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Mara Villazn Lpez
2 Bach.A
Word List
Artillery: heavy artillery is in the basement
Bunker: several soldiers sought refuge in the bunker
Casualty: They were fourteen casualties in the accident
Civilian: the civilians were rescued by the police
Cliff: our boat crashed into the cliff
Colonel: I think Theyll move up the Colonel to Brigadier General
Command: a special forces command freed the hostages
Company: the fourth company entered at the end in the battle
Cover: the best cover in that moment were the trenches
Dog tag: thanks to the dog tag they could identify the body
Explosive: the terrorist put an explosive on the restaurant
General: Sergeants saluted the General
Grenade: when they ran out of bullets, they start throwing grenades
Helmet: the helmet was not enough to save his life
Jeep: They used a jeep to go through the mountain
Lieutenant: the Lieutenant gave the order and all the maneuvers began
Machine gun: the soldier defended the position with the machine gun
Medic: thanks to the quick intervention of the medic he could survive
Mine: minefields kill many people even decades after
Mission: the mission was a success
Mortar: They attacked with mortar grenades
Parachute: the parachute was hooked and he couldnt deploy it
Paratrooper: the paratrooper was dropped on the enemy with stealth
Private: Private is the name of one of the penguins of Madagascar, the cartoons
Sharpshooter: this target has been shattered by the sharpshooter
Sniper: a sniper shot the president from a window
Trench: Infantry is responsible for digging trenches

25. Upham says that fighting in a war should make feel like brothers. Does this story support
that statement or not? Write a magazine article on the subject, using examples from the
story to support your view.
Saving Private Ryan is definitely a story of fellowship, suffering and delivery, but also of
brothers; war brothers. The first to raise it is Upham when the Ryans search begins; we can
see this confirmation in the deaths of Carpazo and Wade, for example: the rest of the squad
take these deaths personally, because the circumstances make them like real brothers.
Of course, we can see this at the end, when Miller gives him the advice Earn this; this type of
relationship, when Ryan and Miller are little known, can only be given in such circumstances.

26. You are an American reporter. Write about the landing at Omaha Beach for your
newspaper. Was it a success or a failure? What mistakes were made, in your opinion, and
how could they have been avoided?

The WARning
20 June 1944
The passed day 6 our troops landed at
Omaha Beach, one of the principal
points of the French coast occupied
by the Germans. The D-Day, the 29

Infantry Division would have to take
the west part of the beach, and the 1

Division the east part. The initials
attacks had to reduce coastal
defenses and allow the arrival of
large ships for the following attacks.
But, the D-Day nothing went as
planned: navigation difficulties
caused to other boats cannot reach
the coast; the German defenses were
unexpectedly strong, and inflicted
heavy casualties on our troops.
Finally, we got small penetrations by
groups of survivors that carried out
improvised assaults. At the end of the
day, we earned two small isolated
safe positions that were used to
achieve the original objectives of D-
Day during the following days.
So, we won? No, not exactly. We
survive, but only slight.
By Maggie S.S.

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