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*lnvolves ndlng a member wlLh adequaLe gross and neL area.

*secondary conslderauon ln Lhe deslgn ls slenderness. lf a sLrucLural
member has a small cross secuon ln relauon Lo lLs lengLh, lL ls sald Lo
be slender.
L/r - Slenderness rauon

L - member lengLh
r - mlnlmum radlus of gyrauon

*1he mlnlmum radlus of gyrauon ls Lhe one correspondlng Lo Lhe
mlnor prlnclpal axls of Lhe cross secuon.

nSC Secuon 304.1 Slenderness LlmlLauons
1here ls no maxlmum slenderness llmlL for deslgn of members ln Lenslon.

lor members deslgned on Lhe basls of Lenslon, Lhe slenderness rauo L/r
preferably should noL exceed 300. 1hls suggesuon does noL apply Lo rods
or hangers ln Lenslon
"10+2." 3
A Lenslon member wlLh a lengLh of 3 feeL 9 lnches musL reslsL a
servlce dead load of 18 klps and a servlce load of 32klps. SelecL
a member wlLh a recLangular cross secuon. use A36 sLeel and
assume a connecuon wlLh one llne of 7/8-lnch-dlameLer bolLs.
"10+2." 4
SelecL an unequal-leg angle Lenslon member 13 feeL long Lo
reslsL a servlce dead load of 33klps and a servlce llve load of
70klps. use A36 sLeel. 1he connecuon ls as shown below.
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When slenderness ls noL a conslderauon, rods wlLh clrcular cross secuons
and cables are oen used as Lenslon members.
1he eecuve cross-secuonal area ln Lhe Lhreaded poruon of a rod ls called
Lhe sLress area.
"10+2." 7
A Lhreaded rod ls Lo be used as a braclng member LhaL musL
reslsL a servlce Lenslle load of 2klps dead load and 6klps llve
load. WhaL slze rod ls requlred lf A36 sLeel ls used?
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8oof Lrusses normally are spaced unlformly along Lhe lengLh
of Lhe bulldlng and are ued LogeLher by a longlLudlnal beams
called purllns and by x-braclngs.

ldeally, purllns are locaLed aL Lhe Lruss [olnLs so LhaL Lhe Lruss
can be LreaLed as a pln-connecLed sLrucLure loaded only aL
Lhe [olnLs.

Sag rods are Lenslon members used Lo provlde laLeral
supporL for Lhe purllns. Sag rods can be locaLed aL Lhe
mldpolnL, Lhe Lhlrd polnLs, or aL more frequenL lnLervals
along Lhe purllns, dependlng on Lhe amounL of supporL

lf sag rods are used, Lhey are deslgned Lo supporL Lhe
componenL of roof loads parallel Lo Lhe roof.
"10+2." 7
llnk Lrusses spaced aL 20 feeL on cenLers supporL W6 x 12 purllns as
shown. 1he purllns are supporLed aL Lhelr mldpolnLs by sag rods.
use A36 sLeel and deslgn Lhe sag rods and Lhe ue rod aL Lhe rldge for
Lhe followlng servlce loads.
MeLal deck: 2psf
8ullL-up roof: 3psf
Snow: 18psf for horlzonLal pro[ecuon of Lhe roof surface
urlln welghL: 12 pounds per fooL of lengLh
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When a member ls Lo be pln-connecLed, a hole ls made ln boLh Lhe
member and Lhe parLs Lo whlch lL ls connecLed and a pln ls placed
Lhrough Lhe holes.

nSC Secuon 304.3 ln ConnecLed Members
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