"h translates into !#g#st1 1860' =his ate also "oin"ies with =#lsi Das
-ayati ("o$$e$oration of the birthay of Sant =#lsi Das)' =he ay on o#r "alenar wo#l vary ea"h
year fro$ a ay in late -#ly to so$eti$e in $i !#g#st'
>nly a few $onthsBweeks later #ring the sa$e year1 a""oring to their "alenarA 9ikra$ Sa$vat 1317
(on 9asant )an"ha$i DayA Neb' 14th 1861)1 is when Soa$i -i *ahara, began his .#bli" $ission an
o.en satsang in !gra' D#ring that sa$e .erio1 8irhariFs s#""essor in C#"know1 Shri Dihal Saheb1
began his $inistry as 8#r# at the C#"know *anir' Ihat ha been the one =#lsi Sahib gro#.
asso"iate with 8irhari1 with a satsang in !gra an one in C#"know1 be"a$e two gro#.sA one bran"h
"ontin#ing in C#"know heae by Shri Dihal Saheb1 an the other one base in !gra lea by Soa$i -i
*ahara, (Sant ;ahasoa$i Sahib) event#ally be"o$ing known as the ;ahasoa$i Satsang'
HuAur Mahara/ Rai Sa"ig Ram :,"ose Disci!"e of Soami Ji Mahara/;, Baba De)i Sahab and
Maharshi Mehi Ashram
=his asso"iation of Shiv Dayal SinghBSant ;ahasoa$i Sahib with )ara$ Sant Dayal Shri 108
8irhari SahibE is now ine.enently "orroborate by yet another so#r"eKanother bran"h of Sant
*at' =he following is fro$1 =he Biogra.hy of Baba Devi SahabE1 .#blishe by the *aharshi *ehi
!shra$1 lo"ate at 0#..aghat1 Bhagal.#r1 in Bihar1 "onne"te with the lineage of Baba Devi Sahab
an *aharshi *ehi )ara$hans' @n other wors1 they are not affiliate with the 8irhari Sahib !shra$
in C#"know' =hey barely have any knowlege of the e/isten"e of the C#"know gro#.1 b#t fort#nately
their history has .reserve so$e vitally i$.ortant evien"e'

Baba Devi Sahib1 the evotee who wo#l event#ally .#blish the 8hat ;a$ayanE of =#lsi Sahib1
blesseE as an infant by =#lsi Sahib1 who .rei"te he wo#l be"o$e a great saint (re$ining one of
Soa$i -i being blesse in a si$ilar fashion by =#lsi)1 an grew #. in the (athras "o$$#nity .resie
over by S#rswa$i' !s an a#lt he event#ally s.ent so$e ti$e in !gra' (e was "lose friens with a
;ahaswa$i evotee by the na$e of )a$a Das1 who invite hi$ to the ;ahasoa$i Satsang in !gra1
where )a$a Das intro#"e hi$ to ;ai Saligra$ (Shaligra$E)1 who be"a$e 8#r# there after the
ti$e of Soa$i -i *ahara,A
)a$a Das took Baba Devi to ;ai Baha#r Shaligra$Fs Satsang' =here1 )a$a Das narrate to
Shaligra$ Sahab abo#t his (Baba DeviFs) storyKhis intensifie evotion fro$ the "hilhoo1 e$ise
of .arents in very short %yo#ng& age1 his fir$ eter$ination an in"reasing int#ition to s.en his life as
Dogi in a lonely .la"e' (earing all of these1 ;ai Sahab aske Baba Devi1 QDo yo# know the $etho of
$eitation whi"h yo# want to .ra"ti"e in a se"l#e .la"eOF QDesFKBaba Devi re.lie h#$bly' =hen
Shaligra$ Sahab aske1 QNro$ where yo# have got itOF Baba Devi tol1 Q@ a$ is"i.le of Sant =#lsi
Sahab an he hi$self has blesse $e'F =hen Shaligra$ Sahab be"a$e very gla to hear it an tol
%Baba Devi& that Qyo# were the $e$ber of $y own fa$ily be"a#se1 Sant =#lsi Sahib was $y $ost
reveren'F ;ai Sahab f#rther e/.laine abo#t the asso"iation of his 8#r# ($aster)1 Shiv Dayal Swa$i -i
an Sant =#lsi SahabFs is"i.le 8irihari Das' (e is"lose that his 8#r# Shiv Dayal ,i #se to tell that
he (Shiv Dayal) ha been greatly benefite with the asso"iation of Baba 8irihari Das1 a is"i.le of
Sant =#lsi Sahab'E (=he Biogra.hy of Baba Devi SahabE1 e/"er.te in Lnglish at the Sag#r#*ehi
website on a web .age title1 Cife !n =ea"hings of Baba Devi SahabE)'

Swami Ji Mahara/*Sa)ing the Best For +ast, 9ow, +et7s Tra)e" A Bit Further Back in Time
@n the Sar Ba"han ;ahasoa$i )oetry (Sar Ba"han ;ahasoa$i <a:$ yaani Ghhan banh) of Soa$i
-i *ahara, is a very i$.ortant lengthy se"tion1 Ba"hanBDis"o#rse 511 a kin of book within the bookE
"alle (iayat <a$ah (Lsoteri" @nstr#"tions)1 going into etail abo#t the so#l travel or heavenly
as"ents of Soa$i -i *ahara,' @t re.resents the heart of this essential holy book of the ;ahasoa$i Naith'
(ere Soa$i -i .rovies the following es"ri.tion (7W8)A
4eyond this, there are innumera%le "alaces made o# crystal <sheesh mehal= and diverse s"irits inha%it
them and are settled there in accordance with the allotments made %y the Lord, and they see the
"eculiar mutual dis"lay which is so %liss#ul, and in turn they also esta%lish their own "lays and s"orts.
*n Hindi, these s"irits are descri%ed as /circles o# hamsas1 <"uri#ied s"irits=. The engravings and the
designs carved in these s"heres are to %e seen in order to %e %elieved. The entire dis"ensation and
worksho" there is "urely s"iritual> it is not at all gross or material.
4S"irits dwelling there are characteri?ed %y e+cessive delicacy, su%tlety, re#inedness and "urity> they
don1t have a trace o# "hysical coarseness <kasaa#at= and im"urity. The details o# this s"here are known
only to the #a@irs. A/Full "articulars o# these regions are known only to Sants1B.aheshwari
translation.C To un#old more a%out it is not "ro"er and advisa%le. For a long time the s"irit o# this #a@ir
<i.e. SoamiDi .aharaD Himsel#= sauntered and stayed there and then under instructions #rom the
Teachers and !uides, moved ahead.
8' 4.oving on and on, the s"irit soared u" a%out ; ara% <8 ara% E 8 %illion= and F; crores <8 crore E
8) million= DoDans <really incalcula%le height= and %roke into the realm o# Hahoot or .ahasunn <in Sar
achan, Prose, Part *, "ara 8G, the word Hahoot is used #or Sunn, and not .ahasunn= and sauntered
around it. How shall * descri%e it' For ten %illion miles <again, incalcula%le distance= there is utter
darkness. How shall * descri%e its de"th, e+ce"t to say that #or one khara% <8 khara% E 8)) %illion, i.e.
incalcula%le e+tent= DoDans, the soul descended and yet its %ottom could not %e discovered> then again it
reversed and turned u"ward, and #ollowing the track "ointed %y the sages, the s"irit treaded that "ath
and then it was deemed im"ro"er to determine and #ind out the de"th o# this dark region.
4The surat then moved on02
(=he V#intessential Dis"o#rse ;ahasoa$iE (Sar Ba"han ;ahasoa$i1 )oetry)1 9ol#$e @1 =ranslation
by *' 8' 8#.ta1 *'!'1 D'Citt' Nor$er *e$ber of the Na"#lty of )oliti"al S"ien"e1 !llahaba
+niversity1 *8 )#blishers1 an (#$a Books1 !gra)
=ake note of this .arti"#lar senten"e above by Soa$i -iA 4For a long time the s"irit o# this #a@ir <i.e.
SoamiDi .aharaD Himsel#= sauntered and stayed there and then under instructions #rom the Teachers
and !uides, moved ahead.2
@n the Sar Ba"han wors like Q*#rshiaF an Q8#r#F are translate as *asterE1 8#ieE1 or =ea"herE1
b#t here we have =ea"hers1 8#iesM' in other wors1 a .l#ral for$ of *#rshiaB*#rsheeB8#r#Knot
,#st one =ea"her or one 8#ieA 4Having soDourned there and having enDoyed the glory thereo# #or a
very long time, the s"irit o# this Fa@ir moved on, in accordance with the instructions o# the !uides.2 @n
a .l#ral for$ is how itFs also renere a""oring to another translation by S'D' *aheshwari1 Sar
Ba"han ;ahasoa$i )oetryE1 )art 11 !gra'

The !age from Sant #harib Das7s book, 4Anmo" Bachan8, mentioning that Soami Ji7s Sar
Bachan refers to Soami Ji as ha)ing two #urus< Sant Tu"si Sahib and his successor, Mahara/
#irdhari SahibB
Sant #harib Das, Another ,"ose Disci!"e in the -nner ,irc"e of Soami Ji *The Book of 4Anmo"
Bachan8 :Sometimes S!e""ed 43achan8;
Sant 8harib Das "o$$ente on the above verses of Soa$i -iFs Sar Ba"han )oetry an .rovies #s with
$ore evien"e abo#t 8irhari Sahib1 settling the $atter on"e-an-for-all'
4SoamiDi in his Discourses has said that his surat descended into the dark regions o# .ahasunn %ut
could neither locate the %ottom or the end o# it nor did it #eel it worthwhile to go down any #urther.
Therea#ter, his surat adhering to the signs as revealed to him %y his !urus ascended u"wards. Here
SoamiDi says that it was the inner .ercy o# his Satguru Tulsi Sahe% and that o# .aharaD !irdhari Das
3i whose Satsang he attended #or a very long "eriod o# time.2
Both Sant =#lsi Sahib an *ahara,E 8irhari Sahib were 8#r#s of Soa$i -i *ahara,' Both .rovie
Soa$i -i with inner 8ra"e1 to g#ie hi$ #ring his inwar ,o#rney1 as es"ribe in the .assages
above' (e was a is"i.le of the$ both1 on goo ter$s with the$ both right #. till the en of their lives1
by all a""o#nts'
@ now have three ifferent translations of this key efinitive .aragra.h above fro$ 8harib Das' @
wante to $ake s#re the wor 8#r#sE (.l#ral) is really there in the original an is a soli translation'
!"t#ally the .aragra.h above fro$ 8harib Das1 .l#s the two translations into Lnglish of the Sar
Ba"han verses of Soa$i -i all "o$e fro$ so#r"es in !gra that o not have a .ersonal view of history
an theology s#ggesting to the$ anything abo#t Soa$i -i having one 8#r#1 $#"h less two 8#r#s1 yet1
to their "reit1 thatFs how all three "hose to translate those .assages'
!n$on Ba"hanE is a book of 6#estions an answers by Sant 8arib Das Saheb1 "lose is"i.le of Soa$i
-i *ahara,BShiv Dayal Singh1 an event#al fo#ner of the ;ahaswa$i S.irit#al S"ien"e1 ;ahasoa$i
Satsang1 Sarai ;ohilla1 Delhi' =his ol o#t-of-.rint book1 .asse on fro$ one generation to the ne/t1
has travele 6#ite far to rea"h $e' -#st to know abo#t the e/isten"e of this book1 lo"ate so$eone with a
"o.y1 see so$e .ages fro$ it1 an then getting so$e translations $ae fro$ 8#,arati into Lnglish1 an
(ini into Lnglish1 is no easy task1 beating so$e rii"#lo#s os' Nor this @ a$ gratef#l to those
This is from the book*a )ery rough trans"ation of this !art for now<
4rie# Li#e Summary,
irth date as "er Hindu calendar is the third day o# Sudh "eriod o# the 6aishakh month in the year
89)) <Samvant year, not $estern calendar=, A8HI: ADC>
Place o# %irth, Patiala>
Family, in khatri caste.
irth name, 7arayan Das.
At the age o# nine he le#t home accom"anied %y a Siddha Jogishwara #or seven years, s"ent time in the
cave at .arkand Hill in (ashmir> "racticed the inward Dourney and reached Trikuti, Dasam Dwaar
<the Tenth !ate=.
A#ter that in 89G8 AAD 8HFIC he came to Swami Shiv Dayal Singh and reached Sat Lok and Anami Lok.
He stayed in Hathras and Delhi, did discourses As"read the teachingsC #or around thirty eight years
and initiated around ;,))) "eo"le. Then he le#t the %ody on the nineth day o# 6ad "eriod o# (artik
month in 89FI A898H ADC.2
@t says 8harib Das s.ent so$e ti$e in (athras' *akes sense he wo#l be less s#s"e.tible to enying
(or s.inningB$ini$i:ing) the "onne"tion between Sant =#lsi Sahib1 *ahara, 8irhari Das an Soa$i -i
given his asso"iation with Soa$i -i an a..arent knowlege of the =#lsi Sahib "o$$#nity'
*ore abo#t Sant 8harib DasA 8!;@B D!S -@ >; 8(!;@B D!S -@K! is"i.le of Swa$i -i1 who
rea"he Sa"h 0han #ring his lifeti$e' (e was fro$ the )#n,ab an a brother is"i.le of Baba -i'
=ho#gh a Saint of the )#n,ab1 he .rea"he Sant *at in Delhi1 where he ha so$e followers' (#:#r
*ahara, Sawan Singh -i ha a high regar for hi$'E (-ai$al SinghKS.irit#al Cetters1 ;S Books)
!ltho#gh the is"i.les of Swa$i -i *ahara, rea"he to tho#sans in n#$ber1 yet three of the$ were
$ost .ro$inent' =hey were ;ai Baha#r Saligra$ at !gra1 Baba 8arib Das of Delhi1 an *ahara,
Baba -ai$al Singh -i in the )#n,ab'E (-ai$al SinghKS.irit#al Cetters1 ;S Books)
!s an ine.enent witness re.resenting another istin"t bran"h of ;ahasoa$i an a early is"i.le of
Shiv Dayal Singh1 8harib Das of the ;ahasoa$i Satsang1 Sarai ;ohilla1 Delhi1 is a .ri"eless reso#r"e
for to "larify $any iss#es abo#t early ;ahasoa$i history' (o.ef#lly the whole book "an be
translate an .#blishe' @ s#s.e"t if it is1 it will hel. .ro$ote re"on"iliation an har$ony between
ifferent bran"hes of the ;ahasoa$i Naith1 between those who follow )an"h <aa$ an those who
follow Si$ran of ;ahasoa$i'
Kuick &%servationA =he .assages fro$ 8harib Das an s#""essors (see1 =he Iay >#t @s @<E1 by
Swa$i ;a$ Behari Cal1 ;ahaswa$i Satsang1 Sarai ;ohilla) so far onFt len s#..ort to the belief that
Sar Ba"han )oetry is $ostly a rea"te work of Saligra$1 whi"h is a theory .#t forwar by so$e'
8harib Das see$s to have been reaing the sa$e fa$iliar Sar Ba"han )oetry1 in"l#ing the tea"hing
abo#t ;ahasoa$i <aa$' (e sai1 =he Ior is Soa$i an S#rat is ;aha1 an this har of s#rat that
t#rns ba"k an $erges into the Shab (Ior) sings Q;ahasoa$iF' Ihen yo# sing the na$e
Q;ahasoa$iF1 yo# o the s#$iran of the QNive <a$esF'E (!n$ol Ba"hanE)
=here was the one Sant *at gro#. fo#ne by Sant =#lsi Sahib1 with bran"hes in (athras1 !gra1
C#"know1 an several other "ities' Soa$i,i an ;aha,i were .art of it1 as were their fa$ilies an
e/tene fa$ilies'
(ereFs the "onte/t of the !gra satsang that Soa$i -i "a$e to event#ally leaA 8ra#ally1 =#lsi Sahab
attra"te a large n#$ber of followers an is"i.les fro$ a$ong the high "aste Brah$ins as well as the
low "aste S#ras' =hey "a$e fro$ the .oor "lasses1 as also fro$ the affl#ent' (e #se to visit towns
an "ities in +')' an a$ong his is"i.les were Seth Dilwali Singh Sahab of !gra %Soa$i -iFs father&1
his wife *aha$aya1 his $other1 his $other in-law an sister' =hey were all keen is"i.les of =#lsi
Sahab' (e #se to .ay visits to the$ in !gra1 stay in their ho$e in )anni 8ali1 an hol satsangs there'E
(Lntry for )ara$ Sant =#lsi Sahib in1 ;ahasoa$i Ihite ) on the ;eligion of Sants an
;ahaSoa$i NaithE1 .#blishe by Dayal Bagh in !gra)
*ahara, 8irhari Sahib also was originally .art of the !gra Satsang1 s.ening so$e ti$e there' ()rata.
Singh Seth1 Biogra.hy of Soa$i -i *ahara,E1 .' 77)'
@ o agree with those a""o#nts that es"ribe Soa$i -i as being initiate at a yo#ng age by Sant =#lsi
Sahib1 an no o#bt Soa$i -i i regar Sant =#lsi as his .ri$ary initiating 8#r#1 as evien"e by the
8#r# Bhakti "ontents of his Sar Ba"han'
Ihile there is no evien"e that Sant =#lsi Sahib a..ointe Soa$i -i to i$$eiately ass#$e the gai
in the =#lsi Sahib "o$$#nity ba"k in 1847 at the ti$e of =#lsi SahibFs .assing1 an thereFs no re"or of
that o""#rring1 Soa$i -i "ertainly was hel in high regar1 an i begin to .re.are for his event#al
s.irit#al $ission' !""oring to the so#r"es we have1 Soa$i -i s.ent between fifteen an seventeen
years leaing a "onte$.lative lifestyle1 evoting $#"h ti$e to $eitation in a s.e"ial roo$ within his
ho$e in !gra'
Soa$i -i never "#t hi$self off fro$ the =#lsi Sahib "o$$#nity he ha been .art of all his life however'
D#ring this sa$e .erio between the eath of Sant =#lsi in 1847 an the beginning of the ;ahasoa$i
Satsang in 18611 Soa$i -i not only evote ti$e to $eitation b#t also re$aine affiliate with the
=#lsi Sahib "o$$#nity1 a""oring to several ine.enent Sant *at an ;ahasoa$i so#r"es
o"#$ente above1 asso"iating with *ahara, 8irhari Sahib1 veneratingE hi$ as a Sant1 attening his
satsang1 re"eiving instr#"tion an g#ian"e (#.eshE) fro$ hi$1 oing seva1 initiating a few .eo.le in
!gra as far ba"k as the $i 1840Hs1 being 6#ite involve in both !gra an C#"know satsangs'
!n oler 8#r# groo$ing a yo#nger one1 granting hi$ .er$ission to initiate1 an hi$ to
be"o$e an establishe s#""essor .resiing over his own satsang or ashra$1 even before the eath of the
eler 8#r#1 is a"t#ally 6#ite "o$$on1 an in har$ony with Sant *at .rin"i.als' @ know of several
e/a$.les of this in Sant *at history' @ even know of "onte$.orary living $asters alive right now that
began their s.irit#al $ission $any years BLN>;L the eath of the 8#r#s that a..ointe an $entore
the$' Ihat we fin if we e/a$ine the life of Soa$i -i an his transition to be"o$ing 8#r#1 is that it
was 6#ite nor$al an ro#tine1 the way itFs often one1 es.e"ially in the "o$$#nity fo#ne by Sant
=#lsi Sahib of (athras'
=he referen"es to Soa$i -i having two 8#r#s1 venerating 8irhari1 val#ing his tea"hingsB#.esh1 being
g#ie in higher .lanes (regions known only to SantsEKSar Ba"han)1 being .art of his satsang for all
of those years1 onatingBs#..orting1 oing seva for his "a#se1 treating hi$ as 8#r#1 only beginning his
own .#bli" $ission right after the eath of 8irhari1 et"M' in $y view strongly ini"ates that Soa$i -i
"o#l only have seen hi$ as a Sant1 a'k'a' $aster or worthy s#""essor of =#lsi Sahib' !fter that
s#""essor .asse on is when Soa$i -i *ahara, offi"ially began his own f#ll-ti$e $ission in the "ity of
Nor this reason @ believe an honest res.onse to the evien"e by those "o$$itte to the tr#thf#lness an
a""#ra"y of Sant *at history sho#l be a willingness to re"ogni:e *ahara, 8irhari Sahib as the 8#r#
o""#.ying that ti$e .erio between Sant =#lsi Sahib an Soa$i -i *ahara,' (e sho#l no longer be
o$itte1 nor sho#l =#lsi Sahib be o$itte' Ihatever oneFs view of Soa$i -i $ight beA @n"arnation of
;ahasoa$i1 Svateh Sant (born Saint) or so$e other .oint of view1 $aking this "orre"tion to the history
books re.resents no i$inishing of that lega"y' !t this late ate1 those "lai$ing s#""ession fro$ Soa$i
-i *ahara, (Sant ;ahasoa$i Sahib) $ay have little knowlege abo#t this obs"#re 8#r# of the .ast that
Soa$i -i hel in s#"h high regar1 b#t sho#l at the very least efer to Soa$i -i on this .ointP
R6M-7s 2de to the 6nknown Mursheeds, Sages and #uides
4*n every age, !od1s mercy and "leasure graces their <Saints1= "ure s"irit and %reath. The names o#
lakhs o# <cloistered, secluded, hidden= maDestic s"iritual "ersonages <Saints= whose heads are adorned
and distinguished %y His grace have remained unknown and unsung %ecause they were the cynosure o#
!od who <must have= #elt envious o# their s"iritual grandeur <and chose to kee" them o%scure and
unhonoured as o%scure heroes are unsung=.2 (*athnawi of -alal#in ;#$iE1 9ol#$e =wo1 *'8'
8#.ta =ranslation1 (#$a Books1 !gra)
!lso see1 Baba 8irhari Das Ialks >n IaterEA htt.sABB$ei#$'"o$Bsant-$at-$eitation-an-

'ritten by

=his Civing S"hool of S.irit#ality "alle Sant *at is also known asA =he )ath of the *asters1
S#rat Shab DogaA *eitation on the @nner Cight an So#n of 8o'
(ub"ished in

Sant Mat Meditation and S!iritua"ity
=his Civing S"hool of S.irit#ality "alle Sant *at is also known asA =he Iay of the Saints an
)oet-*ysti"s1 ;ahasoa$i1 an1 =he )ath of the *asters' =he $eitation .ra"ti"e is S#rat
Shab DogaA ?+nion (Doga) of the So#l (S#rat) with the @nner Cight an So#n of 8o

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