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Ten Shocking Scriptural Lies That Have Changed America!

1) Hate the Sin but Love the Sinner

2) All Sins are Equal in the Eyes of God
3) Doing Good to our Enemies
4) Unconditional Forgiveness
5) Judging Others
6) Works
7) Jesus and the Law
8) The Gospel of Love
9) The Purpose of Prayer
10) What Would Jesus Do? (WWJD)
Misconception # 1
Hate the Sin but Love the Sinner
How many people in this world have you ever - hated? I know of some people I dislike - but
hated? If we are to love, as God loves, are we not to hate as God hates? But you say, "God is all
love, He never hated anyone" - or did He
Today, regardless of the issue, "hate" is the buzz word used by virtually everyone who disagrees
with another person. When honest differences cannot be discussed intelligently, a picture is often
portrayed of the sinner being a victim of the sin, instead of its evil author. In this case hate is
more than likely the scapegoat. Although saint and sinner alike are equally guilty of this same deception, to disagree with
another person is not by any means hateful.
Modern day use for the word "hate," which is closely aliened with tolerance, started as a deflection of truth by sodomites
who promote the homosexual lifestyle and is purely an attempt to redirect the issue to a discussion that is more
defensible on their part. Although the term "hate crime," was invented for this purpose, as with the word "choice," it is
totally deceptive and destructive to the furtherance of honest debate and pro-life / profamily ministry efforts. The old
proverb, "When the good are overly merciful to the bad, the good eventually become the bad," comes to mind. For some
time churches have been doing whatever they could to convince believers we should always "turn the other cheek," to
avoid controversy, like the great SINS of our day, abortion, sodomy, adultery, divorce, gambling, pornography, addictions,
political liberalism, etc., to do anything else would be . . . it would be . . . hateful - wouldnt it? Biblical references to Gods
wrath and anger are too frequent to easily be counted. But in order to understand Scripture and Gods instructions we
must begin by acknowledging a universal law of Christianity and three laws of hermeneutics (the science of
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The Universal Law of Christianity is that a statement by Jesus Christ (Son) cannot contradict a Law from God (Father).
To state otherwise is heresy. Anyone who makes such a statement is acting completely contrary to Gods will,
deliberately lying, or completely stupid - dont believe them! The first law of hermeneutics is to examine what the text
actually says. To do this, there are times when we must go beyond the English text in order to understand what was said
in the original language, the Hebrew of the Old Testament or the Greek of the New Testament. This will require a
Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. The second law is to examine the immediate context in which the
passage is found. What is the subject discussed? The third law is to examine the whole analogy of Scripture, meaning,
the entire context of the document being studied.
Take the word "hate." (Luke 14:26) - "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his mother and father, wife and children,
brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also He cannot be my disciple." Common sense tells us this does not mean
we are to literally hate our parents and everyone else, thats crazy. So what does it mean?
First Law - Although "hate" in Old Testament Hebrew means "personally," in New Testament Greek it means to "love
less." We are to love everyone less than we love God - same word but two different meanings.
Second Law - What is the subject? The term "hate the sin but love the sinner" is a paraphrase taken from a letter by St.
Augustine, giving instruction for discipline to a religious order of nuns. It was never meant as a panacea to serve in place
of punishment for a wrongdoer! In the commonly referred to pro-life verses of Psalm 139:1-18, David lists a stirring
message of Gods perfect knowledge of man. But have you ever read the continuing verses 19-22,? "Oh God, if only you
would destroy the wicked! Get out of my life, you murderers! They blaspheme you; your enemies take your name in
vain. O Lord, shouldnt I hate those who hate you? Shouldnt I despise those who resist you? Yes, I hate them with
complete hatred, for your enemies are my enemies." In the Hebrew version of these verses David states he personally
and extremely did not "love" Gods enemies. Again in Hebrew translation, Mal 1:3 states also that God did not love Esau,
"Yes I have loved Jacob, but Esau I have hated." Additionally, 2 Chronicles 19:2 asks in a condemning tone, "Should you
help the wicked and love the Lord? Therefore the wrath of the Lord is upon you." In Proverbs 6:17 God also states in
Hebrew that He hates, not only shedding of innocent blood, but the person (human form) that was responsible for the
evil! Psalm 5:6-7 states, "The boastful shall not stand in your sight; You hate all workers of iniquity. You shall destroy
those who speak falsehood; The Lord abhors the bloodthirsty and deceitful man," - including the abortionist. Proverbs
14: 17 states, "And a man of wicked intentions is hated." Proverbs 8:13, "And the perverse mouth I hate." We cannot
address sin without affecting the sinner. An evil spirit needs a body to occupy. It will not be the sin that is sentenced to
hell at the Judgment, it will be the unrepentant sinner.
Third Law - The Bible as a whole universally condemns looking at another person with an unloving heart, but there are
instances where hating is justified as in the examples listed above. So the word "hate" can mean one thing in one
paragraph and something entirely different in another.
In your life you will always love something and hate something. We can talk all we want about overcoming evil with good,
but unless we have a holy hatred for evil, we will never overcome it with good. Most believers say they love the Lord but
do not hate what He hates. God is holy; therefore, He cannot tolerate evil in any form - sin or sinner. An unrepentant
sinner (regardless of a verbal conversion) cannot dwell in heaven with a holy God! If our love for the Lord is sincere, then
we will learn to hate everything that competes against Him.
The question is whether you will not only love what God loves but hate what He hates. What you love is a clue to what
you hate, and what you hate is a clue to what you love.
To touch the Lord is to have mercy on the multitudes and hatred toward their oppressors. Holy love and holy hatred are
gifts from God and fueled by the other. The term, "hate the sin but love the sinner," is man made, not part of Scripture,
and a tool from Satan to hamper the defense of the defenseless and the cause of Christ!
Misconception # 2
All Sins are Equal in the Eyes of God
Someone is quoted as saying, "A lie can travel halfway around the world while truth is still trying
to put its shoes on," which leads me to discuss the following e-mail I received: "Let me say right
up front, sin is sin in God's eyes. No sin is greater than another, whether it be the sin of murder,
adultery, stealing, lying, gossiping, or gluttony."
First of all, there is not a great deal to be said about such a statement without being rhetorical.
The whole analogy strikes in the face of civilized thought that is so basic to Christian teaching it hardly begs discussion.
If such a claim were made law, our country would obviously go into a state of anarchy.
This insane thought is simply more rhetoric used by many modern day churches to defuse their responsibility in
preserving mandates given by God. In an attempt to justify noninvolvement in controversial issues, most churches and
some entire denominations have abandoned entrusted laws of morality and civil decency in favor of a misguided sense
of compassion by "leveling the playing field" regarding various sins. As insinuated by the previous writer, why fight
abortion if it is no worse a sin than gossiping?
The Christian Church has been invaded in recent years by a theology that is totally foreign to the teaching of basic
Christianity. Half of those who attend church have either had a divorce, are "shaking-up" or have committed adultery,
have a gambling, alcohol, or pornography addiction, have been involved in an abortion, or have a friend or relative who
is a sodomite, and only God knows what else. For fear of offending these people and loosing contributions, clergy "level
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the playing field" regarding these and other traditional evils. Very rarely are specific sins such as just mentioned
discussed within our churches. But if discussion becomes unavoidable, the implication is brought that the person
committing one of these offences is no worse than those guilty of gossiping or gluttony. Its again being willing to tolerate
sin in the camp for thirty pieces of silver.
Most deception used to substantiate this equality of sin is taken from Pauls statement in Romans 3:23, "For all have
sinned and fall short of the glory of God." The Greek meaning for sinning is to literally "miss the mark" and "not share in
the prize." This analogy is derived from ancient archery contests where the person who "missed the mark" was referred
to as "sinning," and therefore, would "fall short of the glory of the prize," and thats all that it means! The verse has
nothing to do with sins being equal in "Gods eyes," it only infers that all of us have "missed the mark" from time to time.
We worship a holy God - not a "good-buddy." It is impossible to research scripture without acknowledging the fact that
God promises to punish unrepentant sin. Are all sins equal in the eyes of God? No, in fact, they are extremely unequal! It
is also a fact that God clearly orders, in the great book of Leviticus, punishments to be imposed according to the severity
of the sin committed. First Corinthians is specific in mentioning various sins that keep an unrepentant sinner from the
Kingdom of God, indicating a degree of punishment according to the sin. Murder is a sin and gluttony is a sin, but these
sins carry with them very different consequences and therefore different punishments.
We often question why our prayers are not answered regarding an end to the many great evils of our day. The answer is
because God is not only loving but also just, and punishes crimes according to the severity of the evil committed! "For
whatever a man sows, that he will also reap" (Gal 6:7). If He finds us unworthy, He will not save our society as He did not
save His Old Testament Church that fell captive to Babylon.
Common sense tells us there must be different penalties imposed for different crimes, and all civilized governments
direct such penalties. Crimes such as murder carry with them a greater degree of punishment than, for example, that of
gluttony. It is always a sin to cooperate in evil, but the gravity of the sin depends on the nature of ones cooperation. As
an example, the driver of the "get-away" car may be guilty of a crime, but not as much so as the person who robbed the
bank and shot the teller.
I heard a gentleman who was involved with prison ministries say, "I never discuss their crimes, because we are all
sinners in Gods eyes." Although his statement is true, such an analogy is deceptive and misleading if used to "level the
playing field" of the crime committed. Some of the prisoners referred to are in prison for stealing bread, while others may
be on death row for murder. For the betterment of civilized society, government directs punishment according to the
degree the crime has on society. God does the same and so must we!
The current day philosophy of "how much can I get away with and still go to heaven," is not rational nor is it consistent
with Christian theology. There is a new "evangelism movement" within church today, Catholic and Protestant, to remove
any specific sin from the Gospel which could cause controversy or disagreement within the church body, and that only to
"believe" is enough. I sat in church services and heard the pastor shockingly and ignorantly say, "Sin will not keep you
from heaven. Christ did it all," an implication that there is sin in heaven. I heard a Catholic priest say, "If you are worried
about salvation, dont be. Just go home and be good to each other, then you will have nothing to worry about." To speak
against sin is now considered in most churches sin itself! Millions know Christ "died to save sinners," yet do not know
what sin is, and that once having accepted Christ they need to prove their acceptance by living a life of obedience to
Gods Ten Commandments, otherwise their "acceptance" was obviously not sincere.
Sin is at the center of the Gospel of Christ, and if not disciplined correctly a theology of Freud is promoted (not
Christianity) where responsibility for ones actions becomes irrelevant. To preach that the act of slaughtering unborn
children or to deliberately spread AIDS throughout our country is no worse a sin than overeating, is a detriment to any
ministry fighting to counter these evils, and an abomination to the cause of Christ!
Misconception # 3
Doing Good to our Enemies
You are one among hundreds of thousands of inquisitive, hopeful, sick, and religious people who
have followed this strange holy man through the Judean countryside for many days. There have
been healings of every type of disease, casting out of demons, and truth never heard before. The
overwhelming crowd is tired and hungry, and the man you are following can be seen from a distance
to pause, look around, and proceed to climb to the top of a nearby hill. He turns toward the vast
audience, sits, and you listen as He begins to speak. For some reason everyone is able to hear His
message regardless of the space.
"Blessed are the poor in spirit..... You are the salt of the earth.... You have heard that it is said an eye
for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.... But whoever slaps you on you right cheek, turn the other to him also... "Give to him
who asks you, and from him who wants to borrow from you do not turn him away" (Matt. 5). "Wait a minute," you say to
the person sitting near by, "that doesnt make sense." Then some time later this same man was heard to say to a Roman
official who was questioning him, "If my kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I would not be
delivered to the Jews" (John 18:36). But isnt this a contradiction of what this person they call Jesus meant in His
message to the multitudes? No it is not! Contrary to passive messages taught in most churches today, at no time in
recorded history has a major dispute been settled by doing good to an enemy! This falsehood, which was never
stated by Jesus, is one of the most misused teachings within current day theology and is a hindrance to a civilized
society and pro-life / pro-family efforts. In fact, I have never known anyone who actually practiced this ridiculous rhetoric.
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Jesus lifestyle, actions, use of hard teachings, and direct language does not exemplify that of a pacifist. His great
oratorical statements described in Matthew are no different!
But how then, do we explain Jesus apparent statement in Matt. 5:44, "I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who
curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you?" Common
sense tells any sincere student of Scripture that this verse cannot mean as it appears to be written. The accepted view
among biblical scholars is that such an approach (with parallels Buddhism) would be unrealistic and unworkable! It is
important for Christians to realize that if a New Testament quotation by Christ seems to contradict the greater part of
Holy Scripture, the reader must be interpreting the quotation incorrectly. Jesus has no authority to contradict His Father.
Such is the case with many of these "new age" theological clichs we experience today. The oldest Greek manuscripts
of the New Testament, the Alexandrian text, does not mention "bless those who curse you, do good to those that hate
you." The Alexandrian text reads, "But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." The
remainder of the quotation has been added by man!
The Beatitudes (Sermon on the Mount) addresses social, moral and personal issues; it is not addressing governmental,
corporate, or constitutional matters. An examination of the text will show that Jesus is talking about "personal
vengeance, revenge, or vindictiveness," which is not to be confused with "justice," a subject referred to throughout
Scripture numerous times. It is not "vengeance or justice" which is proscribed, but "personal vengeance." Not a
Commandment, but a lifestyle guideline for happiness, and definitely not meant as an excuse to not defend our life,
country, or culture from moral evils of our day. We are to be kind, as much as possible (Romans 12:18), and pray for
people we may disagree with, not because we want these people to prosper, but because actions of other people affect
our lives.
A similar error exists concerning the term "turn the other cheek" (Matt.5:39). Suppose someone has attacked you and
slashed one side of your face with a knife. He is arrested and the court calls for your testimony. In rendering the verdict
the judge leans toward you and says, "Sir, it is my decision, that you turn the other cheek and let the perpetrator work
on that side for a while." There must be something wrong with this decision - but what? The answer is common sense,
its not the Judges cheek that he is turning, its somebody elses cheek.
When sending out His disciples Jesus instructed them regarding how they should act when coming in contact with fellow
believers. If the disciple treated a believer unfairly or offended him, and the believer retaliated by slapping the disciple
across the face, the disciple was instructed to "turn the other cheek" because the disciple was guilty of an offence. This
does not mean, however, that He intended for evil people to abuse us. To the contrary, Jesus didnt send out wimps. If a
Christian is wronged or slapped across the face by an unbeliever he should "turn the other cheek" to the oppressor in an
act of defiance-not submission! There is no such thing as "violence begets violence," if the first act is violence, to
respond is not vindictive, but justifiable defensive retaliation. "Loving our neighbor" Augustine wrote, "will sometimes
require using force against aggression."
Then there is Matt.5:40-42, "If someone wants to sue you and take away your tunic, let him have your cloak also." The
indication here is that the lender is being greedy. Jewish theology considered a "giving of the cloak," to signify nudity,
which was viewed as bringing shame on the viewer, not the naked person (Gen.9:20-27), and a way of chastising the
greedy person rather than some phony sense of compassion. "And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him
two." Roman law at the time of Christ allowed soldiers to demand that inhabitants of occupied territories carry shields,
armor, and equipment for them the distance of one mile, to "go with him two," would result in a penalty for the soldier.
The implication to "go with him two," was Jesus way of placing criticism on an unjust Roman law-nothing else! An
example of this law was when Roman soldiers pressed Simon into service to carry the cross for Jesus. Finally, does
Matt.5:42 allow you to expect a Christian bank president to loan money interest free? Hardly, because its not his money;
its somebody elses money.
Voters of Austria were faced with a problem in 1938 regarding whether they should vote to have their nation taken-over
by Adolph Hitler or resist. Only .25% voted against the take-over. The remaining 99.75% voted to allow Nazi control.
Little is remembered of those whose loved peace more than freedom and ended up loosing both. History remembers
them as cowards. Christians who stood by silently and "did good to their enemy," have lived and died with the worlds
and Gods judgment that where evil was present - they were strangely silent! In the Old Testament, God treated His
enemies harshly, but justly, and Jesus (being part of the Trinity) was there with His Father and was fully in agreement
with Him! The suggestion, "Do good to our enemies," is simply another misapplication of Gods Word by cowardly people
who ignorantly, and in some cases deliberately, misquote Scripture in order to avoid righteous confrontation to defend
the Gospel of our Lord!
Misconception # 4
Unconditional Forgiveness
Some years ago I was asked to participate in, and accepted, a position on of the Board of
Directors of a large pro-life organization. During my short tenure I experienced a fellow director
who was not forthright with the overall membership. In fact, she was responsible for a great deal
of unpublicized harm to the organization. After confronting our Board with information to no
avail, I eventually resigned my position. Later this person appeared at a function I had the honor
of hosting and offered her hand in friendship - but I refused. The reason I did this will become
evident as you examine this message.
Forgiveness is one of the most misunderstood doctrines, and along with love, contributes to 99% of todays church
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messages. There is even an organization called the National Forgiveness Institute, located in Madison, Wisconsin.
Almost all letters I receive from those who refer to themselves as Christians, and condemn me for one reason or another,
mention unconditional forgiveness as an all important cornerstone of their faith. But the practice of this false virtue is not
part of scripture. I know of a man who relates the story of a mother and daughter who came out of an abortuary at which
he was ministering, and as he approached them the mother said, "We are born again Christians, and my daughter has
already begun the repentance process." Even before the baby is killed, she began the repentance process." God save
us from this kind of false Christianity!
The unconditional forgiveness approach we are experiencing today is an attempt to find a way to escape reality of the
moment and hurts of the past. It is a sacrifice of truth for personal absolution. The implication is that if Christ teaches us
to forgive everyone, then we should not take action against those who kill unborn children, spread AIDS, promote
pornography, and a host of other crimes against humanity.
The Greek term for forgiveness means to "lay-aside," which is a different, and less forgiving meaning than the word
absolution. When applied to Luke 17:3-4, "If another believer sins, rebuke him; then if he repents, forgive him. Even if he
wrongs you seven times a day and each time turns again and repents, forgive him," this verse takes on a specific
meaning. It is addressed to believers, (not everyone in general) and specifies repentance as the all important criteria for
forgiving. Without repentance the believer is to be rebuked - period! Remember, only one criminal that was crucified
beside Christ was promised salvation, the one that repented! For a Christian to forgive a deliberate sinful act without
repentance is to condone evil and is sin itself. When people bowed down and humbled themselves before idols, God told
Isaiah, "Do not forgive them" (Isaiah 2:9). No where in Scripture does God indicate that forgiveness is justified
without need for repentance, and if thats good enough for God it should be good enough for us! Forgiveness
can only be experienced by those who honestly admit they need it. As is recorded in Psalm 51, David, who was
responsible for the deaths of some 2000 fellow soldiers in his adulterous lust for Sauls daughter, asked God for
"Have mercy upon me, O God, according to Thy loving kindness: according unto the multitude of Thy tender mercies blot
out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from sin. For I acknowledge my
transgressions: and my sin is ever before me."
The Greek meaning for repentance is "regret," to "think differently," and most notably - change! Many statements of
repentance are nothing more than thinly veiled sidesteps to avoid pain resulting from harm someone has done and
consequences resulting there from. Repentance means more than remorse for getting caught. While offenders cannot
un-spill the milk, they can help clean up the mess they have made. Although it may be impossible at times to know
whether repentance is real, we can look for evidence. A truly repentant person will confess wrong, offer no excuses, ask
for forgiveness, and accept results. If there is little or no evidence of these criteria being met, an avenue for legitimate
forgiveness does not exist - and is not warranted!
Sometimes forgiveness is justified when the offender did not know what they were doing at the time. "Father
forgive them for they know not what they do" (Luke: 23-24). This is often true of little children or the spiritually
immature. God does not, however, forgive at the expense of His justice. He does not command us to assist and
help people who are deliberately and unrepentantly committing wicked acts - Sin. To the contrary, II Chronicles
19:2 states, "Should you help the wicked, and love those that hate the Lord. Therefore, the wrath of the Lord is
upon you."
Sometimes forgiveness requires us to forgive over and over again, as illustrated above in Luke 17:3-4 and Mt.
And sometimes we are required to withhold forgiveness for sake of the one who has harmed us and society in
general. In this case it is the responsibility of a wounded Christian to act. If the wound comes from a believer, we
are instructed (as stated earlier) to rebuke him, which is to be in best interest of the brother or sister who harmed
us. From a Christian perspective, to hold people accountable for their actions is a way of honoring them, and
shows they are important enough for us to take their actions seriously. To not forgive should not be confused with
bitterness, which is destructive.
But nothing is worse for the offender than to be allowed to go on in his or her sin unchallenged and uncared for until led
into the judgment hall of God!
When someone is forgiven, God does not suspend the natural law of sowing and reaping, nor does He forgive so all
consequences of our sin can be removed. He removes guilt and shame, but not scars and consequences with which we
must live! Leaving vengeance in the hands of God is not to deny justice against those who have harmed us. King David
received forgiveness from God but paid an awful price in the death of his son, family discord, and national turmoil (2
Sam. 12:13-23).
Contrary to modern theology God does not forget our sins. In Jeremiah 31:34, "I will forgive their iniquity and their sin I
will remember no more," the word "remember," in Hebrew, means "mention," a much different meaning. God does not
teach us to forget, but rather not to hold sins against one another. God did not forget the sins of Adam, Eve, Abraham,
Moses, David, Rahab, Paul, Peter, and other forgiven people.
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While it is necessary to love in order to show Christ-like forgiveness, it is not necessary to forgive in order to show
Christ-like love. The "I forgive you for my own sake" attitude that advocates forgiveness for purely personal therapeutic
selfish reasons is based on wrong theology. The danger is this rhetorical "sleight-of-hand" undermines the loving
forgiveness taught in the Bible to a self-centered act of self-protection. In many ways it is seen as an unconditional
offering of pardon that says, "No matter what you have done to me, I forgive you." One in which cowardice and apathy
receive absolution, while the perpetrator feels justification, thereby allowing evil to be condoned at the expense of the
I saw this quote the other day from a person who was shot in the head and left for dead, "I forgive him for shooting me. I
do it for me, to go on with my life." Although this popular form of emotional therapy, (a forgiveness grounded in me-ism),
has run rampant through our churches and society in general, its as ungodly as the "Golden Calf." Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a
Protestant theologian killed by Nazis called it "cheap grace."
In my many years of ministry I have never experienced forgiveness from any Christian pastor, priest, or profamily leader.
I am also certain the vast majority of clergy do not actually believe what they preach concerning this virtue, and people
who populate their churches feel likewise. In fact, most Christians with whom I have had a disagreement have not
prayed for me to "see the light" if they felt I have wronged then, but made every vindictive effort at their disposal to
destroy our ministry. Here is a typical example: "As a practicing catholic all my life I am infuriated at your unjustified
hatred for people who live a life-style you do not agree with. My religion is about reconciliation and forgiveness for all
Gods people. I will do everything possible to tell my friends about your intolerant ministry and convince them to not
financially support you."
"None of my clients ever turned the other cheek," said an attorney representing families of murder victims at the hands of
a serial killer, "none of them ever forgave him." A Christian NASCAR owner wrote to a clothing store catalog publisher
who promoted sexually implicit material in their advertising, "I intend to work diligently to make as many Americans as
possible aware of your sexually provocative advertising campaign and to encourage them to boycott . . . My hope is your
business will indeed suffer as a result." Did we forgive Timothy McVeigh for his Oklahoma City bombing of a Federal
building? What do you think will happen to terrorists that work to destroy our country? "Those who forgive unrepentant
evildoers," says Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby, "make the world not a better place, but a worse one."
As a foreign missionary stated at a church I attended, "How is it that I see an apparent spiritual awakening, a revival of
sorts, super-churches, tremendous television and radio ministries, great crusades and conferences, and thousands of
people coming to them, and still the whole moral fiber of our country is continuing to slip?" We must be careful that our
mercy is in the best interest of the other party and not merely a self-deceiving effort to avoid confrontation. Poor theology
has taught us to forgive when we think it is in our best interest. God wants us to forgive when it is in the best interest of
Misconception # 5
Judging Others
One of the most dangerous evils we can con ourselves into believing is the abandonment of
profound truths on which civilized society has always been based. Such is the modern day
illusion associated with the term, "judging." As sheep mindlessly follow the shepherd, the word
"judge," in sheep talk, means not to - think!
Today, if there is one action that is certain to ignite anger in the hearts of an atheist toward a
Christian, it is the act of judging, which is also known as intolerance. Through the many years of
my ministry, I have been accused numerous times by believer and nonbeliever alike, of the
horrible act of "judging." "Who am I to judge," they say to me about my remarks concerning abortion and other great
evils, "Jesus never judged anybody." They turn their heads and make excuses for not confronting wickedness within our
society, passively referring to them as political topics or personal private matters, rather than sin. To think, discern,
reason, and make decisions regarding right and wrong based on Gods Commandments is considered mean spirited,
intolerant, not Christ-like, hateful, and the all-inclusive offense of - judging!
When we start to tell the message of salvation, the cross, and resurrection, we hear, "What is there for God to judge or
change in me? Sin, how can I be a sinner when nothing is my fault? I am a victim; someone else is responsible for my
problems, my negative actions, my crimes. I trace the difficulty to the abuse of my parents, school, society - but not me.
Dont suggest that God will judge me. How can God do that? Didnt God make me? If I am not right in some way, it isnt
my fault! God wont judge me, but Ill judge God; whatever is wrong with me is His fault." People who voice this distorted
viewpoint of life get their information somewhere, they just didnt pick it out of the air, but its not from the Christian Bible,
and it is not from God!
Should a Christian leave all judging up to God? Does the Bible teach it is wrong in all circumstances to judge? The
answers to these questions are; no, we should not, and no, it does not! God expects His followers to think! Jesus never
told us not to judge - what we are warned against is being judgmental. "Judge not, that ye be not judged." The Greek
meaning for judge, in Matt. 7:1, means condemn, which is much different than in I Corinthians 4:3, "yea, I judge not mine
own self," meaning to examine. To judge, condemn, without proper evidence is sinful, but to judge, examine, is
something else.
In Greek, the verb tense means to "not be continually involved in judging others" which is hardly the same as to never
judge anyone. We are to judge, examine, ourselves and others, in order to discern, and discriminate right from wrong so
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as to lead a proper Christian life. Shortly after Jesus said, "Judge not," He twice commands believers in Mathew 7:6 to
judge when He tells us to "not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine." Solomon, in I Kings
3:9-11, asked God for discernment (which in Hebrew means to mentally distinguish) in order to judge and rule his
people. God granted his request. There are many other examples.
God has made it extremely easy for His followers to judge correctly; His Commandments are His guideline. So is it right
for a Christian to judge, examine, a Doctor that kills unborn children or people who promote a lifestyle that God calls
abominable? Youd better believe it - in fact God orders it!
Misconception # 6
While messages of salvation totals are said to be increasing world wide, a host of evils continue
to run rampant, not only through society in general but through churches as well! It is an
undeniable fact that the Christian Church now has absolutely no affect on our culture
whatsoever! Todays example of a "Christian" is to say a special prayer for salvation, and then
pray that others will do the works which they have been commanded by God to do in the first
Luther once referred to the doctrine of "justification by faith alone" as "the most dangerous teaching," because it has
been used for a license to sin. I am concerned regarding a trend or misunderstanding that has developed within our
Christian society - the subject of faith opposing works. Notice I say opposing, because that is exactly what modern
pastorate seems to be pitching! I believe the purpose for this deception to be a half-witted one, merely an excuse for lack
of involvement in political matters.
As a result of door-to-door witnessing by two pastor friends of mine, a man (with a shaded lifestyle) made a confession
to accept Christ as his savior. Realizing and promising to abide by his duties and responsibilities, the man publicly
announced his desire to join their church and was accepted. Heres the problem . . . the man never financially supported
the church, was never involved in any church function, did not display a significant change in his lifestyle, and after only
a few visits, stopped attending church. Needless to say, after a period of time the church removed this mans
membership. The justification? Because as James says, a lack of works proved his profession of faith to be not real and
"dead and useless" (James 2:17).
Greek translations relating to Ephesians, Romans, and James:
Ephesians 2:8 -10 states, "God saved you by His special favor when you believed. And you cant take credit for
this; it is a gift from God. For we are Gods masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can
do the good things He planned for us long ago." Greek meaning - For it is a free gift that you obtain salvation,
through no work of your own. For we are Gods product, His creation in Jesus Christ, to do the labor God
commands us to do.
Romans 3:28, "So we are made right with God through faith and not by obeying the law." Greek meaning - That
man is right by reliance in Christ for salvation apart from the deeds of the law.
James 2:14, "Whats the use in saying you have faith if you dont prove it by your actions? That kind of faith cant
save anyone." Greek meaning - What does it profit if you utter the words that you are reliant in Christ for salvation
but do not act? Reliance in Christ by itself for salvation is not enough.
James 2:17, "So you see, it isnt enough just to have faith. Faith that doesnt show itself by good deeds is no faith
at all - it is dead and useless." Greek meaning - Reliance in Christ for salvation by itself, if it does not have deeds,
is no better than being a nonbeliever.
James 2:24, "So you see, we are made right with God by what we do, not by faith alone." Greek meaning - Man is
proved to be right by his work and not by reliance in Christ for salvation only.
1. Paul was saying in Ephesians 2:8-9 and Romans 3:28, in translated Greek, that man is shown to be right by reliance
in Christ for salvation apart from deeds of the Commandments. He also states in Ephesians 2:10, however, that a
purpose of our salvation is to do deeds God has commanded, and in Galatians 5:6 that faith is a trust that cannot exist
without obedience, works.
2. James is defining the topic and making it clearer and more understandable. He is saying there can be real faith or faith
that is not real, and real faith will be seen through works! It is virtually impossible to possess REAL faith in Christ without
a passion to do His work. The love of Christ is not only a restraint on lawlessness, it is also a motivation to do good
3. Paul and James agree with each other. Paul is talking about right relationship - James is talking about right conduct.
The only way I can prove my acceptance of Christ is by my works, not my faith. Works is a result of faith. Faith is
invisible; it has no shape or color. To say we have faith but live no different than a pagan or do nothing at all to defend
Gods teachings is as James says, "A lie and not real faith at all." Fruits of the spirit are greater than gifts of the spirit, or
stating this in other words - actions speak louder than words.
The thousands of people who followed Christ through the hills of Judea would not have stayed if He had not feed them.
What kind of an example would that have been? We must first of all say we have faith - then show we have faith by our
actions - so others can see the truth of Gods Word and respond to His call. Morality without God is works without faith,
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and works without faith are highly unlikely. Few people live a life of sacrifice without powerful motivation. So what if we
say we believe in Jesus but display no evidence by our lifestyle? Millions have been told by clergy, "Christ did it all,"
while utterly ignoring Gods laws. The Bible says we are assured of going to heaven when we die if we "believe," but this
is not as simple as it sounds.
Believing IN Jesus requires we follow His Fathers mandates, commandments, and Jesus teachings! But in many cases
the problem is this; many may think they believe in Jesus but really do not, they merely believe about Jesus, which is not
enough! Writing in Decision magazine, Pastor Craig Brian Larson states, "As a pastor I was talking with a woman
suffering from depression. Alcohol, drugs, a boyfriend and marital conflict were tearing her apart, leaving her desperate
for advice on how to sew things together again. What she seemed to be needing most was God, so I asked her, Do you
believe in Jesus? Yes, she replied, but admitted she didnt read the Bible and seldom prayed. I asked her, Are you
living in a way that would please God? She answered No. We talked further and eventually I gently confronted her; I
know you think you believe in Jesus, but you may be deceiving yourself. It seems as if you dont believe in Him; you
believe about Him.
Pastor Larson goes on to say, "Consider someone in a leadership position. We can believe the outward circumstances
surrounding that person: He is married and has three children; he works for XYZ Corporation; he is president of the
school board. We have no difficulty believing these things about him. But if we oppose his politics and refuse to support
him, then we do not believe in him as a leader. Believing in a leader means following his or her direction. Jesus requires
that we believe in Him as Leader, in His authority, in the truth of His words, in His right to rule our lives. Believing in
Jesus will result in unmistakable evidence that our commitment is genuine. Those who believe in Him and His leadership
will follow Him. If we ignore Jesus words we reject His authority, and thereby reject Him! Jesus loves us too much to let
us deceive ourselves, and so He firmly confronts us with the truth, If you love me you will obey what I command."
Believing about Jesus is acknowledging He is the Son of God, was on earth for a time and did certain things. But
believing in Jesus is to go further, to additionally commit to what He taught, and promising to abide by His teachings.
This means not only abstaining from what is wrong, but doing what is right! If someone believes in Jesus there will be
works. Our Lord said, "Therefore by their fruits you will know them" (Matthew 7:20).
Similarly we may believe and confess Jesus is the Son of God, and that He rose from the dead, but if we rebel against
His rule, simply saying the sinners prayer by itself will not save us, and Jesus never said it would! This is why so called
"fox-hole" conversions, or "jail-house" religion, are many times not valid. The same is often true for "death-bed"
conversions, and those credited as saved as a result of crusades or alter-calls. It is estimated that the fall-away rate from
large crusades to local churches is between 80 - 90%. The key point at stake is the sincerity behind the words. To accept
Christ as a "fire insurance policy" is not salvation but hypocrisy, and to teach salvation by word without deed (evidence
that our commitment is genuine), and without following His teachings is a lie. Its like expecting a deed to the Kingdom
without paying allegiance to the commandments of the King. We call it easy believeism, and its unbiblical and - unholy!
The Bible talks about gifts of the Spirit and fruits of the Spirit, but gifts from God are of no value if they do not result in
fruit for God. Frightened people watched at a distance while the one they called Christ was crucified. Some made
excuses or claimed they didnt know who He was while others just denied Him. As it was then, so it is today. For
Christians, the desire to learn without a desire to do is false salvation, and lust of the wind!
Do you know what grievous sin Jesus said would be reason to cast people into "everlasting fire prepared for the devil
and his angels?" Murder? Adultery? Lies? Sodomy? Theft? No . . . it was the sin of non activity concerning your faith!
"For I was hungry and you gave Me no food; I was thirsty and you gave Me no drink; I was a stranger and you did not
take Me in; naked and you did not cloth Me, sick and in prison and you did not visit Me" (Mat 25: 42-44). "Then He will
answer them, saying, Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it
to me.
Scripture plainly tells us there is a judgment of believers, not simply regarding if our faith is real or unreal, but of our
works. Its called the "Judgment Seat of Christ," and it is a judgment of our works, not our sins (II Corinthians 5:10). "I am
He who searches hearts and minds. And I will repay each of you according to your deeds" (Revelation 2:23). The result
of this will be gain or loss of eternal rewards (1 Corinthians 3:12-15). What we do as believers, both good and bad, will
have an enormous effect on our place or position in heaven. "Yes," says the Spirit, "they will rest their labor, for their
deeds will follow them" (Revelation 14:13).
Scripture does not teach what most of us assume, that heaven will transform each of us into equal beings with equal
possessions and equal responsibilities and equal capacities. It does not say our precious lives will be of no eternal
significance. We may hope what happens at the Judgment Seat of Christ will be of only temporary concern to the Judge,
and all of our missed opportunities will just "blow over" and none of it will ever make any difference, but that will not be
the case. What we do or do not do in this life is of eternal importance, and although this begins with our choice to follow
Christ, it does not end there!
Christ will say to some believers, "Well done, good and faithful servant" (Matthew 25:21). He will not say, "Well said," or
"Well believed." In the account of the sheep and goats, what separates sheep from the goats is what they did and did not
do with their talents and possessions. We are all invited to the banquet, but whether we are guaranteed a seat at the
table will be determined by repentance and faith, substantiated by works. If you are looking for the best seat in the house
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in the next life, you will need to come up with more than just the regular price of admission. What position we have in
heaven will be earned here on earth - by our works!
Misconception # 7
Jesus and the Law
Although a through study of Holy Scripture clearly informs us that Christ died so repentant
sinners have the assurance of paradise, many are led to believe He came to start a new religion,
or to alter or do away with Gods Commandments of the Old Testament. But they are incorrect.
Regardless of the fact that Law is the schoolmaster, we live by Grace. However, to live by Grace
does not give us freedom to break the Law of God. As a pardon to a prisoner forgives him, it
does not allow him to go back to a life as a criminal. This is a major reason the great preacher of
the Reformation, Calvin, preached ninety percent Law and ten percent Gospel. A person who
refuses to keep the Commandments of God while saying he is living under Grace is living under
If you take out Old Testament references from the New Testament (they both have the same author) there wouldnt be
much left. For example, there are in the New Testament over six hundred direct quotations and references to the Holy
Scriptures, and theres little teaching in the New that is not rooted in the thirty-nine books of the Protestant, and forty six
of the Catholic, Old Testament. Even such advanced theology as "Love your neighbor as yourself" found its origin by the
pen of Moses, Leviticus 19:18, some fifteen hundred years before Jesus quoted it!
There was no sin before the birth of the Law, so God established the Mosaic Law in order to give His children a guideline
for living. Originally, Gods mandates went from Adam orally, straight out of the Garden of Eden, to become part of the
spoken tradition. Adam and Eve were created in the image of God, which means they knew their Fathers character,
which was later revealed in the Ten Commandments. This knowledge was passed on from generation to generation
through schools of verbal transmission. So before the Ten Commandments were written down in stone, the Bible tells us
Gods thoughts were taught orally and written in the hearts of man.
Before Jesus was born, salvation was granted to all that believed in Yahweh (the one true God), looked forward to the
coming of the Messiah, and obeyed the Covenant at Sinai (Law). Jews worshiped the same God (Father) as Christians
worship. The end of Revelation (22-14) states it is possible to be saved by keeping the Law. However, to abide by its
every letter was extremely difficult. By the time of Moses, and after people had been in slavery under Egypt and thereby
under influence of the Egyptian pagan religion, their memory had been somewhat corrupted and diluted. Thats what
motivated Moses to write the first five books of the Bible so his people would not be confused.
Jesus was a practicing Jew, and abided by and taught the Law of Holy Scripture. But it is important to note the Law of
Moses (Civil and Ceremonial), and the Law of God (Moral), are not the same.
Ceremonial laws of Moses were the temporary Laws of the Old Testament and regulated the priesthood, sacrifices,
rituals, meat and drink offerings, all of which foreshadowed the cross. Since no human was capable of not breaking at
least a portion of the directive, for salvation purposes, devout Jews also needed to sacrifice choice animals as
atonement for their sins. Priests could not enter the Holy of Holies without first performing blood sacrifices. The problem
was that a shadow overlooked their sacrifices, therefore, they never knew how much sacrifice was necessary because
salvation was not assured under the Old Testament Law. That is the spiritual reason they longed for the Messiah, to
complete their sacrifices once and for all. There was a material cost to Jews for sacrificing choice animals, therefore,
Jesus is said to have "paid the price" for us. When Galatians 3:19 was added, till the seed should come," (referring to
Christ the Messiah), and when the Fruit of Jesus came, the shadows disappeared forever.
It is very important to note the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus did not replace God (Father) with Jesus (Son) as
our all encompassing means for salvation, nor did it abolish the Moral Law of God! Although the Messiah, as foretold
through prophets, abolished various personal Jewish customs, statutes, ordinances, legalistic rituals, observances, and
blood sacrifices, lying is still lying, murder is still murder, stealing is still stealing, adultery is still adultery, and sin is still
sin, including the acts of abortion, sodomy, and a host of other offences. What was sin in the past is sin now. "Think not
that I came to destroy the Law" (Matt 5:17). Romans 8:3 states, "God destroyed sins control over us by giving his Son
as a sacrifice for our sins." Jesus is now the sacrificial "lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world" (John 1:29).
As a result, Christians no longer bring a sacrifice to church or celebrate Passover due to the fact that the sacrifice has
already been made. The Ten Commandments (Gods Law) "stand fast for ever and ever" (Psalm 111:8). Anyone that
claims Christ abolished His Fathers Commandments is completely mistaken!
Civil laws of Moses are easily recognized in the Old Testament because they always contain a temporal punishment
that consisted of financial recompense to those who had been harmed. There were no prisons in Old Testament Israel.
When the theocracy of Israel was destroyed by Rome in 70 A.D., the civil laws disappeared with them. In the Old
Testament there was no Knesset, there was no parliament, and there was no legislature - only God. Israel was a
theocracy and the Sanhedrin was a court. It was the Supreme Court of Israel whose only duty was to try to interpret
meaning of the Law which God had given. Law does not supersede human need.
Moral Laws of God that were originally passed on orally and written on hearts of men have existed as long as sin has
existed. The Moral Law of God (Ten Commandments) serves as a mirror to point out sin in our lives, and is a means of
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assuring us and others that we know Him by keeping His Commandments (1 John 2:3). The Bible says, "Where no law
is, there is no transgression" (Romans 4:15). Because of breaking Gods Law, Moses Law was added (Galatians
3:16-19), until Christ should come and die. So three separate laws are involved, the Civil and Ceremonial laws of Moses
and the Moral Law (Ten Commandments) of God. That there were the laws of Moses and continue to be the Law of God
is made crystal clear in Daniel 9:10-11.
Can Gods Moral Law (the Ten Commandments) ever be abolished? Absolutely not! They are revealed principles of
Gods holy character that will always be true as long as God exists. Neither can His directives be changed, for it is His
character in human language.
The word law in Greek is the word "nomos," and refers to those who uphold the never-changing Commandments of God.
Those who are against the directives of God, and say we are saved by Grace through faith and can now do whatever we
want, are known as antinomians. For your information, the first heresy trial ever conducted in America was for the sin of
Did Jesus die for everyones sin? No He did not! He died for those who repent, so we can be guaranteed of salvation
without the never-ending need for ritualistic laws, ceremonies, statutes, ordinances, customs, and blood and other
sacrifices of atonement. We should also be aware of what Jesus said (personally) as to the reason He came to us, Matt
9:13-34-35, Matt 15:24, John 3:17 and 5:36 to name only a few.
Obviously knowing if there are no absolutes to purge society, then society becomes the absolute. The Apostle Paul
wrote to his pupil Timothy that these same Holy Scriptures (we call the Old Testament) are "inspired by God, and useful
for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training, and for doing what is right" (11 Timothy 3:16). The first Christians
initially had no other writings than the Holy Scriptures from which to learn the truth! At Thessalonica they were
commended by Paul for carrying on a daily study of the Scriptures (Old Testament) to see if Pauls messages were true
Acts 17:11.
Jesus quoted the Law (Holy Scripture) numerous times and referred to it when asked by a rich man, "What shall I do to
inherit the kingdom of heaven?" (Mark 10:17). He also referred to Holy Scripture as "The Law of Moses, the Prophets,
and the Psalms" (Luke 24:44-45).
Romans 2: 12-16 states, "For as many as have sinned without law will perish without law, and as many as have sinned
in the law will be judged by the law. For not the hearers of the law are just in the sight of God, but the doers of the law
will be justified. For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do the things contained in the law, these,
although not having the law, are a law to themselves. Who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their
conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them, in the day
when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, according to my gospel."
From a prison in Rome Paul wrote, "For circumcision is indeed profitable if you keep the law, but if you are a breaker of
the law, your circumcision has become un-circumcision. Therefore, if an uncircumcised man keeps the righteous
commandments of the law, will not his un-circumcision be counted as circumcision? And will not the physically
un-circumcised, if he fulfills the law, judge you who, even with your written code and circumcision, are a transgressor of
the law? For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh, but he is a Jew
who is one inwardly, and circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, and not in letter, whose praise is not from men but
from God" (Romans 2: 25-29).
To believe in Jesus carries responsibilities - meaning, obeying His Commandments, which are permanent and
unchangeable. The One whom we know as Jesus Christ was the One who, along with His Father said, "Let there be
light;" who said "Let us make man in Our image;" who opened the Red Sea before Moses; who wrote the Ten
Commandments with His own finger, and who dealt with the patriarchs and profits. Jesus came to magnify the Law and
lift it to a spiritual plane, "If I had not done among them the works that no one else did, they would have no sin; but now
they have seen and hated both Me and My Father" (John 15: 24). Jesus said it is possible to worship Him, to sing about
Him, to praise Him, to laud Him, to believe on Him, to adore Him, and to feel all kinds of worshipful emotions about Him,
and do it all in vain! Millions worship their fantastic concepts of Christ, but reject the Ten Commandments of God. They
claim to accept Him as Savior - but refuse to obey His Law!
Misconception # 8
The Gospel of Love
Is it really true that God loves unrepentant sinful people and commands us to do likewise? Does
Scripture state that Gods chosen people loved and let their enemies off the hook? The surprising
answer to these questions is - no!
Fleeing for their lives and hiding in recesses of a wilderness cave, David (who has more references to
his life than anyone else in the Bible) and his band of 400 followers were being pursued by King Saul
and his 3,000 soldiers. Saul was jealous of the popularity the young man was receiving as a result of
taking the life of the Philistine warrior Goliath.
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Miraculously, God delivered Saul into the cave David was hiding and an opportunity for him to take Sauls life. But I
Samuel 24 tells us David spared King Saul, not (as is the popular reason today) because he felt kindness or some form
of Godly love for him, but because he believed Saul was Gods anointed King!
If there is one word you can depend on hearing (above all else) during church services today it is the message of love.
Love, along with forgiveness, composes literally ninety-nine percent of pulpit sermons! I have had more than one person,
Catholic and Protestant, tell me they love me and then do everything they could to destroy our ministry. The late Rev. Fr.
Charles Fiore, who was one of the original founders of the pro-life movement back in the 1960s, said to me many years
ago, "I wish people wouldnt love me so much." So you can see the term love, if not understood, can become a devilish
law in itself!
In Greek, love is not simply a word or a feeling but is referred to in a social or moral context associated with charity or
particularly - action. Remember this unchangeable truth, love can be known only in relation to the action it prompts! "God
so loved the world that He gave...." (John 3:16). So when people say they love the Lord, their statement is virtually
meaningless without visible action to back it up. Look for what they do - if anything - it will tell you if they love.
But although Jesus gave us love as a new commandment John 13:34-35, and referred to love as being greater than faith
and hope I Cor. 13:13, we must visit the Hebrew and Greek translations in order to clarify the meaning of these verses
and the biblical importance of love.
Is love the eleventh commandment? No it is not! First of all, the Hebrew word commandment, in the Ten
Commandments, Exodus 20 - 31, means something much different than it does in the John 13:34, Greek verse,
concerning a "new commandment" of love.
The word for commandment in Hebrew is "Peh," which is an established order or command! But regarding John
13:34-35, "A new commandment I give to you that you love one another," its meaning is different. The Greek translation
in this circumstance is "entole," meaning "authoritative prescription," which is more of a suggestion, or remedy, than an
order. God may be love, but love is not God! Throughout history some of the greatest injustices have occurred in the
name of love. Remember, Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss!
Jesus said to "Love your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind," (Matt 22:37). Then he
immediately attached this corollary, "Love your neighbor as yourself." But when Jesus was asked, "Who is my neighbor,"
He stunned the audience by telling the story of "love and action" provided by the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:33). Then He
added this interesting commandment, "Go and do likewise." The golden rule is an extension of the same principle, Do
unto others as you would have them do to you" (Luke 6:31). We should love people in the manner God loves us as seen
in His love through the gift of His Son (1 John 4:9-10). Jesus says in John 14:15, "If you love me, keep my
commandments." In the last chapter of John, Jesus states to Peter that if Peter loves Him, he will prove it by doing
something - "Feed My sheep." This coincides with the statement from Paul in Ephesians 2:10 regarding a reason for our
The Greek meaning for neighbor is a person that is "close by or a friend." So what does Scripture mean when it states to
"Love your neighbor as yourself?" It means to show the same care for people close to you as showing for yourself. But
St. Augustine added this additional clarification, "Loving our neighbor may sometimes require using force against
But today we have something much different. Church messages now underline love as the only criterion for fellowship
among spiritual people, as if to love one another means nothing deeper than getting along with everyone and voids any
thought of activism. While this sounds harmless and attractive, a love that is not founded upon Scriptural truth is a
product of human nature. So our love must bear Scriptural scrutiny!
To quote from Scripture the good news only and not the total news, is to quote the incorrect news and participate in a lie!
People who pitch these untruths are more concerned with making the Gospel respectable than in declaring the whole
counsel of God. When I ask fellow church attendees what they believe the word "love" means in relation to their
Christian walk, they usually say it refers to "loving as Jesus loved" (John 3:16). I guess thats fair enough. Its puzzling
though, I have never felt loved by people who attend church any more than those who do not attend.
Love is not love until you give it away. Christian love is to not passively sit by and condone ones wrongful actions, nor is
it some fluffy form of one-sided compassion. This is a misapplication of Gods Word. In the name of Christian love, we
are not to encourage and promote another persons otherwise evil lifestyle and actions. Christian love that is real is to
affect change in character if that character is wrong and needs changing. If we truly love a person, we will not "sweep
their actions under the rug." Psychologists say no one is ever healed completely of a problem unless they admit their
wrongs and repent. A wound must be cleansed before it can heal, otherwise it will fester and get worse.
The love and acceptance we are hearing today is not Christian love but compromise in exchange for peace. AFLM
receives letters, e-mails, and telephone calls into our office almost daily, expecting us to condone literally every
despicable act imaginable, and all in the name of some form of twisted Christian love. Although there are evil people in
this world, the majority who disagree with us have simply been deceived. To these people love absolves responsibility for
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actions and supersedes any other part of Christian theology. Most of the people who write such letters accuse us of
being judgmental if we think, arrogant if we are bold, and mean spirited if we are truthful. Usually there is a tone of anger
and frustration, along with use of accusatory statements, filthy language, "buzz" words, and a total misuse of the word
Due to the fact messages from the public are factual indicators as to what our society believes, we have printed a few
views from e-mails received. Here is the spiritual thermometer of our community:
"We need to work to change what is going on in gentleness and love. Our mission is to spread the Gospel, not
right the wrong. When we do what we can to do good, (in love and forgiveness and support for the abortion
doctors, the nurses, the pregnant women, the pro-choice), this gives me peace.
"I am an open minded loving Christian. It is time for those of us who follow Christ to love God and our neighbors
instead of condemning them. I welcome gays and lesbians into the church because I am a loving Christian. . . . I
only know that Jesus commanded me to love my neighbor."
God preaches "tolerance, love, and acceptance" - We preach "hatred and bigotry."
We are "a bunch of hypocrites" - "Jesus message was to be compassionate and love everybody."
We are "telling lies and breeding hate" - "Religious values have no place in our constitution" - How can we
"consider ourselves loving Christians" - We are "hate-mongers."
Thinks our surveys are "suspicious" - We "shouldnt shove our religion down others throats" - "Jesus was tolerant
of sin - His message was about love for everyone."
What we printed was "not true" - "We are fearful and ignorant - God loves everyone."
"Jesus is crying because of our lack of love and because of our lies and hate" - She is a "strong believer in Jesus
and in God" and thinks "fighting homosexuality is not loving."
Love is not Law. I find it hypocritical that those who preach love for their enemies are not very loving for innocent children
being slaughtered through abortion - there is nothing loving about that! There is nothing loving about allowing individuals
to slide into hell unresisted.
The feeling of love has supplemented God or religious principle as the moral guide for young people. Wrongful actions
are now nothing more than blemishes to be covered up by the cosmetic of divine love.
To touch the Lord Jesus is to touch what He loves and what He hates. It is to have compassion on the multitudes and to
be angry at their oppressors. We would like a revelation of Christ that tells us of His love, power, healing, and grace. But
the revelation of Christ that tells of the One who hates pride, arrogance, and evil is just as valid. "I hate your show and
pretense - your hypocrisy of honoring Me with your religious feasts and solemn assemblies . . . I will not look at your
offerings of peace. Away with your hymns of praise, they are mere noise to My ears . . ." (Amos 5:21-23). Romans 12:9
states, "Let love be without hypocrisy." If we are to overcome evil with good then we must love what God loves and hate
what God hates.
The Bible warns us to beware of being wise above that which is written, to beware of forming fanciful theories of our own
and then trying to make the Bible square with them, of making selections from our Bible to suite our taste. Beware of
manufacturing a god that is of Satan and of your own creation and sentimentality such as that of our critics; a god who is
all love, but not holy and just; a god of tolerance, compromise, and without repentance; who will allow good and bad to
exist side by side now and throughout eternity. A heaven containing all sorts of characters mixed together
indiscriminately, Judas with Jeremiah, the saint and the sodomite, where the liar sings with the choir, Hitler wears a halo,
and the aborted resides with the abortionist. Alas for an eternity such as that - there would be little difference between it
and Hell!
Misconception # 9
The Purpose of Prayer
The situation was bleak. Outnumbered and with the support of only fifteen percent of his
countrymen, General Washington and his exhausted troupes were on verge of losing the War for
Independence. He had led his fighters into battle many times against the British and was
defeated nearly 70 percent of the time - yet they fought on. Two long years of war had taken its
toll. Thomas Payne wrote, "These are the times that try mens souls." The famous painting,
"Prayer at Valley Forge," depicts Washington kneeling beside his horse along the banks of the Schuylkill River, praying
for guidance from Almighty God. Of 11,000 men that walked into Valley Forge, only 6,000 remained, to change the
course of history forever.
While General Washington was praying and fighting, his mother Mary was doing what she could to help her country.
Travel to the outskirts of Fredericksburg, Virginia, and proceed along a winding trail. Duck beneath a canopy of hanging
branches and proceed until you see a small hill. Jutting out from the top is a large rock. On a smooth side of this natural
formation is a place to recline, or to pray. This is Medication Rock. It is where, during the Revolutionary War, Mary
Washington regularly came to pray for the safety of her son and a country that was fighting for its very survival.
During dark days of the Civil War President Lincoln addressed a torn nation:
"Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that
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it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsmans two hundred fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and every
drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with a sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so
shall it must be said, the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether."
In the beginning Lincolns entire Cabinet opposed the War and would have permitted Confederate States to secede. At
first Lees Southern troupes had their way with the Northern forces. In wake of another defeat, this time at the Battle of
Bull Run, Lincoln called for a National Day of Prayer, urging Americans to "recognize our own faults and crimes as a
nation and as individuals, to humble ourselves before Him and pray for His mercy."
Plagued by rain, WWII General George Patton placed a call on December 8, 1944, to the U.S. Third Armys Chief
Chaplain. "This is General Patton; do you have a good prayer for weather? We must do something about these rains if
we are to win this war." The Chaplain quickly drafted a brief prayer asking God to "Grant us fair weather for battle . . . .
that, armed with Thy power, we may crush the opposition and wickedness of our enemies." At Pattons direction,
250,000 copies were printed - one for every man in the Third Army. Along with the prayer, the Chief Chaplain also sent,
at Pattons order, a letter to all of Pattons officers. "We must urge, instruct, and indoctrinate every fighting man to pray as
well as fight," the letter stated.
During WWII people at home prayed for safety and success of our troupes, and then rushed off to defense plants where
they helped manufacture supplies necessary to defeat the opposition. The enemy was eventually defeated and our
country saved from tyranny, not only by prayer, but also by 45,000 American soldiers who paid with their lives, and the
efforts of millions of dedicated warriors at home who "stood in the gap."
In past generations, Americas leaders, including clergy, called our country not only to prayer, but also to repentance,
confession of sin - and action. But now, prayer is used mainly as a "cop out" from responsibility and the number one
excuse by churches to withdraw from involvement!
My wife Susan and I hold each other in our arms each morning and pray. Prayer is a privilege. To communicate
personally with the Almighty is the most powerful force on earth. An opportunity to confidently pray for Gods assistance
concerning health, and many other topics that are totally beyond our control, is basic to Christian faith. At times prayer
has been the force that has kept our family safe and our ministry alive.
But there is a great difference between praying for something beyond our control and praying for something within our
control. God does not instruct His people to pray for benefits they could otherwise achieve through their own action.
Jesus prayed for us in those weak areas of our lives that are most in need of His miracleworking supernatural power. A
missionary to India is expected to do more than just pray for New Deli! Exodus 14:15 states, "Then the Lord said to
Moses, Quit praying and get the people moving! Forward, march." When Joshuas army was defeated at Ai, he fell on his
face praying until God said "Get up! Why do you lie thus on your face? . . . Get up, sanctify the people." (Joshua 10-12)
Although God calls us to prayer, did you know He (for obvious reasons) calls us more importantly to action? Throughout
Scripture Jesus is stated to have acted much more than He is listed to have prayed and always associated His prayers
with His actions! Jesus did not expect His Heavenly Father to drive money changers out of the temple for Him. He did it!
It is through Jesus action (crucifixion and resurrection), not His prayers, by which we can have assurance of salvation.
Prayer is not the Gospel - prayer is a result of the Gospel.
It is your responsibility to adhere to the fact that if God ordered it, you dont need to pray about it. This kind of prayer is
simply an attempt to con God into holding our hand when we should be seeking His face! Nowhere does the Bible say
prayer is easy. Fr. Frank Pavone National Director Priests for Life, stated, "We need to be careful not to abuse a good
thing. Even prayer can become an excuse from our responsibility to take action. God calls us to action not
because He needs us, but because He wants to use us. Prayer and action are not two separate options, but rather two
aspects of the same reality: union with God. When we come away from prayer we should not feel rested but restless. We
should not feel that we have done our duty, but that weve been given our duty. God is not going to rip open the sky,
come down, and tell us how to end abortion and other great evils. Instead He is going to put conviction in our
heart and words on our lips and command us to pray - and act!" The secret to victory is not only praying but
praising, not asking, but thanking, and not apathy but action. There are two responsibilities in prayer, Gods
responsibility and ours. You can not have one without the other.
If you never go to work but simply stay home every day and pray that your bills will be paid, how long do you think it
would take before problems set in? If your children stopped attending school or studying, but prayed they would
somehow have the knowledge to become nuclear scientists, would they succeed? If you have a flat tire or your roof is
leaking, would you pray and nonchalantly go about daily activity without attempting to fix the problem? Come on now - of
course you wouldnt, in fact the problem would probably get worse, its simply common sense. How then, can any
intelligent person expect sins of our day to simply go away, or correct themselves, if we treat them in like manner? They
cannot and I assure you they will not! Madison, Wisconsin, is one of the most prayed over cities on earth, and yet one of
the most evil.
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Two thousand years ago, a prominent lawyer approached a lower class Jewish man and asked the question, "Who is my
neighbor?" Christ stunned the audience by telling the story of the Good Samaritan. Then He added, "Go and do
likewise." This was not a suggestion, but an order! He was making a point about the need for His followers to
demonstrate what they believed by what they do. It was not enough for the Samaritan to only pray about the problem.
Jesus was stating it was not right that a Jewish traveler should bleed to death, while men stepped over and around him.
In all of Scripture the directive to act supersedes the directive to pray. Verbs: go - seek - ask - find - knock - do - work -
act - are prominent in Gods message.
In modern day churches there is much misunderstanding about the word "pray" or "prayer." The translated Hebrew word
for prayer (tephillah), and the Greek word (proseuche), almost always means worship, rather than a petition for favors. In
1 Thessalonians 5:17, the Greek word Proseuchomai, translated from pray suggests that we worship without ceasing,
rather than continuingly asking for a list of favors.
Prayer puts us in position so we can receive Gods preconceived will for our life. When praying for Gods will, it is
important to understand there is a known, and an unknown will of God, and the unknown never contradicts the known
(Matt 12:25). A personal word from God is only given for confirmation and never for information (Acts 13). We often think
of Gods will for us as hidden in fog of the future, but thats not true, Gods will is always current, He has promised to
guide us if we are willing to follow (1 John 5: 14-15). But when people get ahead of Gods will and begin to live as they
please (abortion), we wade in dangerous water. Our heavenly Father is under no obligation to sustain us in bearing trials
that were never a part of His plan for us.
Jesus did not universally pray that the trials of this world would be sheltered from His followers, but for spiritual protection
only God can give. "I do not pray that You should take them out of this world, but that You should keep them from the evil
one" (John 17:15), which is something to remember when praying to end abortion. The great Christian preacher of the
Civil War era, Dwight L. Moody, was once asked to pray for a person who he did not especially admire. "I will not pray for
him," Moody said, "He does ten days of work in five, and eats everything in sight. If he doesnt care enough to take care
of himself I will not ask God to."
Did you know prayer of an unrepentant people is actually an insult to almighty God? If anyone thoroughly reads
Scripture, you will find our Father is a loving and forgiving God. But He is also a just and Holy God. We wonder why our
prayers are not answered in ways we would like regarding moral matters. In many instances its because God is not only
loving, but also just! If He finds us unworthy He will not save our society as He did not save His Old Testament church
that fell captive to Babylon.
Its a knee-shaking request for an audience with Almighty God that no one should take lightly. Christians dare not treat
God as though He were some genie who can be called to our service when we feel the need, and then bottled back up
whenever we please. The God we are asking to service our requests will not look favorably at our child-killing, pervasion,
apathy, and cowardice. "Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in
heaven. But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven" (Matt. 10:32-32). Not only
are we saved to serve - but if we are saved, we will serve!
Jesus told Peter to prove his love by his actions (John 21:15-18). The truth is, salvation apart from obedience is
unknown in Scripture! The result of selfish prayer is stagnation. Most Christians are willing to pray about the evils of our
day, but few are willing to do anything about them. "The man who says I know Him but does not do what He commands
is a liar." These are strong words (1 John 2:3-4). Tim Wildman, vice-president of American Family Association, said to
me while in Madison, "The Beatitudes tells us that those who are persecuted for righteousness sake will be blessed. I
think its hard to be persecuted if we only privately pray."
Jeremiah 7:16 states, "Therefore do not pray for this people, nor lift up a cry of prayer for them, nor make
intercession to me; for I will not hear you."
Jeremiah 11:11 says, "Therefore thus says the Lord: Behold, I will surely bring calamity on them which they will
not be able to escape; and though they pray to me, I will not listen to them."
Jeremiah 11:14 says, "Therefore, Jeremiah, pray no longer for this people, nor weep nor plead for them; for I will
not listen to them when they are finally desperate enough to beg Me for help."
Isaiah 1:10-14, referring to the death-style of Sodom and Gomorrah, proclaims, "When you spread out your
hands, I will hide My eyes from you; Even though you make many prayers, I will not hear."
Ezekiel 8:18 states, "Therefore I also will act in fury. My eye will not spare nor will I have pity; and though they
pray in My ears with a loud voice, I will not hear them."
Malachi 1:9 says, "God have mercy on us, you pray; God be gracious to us! But when you bring that kind of gift,
why should He show you any favor at all?"
Did God say, "If people will pray then I will heal their land?" No He did not! But that is the manner in which II Chronicles
7:14 is explained in our churches and Bible studies today. This verse contains much more than that, "If My people who
are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways then I will
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hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land."
Yes, God states situations where He will or will not hear our prayers. Positive response to prayer is conditional, but when
we approach God in humility and repentance - He responds!
A brief note of love from God is recorded in Jeremiah 29:12-13, "For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They
are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. You will find
Me when you see Me, if you look for Me in earnest."
Misconception # 10
What Would Jesus Do? (WWJD)
Some time ago, I saw a sketch of a little boy and his father observing a statue of Christ hanging on
the cross. The little boy asked, "What did He do wrong?" where by the father stated that Jesus did
nothing wrong. "Jesus was the most loving, tactful, understanding, tolerant, and forgiving person that
ever lived," the father said. The little boy kept staring at the statue and after a period of time said in a
puzzling voice, "Well He must have done something wrong."
"Would the real Jesus please stand up?" was the title of an article in an American Family Association
publication a few years ago. Like the little boy in the previous paragraph, the writer asks the question,
"If Jesus was the most tactful person who ever lived, how did He manage to get Himself crucified?"
We know about Jesus mainly through four books written years after his death, at a time when less than one-half of one
percent of the Roman world had ever heard of him. Even the four men who wrote the Gospels skipped over nine-tenths
of his life. Many writers (Christian and secular) have penned books, booklets, and articles addressing the subject of what
they believe Jesus was really like. One Catholic theologian actually described Christ as the most "dangerous person of
his day," and a person that "turned societys values on their head." Another historian describes Jesus as "The most
misunderstood man that ever lived." The basic consensus of these writers is that the Jesus portrayed in most of our
churches today, never existed. That todays Jesus is simply a carefully packaged marketing ploy and fundraiser,
arranged in such a manner as to not offend anyone and appease everyone.
The purpose for this deception is simple. If we are to model our life after Jesus, and if we can be persuaded Jesus was
some serene, meek, compromising shepherd, strolling through the Judean countryside, (who just happened to be God),
we then have an excuse for not being involved in political and social issues of our day. The answer then, to the popular
question, "What would Jesus do?" concerning these issues becomes easy to answer - nothing!
No where in Scripture does it say that Jesus Christ came to this earth for the purpose of setting Himself up as an
alternative to Gods revealed word. Most Americanized churches, in an attempt to justify passive theology, build division
between Father and Son by giving more reference to the Son than the Father. This is more than merely stupid - it is
blatantly dishonest. Any attempt to pit Jesus (Son) against God (Father) is outright HERESY!
Jesus prayed to His Father (Matt. 26:53) and instructed His followers in (Matt. 6:9) to do likewise. He stated in (John
14:28), "My Father is greater than I." In (John 12:49) stated, "For I have not spoken on my own authority, but the Father
who sent me gave me a command, what I should say and what I should speak." And in (John 5:19-20) He proclaimed,
"Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does,
the Son does also in like manner." There are many other references.
The important and guiding rule when considering "what would Jesus do?" is to remember Jesus could NEVER do
anything that would contradict what God (Father) said or did. If we are followers of Jesus Christ, we must accept that
fact. Jesus never said or implied His followers were to behave in such a manner that was contrary to teachings and
actions of His Father. Although most of our modern day clergy cringe at the thought of discussing distasteful events of
the Old Testament, Jesus Christ (who was with His Father from the beginning) was in complete agreement with and
participated in His Fathers actions - every one of them (John 1:1-3).
There seems to be much talk these days of ways to not address controversial issues in order to soften the message of
Christianity. But Christ, far from attempting to "soft-sell" anything, was both avidly controversial and dogmatic.
Compromise is a word not found anywhere in His vocabulary.
I heard a story of a child who grew up believing in Jesus and Santa Claus and later finds that Santa does not exist. So
he starts questioning the authenticity of Jesus and over a period of time manufactures his own personal version. He
reasons that if Jesus does exist, He must be something like Santa - just a loving, jolly, kind-spirited fellow, who will give
him whatever he wants. A comfortable household god he can kick into a corner at will like his other toys, sort of a
spiritual tranquilizer. Churches (who are disciples of Freud, not of God) started adopting this popular Jesus, and the
result is a new non-irritating brand of Christianity that is without offense or effect. A "false gospel" at the expense of purity
of truth, and one that is devoid of discipline or justice, a Heaven for everyone, but a Hell for none.
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A Jesus that is little more than our "good buddy" has replaced "fear of the Lord" and "Declawed" the Lion of Judah!
Regarding this subject, I recall someone mentioning that when he was a child, associating Jesus with "Cotton Candy,
Kool-Aid, Girl Scout Cookies, and green cards at school for being good." But later on in life he reasoned, "How could
telling people to be good to everyone get a man the terrible death of being nailed to a cross? What jury would do this to
Charlie Brown, Captain Kangaroo, Ronald McDonald, Big Bird, or Mr. Rogers?"
During the years I have been involved in pro-family efforts, I have received many letters expecting us (AFLM) to condone
almost every despicable act imaginable, all in the name of some form of twisted Christian love. I can usually see it
coming. These letters begin by questioning if our actions are "Christ-like." Then they go on to state we need to be more
like "their" Jesus, and describe Christ as someone who loved evil people, tolerated wickedness, never criticized anyone,
and accepted everyone.
An editorial in the July 16, 1998 Madison Catholic Herald headlines, "Jesus would not have used billboards," and voices
(in the opinion of the writer) that Jesus was more "sensitive and compassionate." The editorial continues to state, "Jesus
did not make a sign that proclaimed adultery is sin. Instead he realized that none of us is perfect." Although the people
who wrote these letters most likely have been taught these beliefs from someone of spiritual authority, the Jesus to
whom they refer does not come from the Bible. The god they created is as true an idol as was ever molded out of brass,
wood, or clay.
A March 30, 1996, editorial in the Wisconsin State Journal infers that Jesus was a troublemaker to the establishment of
His day. The editorial states, "Somehow, contemporary Christianity has lost sight of this aspect of Jesus. In its place, we
have created a gentle savior who went around performing miracles and preaching peace. Since the Jesus we have
created would never dream of issuing a direct challenge to the legitimacy of the established order, we assume the Jesus
of history wouldnt do so, either.
Much of the scorn heaped on Christians, the civil rights agitators of the 1960s, and the anti-abortion protestors of the
1980s and 1990s is based on the assumption that Jesus wouldnt soil his holy hands that way. But there is more to the
story of Palm Sunday than is reflected in the sweet hymns and anthems that mark the occasion today.
Put yourself in the position of the civilian authorities in Jerusalem and ask how that march must have appeared. The
Roman Empire controlled Israel and its armies are stationed at your city. You, as a civilian authority, know for a fact,
should an insurrection occur, those Roman soldiers will tear Jerusalem apart stone by stone. You look out the window
and see a parade marching down the street. People are throwing flowers and shouting that Jesus is to be king. Soon
after, the Bible says that Jesus marched into the temple, the holiest place in the city, and drove the money-changers
from the building. Here, again, He issued a direct challenge to the established authority of the day. The money-changers
were essential to the operation of the temple. Jesus, who was not an official of the temple, took it upon himself to drive
them out. This guy was creating some powerful enemies."
Dr. James Dobson, President of Focus on the Family writes in an August 1993 newsletter, "Jesus constantly sought out
evil and confronted it head-on." . . . "He played offense rather than defense." Dobson goes on to say, "Throughout most
of His ministry, Jesus lived and taught around the fishing village of Capernaum on the northern coast of Galilee. Devout
Jews resided there and along the western shore of the Sea. They worshiped God, studied the Scriptures and traveled
south to the temple at Jerusalem to sacrifice lambs as an atonement for sins."
"On the eastern shore, however, lived people known to be the enemies of God. They were primarily Canaanites whom
Joshua had driven out of Israel and who practiced the Greek form of the fertility cults. Among the cultural influences of
that area was the ancient worship of Baal, the god of nature, lightning and thunder, and the presumed giver of fertility in
the spring. Unlike the Jews, these pagans sacrificed pigs to gain their "gods" favor. Accordingly, the people of this
region opposed everything the Israelites believed." "The Jewish people living on the western shore referred to Baal as
"Beelzebub," which by Jesus time was synonymous with the Devil. Needless to say, they viewed the territory across the
sea as profoundly wicked and frightening to them."
"Amazingly, Jesus and His disciples got in a boat and began rowing directly toward the forbidden world. We all
remember the story. On the way across the Sea of Galilee, a fierce storm arose and threatened to sink their small fishing
vessel but Jesus uttered a command, and instantly the wind and waves became calm."
"When Jesus and the disciples landed on Galilees eastern shore, the first person to meet them was a man possessed
by a legion of demons. It figures, doesnt it? And when He cast the beings out of the man, they entered a herd of pigs,
which were routinely sacrificed to Baal. As with so many of the biblical stories, this event can hardly be understood
without comprehending the Jewish culture and the period during which it occurred" (Mark 4:35 - 5:13). "This entire
episode, as I now understand it, is symbolic of the battle between God and Satan. Again, notice that Jesus did not
remain in the safety of the western territory. He constantly sought out evil and confronted it head-on, regardless of the
There is a cartoon in which Jesus is portrayed as visiting a local church service and asks those attending the same
question He asked in Matt 16:13, "Who do you say that I, the Son of Man am?" Their answers were, "You are the Most
Magnificent, the All Glorious One, the Rose of Sharon, My Guiding Star, Rock of Ages, Bread of Life, Lilly of the Valley,
Prince of Peace, my Friend and Comforter in need, You are Love," where-by Jesus said - "Huh?"
Dr. D. James Kennedy, of Coral Ridge Ministry, has published a booklet entitled "The Formidable Christ." In his booklet
Dr. Kennedy states, "There was much more to Jesus than is portrayed in most of our churches today. We do not see
Jesus as formidable, but merely Gentle Jesus, meek and mild. We have turned His meekness to weakness and His
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gentleness to fear. There was something formidable about Christ," Kennedy writes. "He could look into the hearts of
people and read their thoughts, and there was something about His purity and holiness that seemed to be seen in every
glance of His eye. He would look into the face of a man who was about to stretch out his hand and take Him, and the
man would freeze with fear."
"In Nazareth, His own home town, He went into the synagogue, opened and read the Scriptures and proclaimed truth to
them. That truth was condemning to those present and they were irate and enraged. A great mob of men pushed and
shoved Him out of town and intended to throw Him off a hill. But suddenly Jesus turned and faced them. There was
something that glanced from His eyes, and they slunk back in craven cowardice. The Scripture states He passed
through their midst and went on His way. Over and over again in the Bible we read this phrase: What manner of man is
this? It was the formidable Christ who could excite dread and awe in the hearts of men."
Its interesting to note when delicate or controversial issues arise within our communities, we are instructed by clergy to
be "Christ-like" in our response. Ive heard it all many times before, lets see, we are to turn the other cheek, love and do
good to our enemies, be accepting and not offend anyone, mind our own business and not judge anything, just simply be
nice, a "have a good day" sort of thing. But in a dying world, any pastor that adjusts his sermons to appease the
cowardly is not worth the price of a good spittoon.
What does it really mean to be "Christ-like?" St. John said we must be willing to "walk as Jesus did" (I John 2:6). So with
that thought in mind, lets take a quick stroll through Matthew, Mark, Luke and John to see how our Master walked. For
the time being lets leave His teaching aside, which we are also admonished to follow, and look solely at His actions.
Lets look at what Jesus actually did, rather than what we would like to believe about Him!
Jesus did not preach the good news only. His prophecies about the future were often very frightening. His
teachings are not some "here are my feelings, what do you think?" philosophy. Almost every time Jesus went into
the temple it was to have controversy with wicked leaders. (John II: 7-8, Mark 11, Luke 19, Matthew 21). When He
visited the synagogues there was controversy (Luke 4), (Mark 1-3).
In Matthew we find that Jesus rebuked His followers and irritated religious leaders by healing on the Sabbath. He
called Pharisees hypocrites and vipers, and didnt care when they were offended because they didnt like that He
"collared outside the lines of their man-made religion." He rebuked Peter, was exasperated at peoples unbelief,
and stood up for children.
In Mark we see Jesus was angry and distressed at stubborn hearts, "borrowed" a colt without permission, cursed
a tree and it died.
In Luke He said true but insulting things to people from His home town, rebuked John and James, insulted
religious leaders, made sure His disciples were armed with swords, and referred to Herod as a "Fox."
In John He made a whip and drove business men from the temple and vandalized their property. He talked to a
strange woman (against the custom), called people on their duplicity, offended people with His hard teaching, and
called religious leaders children of the devil. He considered it better to let Mary use expensive perfume on Him
rather than sell it and give the money to the poor, and showed no respect for the high priest.
Jesus praised His cousin, John the Baptist, who judged and publicly ridiculed Herod for adultery. "For I say to you,
among those born of women there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist." Can you imagine Jesus
apologizing to Herod for what His cousin said about Herods adulterous lifestyle?
Though it may anger some, it happens to be a fact that when some people attempted to seek Jesus for help, He
would withdraw to a private place and not immediately help them. One illustration is in Matt 15: 21 - 29 where
Jesus innately refused to answer the request of a Canaan woman whose daughter was demon possessed.
Todays popular Jesus would have emptied every graveyard, healed every illness, cast out every demon, and
never refused a request for aid. Yet, the real Jesus did refuse to listen to this woman initially, and had it not been
for her intensity, and for her faithful answer to a question she was asked, the account in Matthew clearly indicated
Jesus would have stolidly refused to have helped the womans daughter.
A chilling analogy comes from the parable in the nineteenth chapter of Luke where Jesus said, "But bring here
those enemies of mine who did not want me to reign over them, and slay them before me."
This was the kind of person who drew great crowds of thousands, yet often made people feel uncomfortable. His brand
of kindness was not always a sweet medicine. If, Webster says, nice means to be pleasing, agreeable or socially
acceptable, then Jesus was not very nice. His life and His death proved that point.
The principle of give or forgiveness, loving, and sharing, was what Jesus preached and practiced. But never did He
intend to imply that a Christian under His New Testament teachings was not obligated to obey the commandments which
He, Jesus, in His preexistent state, had written with His own finger! The Christian Church would not have advanced
beyond Jerusalem and would have been stopped before it got started if it had relied on the timid, soft-sell propaganda
that is used today to define our Lord.
If there are clergy in your church aggressively speaking out regarding the evils that have invaded our society (and there
are a few brave souls who have), why not call or write them? Show them your appreciation and offer your support. The
road can be lonely if traveled alone.
To the Christian leaders who suggest we retreat to the safety of our "holy huddles," I would like to ask:
At what point will you rise to defend your beliefs, or have you lost your spiritual backbone completely? 1.
Is there ANY evil plummeting our country that you would put your reputation in jeopardy to challenge? 2.
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Is there any sin within our society where you would draw the line and say "no more?" 3.
Maybe its moral ignorance. Maybe its past generations which clung to nothing of virtue. Maybe we have neglected to
pass these ideas along, imagining society would somehow derive the principles needed to guide our lives. I dont know
what it is. I only know it scares me that so many people have become blas about ethics and public trust, and others, so
alert to the public affront, seem incapable of moral indignation. How long have you watched the ethical free-fall around
you without speaking your mind?
Former Alabama Supreme Court Judge Roy Moore, sums it up quite well. Moore says he sees our nation wandering in a
maze, searching for a lost morality. "Thats where we are," he concludes. "We dont have a distinction between right and
wrong. Thats why I see before my court kids committing murder. Thats why I see politicians ripping off the public. Thats
why I see education standards plummeting - weve lost our morality. Weve lost a sense of right and wrong. Weve lost a
relationship with God."
The original Disciples (pupils of Jesus) paid with their lives for doing what they believed Jesus would do. Jesus showed
us how to live and how to die. He showed us how to uphold Gods purpose for our lives and has called us to be His salt
and light in a dark and dying world. You cannot refuse His call and still call Him Lord.
Whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did. Those that customize Jesus in order to justify all matter of
wrongful behavior, are the same frauds that teach He will reject no one for His kingdom. The Pharisees of Jesus day
were religious fanatics that were spiritually proud while being morally corrupt. They were hypocrites. They persecuted
Jesus and finally succeeded in killing Him. We are no different.
False teachings of today have Declawed the Lion of Judah!
(The Virtue of Tolerance)
Regardless of the efforts we employ for the benefit of educating our society, even the most dedicated person will not
achieve their goal of reclaiming our communities for Christ, until America is again drawn to fear God and live the lifestyle
of Christian people. This will require a major turn around within our churches, a change that will take courage, not
tolerance, on the part of the clergy and everyone reading this message!
All of the ten deceptive twisting of Scripture previously mentioned are as a result of allowing sin to be tolerated in the
camp of Christ for the sole purpose of peace and prosperity. Habits are not formed in a day; they are gradual and
progressive. We choose not to hurt someones feelings, or as a result of being afraid to respond in a given situation we
delay necessary action. Because of a soft heart and often a spineless will (tolerance), we permit someone to "get away
with murder." One of the greats of the Church of England said, "Sin is at first very pleasing, then it grows easy; then it
becomes delightful, then frequent, then confirmed. Then the man is unpenitent, then obstinate, then he resolves never to
repent, then he is damned. Needed in the church of God are men to resist the beginnings."
In most cases tolerance and cowardice dine at the same table. Much like adultery is defined as "having an affair," or the
drunk as suffering from "sustenance abuse," tolerance is nothing more than cowardice!
Tolerance is a nice word that has become an especially prized virtue and sole absolute of our land. Yet, few of us
understand what it really means. Enlightened people want "to-live-and-let-live," to be known as "openminded," "easy-
going" about beliefs and lifestyles, and of course . . . . tolerant. Even most professing Christians today believe tolerance
is the Godliest virtue of all, and why shouldnt they, for we hear this message pitched from the pulpit every week of the
The traditional definition of tolerance means to recognize and respect others beliefs, practices, and so forth without
necessarily agreeing or sympathizing with them. This attitude that everyone has a right to their own opinion is what
tolerance has meant to most people since the founding of our country.
But todays definition is vastly different. It no longer means simply agreeing to disagree. The new tolerance considers
every individuals beliefs, values, lifestyle and truth claims as equal value (Thou shall not think). This represents one of
the greatest changes in history - and our churches are quietly acquiescing.
The slightest expression of personal moral conviction is now considered as "intolerant." Like a powerful acid, the
accusation of intolerance eats away at traditional morality, leaving only threads of past convictions behind. By redefining
absolute truth as "intolerant," the goal of this deception is to appear open and accepting. But we must realize the most
difficult form of evil to recognize is deception itself (Gal.6:7).
The message of Christianity is, however, not tolerant - it is very intolerant! God has said He will turn the wicked into hell.
We will either repent or we will parish, there is no in-between! In Revelation 21:8, cowardice, or tolerance, is considered
to be as wicked as sorcery, idolatry, and murder. In fact, it is at the top of the list. In Matt. 10:34, far from being a soothing
message of "Im OK, youre Ok," the gospel is like a sword that dismembers entire families. Tolerance is the virtue of
people who do not believe in anything. I heard a pastor recently define tolerance as "mans attempt to remove himself
from God," which does not speak well of our churches. The pastor went on to say, "God is never, never, tolerant. He is
merciful. There is a vast difference. Love forgives, but is never tolerant. We must realize that God sent Jesus to the
cross because He was merciful, not because He was tolerant. People who claim to belong to Christ do not have the right
to condone or tolerate what God says is wrong. An intolerant God has been merciful to me."
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When tolerance means being patient with other people, listening to their points of view, and allowing them the freedom to
follow their consciences, tolerance is a virtue necessary to every citizen in a free society. But tolerance is not the only
value in the book. In fact, there is a grave danger when we separate tolerance from other important righteous values
such as truth and justice.
If tolerance means we cease to challenge false beliefs and unjust practices around us for fear we might offend someone,
then misguided tolerance actually weakens the bonds of our community. This kind of tolerance does not show an open
mind to our neighbor; it shows indifference. It says, "We dont really care what he / she believes or how he / she lives. All
beliefs and practices are the same."
Jesus Himself was never shy about expressing the truth He had been given to proclaim, and He expects equal boldness
from His followers. We must steadfastly judge sins and heresies in general, and exhort those guilty of them to repent.
Our job is to "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations (Great Commission, Matt. 28:19). In order to rescue
dissenters, we need to boldly and clearly proclaim apostasy, heresy, abortion, divorce, homosexuality, and other evils to
be gravely sinful (Cultural Mandate (Gen.1:28).
The prophetic calling of the house of God is so critical because a sense of ones guilt is necessary before a person feels
need for a Savior. For the church to tolerate evil and retreat from its primary duty to Gods Cultural Mandate and the
Great Commission from Christ is an act of provincial cowardice. The definition and central message of the Church has
become something counter to that of its historicity. I hope these previous lessons will help you recognize this failure and
do your part to make a difference for the Lion of Judah!
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