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-Ç-C-¢√®Ωç 28 -ï-†-´-J 2007 Ñ-Ø√-úø’ £j«-ü¿®√-¶«-ü˛ 2

III. Govinda: Hello, who is it? Sorry I am Raghav: Wait (please). Don't
unable to hear you. There is too hangup yet. I have a
much of noise around here. lot more to tell you.

-Ççí∫x-¶µ«-≠æ-ù 265 Could you be a little louder?

(£æ«™, á´-®ΩçúŒ? O’®Ω’ îÁÊ°pC NE-°œç-
(Çí∫’/ Çí∫çúÕ. Å°æ¤púË
phone °õ‰d-ߪ’èπ◊. ؈’
îª-ôç-™‰ü¿’. Ééπ\úø î√™« íÌúø-´í¬ ÖçC. Éçé¬ î√™« îÁ§ƒpLq
I. Brinda: Hello, this is Brinda speaking. May O’®Ω’ é¬Ææh Gí∫_-®Ωí¬ ´÷ö«x-úø-û√®√?) ÖçC).
I know who you are please. Gopal: I can see that. I will call you back
(£æ«™, •%çü¿ ´÷ö«x-úø’-ûª’-Ø√o†’. in ten minutes.
Ranjan: I'm sorry. I haven't the time right now
to listen to you. -v°æ-¨¡o:
time i)
O’È®-´®Ó ûÁ©’-Ææ’-éÓ-´î√a?) (؈®ΩnçîËÆæ’-éÓ-í∫-©†’. ´’®Ó °æC (É°æ¤púø’ †’´¤y îÁÊ°pC NØËçûª ™‰ü¿’ äéπ ´uéÀhE °æJ-îªßª’ç îËÆæ’-èπ◊-ØË-ô-°æ¤púø’ Ç
Mukta: Hi Brinda, you are speaking to Mukta. EN’≥ƒ™x O’èπ◊ ´’Sx phone îË≤ƒh†’.) Ø√èπ◊. Sorry) ´uéÀh How do you do? Åçõ‰ ´’†
What a surprise! How are things IV. Srinath: Hello, who is it, please? Oh,
Raghav: Look, Revathi, Ranjan has hung up in
Mr.Srinivas. I am driving. Could response ᙫ Öçú≈L?
going? the middle of the conversation.
you call me a little later? ii) °æJ-îªßª’ Ææçü¿-®Ωs¥ç™ nice to meet you
(ã •%çü∆! †’´¤y ´·éπhûÓ ´÷ö«x-úø’-ûª’- (Hello, (or) nice meeting you, glad to meet
á´-®ΩçúŒ. XE-¢√Æˇ. ØËE-°æ¤púø’ (îª÷úø’ Í®´B, -Ø√ ´÷ô© ´’üµ¿u-™ØË
Ø√o´¤/ ؈’ ´·éπh†’. áçûª Ǩ¡a®Ωuç! ᙫ drive phone phone °õ‰d-¨»úø’ Ranjan.)
îËÆæ’hØ√o. é¬Ææh -ûª®√y-ûª you Åçõ‰ ´’† response ᙫ
Revathi: That's very rude of him. When he
nice to meet you
Brinda: You haven't been phoning either. makes a call he never ends it. He
Öçú≈L? ´’†ç èπÿú≈
Srinivas: OK. I will.
phone too
Srinath: I'll call you back/ get back to you goes on talking for hours on end.
(†’´‹y îËߪ’-õ‰x-ü¿’í¬!) ÅØ√™« ™‰ü∆ àN-üµ¿çí¬ ´÷ö«x-ú≈L?
Mukta: The fault is on both sides. But why this myself after I get off from the (Åûª-†™« îËߪ’ôç î√™« Å´’-®√u-ü¿éπ®Ωç. ÉçûË-é¬-èπ◊çú≈ Éçé¬ àN-üµ¿ç-í¬-ØÁjØ√ °æJ-
call now; all so suddenly? vehicle. Åûª†’ phone îËÊÆh á°æp-öÀéà °õ‰d-ߪ’úø’. îªßª’ç îËÆæ’-éÓ-´î√a?
(Éü¿lJD ûª°æ¤pç-C™‰. Ö†o-ô’xçúÕ É°æ¤púŒ (O’èπ◊ ØË-ØË phone îË≤ƒh†’, •çúÕ Cí¬_ØË.) í∫çô© ûª®Ω-•úÕ ´÷ö«x-úø-û√úø’.) iii) ÉçTx≠ˇ ØË®Ω’a-éÓ-´-ú≈-EéÀ Å™«Íí American
phone áçü¿’-éÓÆæç?) Srinivas: It's OK. Phone Ææ綵«-≠æù ´·Tç-îªôç = end a call. Accent éÓÆæç à¢Á’iØ√ ûÁL-ߪ’-ñ‰-ߪ’çúÕ.
iv) Idioms & Phrases èπ◊ àüÁjØ√ •’é˙

Who is it, please?

Öçü∆? ™‰ü∆ à dictionary ¶«í∫’ç-
v) By the way E topic ´÷®Ωa-ú≈-EéÀ ᙫ
– á. ®Ω-´’-ù«-éπ-®˝-®√V, ë«Ø√°æ‹®˝
Brinda: Today is a holiday and I remembered Ñ lesson ™-E È®çúø’ conversations ™ èπÿ-ú≈ -´÷-öÀ-´÷-öÀéÃphone ¢Á÷í∫’ûª÷ Öçúøôç =
you. I thought I'd just say hello to you. ¢Á·ü¿ô ´÷ö«x-úÕ†-¢√∞Ïx ûª´’ Ê°®Ω’, N´-®√©÷ îÁ°æpôç Ringing off the hook.
(Ñ ®ÓV ÂÆ©´¤, †’´¤y Ø√èπ◊ í∫’®Ìh-î√a´¤. í∫´’-EçîË Öçö«®Ω’. a) The phone in the press office has been ring-
àüÓ °æ©-éπ-J-ü∆l-´’E phone î˨») äéπ-¢Ë∞¡ Å´-ûªL¢√∞¡Ÿx îÁÊ°pC ´’†èπ◊ à 鬮Ωùç ´©x- ing off the hook for more information about
Mukta: That's very good of you. ®·Ø√ ÆæJí¬ NE-°œç-îªúøç ™‰ü¿-†’-éÓçúÕ. Å°æ¤púø’ ¢√∞¡x†’ the ministers' involvement in the scam.
´’Sx îÁ°æp-´’-ØËç-ü¿’èπ◊ ¢√úË polite expression.
II. Ravali: This is Ravali speaking. Is it Ç èπ◊綵º-éÓ-ùç™ Ç ´’çvûª’© §ƒvûª í∫’Jç* Ææ´÷-
Consolidated Real Estates Ltd.,
a) Who is it, please? Once again. î√®Ωç éÓÆæç, °ævAéπ Ç°∂‘-Ææ’™ phone -´÷-öÀ-´÷-öÀéà -ï-¢√-•’:
(á´-®ΩçúÕ? ´’Sx îÁ°æpçúÕ) ¢Á÷í∫’-ûª÷ØË ÖçC.
b) Pardon (éπ~N’ç-îªçúÕ). Phone Ææ綵«-≠æ-ù-™ ØË i) ´’† response èπÿú≈, Fine, thank you;
Consolidated Real Estate b) The hospital phone has been ringing off the
(ÉC How do you do? ÅØÁjØ√ í¬F, simple í¬
é¬èπ◊çú≈ Å´-ûªL-¢√∞¡x ´÷ô©’ ´’†èπ◊ ÆæJí¬ N†-°æ- hook with offers of blood donation to save
- ßË’-Ø√?) úø-éπ-§ÚûË Ñ ´÷ô (pardon) Åçö«-´’E ´’†™ How do you do? ÅØÁjØ√ í¬F Öçú≈L.
Rasagna: Yes, it is. What's it please? the baby's life.
î√™« ´’çCéÀ ûÁ©’Ææ’. ÉC éÌç-îÁç formal í¬ ii) Glad to meet you too/ nice to meet you
Ravali: May I have some detailed informa- Å®·ûË Beg your pardon Åçö«ç. Ç Gúøf v§ƒùç 鬧ƒ-úøôç éÓÆæç, ®Ωéπh-ü∆†ç ÉîËa too O’®Ω-†oô’x.
tion about the plots and flats you
c) I'm sorry. I'm unable to hear you. Could you
¢√J Phone ©’ -´÷-öÀ-´÷-öÀéà ´Ææ’h-Ø√o®·.
It's great pleasure meeting you, etc.
are selling?
be a little clearer?
ÉO phone conversation èπ◊ Ææç•ç-Cµç-*†
-O’®Ω-´·t-ûª’-†o plots, flats †’ í∫’Jç-*† ´’JéÌEo expressions. (¢Á·ôd-¢Á·-ü¿öÀ spoken English lesson
(O’®Ω’ îÁÊ°pC Ø√èπ◊ NE-°œç-îªôç ™‰ü¿’. é¬Ææh
N´-®Ω-¢Á’i† Ææ´÷-î√®Ωç É´y-í∫-©®√?) îª÷úøçúÕ)
iii) English ØË®Ω’a-éÓ--´ö«-EéÀ best method-
ÉçéÌç-îÁç Ææp≠ædçí¬ îÁ•’-û√®√?)
Rasagna: With pleasure, of course. But it is d) Could you repeat yourself please? Look at the following sentence:
not a matter to be talked of over 1) Reading as much English as possi-
I couldn't hear you/ catch you. Smoking is bad for health (Smoking Ç®Ó-í¬u-EéÀ
phone. Could you make it to our ble- newspapers, books (starting from
îÁúø’).We can use 'To smoke' instead of the
office any working day between 10 small books and going on to big nov-
(O’®Ω’ ´’®Ó-≤ƒJ îÁ•’-û√®√? O’®Ω’ îÁ°œpçC ؈’
'smoking' in the sentence above. The meaning
and 5? els), 2) Listening constantly to English
does not change.
(ÆæçûÓ-≠æçí¬. Å®·ûË phone ™ îªJaç-îª- ´’†ç Car, two wheeler ™«çöÀN drive îËÆæ÷h news telecasts, 3) watching English
cell phone ™ ´÷ö«x-úø-™‰-éπ-§ÚûË Å°æ¤púø’ ¢√úË To smoke is bad for health (= smoking is bad
í∫-L-T† *†o ´u´-£æ…®Ωç é¬ü¿’ í∫ü∆? O’®Ω’ for health.) movies for American accents.
à working day Å®·Ø√, 10 †’ç* 5 expressions.
market CDs
Write as many sentences as you can, in which
a) Sorry I am driving. Could you call me a little
ÉçûËé¬èπ◊çú≈ ™ î√™«
™°æ© ´÷ office èπ◊ ®√í∫-©®√? leading book shops
the '.... ing' form can be changed into the infini-
later?/ I will call you back some time later.
ÖØ√o®·– ™.
Ravali: Your office is too far off for me and
tive (like, 'to smoke') iv) Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary
I am very busy as working days. (؈’ drive îËÆæ’h-Ø√o†’. é¬ÊÆ-§ƒT phone
îË≤ƒh®√?/ ؈’ O’èπ◊ phone îË≤ƒh†’.) eg: Walking is good for health = To walk is good of current English.
(O’ office Ø√èπ◊ î√™« ü¿÷®Ωç.
É´Fo èπÿú≈ conversations 3 and 4 ™ for health. v) by the by = by the way (used to change
Working days ™ Ø√èπ◊ BJ-èπ◊ç-úøü¿’.)
É™« 'ing' form •ü¿’©’ infinitive ¢√úÕ O’èπ◊ the topic).
Rasagna: That's all right. Just let's know
ÖØ√o®· éπü∆.
where you live and give us a time äéÓ\-≤ƒJ phone ™ disturbances ´©x ´’†ç O©-®·-†Eo sentences ´÷ö«x-úøçúÕ.
when you are available. One of our
i) What is the passive voice of
N†-™‰-éπ-§ÚûË ÅØË ´÷ô©’.
marketing people will visit you and
give you the details, Mrs.Ravali. By
a) Sorry. Your voice isn't clear. Could you
please be clearer?
-v°æ-¨¡o: i) Tony, Sony and Rony go to a hotel. / "Why don't you keep him offered."
an hotel. Can we write as: Why doesn't he be
the by is this your phone number?
àC éπÈ®éÓd ûÁL-ߪ’-ñ‰-ߪ’çúÕ.
(O’ íÌçûª’/ ´÷ô©’ ÆæJí¬ NE-°œç-îª-úøç-™‰ü¿’. é¬Ææh
can we call this to contact you? Ææp≠ædçí¬ îÁ•’-û√®√?) ii) I am having a one rupee note kept offered by you.
(àç °∂æ®Ω-¢√-™‰ü¿’. O’È®-éπ\-úø’ç-ö«®Ó à b) I hear some noises over the line/ The line ÅE Lifco Dictionary ™ ÖçC. ii) Can we say "I have a pen" as I am hav-
time ™ ®Ω´’tç-ö«®Ó îÁ°æpçúÕ. ´÷ mar- isn't clear/ your voice isn't clear. Could you Having possession
†’ ™ ¢√úø- ing a pen.
keting Æœ•sç-C™ á´®Ó äéπ®Ω’ O’ disconnect and call/ try again?
èπÿ-úøü¿’ éπü∆-! N´-Jç-îªçúÕ. –- G. v°æ¶µº’-ü∆Æˇ, éπKç-†-í∫®˝
(Line Åçû√ íÌúø-´í¬ ÖçC. phone °õ‰dÆœ ´’Sx
ü¿í∫_-®Ωèπ◊ ´≤ƒh®Ω’. ÅEo N´-®√©÷ É≤ƒh®Ω’ – >. ¨¡çéπ®˝, Í騡-´-°æôoç
®Ω´R. -Å-CÆæÍ®. ÉC O’ phone number
éπü∆? Ñ number ûÓ O’èπ◊ phone
phone îËߪ’çúÕ/ v°æߪ’-Aoç-îªçúÕ.)
disconnect = ûÁ©’-Ææ’-éπü∆. phone °õ‰d-ߪ’ôç.
-ï-¢√--•’: i) Why don't you keep him offered?

i) A hotel correct.
Ñ sentence èπ◊ -Å®Ωnç -ûÁ-L-ߪ’-ôç -™‰-ü¿’.
phone °õ‰d-ߪ’ôç/ phone ™ ´÷ö«x-úøôç ÇÊ°-
Ravali: Yea. That's the number. I am always An hotel - old usage -
Å®·ûË DEéÀ passive form: Why is he not
ߪ’-ö«-EéÀ ÉçéÓ ´÷ô, hang up (disconnect). É°æpöÀ ¢√úø’-éπ™ ûª°æ¤p.
(isn't he) kept offered by you?
available on the number. ii) éπL-T Öçúøôç ÅØË Å®ΩnçûÓ am having/ is hav-
Ranjan: Is that all or have you any thing more
(Å´¤†’. ÅüË Ø√ number. Ç number ii) I have a pen - correct.
to say? I am in a hurry. ing/ are having, correct English usage ™
™ ØËØÁ-°æ¤púø÷ Öçö«†’.) (ÅçûËØ√, ÉçÍé-´’Ø√o îÁ§ƒpLq Öçü∆? ؈’ ÆæJ-é¬ü¿’. I have a one rupee note, correct.
Rasagna: Thank you.
ûªy®Ωí¬ ¢Á∞«xL) - M. SURESAN

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