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Attention bank of America legal department:

Pursuant to the following documents and instrument numbers recorded on the

aforementioned real property commonly known as: 6215 Gyral Drive Tujunga
CA 91042
APN: 2569-015-012

Arranged chronologically from the most recent document recorded on the
abovementioned property with each succession of documents recorded in the
county recorders office of, Los Angeles California constructing the true and
correct chain of title going back to the first aforementioned deed of trust
executed and recorded on May 19, 1999

Notice of trustees sale referencing trustee sell number 05 SF 110552
caused to be recorded by Regional trustee Service Corp. As a successor trustee
for a deed of trust executed, by vested owner. And trustee of the above
mentioned property recorded at June 14, 2004 as instrument number 04 150-
1449 which was modified under instrument number 05 298-5584 and further
modified as Instrument number of 2008 213-0223 of official records recorded in
the county border Office of Los Angeles state of California.

A notice of default and election to sell recorded 7-18-2011 instrument number
20110955886 caused to be recorded by regional trustee Service Corp. As
trustee on behalf of bank of America N/A as beneficiary referencing the above
mentioned property and the vested owners there in

Modification of security instrument recorded on 120420008 with instrument
number of 2008213-0223 amount of $151,000 in favor of bank of America N.A.
as beneficiary executed by the above mentioned as the owner of the
aforementioned property with dual notary seals fixed on the set document
Modification of deed of trust instrument number 05298 5584 in favor of bank of
America as beneficiary for the amount of $130,000 with tool notary seals are
fixed on the set document executed on 92305

Short form deed of trust instrument number 041501449 executed on June 3, 2004
bank of America as beneficiary for the sum of $100,000 by the aforementioned
vested owners of the sad properly
To be further referenced on the abovementioned short form deed of trust
executed by Six Rivers national bank on May 18, 1999 by truss tours Charles the
ball and Rico Matsushita for the mount of $260,000 with all provisions of the
same remaining intact
In addition the subsequent cause of action is instrument entitled fictitious
deed of trust essentially a blank document caused to record by bank of
America instrument number 991 334924 evidence in the security transfer on the
lean or obligation as set forth on the above mentioned property from Six Rivers
bank to bank of America via wales Fargo bank N/A The afore mentioned list of
documents constitutes a clear and concise chain of title originating by six
Reveres national bank for the month of $260,000 which initiated the foregoing
chain that is being carried forward through the life of this ownership to current
notice of trustees sale Therefore :

Dispute of DEBT

We are writing this document as an official request for
verification of Debt pursuant to the fair debt collection practices
act (15 USC 1692g ) the original vested owner of the above mentioned
property is officially disputing the following cause of action stated
on debt servicing transfer notice of the above mentioned document

Pursuant to the conditions and terms stated in the initial deed of trust there has been no
valid and true assignment recorded evidencing the transfer of lean from three Rivers
national bank to Wells Fargo bank N.A. And further to bank of America bank N.A. This
chain of title must be referenced by the deed of trust and all subsequent modifications
of the deeds as mentioned in the struments by the trustee on the notice of default and
the trustee sale agreement. As stated a true and correct chain of authority to be
exercised in following the foreclosure proceedings as indicated under the California
civil code section 2923.5
Furthermore pursuant to the deed of trust entitled security instrument which was altered
by the bank managers to read deed of trust instrument recorded at 12- 04-2008
instrument number 20082130223 the undersigned trustores did not execute this
document on the aforementioned date, yet a copy of their signatures was extracted
from a previous document and insert it into the abovementioned recorded document.
We have evidenced a variety of other violations on the same abovementioned
documents which we will itemize in their entirety with the lawsuit witch is intended to
initiated against BankAmerica N.A. as beneficiary and fidelity national as the trustee of
the above mentioned property
The imperfect chain of title which is evidenced by this series of modifications of
documents reported incorrectly in haphazardly fashion all of which reference to original
recorded deed of trust from 1999. yet not referenced in any of the foreclosure
proceedings of the of the same
Bank of America N/A remains the beneficiary of all junior leans and therefore the
responsible party to initiate the reaffirmation of debit in accordions to the trastors
There is a long list of transgressions being committed by the beneficiary against the
trustor which constitute a break in the chain of title and therefore does not award the
right for foreclosure by bank of America N/A or their trusty therefore
Therefore we are demanding that you provide proof of the chain of title from the
original lender Six Rivers national bank as the original lender in the trust series throughout
the production of a copy of any current certified promissory note to name
endorsements as governed under UCC article 3- 205 regulations
Please be advised that under the Massachusetts supreme court ruling of U.S. bank vs.
ibanez that a blank assignment is unacceptable proof of assignment in event of
foreclosure of trustee sell i.e. the fictitious deed of trust which is to evidence legal rights
asserted by the recorded deed of trust from Six Rivers bank
Please provide in writing affidavit under penalty of perjury from someone who has
firsthand knowledge of the fact that stipulates the following matters

The debt is valid and no discharge has occurred on the debt

No tax credit was received from the discharge if any of the debt that has not
been paid in full when the lean was secured iced that your company has
authority on behalf of Wells Fargo bank N.A. as well as six Rivers national bank
which includes and references specifically My loan number that gives your
company the authority to collect the debt on their behalf.

An affidavit providing that six Rivers national bank does not under the original
deed have the authority to initiate foreclosure proceedings against my house for
lack of payment

A true and correct deeds executed by the trust or with original signatures affix on
the same. And all subsequent orange and all modifications of the same. to
verify the originality of the signatures and to further be examined four any
alterations of the same

Any and all correspondence with the bank indicating clears communication by
the trustor and the beneficiary as set forth under the California civil code section
2923.5 this will indicate the cause for the declaration of default to the bare and
each declaration to be evidenced by the dates and the signature of the parties
declaring the same
If youre unwilling or unable to provide proof of validation of the debt as requested
above within a reasonable amount of time not to exceed 30 days than it will be
considered as admittance that the chain of the above mentioned title has been
broken and foreclose on the initial deed must have commenced from 1999 therefore it
is hereby acknowledged that the (a for men tend) debit is discharged along with any
and all indebtedness as set forth from the trust pursuant to section 15 UCC 1692 G

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