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FF Zelinsky

Hellenistic Religion

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The original is here: Library Jacob Krotov
First edition: Moscow, 1922.
Tomsk: "Aquarius", 1996.
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Chapter I

1. "Ancient Greek Religion" - New Task. - Illusion lengthwise.
- Successive cuts. - 2. The concept of Hellenism. - Conditions of its
occurrence. - Cultural Association of Hellenic tribes. - The Fall
mezhduellinskoy hegemonic ideas. - Centralize outside force. -
Hellenization "barbarians." - 3. The collapse of the power of Alexander the
Great. -
Macedonia. - Thracian-Frigo. - The Gauls and Pergamum. - The kingdom of the
Seleucids. -
Egypt. - The fate of Hellenism in these states. - Root Greece. -
Absorption of the Hellenistic world Rome. - 4. Religion Hellenism. - Process
religious formation. - Way of the study. - Religious feeling and
confessionalism. - Interkonfessionalizm and suprakonfessionalizm.

Chapter II
RELIGION Sacraments

5. Two currents in the ancient Greek religion. - Religion of the
Earth. - Demetra
Eleusis. - Eleusis and Delphi. - 6. Proselytizing religion of Demeter. -
Homeric myth of Demeter. - 7. Gods Eleusinian cult. - Connection
Eleusis to Athens. - "Delphic oracle." - Procession to Eleusis. -
Iacchus-Dionysus. - Evmolpidy, Kerik, Likomidy. - 8. Talisman Aristomenes.
Revival of Messenia. - Andaniyskie ordinances. - Apostle Mefap. - Sacraments
Kabiri. - Andaniyskaya inscription. - 9. Modification of the cult. - Enna
and Rome. -
Alexandria; hymn of Callimachus and religious sentimentalism. - Anatoly,
and Pergamum. - 10. The evolution of religion sacraments.

Chapter III

11. Demeter and the Earth. - Mother Goddess. - Her native-Greek way. -
Her image in the Asian Pessinus. - Its Greek-Asian image. - 12.
Ideyskaya Mother - Silence Homer - Aphrodite and Anchises. - The Great Mother
Cyzicus. - Anacharsis - Jason and the Argonauts. - 13. Great Mother in
Pessinus. -
Pessinuntsky myth. - Reform of Timothy. - 14. Ordinances of the Great
Mother. -
Mountain Mother and ecstasy. - Black Stone. - Samooskoplenie Gauls. - His
meaning. - Rites of the reformed religion. - The death and resurrection. -
A look back. - Mother and lover. - Development of a cult.

Chapter IV

16. The nature of the Egyptian religion. - The special position of
Isis. - Myth
Plutarch. - Doubling the death of Osiris. - 17. Ellinizovanny cult of Isis
SarapisThanks. - The story of Tacitus. - Timothy and Manetho. - Objections. -
Briaksida. - 18. Dissemination of the pre-reform cult. - Distribution
Reformed worship. - Freed the slaves. - Sicily, Pompeii, Rome. -
19. The nature of the reformed religion. Absence teriomorfizma. -
The lack of magic. - Feoskrasiya. - The Priesthood and the Liturgy. -
Mysteries of Isis.

Chapter V
Adonis and Aphrodite

20. Adon and Astarte. - Their Babylonian homeland. - Ishtar and
Tammuz. -
The Descent of Ishtar. - Elements of nature religion. - The question of the
the nature of the cult. - 21. Byblos and Cyprus. - Cyprus and the myth of
Adonis. - Dissemination of their cult in Greece. - His private. -
Sappho and Praksilla. - 22. Change in the Hellenistic period. - Alexandria
holiday and Theocritus. - 23. Attis, Osiris, Adonis. - Religious
sentimentalism. - Difference from Demeter: religious eroticism.

Chapter VI
Ancient Olympia

24. Alleged impoverishment of polytheism. - Value of Literary and
epigraphic sources. - Care communities of worship by the inscriptions. -
25. Apollo at Delphi. - Invasion of the Gauls. - 26. The power of the
Aetolians. -
Holiday Soter. - The growth of the influence of Delphi. Going to the hegemony
of Rome. -
Sulla and the fall of Delphi. - 27. Seleucus-ellinizator. - The Cult of the
Sun-god. -
Seleucus and Apollo. - Apollo Dafneysky. - 28. Triumph of Apollo
East. - The idea of Apollo as the god-son. - Modest role of other gods
Hellenistic religion. - Its results: the god-son and mother-goddess.

Chapter VII

29. Heroes in the epic. - Heroes founders arhegety saviors. -
Glorification and merit. - 30. Attaching a hero to the grave. - The role of
the oracle. -
The cult of heroes. - Their assistance. - "Grace". - Temeseysky hero and
Cleomedes. -
31 Heroes-saints and heroes ghouls. - Power as a condition of
glorification. - 32.
Historical heroes founding. - Glorification of the living. - Apotheosis. -
Orientalization Greek religion. - 33. Apotheosis of the pharaohs. -
Parallels in
Persia. - Diadochi. - The Apotheosis of the Ptolemies and Seleucids. - 34.
apotheosis. - Evgemer and evgemerizm. - Variety of glorification and
apotheosis. -
The idea of the incarnation of God in man.

Chapter VIII
Secularization and sacralization

35. Both forces in the Achaean, Hellenistic and Attic periody.- 36.
Transition to Hellenism. - Art. - 37. Science. - "Meteorology"
cosmology, astrology. - Medicine: School dogmatic, empirical and
methodical. - Temple resorts; Asclepius and the thirst for miracles. -
science; Thucydides and Polybius. - 38. Life. - Faith and superstition. -
Magic. - 39.
Execution times. - The reaction of the East. - Quiet-fortune. - Equilibrium
elements of worldview and its violation.

Chapter IX

40. Hellenistic philosophical schools. - Religious philosophy Stoa. -
Cleanthes and his hymn to Zeus. - War Academy and the Stoa. - Secularization
Panety. - 41. The role of Posidonia. - Looks his life. - His
literary activity. - 42. Philosophy Posidonius. - The dogma of the World
sympathy. - Rock. - Prognostics and witchcraft. - "Consent". - Astrology. -
43. Doctrine of the soul. - The doctrine of the ascension of the soul. -
Showers and demons. - Paradise in
religious philosophy Posidonius. - "Dream of Scipio". - From Posidonius to
Dante. - 44. Posidonius as a scientist. - The ratio of Posidonius history. -
Fortune Polybius and Posidonius rock. - 45. Posidonius and sacralization of
the reasons for his success.

Chapter X

46. From Hellenism to Christianity. - Germ of Christianity in religion
Hellenism. - 47. From Hellenism to Hellenism. - Aspects of natural, labor,
political. - 48. Hellenistic religion as an extension
drevneellinskoy. - Progress or regression?

Chapter I


My essay on the ancient Greek religion was presented to the reader as
a self-contained treatment of a specific and self-contained themes; This
I now wish to save him. Of historicism I'm in it consciously
distracted; not disputing his rights in a large amount of manual and strictly
scientific nature, what is to this day is the debt nationwide Philology
in relation to researchers and readers, where I set myself a
modest and not less tempting goal - to present a cross-sectional
the essence of Greek religion in the heyday of the Greek people, at the
period when he gave the world of Sophocles and Plato, Phidias and Praxiteles.
If my
work was not in vain, the reader of my essay knows that the religion
professed these people in no way can be ranked among the religions
lower dignity, to "pagan" to the color that the Jewish
intolerance gave the word; and if we keep it as often
convenient term, of course, without that color and exclusively for the sake
I think, however, and even I know that my share has got another success
I did not have in mind, but all the more gratifying. Worst returns for the
anybody does not excite surprise; but the beautiful and perfect
presented to my readers Free of dust and cobwebs religion
contemporaries of Pericles and Demosthenes, the question became
neotvyazchivoe: yes
how do we explain that civilized humanity has dared to sacrifice it,
decided to abandon their relatives are in favor of the alien, in favor of the
Named to it from distant shores of the Jordan, and besides, still come from
people not enjoying his respect and location? - This
point to the fact that I set myself a long time, ever
since stopped to look at the ancient religion established through our
tradition points.
Formula in which I concentrated the answer for themselves and their
and readers that "ancient religion - it is the real Old Testament
our Christianity, "could soon podzadorit than satisfy our
general curiosity; besides, it is in itself the singularity
puzzling. However, it was not a preconceived formula: in his
two-year university course, more than once, I shared with my
audience by the actual materials from which it was me
removed. But it was university students, a kind of circle or circle
dedicated; times the formula itself was withdrawn outside arising undeniable
debt, warning of the bewilderment, give her support and
confirming and founding her stuff. And with this understanding of the problem
element of evolutionism, carefully eliminated from the above-mentioned essay,
declared its cash and about their rights.
Yet I did not dare to proceed to the history of ancient religion,
which once dreamed of when still hoping that I will be allowed to
evening of my life in a quiet work on the favorite tasks in
constant fruitful dialogue with fellow specializing in the western
world. Things turned out differently, but life does not wait - and certainly
not waiting for death, and even
opposite. We have to set ourselves the task, depending on the capabilities of
performance - and to restrict, instead of a solid longitudinal section near
cross, but made so that they are mapped, creating at least
illusion lengthwise.
In this formulation of the problem is my essay on the ancient Greek
losing its significance as a self-contained exposition of this religion for V
IV centuries. R.X. to become at the same time and the first cross-sectional
view through the entire
history of ancient religion in general. For the second we step over three
century: they gave the Hellenic culture of victory over all the Middle East
world, and this in turn led to the interpenetration of Greek and
Eastern religions, to the Hellenization of the Eastern and Greek
result of this dual process was the religion of Hellenism, the presentation
is the subject of this essay. This cross-sectional view will be performed,
according to what has been said, for I c. R.X. to the eve of the birth of
In essence, these ellinizuyuschimsya orientalizuyuschim religions and
universe belongs and religion of the people, which is located on
banks of the Jordan; but its importance for the later Christianity does not
present it along with the religion of any great mother, not to mention
that its inclusion in the inorganic "religion of Hellenism" prohibitive
would increase the volume on the latest release; It, therefore, is
subject of the next essay, the number of the third, wearing the title of
"Hellenism and
Judaism ". now stipulate that under Judaism, unlike the ancient
Israel, on the one hand, and Jewry, on the other, are of course
extremely low period in the religious development of the Jewish people,
the era of the Second Temple, as it is also called, by the return of
Babylonian captivity and the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem - only
this era
experienced a rapprochement with the Hellenic world, but she had the
importance for
nascent Christianity. Yet it is not all go into our presentation:
cross-sectional and there will be produced for I c. to R.X.
Greek universe was replaced by Roman; but before you go to her,
it will be necessary to make up the religion of the people who put it
its state seal. The fourth essay, therefore, will be devoted to
religion republican Rome. By the time he is parallel to both
previous, i.e. cross-sectional and there will be produced for I c. to R.X.,
for the age of Cicero. - After that come under the shadow of imperial power
cultural association of the Roman West and the Greek and non-Greek East;
for this universe Roman Christianity was ordained by religion; but
before finding it in his calm, she of the totality of its
religious forces created something original, great food and the previous and
the fact
more of what followed. This religion of universal empire - about
Diocletian era, ie end of the third century R.X. - And should make
the content of the fifth essay. - Finally, the sixth will completion of the
building -
early Christianity, but still not quite early, as defined in its
idea of what his era knew immediately after the end of the Arian
That's the plan; Will it be possible to carry it out - time will tell.


There brahilogii content as brahilogii shape; to the first
belongs to the current opinion, that is the Greek universe, religious
indicator which has been presented in this essay, a set of
beliefs and practices, arose as a result of Alexander the Great victories. I
do not
object to it; but being quite good in the world-historical
scheme, it requires a certain, so to speak, in a resolution
detailed exposition. Such should be to specify a
preparatory processes prior to a decisive blow
king-conqueror and to determine its success.
As the reader can see, we use the word in this essay
"Hellenism" in the sense, not only does not match the words
"Hellenism", but to some extent even opposite him. This differentiation
two generations before us Droysen; whether it be good or bad, it's another
question set that is already too late: she has to catch on and it
use on a par with other scientific terminology.
Hellenic religion was just introduced in the first essay she
was diverse in its splitting corresponding to the splitting of the
people, and a prominent cultural role of Athens in the V-IV centuries. has
allowed us to
focus their interest on them and portray Athenian religion of the
under the name of the ancient Greek period. Daylight Hellenism in Hellenism -
slow and gradual, like any strong historical formation -
accomplished in a number of simultaneous processes, intertwining with each
other and
each other mutually conditioned, of which the most important were the
The first was the gradual integration of separate Hellenic tribes,
committed both to the masses and in the small but influential circles.
That "Attic State", which was a political signature of the fifth
century after the liberation wars united Athens with almost all the Ionian
world, however, thereby further emphasizing its antagonism with the same
Hellenic foreign elements. Economic reasons forced
Hellenic youth to seek services, mainly military, outside
own Hellas; recall those ten thousand brave men who
followed the banner of Cyrus the Younger in his not very respectable campaign
against his older brother. These were people from different countries;
fought beside an Athenian, with the Lacedaemonian; their home state
fought with each other, but they felt his teammates in mind the surrounding
their barbarous peoples, the Greeks felt worshiping the same
gods, speaking almost in one and the same language, and in any case,
understand each other without the interpreter. They were rude souls; Suppose,
though still
among them was Xenophon. But the same Xenophon history shows us in
other society - fellow Athenians Antisthenes and Plato, but the Thebans
Simmias and Cebes, and megartsa Euclid and elidtsa Phaedo, and Aristippus of
African Cyrene. Are there many remains of the Hellenic splitting in this
friendly atmosphere created by warm words of Socrates? And then - Plato
his Academy, Isocrates and his school of rhetoric, Aristotle and the Lyceum,
a number of
cultural centers, smoothing tribal differences for the sake of
solidarity. This was the Hellenic element, with which Alexander and
his successors subjugated culture conquered the Asian-African
Of course; but it still needed Alexander. And in order to
Alexander originated, it was necessary to pre-fall mezhduellinskoy
hegemonic ideas, which amounted to a good part of the content of the
History of Greece in the IV century. Athens at the end of the V century
shipwrecked with
their great in the then and tamoshnem scale policy; fine.
But what will happen next? And then would be that would be impossible
not only in Athens but also all of the Hellenic state, as against
anyone applying for such, formed a coalition of the nearest
for power, and this coalition will not defeat him. Sparta demands for itself
hegemony after the fall of Athens - Corinth and its allies Thebes together
with its
enemies of Athens and Argos and implicate it in the "Corinthian War", after
which - despite its relatively favorable outcome for her, - Thebes
triumph over relaxed bearer hegemony. Thebes much
succeed, thanks to the genius of Epaminondas; but their success brings Athens
to Sparta,
and Theban hegemony does not reach its implementation. However, Epaminondas
Retrieve enslaved Messenia Sparta, united against the same
Sparta Arcadia, creates for both the central city area - in Messene
Messene, Megalopolis in Arcadia - but political consequence of these measures
was not the consolidation of the Theban hegemony, and only the final
Spartan. After the death of Epaminondas, they buried the hopes of his
homeland, Athens
could again take place wane; but even that small advantage, which
they had raised against them by their closest allies, and by the middle of IV
century wreck mezhduellinskoy hegemonic idea was already an accomplished
Centralizing power could come from within - it came from the outside; it
was not the bearer of the republic and the monarchy. Philip of Macedon
triumphed where succumbed to an overwhelming struggle of Athens, Sparta,
Thebes; after two decades of anarchy mezhduellinskoy smart Macedonian
made himself ruler recognized the hegemony of the Greeks in the campaign
barbarians, for the past two generations owned jewel of the Hellenic world
- Ionia. Implement this plan, due to his early death, had
his son Alexander the Great; implementing same was such that not only
Ionia, but the entire Middle East to the borders of India and Egypt submitted
to the chief
Greeks. However, even early death and also the winner of this
shattered just combined the universe; but also to take her place
Greek-Eastern States has become the ruling element of the Hellenic Language
elite, led by the Macedonian monarch.
That was the ruling; and who managed? There were quite alien
Hellenic aliens to take them captive barbaric environment? And here we must
say that the IV century largely prepared that flourished in
III. Ionia was linked by sea with indigenous Hellas, but land
- With the Persian monarchy; to the same border with her province - Phrygia,
Lydia, Caria - already for a long time had to submit to the cultural
superiority of the Hellenic genius. Greek artists, do not find golf
his talent in his impoverished homeland willingly followed alluring
call Anatolian princes and rulers; their residence decorated
monuments of Greek art, and we can easily imagine how
contagious example of the rulers acted on the nobles, lords example - to
other; scientists, especially physicians of the followers of Hippocrates,
guests of honor even the royal court; enterprising merchants also willingly
followed wherever their calling hope for profit, almost certainly in their
centuries bred resourcefulness. All these people are tenaciously held on to
other, transferring to a foreign country and sectarian life of their
homeland; but they are not
fought shy and native elements, as these do not treat them
too impatient. Thus, gradually, step by step, entered the Greek
culture within the Asian monarchy; the soil was already significant
degree prepared when the invincible phalanx of Alexander the Great
smashed the last barriers between Greek and oriental world and gave
Hellenic cultural idea of a strong position in the former Persian empire.


Near the fortieth anniversary of the death of Alexander to the battle in
the plain bark
(281 g), symmetrically divided into two halves of the Battle of Ipsom (301
y), it was time chaotic wildness in the conquered territory,
continuation of a chaotic struggle for hegemony of the Greek states. Idea
hegemony was replaced by the idea of combining the monarchy, and the scale of
became the world in terms of the then Greek-east of the universe; but however
have the same fatal law - a contender for the crown of Alexandra thereby
united against him and others killed in an unequal battle. Antipater,
Antigonus, Seleucus - all three alternate on the world stage with
equal success. Quick career of the first; Antigone takes IPS Seleucus -
plain bark. And all around them how many other people from the same
socket - all capable, all mighty, all sealed with the seal of immorality. On
it Macedonians successors morality Archelaus, Aminta, Filippov.
It becomes terrible when reading their acts, so those who disagree with the
soul of a true
Hellenism; Sons kill mother, father kills son, vassals kill kings,
host leaves the leader, marriages and are terminated at the request of
minutes, the kingdom of amassing almost overnight and falling apart in
following. Story worthy of the pen of Tacitus, is at best
some Durida Samos, and his exposition we have
rebuilding of the derivative sources. Religious results of this seething
we summarize their time; here it is necessary to briefly sum up the
Country mother of a vast empire, Macedonia, unable to exercise
their rights to it; even its impact on Philip conquered Greece
challenged the mighty Antigonus and his brave son, Demetrius
Gradoosazhdatelem. Soon she herself becomes a bone of contention between
commanders. Antipater's son, Cassander, briefly going through the IRS;
between Epirus to the west and Thracian-Phrygian kingdom of Lysimachus in the
east, it
then he goes, then Pyrrhus, the above-named Demetrius, but gets it in
Eventually, shortly after the decisive battle in the plain bark, the son of
Antigonus Gonatas, the founder of the dynasty of Macedonian kings, Antigonid.
Eastern neighbor Macedonia, Lysimachus controlled Thracian-Phrygia
grows after the IASA by the Anatolian kingdom of Antigonus, and thanks
its favorable position in the straits and possess highly cultured Ionia
and adjacent provinces ellinizovannymi, promises to be a member of the
Hellenistic family; but the death of Lysimachus in plain bark and started
Because of this battle, the invasion of the Gauls destroyed those dreams.
Gallic Feed
filled in this state, washing, however, Pergamon rock on which dwelt
smart Fileter. With this rock and rose over time that commander who
drove this flow in the channel around it later today and subdued Angora
The newly-formed barbaric "Galatia" Hellenic kingdom Attalids; but
it happened about forty years after the bark - to the detriment of the
dynasty, which had expected to take over the legacy of Lysimachus, dynasty
successors of Seleucus. Seleucus kingdom - the third number of the
Hellenistic -
emerged as something suddenly from other regions of eastern provinces and by
Powers Representative unity entrenched in Anatolia Antigone; this
natural and inevitable hostility and was due to the policy of Seleucus
having driven him from success to success, until the triumph of Cora, shortly
whose violent death put an end to further victories old
Victorious (Nikator), as it is rightly called. Happier and Antipater
Lysimachus, he became the founder of the dynasty, like his enemy Antigonus,
more reliable and by late: the Seleucid kingdom was the kingdom of the
Seleucus, Persian Middle East. But keep it in its entirety, they
could not. We have already seen how in Anatolia flakes Pergamon kingdom
Attala and Attalids; almost simultaneously with (approximately 240 g)
lost zaevfratskuyu Persia, formed a separate state parfiyskoe
Arsakid. Since then, their kingdom is almost limited to Syria, with its
the capital of one of the jewels of the Hellenistic world, excellent for
After Macedonia and Syria Pergamum was the third major Hellenistic
the kingdom; fourth and was the chief of Egypt, with its capital of
The discernment of its first ruler, Ptolemy's "Savior"
(Soter), who could and limit their ambition, and defend it
Chosen by the border, he was the first, immediately after the death of
stood out from the general chaos and lived a peaceful cultural life.
within his kingdom, fenced desert and the sea, the Ptolemies could
would and did refuse to participate in the Hellenistic slaughter; but
political and economic conditions forced them to have their hand in Hellas,
they did not want the Greco-Macedonian elite resolved in the surrounding
Egyptian environment. Hence their War of Cyrene, in Cyprus, in the border
Seleucids "Hollow Syria". Particularly important for its religious and
consequences of a war in the last, as it directly touched Judah;
but this episode we reserve for the next essay.
Year 240 can be considered a landmark in the history of the Hellenistic
it is here that is determined by their composition, the four powers -
Pergamum, Syria and Egypt - we have just identified. Was not the same
the fate of Hellenism in these four. Macedonia became a sort of a new Hellas,
Hellas united and monarchist, unlike Republican
fragmentation of the country-mother; both energetic and talented
authorities, who took one after another of her throne after said distemper,
Antigone - Gonata and Dosont - with honor and support the banner of Hellenism
andYear 240 can be considered a landmark in the history of the Hellenistic
it is here that is determined by their composition, the four powers -
Pergamum, Syria and Egypt - we have just identified. Was not the same
the fate of Hellenism in these four. Macedonia became a sort of a new Hellas,
Hellas united and monarchist, unlike Republican
fragmentation of the country-mother; both energetic and talented
authorities, who took one after another of her throne after said distemper,
Antigone - Gonata and Dosont - with honor and support the banner of Hellenism
monarchism, and only with the successor of the latter, known from the war
with Rome
Philip began the fall of the country. But united-Hellenic and she remained
later, and after his conversion to Roman province, and its new
capital of Thessalonica, as one of the major cities of the Balkan Peninsula,
victoriously denounced their Hellenic heritage, until recently,
who returned it to her beautiful name after the barbarian Thessaloniki and
Pergamon kingdom was also a strong center of Hellenism; Greek itself
Me, it was planter Greek language and culture in the next
Anatolia regions, even in the barbarian world newly formed Galatia. His
task was facilitated by the previous development, irresistibly draws in
Peninsula in terms of Hellenism; difficult task was the ruler of the third
Hellenistic state of the Seleucids. But this difficulty is balanced
amazing energy as the founder of the dynasty, Seleucus Nicator,
and his successors. Convinced of the superiority of Greek culture,
they assiduously spread it all over the course of his vast kingdom,
mainly by the establishment of the colonies, and they followed the traditions
the king himself the conqueror, the majority of "Alexander" which had just
the slave later Seleucids Middle East. First place, it is clear
occupied the capital of the kingdom of Antioch on the Orontes in Syria, with
its sea harbor
Seleucus; the second - Seleucia on the Tigris, the heiress of the greatness
of his neighbor
Babylon. However, this Syrian Hellenism was a special kind: Healthy
purity immigrants Greco-Macedonian mountains could not resist against the
impact of the new environment, and modern scholars, not without reason
compare these
Antioch Greeks with current Levantine. The hardest thing was the position
Hellenism in Egypt. Greco-Macedonian material available to the
Ptolemy was not particularly numerous, wide colonial
activities they could not develop; On the other hand, the ambient
Egyptian culture in its centuries-old clearly had great power
resistance. However, her body was the priesthood, and with it the Ptolemies
tried to maintain a good relationship; and, indeed, it is readily
recognized the new dynasty of the legitimate successor of the old pharaohs
and depicted on
its granite monuments Alexandrian rulers, who could not even
speak Egyptian, in that the native form and vestments that they
probably do not know themselves to. But all this was only apparent; Hellenism
firmly held only for the first three Ptolemies energetic - Soter
Philadelphia and Bithynia, - the board which took the first century of the
power; Starting from the fourth, Philopator, nationalist response
began to wash away the foundations of Hellenization, the farther, the better:
incestuous marriages dynasty could no longer resist it. All
same language of administration was Greek, and preserved us numerous
Monuments of everyday business life have clearly demonstrated that the
population, although sometimes just barely, but cope with the
his new status quo linguistic task.
Hellenistic state surrounded by a semicircle of old root
Greece, both directly and indirectly by determining its future political
its role, financially weak, thanks to its cultural superiority
remained significant. With the disappearance of hegemony and scarecrows
mezhduellinskie war almost ceased; Athens and Sparta were stronger, the
During the first century Hellenistic quite important political
units, but they overshadow the one hand, rapidly growing Rhodes, this
Venice Hellenism, skillfully used their privileged position in the island
point restraint of trade routes between the new states, and on the other -
both the newly formed Union of minor communities, "Aetolian" in the middle
Greece and the "Achaean" in the Peloponnese. When he had finished the first
century after
the death of Alexander the Great, Hellenistic eyes turned to the West, with
sinking watching the ups and downs of the struggle between the two giants of
world, Rome and Hannibal. It was felt that the outcome of this struggle will
depend on the fate of the eastern Mediterranean as well. And, indeed, almost
it ended in victory of Rome at the turn of the III and II centuries as
intervention of the winner and his or her case; skillfully using the
available reasons
contention, enmity of both alliances against each other and against
Macedonia, and
Pergamum against Syria, Rome slowly and firmly spread its authority in
eastern basin of the Mediterranean Sea. Did not have time to expire first
the fiftieth anniversary of the II., as Macedonia and Greece became a Roman
The second gave her also and Pergamum, had previously advanced by Syria; it
came up to her and, if eastern Hellenism not found a patron in
demonic personality Mithridates, king of Pontus in the back ellinizovannogo
Anatolia, and on the other hand, the internal turmoil that followed the
reforms of the Gracchi, Rome did not distract from its foreign policy
objectives. But it
was only a respite: the inevitable yet accomplished, and before the
expiration of
I in the first half. Pompey drew and Syria into a Roman province. Remained
Egypt, secluded in their alienation and the Greek and the Roman affairs.
This alienation has extended his original life for another generation, but
No longer: romantic love of Antony and Cleopatra, and pulled him in
cycle of world events, and in '30 to R.X. and he submitted to Rome.
This will close the circle was. Three centuries after Alexander the


Rome we are, according to what has been said before turning off the
circle of our attention.
While we have taken for their observation post that century, when he was
subdued Balkan Peninsula with good part of Anatolia and from there
threatened Syria, glancing from time to time and in Egypt, but this
intervention we
Do not hesitate, as it is not affected even by the religious life of the
Mediterranean and on what we called "the religion of Hellenism." Expanding
area of his observations step by step, in this essay we will be dealing
Only with her, with the peculiar amalgam of Greek and Oriental
elements that gave temporary satisfaction humanity who left
intimate circle of the national religion and seek the universal religion.
With amalgam ... psychological, of course, but, as shown by the mere
expression, similar to the definition of metallurgical processes,
mechanical in its essence. So, then, a religion?
At the time we experience does not require any courage for
to answer this question in the affirmative: the veil torn off, religion is
ceremony. Rather, it takes courage for the opposite response. Where
courage, honor, and there; and where honor, and there ...
But that's not the courage or even the honor: the case of the truth. The
truth is that,
that religion is not mechanically generated; mechanically created only
homunculi, disguised as religion, which do not survive the short-term
power of their manufacturers. I will say more: even organically they are not
they only organically modified in its shell, not at its core. A
how are they created? We do not know; it - a mystery as impenetrable as
the mystery of the origin of life. And if you want to be honest researcher in
the field of religious history, and not a charlatan, - the first thing to
come home to
the veil back to the place from which it tore charlatans.
As the author of this essay, I invite the reader along on the way
honest research; that says it all - and especially what we curtains
will not touch. However, it also says that we will not have speech
about it and even more so that it hides; Our task - to study and
we do not consider that it can not be the subject. Our route - a sober,
but not cold the way of science: one we do not intend nor seduce or pay.
Such was my point in the first essay on
ancient Greek religion; but there is one of my phrase and could cause
really caused the misunderstanding. In it, I invite the reader (p. 11)
"Kindle in my heart a bright beacon of religious feeling and leave home
dim lantern confessionalism ": hence it was possible to infer that
I tried to configure it with hostility to his creed, recommending him
some indefinite interkonfessionalizm, sort of deism, which
part of the European intelligentsia flattered himself in the XVIII century.
This conclusion is
wrong: confessionalism is not a religion or denomination, he
differs from it is that element of exclusivity, which is expressed
suffix "ism". If I condemned man to his affection
religion, I would first of all to condemn himself. Its
heart and soul, my faith, hope and love, I firmly rooted in the
confession, which was raised from infancy; this attachment,
however, was not an obstacle for me, and help to ensure that understand the
and a sense of the religious life of the many, partly very close to me, with
which I drove fate. Moreover, I can say honestly, that I could
given to religious feeling and experiencing religious revival, even in
Turkish vaults; but I never managed to learn either one or the
another in volnodumcheskom crematorium.
The reader will forgive me this autobiographical reference, I quietly
I use the pronoun "I" where it has a "paradigmatic" value
as the geometric reasoning: "I take the angle ABC ..." Interkonfessionalizm
- No way, as a barrier to be nearly the same as atheism; and what is required
I would call it "suprakonfessionalizmom" - does not exclude the confession,
on the contrary, it is my assumption. Debt objectivity I must
try to be understood by everyone intelligent person, whether he is an atheist
or believers; but the subject matter is such that the first will understand
me only with the mind,
and the second - the mind and the heart. Let it just this second, not
Statement of understanding preconceived idea that the sympathetic attitude to
religious forms that preceded Christianity, ie the so-called
"Paganism" - equivalent to betraying his religion. I had to read
stories of Christian missionaries about religion sredneafrikanskih savages
pleased to celebrate their sympathetic attitude to the smallest embryos
more sublime bogoponimaniya and worship these stepchildren of nature;
do what was odobryaemo there should be condemned here?
But it is already looking ahead; we, of course, in this second sketch
need to look back. That the religion of the ancient Greeks V and IV
centuries. was
religion of the highest order, it was proved in the first sketch; whether
Hellenism in comparison with her progress or regress - we shall see in
the following chapters.

Chapter II
RELIGION Sacraments


In the confusing multiplicity of names and cults of the ancient Greek
polytheism eyes get used to it pretty observers to submit two
clearly separated from each other by the flow. First - this is for the
explicit participation
which was not due to anything, except accessory
honors to the respective civic community; here we refer
majority of the state cults of Greece - and of Olympian Zeus, and
Pallas of Athens and the Delphic Apollo. But the second - for a secret;
condition of participation in it was the dedication, the dedication is to
impose on those who
it was awarded, the obligation - to any of the uninitiated not to give those
celebration, a party and a witness which he was granted to be; here
also applies a number of cults, though much smaller, but especially the two:
Eleusinian cult of Demeter and Dionysus cult, developed a prophet Orpheus
-Other words, the Eleusinian and Orphic ordinances.
There - Zeus and his living in an eternal light Olympic family; here -
Earth and darkness, full of terrible secrets ... creepy, yes, but at the same
time and
consolation: it is the mother-to-Earth. We live under the watchful eyes of
and other Olympians; but it is worth our body covered with sepulchral
fingers, and we
under the authority of the other, "chthonic" gods. This duality can
perplex us - and, indeed, it rejected Christianity. But in the minds of
Hellene is rooted firmly - for the time being (below 19, con.).
From Earth, Demeter, Dionysus and the Earth; charm of their teaching is
precisely in the fact that they have opened before mortal cover underground
secrets and
only satisfy his curiosity by giving him a definite answer to
nagging question that will happen to him after death, but also taught him to
themselves better fate in the afterlife. In those distant days when the gods
have not confessed as guardians of morality, and the terms of this a better
were more sacred than the moral, ie soon reduced to
execution initiation rites than to just life. Moralization
sacraments was flush with the moralization of religion in general; at the
time of flowering
it is also the last of the sacraments was a fait accompli.
Their charm because of this growing and growing, but still uneven
manner. The reason for the difference was that the sacraments were the
attached to a particular community, to the Attic Eleusis, and had here
its center of administration in the form of the priestly college Evmolpidov,
as Orphic distributed through itinerant priests and prophets,
were scattered all over Hellas. We are now difficult to decide what was
more profitable. Without a doubt, it was easier to find Orphism yourself
fans, not
only among the common people, but also of poets and thinkers, with Pindar and
Plato led; but clarity and certainty of the teachings easier to keep
cash at the central board, to supervise the actions of their
emissaries, thanks to his authority, based on the continuity
once obtained from the most Demeter revelation.
In this respect, the Eleusinian board could successfully compete with
Delphic; their position was the same. Outwardly this rivalry
reflected in the fact that they - and only they, as far as we know -
Greece had in their other so-called "eksegetov", ie
interpreters; witnessed it, but only for Athens. but
paucity of our knowledge about the organization of the sacred things in other
communities, the conclusion by analogy is permissible. What was the role
such eksegeta it shows us oscillation father Plato Evtifrona.
One of his client on the island of Naxos drunk kills his slave; and so,
host before equal pay him, sends in Athens trustee
person to learn from eksegeta how to act. We understand it
hesitation, because if he would without permission eksegeta his execution -
he is
murderer, would be excluded from participation in the sacraments. Hence it is
clear that the Greek
eksegety developed a special system of sacred law; it brings them together
pontiffs in Rome. And those and others were not judges, but rather experts,
this does not diminish their importance: and here and there the court could
not take their


With its rugged center at Eleusis, Demeter religion presents us
two features that are important for its further development. First - this is
the ease with which it could take a worship other gods and
some extent amalgamated with them; second - is the energy with which
it, by establishing homesteads, spread throughout the Greek world else.
The first is caused by the second - this is the characteristic feature that
Hellenic tolerant of intolerant Jewish proselytism.
We need to take a quick look at this proselytism: the reader
see in the future, he was effective in the beginning of the religion
Oldest attainable for our knowledge, the stage Eleusinian cult
is preserved for us in the Moscow manuscript "Homeric" hymn
Demeter; according to him, the contents of the sacred drama will be the
With the permission of his brother Zeus, Hades kidnaps Cora, the
daughter of Demeter, at the
while she played with virgins-Oceanids on flowery meadow. Contributed
abduction of the Earth itself, producing a wonderful daffodil; Bark and it
breaks this
gives himself to the kidnapper. No one can hear her desperate cries,
except "nezhnodushnoy" Hecate and Helium. But when she already entrained into
the interior
land, cried again, heard her mother. She ran to look for her;
nine days later, she was looking for her, not knowing neither food nor sleep;
on the tenth with her
Hecate met and told that she could - that someone stole Cora, but
who is, and that she does not know. With her Demeter went to helium
and away from the all-seeing God, learned the truth.
Angry with Zeus, she refused to communicate with the Olympic
gods and turned into an old woman sat at the Maiden at Eleusis near Krynica
Palace Kehl. There she found four daughters Kehl; She called them DotA
krityankoy and said that she, being kidnapped by pirates,
fled from them. They call it the principal nobles of the city Triptolemus,
Polyxena, Evmolpiass, and Doliha of Kehl, and offer her to do a nanny
their mother Metanire to nurse their brother pozdnorozhdennogo Demophon.
Demeter followed them, but also in the house Metaniry continued to grieve and
fast until the maid Yamba their jokes are not made her smile. To
your pet is attached so that wished to make him immortal; with
For this purpose, it is at night, in secret from their parents, kept it in
the fire, and in the afternoon
namaschala ambrosia. But once Metanira spied her charms and night
cried, thinking that someone else wants to lime her son; angry goddess
gave themselves to learn and ordered citizens to her temple built on a hill
their city, and it will show them rite itself.
Another year has passed, heavy for mortals, as Demeter struck
infertile land; Zeus then sent for angry iridium, and then all
other gods, but she stubbornly refused to return to Olympus. He had to
obey: he sent Hermes to Hades with orders to let Cora
mother. Hades obeyed, but gave outgoing taste of sweet corn
pomegranate than deprived of her right to leave it altogether. Mother and
met on Rariyskoy plain near Eleusis; Cora told him about his
kidnapping, naming names of their companions-Oceanids, but with them both
virgin goddesses of Olympus, Pallas and Artemis. Came to talking,
on behalf of Zeus, and his mother Rhea Demetrina and invited them to Olympus,
saying that, by definition, Zeus, Cora will now spend only a third
years with her husband, while the remaining two-thirds - to the mother. This
time, Demeter
obeyed, but before leaving Eleusis, she returned to the land of fertility
and, pursuant to his promise, established at Eleusis their ordinances.
Ending his anthem, the singer calls except Eleusis, two other
the center of the mystical cult of Demeter; it - "surrounded by the sea" and
"Rocky" Antron. On the second (in Thessaly) is not known; on Paros we
some of the information we have, but do not need them here. Interestingly,
the singer is silent about Athens: it is clear that those two BRANCH arose
Connection of Eleusis with Athens and transformation of an ancient cult of
in obscheafinsky.


It goes without saying that not all persons named in the hymn
been the subject of a cult at Eleusis. As regards, first of all the gods, the
Eleusis until late revered only one trinity, or, more correctly
speaking, two pairs with a common term in each. These were firstly
"God" and "Goddess", ie Hades-Pluto and Persephone-Kora, whose names
preferred not to be identified, and secondly, the mother and daughter,
Demeter and the same bark,
The latest in its terrestrial existence. Not so clear for us the question of
the Eleusinian
heroes; here, of course, there was a well-known evolution. Firstly, pet
Demeter - Demofont - faded in the memory of late; He was replaced in this
that Triptolemus, whom the author calls the anthem among the nobles of the
citizens who have received from Demeter its sacraments. Secondly, this
pervoposvyaschennyh with Kehl led itself gives way to a kind of
sacral monarchy centered in the offspring Evmolpa - Evmolpa addition,
hymn which also knows only as one of the founders of the sacraments.
This evolution is due, most likely, the struggle of labor in the
Eleusis, accompanied by another, more interesting and important: the gradual
transformation of the cult of Eleusis in local obscheellinsky. Individual
Fazis this development are unknown to us; when it ended, took Eleusis
place near Delphi, this "common hearth of Hellas." In fact, they
mutually reinforcing. Delphi
Apollo pointed mortal way of life, they turned to him in difficult
minutes of the Board and rukovoditelstvom; but about the mysteries of the
underworld, he
did they not say that. This is where it started and the power of Demeter, who
trust her how to secure "the better part" in the realm of his daughter.
Apollo was Zeus, Demeter - from Earth, if not the land itself; in
prevalence of these two cults revived primordial Greek dualism
This dualism has been recognized and proclaimed by Apollo at Delphi;
not surprising that the rise of the cult of Eleusis was held in his
directed. When the Athenians in 420 appealed to allies and other Greeks
with an invitation to send the first fruits to Eleusis, they insisted,
they are doing it, "according to the customs of the fathers, and the Delphic
The Athenians ... this is the third reform: the administration of the
cult of
locally Eleusis Eleusis, Athens has become. It was a natural
consequence of the absorption of Eleusis Attic state. When it
held? According to legend, even with the king Fesee, generation before the
war, that is, in the later calculations, around the year 1200; by assumption
some of the latest scientific, not earlier than the VII century. I have
reason to believe that
the truth, and then took an average place, but it does not matter; following
are important.
Adoption Eleusinian cult among the Athenian was to have
consequence, in the first place, the construction of Eleusinian goddesses
monastery in Athens;
they became "Eleusis" at the foot of the Acropolis. Second, the enrichment of
the cult itself. Of course, the core of Eleusis, which arose by the
revelation itself
Demeter, was to remain intact; but nothing prevented the establishment of
especially for the Athens mists special ceremony in addition to Eleusinian,
especially if obtained at this - that probably was done -
blessing of the Delphic god. Thus were established the so-called Small
mystery, spring holiday, as prepared for the great autumn; but
Autumn demanded increase their rites, at least one
increment caused by the very heart of the matter - a solemn procession
dedicated from Athens to spaced approximately 20 miles Eleusis. And this
procession led to an extremely important enrichment itself Eleusinian
religion -
this, of which probably did not think the founders.
Joy, of course covering the pilgrims as they approach the
place of grace found expression in the jubilant cheers and songs in
the so-called iache, "accompanying" them throughout their journey from Athens
Eleusis Kefisa. This iache, as part rite was
divine ... until now our religious feeling can keep track of
Hellenic, but in the future is already affecting his own psychology. It
was divine - more than that, she was a deity - a young, tender,
"Accompanying" god Iacchus. And this created a sense of religious
pilgrimage of joy Iacchus God clothed in flesh and blood: he, too, in
Athens built the temple, Iakcheion; his idol, borne on the hands of the
Ephebos, "accompanied" by a procession to Eleusis, and there is taken by
someone - in
Eleusis itself this holiday is not provided Demeter Guest
could not participate.
But who was he, this affectionate leader of the pilgrims? - God is a
joyful, dancing mania, and then interrupt the solemn procession - and
then there's harmony: Iakchos, Bakchos. There is no doubt: it is identical to
of the greatest of the Greek gods of Olympus, Dionysus-Bacchus. But if so,
this young god could not remain a simple daemon partial
celebration, like some Yamba: he demanded a worthy
space next to the couple, the Great Goddess, as the son - yes, as the eldest
son and how
brother, the youngest of them. Eleusinian cult this innovation, I repeat, do
affected; but in Athens trio consisting of Demeter, Kore-Persephone and
Iacchus-Dionysus was recognized. Coincidence increased its charm
junior member: on the very day of the battle of Salamis was heard from the
Road to Eleusis jubilation of the crowds after Iacchus - so he came to the
Help your people and bless his weapon.
The importance of this initiation to the Eleusinian Dionysus couple we
can only
guess: the doctrine because it was secret. But both the mystery religions
are related to one another, both were given the answer to the question about
the fate of souls on the
light and taught to earn a "better fate" beyond death.
It would not be surprising if the doctrine of the afterlife of the Eleusinian
The world has taken a certain Dionysian, ie Orphic features and
likewise, if noisy Dionysian orgies or strict regulations
"Orphic life" influenced the Eleusinian rites. But let us not, like
a number of scientists, lost in the tempting, but baseless conjecture: return
our topic.
Implication of the Eleusinian cult in Athens were, as we
seen, firstly, the construction of the Athens monastery as "Eleusis"
secondly, the enrichment of the Eleusinian rites and institutions of small
sacred procession with her Iacchus-Dionysus; third consequence was
become the general administration of the sacraments. For her Eleusis gave his
since the association genus Evmolpidov: out of it at all times, were placed
Chief Hierophant, and both "ierofantidy" two goddesses. But Athens valued
in order to be represented, if not in the first place, for lack of
continuity for them coming from the very revelation of Demeter, then at least
second. Stopped (who do not know) on the way Kerik (ie spokesmen)
which produced a daughter of Hermes and the ancient Athenian king Cecrops;
it was assigned, in addition to other, less important priesthood, the second
dignity after Hierophant daduha sacral position, ie
"Svetochenostsa." Thanks to this attraction Kerik, and their tribal god
Hermes was raised in a close relationship to the Eleusinian deities; however,
very Eleusis these relationships were quite outside - we know
only that he was there in the days of the great feast of sacrifice a goat -
Athens was not the case. When it was discovered the need for redemption
violent death at the hands of a herald Kopreya Athenian king Demophon,
Kerik, stood up for his god-ancestor, the patron of heralds
imposed on Athens kind of penance: Ephebians they were to accompany
Eleusinian procession mourning chlamydia. Only in the year 160 by R.X.
Atticus also kind of Kerik, withdrew them the age old penance.
But apart from one kind of Kerik Attic genus has been filed
Eleusinian celebration, namely daduhii, although the details here
It is arguable; it was Likomidy, glorious race bound at
eventually give Athens and Hellas great Themistocles. Their homeland -
Attic village Fliya - was rich in temples and altars; but all the other cults
eclipsed the cult of the "Great Goddess," by which razumeli Earth - a
cult, directly related Eleusinian cult of the Great Goddess. He and
was the ancestral cult Likomidov; and at its cash their involvement with
Athenian side and also to the administration of the cult of Eleusis quite
naturally. Evidence sources do not allow us to go further
establishing this connection, under what conditions Likomid in daduhii could
Kerika - we can not say. But this establishment enough
to see a further step in the victorious march of the Eleusinian religion.


In recent days, the heroic struggle of the Messenians with the Spartans
for their
independence soothsayer theokoles learn from the known signs that their death
imminent, thought it best to open God's will and also the national leader
Aristomeneh. The fact that the latter had a mascot, "the destruction of
which would be forever buried Messenia, while its preservation,
according to the oracle Pandionova son Lika (ancestor Likomidov, I note
between brackets), was the key to its revival in the distant future.
listened to the voice of the prophet: crept to the top of Itom native
Messenians, who was then already in the grip of the enemy, he buried the
prayed to Zeus and other gods Itomatu that they retained their trusted
treasure, and not have allowed the Spartans to destroy the only hope for the
It happened near the middle of the seventh century. Soon after the last
Messenians stronghold fell; came to her people three centuries of
enslavement. But
Now, about the middle of the fourth century, and the Spartans star faded to
Messenians was a liberator in the face of Epaminondas. Was founded a new
the capital of a liberated country, the Messiah; and the chief, who was
charged with
Epaminondas recovery Messinian state - it was the epithelium, a native
argosets - appeared in a dream unfamiliar husband, who offered him to go on
Itomu and finding growing next yew and myrtle, dig up the ground between
them. Epithelium
obeyed and brought Epaminondas found at the specified location ancient
Hydra; having opened it, they found it written on the tin tablets charter
sacraments of the Great Goddess. - This was the mascot of Aristomenes.
I have reproduced some places literally saved Pausanias legend
Messinian revival sacraments; I believe that I have nothing to teach my
readers how to deal with the sacred legend general and legends
a "found the book" in particular. But what would have to say now already
not a legend, and history.
The ancient capital of Messenia to her enslavement was Andani; here
hence, should establish a revived ordinances, and could
put this impoverished town in the same relationship to the new capital
Messene, in what was Eleusis to Athens. The very same renewal of the
ought to entrust an experienced person - of course, of the priestly college
Eleusinian cult. Found itself in the person of a Mefapa (Methapos),
Likomida - again, please note, Likomida. It was interesting in many
relations person, a true apostle of the mystery cults. How Likomid he
was the leader of the native cult of the Great Goddess of the Earth; but also
He was also something of a daduha in Eleusis sacraments. As an experienced
in the mystery cults theologian, he was invited by the Thebans in the era
Epaminondas lead the reform of their cult Kabiri in connection with the
dedicated to these deities country church.
A few words about this cult, of which we have still not been
speech. Based once Phoenician swimmers on the island of Lemnos, he
spread to the neighboring islands and eventually found its center in the
Samothrace; Yet, during the Greek independence, these "Samothracian
Mysteries "eked out quite dark existence, and only after Alexander
Great blossomed, taking a seat next to the Eleusinian and Orphic
sacraments. Greece shuns them, obviously, because of their Semitic
origin, which indicated the name of the gods they worshiped
(Kabirim - "great" gods); took them, perhaps for the same reason Thebes
attributing its foundation a native Phoenician cadmium. There are in the VI.
Temple was founded Kabiri, the same restructuring which in the IV. gave
rise to mission Mefapa.
East Kabiri uncertainty, due to the natural
need their fans to bring them closer to religion surrounding the Hellenic
world, led to the identification of the Great Gods with those or other images
Greek Olympus, where they could, by the same uncertainties
and arbitrarily change your number, and your gender. Initially, they were,
seems to be two, "Kabir" and his "son" - Zeus and Dionysus, then: a
convenient excuse
Fertilizer kabiricheskie ordinances elements dionisiazma and Orphism. Under
the influence of this mystery religion couple turns in the Trinity, the two
Kabir kill the third, and his death and resurrection, or the resurrection
form a sacred cult legend, parallel to the legend of the death and
the resurrection of the primordial Dionysus. But by virtue of another
original couple, having attached to his two female deities, becomes
Tetraktys; it will learn the Eleusinian trinity - Demeter, Hades, Persephone
- with
adding to her ancestor Kerik, Hermes, indicating that
specifically Athenian influence. So, picking a rays and the Dionysian, and
Eleusinian mysteries Samothracian become comprehensive mystical
religion, preparing it for his role in the universal heirs of the founder
Ecumenical Hellenism.
Theban germ of this religion and was entrusted to the care of Eleusis
Apostle Likomida Mefapa. Particular, its activities have on its
contemporaries were hidden impenetrable curtain; us about them and even more
do not have to ask. But here's the back light of day mascot
Aristomenes; enslaved until the Messenians, together with freedom of gain
again and its national shrine. It is clear that on its restoration
cared for the same Thebans that their victories and their freedom regained;
it is clear that they entrust this matter to the very apostle Eleusis
Demeter, which they were obliged to ordering his kabiricheskogo
sanctuary - Mefapu. And Mefap sent to the country's liberation: it
takes - will continue to legend, by pouring it into a story - from the
Epithelium found it mascot Aristomenes and based on it, as well as
his other episcopal knowledge and experience, establish a Andani
mystical cult of the Eleusinian goddesses.
Instruction was of the most honorable, and the pride of St. legitimate.
About his
activities he left to posterity a testimony to the inscriptions, which
he ordered the cut on the pedestal of his statue dedicated to him in the tent
Likomidov in Athens:
I cleaned the house of Hermes, and the way of grace Demeter
With her daughters vernix, including hail, in which the Messiah
Feast of the Holy established the glory of the Great Goddess.
Hermes is named along with Demeter and Cora: It does not surprise us,
tribal god Athenian Kerik could not miss in the cult established
Athenian Likomidom. On its other features to alert us famous,
found in the middle of the last century andaniyskaya mysterious inscription
consisting of nearly 200 lines.
Who now would approach it with awe, hoping to find
in her own mascot Aristomenes or have, in any case, the presentation of the
essence of religion sacraments, that would be bitterly disappointed: it
referred exclusively on the exterior of the cult and his deanery, and at the
same time
often referred to fines and corporal punishment of its perpetrators than
pleasing to our religious feelings; but if you look closer, and
from it we can extract a lot of fun for us. She was called before
all, the transformation of the cult of the tribal in the state,
held at the beginning of I in. to R.X. - Until then, i.e. for
two and a half centuries, it was in charge of a certain kind, the
Eleusinian Evmolpidam - perhaps Kresfontidov race, descendants of the ancient
Messinian kings. But here is the last of this kind of Hierophant, Mnasistrat
- by
whether their own initiative or at the request of the people - gives his
san in the custody of the State, and with it the "ark, and the book" ...
apparently the ones that saw the mascot Aristomenes legend. This
transmission and caused a number of other reforms enshrined in our
Deity andaniyskih mysteries listed in the following, although not
very strictly adhered to, okay. In the first place, as it
clear Demeter; the second - Hermes, for the sake of, as we have seen, Athens
Kerik; the third - the Great Gods, ie Kabiri - we learn a conciliatory
Mefapa activities; the fourth - Apollo Karneysky, in which the fence and
occurred holiday - it is for us something new, but not surprising.
Apollo Karneysky (dark nickname) was the national god of the Spartans, the
which lay on Messenia for several centuries; Now yoke was
beat, but remained Apollo Apollo, and had to be put in touch with
renewed national cult Restored Messenia - interesting
sample of Greek religion. Finally, in the fifth place is the goddess of
terrible name, timidly anoint the inscription descriptive designation Clean
(Hagna); this, as we know from other evidence, the queen herself underground
depths, Persephone, she and Cora. Surprises us by its absence the wife of
irremovable party sacred drama; but our puzzling question is not
receives any definite answer.
Whatever it was, but the circle of honorable deities fatally
expands with each new transition: Athenian cult was widely
Eleusis, andaniysky became wider Athens. Local specialties
erased in favor of a common religion, the sacraments, the ultimate goal of
mystical cult.
Sacred drama, and it is assumed here: refers to "theater", as well as
"Those who must adapt to the presentation of the goddesses": in this case we
recall and the "way of Demeter and Kore" referred to in the inscription
Of the remaining regulations we are interested in the oath "saints" of both
sexes, ie
immediate managers of the festival; she touched it at all
deanery, but women are required to bargain, and the oath that they are "in
and truth blyuli his cohabitation with her husband. "Also of interest and
which removes all the luxury in the clothes and everything else: it would
festival of Demeter its democratic accessibility. And this
democratic charter insists, as at Eleusis, and here, on a par with
devoted to free the slaves.


We are on the subject, as elsewhere, are in the unfortunate depending on
our sources: a connected account of the Eleusinian religion, we do not
preserved, our knowledge of the places and rituals are random and
fragmentary. Communication with
Eleusis sometimes unclear, sometimes more or less obscured; sometimes
myth, but at the same time the content is attached to a new place. Thus,
mysterious abyss through which Hades Demetrinu daughter rushed off to his
show up in the Arcadian Fenee and Argive Lerna, and elsewhere. In
Otherwise, we may assume the establishment, so to speak, in the open
Eleusis place of worship; in the other - merge it with another, primordial,
identification anciently revered deity with Demeter or Cora. In other
cult cases, as in the Eleusis, was mystical; in other mystical
element was dropped, was the most myth of the abduction of Kore and Hades to
bread mankind with her divine mother.
Here is not the place to collect some debris Eleusinian religion from
parts of the Hellenic world - even more so that this work has already been
done; take for
Illustrations by swatch with three of its ends - the western, southern and
Sicily, thanks to its marvelous fertility, all considered
dedicated to Demeter; her cult spread everywhere here, but we are surprised
that is not some Greek colony was its center, and far from
Sea native town of Enna. Probably, there will have to admit the
ancient local goddess with Demeter; but it could only be the basis
transfer in Eleusis Enna myth as its religious implications
Hellenization, ways of transferring unknown to us. Abduction of divine
was localized here, near Enna, by the lake Perga; here tearing bark
flowers on a green meadow, where there was the land of the king
underworld in his chariot drawn by black horses; his prey, he
sped away on the surface of the earth, until the river nymph Syracuse Kiany
blocked his way; angry, he through its channel made his way into
When was the Eleusinian myth transfer to Sicily? Anyway
if very long. When at the beginning of his life republican Rome
read in books Kuma Sibyl commanded to give at Place of Worship
Eleusinian deities, he borrowed it not from Eleusis, and - directly or
indirectly, do not know - from Sicily. And here, in Rome, was erected the
Greek temple to the Greek cult to meet the Greek rites -
temple dedicated Cereri Libero Liberae. Ceres, Demeter;
undefined Roman goddess of ripening cornfields was identified with the Greek
darovatelnitsey bread. Lieber, "daughter", a literal translation of the Greek
Bark; but who is Liberia? This word means "son" - the son of Demeter, it is
believe, as long as the Lieber - her daughter; but the Romans at all times
underneath Bacchus-Dionysus. Here it is, means "young god" sacred processions
personified triumph sponding close grace pilgrims. Merger with
Athens has established itself and its accompanying procession of the god; and
if so, then
in the creation of Sicilian-Roman trinity have to recognize the influence of
Adoption in Rome of the trio is an event rather Roman than
Greek religious history; Yet another feature I'd like to, and
note here. I have already had occasion to point to the democratic
Eleusis nature religion - the same character, in virtue of which it has
shrine oppressed Sparta Messenians. It is justified here. Base
Eleusis church in Rome coincided with the beginning of combat classes; and
here it is
becomes the religious center of the plebeians in their efforts to achieve the
civil equality in a common state.
We do not know if there was a mystical cult enneysky; Roman, at least
the case was not. One can imagine that a sober, business spirit
Romans of that era did not feel that the religious needs, which in
Greece has found itself the satisfaction of mysticism; In any case, the fact
that not
subject to doubt. Mystic was but one of which I had to say on the
second place - the cult of Alexandria; about it, we know something, thanks
to accidental circumstances, we preserved written in Callimachus
after its anthem. Antique his interpreter assigns the second Ptolemy,
Philadelphia, an institution if not the holiday itself, then one of its rites
it marches with Cosnita, "in imitation of Athens"; unluckily, we are of such
ceremony in Athens do not know, but it's at our fragmentary information about
Athenian rituals can not serve as a refutation. On the other hand,
cash Alexandrian suburb called "Eleusis" is
important confirmation of this continuity, especially if this
add that the author of the hymn of Callimachus to his vocation was to
teacher in this Eleusis. Obtained thus quite
slim number of matches, enough probative; responses to all
arising in us questions we can not demand.
Alexandria was a mystical cult "uninitiated" anthem prohibits
look down upon the procession Cosnita. His office required his
Apostle, new Mefapa; who it was? We do not know; but it - it seems -
immediate predecessor, we are able to name. More about that later. The most
hymn gives us interesting evidence of change in religious sentiment
versus drevneelevsinskimi times. In fact, we take
the aforementioned "Homeric" hymn the place where it is said about fasting
grieving Demeter (Art. 47 ff.).

Nine days to wander in inconsolable grief of Demeter,
Path lighting night glowing lights of a pair;
Do not touch it or to Ambrosio sladkotekuchey
In my mother's grief, nor the nectar; body font
Also it is not fresh. But with the advent of a new dawn ...

With this objective, although nebezuchastnym description please compare
words Kallimaha (Art. 10 ff.).

As your legs worn mistress to the sun sundown,
To black human habitation, where sparkling fruit gold?
So many days you did not eat, did not drink, did not want to wash!
Three times because you moved srebrostruynogo ford Achelous,
The same amount of time has passed other threads Hellas ...
And did not want to touch their mouth water and wash!
Others, Shut that brings tears Demeter!
Better explain how castles in the laws it has brought,
Better how ... etc.

This excessive compassion, reaching to sentimentalism and with
so nizvodyaschaya goddess with its pedestal on the total level of all, it
gain at the expense of love reverence - is typical of the era,
which as prepared the development of Greek art and Greek
religiosity in the IV., came to consciousness itself after Alexander
Great. In this regard, a comparison of the two passages is translated
instructive: it clearly shows us the difference between a religious sense
ancient Hellenic and Hellenistic religious feeling.
Antique commentator anthem, which we referred to above, it is very
taciturn, and it would be too hasty - from his words that Ptolemy
The second introduced a ritual procession Cosnita, it is concluded that it is
moved to his capital and the whole of the Eleusinian cult; This transference,
Eleusis Alexandria owes its name, could take place before, during
Ptolemy I Soter.
Whatever it was, we note that cash mystical cult of Demeter
and Cora at the very threshold of the Greek kingdom emerged in the country of
the ancient
Drawing their attention to the east, we find, we can say without
exaggeration, the entire Hellenic Asia Minor consecrated Eleusinian cult,
especially, and understandably so, its part of the Ionian. However, to our
knowledge there
more sketchy than anywhere else; often they are limited to the image on
coin or mention of any evidence in the inscriptions. We do not always even
we can say with confidence that the cult of the two goddesses wearing
character. The very cash legend about the abduction of Kore it does not
prove; but
if, for example, in Cyzicus on the Propontis, this bark is worshiped under
the name of
Savior (Soteira) as well as at Eleusis, and in some other
mystical centers, then we can think about the merciful savior of souls
dead of darkness pallets kingdom. In Smyrna, Ephesus, in the right Mycale
referred to the mystical or the Eleusinian cult; However, it can be assumed
for a number of other places. Of particular importance here are two: Cyzicus
and Pergamum. About them
it will still be (12); but it should be emphasized mystical
cult in Pergamon excavated temple with his Maiden Krynica and steps
for watching the sacred drama. Local traditions connect these Asia Minor
colony with Athens as their recognized total metropolis; BRANCH
Eleusinian Mysteries were the only religious indicator that regard. So we
see that the ancient goddess of the sacraments firmly entrenched in the minds
of Greek
Anatolia; it has prepared its merger with powerful native goddess and as
consequence of the merger, - one of the most influential and enduring
Hellenistic religion.


On it will be discussed in the next chapter. Before put an end to this,
collect her scattered rays in one common focus, imagine that
gave Eleusinian religion sacraments religious consciousness of the Greeks on
the doorstep
Hellenism - that's on the verge of Hellenism and, therefore, in contrast to
she also gave him in the era of Pericles.
Then it was only one of several forms of mystical communion with
deity - even clean, let the powerful, but still only one, and
dedicated, trust the fate of his soul-Hierophant Evmolpidu even
independently of any confessionalism, could not have complete confidence
that he would not provide her better by enrolling in some other mystical
circle. Now, the differences were ironed out. Great goddess not alone meet
pilgrim on his Radiant meadow. He saw beside them with his Hermes
lamb on his shoulders, the Good Shepherd, returning to the flock and his
erring member; there and Dionysus-ruler noisy orgies, leading
believers on its way to the same goal; there and mysterious of the Great Gods
Samothrace, and here already saving a swimmer from the wrath of the sea in
anticipation of the day
when they rescued him from the more formidable forces of subterranean
darkness; and ibid
Apollo, the omniscient leader of his earthly life; there, and the other gods,
who from his childhood to learn to pray. The result was comforting
divine forces, the dissolution of each unit is not in one
comprehensive - have not needed - and in the Joint community.
How to call it? Monotheism? Polytheism? I have rebelled against this
opposition within the genuine Hellenic religion; Hellenistic
has not changed its Parent. Enough that people in this smaller
circle felt as satisfied as in the broad, members
which alternated with each other in the possession of the cities of the Greek
homeland and its blessed holidays of the year.
Dedication remained sacred condition promised bliss, but
the second was a moral life. In principle, there is nothing new; that
same duality we could have set for the V century. But, taking into
attention to the overall mood of the era, we did not make a mistake by
assuming that the center
gravity farther, the more moved from the sacred to the conditions
moral. For the fourth century was the era of enhanced ethical propaganda -
Platonism at the top, Cynicism - on bottoms; third added to them and stoicism
stronger than any other trend connect religious and
moral ideals.
Want to see how deep was the influence of these spiritual forces? On
Rhodes, Linda is an important area for that temple of Athena; near
a certain Seleucus ... but let him tell us about yourself:

Here I am, Seleucus, whisperers temple built multi-column,
Well I have made him and he told me he had ordered.
Let him honor the victims who have spotless conscience,
Drachma hero giving (at least he did not want to).
Mediator will he admitted to the temple to Athena,
That coveted success victim accompanied them.

Was this the hero or demon Whisper (Psithyros) is so named because
whisper inspired believers his instructions, or because they believe
whisper to confide to him their requests, or for both reasons - at least
case, the reader will agree with me that this uninvited mediator
for the drachma promises pilgrims patronage from his mistress, no confidence
does not deserve; that was why I chose it, and preferably in front of her and
many other venerable gods and goddesses. In fact, no
Significantly Does that even he is not satisfied with its drachma, and
donors have "impeccable conscience"? After this specimen of us already
would not be surprised "sacred law" relating to the same Linda and, perhaps,
even to the same Athena "to be followed in the sanctuary godly before
and mainly keeping your hands and your soul clean and robust and
nothing sinful in themselves are not aware of. "
We were distracted, however, by the immediate characteristics of
ordinances, trying to fill in the gaps by analogy tradition about it;
returning to the subject, we emphasize once again that the increased
compassion, which
Hellenistic religion differs from its predecessor. I hasten to
add that this difference is like the previous one, only quantitative: the
creation myth of touching sorrow and wanderings of Demeter, as well as ritual
sympathetic post proves that even then devoted to Native
soul with his goddess, experiencing her grief and joy. But still valid
there is a difference. I would not particularly mind if the reader by
compassion Hellenistic religion because of her shows
Callimachus, with the former, call her sentimental and mawkish; this case
taste. But before the eyes of a grieving goddess, full of inscrutable charms
over her timid fans, and not allowing or requiring reciprocity, lost in
inaccessible given; Now they go down to the person answering caress on
affection. In times of Goethe has not distinguished between periods; but I
take the liberty
argue that that goddess who knew how his compassionate gaze
prigolubit wronged Mignon - "my child, what was done to you?" - Was
Hellenistic rather than drevneellinskoy goddess.
If it was strengthening and deepening of the moral element
Compassion spontaneously or deliberately, through the teachings designed
reformers? Probably one assist each. Anyway,
the second way was also not ruled out. Of course, if the poverty of our data
would be frivolous to assert that the apostles Eleusinian goddesses, like
aforementioned Mefapa appeared only on the threshold of Hellenism; over
likely already sending their cult in Argos, Fenya, Cyzicus, Ephesus, and the
merge it with Athens was held with the assistance of experienced priests of
the genus
Evmolpidov and later, and Kerik and Likomidov. Probably even these
apostles - as they are called - saw their main task as
to move to a new place of worship sacred charter, according to the ancient
revelation of Demeter, providing approved central authority in
Eleusis interpreters (eksegetam) and local poets, such as Callimachus,
invest in this outdoor living charter of the modern soul. Here we can only
to point out the gaps of our knowledge and on possible ways to fill them.
Assert that the specified path coincides with the truth, it would be
but further away from the truth, the one who distrust this
conjectural paths make silent about themselves gaps.
And finally, it is permissible to refer to the correct idea Schiller
that the community of faith strengthens (Die Gegemeinschaft aller starkt den
Glauben). We have seen that belief in an afterlife reward the average
the era of Pericles was far from complete confidence: on the one hand, the
cults in the split Hellas, on the other hand, and a sophisticated motion V
in. did not give her cause in the minds of a thinking man. Now
sophistic storm subsided, skepticism became the inheritance of the few most
influential philosophical schools recognized religion, and at the same time
increased and
growing numbers of dedicated and in the Eleusis, and in his numerous
backyards, and other mystical cults do not contradict his teaching and
on the contrary, went to meet him. It is not surprising that according to all
grew and the belief that it was only a possibility or, at best,
probability for grandfathers. Who knows whether death is our life, and life
is not whether
called down there our death? - Asked Euripides. Now it is known, and
more and stronger:

Nine years he all mortals is the revelation of Demeter,
And on the tenth, and he himself was taken up to the gods.
The word from the world of princes is perfect: the death of esteem,
People not only evil - no, but good for yourself.

Chapter III


Eleusinian Demeter, mother Cora, the mistress of the sacraments - whom
she was with
the point of view of the religion of nature, which, if not quite coincide
with the
Greek religion, then, in any case, it was a significant
part? Thoughtful Hellene certainly would have answered: "it - Mother Earth" -
did Euripides, through its prophet Tiresias (Bacchus. 275 ff.)

Listen, my son. Two principles in the world
Are the principal: one - Demeter-mother
(It is there - the Earth, how you want to call it).

But this interpretation, as well as all religious interpretations of
Greece was not mandatory and any other scholar could
challenge it is quite weighty considerations, referring and myth, and
agricultural character of the cult. In the myth, the Earth also acts, but
as an opponent of Demeter: it produces a "pleasing Aida", that magic
narcissus, the possession of which gives Cora thief; and if we identify
Mother Earth with Rhea, mother, and Demeter and Hades and Zeus himself - as
many others did - that in fact and Ray acted myth separately as
primiritelnitsa dispute their children. Agricultural character of the same
made visible to the goddess Demeter tillage, ie that human
activities that raped Mother Earth, forcing her against her will
serve people with their gifts.
In fact, the ancient Greek religion grew into a religion of nature, why
Demeter and left far behind that symbolic image, with whom she
once was identical; but it still remained to continue her kindred.
We would have been futile to waste your time trying to make sense of what
Greeks have already flourishing era could not understand; here it will be
noted that Demeter was aware of the goddess, if not necessarily
identical with Mother Earth, then, in any case, and siblings,
therefore, tending to merge with her.
But we must go further: even the symbolic image of Mother Earth is not
One, it exists even in myths and in particular in two denominations, so
say guises: as a mother and as the Earth. It is clear that these two faces
fortiori admit as related and therefore tending to merge; but
, I repeat, and the myths and cults they have disconnected. We leave here
side of the Earth, fully rooted in the religion of nature; loans only
Mother Goddess (Meter). Her cult is among the most confusing issues
ancient Greek religion. On one hand, we should distinguish pure
Greek goddess-mother; it to us is already prehistoric Cretan
Culture II, if not the III millennium: a - a female figure on a mountain top
spear in hand, on either side are lions near - symbols of Cretan
Zeus, in front of her - adorant in ecstatic pose. Since Critical later
considered to be the birthplace of Zeus and the place of worship of his
mother Rhea, it is tempting to
assign a name nameless, like all prehistoric figures
drevnekritskoy goddess of lions, especially if it is agreed that the name
Rhea (Rheie = (a) reie "mountain") means "mountain" goddess; but the reader
see what difficulties it created. This goddess-mother, but not the name
differs from it by Rhea, and in early historical times enjoyed a cult in
Greece; in Athens, as at Olympia, were devoted to ancient temples,
Metroa, of which served as the Athenian State Archives, and the pious
Pindar has built her temple near his house, in which he honored her with
nature deities, Pan and the Nymphs.
From the Greek goddess Mother, we must distinguish between Asian,
revered in
Greece and the Greeks of the same name. In the purest, but it
Asia-pure form, her cult in the right Pessinus in that area
Anatolian Phrygia, which is in the III. was occupied by newcomers Gallic
tribes (above 3); but in the religious consciousness of this fundamental
Asian image with a kind of cult around him for a long time
did not act directly, but through their hard ellinizovannye
implementation of the Greek Asia. With extreme caution, we come to this
question the evidence for the cult of the Mother of the Greek colonies in
numerous, but very brief. They should set for the most part only
cash in the community of our worship, do not say anything about it
character, or even more so about his filiation with pessinuntskoy Mother, on
the one
hand, and with its indigenous cults in Greece, on the other. Leaving aside
thorny and thankless path Cult historical and
Cult topographical studies, which do not belong here, we restrict
common characteristic of religion that the Asia-Greek Mother average between
purely Greek and purely Asian - one that knew the radical V and Greece
IV centuries.
This Asian-Greek mother, sometimes called, like his
pessinuntskomu prototype, Cybele, was represented by vseprevoskhodyaschey
his power of the goddess, as befitted one who gave birth to Zeus; it to
This includes prayer choir "Philoctetes" by Sophocles (Art. 391 ff.)

The queen of the mountains, the key of life eternal,
Mother of Zeus,
What zlatonosnogo Pactolus
Blyudesh for - Earth!
Whose will over the bull mighty
Zealous triumphant lion ...

Mysterious symbol slaughter the bull - or rather, the lion apart a bull
runs through the whole of Greek religion from her embryos to later times,
because she was under the influence of Asian; it means here
vain to ask - it was one of the secrets of the mystical cult.
Outsiders knew only that the triumphant lion over the bull itself was
Great Mother: tamed, he flippers to her feet, lay quietly on her
lap - you fancy her gigantic growth - but more often a couple or
Four of these predators drove the chariot, which drove about their
Lady - One? In Greece - yes; but if she was sitting in the unattainable
lonely majesty to his wonderful chariot, it was surrounded by her
demonic minions - Corybantes. Who are they - again in vain to ask; their
role resembles the role of satyrs in orgiastic cult of Dionysus: but while
as in those we easily recognize sprites popular faith and our respect for
divinity seasoned fair share of mockery, with respect to the
Corybantes no misplaced humor: their experience - the madness and horror. Not
be glad that someone in the solitude of the mountains meet the Queen of a
noisy with his retinue
Corybantes not soon return to him his shoo them away by the sudden appearance
mind. However, here again, "wounding heals": to cure the mad,
resorted to Corybantes. They themselves are, of course, the call is not;
replaced "koribantstvuyuschie" mortal priests or clergy of the Great
Mother. Inclosed bound and shaded by the cover of the patient, they danced
around him, accompanying her dance deafening music cymbals
(Copper plates) and tambourines (tambourines). This wild dance was
call in sick artificial ecstasy, and then, after cooling fervor together
with this new madness to leave it and the former ... well, at least,
Hope this cult of the Great Mother was obliged to a large part of its
popularity. As can be seen from the above, he was ecstatic: "orgy"
Great Mother mentioned in the literature. Were they also in orgies
our sense of the word? Knew about it more precisely to deal them, but their
glory was
not flawless, and Legislator Pythagoreanism feint did not allow for
decent women participation in the mysteries of the Great Mother. Indeed, it
orgiastic cult was at the same time and the mystical, ie participation in it
was caused by pre-initiation; it is drawn together by the one
hand, Eleusinian other hand - with Dionysian. From the first he
share a special central goddess, often identified with Demeter; but
more points of convergence was the second. I have already mentioned about the
similarities Corybantes
with satyrs; but the whole orgiazm entire orhesticheski-musical element was
a common feature of both cults. Euripides even believed that the tympanum of
the cult
Mother caught in the cult of Dionysus; and indeed, there were primordial.
Mother often depicted with timbrel in her hand.
Add, again we are talking about the images that she is depicted sitting
on the throne; easy to understand the origin of this view from the idea of
it, as a deified world. In any case, it is the seat and this
it is characterized by the throne; dedicated to her ceremonial songs called
"Patronal" (enthronismoi): any Pindar wrote for her, the same
who founded her cult at Thebes. At the same kinship with a deified
Ground points and its (optional, though) headdress -
cylindrical vessel, initially - grain measure, characterizing it as
goddess of fertility and harvest. Evolved from the vessel wall over time
the crown; mother Cybele was the patron goddess of the fortified cities.
These are positive features that distinguish this Asian-Greek Cybele,
on the one hand, from a purely Greek Mother, on the other - from a purely
in practice, the boundary line is not always held quite clearly, but it
We are not concerned. But one negative feature sharply distinguishes
Greek-Asian Cybele V-IV centuries from its pessinuntskogo prototype; this -
no sitting next to her pessinuntskogo satellite Attis. Huge
significance of this difference will be clear to the reader when he gets
acquainted with
this cult figure and with the kind of rituals that her


But before Pessinus we are still far; entering the soil of Anatolia, we
business are faced with the cult of mother in her firmly ellinizovannoy part,
first of all - at Troas. The above prayer is addressed to Sophocles
Trojan Mother, although the poet and calls her name next to the name of the
River flowing over Lydian capital, Sardis. And here we have a positive tease
coincidence with the distant Crete, unexplained any clearer for us
cult ways of communication between the two countries. Towering over Troy
Mount Ida gave the name "Ideyskoy Mother"; but I go, and, moreover, in the
vicinity of the cult
with Mother Rhea, and we have in Crete. There - Corybantes here - Kuret, too
demonic beings, choke once its noisy dancing and music
cry of a newborn Zeus; the difference between them can be set, but the fact
one that is already identified by their ancient. Cretan mother name is Rhea,
and she is
"Zeus of the mother," took its place in the genealogies; assume the name of
Rhea for Ideyskoy Mother in Troy is not directly witnessed. But
Firstly, if we name it correctly interpreted as "mountain", it is already
signed in the name Ideyskoy as Ida means exactly "wooded mountain" or
"Upland forest". And secondly, and this is even more teasing us - we meet
him in the Roman goddess of offspring Ideyskoy in Troy, mother
twin founders, Rhea Silvia: after all, "Sylvia" - not that other, as
translation of the Greek Idaia in the sense of "forest." But more about that
spread is not necessary.
But this is what we have even more striking: Ideyskaya Mother, let not
Ray, but
but Cybele, according to the testimony of the Greek historical era - the main
Goddess of Troy; it would seem she would have been a major patron of
its people in its struggle against alien enemy. On this fight tells Iliad -
and, behold, the Iliad completely silent about Ideyskoy Mother. How to
explain it?
Are we to assume that the cult of the Mother Ida Ida or under, yet
unknown to Homer, was introduced in the era of separating it from the V
century? But
allow, because this era was the era of enhanced Hellenization Anatolian
the coast; Is it possible that the result of this was the introduction to the
Ida Asian cult, whereas in Homer's era there are inseparably
dominated by the Greek gods of Olympus?
Here is the last circumstance gives us, I think, the key to
unraveling. Homer was a great ellinizatorom: he only reluctantly
holds the name of the Trojan places river Scamander, left behind it in
perversion of today, and prefers the "language of the gods" to call her
so he, we can be sure, and Trojan gods to us is under their
adopted in Greece names. What is the Greek goddesses identified
Asian Mother? We can give even more. Firstly, Demeter that
after what has been said is not surprising; this identification was in
mysteries which were the Eleusinian Mysteries merger (above 9 con.) with
Mysteries of the Great Mother ... is very interesting for us, by the way,
as we shall see below. But Demeter Homer hardly knows; about the causes of
argue, but the fact is beyond doubt. Secondly, Artemis; has long been
established that
nedevstvennosti "Great is Artemis of the Ephesians" only Greek perelitsovka
local maternal deity. Artemis Homer knows, and that in a number of
Three supporters of the gods, but it is especially and its role has not put
forward. - Finally,
Third, Aphrodite; identified her with her old historian of Charon
Lampsacus, which for us is especially precious because of the proximity
Lampsak and Troy.
And, of course, the attentive reader of Homer would not doubt that this
is the desired deity: none so lovingly, so passionately standing up for
doomed city, as it was she.
So Aphrodite - Mother? And Mother Ideyskaya? Yes, it's mother - the
mother of Aeneas,
first of all, that of Aeneas, who survived and became the king of Troy,
Eneadov, first under the same Ida, and then in other places, and ending with
And that Ida; this tells us another homer - the author of "Homeric"
Anthem just called goddess.
Will not only require him special depth of religious feeling:
Aphrodite in his era inevitably put things on people playful ideas. What
people! Of the lord of Olympus did not spare it, inspiring him reprehensible
passion is to one, then to another woman, to the great disappointment of his
divine wife Hera. This is it, however, did not get away with impunity: Zeus
most forced to experience the same fate (Art. 53 ff.)

In per capita introduced Aphrodite languishing passion it to Anchises,
That on a wooded spur of the famous Ida keys
Shepherd of the flock was the cow, like the beauty of the gods.
Passion required to meet, and the mountain does not know sin.
Decorate the goddess, as it should be, and then (Art. 63 ff.)
Should I go back to, animals mnogovlazhnuyu mother,
Directly to the paddock seeking through the mountain; tended for her
Gray wolves and lions of fearless sight, and the Panthers -

Recognizing it, despite turning inside, obviously not only
Aphrodite, but primordial usmiritelnitsu lions. Anchises she found away from
other shepherds employed by the play of cittern. He first led by the best
sense, took her for a goddess, but she had to reassure: No, she was the
Autret-Phrygian, learn to speak from their Troyanski Trojan nanny;
Hermes snatched from her girlfriends round dance, so she became the wife of
his, Anchises, and
bore him a marvelous children. And it happened cherished, according to the
request of both (Art. 168 ff.)

At the hour when back to the stables with meadow flowers upestrennyh
Driven horned cows and sheep herders belorunnyh,
Dream spilled unrestrained on eyelids Anchises goddess
Sweet, the very same members on beautiful garments allotment.
She began at the door, with a ceiling of head with an equal;
Light ethereal beauty on her cheeks glowed Aphrodite
Brave, which befits prekrasnovenchannoy Kipridy.
Sleep with him spugnuv body, she said the word Anchises:
"On the bed Awake, Dardanid thou not the eternal same dream sank.
Stand up, look: if you'll show me the same, and now,
Like recently, when I first before you appeared? "
Rumor; he's from the eyes immediately shook off his slumber,
But only saw his eyes and charming mill Aphrodite
His shyness was overcome: he turned his gaze backwards,
Out of the corner of his cloak hastily overshadowed his face comely
And appease the goddess, humble word murmured:
"Just to see you, I recognized you the daughter of Zeus,
Marvelous; then you did not say word of truth,
But conjure, goddess, god egidoderzhavnogo
Formidable name you: yes I'm not going to the people helpless!
No pity: the color of life forever loses one death,
With whom in hot love his bed divide the goddess. "

Aphrodite comforts him; there will be no harm to any of it, nor of the
other, so
he kind gods. Son, whom she is expecting, she will give to the
Nymphs and education in five years will lead to it; but let him no one
said his mother, who, otherwise Zeus smite him with his thunderbolt. - Here
is a hymn
Gomerida ends, or rather torn; who kept it, we do not
know, but of course, Anchises not kept the ban that which awarded him
so unspeakable mercy: for a cup of wine, he blabbed the secret he was
according to the warning. From that time on he - he relaxed old man
Virgil is presented in the II and III of his songs Aeneid.
After the fall of Troy, Aeneas, son of Anchises Brave and Aphrodite,
according to
local legend, was at Troas under Ida; reigned there and it
descendants, and when they bloomed and the cult of the goddess ancestors,
which is
horizon Homeric poetry, of course, has retained its original name
Mother - Mother Ideyskoy, perhaps, and Cybele. Sacred myth of the Mother
was her love for the shepherd Anchises and relaxation; who is this Anchises?
Etymology on Greek soil (from anchi "close") explains nothing, and
scientists are more inclined to accept it "folk etymology", itself a name -
adapted to the Greek speech Phrygian name. How does it sound
in Phrygian? Perhaps, to be able to answer this question.
Villages under Eneadov Ida dragged, apparently, quite miserable
existence ranneistoricheskuyu age and mother we know Ideyskaya
much better references of Greek poets than by direct
testimony about her local cult. But not very far from the ruined
Troy, on the Propontis, lying quite significant Ionian city of Cyzicus, on
which was twice mentioned in our presentation. He was famous in the first
place, as
one of the centers of Anatolian Eleusinian cult of Demeter; told that
Zeus gave him Kore dowry on the occasion of her marriage to Hades, to kidnap
it is here; on behalf of its mystical as the Saviour mentioned.
This cult of the Eleusinian goddesses in Cyzicus all the more remarkable that
Miletus, his mother country (Cyzicus DOS. 756) he does not witnessed;
have to admit that it has been brought back in historical time directly from
Eleusis, through one of, apparently, many of his predecessors
aforementioned Mefapa.
The cause of his adding us to explain, perhaps, cash in Cyzicus
the cult of the Great Mother, which was mentioned in passing. His
ancestral can be no doubt: it is attributed to the establishment of the most
Jason, who visited with his Argonauts this country Phrygian dolionov,
well, of course, to the ground in her town of Cyzicus. This circumstance
makes us more attention to the kizikenskim myth of the Argonauts;
however, our ancient sources - Apollonius of Rhodes (III c. R.X. up), but
rely on his good faith can be. So, it is told that
Argonauts to Colchis on the way we stopped to dolionov on the Propontis and
made to feel welcome by them and their young king Cyzicus, son of Aeneas
(Aineus) and Enety
(Please note this double consonance with the name of the son of Anchises and
Aphrodite Mother
Ida). Yet, due to a fatal misunderstanding between the two squads,
arose a battle in which the young king fell. Jason with the Argonauts
properly commemorated, established a one-year mourning feast in
after him, and on this occasion, we can add, combining two disparate
in Apollonius branches tradition established the cult of the Great Mother, a
Mistress of madness. Similarly, because the same Jason on Lemnos redeemed
scary "Lemnos sin" women muzheubiyts institution they those mysteries
Kabiri, which we discussed above ( 8). Could you, by the way, we note
assume that kizikensky cult of the Great Mother took a
kabirichesky item? Once again, remember Mefapa and andaniyskie mystery.
But the connection of the cult hero of Cyzicus with the cult of the
Mother seems undeniable:
they combine the personality of the mythical founder Jason. And if so,
wondering what next to the revered Mother and young hero, who died in the
prime of
years, and is honored cry. Kizik it is called, of course, only here,
in that city, who was allegedly named for him: his original name, as
satellite of the Great Mother, should have been more. What - we shall see.
This was the cult of the Mother kizikenskom we still learn something
and, moreover, for us
very interesting. Scythian Anacharsis, says Herodotus (IV, 76), "toured
a significant part of the land and its hard partaking wisdom returned to
his native Scythia. Sailing across the Hellespont, he stops at Cyzicus.
It happened that just as kizikentsy very solemnly celebrated
festival in honor of the Mother of the Gods; and that Anacharsis gave Mother
a vow that if he
common and unharmed return home, he will celebrate in honor of her triumph
under the same statute, by what his celebrated kizikentsy and celebrate
memorial service (ie, the "vigil"). When, therefore, he returned to Scythia,
retired to the so-called Forest (this area near the Achilles of the lists,
and it is replete with all kinds of trees) - retiring, I repeat, there he
celebrated the festival of the goddess in its entirety, having in her hand a
tympanum and
festooned with sacred images. But here is one of the Scythians spied that
he was doing, and told the king Saul; he was himself, and saw that Anacharsis
really does what about it said killed him with a shot of
onions. "
Greek historian brings this tradition to prove intolerance
which belonged to the Scythians of the alien, but especially to the Greek,
customs; we would have gladly asked about another. Was kizikensky cult
Mother mystical? This is supported by the analogy, then mystery
with which it celebrates Anacharsis in Scythia (although there can be another
explanation), tympanum and sacred images. However, I had to admit,
that Scythian traveler in its brief and apparently random
furlough in Cyzicus gave to devote themselves; but it is quite possible. At
the initiation
kabiricheskih elements specifies one detail: a vow to Anacharsis
event of his return home unscathed - and he returned the sea; we
know that kabiricheskie mysteries promised dedicated just happy
sailing on the sea; this circumstance they owed their
popular among sailors. And we would like to know in what respects
was this mystical cult of the Mother with the same mystical cult of Demeter
Bark; what made kizikentsev already has the first, still send in
Eleusis for a second? On this question, we do not get any response; we have
satisfied by the very existence of both. Demeter and Kore mourning
- Great Mother and mourning for Cyzicus: there - reunification and "The
Greater Good"
and here?
Another note that Mother and kizikenskaya like Ideyskoy was "mountain":
it's called Ideyskoy also in Cyzicus (and because it was considered
important, it is seen from the fact that Anacharsis in Scythia, where no
mountains, celebrated its
Festival in the "Forest"), but even more popular was her nickname "Dindimena"
behalf Dindima mountains towering over Cyzicus. It also refers to
pessinuntskaya mountain; it is clear that the name of the mountain, along
with the cult itself was
recorded in Cyzicus of Pessinus probably there long before the founding
Greek colony. But if so, then how could it be the legend that he
was established by Jason? It is very likely that this "Jason" was not so much
the founder of the cult, as a connector with him those kabiricheskih
the elements of which it was; No wonder Apollonius cause institutions
exposes the storm, prevented the administration of the Argonauts. In other
"Jason" will have to admit the first prophet ellinizatora pessinuntskogo
cult ... And second, perhaps, was the one who suffered in the cult of Cyzicus
Eleusinian Demeter? Perhaps; guess is allowed, should not only
to give her a fact. We have not finished our presentation; possible that the
Later some of the questions get more specific answers.


And then, finally, we Pessinus; Mother of Aphrodite and Demeter Mother
turn to their prototype, to Mother Cybele, as the its original name.
Pessinus - the city of the priests, like Mecca and Lhasa, the eldest of
priestly college, a kind of Dalai Lama. Political upheavals
were powerless in front of this sacred institution; even wild galls
taken the whole country, bowed to the mysterious charm of the shrine,
conquered them - perhaps its incomprehensibility, but perhaps the fact that
it reminded them of their distant homeland druids. However, Rome afterwards
... but
about Rome here say no.
So majestic temple strange Asian architecture and planted with
it, all around the mountains - Agde, Dindo. Posad washes river named Gull ...
yes no
confuse the reader consonance with the host country, it is purely accidental;
she then
short course flows into the river Sangar, which preserved to this day its
Phrygian name. We are in the very birthplace of religious ecstasy, in the
heart of
Anatolia, to show their excessive sensitivity and "pepuzskih saints"
early Christian and Muslim dervishizme. But this sensitivity - not
ours, as she was not of the Hellenic; and it is useful to warn the reader
that he
be introduced to the new and repulsive manifestation of religious
feelings and in the myths and rituals.
Sexualism itself - an inevitable consequence of anthropomorphism
connected with polytheism; we had it in ancient Greek religion, but
its healthy form corresponding to human marriage, as a condition of
procreation. Eroticism in it originally was absent and was introduced only
Therefore, in the kinds of vyaschego humanization myth. Not that we have in
the Semitic
religions: they are - for the honorable exception of ancient Israel - widely
door erotic sexualism and perverted though, as it is redundant in
positive form of religious prostitution, and in its over-
negative form of religious Skopchestvo. There will be a question of the
and if pessinuntsky myth that I have to tell you, seem
shocking the reader, let him put this experience into account alien
environment in which he will start.
Power of Zeus during his sleep flows to the ground; fertilized Earth
creates terrible bisexual being who has received from his birthplace,
Mountain Agde name Agdistis. His destructive prowess forced the gods to take
action against him; on their decision, Dionysus poured wine into a source of
which it quenches your thirst, the consequence of which was a deep sleep
intoxicated. Then Dionysus thin rope tied his male genital
member of his same foot, so that it woke up, strong and fast motion
itself castrated.
From the leaked blood on the ground almond tree grows; one of its
fruit rips Nana, the daughter of the river god Sangarios, and hides in its
Almond suddenly disappears, Nana also becomes pregnant and gives birth to a
Attis. Attis blooms boys unearthly beauty; Agdistis, now
only a woman falls in love with him, made him his companion on hunting and
generally takes it everywhere with him. But the king of the country, Midas,
drew him
their attention and assigns it to the husband of his daughter - Oia, as it is
some sources. During the wedding breaks Agdistis jealous; when it is
as all masters madness. Attis grasps flute Agdistis runs in
mountains and there under the pine himself castrated. For this to be
Death. Then Agdistis repents of his jealousy: she asks Zeus
life back to her favorite. This, however, proves to be impossible;
the only thing he could give her this - incorruptibility of his body: his
hair continues to grow, it continues to move the little finger. Agdistis
body of Attis in Pessinus and establish in honor of him as a god, the annual
Festival and priestly college - those castrated "Gauls" (local,
pessinuntskih, so named from the river), we find there.
This myth of Attis we borrow from the Christian apologia Arnobius (III
c.), which, in turn, refers to "Timothy, the famous theologian
(Theologum), staying current with information your information, as he says,
of the protected
old books and from the depths of the sacraments, "and also to" other equally
knowledgeable people. "This means, if we take into account the spread in
ancient method of citation: "my source was later compiler
calls among its sources also Timothy. "For us here
Timothy has a tradition of exceptional interest; her we (following in his
book about Attis) isolated from the story of the compiler and presented in a
But in this pure tradition Timothy bears traces
soglasovatelskoy work; the most obvious - the story of the exodus of the hero
Obsessed with madness, he runs, castrated himself under a pine tree and there
This - not unusual in such cases doubling motif, if the author of the
was pleased to get Attis die samooskoplenie was unnecessarily; if
wanted it to be, as an example to the priests, the Gauls lived castrated his
goddess, he should not send it immediately to the light. Peering
in these two compounds Timothy motive, we can easily see that one of them
Greek origin, and the other - Asian. In fact, concentrate
ground. In the beautiful shepherd Attis falls Agdistis goddess, she
takes it with him on the hunt - is not it lovely and Artemis accompanied
Hippolyte hunter? But the young man does not meet the love of the goddess he
was unfaithful
for the sake of the princess and becomes a victim of her jealous rage,
depriving themselves of life under
influence Corrupts her madness - do not you and Daphnis, exchanged
divine nymph on the death princess, became a victim of her jealousy? But
Agdistis repents of his severity: she is looking for her lover,
looking for him, looking for ... and finally finds the power of death - is
not it, and Demeter
looking for her daughter until she found her at the mercy of the king of the
dead? - Is that all?
"She wanted to return to his life, but Zeus resisted." Familiar welcome at
rudimentary motive: "Unfulfilled intention." For this reason alone we
can guess that the original Agdistis returned his love life
her lover. But it is corroborated by other sources: outcome
Attisovyh mysteries was the resurrection of their hero, the symbol and the
condition ... but on
after this.
Is not it, what a beautiful Greek myth, we found a
unsightly shell pessinuntskogo legends? And most importantly: what similarity
for the outcome and meaning with the Eleusinian myth! Love conquers death,
meaning here and there - love mistress here, love the mother there. In both
cases, this victory has a comforting confidence ... but,
I repeat, this after.
But who is he, this "well-known theologian" Timothy? The answer to this
question gives us Tacitus (East. IV 83). Ptolemy first "Timothy from Athens
Evmolpidov kind, which he had previously ordered from Eleusis to make
its head rites "... As the reader sees, business and master suit
to each other: the Eleusinian cult pessinuntskogo reform had as its author
priest of the Eleusinian Demeter. This determines the time and reform -
Timothy was
contemporary Ptoyaemeya First (reigned 322-283); Pessinus was then
subservient Diadochi Lysimachus. And it seems to us in the next
the light.
As the ruler of the Thracian-Phrygian kingdom, in which the Greek elite
cities, especially coastal, cohabited with the native population,
Lysimachus, true legacy of Alexander the Great, wished to combine both of
element common religion. He then turned to his perpetual
ally and Swat, the first Egyptian Ptolemy; he sent him Timothy
Eleusis, who before his Egyptian kingdom made
religious reform, which served the same unifying goal. Timothy found
its way destined: there could be no doubt that a common religion
was to be the religion of the Great Mother, which was already worshiped both
population - though by different rites so that the common elements
This worship was very little.
Greeks in many cities celebrated the service of his mystical mountain
Mother, but she was alone, without Attis and even more so without
followers of the Gauls; these are the ones recognized Phrygians, who had his
religious center in Pessinus.
It was necessary to find a middle way. It was clear that the Greeks did
not agree
defile his old cult of the Great Mother ritual castration,
organically nasty their religious sentiment: union - we can have it
called - was to take place on the basis of the adoption of Attis, but without
emasculation of the Gauls, and, therefore, without his samooskopleniya. Last
should replace the death - prompted the rest of the Eleusinian religion. For
death, thanks to the love of the Mother, was to follow the resurrection,
joyful and reverent end "Mysteries of Attis."
For, it goes without saying that Agdistis - no more than a nickname
Mother, mistress of Mount Agde Pessinus above, there is an understandable and
incomprehensible elsewhere. From this perversion: Agdistis, Angdistis,
Angistis, Angissis - all of these are found in the inscriptions of the
spelling. In addition to
distortions were possible and move once connection with the mountain Mother
lost: whether far from Angissis to Anchises, before the shepherd, whose
Ideyskaya loved mother Aphrodite (12 above)? Kaybel and I both independently
from each other, came to this identification; I believe that it can be
considered sufficiently durable - but at the same time and confirmation
identification Ideyskoy Aphrodite with the Great Mother.
Appeared before us one of the most remarkable men in the history of
ancient religion, the new apostle of the Eleusinian Demeter, Timothy
Evmolpid. He
was much more influential Mefapa: that only liberated Messenia enlightened
sacraments of his mistress Eleusis, this has created on the basis of these
sacraments religious union for the whole of Anatolia. And if you remember
that it is up to
of the same Hellenize and Egyptian religion of Isis - this we have it
will be in the next chapter - and that these two goddesses, Isis and the
Great Mother,
were the two main deities of the Greek east and remains as such in
all universal empire, then it can be said without exaggeration that
Timothy was the founder of the Eleusinian religion Hellenism, this bridge
Hellenism and Christianity. And everything we know about this man,
limited to a few lines in Tacitus, Arnobius and more geographer Stephen
Byzantine. That his work was lost without a trace, it does not surprise us -
Such was the fate of all theological writings "paganism." But as the memory
about it almost died away, it is more likely to hit us. This, however,
have to put up: his work but was very tenacious. Let us examine the
him how it allows the veil "Attisovyh sacraments."


Great Mother, above all, anywhere - mountain goddess; this is its
original value. And her holiday anywhere, anytime - spring festival.
Now imagine that this spring on the mountain, and the original meaning of the
Mother nature on the basis of religion will be clear to us. Here on the
more threatening than anywhere else, raging storms equinox, louder than
anywhere else,
bezumyaschy hear whistling, howling and roaring of the south wind, carrying
with them together
so fragrant moisture and warm sea that fills the soul with sweet aspiration
some unknown bliss. Of these two senses, madness and dreams,
comes the ground state for the mystical perceiving deity -
Yes, it's the queen of the mountains, the Great Mother, travels to his
kingdom in
accompanied by his retinue under the noisy sound of her cymbals, tambourines
and flutes;
is its mountain lions announce his growl - let us not forget that we are in
Asia - is
they launch their claws into quivering flesh of his favorite prey, wild
tour to taste his hot blood. Blessed is the soul who can join
retinue to her blessed! Decrees of the way the mysteries of the Great Mother;
they are related
the mysteries of Dionysus, and especially his Thracian counterpart, Sabazios
why and
merge with them very easily. Great Mother, compared with Sabazios; for
of common action? How do we know! Greeks, and among them the Athenians,
maintained brisk intercourse with the Phrygians, and Thracians; private
religious circles, beginning with V in., take their ordinances, exciting
this ridicule not only comedy, but serious statesmen,
like Demosthenes, does not miss a chance to hurt his opponent Aeschines
ambiguous role of his mother in the spread of ambiguous orgies
Thracian-Phrygian deity.
And there, in the inaccessible depths of Phrygia, ordinances Mother cope
brutal, bloody rites. Not as affectionate woman with symbol
fertility depicted mountain Mother: her idol was a black stone
stored in the cave temple of its mountains. And the ecstasy of its
participants spring
holiday frenzy took a menacing look: sharp stones, shards,
knives they caused injury to each other and themselves in the midst of
extreme passion
reached samooskopleniya. It was a celebration of the sympathetic favorite
goddess, Attis, first brought her the incredible sacrifices ... What is it
mean? Tried to explain this strange perversion of religious feeling in the
grounds of religion of nature and vegetation dies before the winter cold.
- But the holiday mastered the spring?
- Well, then, before the summer drought: we're in the south.
- This would be a death; but what's the samooskoplenie?
- So in the summer and vegetation dies in bloom, without allowing the
- Well, no, I'm sorry if she died before bearing fruit, it
and continue to be unable to. No, on the basis of religion, the nature of
unsolvable; its meaning must be different. And what it is, I think, will show
our motto is the later Hermetic "thinking man may know himself,
that he is immortal, and that the cause of death - love. "Love life continues
in the rock, dooming death individual: if you want to remain personally
immortal, not
man should give you rock this spark of life.

Chapter IV


Gone are the days of naive faith and delighted when people searched for
closed the Nile valley mysterious origins of mysticism, jealously guarded
silent caste of priests, and only by initiation or betrayal became
lot of foreign visitors as well. The more versed ancient records
embarrassing and incite the imagination of viewers outside of its mystery
whimsical letters, the more sober, cold light is shed on the
the essence of the Egyptian religion. Dispelled alluring and creepy ghosts
Egyptian night; what we showed burst into light still morning
the sun was quite colorless, worldly and practical, wretched
bogoponimaniem hardly even constitutes the subject of the secret doctrine. On
the one
hand, uncertain and malootlichimye each other local deities,
randomly woven into a trio or devyateritsy for local reasons, too
Neighborhood - god rewards its fans and punishing their
enemies; on the other - with a number of other specific functions that
control paths
sun or increase of the Nile and essentially inaccessible requests and threats
I could give this religion soul searching of foreign peoples, and
Greeks? What she really gave them almost nothing. The mere fact that
Egypt imagined heaven and earth feminine masculine, made
understanding of its nature religion impossible for Hellenes with its age-old
basic dualism fertilizing heaven and fertilizes the earth mother.
Herodotus was loosely - with credulity inquisitive child
Listen to the stories are not very knowledgeable, as it turned out,
interpreters -
declare almost the entire Greek Olympus Skolkov with the Egyptian pantheon;
actually communicating with Hellas inhospitable land of the pharaohs gave her
papyrus and other useful items, but not the revelation of the gods and
beginnings of the universe. Ra and Ptah, Neith and Sebek and remained at
Only one deity, standing out from their midst, fertilized Greek
religious intuition - though only after it was itself
fertilized by it; is one that we still call it ellinizovannym
name, not being able to pronounce his native-Egyptian - Isis.
It is at the same time, only one of which has a real myth and not
Only mifoobraznaya formula; however, connected retelling of the myth we
again obliged Greek Plutarch, while Egypt we have kept it in
scraps, like his body torn to pieces by the second character of Osiris; but
these pieces fit into the whole which gives us Plutarch, then we
treated with full confidence in his knowledge and integrity. Its the same
exceptional impact on the religious consciousness of the Hellenic Isis was
obliged, in low-lying areas, the fact that she was a sorceress of the gods
teacher of magic - more on that later; and higher - so its quality, on the
which will be discussed here.
So, Isis - the daughter of the father-mother-earth and the sky, Geb and
Nut; it
antifizicheskoe plexus priestly theology is not important, what is important
is that it is -
mother of a young Sun Mountain (Horos). As such, she is a goddess of the
the sky; Western goddess was her sister Nephthys (Nephthys), and their
brothers were full-time, elevated sun, Osiris, and at night, underground,
Seth-Typhon (Typhon). Brothers and at the same time their husbands: Isis -
Osiris and
Nephthys - Seth.
It is - in the plane of the religion of nature; and in the plane of
history - Osiris
ancient king of Egypt, the husband of Isis and her brother both rest. But the
marriage of Seth and
Nephthys was barren, which is easily explained in the plane of the religion
of nature;
Nephthys arranged so that Osiris copulated with her, taking her by the Isis,
gave birth to a child. After giving birth to him, she, however, out of fear
of her husband, left him;
Isis, knowing what had happened, and found him (out of love for her husband,
we supplement)
brought up; it was Anubis, now her faithful guardian.
Seth (guessing himself about the incident, we again supplement)
hated his brother and decided to destroy him; for this he used
The next trick. By the size of the body of Osiris (which he, presumably,
learned from Nephthys) he ordered the casket; then, having arranged at a
feast and invited to
him and his brother, he announced that he will present to the casket, to whom
he will have to fit.
Steel feasting turn to go into it; When it came to Osiris,
Seth's friends ran up and nailed the casket, and then threw it into the Nile.
Isis learned about the incident; cutting off their hair and dressed in
tissue, she went to look for her husband. Meanwhile, Neil took the casket in
sea, and the sea threw him in Byblos (Egyptian) to the shore; still, where
he was thrown out, quickly rose tree-heath and covered him with his trunk.
King of Byblos cut down the tree and did not notice it was in the casket,
made him a pillar for his palace. Isis after long walks "on
divine inspiration "and came to Byblos.
Here ... I miss the details, too reminiscent of a service already
Demeter in Metaniry and apparently, after the Hellenization of Isis
borrowed from the myth of Eleusis; end was that Isis, to curry favor
post, learned from his casket and of the casket - the corpse of Osiris. She
mourns his; but something about it withdraws, it should leave him, and so
time the evil Seth podospevaet and finds the body of his brother. To
warn him - not the revival, not a funeral, it breaks it into
fourteen pieces and scatters across the ground. Isis comes; new
despair, a new quest; she finds scattered pieces, collect them;
Nephthys joins her, together they mourn the deceased. But this
small: Isis learned magic, their magical means it
returns late and integrity, and life.
In the meantime, grown and Gore, the son of Osiris and Isis; Grown up,
he needs to
answer the murderer of his father. The answer is in the plane of history
occurs before
court, but in the plane of the nature of religion in the space in the "day of
horror", in
a fight Seth and Horus. Seth turns into a different beast, between
Incidentally, in a wild boar; he manages to snatch the eye of Horus (an
allusion to an eclipse
the sun), but he has his opponent pulls out of the nucleus. By fighting is
Isis; its magical means it returns the son of his eyes, but when
it in the same way and it heals the enemy, his brother, outraged Gore
cuts off her head ... this "awful hell" did not meet the confidence of the
pious Plutarch, but the more we have to consider it native.
Hermes-Thoth, in turn, healed Isis, and the mediation of the Gods dispute
between all involved was settled.
Familiar with the Greek myth reader will recognize here the prototype,
or at
at least parallel to the tragic history of Atreus: Osiris - Agamemnon,
Set - Aegisthus, Gore - Orestes; Isis meets Clytemnestra, and for this
parallelization motif of her headless her son especially precious. But it
passing. In Egyptian religion, the myth of Osiris was a prototypical for
funeral rites of the dead in the views of their recovery in the next world.
Ishida indicated
for this path; observing its use of magical practices, any
dead became Osiris, with what is the purpose of it, and was given as a
guide in the other world famous book "with the release of the day" ("Book
dead "as it is from the time of Lepsius is called). Magic we are
leave aside; what is important is that Isis taught mortals how to prepare the
Me ... Greek would put it: the best lot in Hades.
About it immediately; one more note before we leave the retelling
Plutarch. The attentive reader could not help but notice that it meets
apparent doubling: Seth twice plots against brother, Isis twice its
finds twice laments. Let us add here that the ancient Egyptian myth of the
doubling does not recognize: he once Isis makes Osiris, reuniting
his body. I do not argue that the more substantive story coolness could be
relaxed. I imagine it like this: Isis finds the corpse of Osiris in a casket,
she wants to return his life, but for this it is necessary to learn magic.
Hiding the body is expensive, it is sent to the Hermes-Thoth and becomes its
pupil (there are hints of this in the myths). Experienced sorceress she
goes back to where she hid the corpse of Osiris - but in the meantime it
found and devoured Network. She is looking for his second, and so on. D.
So probably passed it a source of Plutarch; but for all that
doubling is doubling. And the reader will not find difficulty to remember
that we
such as the doubling of the same, so to speak, and place in the story found
in the myth of
Attis (13). And there we found its origin and meaning: the reason
occurrence option was introduced in Timothy Eleusinian genuine
pessinuntsky myth, and the purpose of its introduction was the desire to give
him a reasonable
for Hellenic consciousness form. As the reader will see, the same thing
here and, moreover, on the initiative of the same Timothy.


In speaking about the honorable SarapisThanks in Alexandria, Tacitus
(East. IV 83 ff.)
follows explains the origin of the cult. When Ptolemy
I installed the service at the newly founded capital of his kingdom, he
appeared in a dream boy of unearthly beauty and growth, and demanded of him
that he
suffered from Ponta his idol for the benefit of his kingdom, then he
surrounded by fire, ascended into heaven. Ptolemy said his dream
Egyptian priests; but since they Pontus and all other lands did not know,
he turned to Timothy Athenian kind of Evmolpidov, whom he has before
those ordered from Eleusis, to make it the leader of ceremonies "- and
namely, we have the right to amend, the founder of the Alexandrian Eleusis
and sacraments celebrated by Callimachus (9). Timothy, on the basis of
experienced people, states that razumelsya pontsky Sinop and its
suburban temple of Hades. Distracted by other concerns, Ptolemy did not
advantage of indicating his adviser; then the same dream he dreamed
a second time and in a threatening situation. Had to obey; Ptolemy
sends the first in Delphi and after getting there blessings - in Sinop
Skidrofemidu to the king. King did not immediately agree to give up their
but here and he had a bad dream, a confirmed disease and other
obvious signs of God's anger. People to learn about what's happening, solid
mass surrounded the church, to prevent the abduction of an idol. Then God
left the temple and through the horror-struck crowd proceeded to the Egyptian
ship, which, after an incredibly fast swimming on the third day comes
in Alexandria. Here was built a magnificent temple to the new god, as
SarapisThanks, "on the site of an ancient hramika SarapisThanks and Isis."
We learn here the usual type "aretalogiyu", ie temple legend
having to glorify "valor" (arete) honorable god; same
just tell and about the transfer to Rome pessinuntskogo idol Great
Mother. Wonderful embellishments it is easy to identify; the result will be
an important
religious reform, produced by the founder of a new dynasty
Egyptian kings.
Those in Egypt are usually marked his accession to the throne
establishment of a new religion; Egyptians could not have against
resumption of the old tradition. But Ptolemy pursued yet another, more
important goal: he wanted to sign a unifying religion to unite among
both elements of his people, the Greek with the natives. To do this, he
turned to
Timothy Eleusis with the request to impose his family in Alexandria
Mysteries (9); but purely Greek cult of Demeter, willingly accepted his
subjects, the Greeks - please remember anthem Kallimaha - did not say
sense of the Egyptians. Then there was a further step: according to the
the above, very conscientious, Plutarch, "ekseget Timothy with his
assessors and Manetho-Seben prove Ptolemy that Sinope idol
which he was brought, represents not someone else, namely
Egyptian god SarapisThanks. "So Ptolemy formed a commission of
representatives of the Greek and Egyptian priesthood for the establishment of
a new,
common to both nations worship; representative of the Greek was the same
Timothy, the founder of the Eleusinian sacraments in Alexandria, who had for
a time
its activities in the city and look to the Egyptian environment, and
Egyptian priest Manetho, who wrote in Greek history and its people,
therefore, had to get comfortable with, the Greek part of the Alexandrian
population. Their common cause was a cult and a religion SarapisThanks, the
idol which was
originates from the Greek city of the Synod, the same name was borrowed from
the depths
Egyptian symbolism, denoting "became Apis - Osiris."
So, following the ancient tradition, imagine the emergence of this
the most influential branch of Hellenistic religion, leaving at
necessary, side issues aside. Needless to say that about him
There is a whole literature; nothing to say also that the set
milestones have not remained undisputed. But what can any reasonable
object to the ancient tradition? "Religions are not created by the order."
are, I agree, but very often reformed by order, and Lutherans
know it better than anyone else; believe and King Ptolemy was his
Wartburg, where he sent Timothy, Manetho and their assessors. - "Do not
to Timothy institution Mysteries of Isis do the same competition they
Mysteries of Eleusis Demeter. "In my picture there is no place of
Sarap stands next to Eleusis Alexandria as MEGALES near
Sanctuary of Demeter in Pergamum or respective shrines in Cyzicus. -
"Pontsky Sinop named by mistake, but in fact was taken from SarapisThanks
Egyptian Memphis, the hill which consecrated the temple of the god, called
in Egyptian Sen-Hapi ("house of Apis"), and in Greek "Sinorion". Consonance
very interesting; Indeed, it explains, I believe, what to
still remains unclear why the new idol of the god was taken because of
remote Sinop on Evksine. - In contrast to these insolvent
objections as evidence! And the analogy pessinuntskogo cult, and
obvious elements Eleusinian religion in the myth of Osiris-SarapisThanks, and
treacherous doubling. I will add one and a chronological consideration. Idol
Alexandria SarapisThanks attributed to the glorious Greek sculptor
Briaksidu (Bryaxis), the activity of which dates from the middle of IV
Meanwhile, the establishment of his cult in Alexandria took place half a
later. How many hypotheses caused this seeming contradiction! Allowed the
chronological incredible tension, disputed authorship Briaksida,
invent an unknown Briaksid Junior - while the ancient
tradition is no contradiction in itself does not contain. Briaksid and not
thinking about
SarapisThanks: it is central to the Anatolia artist carved for them sinoptsev
which is then transported to Alexandria by Ptolemy. The very sight of
SarapisThanks, known to us from the many copies, leaves no
doubt that his artist meant purely Greek Hades-Pluto.
So, the idol - the Greek name - Egyptian origin; these two
nation were satisfied. Name was crucial to the Egyptians: from it
they are taken out by the etymological intricacies of his theological
constructing, they used them for their magical practices; on behalf they
would never have abandoned. In contrast, the feature of the Greeks was
exactly what
they saw in the name of only indifferent, changing the robe of divine
nature. Let them offer worship to non-Greek name
SarapisThanks: they are not at a loss to do it, seeing it as their native god
So Ptolemy allowed religious problem posed to him by his
calling for an updated Hellenism throne of the Pharaohs; decision was
brilliant. This proved, first, a striking new vitality
cult, the cult of Isis and SarapisThanks he survived all the other cults in
Egypt and
was destroyed only by the Emperor Justinian in the VI., and even then only
visibility. It has proved it even more striking force of attraction,
manifested in proselytizing, its rapid spread
Greek-Eastern, Greek, Greek-Roman and Roman world. This proved
Finally, his charm of sensitive minds to mystical perceptions of a new
Europe; 're not Egyptian goddess of unpronounceable name soprestolnitsa
Sobek, Ptah, Hathor, etc.., Fascinated by these minds, creating a "priestess
of Isis"
until recent times, and the Hellenistic goddess Isis Timothy
Hellenistic implementation Eleusinian Demeter.


It would, however, wrong to say that Isis before implementation
was completely alien vneegipetskomu and especially the Greek world. Seafood
the harbor, the place of arrival and departure of foreign vessels were
natural places
Settlement also for foreign "colonies" in our sense of the word. As in
Egyptian Navkratide was Hellenic colony, Hellenion, roped off
rather robust wall from the rest of the world Egyptian so vice versa,
Athens Piraeus lived colony of the Egyptians. The difference, however, was
Navkratida was a self-governing community, which had, of course, and their
own cults, while the Egyptian colony in Piraeus lived among
other inhabitants of this city. But such foreign settlers
granted subject to certain conditions to form a corporation,
thiasoi, communities that have been in the community. And so we read in one
preserved inscription relating to 333 - just before the base
"Proposition (speaker) of Lycurgus, the son of Lycophron, kind of
butadiene and
recognized as a result of legitimate petitions Chinese (Cyprus) merchants to
they were allowed to purchase land to build a temple to Aphrodite,
DECIDES: Kition allow merchants to purchase a plot of land
construction of the temple of Aphrodite on the same grounds on which the
built a temple of Isis. "
Thus, the Egyptian "colony" in Piraeus before Ptolemaic Hellenization
was his favorite temple of the goddess; should not, however, exaggerate
significance of this fact. Modern him Athenian literature, vividly
In response to the introduction of private way outlandish cults of Adonis,
Sabazios, Kotitto completely silent about Isis; obviously within their
specifically Egyptian community of fans in their strict exclusion of
"Barbarians", the goddess did not have that thirst and strength of
proselytism, which
acquired after the reform of Timothy. Knowing the attitude of the Greeks, and
Athenians to alien faiths, and Egyptians to neegiptyanam, we probably can
argue that Piraeus temple of Isis - probably disguised tightly
civil outbuildings - no aroused attention of strangers;
Egyptian idol with his unusual sculptural forms and did not see
Athenian eyes, as no Athenian ear heard liturgical lamentations
in her honor. And if they had, and do not understand anything: lamentations
Egyptian language.
Now everything has changed: in Alexandria, charming Greek city,
in a luxurious "Sarap" next to the idol of the god sculpted hand Hellene
Briaksida, was his wife, Isis, in which every Hellene had
recognize their Demeter - indeed, that this supplement, excavations at
Delos proved to us that Isis Timothy originally depicted as a
Demeter, while for it is not found specifically Greco-Egyptian form - that
not surprising. The entire liturgy was in Greek - for the Egyptians was
custom built Sarap in Memphis, more adapted to a their religious
needs - and interspersed with reworked by Egyptian model prayer
peany heard - yes, peany Falerskogo Demetrius, a student of Aristotle
and former ruler of Athens, now adviser of King Ptolemy; peany, composed
named in honor of the new gods in gratitude for the healing of diseases of
the eye. This
Isis, of course, have acted differently in the religious sense. The first
She instilled among the Greek population of Alexandria itself: to follow
example of the great Athenian Demetrius to anyone was not shameful. And then
We have already seen that the Ptolemies maintained maritime intercourse with
his own
Greece, their fleet traveling around the archipelago - Isis acquired a new
as the guardian of the sea goddess, the value of her did not know who feared
Sea Egyptians. Operational basis of the Ptolemies in the Archipelago were
Cyclades; and
But Delos, apparently, the first starts at Sarap - when, probably not
know, but, of course, in the III. before the Ptolemies had lost their grip on
Sea. Their policy was antimakedonskoy; it is their especially closer together
with Athens,
which were the main subject of aggressive aspirations of the Macedonian
Ptolemy II provides assistance against Antigonus Gonata; grateful Athenians
set up a new Phil in his honor, Ptolemais, and, apparently, at the same
currently building - not in Piraeus, and in Athens itself, close to the
Acropolis -
a temple in honor of Isis and SarapisThanks.
Another means of spreading their cult was a mercenary. As
popular was the military service from the Ptolemies, seen from the poems of
Greek mercenaries of many, of course, remained in Egypt, to give
allotment in there the military settlements - the best way
ellinizatorskoy politicians who possessed the Greek kings of Egypt; but
Many returned home and there, of course, did not cease to serve the
goddess who guarded them in a foreign country. Thus arose the cult of Isis at
Crete, Aetolia and appears in many other places.
Demeter of Eleusis, as we have seen, does not distinguish between free
and slaves, all taking the same into the temple dedications; that his humane
hell she naturally passed and the Alexandrian Isis. Hence arose -
we can ascertain specifically for her Boeotian cults - one
custom, will undoubtedly increase its popularity in the lower strata of
custom remission slaves at will by their dedication to Isis. This is done
as follows: the amount of money to buy, or collected by the slave, or his
patrons, or the kinds of legal fiction declared by the owner,
from the latter in the name of Isis, which thus became
like Mrs. dispensed. It is not shy about his freedom, but only
countersigned it, as the owner, in case of violation of her exposed not only
secular, but spiritual and recovery; but it is understood that such excepted
it becomes a particularly close relationship to her mistress, was made
especially its zealous servant.
Along with the eastern Greek world was conquered and west.
Cyrene was more or less is subject to the Ptolemies, Syracuse same through
tyrant Agathocles joined with them in their relationship. It happened more
in the III century; from Sicily as Goddess and it was easy to migrate to the
Italy, in its main harbor Puteoli and more. Pompeii visitors memorable
there the impressive - not in size, but in a mysterious architecture and
less mysterious murals - the temple of Isis; Many people know it as well and
spectacular, but very fantastic role he played in the famous
Bulwer's novel. It was built after the earthquake, shortly before
destruction of the city, but on the site of an ancient, yet pledged in II. to
But is based in southern Italy, Isis became persistently knocking at the gate
Rome has not yet achieved its goal; but this is beyond the scope of the
Few of the many came here cause; if the reader to look through the
book Lafei (Lafaye), dedicated to the cult of Alexandrian vneegipetskomu
deities, or at least a detailed article Drexler in mythological dictionary
Roscher - he will be struck by a triumphal procession of Isis on
the Greco-Roman world. But he also sees that the vast majority
evidence relates to the period of the empire: very rarely coincide
occurrence of one or the other of the cult to the Hellenistic era. We confine
therefore, and said, moving from the exterior to the point, try to give
response to the more intimate question: what were looking for and they found
new fans
Egyptian goddess and her husband in their poluvostochnoy, polugrecheskoy


Let's start with what they have found.
They did not find, first, that feature of the Egyptian religion, which
has long aroused their mockery, and with which they would never be
deification of animals as if imputing of divine images
animal or semianimal form, or as a direct worship of different
holy sheep, cats, crocodiles and so on. d. It is necessary, however, to say
special cult of Isis and Osiris is already in its later form of Egyptian
was quite free from these ugly. However, Isis was for Egyptians
actually "celestial cow" and initially portrayed not complete cow,
not a cow's head; but the Alexandrian era, even this female
Minotaur has not lived. She had to lose, and this cow's head and save
Only the horns on both sides of its solar disk as a special head
headdress; such memfity knew her, while the Alexandrians saw it
only his native Demeter, with no hint of its former cow
nature. SarapisThanks, in vain, that "Osiris-Apis," left himself as Apis (ie
bull), in Memphis; Alexandria worldwide distributed it the way
it - that is, in fact, is not it, and Sinope Pluto - carved Briaksid.
Their son, Horus - yes, that always seemed to head falcon as
he was not given a baboon's head that was even less comforting; but
Alexandria it all left alone in his likeness and adult
limited Gore-Baby, Har-pe-chrat, Greek Harpocrates,
who was present ordinary human baby or the mother
on the hands, or separately. In the first case turned out beautiful and
remarkable group, the mother goddess of the divine Child; Greek
granted to remember Demeter with her pet, a child of Metaniry or
Iacchus, until the time comes, is recognized for this group more
sacred significance - the times and continuing to this day. Of Harpocrates
Egyptian realism would not hesitate to portray straight sucking her finger,
but for the sake of decency Greek had to restrict the application of this
finger to his lips, and, to get a new, beautiful symbol: a symbol of silence,
befitting the initiate into the mysteries of Isis.
Did not find them, and secondly, and that branched funeral magic
which was the glory of the Egyptian Isis as a magician among the gods, and
outward symbols of which was complicated mummification of the dead and give
them to the light "Book of the Dead," a hundred-something chapters. Book of
the Dead was not
translated in Greek and Greek worshipers of Isis were horonimy in its
native rituals, ie pogrebaemy or in the ground, or charring. It was
very important reform: it was recognized that the preservation of the body
was not a condition
for the welfare of the soul in the afterlife. Of course, pressure, and there
is not
produced no: if most of Alexandria a Greek fan of Isis
considered more reliable, to his death on a mummified Egyptian
way, it was a matter of him and his family; mummy with Greek inscriptions
in Egypt we survived. But across the sea, this custom is not for Isis
followed: the cult of the goddess in other Greco-Roman world, we must imagine
imagine without mummies and associated after-magic. This does not mean,
however, that Egypt does beat Greece this fatal gift: magic hit the
Greece, we shall see (38), and, moreover, thanks to the charm of Isis. But
was the second wave that went from Egypt, Alexandria and Timothy religion in
it is not to blame.

But here's what they found.
Firstly , every Greek, wherever it may occur, Isis found in its
native goddess in SarapisThanks - their native god. That Isis was Demeter,
we have already seen; but it also was Aphrodite Sea to the Corinthian
which she blessed in a dangerous way through the archipelago; it also
Hero Vershitelnitsey guarded married life married women, she Artemis
facilitated their maternity flour, and so on; even with the Great Mother she
identify themselves when proselytism also this Anatolian goddess led
its collision with it. Equally comprehensive deity was and her husband
Osiris SarapisThanks. His idol, as we have seen, portrayed it as Hades-Pluto;
but that God did not use in Greece is particularly common cult and
even in the Eleusis played fairly minor role. There is a male
was a member of the Trinity, as we have seen, Dionysus; and indeed, Dionysus
Osiris in Herodotus, long before the establishment of the Alexandrian cult.
value left for the Osiris-SarapisThanks to continue, and, Orphics could
remember that their pristine Dionysus-Zagreus was torn to pieces by the
Titans, as
Osiris - Typhon and pray for that light to "Osiris has given them the cold
water "memory and consciousness. But, moreover, it was in its original
value of Helium-Sun, and this value over time will again become
dominant - no wonder he appeared in a dream to the king Ptolemy, in the flame
ascended to heaven. He protects swimmers and Poseidon during their
swimming; he Asclepius heals seeking his help patients; he finally
greater than all other gods in their power, as Zeus, spouse
Isis-Hera: "Zeus is one-SarapisThanks", we read a lot of time on its
favorite image of carved stones. "One is Zeus SarapisThanks" - to remember
this formula: it is typical for this era, already tending to monotheism
in a different form, a simple and frank than the one in which implemented
this idea and the primordial Greek religion and the later religion of Demeter
10). We saved a legend that at the very moment of occurrence
Alexandrian cult Cypriot king Nikokreont, referring to the new god
with the question of who he got his answer: "Heaven - my head, sea - my
womb, the land abut my feet; my ears hover in the air, my eyes shine
the sun. "It's not very clear, but the idea SarapisThanks-vseboga expressed
After the Greek rainbow divine manifestations, after picking
sheltered under the shadow of the gods demetrinyh sacraments this feokrasiya
- "mixing
gods "- was the next inevitable step. Cult of Isis made his first;
when this mood of Hellenism, it was one of the keys to its success.
Secondly , the faithful found in the cult of Isis and well organized,
strong and intelligent priests, the natural heritage of pharaonic Egypt ...
Yea, they were looking for him? You would think that in the beginning things
vice versa. Materialistic reasoning, we can say that the priesthood was
that it required a significant investment, and that the need to find
respective funds explained striking proselytizing cult
Isis. Prepared to accept that part of the truth expressed by this; but
other. With the large number of priestly staff was probably much
more intimate, personal relationship of the priest to the initiate, than
Greek cults with their few priests and priestesses; that there was
random phenomenon, there could be the rule. I purposely do not attract
the most detailed and vivid description of the cult of Isis, which we
survived -
eleventh book "Metamorphoses" of Apuleius: being written by the end of the
II. by
R.X., this book shows us the cult in his last Roman universal
Phasis and, of course, contains elements that are alien to the Hellenistic
era. But
will be allowed to refer to the words of the hero who devoted his priests on
his filial affection to him and filial reverence - undoubtedly
idea of priests as a spiritual father, first performed in the cult
Isis. And what it means is understood by anyone.
But in addition, the large number of priestly and staff allowed
most solemn religious ceremonies and impressive ... More
joyful than the ancient Greek procession and chorea than night Dionysius and
devoted to Radiant Meadow Eleusinian Demeter? That I had not said;
but the era of Hellenism in general tends to be replaced nationwide
virtuosity professionals - and in art, and in agonistic and religion. And
in this respect, the priestly worship with the people as a spectator, and not
party, perhaps in line with the new requirements. I will not here
In order to anticipate the presentation, which should find a place in the
sketch, leaving intact the description of Apuleius; but gerkulanskie murals,
specifically for the Hellenism, in connection with the literary evidence
reveal to us a lot. Service Isis was primarily a constant: there was
morning service "door opening" of the temple, and was popoludennaya. Opening
doors ... and the ancient Greeks did not know him? We accidentally preserved
lost "priestesses" of Aeschylus:

Proclaim! Melissa near, that the house of Artemis open to us.

If present are invited to observe the mood blagoveschee
(Euphemia) while the priestess of Artemis, melissa (bees) will be open
her temple, then it means that this discovery was the liturgical act. Yes, we
have much
knew would be better if we had saved more creations this pet
Eleusinian Demeter. But now we can say that another pet of the
as Demeter, Eleusinian Timothy knew what he was doing, introducing only those
rites which had parallels his native Greek worship.
Yet, they were apparently cult Isis considerably more complicated. In
closed another temple maidens were "awakened" her welcoming song,
combed, dressed and then just open the temple, that it could take
its admirers. Veil swung open; before the eyes of the faithful seemed
goddess. Without a doubt, its morning service consisted largely of
Pan performance - they are called - in honor of her, like those
She wrote to Demetrius Phaleron, poet-philosopher; yet know that the prayers
accompanied waved "Sistra" call a special design of their
value is hardly much different from that which still
accompanied by the Catholic liturgy. - What was the substance of the evening
service, we do not know; unlikely, however, doubt that the songs and SISTROM
found a place here.
It was a daily service, but apart from her Isis had their annual
holidays. Again, we will not prejudge what we truly
known only to the era of the Roman Empire, we can not be sure,
that a national holiday fun "ship of Isis" already existed in our. But
but certainly there was celebration of the mysteries of Isis; and these
mysteries - this
was the third and most important thing in her cult looking for believers.
Mainly it was, of course, and Timothy, have joined the spirit of his
Eleusinian cult in mystical cult of the Egyptian goddess. And here the soul
initiate tuned contemplation of sacred drama, characters which
were Osiris and Isis, and the content - the suffering, death and resurrection
first, bitter searches and selfless feat last. Initiate
experienced with the sufferer journey through the horrors of darkness to
eternal light;
"I got to the border of death, I touched his foot threshold
Peresefony; going through all the elements, I came back; middle of the night
I saw the sun shining with its white light; to the gods of the sky and
depth I went over and laid down near them a tribute of his reverence, "-
so says the hero of Apuleius; and who read the image Eleusinian
in "The Frogs" by Aristophanes, he knows that in a short story by Apuleius on
at least as much Greek, Eleusis, and how the Egyptian.
Such was the religious reform Timothy held them on the initiative
king-Hellene Ptolemy the Savior, with the assistance of a friendly servant of
Hellenic priest Manetho. Its consequences were incalculable. Thanks
her Isis really won the whole cultural world, yes, but it was
ellinizovannaya Isis: Egyptian jewelry, which she took with him to
banks of the Nile, as little changed her Hellenic nature as "kanopskie"
patterns of the third Pompeian style - his Hellenic basis: in the original,
but not Egyptian linen garments - eager mystical
revelation fans comforted all the same Eleusinian Demeter, the goddess of
blue cover.
Yet another difference was - the difference is large, decisive. Gods
Greek Olympian fought shy underground darkness; we have seen - saying goodbye
to life,
Greek passed under the authority of the other gods and other laws ( 5).
There was no
then: SarapisThanks head vital in empyrean, and trampled feet underground
Give him during his lifetime fan here and there enjoyed it
the same protection. The main difference in the Greek pantheon,
difference Olympic and chthonic gods are going to disappear from
believers, preparing the way for Him Whose all surpassing power is equally
and earth, and the underworld.

Chapter V
Adonis and Aphrodite


In previous chapters, we studied the contributions of Anatolia and Egypt
in religion
Hellenism. Turning now to the third Greek-eastern region, Syria, we
must first of all be noted that its role as ancient oplodotvoritelnitsy
religion, almost all is yet to come. In our era, she is a field
Hellenization reinforced by their Seleucid kings; but, yielding to them
externally, it is at the same time jealously protects himself despised their
Western world bloodthirsty Baals, in anticipation of more distant point,
when this world, humiliated and relaxed, and their call for yourself.
Only one Syrian deity has long since failed to deliver himself
access to the range of the Hellenic religion, using the feeling of its
which was blocked and the power and the weakness - a sense of beauty: it was
Astarte with her favorite Adon. But, perhaps, the exception only
proves the rule: the fact that this was only a couple Syria
the transition region, it is home to ancient Babylonia was. Since
Babylonian religion us to the same and better known than the Syrian, then it
it will be better to start.
In the pantheon of ancient Babylonian goddess Ishtar has a special
place, as
goddess self and bright, not pale feminine complement to the male
deity. By astral-indigenous natural dualism Babylonian
religion and the role of Ishtar is twofold: it is the soul of one of the
seven planets, the one
which today, after a double linguistic metamorphosis has kept her name
- Evening and morning star Venus - the goddess of the earth and its
conditions, sensual love. In this his second nature she honored
rampant sexual debauchery, the sacred expression of which was
religious prostitution; but it created an exuberant spring crop is doomed
death, a devastating season breaks one after the other in decoration
vyanuschey nature, removes her at the end and her green robe and gives her
naked, in the power of death. Thus arose in the minds of the Babylonian Image
young god of nature, Tammuz, Ishtar's favorite. The cause of his death is in
fruitfulness - "the cause of death - love," can be said here. A queen
Love - Ishtar: she is seduced by her caresses of Tammuz, it has become
the cause of his death.
And Tammuz left the light of day, was a resident of hell, where reigns
Nergal and his formidable wife Ereshkigal ... then begins to have one of the
the most curious monuments of Babylonian religion, "The Descent of Ishtar" as
is called. "Ishtar was the idea of a country with no return"; sent
there is the keeper of the first gate, sends it to the queen Ereshkigal:
"I came Ishtar, your sister." Zakruchinilas mistress of the dark ... sorry
for it
goddess and her inescapable fate? By its order of guardian passes it through
seven gates, taking off her consistently decoration for decoration, under
the end, even the robe of shame; nude is it to Ereshkigal. That infects
her eye disease, loins, feet, heart, head, all of it - and with this
moments ceased all fruitfulness in the land, all the wildlife
asleep. Afraid of the higher gods; creating a servant, they send it to the
Ereshkigal with a powerful word. Ereshkigal curses servant, but transferred
takes the word; at her command, her acolyte Namtaru sprinkles Ishtar alive
water, leading her back through the seven gates, returning to her at every
consistently snatched ornaments ... end anthem poorly preserved
mysterious, yet it is evident that Tammuz give living water that he
reunited with loved him goddess. Again spring on earth.
And beautiful, and strangely intertwined in this myth both nature
astral-natural Ishtar: the goddess of fruitfulness, we learn that condemns
death of the individual for the sake of extending the life of the breed, but
learn and radiant star
coming down through the line of the horizon under the ground, where it is
assumed the kingdom
darkness. Dying and reviving nature strange bifurcated in Tammuz and Ishtar
as natura naturata and natura naturans; the first of its men, and the second
his female nature that is quite strange. But we can be,
wrong act, arguing our way in the Babylonian atmosphere. In
Anyway, Tammuz - a symbol of the blossoming and fading nature.
"Oh, pastor! - Sung in a mournful hymn in honor of him - you - the seed,
taste the moisture in the furrow, the fetus, the fetus is not brought into
the field, sapling, not
planted by the spraying jet-tree, whose roots are pruned, the vine, not
taste the moisture in the furrow. "
One would like us to know: Did the Babylonians in the resurrection of
Bonds also may be exempt a person from the "country of no return"?
Scientists are prone Assyriologists let this happen, but I do not see this,
yet, no reason; resurrection of the dead is mentioned in the liturgical
hymns, but only as a manifestation of the strength of the respective gods,
not in connection with
resurrection of Tammuz, not as a consequence of liberation feat itself
Ishtar. And, I think, this also due to the fact that
cult of Ishtar and Tammuz is not a mystical nature. Of course, the whole
Babylonian priesthood is subject to much more than the Greek, but on
specifically devoted to the mysteries of Tammuz we do not hear. Religious
has not breached its natural mythical veil: Service Tammuz,
Coping temple prostitutes - just sympathetic service dying
and resurrecting nature, outside the context of a possible human "the better
beyond death. This "better fate" for mortal men of Babylon
do not recognize.


Conquered Babylonia the Semitic tribe aliens themselves imbued with its
religion and became mediators between her and their Western compatriots,
overspread with Syria Phoenicia; them they brought the cult of Ishtar and
Tammuz. His
essence has been preserved, only the names have been replaced by others.
Ishtar became
Astarte, although this name was not mandatory; Tammuz was also denote
household word Adon, which means "Lord." Scarce evidence about
this cult: the Syrians and Phoenicians have left us such a rich literature,
that could go in parallel with the Babylonian cuneiform; what
As for the Greek, they are also not very abundant, recent origin and
arouse suspicion that they carry back to Syria
Greece has already been determined in particular cult and myth.
Whatever it was, it is possible to recognize the significant that one of
the centers
cult Adona and Astarte was the city of Byblos in Phoenicia. Adon was wounded
by a boar
hunting in a grove of Lebanon and died of wounds; to commemorate this year
celebrate "orgy" with weeping and blows to the chest, and then they bring it
funeral of the victim as dead. And the next day they carried him
image (from the tomb?) into the air, declare him alive and honor
cutting off their hair and religious prostitution. These days, it would seem,
river flowing past Byblos, also bears the name of Adona, their colors
waves in crimson.
The place of collision and merging of the Phoenician and Greek elements
the island of Cyprus; Phoenician Astarte here evolved first in "Cyprus
goddess "(Cypris), and then Aphrodite, was placed here, and the birthplace of
pet. Myth about him was the following form. In Cyprus was king Kinyra
beautiful daughter named Mirra. Kindled the unholy love for his father,
it by deception has reached its goal, but in the end showed deception,
sword in hand, rushed to pursue defiled oskvernitelnitsu - but
gods, at her request, turned it into a tree, the one from which oozes
Incense resin wearing her name. Ten months later, the bark of a tree burst
and gave the baby - Adonis. Brought up by shepherds, he himself became a
His divine beauty, he won the heart of most of Aphrodite, and she did
his and his friend's favorite. One day, however, he went hunting.
Outcome was fatal for him; boar, finding him, wounding him in the thigh, and
he died from this wound. Was inconsolable grief of Aphrodite; mourned the
passing of your pet,
she went after him in the grave, and made him a partial return
currently. According to the decision of Zeus, he is now a third of the year
was carried out in
underworld, a third with Aphrodite, and a third where he wants - but he, of
and this gave a third of his divine friend.
Cyprus cult of Adonis early penetrated into Greece as a colonial and
radical. The earliest evidence of it, we are obliged to Sappho (VI cent.
R.X.); she composed ritual songs for the holidays Adonis, of which we
kept small, but meaningful passage (lane. Vyach. Ivanova)

What Cyprida, wilt do us?
Niknet Adonis!
Beat in Persia vzrydav, virgins, for him,
Tear the coats!

In the fifth century we find "Adonijah" is already in Athens; celebrate
them there
weeping and complaining superstitious woman to the great displeasure of the
authorities -
alien character holiday vividly felt in this respect thereto
representatives of the state. Generally, anywhere in Greece before the fall
of her
independence Adonijah receive no official character celebrating their
private clubs like the one for which Sappho wrote his liturgical
songs. And besides, preferably, if not exclusively, groups of women:
second after Sappho gifted stihotvoritsa Greeks Praksilla also wrote
adonicheskie songs, and we have also saved passage - naive crying
dying Adonis:

I have to throw the beauty of the beautiful, the radiant sun,
Quit Diamond Star and the face of grace Selena
Juicy throw watermelons, and throw apples and pears ...

from which we conclude that a holiday in Greece Adonis not cope
in the spring, as in Babylon festival of Tammuz, and in the summer or early
But the same cult - hardly from Phoenicia, but rather directly from
Babylon - penetrated into the Semitic Anatolia, mainly in Lydia, and there
significantly changed the local myth and cult of the Great Mother and Attis.
Names were local; but one detail was introduced Bringing Attis
with Adonis: samooskoplenie it was replaced by the death of the hunt, and,
namely from wounding the boar tusk. This, indeed, unlike Lydia
Attis of Phrygia in order, which was discussed in the previous chapter. And
penetration was to take place at very early times; it has managed to
impact on the legend of the Lydian kings, and to create one version of it,
which we
know, thanks retelling of Herodotus (136 ff.). Here Attis (albeit with
spelling Atys, does not change the case) is the son of King Croesus, and dies
it is from the hand of Adrastus ("Inevitable", ie, the god of death) while
But this in passing; not the first time we meet with the merger of
Great Mother. We return to this Adonis. We traced it
fate in ancient Babylon, Syria, and in the Semitic era in Greece
independence; now in front of us and the last main question for us: the role
cult of Adonis and Aphrodite in the religion of Hellenism.


It is precisely this what we expect it at the Greek character of the
of Hellenism: Adonis, not admitted until then in the Greek pantheon,
accepted it now, it becomes a cult of the private
state. Evidence we are looking primarily in the realm of the Seleucids,
nurtured in the days of yore religion Adonis and transmits her own
Greece. Unfortunately, it is small makes itself felt in our literature; sorry
that has been preserved almost nothing from the court poet of the Seleucids,
Euphorion! On the other hand, we know ellinizatorskie trends Seleucid
their dislike for anything barbaric, especially in religion. But the cult of
Adonis was
enough ellinizovan their long cohabitation with the Hellenic Aphrodite: in
This Greek - it's certainly not the Phoenician - the form that it can be
take a series of public worship. And indeed, it was adopted; we
conclude that, however, from a very laconic evidence, it is
literally out of only one word, but this word is quite convincingly. This is
month name Adonisios at Seleucia - do not know which, but, of course,
based Seleucids. I beg to note form - Adonisios, not Adonios;
This shows us that honored the Greek Adonis and not Semitic Adon.
This is not enough; nothing can be done. Eloquently to our sources
third of the Greco-eastern kingdoms to Ptolemaic Egypt - more precisely
speaking, one source, but the paramount - the best poet of Hellenism,
Theocritus. He visited Alexandria in the reign of Ptolemy II Philadelphus, in
the 60s
during the III century, witnessed the festival of Adonis, inquiring queen
Arsinoe in her palace - the feast of the king, please note and, therefore,
at what was then the form of government, the public - and described what he
saw in
one of his most charming idyll in "Sirakuzyankah." He described it in
dramatic form: two compatriot poet who settled in Alexandria
Siracusa burghers, come to see the festival. With some difficulty
squeezed through the crowd, they go down into the king's court choir; their
seems open front green gazebo, two silver in her bed,
one is the idol of Adonis, on the other idol of Aphrodite. Businesslike
they are turning their attention to the first thing on the painted matter,
Boxes are covered:

What a weaver, Athena, covers them with these woven!
Whose skilful brush them created these images * charm:
After all, that living stand to live, walk around the tissue.
Say, with the soul they are: not in this world are wiser than the man!

* Ie to paint samples, which were woven.

Then just catches their eyes and lying down from the top of the bed
tissue idol:

Himself a beloved lies on a silver box,
Down spring just gilding young cheeks,
Three beloved Adonis, and in the darkness of Hades favorite.
However, shortly afterwards and say singer liturgical hymn:
Eighteen years fiance, go - nineteen, no more:
Pooh gold on his lips, the young are not the kiss of pricks.

Deposit box - high, made of black wood with gold and silver
decorations; legs lined with ivory reliefs depicting
Abduction of Ganymede young eagle, this wonderful symbol of longing "up
up "so well transmitted by Goethe in his praises of this lad.
Does it feel and our singer?

What's ebony that of gold! Eagles also of ivory
Zeus-Kronid bear the cupbearer to the heights of the young.
Top - porphyry carpets; they sleep binge softer.
We are proud to say Miletus and Samos shepherd pens:
"Our work your decked bed, Adonis" *
Kipridy bed - one, and Adonis-light - more.
Before lodges - tables with treats for the blessed couple:
Everything here is on the table, that the branches of fruit-bearing
Sadiki tender immediately see in silver baskets;
Here in the vessels of golden incense Syrian delight;
Immediately cookies beckon - on sheets of baking masters,
Juice mnogovidnyh flowers to snow-white flour, adding;
In the honey spreading her train, Or in thick oiled, nalepili
Birds pekarki for you and animals of all kinds of similarity.

* Ie Millet masters made carpets of wool Samos.

Here our attention is drawn particularly mentioned "gardens" Adonis -
it's their technical name - in silver baskets, characteristic
affiliation is our holiday. It was customary to decorate the bed of Adonis
rapidly men raised flowers and grasses - is achieved, probably in that
they poured wine instead of water - which, of course, just as quickly
prevent fruit: a symbol of the transience of life of Adonis. It is possible
in this case
remember the words of the Babylonian Tammuz hymn: "You - the germ, not
fruit in the field ", etc.
And finally, the gazebo, overshadowing this beautiful scene. And here,
according to the Hellenic taste, nature art decorated befitting
sculptural images:

Bed - in a green arbor; anise (?) conceals her comfort.
In her broad leaves over chetoyu babies Eroses-fly,
Similarly, chicks, nightingales that torture on the tree safely
Wings and growing strength from branch to branch flutter.

In Alexandria, as is likely, and wherever the feast of Adonis come in
hottest time of the year - the day of grief followed a day of joy; the
latter, however,
not represented reunion loving couple, and her blissful life before
Therefore, special liturgical service was not the people come to see
on the arbor and went, and the singer only succeeded each other at the
lodges, competing
because of the bounty for the best. Our burghers had the luck: how
time after their arrival the turn of the last year's winner. After
accepted the call of the goddess she continues:

See how marvelous you with vechnostruynogo waves of Acheron
In the twelfth month of this day return Adonis Ora ...

Related to describe lodges and pavilions verses we have already brought;
same hymn as follows:

Rejoice now, Cyprida, communication Rejoice husband!
Well tomorrow with the dew of dawn we leave town Stogney
And you will incur the crowd, where the shore the waves are raging.
Hair there dismissing unbuttoned dress from the waist up,
Baring his chest and we are sad song tighten.
Cute Adonis, come here and go back to Hades
Force have one of you blessed all heroes ...
Rejoice, dear Adonis, and we be coming to your joy on!
Be merciful to us and now, Adonis, and continue; friendly
Now you have taken us, and we will, when you get back.

Holiday Adoni, means at least two days - but, of course,
nothing prevents assumed that the precious construction described us
not only for one day was calculated, and that we only occasionally with
our burghers were the last. Whatever it was, "tomorrow" will
celebration of separation, and with it a lament for Adonis, the same cry that
mean higher, resulting in passages relating to it Sappho and Praksilly.
As the reader sees, and these Hellenistic Adonijah had mystical
character of all, anyone, look at the gazebo blessed couple, everyone hears
dedicated to her national anthem, all the "crowd" will be released tomorrow
on the sea shore - why
it is there, we do not know - to mourn her separation. And the joy and
mourning are
only sympathetic value: a pledge of resurrection and also honors
rites Adoni not served, why do we never hear about the "Mist of Adonis"
mists like Demeter, Attis, or Isis. Pious people came to
festival of Adonis and went with him, saying goodbye to him as do our
Yet to assess the Hellenistic religion and this public holiday
Adonis has its value, as well as the mysteries of Demeter, and Attis
Isis. On this setting, and will now have to talk about.


Leave aside the fundamental difference between the cult of Adonis, with
hand, and Attis and SarapisThanks, on the other - namely, that the first was
mystical, while the last two opened their veil only
dedicated; after all, on this side of the veil, these two cults were
interesting enough for ordinary mortals. Take that feeling,
which found its satisfaction the same in all three - the feeling
"Sympathy" with respect to the deity, ie direct experience of it
fate. What was the content?
I think if the reader compare the above extract from the
"Sirakuzyanok" Theocritus to read them before (9) from the hymn of
Callimachus in
Demeter - it will be struck by the similarity of the religious sentiment. And
here and there the same increased compassion, the same can be said bluntly,
religious sentimentalism. And precisely because of this match here
there, with a very different character of religious feeling in the hymns of
the ancient
Greece, and I put this religious sentimentalism not count Callimachus and
it is the religion of Hellenism. We will not consider it a temporary
phenomenon: we
find it in the hymns and reflections of the Catholic Church, with its
the subject of the suffering Savior and sorrows of the Virgin.
We could verify this for the cult of Demeter and Hellenistic
Adonis, as we accidentally preserved poem Callimachus and
Theocritus; and, of course, we have no doubt that would have found it, and in
the hymns
in honor of Attis and SarapisThanks - paean Demetrius Falerskogo, for example
- if
they come down to us; the phenomenon is so general and in our era, and
as only proves that the above reference, very tenacious. Comparable to the
this basis, the ancient cult of Demeter, even though the Hellenic - with
these three
new, although ellinizovannymi; Can we find a difference?
There Demeter longs for DPR; here the Great Mother - by Attis, Isis -
by Osiris-SarapisThanks Aphrodite - by Adonis: longing - a common motif,
sympathy for the participants of the festival. Yes, but there it was the holy
mother's lost daughter - are longing for is a mistress with whom she
shared a sweet but too earthly pleasures of sensual love. Element of
- Legal anywhere, but not in a religious sense - quite
absent in pure Mysteries of Demeter, greatly flourished in these new
cults. This is not an assumption; reader himself could read the evidence:

Pooh gold on his lips, the young are not the kiss of pricks.

Here's what thoughts and feelings has imposed fans contemplation
bliss of the divine couple, offered their reverent gaze.
Here, however, suggests another objection, or even two. Firstly,
we can say that in the age-old Greek mysteries had this item
there, if not in Eleusis, the Orphic: after all, the love of Orpheus
bride to Eurydice, forced to go down into the pit. This is true, and we
willing to use this beautiful myth in our confirmation of the dogma that
"Love - the concierge of immortality." But the myth of Eurydice - not the
Orphic mysteries, and only the frame and not the longing of Orpheus and
primordial Dionysus offered sympathy believers.
And secondly, you can try to allocate at least from this sacrament of
circle: it was, after all, not his mistress and his wife killed
Osiris-SarapisThanks. And yet, I will answer, in practice, eroticism has not
been excluded, and
Mysteries of Isis became no less enticing than the mysteries of Cybele and
Ovid in his frivolous "Science of Love" directly recommended by the searchers
playful adventures (I 77):

Do not forget the heifer and shrines in linen vestments:
Dev she does what she was Zeus.

The practice was very eloquent; and we have the right to assert that
religious eroticism has grown on the basis of these ellinizovannyh eastern
cults. There was a temptation to view the complete opposite to that
once established religious Skopchestvo (14): the view that sensual
ecstasy - the best way to religious ecstasy ... and further.
Did you see? It's clear that we can not trace all
subsurface development of religious practices, and even secret. Mysteries
Dionysus engendered them barbaric country accompanied by sexually rampant;
That was understandable, since they were originally value privorozheniya
fruitfulness of the earth. Greece received them, and cleared them from this
undesirable element; if we can guarantee that it succeeded perfectly?
But, in any case, in the mysteries themselves, because they were Greek,
eroticism did not find this soil; but now, with the transfer to the Greek
these Oriental cults, he got it. As religious Skopchestvo and
religious hlystovschina grown in seductive secluded eastern
sacraments. I ask to compare the following tombstone of our age (I c. BC X.)
after one such spiritual personages, and implicated in the cult of the Great
Mother, and
Aphrodite with Adonis - tombstone, having besides the author of a
philosopher, although
Epicurean school - Philodemos:

Here playful body Trigon gentle buried,
Here upokoit dust color sabakeyskih (?) Courtesans.
Were akin to her bower and noise inspired cymbals
And carefree enthusiasm, dear Mother of the Gods.
According to a woman's heart service was Aphrodite in love;
Enchantment Laid-beauty * she opened one.
The soil is sacred, spikes are not born over a favorite of Bacchus:
White wallflowers, ask her stone crowned.
* Glorious of all the courtesans, who lived at the end of the V century.

It is necessary to insist on the fact that here the Hellenic spirit
covered ashes
Eastern promiscuity ordinary white wallflowers its essential beauty?
He remained true to himself; and yet it was a dangerous, fatal seasoning.
adherents of these cults have understood it, and later, in the era of empire,
tried to clear them from it; as far as they were able, the fifth show
essay, but the principle of "debauchery will be saved," and failed to wrest
consciousness of the people. He infected and early Christianity, and the
young church was worth
small effort to eradicate it - because it it really eradicated.

Chapter VI
Ancient Olympia


All of the above are almost exclusively mystical cults back so
Anyway, to Demeter, the goddess of the sacraments, and through it to the
Earth Mother; they
presented chthonic Greek religion. But we have seen that,
came out of the bowels of the earth cherished, they are not content with that
part of life
believers, who captured the invasion of the underworld and the concern for
"Better fate" in it: the gods took the sacraments lead man in his
earthly life with her earthly cares, providing him, for example, safe
Navigating Turbulent Seas, and said the motto of Sinope-Egyptian stranger
"Zeus is one-SarapisThanks" seemed eliminated from the consciousness of the
people of the lord
Ancient Olympia. The question is, how to react to these claims it
"Legkozhivuschie" inhabitants of what was left of the religion of joy, which
studied in the best era of Greek culture? We began this essay with
opposition to each other two currents of Greek religion, explicit and
secret; widespread secret took us so far; what is the
was the fate of explicit?
It is believed that it is highly scantily.
"In the third century religious sense changes, although not
weakens. Part beliefs withers, but the other part comes out even stronger
test. The fact that they are losing the gods of Olympus, is good for a single
god; it has
only vaguely distinguish, but his kingdom has been secured "(Lafei).
With the second part of this provision, I agree: yes, the idea of one
God, not
abstract, as in a long time philosophers and religious, the idea of a "single
Zeus "already looms in the minds of people, and more and more will be
win in certainty. Only correctly, that the respective
losing ground as the gods of Olympus? - But this requires logic! - And what
about the
here demands the logic? - If Zeus is one, is there a place next to him
Apollo? - The fact of the matter is that, yes; should never forget that we
are in the field of feelings, not reason.
On the gods of Olympus, we must lead the study noted, not content
conclusion that we can tell our minds. Let's make
and Lafei, and others; they turn to the literature of Hellenism questioned -
its poets, which is permissible not to be taken seriously when they
romantically attracted to holy beliefs of antiquity, and his prose writers,
philosophers and historians ... and indeed, poets, but only comic, not
prone to romanticism, Menander, Philemon. And then, of course,
found an attraction to a single line of the deity and to the diversion of the
rainbow Olympus.
This is both true and valuable; and yet we must demand removal of these
witnesses. Writers - not the people, and the elite of the people; and the
people left us
enough monuments of their religious life, and, moreover, in its
together, and in the face of some of its units, the addition of which also
population. So, what role was played by the gods of Olympus in the lives of
testimony of their elected representatives? And what in the life of the
man, "creating their rote the same community? To
find out is from the literary texts refer to the inscriptions; they
we show for the Hellenistic period, ie III to I in. inclusive?
Anyone who has seen a least superficially they have to say: the greatest
caring community of gods, temples and all liturgical matter; it concerns
equally, and such advanced communities, as the Athenian, and most provincial.
Micon island managed to combine their "city": he whole earth
reorganize their holiday calendars, determining what days are months
offer sacrifices to their gods - Olympian Zeus, Zeus chthonic, ie
Aida and chthonic world, Poseidon, Demeter with Cora, Apollo, Dionysus with
Semele, Achelois (Michel 714). - More details on the rules of sacrifices
the island of Kos (MM 716-18); we marvel at their set. Magneto
Thessaly ... but listen to themselves (M. 842)
"Since our city piously refers to all the gods, but especially to
Apollo Koroneyskomu, giving it the greatest honor for them tested by
his mercy, because he gave through his oracle and the community, and the
those instructions that are important for their health and well-being; and
true to the ancient oracle so, from our award-
ancestors of so many signs of respect, it was of particular concern on the
part of
the city, especially with all the growing influx of foreigners to it "- and
so on
Tanagreytsy in Boeotia, in response to the oracle of Apollo Ptoyskogo,
care about "acceptance in the crown" of their suburban walls of the temple of
Demeter and Kore
(Tsien, 68). - This oracle belonged Boeotian community Akrefiyam; it
send to all citizens of the community Boeotian Union ambassadors in the kinds
of gain
grandeur of its festivities and, moreover, we conclude based on a randomly
remain favorable response oropiytsev (M. 699), with complete success.
- Later the same akrefiytsy (M. 706) and take care of God's world for the
sake of the same
festival of the same Apollo, and find their support in addressing
Amphictyony. - Similar to the tanagreyskim case known to us from the life of
the island
Anafi (M. 853): its citizen Timothy asked the oracle whether to build it
chapel of Aphrodite, which he intends to sacrifice the community in the fence
Apollo or not, and therefore the answer is God and the people of Council
have a judgment about the future. - Renovation of existing churches and
caring for
dedicatory gifts also gives rise to the meetings of the Board and the people:
the Athenians
issue a decision on the purification of the temple of Aphrodite Pandemos (M.
682), a
kind of conversion offerings "hero doctor" (M. 687): it is assumed from the
offerings of silver coins and cast a large wine vessel, the names
donors must be written on a stone slab, and formed a
for that matter, the Commission elected two Areopagite, three deputies from
the people
and ex officio priest, strategist at Public Works and architect on
sacred buildings; oropiytsy - about the same alloy initiations Amphiaraus (M.
827); Athenians for instruction kefisiytsu Diocles, according to his proposal
gratuitous repair of the temple of Asclepius and Hygieia the right place for
The inscription above the door "in order to instill an appreciation for
imitation "(M. 690); smirneytsy - about not causing offense sacred fish," and
bude who is the reason, but he will die the death of boils itself being eaten
fish "(M. 728).
Especially often community judgment about the appropriate use of
proceeds donated to various people on these or other religious needs
capital; so delphians - with offerings of Attalos II, among other things, to
make sacrifices
Apollo, Artemis and Latona (M. 263), they are the same with the donation of a
Aleksippa in honor of the same Apollo (Tsien 78) itakiytsy - with their
Artemis land, and stated: "If anyone disobeys, it is a concern
goddess "(Tsien 83); fereytsy - with abandon late Epictetus sums on
Sacrifice 1) muses, 2) "heroes" Phoenix (her husband) and Epictetus, and 3)
"Heroes" and Kratesilohu Andragor (her sons) (MA 1001); mowers - on the order
victims of Zeus and Athena the savior of funds Pifokla (Tsien 131); iliontsy
- about
Hermia use donations for its holiday Panathenaea (M. 731).
Just as we often meet and praise on behalf of one or another community
citizen for his zeal in the service of God: the citizens of the city Lacaune
awarded lifelong priesthood of their fellow citizens and Philemon Feoksena
for by
construction of its facilities at the temple of Apollo Square (M. 185);
Samians in
Minoe amorginskoy "crowned" Gegesaretu for its pious attitude to
gods and friendly - to themselves (M. 713); Athenians crowned Ivy
Zopira wreath, sent his daughter on holiday koshenositsey Pallas, "for the
sake of
his piety and zeal in the service of the people "(M. 688).
And so on; we can give only part of the preserved and
remains, of course, only a small portion of what was once
there. This is the first; and again I emphasize that for each such
evidence of hiding a whole community, the spirit of which it so
reflected. And taken together, these communities are Hellas.
The second method - the study of the numerous dedications to individuals
another god - there can only be specified from a distance; as for each of the
hiding them only one person, the samples were inconclusive, and for
bringing the series there is no room. Limited to one example, giving us
indirect evidence that what is at stake. In Athens decreed
take measures to ensure that "not to obscure the idol god (what is unknown -
leaving only a fragment of the inscription) set of votive tablets; let
same priest will take them out onto the porch of the temple, and let no one
henceforth no
dedicatory plaques does not put in the temple without the permission of the
priest. "Tsien,
accepts this inscription in his collection leges sacrae (deletion I 39),
which is very
compares it with the ad, read it in one of the Catholic chapel in
Arnsgauzen village; its beginning reads as follows: "from now on do not place
initiatory paintings and gifts in the updated chapel, place them on the
porch. "
No, the positive: the impoverishment of religious feeling is not seen,
Hellas still diligently serve their gods. The diminishing effect of
other areas also affects the cult, but do not feel - in
economic. Except who advanced, thanks to its
geographical position, Rhodes, Greece is generally impoverished, communities
it was hard to make ends meet, and their citizens too. Priests received by
custom fathers income with sacrifices; was thought to impose their tribute to
the state. It was implemented in our time here and there in the neighborhood
Asia with the introduction of the Asian custom of selling priestly positions,
blooming Greece did not know. Or is it about the decline of innovation
religious feeling? Quite the contrary: it proves profitability priestly
positions, and therefore - the zeal of individuals in the service of the
gods. Listed
Other changes: if in III century in Athens, the father, delighted that
his daughter, Phil was awarded the honor of being "arreforoy" Pallas
her portrayal of the goddess (MA 1041), then in the next century, on the
contrary, in those
Athens same people crowned Ivy wreath of the same father, alongside his
daughter kaneforoy the same goddess (M. 688). These wreaths and other awards,
by the way
say, should not be understood in the sense of weakening of religious fervor
awardees - without encouragement, they say, would not agree: he had
conquer economic difficulties, and the fact that the award came from the
people, proves conclusively, as already noted, liveliness and strength
religiosity in this nation.


The above applies to all general Olympic gods. Trace the role
each of them in the religious life of Greece Hellenistic period no
possible nor necessary; Yet one of the family deserves the Olympians
our special attention, as the one that would be as concentrated in itself all
value and charm explicit cults Greece. This is the main church of which
considered "common hearth of Hellas" - Delphic Apollo. Great was his
value in the early days of Greek history: he led the Colonial
movement, he blessed, and overthrew the rulers, he inspired
Legislators and poets, he pointed to all the faithful way of their earthly
life. But
it was in the heyday of this value declined, which was to blame for
secular politics Delphic college she favored the Persians in
years of national war, Sparta in its clash with Athens, Philip, in his
designs against Greek independence. It seemed to last
circumstance was completely undermine the charm of Delphi in the era
Hellenistic period, when the Greek community and the unions tried in every
way to protect yourself
from Macedonian conquests had happened, however, the reverse, and this era
was the
time a new flowering of Delphi and their "middle" of the temple. Friends
helped the enemy.
As we have seen ( 3), almost immediately after the Battle of the Plains
Bark, to determine the approximate composition of the Hellenistic states,
began the invasion of the Gauls in the Balkan Peninsula. His first victim
was, of course, Macedonia; rules it then Ptolemy Perun - the eldest son
Ptolemy I of Egypt; expelled from the country, he came to the petitioner
and it was graciously accepted, but now, after Cora, treacherously slew
his victorious protector. It was he who now led the Macedonian army
opposed the Gallic hordes. God did not bless battles weapons
wicked: he was defeated by the Gauls, and lost his life in battle. Following
Macedonia and Thessaly opened winners - and more than a hundred and fifty was
one thousand infantry; their wealth tempted Greece, who were in
private hands, and in the churches, and especially in the temple of the
The news of what had happened and had roused happen Hellas.
Cantonal disputes and feuds with Macedonia were temporarily forgotten; Once
again, as
two years ago, everything felt Hellenes. Now the situation
was even more dangerous from the Gauls could not, as once the Persians,
pay off a tribute to "earth and water", their goal was the complete
destruction of the country and
extermination of people. And again, as two years ago, the gorge of
flashed from the Hellenic helmets again Athenian trireme helped her from the
defenders. But in the defense of Sparta is not involved: it was replaced by
the Aetolians,
Union which was then the largest military force in Greece. And the valiant
successful was the defense; but again, as if it broke treason. Locals
undertook to translate the Gauls mountain paths bypassing the Greek army, not
of hostility to the national cause, and to get rid of ruining their country
the enemy's forces. Happiness was that the Athenian ships could take
Thermopylae heroes and deliver them intact to Boeotia.
Now Phocis opened predators, and in it - the purpose of their campaign,
Delphic temple. Fearful residents rushed to the oracles of God, but he does
comforted: he will take care of them and yourself. Yet it seemed
formidable: hordes of Brenna, the Gallic leader, took the foot of Parnassus,
Greek forces are too weak, they could not hold their head. A little more -
and "universal outbreak of Greece" would be destroyed by the barbarians.
And suddenly the whole area of land occupied by the Gallic troops
striking terror unaccustomed to such phenomena minds of northerners,
clouds, always surrounded the head of Parnassus, heard the thunder,
lightning flashed - and the light from them the Greeks learned in mountain
heroic defenders of the Delphic shrine, saw how they were sent flames
Zeus on the sacrilegious, and burning their weapons and themselves. They did
not care about
robbery: they spent the day in fear, and the night was terrible and that.
There was
chilling frost; with clouds poured thick snow covering the white shroud
Gallic camp. Not thinking about the dream, they huddled around a campfire.
then they did not find the rest: the huge boulders, separated from Parnassian
flew into the valley and seemed to purposely tried to get to the places where
detachments of enemies basked in their lights. They were already weakened by
fear and
deprivation, when the sun rose; and by its light they saw in front of him
Hellenic army that came to defend Delphi, and that was even worse in the rear
light brigade fokidtsev skillfully bypassed them along the familiar path of
Hot it was a battle; Brenn himself was wounded, a lot of the Gauls were
Despairing of success, they decided to retreat to finish off the
wounded. But
failure and there has not ceased to pursue them. At the first inn was
overcome them
"Panic" fear; imagining that the Greeks broke into their camp, they
began stabbing and slashing each other in a strange distractedly taking
the native language of the Hellenistic, Gallic weapons from the enemy:. More
than ten thousand of them
were killed that night, and the next day not long in coming, and the usual
satellite panic retreats - hunger. With some difficulty, at the cost of
incredible loss,
they managed to walk back to Thermopylae; Brenn earlier, unable to endure the
fear and
shame and drowned in a strong wine humiliated his soul. But then the
dared to warn secondary spill Gallic flow on their
blessed country. Trapping them in the gorge of Thermopylae, they produced
among them such a massacre that no barbarian would not go back to his.
So Apollo kept his word.


Self-respecting political history relates to this story with
properly contempt simple "aretalogiya" temple legend, but in
fact, together with the Aetolians and Athenians fokidtsami repelled the
attack of the Gauls,
which was, I suppose, not a hundred and fifty-odd thousand, and significantly
less - for which they honor and glory. But respecting the history of religion
can not cherish a legend; "Miracle - a favorite child of faith," fair
Goethe said, and faith - it is the subject of this science. And if we detail
retold the legend of Apollo protect their temple from the Gauls, it is
in order to show the reader how great was the faith in the power
Delphic god in the Hellenistic period.
Now back to the sober history.
The danger posed to the Delphic Apollo, strengthened the love of
it all Hellas: now more than ever, it has become a living symbol of its
fight against the barbaric world. On the other hand, Aetolians his glorious
saviors, crowning himself immortal fame, could not resist the temptation
stay its secular patrons in the future. That stay: captured
this role, they have a generation earlier, as allies of Pyrrhus in his war
Macedonia; but then this capture was greeted by the Greeks very unfriendly,
and the Athenians in the political song turned to his guest Demetrius
Gradoosazhdatelyu asking destroy Aetolian sphinx, violence
Hellas with Parnassian rocks. Now circumstances have changed; and when
Aetolians, wishing to emphasize his new role, established in Delphi new games
Game Rescue (Soteria), and sent to the Hellenic communities heralds a
request to take part in them, recognizing them in their musical part
equal to the Pythian, and gymnastics - the Nemean, please
this was honored. Special warmth differs preserved us almost
entirely Chios decree; quote from his exposure, in many interesting
relations (M. 365)
"As a result, and so on, people wanting and its part to participate in
honoring the gods and mindful of their sincere friendship with the Aetolians,
Decides: good luck to accept their offer and accept the competition
Sauter, who establish the Aetolians in gratitude for saving
Temple of Apollo at Delphi, and the whole of Greece, with the award winners
wreaths, according to the decision Aetolian League ...; give praise
Aetolian League and crown him with a golden wreath for his generosity,
devotion in the service of the gods and valor in the war against the
barbarians. And to all
aware of this commemoration, svyaschennoglashatayu proclaim in Dionysia
immediately before the match Founding choirs that the people of Chios
Aetolian League crowns golden wreath for his generosity and piety in
service to the gods. "
Such were the honey years Aetolian hegemony in Central Greece
which lasted for a century - and hence longer Athens two centuries
earlier. It is clear that the union, taking a dominant position in
Amphictyony not
always refrained from arbitrary and violent behavior; but
Delphic temple with him, of course, increased its charm. His spiritual
recognized authority; spoken to are willing to provide the right of asylum
for one or other of the shrine. Not only the Greek community, and Hellenistic
rulers kowtowed to him - and Pergamon Attalids, and Syrian
The Seleucids and the Ptolemies of Egypt. The main triumph of Delphi was an
to them in Rome in 216, after the defeat at Cannae; and as a consequence
success of this treatment were defeated in the continuing war against
Hannibal, the
Rome itself temporarily became a client of the Delphic god and secondarily to
turned ten years later asking about the meaning of one
oracle of the Sibyl. As a result of this secondary treatment, was the
introduction of
in Rome the cult of the Great Mother and the beginning orientalization Rome -
we shall see in
fourth essay.
Especially close relations were Delphi and Seleucids, for reasons
which would have to say shortly; it was on hand Aetolians, who themselves
formed an alliance with the Syrian rulers - to death itself. But soon after
victory over Hannibal began the intervention of the Romans in the affairs of
the Greek
east. Their first victim was the king of Macedonia; Delphi had
welcome victory over the descendants of Aeneas oppressor Hellas - perhaps
sincerely. Closer and closer to their relationship began in Italy and Rome,
stronger than them
charm. But an ally of the Macedonian king in his war with Rome was Antiochus
Syrian; ally also Aetolians; victory over him in Rome in 191 was led to
dissolution of the Aetolian League. Well, well, so much the better: Delphi
was so
, the "released" from his patron and master. However, the place
Aetolians took Rome; and had for this replacement to recognize the good side
near the Aetolian Soteria establish in honor of the patron saint of the new
Game - Romans.
Hegemony Rome brought Delphi does not decline, but rather an even
the flowering of their charm. Before that they were constrained by the
hostile attitude
their patrons-the Aetolians to the Achaean League, alienated from them all
dominion last region: now it has disappeared tightness, clientele
oracle expanded also in this direction, but also in the direction of Italy.
Grew and grew by Delphic "proksenov" (ie state
gostepriimtsev, in our opinion, almost "consuls") throughout the universe,
gradually from the Greek Greco-Roman: and since Delphi ably supported
communication and with the literary and artistic world, the poetry and
visual arts a race decorated earthly abode of Apollo. One
in short, the first century Roman hegemony was for Delphi era new
still not seen in well-being; handling of Greece into a Roman province about
middle of this century, nothing in this regard has not changed.
Thunder at the beginning of the next. It is very likely that the
Sibyl, which threatened the loss of the son of ancient Troy in ten centuries
the death of its matriarch, contributed to the fatal madness has seized the
world. This term - 83 Year - approaching; but who will be the arbiter of
fate? If
general anyone, of course, the mighty king of the East Anatolian,
And Hellas recognizes him, renouncing the sinking of Rome. But Rome is not
he was saved by the mighty hand of Sulla, and gullible Greece has not slowed
feel the weight of the hand. Delphi was plundered, their charm
oracles fell for a long time. From the spiritual center of the universe, it
appealed to the
modest ochazhok local importance, to give private people guidance on
whereabouts of fugitive slaves and success conceived of trade
enterprises. "Ran out of steam, it is clear prophetic power of the Earth that
inspired once
Pythia ", - explained the modern Greeks Cicero.


The decline of values Delphic oracle in I. to R.X. contributed
the crash of the Hellenistic monarchies, which was within two
centuries of the hottest fan - Seleucid Syria, facing 63
was a Roman province. The cause and the manifestation of this goodwill
useful to find out now; it is - one of the most interesting chapters in the
religion and religious policy of Hellenism.
As the reader may have noticed, the contribution of Syria in this
religion was the least
significant, while Anatolia and Egypt gave the Hellenic world first
- The Great Mother, and the second - with Isis SarapisThanks extremely
his mystical cult deity - from Syria, he learned only
voluptuous idyll Aphrodite with Adonis, for so long already
ellinizovannuyu and not at all mysterious. The reason for this difference was
that religious and political challenge that Seleucus set himself in
its Middle Eastern kingdom, radically different from the one
mean Lysimachus and Attal in Anatolia and Ptolemy I in Egypt. They wanted,
possible to combine both the unity of worship within their power element
population, Hellenic and Oriental; for this they needed the Greek East
religion and reform Timothy. It did not pursue this goal Seleucus
Victorious; shunning the barbaric element in the population under his
control, he
was a strict and consistent ellinizatorom.
The main means of Hellenization was in imitation of Alexander the Great,
the foundation of Greek cities throughout the former Persian monarchy,
because it was subject to Seleucus - and let's not forget that this
his territory has reached the borders of India, embracing, excluding parts
Anatolia, Syria, Mesopotamia and Persia own. So at the same time, however,
considerable space, he founded at least 75 Greek cities;
he called them partly in honor of his family with an inclusive (so
arisen, in honor of his father 16 Antioch, in honor of his mother 5 Laodicius
honor him 9 Seleucus, in honor of his first wife and 3 of Apamea in honor
second Stratonikeia 1); partly in honor of his native Macedonian or
Greek cities. Apparently, he has set a goal to gradually
Hellenization of all these lands; and if we take into account the powerful
force Hellenism and passivity considerable part of his subjects, then this
does not seem utopian. Deposition of Parthia, internal turmoil in
his home with his grandchildren and the intervention of Rome prevented its
That religion should be an instrument of Hellenization was clear; but
Seleucus wanted it to be a pure Hellenic religion, not ellinizovannaya
spot. Yet political prudence advised when choosing a
religion pick the one that represents the capabilities of most
a close encounter with the locals. And from this point of view, the choice is
not presented
doubtful. Kingdom of Seleucus, I repeat, consisted of Persia, Mesopotamia,
Syria. In Persia enjoyed the greatest honor the later mighty rival
Christianity, Mitra; his Romans, when he went to them, named Sol
Invictus. The chief god of Babylon was Marduk, who, according to the most
Babylonian religion, personified the sun; Finally, the Syrian Baals were also
solar deities, whereby one of them, which, when Aurelian
(Middle of the III. R.X. on) was enclosed in the Roman pantheon, and got
the name of the Sun-god. So, it was clear the former subjects of the former
Great King
were sun-worshipers. The Greeks knew it long ago. In the V century in
his "Irene" puts into the mouth of his hero, the next funny denunciation

Trig: Selena, you know, and waste Helium
It has long been zloumyshlyaya against you,
Barbarians decided to betray Hellas.
Hermes: What! Why so they are busy?
Trig: Then we do sacrifice to you,
And the barbarians always show care about them.

If, then, to ask which of the Greek gods had obschepochitaemyh
most sunny character, the answer again is not doubtful:
such was the only Apollo. It would be wrong to believe that the Apollo - it
and there is the Sun-god: any cults or in the myths he is not identified with
it. But
he undoubtedly from the sun, as well as Demeter from the Earth; In both of
Hellenic deities religion evolved religion of nature, but retained the
its tracks. That is why religious philosophy and at the top, and on the
bottoms recognizes
Apollo god of the sun. But more important from our point of view is that such
it has long been recognized and the Persians. When Datis in 490 led
its fleet crossed the archipelago, heading to Attica, where he waited
Marathon delostsy left their island; but he begged them to come back: "I
configured, and my king had so commanded me to leave untouched
home both deities "(Herodotus VI 97) - ie, the Greek Apollo and
Artemis, and in Persian - the Sun and the Moon. It was the Delian Apollo;
closer to the heart of the Persians
Delphic Apollo, which became open on their side during their camping
Hellas on and really made what Aristophanes humorously chided
It all the way to Seleucus was ordained, his ally in the Olympic
actually Hellenization of his kingdom could only be Apollo. Indeed, it
became a zealous advocate of his cult. Legend - maybe not
quite popular origin - told me that when his father Antiochus
was in the war as commander of Philip, his mother Laodice saw
dream that it includes Apollo and in gratitude for her love gives her
ring with an anchor, charging her to give it to the son, who
she has to give birth. Waking up, she really found in his bed
ring of the kind described; and when she gave birth to nine months, we
baby on her hip turned birthmark in the shape of an anchor spot. This child
was Seleucus. Signet Apollo accompanied him in all his campaigns, protecting
his life among the greatest dangers - among other things, in the fabulous
campaign, which he undertook with the borders of India against then located
zenith of its power Antigone. His elephants, a gift of the Indian king,
then decided the battle of Ipsom in his favor and made him king suddenly
throughout Asia Minor. You can imagine what kind of food these wonderful
imagination gave his subjects.
Immediately after the IASA he founded his new capital, Antioch on the
translating back residents of the neighboring town, founded by his rival
Antigone. Near the city itself he told beat magnificent park of laurel
trees, a circle of ten miles a little over; it was Daphne (Daphne -
"Laurel"), is now the favorite residence of the Syrian kings and nobles,
Versailles. The center of the park held a magnificent temple of Apollo
or Pythian; Indeed, it was the courtyard of the temple of Delphi, with
new oracle and new Pythian games - the center of religion at the Apollo
East. For the temple of the idol was required; he had given him, and the
majestic - here we meet a second time with a name that is already time
led us in bewilderment: the idol of Apollo was Dafneyskogo work Briaksida,
as well as the idol SarapisThanks in Alexandria. Briaksid was one of the
creators of
Mavsoleya about 355-350 g .; Could it also be a creator for SarapisThanks
Ptolemy !, ie not earlier than 320 g? Then we went around the difficulty,
tradition whereby SarapisThanks got to Alexandria from Sinope. Now
difficulty even more: in Antioch Briaksid could work no earlier than 300 AD,
year of its founding. Should we assume here that Briaksid
produced his idol to another city, and that Seleucus took it from there? It
would be a complete imitation of Ptolemy; Yet I must admit that this time
tradition towards us is not.
Leave riddles; fact all the same one that the creator of Apollo
was Briaksid. Its kind we know from the description of Libanius and coins.
Famous for his appearance affection, tenderness, his marble neck; God was
depicted protruding forward in a long gold (ie, gold-plated)
tunic with cithara in his left hand and a cup on the right.
"So it seems that he sings ... yeah someone and heard, as they say, as
he was playing on the cithara and sang a song in the noon hour (mendianus
daemon!). A
content of the song was the praise of the earth; her, I think, and he brings
libation from a golden cup, because she hid the maiden, and razverzshis
come together again. "
These last words of Libanius require explanation. The fact that
Arcadia existed an ancient myth about the love of Apollo to the nymph Daphne,
god of the local river and palm of the mother Earth. Redeeming her virginity,
Daphne wanted to escape when he was overtaking her, she
prayed to his mother, and that, razverzshis, took her to his bosom. With
the place where she disappeared, rose laurel tree; Apollo realized that
this is it transformed my dear, and since then the laurel - his favorite
This myth, as the Arcadian origin, became vagrant; last place
his attachment was Antioch. The fact is that when Seleucus hunted
bank of the Orontes, his horse hooves kicked out of the land arrowhead; it
Seleucus read the name "Phoebe" and derived from it (a few bold) concluded
here Apollo poured arrows from his quiver with sorrow about the loss of
his beloved. Hence, Daphne, as the name of the grove, and all further.
So, here is what kind of thoughts suggest that people idol Briaksida:
here as well. Tenderness eye, neck tenderness - and cittern ... what
cittern? This will tell us Pompeian murals; influence on it as Antioch
times in recent years more and more turns. He plays it in pursuit of
maiden, rallying, love chant: stop running your timid, taste the bliss
in the arms of someone who loves you! But no, Daphne does not obey him - and
will only libation to honor her disappearance and decorate their foreheads
wreath from her tree. - Is Briaksid wanted to portray? We do not know; but
knew his work fun, Pampered Antioch and courtyard of the old lion,
Seleucus Victorious.


So in some way turned, finally, a golden dream of Delphi
dreamed them three centuries ago: the dream of a universal religion
Apollo, which is based on an alliance with Tarquini in the west, an alliance
with Persia in
the eastern half of the world. Those two treason, which Delphic board itself
tarnished in the eyes of freedom-Hellas, brought finally his welcome
fruit: the location of Persia prepared a fertile ground for sowing
location to the sower and Macedonia has made in the face of perhaps the best
commanders of the king-hero, named son of Apollo. And because we will not
better to talk about infidelity: religion, conscious of a desire to become
universal, is not allowed to lock myself in the limits of one only of the
people, though
would Hellenic.
A dream fulfilled: to Antioch Daphne Apollo reigned over the East. How
he was treated his people? Are they recognized him as his miter, Marduk,
Baal? Tradition keeps silent about it, but it's not her fault: Antioch
Hellenistic era is known to us is far worse than Pergamum and
Alexandria. - Or a sunny aspect of the young god was completely obscured
Apollo Briaksida love? - He was just right pampered Antioch
Levantine; though there were a lot, yet they were not all. And for people
deeper soul with serious religious requests Apollo remained
Of Apollo, son of Zeus, the god of the great Advent, who brought
people the science of how to purify ourselves from sin. "The Prophet father
Zeus Apollo"
- Reads the famous verse about him; "Great, great you are at the throne of
Zeus" -
tell him Eumenides in Aeschylus. Apollo, as the god-son,
inseparable from Zeus as the god-father; its advent, he saved the kingdom of
father's death from that which he threatened from the Giants; but it has been
as has been forgotten and the original, popular legends related sense of
After he had slain the Python, Delphi snake; but remember that it brought
redemption from sins. And, of course, no doubt that it's the
have the most profound idea in the religion, which, thanks to Seleucus,
established in the valley of the Orontes - that valley, southern continuation
of which was
Jordan Valley.
Next to the Apollo and the other gods Demeter pale Ancient Olympia:
none of them in the Hellenistic period found no such commitment to
proselytizing. Zeus, however, does not count: he stands next to the Apollo,
father god beside God the Son; places, however, and his name is covered
one or the other alien god, like the Egyptian Ammon, who
beamed at one time, thanks to the nearby Greek Cyrene, and even won
honor of being branded as a heavenly father of Alexander; or of the Syrian
who was called Zeus Dolihenom and depicted with a thunderbolt in his right
driving around standing on a bull - though it only happened in the era of
Empire. Artemis really take a back seat next to his brother, although
the temple was dedicated to both of them - the great Artemis, as we have
saw nothing but the name does not have to do with the daughter of Latona.
siblings with her Hecate received an impressive reputation as a goddess
ghosts and black magic, but rather on the bottoms. Hera with Hestia does not
role in Hellenistic religion, as well as their brother Poseidon; this
Olympic aristocracy had absolutely no force of attraction
minds. Aphrodite enjoys some popularity in conjunction with Adonis;
but we have already seen that it is, in fact, the Syrian Astarte. Dionysus
their "tehnitov" subordinates all understand the world to the borders of
India charm
theater of Euripides, but it is less a religious victory; by its own
orgies in his Orphic-pifagoricheskom translating after a bright blossoming on
West exposed early in II. intense persecution by the Roman
government, and if they are reborn in the I. (The so-called
novopifagoreizme), already without Dionysus. Hermes, the Good Shepherd, we
have seen in
Formation of Demeter Eleusis; however, he and independently of it, penetrated
through his Arcadia Cyrene to Egypt, merged with the god Thoth there and
source of the so-called "hermetic" revelations; but since the heyday
This Hermetic refers to the era of universal empire, here they
do not have to deal with. Role of Ares and Hephaestus, modest already in the
era, it is now even more modest; Athena proudly reigns at its Acropolis
- In Athens, as well as in Pergamum - devoid of all contact with the
barbaric world. On Asclepius - God Is, whether the hero, anyway - will be
Without reservations, as the reader will see, it's not done, but it does
not change
its essence: after all, the main deities of the Hellenistic religion, having
their condition and the base of cohabitation with the Hellenic barbarous
are two deities of ancient Greek religion, Apollo and Demeter, God the Son,
great at the throne of his father, and mother goddess. Gradually peoples
these two incarnations of the deity; exactly what they will know them by
different names, and now, and even more later - this
trains them to be distracted from any contact names and thoughts and feelings
the fact that under these names hidden. There is a long, educational work;
but it is successful, and the more, the more prepared the way, along with
single-omnipotent god, the two closer and more accessible divine
natures - the god-son and mother goddess.

Chapter VII


"... These are the honors bestowed Spartan community when its kings
life; same after their death, the following occurs. Riders announce
Laconia about the incident, and the city bypass women, hitting the boiler. In
signal, it is necessary that each of the two houses of free, male and
woman, joined the mourners - not fulfilling these requirements threaten
heavy penalties. Act as the Spartans, concerning the death of kings,
coincides with
those who comply with the barbarians in Asia. Namely, after death
Lacedaemonian king, to all out of Laconia, in addition to the Spartans,
a certain number of periekov enforcement gone to the funeral. And so,
when they are, as well, and Helots and Spartiates themselves, along with
their wives, many
thousands, come together in one place, they hit a hard forehead and publish
endless moaning, calling in any given case, the last king of the dead
best of all. And if any of the kings die in the war, they make it
similarity, and carried him on a decorated box. But after the funeral, they
have for
ten days of empty space, and there is no election meetings: these days
devoted to grief. "
Herodotus describes (VI 58) funeral kings Spartans, noting
similarity of their custom with the Persian; as well as Sparta - the only
State in which survived the imperial power, we have the right to distribute
what he said at the funeral of Greek kings at all. Xenophon, bearing in mind
these same honors, is expressed as (Gos. Lak. XV 9): "Spartan laws
determine the kings of outstanding honors equal to their not with people and
with the
heroes ".
What exactly are these heroes? The etymology of the word is dark; of her
personal display
it is impossible, except for a possible relationship with the name of the
goddess Hera, which, however,
only adds a new puzzle to the former. Within the meaning of the same
characters - it
favorites of the dead, were the subject of not only the family but also
public or state cult. This cult, so
strengthen the cult of souls. Like the latter, it is absent in Homer; Like
him, he existed, however, preceded him and contemporary
Greece; like him, he gives it to exist in several
inconsistencies; like him, finally, it is widely
spread in poslegomerovskoy Greece to later times.
The original characters - it seems to those mentioned by
Herodotus, the late kings. It is understandable. Than any citizen was for his
family, the king was for the whole community; family cult there was adequate
therefore, state cult here. However, we can assume that
of these characters is particularly occupied a place of honor kings,
ancestors, those
which tells "the heroic" epic; it - the only one that still
Hesiod knows this name.
In poslegomerovskuyu era heroes circle has expanded. It
stood undoubtedly due to aristocratization and then democratization
Greece: the kings, heroes are gone, and yet, it is undesirable to deprive the
those supernatural forces that seemed embodied in heroes. Originated
therefore considered custom characters of those who have outstanding
services. And it was in the first place, the founders, or ekisty ktisty
community -
for the ancient communities necessarily people mythical antiquity. Well, if
were known, like cadmium in Thebes; if not, then concocted the name itself
on behalf of the community itself; Sparta founded hero Sparta, Corinth - "son
Zeus Corinth. "Did that mean that in reality was constructed fiction? Not at
not. After all, someone had to be the founder of Corinth; to him, the real
face of the distant past, and honor the under that name. When the Greek
representation of the relative name it was quite natural, as it
however named, we will honor him by that name. Especially, it is
and probably was his name: because the founder called on your name
he founded the city - so, at least, believed. But the city
based also in historical times, in the form of colonies, like
Amphipolis, or by sinekizma, like the above ( 8) Messene; in that
case and its historical ekisty (in amphipods, such as Agnon, associate
Pericles) after his death obtained heroic honors him.
A sort of state within a state were his smaller groups - whether
is political, ie philes and phratry, or public, ie mugs,
Corp., etc. Since the first case was clear: any such political
unit had his hero arhegeta, after whom it was called; with
The second difficulty was more recognition and heroes arhegetov corporations
become a universal custom.
Ekist arheget and was like a father he founded a political unit.
But in the ancient views, both Greek and Roman, savior (Soter)
worshiped on par with their parents, and the feast of salvation, as it was
the second day
birth. It is not surprising, therefore, that the community paid homage to the
heroic honors
along with their founders and also their rescuers. These were
first of all legislators who saved their community from the stipulations
civil unrest and provide her sacred to the Greek "blagozakonie"
(Eunomia); then, secondly, the heroes in our sense of the word, accept death
on the field of battle for the fatherland. Leonid was at an all time hero of
Sparta; more
have gone further in this respect democratic Athens - all fallen under the
Marathon were considered heroes for their fatherland. It was, of course,
fine; Yet the path indicated by this glorification, appeared later
quite slippery. But more on that below.
And once the cause has been recognized by the glorification of service
to the community, then this
This opens up a new, long series of candidates for heroes. Efforts have
possible in various fields. They have been accepted as God-pleasing
priests and soothsayers, for inspiration to poets - Homer, Hesiod,
Pindar; yes those who - typical for Greece outlook - their
inventions of human life raised to a higher level. - But
unless they were known? - This, according to the above, is not so important.
Pottery (ceramics) is undoubtedly useful invention ... let us give a
honor "hero Ceram." Millers let the hero worship "Miletus" (Myles),
miners - hero "Alethea" etc .; Gods too disassemble.
Thus, the determined range, very wide, characters; This - the same
which later Virgil appoints in his ALICE:

Warriors zealously shed blood for the fatherland in the battle,
The pure in heart priests who observed his duty in life
Lyra lord holy, justified Phoebe covenants
Inventors, whose life has been above our art,
All who love affairs grateful memory left.


But it was too late submission; native to the Greek hero worship
was attached to his grave - this is natural, since this cult was
power mortuary cult. It is clear, however, that only in rare cases
the tomb of the hero, which establishes the cult was known; how it was
to do if it did not turn out there?
This question is related to another: how to establish, in historical
time cult
Hero? Answer: as directed by the oracle of Delphi, almost always. To him
accessed over the misfortunes that befell the state or threatening him;
then advised pay homage to such a hero to atone for his anger
or purchase his mercy. The next question was: where to find it
remains? Oracle, and in this respect gave instructions; remains found on
(Eg, superhuman growth), and solemnly transferred to a place of their
final resting place; Thus, in 478 BC, Cimon diligence have been transferred
Skyros to Athens remains of Theseus. It was the first transfer of the remains
celebration in honor of the new hero. - If, however, it was impossible to
find them, then
hero was constructed "empty tomb" (cenotaph), which, by the sacred
rites, calls his soul.
The question is: how to understand this leadership role of the oracle!
case very seriously.
"God did not invent new characters, it does not increase its own
power and arbitrariness host of local saints - he just finds them there,
where human eyes can not see them; he, himself all that through their
eye, as a spirit, spirits learns and sees them in the areas where people
feels only the impact of their activities "(Rhodes).
But, of course, this centralization, so to speak, in the hands of all of
glorification of affairs could not increase their charm, like most katartike
(Ie cleansing from defilement), with which it has been largely
connected. And Delphi willingly use this powerful lever religious
activity: during their heyday and was the propagation time of worship
heroes of Greece. And when they were at the beginning of V century. wished to
close not to the extent
widening circle, announcing novogeroizovannogo Cleomedes "last
hero, "this was no longer possible: the movement, they maintained,
grew their own strength, and they were unable to meet their
own ruling.
Over the grave of his hero being constructed temple (heroon), shapes and
which were different: for a particularly mnogochtimyh like Theseus, it could
grow at the temple. Here and sacrifices in his honor.
They were fundamentally different from the sacrifices in honor of the gods:
occurred during the day, these night or dusk; those were taken for light to
these black animals; there they sacrificed on the high altar, here
low "hearth" (eschara); there in the symbolic burning of the rest
carcass served refreshments for the living animal is burned at all, and no
did not even have to taste his meat. In short, there is a sacrifice
Olympic had here - chthonic character.
Victims of these brought the state if the hero was, like Theseus,
nation-wide; or directly interested political
or social group. But regardless of this existed in Greece beautiful
custom, testified most clearly about the intimate, sincere character
this cult: it was the custom of the triple libation perd beginning drinking.
The first and third relied libations in honor of Zeus, but in between,
the second - in honor of the native characters; they were invited to share
every time
joy rejoicing.
In return paid him honor hero rendered important services to the
community as
in its whole and its individual members. As being a cross between
god and a mortal, he was called upon to mediate for people in their dealings
gods, thanks to his intercession, they could easily find favor in their
example - though unenviable - can serve as above ( 10)
Whisper hero. But, in addition, believed that after death he transformed
both physically (ie, their appearance), and spiritually. He became
being sverhzemnogo growth and beauty - eumorphos, as it has been
speak. But he received power higher than that when it was accompanied
life. This was primarily a prophetic force: how to know the mysteries of the
spirit, he could
instill good solutions to those with faith came to his grave. Only
kind of things that force was the power of healing: almost all the characters
heroes, healers, although some of them - Asclepius and others - this
force brought to the highest degree, superior to all others. Hero neighbor
Housing provided his protection of his pious hosts; Comedy
manners not miss this grateful motive invisible patron
offended orphans, as may be inferred by us recently returned
top comedies of Menander, bore the title of it is this - the title of Heros.
This specimen illuminated us a very gentle light an important aspect of
life of the Greeks; here most clearly affected cozy, so to speak,
the nature of their religion. But the majestic was, of course, is the help
that the characters
provided to the community, moreover, in the most difficult times of her life
- in a time of
the danger of war. Believed that the characters personally engage in combat
against her
enemies; ordinary people imagine it vividly and intercession
actually, more developed, probably more spiritual, but in fact it had been
all, and Themistocles, of course, expressed the general feeling when he said
Salamis victory humbly said that it is not they have won, the Greeks, and
gods and heroes.
This assistance was a consequence of their strength; but where it turns
out they
this force? Delphic oracle, as we have seen, just make sure it
cash, granted them it's not him, but who? Sophocles answers us gods. He also
calls us and the name of this force: charis, "grace." And for that awarded
they this grace? - Do we, Christians, ask about it? A gratia
gratis data?
Of course, sometimes the human mind could penetrate the mysteries of
God's will,
and even quite often: because we have seen what role was played by the merit
of the deceased
to the community as a reason for his glorification. It was easy to believe
gods, sanctify human community, to take into account these
Civil Merit person for the arrival of his grace. But here is Oedipus,
exiled from his homeland Theban, blind beggar, is in Athens - and
Then he racheniem gods becomes a source of grace for his adopted
country, the future of its military stronghold in the storm; for what? The
poet has told us
answer for his suffering, made the gods as if his debtors. And Odysseus
which Tiresias foretold:

To you out of the sea
Destined to death, and suffer it, supportive, long
Life you tired, suddenly. And all around you people
Will be happy ...

Also for his suffering? Probably; the fact Homer calls it
"Long-suffering" if we correctly translate this word its polytlas.
But we know such examples that make us only hands to dissolve.


To understand the features of belief in the characters, which have to
Now, you must keep firmly in mind that the cult of them either evolved from
cult shower
or, in any case, it is closely related. Meanwhile, in the view of
the soul leaving the body combined two opposite each other: it
and Blithe Spirit, guarding their loved ones, but it is also the terrible
from which escape spells and charms. It goes without saying that
generally beneficent soul will punish their murderers; appropriate
activities, and we meet the characters, and her we were not determining their
the main character, leave aside. Of those two contradictory
each other of the basic ideas of the soul develop two concepts of
character, just as sharply contradict each other: it is, to put it in our
hero-saint and hero-ghoul. On the first was discussed in the preceding; talk
We would not be surprised, first of all, making sure that the idea of
It develops mainly on the bottoms of society; here it becomes
even predominant. Hippocrates in his remarkable breadth of views on
essay "On the Sacred Disease" fighting prejudices of people
imagine that painful state of mind that causes people to jump
at night in bed, - a consequence of "glamor heroes." In another controversy
like we have in the Babri fabulist who wrote in the very heyday of magic and
vampirism: he is a hero in a dream to his admirer, "On the Good moth
you are gods, we are sending only evil; therefore, if you need an evil
Treat safely to us, we will send you angry a lot, even if you ask
only one thing. "Humorous Greek proverb, which man rejected from
suspicion of malice - "I'm not one of these heroes" - also
evidence of cash-class principle, so to speak, evil
heroes. It is interesting to look at their work - and we repeat,
leave aside the punishment sent by the heroes of the kind incurred
Harassment - Anagira hero, for example, cutting of his sacred grove -
which is usually mixed with it.
In yuzhnoitaliyskom Temese city was at one time to appear at night
terrible creature, all clad in black, and a wolf's skin: rushing to
passers-by, it was choking them to death. No measures have helped, have
think of how to leave the entire community an unclean place. Yet decided
preliminary questions Delphic oracle. The oracle replied that monster -
the spirit of a Likas, once wandered in Temesu who committed violence here
over the girl and killed for it angered residents. He said further that
this Likas rest not before him as a hero, is erected
temple and annually otdavaema the most beautiful girl in town. Thereafter,
Several years have passed; night attacks ceased, could temeseytsy
remain in the city, but also how the ransom was paid an annual
properly. But in 170, in Temesu granted certain Euphemia, a native of
the Italian Locri, on the way back from Olympia, where he won the fist
battle; it was a time when a new victim in the temple waiting Likas
his tormentor. He wanted to check on this "temeseyskogo hero"; it
gave herself to a temple. Kind of unfortunate girl inspired him and
and love: he waited for the night - and when the "hero" came, he was
amazed to see in front of you instead of the usual light and sweet production
pugilist. But Euphemia did not give him time to recover: he came to him
fight, he kicked him out of the temple, pursued to the seaside, and finally
drove in
holy abyss, neutralizing all evil. Then he came back,
celebrated the wedding with a liberated beauty and lived with her happily
a ripe old age; and then he did not tasted the fruits of death, and he became
a hero.
It is easy to find in this beautiful fairy tale temple legend
("Aretalogiyu") attached to the temple of the hero Euphemia; possibly that it
appearance was partly due to the rivalry between Temesoy and its
evil and Locri with their good character. But strikes us is the role of
Delphi - not
because we believe in its historicity, no, we take from the legend only
that we have the right to demand from it: the fact that the people's
conscience could
attributed to "common hearth of Hellas" the establishment of such an immoral
To explain this, to take another example: it concerns the above
"Last hero" of Cleomedes Astypalea.
He, too, like Euphemia was pugilists, but he had no luck:
participating in the Olympic Games in 496 BC, he was wrong to strike killed
the enemy, so that the wreath he was not awarded. Returning to
home in disgrace instead of the expected credit, he went mad and knocked post
which kept the ceiling of a local school. Ceiling collapsed and buried under
themselves who studied children. Pursued by angry citizens, murderer
rushed to the temple of Athena, and saw in it an empty casket and hid it,
snapping the cover over him. The haunting began to open the casket; is it
long time without success; when, at last, under their hands cover rebounded
casket was not one. Surprised citizens informed about Delphi
the mysterious disappearance of the offender; they were, however, replied:

Astipaleets Cleomedes from here - the last of the heroes.
Honor the victims of it: he was not involved in the death too share.

And had astipaleytsam build the temple of the fact that they wanted to
This is not a fairy tale, but a true story; the more it begs the
question: what is this
strange vehicle "underground grace"? Wicked murderer of innocent children,
in the best case - deranged madman: what pious thoughts can
cult to put such a man? Indeed, the ancient enemies of the religion of
camps and freethinkers and Christians, do not miss this example. - We can
guess what the moral dubiousness of this hero has prompted
Delphi idea to close all the characters; but what would answer
they, if they ask about the cause of this strange glorification?
I think that's what. "Giveth us the prophetic power gives us the
opportunity to
set construction of either of the deceased in a host of heroes and thus
a way to provide it with a superior power; but the reason for this
erection - the secret of the gods themselves. Regardless of this, we answer
your questions
people what they should do in order to become a force novoobyavlennaya
for them, if not beneficial, it is the least malefic all our
Answers are intended for people to be "better"; and the best is
the lesser of two evils. "In any case, these examples prove
rather the sincerity and conviction of the Delphic priestly religion;
in its exegesis were signs, which can be installed
heroic character of the deceased; and among them, probably, it was noted, and
the mysterious disappearance of his body. On this there are indications;
compare the legend of Empedocles and his jump into the crater of Etna.


So far, our characterization of the cult heroes refers to the same
and as in ancient Greek, and Hellenistic religion; a brief sketch of her
therefore placed in marking the first sketch. If I stopped here on the
it in detail, it is due to the fact that it is in Hellenism cult heroes
soil was at the origin of a new, though not very comforting,
religious forms.
Turning gradually to them, warn them that are of particular
the importance of the two classes of heroes: heroes and heroes ktisty
saviors. Still recall
that although the rites of the cult of heroes and differ significantly from
the rites of worship
gods, but for some enlightened beings boundary between the two
class was pretty shaky: Hercules worshiped, where a hero, where as
God; the same thing about concerned Asclepius, the Dioscuri, Amphiaraus,
Levkotei et al. Others became heroes after his death, and no other
tasted the fruits of death, such as just discussed Cleomedes. But never
man during his life did not get any hero, nor, especially, God; yet
Hellas Hellas was still present, this rule strictly observed.
Yet the germs of decomposition were evident. In fact, the city
based in the historical period - 437 of Agnon, friend of Pericles,
"Founded" a colony of Amphipolis on the Strymon. We represent well the
psychology of the
man who knew in their lifetimes, that after death he will be
"Ktistom hero" of this city; or, what is even more interesting, the
psychology of
amfipolitov who knew that in a few years they will be treated with
prayers and sacrifices to this very man whom they now
see in their midst! Is it not clear that he too now had become for them
like polugeroem?
Agnon, however, did not have to use heroic honors
in which he founded the colony: the relationship between Amphipolis and
Athens deteriorated in
the Peloponnesian War, the Spartan party won him an advantage, and
when in 424 Spartan general Brasidas took Amphipolis, it there
hailed as a "savior". And as soon after this feat he fell
under the walls of the liberated them a city already nothing prevented by
Agnon, to establish a heroic cult Brasidus as "hero-savior."
Have to Delphi, do not know; but obstacles and there could not have been
Delphi in the Peloponnesian war sympathized with Sparta.
Politics intruded into religion; it was not good, and soon became more
worse. Delian League, which became in the end a burden to its members, was
destroyed the Spartan commander Lysander, pitched in 405 BC when the
Egospotame; in gratitude for this "salvation" Ionia became erect it
altars, not as a hero, not as a god, and adjacent to it even Samos
celebration of its patron goddess, Gerei, renamed Lysander.
Innovation here was that this glorification (or deification) was
acting in honor of a living person; can hardly be accidental that
fact that is not the root, and the first Asian Greece decided to
such a measure. On its authorization by the Delphi can not hear anything, and
extremely improbable.
This happened even to the end of the V century. At the beginning of the
IV startling successes
Agesilaus, the first carrier of the new Spartan hegemony, led the Thracian
fasostsev celebrate it the same way; the king himself, in his modest
Spartan simplicity about these honors did not think. More serious attempt
made in the mid-century, Philip of Macedon: the fact he was the founder
named in honor of him, later so famous Filippov and
As a descendant of Heracles had a hand in the last Olympic based
games. Indeed, after Chaeronea he ordered to build a temple at Olympia,
"Philip," with precious statues of him and his family, and
ordered that his idol processions followed idols Olympic
gods. But it was not even his apotheosis and Macedonia did not apply; there
still lived, drank and got drunk with his entourage, almost as an equal
The decisive step was taken by his son, Alexander the Great; after their
fabulous victories he demanded divine honors not only on the individual
cities - and he was in fact the founder and, therefore, the hero of thirty-
too Alexandria, which is unlikely to await his death to
honor him as such - but also from the major Greek community, as well as from
his court. The reasons for this course of action for us still mysterious.
Was it an act of profound political wisdom, prompted him to desire
combine its various subjects under the sign of a single, albeit
blasphemous religion? Or simple folly, in which he expressed his
intoxication own successes? Or were his ingrained population
reclaimed from the Persian king area where "like the Jews, and other
enslaved peoples dreamed of the perfect king-god, having to return to their
nation, and around the world welcome greatness "(groups)? - his response
met various.
In Athens, the ruling party was not difficult to makedonstvuyuschey with
silence friends Demosthenes achieve flattering national regulations;
Sparta rather failed to meet its dignity in its "laconic"
decree: "If Alexander wants to be a god, let him be God"; most
resistance, however, found Macedonians as immediate approximate
overstay in exile of the king, and left them in the Macedonian governor
Antipater, flatly refused to recognize the claims of his arrogant
In one historians, however, quite agree among themselves how they would
nor explain the psyche of Alexander himself - in his attempt to repair, they
orientalization Greek religion. Preceded in Greece cult
heroes and saviors ktistov gave only external clue; the idea of living
god-king was of Oriental origin.


We find it in two different forms in both main parts
Achaemenid monarchy - most vividly in Egypt, in a more relaxed form of
Persia. There, in Egypt, the divinity of the ruler belongs to the aboriginal
"Only two points different from the real king of the gods: while
Ra, Osiris or Thoth carry the epithet "the great gods", during the life of
the Pharaoh
content with the title of "good god", and only after his death, and also
that other epithet. And secondly, it is during the lifetime of at least a
Earliest, not yet using this cult temples,
sacrifices and priests "(Herman).
This last clause, however, does not matter to us, as
The Ptolemies adjacent course, to later periods of Egyptian religion.
Came to the aid of the dogma of the legend. Believed that when the new
"Sitting in the beauty of their home," it was in the image of her husband's
god areas. She woke up from the surrounding incense and smiling
him. Then he approached it in its present form, and she rejoiced in
about its beauty. He "did to her all that he was pleased" and then
left her with the promise that she would bear a son who would be king of
Thus, Pharaoh was really "the son of Ra," as it is officially
called, and Alexander the Great took only their Egyptian heritage
predecessors, the legend of the Visitation of encouraging his mother Olympics
Zeus-Ammon, ie thereby Amun-Ra.
As for Persia, its king, according to the Greeks, too, was a god:
God you are the wife of the Persians, the god mother slyvesh,
choir drawn from Aeschylus to the queen-widow, wife of the late Darius
mother of Xerxes - "god daughter", he added, probably, if I had known
that his character was Atossa, daughter of Cyrus. Authentic Persian letters
are not
confirmed that the Greek theory: "Like the kings of Babylon and the
Persian were not staying on the ground, like the gods of the Pharaohs "(Ed.
Meyer). This theory was probably the conclusion from the excessive, in
Greek representations of honor, which the Persians surrounded by his lord,
primarily from its external sign, so-called "proskinezy" ie
custom to prostrate themselves when they met him. That's what was what
wished to be the successor to the defeated monarch and what he aroused the
outrage among his Macedonian subjects: proskineza considered a symbol
When Diadochus a period to get better acquainted with the customs of the
East; therefore, not surprising that this did not come out the apotheosis
Persian, and on Egyptian soil. Yet not once: immediate
Alexander's successors too vividly remembered his own outrage
demanding their king, to follow his example. On their part
We therefore any attempt in this direction do not encounter. However, they
were the founders of cities and therefore candidates for the heroes of all
these ktisty
Cassandra, Lysimachus, Antigonus, Demetrias, Seleucus and Ptolemais; about
some of us even know what they wanted with their lives precede
glorification. But it was the municipal cults, kept more or less
ancient Greek framework; state religion was not affected by them.
Precious body of the deceased in Babylon Alexander went to Ptolemy I;
little doubt that from the beginning he meant to bury him
in Alexandria, but it needs to be, that this is still under construction
the city took more or less ready to look and, most importantly, that was over
magnificent temple-monument that Ptolemy was building in honor of his
late commander and king. His body was temporarily buried in so
Memphis, Ptolemy had to die without fulfilling his intention. Execute
it had to be his son and heir, Ptolemy II, had not yet Philadelphia;
but if dynastic interest and made him attentive to
memory of the founder of Hellenistic Egypt, the self-interest more
tied him to that through which the Egyptian crown went to him.
Ptolemy I during his lifetime received from grateful Rhodians, which he
helped in their heroic defense against Demetrius Gradoosazhdatelya honorary
nickname Savior (Soter); it remained on him. His successor was not his
eldest son: his throne, he was obliged to the love that his father
had for his second wife, his mother Berenice. It is understandable,
therefore, that
he founded in Alexandria and their cult around the cult of the king-founder
though both of them as the "savior of the kings" (theoi Soteres). Yet it was
cult of the dead; to full egiptizatsii was away.
But the same Ptolemy II's second marriage was married, according to
custom, on his own sister, Arsinoe was already elderly; on her death he
and her daughter as a deified Soter, dedicated the temple (or aisle) under
iconic nickname "Goddess bratolyubitsy" (thea Philadelphos). And that's not
violate tradition. But the sister quietly attracted to him and his brother:
Egyptian beliefs, as we have seen, this favored, the king himself
especially unlikely to resist - little by little temple "goddess of
became, during the life of the king's party, in the temple, "the gods
Fatal happened to Western culture event: blasphemous idea
king-god was adopted in Greek religion. Else went smoothly already: for
"Gods (Phil) Adelphi" followed in the third Ptolemy couple
"Gods Euergetes," her "gods Philopator", etc. About titulature gives us
representation of the beginning of the Rosetta inscription - the one that has
served us
the key to solving the problem of characters: "In the reign of the young,
received the crown from his father, the lord of crowns, glorious, who
Egypt and a devout in the service of the gods, the winner of the foe,
Correct the human life, the lord of the thirtieth (?) like the great
Hephaestus (ie Ptah), king of like helium (ie, Ra), the great king of the
upper and
lower places, gods son Philopator, which Hephaestus has approved, to whom
Helium delivered victory, living image of Zeus, son of Helium, Ptolemy
liveth for ever, beloved Ptah ... ", and of course, Ptolemy V Epiphanes
(Ie Announced - adds: God), then, that at 136, while still a 12-year-old
boy. All the king so far only allows to be called by God himself
not taking advantage of this epithet in his decrees; but soon, even in the
same century, II,
and this last vestige of modesty was lost.
In the Seleucid kingdom, according to the above, have been restrained.
I have officially ignored dafneyskuyu legend of its origin from the
Apollo (27), providing all kinds of honors to his earthly father Antiochus;
only after his death, he received from his son divine honors, but
Excessively like - not even a "god" and "Zeus Victorious" (Zeus Nikator). Who
sees his father Zeus, who holds himself as if in Apollos; and
Indeed, this son of a very active and efficient advice Antiochus I, was after
death deified as "Apollo-Savior" (Soter). But life for the first time
his son Antiochus II, a contemporary of Ptolemy Philadelphus and the enemy,
followed by
Examples of recent and established in his kingdom for himself divine honors
priests, temples and sacrifices; Specialty iconic name he did not
received, and has been named a "god", what exactly is it for the first time
welcomed the Milesians for what he recognized their independence, freeing
of their tyrant. Still calls himself a god Antiochus IV Epiphanes the first
time - that
most, an unsuccessful policy which in Judea led to the Maccabean revolt
near the middle of the II century.
Example Seleucid influenced, in turn, to the kings of Pergamon; but here
this movement is stopped. Macedonia has remained faithful to the traditions
of common
Antipater and Antigonus Gonata, and Syracuse kingdom, despite their
resemblance to the Hellenistic monarchies also remained free of this
disappointing aberration religious feeling. If so,
Leaving aside the obviously flattering statements by some indigenous
communities in Greece,
refers exclusively to the stranger, and not to their rulers, then this
aberration will be limited barbarian territory Hellenism.


Yet it existed and currently requires an explanation. We try to
think about it and, even better, feel into the ancient religious phenomena
the world; how do we take this? If the Panel in its rationalistic
the history of Greek religion says that "people deifying himself, not
as man elevates to the gods, as the gods come down to the people, "it is
Statement by bribing his epigrammatichnostyu not justified by history: we
meet the apotheosis of the era not fall, but rather rise of religious
feelings. No, it would be wrong to see here a kind Ruckbildung,
ugly product of his senility; should look for other explanations. For
He revealed to us in several ways.

1. One of the sons of the revived Epaminondas and enlightened
Demeter Messi was famous or infamous Evgemer; born soon
after its founding, it has become an approximation of the Macedonian king
generally complained philosophers. Even after his death, he wrote his most
composition, while in the horizon of his opponent, Ptolemy I - maybe in
the then outstanding literary refuge on the island of Kos.
These writings was "sacred record" (hiera anagraphe). In it the author
talked about one of his "numerous trips taken by
behalf of Cassandra ", it led them to a group of islands in the Indian Ocean,
one of which, the island Panheya (ie, in the Doric "vseprekrasny") and
attracted his attention. He described his appearance and manners of his
residents - a sober and businesslike in avoiding the usual utopian novels
exaggeration and embellishment of time, and this has earned the trust of the
serious people
also in the main part of his work, for which a description of the
stay was only the outer frame.
The fact that in the main temple PANH Evgemer read record on
gold column, which had its originator of the ancient king of the country,
Zeus; it
content were the same act as the grandfather and father of the originator,
Uranus and Cronus, and
his own. They were all benefactors of mankind, creating their
works of its culture; among other things, first, Uranus, also established the
"Heavenly gods" and was, therefore, the creator of religion. In return, these
Zeus favors established divine honors also them benefactors,
moreover, his grandfather and father after their death, and himself during
his lifetime. When he
in turn, has died - namely, in Crete, where he displayed his grave -
his case was continued to his children, as is evidenced by continued
recording of Zeus, Hermes composed; they were awarded the title of the gods,
who for some who for other services.
This is the "History"; but what it consists in the religious
philosophy. Hellas revered gods - nothing more than a deification of the
Does this mean that Evgemer was an atheist? Not at all. First, he
cash "celestial gods", ie those taught to worship Uranus -
however, not to mention, apparently, who they are. And secondly, what is the
Zeus, Apollo, Hermes were once human beings? It would not hurt them to be now
these gods. That acquaintance with Egyptian religion prompted
such a solution. After all, according to her, and Osiris and Isis, and Horus,
were once human beings; despite the fact they were worshiped as gods by the
Egyptians, and
besides those above that they did not have. Like humans, they "streamlined
Egypt ", readers will remember that phrase even in the Rosetta inscription,
where it,
apparently motivated by the divinity of 12-year-old Ptolemy Epiphanes. Yes,
Greeks thought this was quite alien to Dionysus, the son of the death of
Semele, lived
once among the people, and for bringing them the gift of wine was awarded the
honors - that did not stop him from being a full-fledged god on a par with
the highest.
Of course, a strict philosophy demanded - by the principle of "every
what occurred will be the end "- for eternity of eternal gods, although Plato
"Timaeus" and managed to get around this difficulty; Hesiodos but, for
example, their
"Theogony" - one is the title says, how much! - Held different views, and
Many followed him.
In short, direct atheism in this doctrine Evgemera was not yet; all
depended on his answer to the question: "Is the essence of the deification of
these gods
or considered as such only? "and apparently it had discretion response
not to give.
And if a positive answer was logically possible - "evgemerizm" could
give this philosophical and historical self-deification lining
Ptolemy Philadelphus and his followers. Need to be a benefactor - sic itur
ad astra. The greatest blessings can have a country of its king; in this way
he becomes a god forever. Desirably only to these
blessings were real good, and that reality is not
refuted the image created by the faith and love; and that is what was
not always, in spite of the beneficial effect "pathos of distance".

2. Another friend Cassandra, Demetrius Phaleron, peripatetic
rules on his behalf Athens from 317 to 307, the rules intelligently and
safely, but still in the spirit of Macedonia supported the aristocratic
party. When therefore his namesake, Demetrius Gradoosazhdatel, "liberated"
Athens from him and Cassandra, glee Democrats had no end. Him with his
father Antigonus was determined divine worship under the names
"Savior gods", their gilded statues were placed on the city
area next to the statues of both tyrannicides in their honor were named two
new phylum, Antigonid and Demetrias and the festivities were replaced by one
One of them was performed "itifallicheskaya" songs saved us
a large part of Athenaeus; it met, among others, the following

Be happy, Poseidon and Aphrodite's son,
Valiant Demetrius!
After all the other gods away from us,
Or they are without a hearing,
Or they do not exist, or the things they do not have before us;
And we see you:
Not a tree you do not stone - this is a god;
We pray to you.

Pray, yes - a hundred years after we are put to death for Socrates
that he allegedly "does not believe in the gods in which the state believes,
instead recognize their new deities ", how to feel about that?
In the aforementioned words lies the whole theological theory; reduced
it is as follows: 1) about the gods of the popular faith is unknown whether
they exist
in general, but if there are - if they are able to hear us, and if you are
able to -
Do they care about us; 2) their wood and stone idols fortiori
powerless; 3) God is the power of time, then God must be recognized as a
being, and as such has shown himself Demetrius. In other words, we have here
antropolatriyu on the basis of agnosticism; epithet of God is taken away from
Lords of Olympus and awarded a much weaker, but the real
Now one of two things: either the theory is serious or not. If yes, then
sequence required for the abolition of all Panathenaea Athens, Dionysius,
Eleusis, etc. and leaving alone Soter in honor of both
novoobyavlennyh "gods." So how about this, no one thought it necessary to
admit the theory is the same joke as the song about adultery of Ares and
Aphrodite VIII p. Odyssey. It did not stop her, of course, keep your
the full gravity of different psevdointelligentov, pick up any
dissent not far from here, in the garden of Epicurus in Dipilonskih gate. But
in the mouth
She introduced us to the people of undoubted oil joke - especially if
recall that it develops in itifallicheskoy corrections, and mean
meaning of the word, which I will not explain here.

3. Let us, however, from jokes to reality. What was really
case theoretical postulates apotheosis?
Comparable primarily its various species.
a. Alexander recognized the son of Zeus-Ammon, Seleucus - son of Apollo;
it is quite in the spirit of ancient Greek religion. Similarly, after all,
recognized as the son of Zeus, and Ion Athenian son of Apollo; it gave them
the right
on the glorification of death, that's all.
b. The same Seleucus (say it) received after the death of the heroic
honors he founded Seleucia; again this is in the spirit of the same
ancient Greek religion. Postulate was the belief that an enlightened soul of
"Hero ktista" lives in his tomb revered by all as the mighty
guardian spirit of the city he founded.
c. He's in it (let's say, and it is) is not heroic and divine
honors. This means that he has to make sacrifices not night and day, not
on the "hearth", and on the altar, etc. (See. 30). Postulate was the belief
that the soul
deceased is not enclosed in his tomb, and ascended to the gods on Olympus, or
ether. Hence the legend of the birds - eagles or vultures - have risen from
the fire,
where the burned remains of the deceased, or such, she was his soul, or
d. He paid homage to those same honors during his lifetime.
Theologically it
it was hard to motivate, but psychologically explained easily (Wed 32)
as anticipation, flattering on the one hand, vain - on the other.
In all these cases, the new god or hero was honored by his
his own name; but here's something new.
e. Ptolemy I and his wife after the death obtained divine worship as
"God-saviors", Seleucus as "Zeus Victorious" etc .: it should be noted
that the terminology here is consistent, that is never said officially about
"God Ptolemy," the "God Seleucus," namely only "God-Savior" on
"Zeus-Victorious." That's really an innovation; how to explain it?
Gives us the answer to the second case. Obviously, Zeus part of his nature
embodied in Seleucus, he began his soul; at the moment of death the soul left
body of Seleucus, which now rests in the grave, she herself ascended to
Olympus; honor, therefore, God "Zeus-Victorious." But how to understand it
incarnation of Zeus with its continuation as the king of Olympus? - Oh
well as the service of Mary-porter (Marie la touriere) in Christian
legend treated Maeterlinck in his "Sister Beatrice": God and the ubiquitous
infinitely divisible. - And how Zeus Victorious, he remains in connection
with Seleucus?
- In the minds of men, yes; as Zeus Dodonsky is in communication with
Dodon, despite the simultaneous existence of Olympian Zeus.
f. And from this point of view, even a full apotheosis - t. E.
god Adelphi god Euergetes, etc. respective honors in their lifetime,
may not seem illogical Prepending, ingrained flattery or vanity, and
quite consistent development of dogma. Once recognized that Ptolemy III
incarnated god that people did not know his true name, called
God-Benefactor, not only permissible, but it was necessary to
render this god respective honors in the lifetime of the temporal
body, which he chose as his temporary residence. Here only
people's minds flashed a new religious dogma: the appearance of God in the
flesh and
his stay in it until it was destroyed by death. I hasten to note that this
interpretation certainly; I refer here already the 2nd ode of Horace,
although talk
of it will have in the exposition of the Roman religion.
It is whether this new dogma? I think so, although its embryonic form
already existed in ancient Greek religion. If Homer Athena is
Telemachus and the other in the form of Mentor and as such with him
travels, eats, drinks, etc., there is no doubt that we have the embodiment of
deity; but, firstly, the present Mentor lives regardless of their
similarity - it is clearly stated - and secondly, it is only a short-term
illusion, not the embodiment of a lifetime, why Plato, in his "State"
and protests against this "deception". Then it is known that Sophocles after
death was not geroizovan named Sophocles, and under the name Deksiona, ie
"Who receive" - in memory of the fact that he is a legend "took" at God
Asclepius. This - external parallel to renaming Ptolemy
God the Savior, but no more. We do not know exactly the theological
This renaming; think, however, that it is analogous to the concept of
geroizovannogo transformation. However, it was not necessary: the most
Heroes honored by those names which they wore in life.
Yes, the embryos were, but it was only the embryos: the fact remains
thanks to the initiative of Ptolemy Philadelphus Hellenistic religion
enriched by a new
dogma, and religious consciousness of the people was to get used to the idea
that God
can choose his earthly abode the human body from birth
until his death.

Chapter VIII
Secularization and sacralization

Chapter VIII
Secularization and sacralization


Movement of religious thought and the changing religious objectification
feelings - this is one aspect of the case in the history of religion; the
relation of religion, as
whole, to other cultural forces - that's another. We can imagine
such a state of culture in which it all with its science, art,
way of life will be under the authority of religion, spending in all areas of
consistently and exclusively bogootnosimosti principle; but we can imagine
present and one in which all the fields of culture will be subordinate
Only one secular, this-worldly calculations and engines, religion will also
pushed into its integral territory - religious feelings of those who
such has. For the latter, the state has long been accepted term
secularization and secularism; I suggested for the first term of
Both of these conditions appear to us the ideals of mathematical
outside, which in real life have not been and will not be implemented
ever. Real life moves between these two poles, going from one
to another - whether in a straight line and permanently? There were people
who so
believed. Philosopher Condorcet French Revolution introduced themselves and
mental movement of human culture as a procession of "superstition"
(Superstition) to "reason" (raison) with gradually decreasing cell
first and gradually increasing the strength of the second ...
This formula had to be very taste for people with mathematical mind; to
Unfortunately, the latter is not always possible to exhort them to
content with the enormous merit that inspire their science
has to humanity in its purest as well as the application form, and not
transferred it to the policy, replacing it sober and saving induction
wrong and harmful deduction, and common political and historical experience -
abstract political algebra. In many and terrible disasters
collapsed over mankind, many guilty people who, having
mathematically deductive mind (which is not even a knowledge of mathematics),
not historically inductive, were placed at the head of the political fate
With regard to the cultural and political algebra Condorcet, the
antiquity of its
certainly refutes. Her oldest attainable for us step described
Homer Achaean period - still, to identify whether it with Mycenaean, as
I think this is correct or not - shows us the culture of Greece
able amazing (although, of course, not complete) of secularization:
secular art, secular science - Asclepiadae medicate without
resorting even to conspiracies - a secular way of life. Next, the Hellenistic
period, in
VII-VI century. Sacralization brings to its zenith: temple architecture,
sacred sculpture and painting, Asclepius becomes the son of Apollo, and his
Doctors treated with prophetic dreams and magic, campaigns and battles
run to beg the gods for signs policy Hellas - Delphic
priesthood, and next to the cult of the Olympian gods arise unknown
Homer mystery religions of Demeter and Dionysus. Attic period IV and V
centuries. marks a new turn in the direction of secularization. Architecture
Again, as in the Achaean period, sets itself secular tasks; but it is not
royal palaces and buildings for the needs of sovereign demos - ward
it pritanov, Stoa for himself and his children. Sculpture is committed to
not only the gods, but also athletes and outstanding people in general;
glorifies national victory; Hippocrates medicine leads back to the
rational way, the sophists do the same with other sciences and philosophy,
and their initiative finds its continuation and completion of Democritus
Aristotle. Tighter most amenable to new influences private life; Yet here
the success of the Sophists and their successors proves that the time has
come for the minds
independent thinking. Such was the state of the Greek culture in
the time of transition from the Hellenic world in the Hellenistic.
Imagine her subsequent motion?


Most of all, stays true to the old ways of art.
Of course, the foundation of new cities led to the base and new temples, but
it is
creativity in the old forms did not identify themselves Hellenistic character
architecture. Its new, enticing task was the royal palace - as in
Achaean era - and then soften it, the house lords, house in general
wealthy citizen; peristyle were the problem, the problem triclinium
(Dining room), the problem eka (living room) - their construction, their
sculptural, pictorial decorations. The main centers of Hellenistic
culture vied with each other in their resolution - Corinth, Cyzicus, Antioch,
Alexandria; the result was the kind of Hellenistic house, which we
delights in Pompeii.
In sculpture, we must distinguish between its statutory and its relief
the latter with which we are interested here the point of view of one piece
with the
painting. As regards the first, the marble gods already thereunder Praxiteles
(IV cent.) Largely obmirschali: pure feminine at all
chastity is his beauty Aphrodite is fundamentally different from religious
Beauty fidievskoy Pallas. Hellenism in this respect went even further, as
shows the best comparison of Aphrodite by Praxiteles with Medicheyskoy: there
transition from a goddess to a woman here from the chaste women to
Yet in SarapisThanks (or Pluto) Briaksida felt something new:
kindness of those eyes, sad looking at us from behind the veils descending on
forehead curls, suggests that evolution, the perfect religion in the IV
in., not been in vain for its creator. Hellenism was to further
line of development; but we can not claim that its statutory
Art on it proceeded. Briaksid and was the last creator
religious ideal, the latest in a series of prophets cutter. Created Hellenism
religious type Timofeevskaya Isis much less say in our heart; that
As for Timofeevskaya Great Mother, it is still a question, whether it was at
as such is carried out in the statuary sculpture. The same will
say about Tymofiivka Attis; as for pessinuntskogo, he,
however, interested artists, but not first-rate, its
physiological perversion, and what they make of it, must be
called right repulsive. Needless to say, that there was not an atom and
religiosity. Above all, we should complain to the Hellenistic artists
for the fact that they did not get a new thankful type that was
developed Hellenistic religion: the type of the goddess-mother with her baby-
Demeter with Iacchus, Isis with Horus, his mother Rhea Zeus, Aphrodite with
They portrayed occasionally, but without originality, and to the central
position in the religious art of this type so far. Higher
achieve here, so no, and antiquity provided
Christianity in the art to carry out his most intimate religious idea -
the idea of Madonna.
It can be seen here and the artists were distracted by purely secular
tasks. On
development stage stood in the path of inspired portrait realism; this
The problem is formulated and the kings of the Greco-eastern states, and
outstanding military leaders,
and statesmen, and the founders and leaders of schools of thought -
the gods of the earth and heaven are eclipsed. And the offspring could not
admit that
Hellenism brilliantly solved this, as necessary as it is difficult
the problem; but it is the way in which he rightly sought her permission -
way, as I said, spiritualized realism - did not favor
development of religious art. Only at the end of our period of general
sacralization covers and statuary sculpture, reborn idealism,
there is a school of the sculptor Pasitelya. But the field of its activities
were not
Hellenistic kingdoms and Rome, and any of its critical
School, apparently not received.
Turning to the relief sculpture and painting, we should again
establish a strong decline of the religious spirit. We see him for the last
those marvelous reliefs that decorated the living piety gravestones
expensive dead in Athens the IV. - In those reliefs that fill a
number of rooms at the Athens National Museum; Unfortunately, Demetrius
its law against the splendor of the funeral at the end of this century killed
beautiful branch of art, and it is no longer reborn. In other
purely secular areas, "luxury", ie necessary for prosperity
art happy redundancy, not pursued: art went there,
where he was allowed to move. It was - the decoration of the very Hellenistic
home, which itself was a creation of our era. The walls do not make, like
We, furniture, decoration painting required; reliefs are less needed
but all the same, and they are set into the wall, painted it, and so the
demand was and
them. So, what is? Very often scenes from mythology, with its gods and
heroes; yes, but it was the mythology in the spirit of Ovid with eroticism in
the first
Terms and without any religion. And, oddly, more than these
mythological scenes, we find the religious sentiments in a purely genre
- In this charming, idyllic genre of Hellenistic art, with its
rural religious life, with its chapels nymphs, or idols of Dionysus
Artemis in the oak grove and sacred trees with symbols of their initiation.
But it is a religious mood have already put in the account is not the artists
not art, but of the nature which they reproduced.
From I presented here in a very cursory presentation of the material
implies a very important for the development of the ancient religion fact: in
Hellenistic period Hellenistic antiquity already beginning to change the most
Me, art ceases to be a vehicle of religious ideas. This means
that the harmony of aesthetic, ethical and intellectual principles, which
was a characteristic feature of ancient Greek religion and was re-
achieved only by Christianity - that this harmony is already beginning to
break down in
damage of its first part. Announcement of God in truth and good
continues his announcement in the beauty is on the wane. I hasten to remark:
it just goes on the wane, it has not disappeared. Olympian Zeus, and
Athena the Virgin still captivate the heart; Hellenism is not deprived of its
revelations, it just does not get to them is equivalent new in the field of
those religions that are now come to the fore. This - is also one of
reasons why religion Hellenism can not be considered purely Hellenic


Going from art to science, we leave aside that which by
nature away from the area of the dispute between faith and reason;
limited to the last, we have to call in the first place that science
which the ancient Greeks called meteorology. Yes it will not confuse the
now more than a harmless name: then under the meteora razumelis general
in mining, beginning with the clouds of heaven, and ending with the sphere of
the fixed stars. Here at
attempt rationalization was impossible not to wander into the field
the power of the gods; Does Zeus hurling thunderbolt in the wicked and
pouring rain, watering
field? The sun, moon - what it is, whether divine beings or balls of fire and
frozen? In the V century was this bitter dispute; the psychological
need for an alternative to the "science and faith" in the words, which
Euripides puts into the mouths of their faces and repent Avge:

Who is the God-forsaken, rejected husband
So that at the sight of such a deity does not recognize,
Stargazers curve stigmatize hype?
Their sinful speech in the likeness of one
Concludes the essence of invisible forces,
Uncomplicated knowledge of the truth.

"Stargazers" - in the original, said it was "meteorologists". But
psychological necessity was not a logical necessity; when
spiritual understanding of the deity could not blasphemy to give the power of
and "conclusions" heaven on a par with the land, not with the risk of
the abode of the gods and lose themselves. And sophistic meteorology
transformed into scientific cosmology of Aristotle and his school, his older
contemporary of Eudoxus of Cnidus Heraclides of Pontus and create scientific
astronomy; measured diameters Solnda, moon, earth, make sure that the Sun
in comparison with the ground - that the giant in comparison to the dwarf;
probably know,
to mother earth took place in the center of the universe? Question shall be
Alexandria; Here, ie in Egypt, the Greek creative thought impregnates
age-old Egyptian experience accumulated in the geliopolitanskoy Observatory,
Aristarchus of Samos (media. III c.) Responds to this question
negative. Creates no more and no less, as the heliocentric system,
the same one that in modern times Copernicus resumed.
This was the heyday of secular science; He was accompanied, however, a
sign: daring attempts against Aristarchus move Mother Earth with its
durable couches, rebelled in the name of religious philosophy Cleanthes, the
head of the Stoic school: "Hellenes ought to blame the Samians in
impiety, because he moved from his place hearth of the universe. "But
had nothing to fear the fate of Galileo: a strong patronage of Ptolemy
Philadelphia, he continued his studies in the Alexandrian Observatory
and, at least for a hundred and fifty years of his life provided
heliocentric theory.
But while secularized astronomy glad his scientific
discoveries, in its very core creep enemy, who had inside her
decompose. From time immemorial the practice in Babylonia in zvezdochetstvo
our sense of the word; with the end of V. information about this began to
leak and
Hellas. "According to the Chaldeans, all celestial phenomena occur at the
behest of the gods,
and may be based on long observation much predicted by the position
stars not only changes the world in general, but also on the fate of
individuals "
(Diodorus). But the thing for a long time limited to general information,
such as in
the beginning of the III. Babylonian Berossus not migrated to the island of
Kos and started
read at the center of inspired rest of Hellas lectures on his
native science. It was the same Berosus, who devoted Antiochus I Soter
composed them a brief history of his people; not see the need to discard
some evidence judicious Vitruvius attributed to him
base and also the first astrological schools in Greece. Anyway,
I can not recognize the serious objection Schwartz finds incredible
to Berossus could leave his lucrative priest of Bel in Babylon for
Cos professors; I think we know too little and privacy
Berosus, and the financial position of Cos professors to express
such judgments.
But astrology - a sacral astronomy. Divine planet with
both "luminaries" inclusive; the main deity of the Babylonian pantheon
dwell in them, and their movements are willing to mortals their will, and
fate. Greeks in their indifference to the names it was easy to replace
Babylonian gods with him; Helium and Selena were identified themselves in
others acknowledged guided Babylonian samples Hermes, Aphrodite,
Ares, Zeus and Kronos. It's now been planetary deities, special carriers
religion - according to many, the highest of all, at least for the Earth
human life. Kos gravitated to Egypt; flourished here and astrology. Indeed
closest to the ground of the planetary gods were Moon and Hermes, or that one
and the
same, Isis and Thoth, the Egyptian lord of magic; Astrology took a magic
and has become more of a mighty. About the heliocentric system and she did
not give
think: Helium was the planetary god on a par with the other six. In the fight
astrology heliocentrism was defeated: after 100 to R.X. on it is no longer
heard. But this was not enough: the astrological religion demanded currently
the inner sanctum of science, philosophy, and this is the long denied her.
But I
in. to R.X. and this position has been taken by it; as it happened, this
would have
say in the next chapter.
After the macrocosm - microcosm: the science of man, which in ancient
is the content of the medicine. On her first secular, and then
sacred character mentioned above, as well as of how Hippocrates
V at the end. turned her back on the secular path. The turning point in this
marks for us his interesting article "the sacred disease" (ie, the
epilepsy). In it, he protests against the opinions of those who attribute it,
power and other physical and mental illness, the direct
Effects of the gods - the Great Mother, Hecate, Ares - or "heroes", ie
dead, and stigmatizes the behavior of charlatans who take advantage of the
crowds are taken to heal the sick is not rational, and mystical
means. Hippocratic school belongs to all the IV century; however, it
carried away by the newly acquired information about the nature of the human
obeyed obscheellinskoy passion for premature generalizations and more
resorted to deduction than it allows common method; Yet this
"Dogmatic school" stands firmly on the ground of reason and purely secular
Its heyday was again the Alexandrian period, and specifically the era
Ptolemy II Philadelphus, who, because of their frail nature, with
special interest the development of medical science; he marked
two great names Erasistratus and Herophilus, who had the honor of
opening of anatomy and physiology and bringing both to a large extent
perfection. But the second of these, Herophilus, through his pupil Owl
was also the founder of the "empirical school," which expressed a strong
to deduction "dogmatists" recognized only issue components
the subject of medical science, the question of how to cure this disease, and
the only means to resolve it - watching their own and others, and
analogy. The controversy between the dogmatists and empiricists, inevitable
sporolyubivoy Greece, took the next two centuries; medicine has grown and
flourished, increasing reserves and their knowledge and their experience.
But while the high science of medicine made its startling discovery
until her teaching centers produced educated doctors who have used
their knowledge on the municipal service and in private practice - medical
another kind is also collected his audience. It was a health resort at the
Asklepios at Epidaurus, on the island of Kos, in the Thessalian Trikke and
places. The dispute between dogmatism and empiricism have not touched them:
they were not
strength and grace. Patients went to bed after the sacrifice - for
It had arranged special bedroom, separate for men and women; in
dream of visiting the god; sleep was a "teorematichesky" directly
intuitive or "allegorical" in need of interpretation; on performance
requirements of the patient recuperating sleep - that was the rule, not an
recorded. Vitality of this sacred medicine should not surprise us:
she did not even deprived of a certain psychological validity. What
was the public visiting these resorts, it showed us a mime
novovozvraschennogo Herodes; but the image of Asclepius, this affectionate
suffering due to the charms of the Hellenic tool in compassion IV century,
roads even the most educated person - after all there was a sense of the
Lasted half a century, the rivalry of the dogmatists and the
empiricists, and with it
and the triumph of scientific medicine; But then came the tiredness. Dynasty
disputes-Ptolemaic rulers, VI Philometor from VII Physcon unprofitable
responded to the composition and activities of the Museum; Greek science
reaction of the Egyptian sacred medicine, which had its Asclepius in the face
Imhotep. I came to. - And longing for a miracle and a miracle rescue became
distributed in humanity, then already saw in Rome a
political center. Understood sign of the times someone Asclepiades, more
clever than honest. Combining joinable in the teachings of both warring
schools, he founded the third, the school "methodical"; but the main thing
for him was not
theory and practice. They demanded miracles - and it worked wonders. Faced
on its way funeral procession, he told him to go back; dead,
they say, is not dead. He himself spent his home and his art back
his life. This was the successor of Herophilus and Erasistratus, the greatest
physician I in.
to R.X.
World craved miracles; miracle was to return the proper motion to the
view - the blind; miracle of miracles - the return of the dead to life.
medicine again took its still prevails place, and with her and her god,
Asclepius. Egyptian jet - ellinizovannaya Isis with SarapisThanks -
its value: SarapisThanks was, of course, he and his male to complement
female exalted nature of his daughter, Gigieyu - it was in his favor
due diligence of his fans. Aesculapius with Hygieia are in the first row
among the gods of diminishing Hellenism; Asclepius is called the Savior,
Soter, the savior of physical ailments primarily healing the lame and
blind touch his gentle hands, but that's not all - the savior
aching individual becomes the savior of all and everything, Soter ton holon.
image, the average between the boys and my husband, with soft hair and a
beard, and with
unearthly light of goodness in the eyes sunk deep in the heart of humanity:
he did
no longer leave.
After the human sciences - the science of his deeds and destiny, ie
historical science. I emphasize the last word: historiography was also
art and as such is one of the three branches of art
prose; but since we are talking about secularization, that thereby we
translate the question
on a scientific basis. Sacralized history would give us probably the oldest
logographs if they were saved; not very far away from them and left
Herodotus, with its belief in oracles and the finger of God, even though he
was already in his
respect to the wonders of historical legends finds sometimes naive, but
conscious and consistent rationalism. Completely secularized
historiography of Thucydides gave the world with its requirement of strict
and, moreover,
exclusively worldly causality on him in this regard
historical science has not gone any ancient or in modern times, and go for
There was nowhere.
Had to stay on the achieved height; that was the problem
historiography of the IV century. We can say that she sang it in good faith:
even if Xenophon, for all his personal religious faith in oracles
inclusive, as the historian follows the precepts of Thucydides, this means
that his
gains were strong. The end of this century, however, split the historiography
two directions, one of which, rhetorical, referring mainly
pleasure readers, feels entitled to treat leniently
soluble legend; but this difference is felt, and that currently allow
Callisthenes and Durid Samos, there was no law for Ptolemy and Jerome
Kardianskogo. Yet the time has come and pragmatic history - it is something
and was the second area - quietly obeyed sakralizatsionnoy
This was the outcome of the II., Which is an indicator of the mental for
historian Polybius; people not only science, but also his life, he made
a very specific view of the world. Two factors thereunder affect
historical development; one depends on us, the other - no. Yes,
"There is a force outside of man located, being reigns over
ground, it is reasonable to manage the affairs of people, often helping them
in their deeds,
but often becoming across their plans; this deity - Quiet (Fortuna).
In her hands the life of man; she willingly it modifies, while in
constant struggle with the terms of our everyday life. You should never trust
and least of all in happiness. Her special passion - to decide cases against
people; have the future without taking into account her - it's the same thing
be through without a master "(Markgauzer).
Such is the historical philosophy of Polybius. Of course, the reference
to an accident
does not occur for the first time he has not do without it, and Thucydides,
as not
do any historian, having to talk about the facts. But Polybius
accident - it is a special time of the impersonal, to automaton; from him, he
Tihu features, namely as a personal goddess, acting in its own intelligently,
calculation, although contrary to our expectations, and least of all by the
reasons. This quiet - a real goddess of Hellenism and its history, and
private and family life: a comedy of manners it recognized much earlier than
received, thanks to Polybius, access pragmatic history.
At this until it stopped sacralization; further development of its
already belongs to the next epoch - because it was not preceded by the fact
genius dying of Hellenism, which will be the next chapter.


Moving from science to a wide range of life and customs, we must first
just mention that here our point of view on the need to be
other. Sacralization of science rightly considered unacceptable; no matter
was a man of religious, we require it to make it in their scientific
studies strictly excluded otherworldly causality and explain phenomena
their "natural" causes, not irresponsible invasion of God's will.
In the field of life we think differently: as his ideal, good, quite
attainable by the religious conception of the world, and even, as experience
shows, most
achievable with him than with irreligious, we do not consider it a hindrance
cultural progress - because we, at least, are guided in their
views of the experimental data, and not the political algebra.
It is not surprising, therefore, that the most secular in other respects
Greek history, attic during the first century of the Hellenistic,
gives us at the same time very intense sacralization of everyday
life. Participation in the rites of the state religion on the part of the
citizen -
something self-explanatory; but this is not enough. He is sensitive also to
the sanctification of its
everyday and private life, is the subject of placing it in communication
with otherworldly forces: births, weddings, funerals are accompanied by
religious acts, but these are the same and give the person a meal and a box
dignity that transcends the purely natural natural satisfaction
needs feeding and rest: and in this dignity is felt that
that even in this area raises man above the animal.
This is - the realm of faith; but it closely, without firmly
razgranichimoy faces
adjacent area of superstition (deisidaimonia).
What is superstition? Ask better times we in Greece, that is
deisidaimonia. Etymology gives us an interesting answer is - "the fear of
deity, "but this answer does not confuse someone who is aware of the fact
Greek faith has its foundation not fear god and love
him. And in what is expressed in acts of superstition, this gives us a
glimpse into
its 16th characteristic Theophrastus, who lived to the end of the IV century
and, therefore,
on the eve of Hellenism.
"If, - he says - the weasel cross superstitious way, it will not be
him to continue, but either obozhdet until it will not work on someone else,
or, at least, throw three stones. He sees a snake in his house -
it if it is pareios, call upon the assistance of Sabazios, if
"The Rite" - build it as a hero shrine. Passing by lying on
Crossroads namaschennyh stones, he did out of his bottle pour on them
a few drops of oil, will be on their knees, their honor and then to kiss
go further. Mouse Progryzet his bag of flour - it will go to the exegetes
with the question of what to do; and if he will advise him to give it to
Fix a tanner, he offended and myself will bring atonement.
It is capable of a lot of time to clean the house, saying he was the victim
glamor of Hecate. Shout owl on his way - he will shake and will not pass
by not saying, "Come with me force Athens". He did not come to the grave, not
go to the funeral, visited women in travail and say that it is better
not come into contact with nasty ... see you sleep - will go to the
by ptitsegadatelyam, asking everyone what god or goddess to pray, and
begged orfeotelesta dedicate it. Monthly sent it to wash
at the seaside, with his wife - and if his wife once, even with a nanny - and
the kids ...
See the crazy or suffering from epilepsy - and splyunet scared. "
It is interesting to note how ironically exegetes, the representatives
of this
religion, refer to this accident; his real leaders - those
charlatans, against which Hippocrates wrote his treatise on epilepsy,
priestess of Hecate, the priests Sabazios, orfeotelesty (which should not be
confused with
Orphics), etc. Even his wife, his constant cleansing bored: her
hard-working housewife, "once" to go with him to the shore, and he was forced
satisfied with the nanny.
Fear - it was one engine of superstition; the other was the desire to
hope. In the era of the best love Greece and offended girl approached
help birds Wryneck to regain the love of his attackers; they
sometimes "bound" their rivals, dedicating them to the underground deities
scribbled by gramotki lead, roll up the tube and
attached to the wall of the tomb prematurely killed. It was as old as
light and passed down from generation to generation; who believed, believed -
It did not have anyone.
Loving and wronged us Theocritus depicted in the first century
Hellenism in his lovely "enchantment"; but here we find one verse,
forcing us to think about (art. 162):

I love potion now bind him; Well if it is to continue
I would be hurt - he knocks on the door of Hades:
Many destructive means I hold about him in his casket,
And they taught me, my lady, Guest Assyrian.

This Assyrian guest - is also one of those who complained to Hellas
Alexander through the open door to the East. His birthplace was the main
homeland magic - and the words and deeds. Only here - more precisely, in
she received the religious and philosophical backing, thanks to its national
religion, Mazdaism. His own religious influence on the Western world
begins only in the following, the Roman universe age, why is it not been
Speech still; but as long as the supreme genius of good, Ahura Mazda
(Ormuzd), quietly
waiting for his turn, his evil adversary, Angra Manyu, hastened to send
forward their messengers - teachers and distributors of "black magic." Egypt
did not want to keep up with its strengths in the Hellenistic world of the
deity too
had power over the innermost forces of nature. Isis, Thoth pupil was
Mistress beneficent demons to her opponent Seth-Typhon accessed
with evil incantations, charging him oslogolovomu God, the death of his
opponents. Persian magic acted based on the knowledge of the imaginary
miraculous properties of objects, especially precious stones; its balance -
today there is a belief about the "lucky stones for each month"; Egypt
was particularly strong with their spells, wizards boasted of his knowledge
real names of all the demons - we know, because they were real
"Imyaslavtsami." The natural intermediaries between those and other Jews
they do not regret it "a terrible four-name" for their god
magic spells, and "abrayskie names", thanks to them, too, became one of the
items mysterious knowledge charmers. All this was only the beginning;
magic too, like astrology, waiting systematizing thought the Greeks,
from low-grade to practice turn into some sort of science. It
waited in vain; but she had to wait quite a long time, for
Hellenistic period, it was only a chairwoman who believed her life.
And there were plenty of those and it was getting more with each generation;
and if a
the end of the Hellenistic new Theophrastus even think to write a new
deisidaimon'a - his painting, borrowing colorful paint and hot East
would come out much brighter than the one that gave us that old for a
judicious IV century.


Why should we learn from this, if necessary, a brief and cursory,
relationship between secularization and sacralization of over three centuries
of Hellenism? He
taught us to give a convincing answer to the question is necessarily
mind thoughtful historian, compares the mental culture
era, the modern Alexander the Great, and the era of modern Jesus Christ.
What we have there is the apogee of secularization, it is clear for the most
observer; it is clear, however, that Christianity could have arisen
Only in times like these, when the creative forces sacralized culture
reached their limit. The transition from one era to this - this is the
"Execution time."
It takes three centuries; Unfortunately, not all of them we are equally
well known. Some uniformity of fame is observed only in
the arts; but we have seen that this is an area in which
sacralization just less makes itself felt. And for the other areas in which
she was a strong source of our more than scarce. Especially
to deplore the loss of almost all of the Hellenistic literature: the
in his reverence for classicism turned away from these products
decadence and robbed us this is not only the monuments of poetry and prose
Throughout this period, but also the testimony of his life and customs. Yet
You can make out.
Nearly a century continues, despite the long and strong shocks,
triumph of Hellenism and its secular culture; but then his strength
weaker, begins eastern reaction. Feels it before most other
extended from the Hellenistic kingdoms, the Seleucid monarchy from her
rejected its eastern half, Parthia becomes politically
independent, particularly barbaric state. Feels it
a generation later, and Ptolemaic Egypt: not being able to continue with
through new military settlements ellinizatorskuyu policies of their first
kings, he inevitably falls prey to the growing Egyptian waves.
Orientalization reinforced everywhere, or contrary to the anti-Hellenic
kings, as it was in Syria, or with their connivance, as it was in
Egypt. Orientalization - this is not the same thing as the sacralization; but
reader carefully otnesshiysya to the first chapter of this book, it is easy
agree that these two forces act in parallel and at the same time, having
a purely Hellenistic and anywhere except Greece, not blossomed secular
It was a stronghold of science; and we have seen how this science is
being undermined
sakralizatsionnoy wave gradually falls into it. Third Century -
flowering of secular science; in continuation of his she bears up, but with
second, exhausted, makes concessions to the sacred element. It would be
follow the fate of the Alexandrian Museum, and in particular, the history of
decomposition at the sixth and seventh Ptolemies in II., when the position of
Director - as we found out recently - was taken away from the scientists and
tsarist officer. Was not there a pressure wave in the Egyptian sacred
secular Greek science? Whatever it was, in II. This science is inferior
- In I. she surrenders. Astrology clouds cosmology, sacred
obscure practice medicine; in historiography, even keep away from
field of miracles, the recognition of the irrational and yet a reasonable
ruling becomes personified Fortune across the sober
worldly etiology. And then repeated in Plato's parable
"State" of large and small font: recognized in large print
public life, Fortuna is easily recognized in the fine print of privacy
individual citizens. Created that branch of literature which deals with
especially the glorification of its power in human life - the novel as a
series of
arbitrarily extensible adventures.
Yet Fortune - only one of the deities, guiding human
life; a lot of them, and know they need to successfully carry out its own
line of
cliffs. And oriental people know them much better than his. These and resorts
uptight people - to Chaldea, Egyptian, Jew. And in this case it is easier
find the beginning than the end.
"Overall haunts us superstition, not a step we can not step out without
- Anyway, if you can hear a clear prophecy or significant words,
Do you slaughtered the sacrificial animal or bird saw, if you meet with
Chaldean or soothsayers, might there be a thunderstorm with lightning and
thunder, or
particular phenomenon of nature, or even to some adventure - and without this
does not pass after a single day, so you've never been able to
sigh with relief. From all other burdens of burden and a gives us shelter - a
but then he becomes for us a new source of worry and fear "
Here is what was the mood of the universal society in I century BC R.X.
The secularization of early Hellenistic replaced sacralization of late;
was as necessary as a religious reaction in Europe XVI-XVII centuries. after
freethinking Renaissance.
We will not put a naive question, which is better, or the secularization
sacralization; Historical experience shows us that humanity needs
completeness outlook, covering also an area that is beyond the
outside the experience and knowledge based on experience; imbalance in one
epoch leads, naturally, to recover it in the following. And if there
talk about what is "better", then in all fairness, you can say one thing: it
is better
feasibly take care that the balance is not disturbed.

Chapter IX


We still have deliberately left out of the circle of our philosophy
observations: being itself received relatively few, it is at the same
time reflects the mood of the many that make up society, and
in turn affects him. Closed loop of his teaching, and it
permits, and requires a special, one dedicated to her studies.
Hellenistic philosophy - a further development of the schools that
were founded in the IV century. Other names can not hear; Academy, the
Lyceum, Standing,
Epicurus - perhaps with the addition of Cynicism, Pythagoreanism, and
arising lone skepticism - that the movement of philosophical thought in III-I
centuries. to R.X. Yet this movement: the same school in the I. are
themselves are no longer what they were in the III or during its founding.
We begin, however, with a caveat: one of these schools marked name
its founder. It is no coincidence: Epicureanism was really almost
all times the doctrine of Epicurus. We can, therefore, referring to his brief
feature, leave it aside here - yet not forgetting that he
existed in the whole of our era and its almost immobility had a huge,
secularizing influence on the minds.
Built on the physics of Democritus, Epicureanism was secular from the
Since its inception; the same can be said of Cynicism,
which, as the philosophy of the proletariat, has set itself the task of
"Superstition" on the bottoms of society. Skepticism (in its pure,
pirronovskom form)
directed their arrows are not so much against religion, but against the
the possibility of which he denied; as a philosophy of intellectual despair,
he did not form the school and did not try to form such remaining
property jaded units. Other areas were basically
religious - and experienced in its Hellenistic development, although not
uniform, but striking in its fatal inevitability of secularization,
excluding, however, Pythagoreanism that, but temporarily freezes.
The first gave the Lyceum - in the face of Strato Lampsakenskogo,
immediate successor Theophrastus and Ptolemy II Philadelphus teachers.
Lexicographer, like the founder of the school, he built his scientific system
solely on the basis of this-worldly, relegating the role of a deity to the
strength and refuting Plato's doctrine of the immortality of the soul.
After the turn of the Lyceum Academy. Religious direction of its
founder, supported by his outstanding mind and heart successors -
Speusippus, Xenocrates, Krantor, of which the latter was even a supporter
Sacred Medicine - lived in it for about a century; but
The III. sekuljarizatcionnaja wave and captured it. Sholarhat passed to
Arcesilaus, the founder of the "middle" of the Academy; refusing to
Plato's doctrine of dvoemiriya and leaving in force the dogma of his own
sources of knowledge in the visible, for it only the world - he
series was brought to a fairly radical skepticism, excluding
those of Plato from the Academy. Skepticism this applied primarily religion
then and ethics; Arcesilaus was not, however, neither an atheist nor
immoralist but
for him no deity, nor the benefit could not be the subject of knowledge - who
could add, but only faith. Went further in that direction he
Carneades century later; sent to Rome in 155 AD in the famous
Embassy of three philosophers, he has captivated the minds of the Romans for
its beautiful speech about
need for fairness in politics, but it knocked them astray on
Next day, with the same convincingly demonstrating the opposite.
So in some way defeated three centuries ago almost took sophistry
department at the Academy of Plato.
In religious philosophy remained one pillar - the philosophy of heroism,
Stoicism; firmly holding the covenants of its founding, the school has
violent attacks otschepencheskoy average Academy, but these attacks
only strengthened her in her philosophical consciousness. Monuments of this
we saved if not in the writings of the schools themselves - I have already
said that
Hellenistic literature, almost all died - in the treatises inspire
both Cicero. This shows that talk about religious philosophy
Hellenistic era - it's the same thing as talking about religious theories
We refer the reader to essentially said, noting that the founder of
religious philosophy of Stoicism should not be regarded as the first skholarh
- Zeno, as his successor, Cleanthes of Assos. The essence of his theology he
expressed in his philosophical hymn to Zeus - and will be useful to write it
translation, reminding the reader that at the same time it created the dogma
"Single-SarapisThanks Zeus" (above 19).

Rejoice, mnogoimenny always omnipotent, all-powerful
Zeus, the ruler of the immortals, the ruler of nature, the law
Path pointing to the world: we welcome you to be.
Owe you one life on earth mnogorodnoy
Anyone who in mortal share movements and sounds involved:
I will always sing because your marvelous effect.
All this fiery world that the Earth's rotation bypasses,
Obedient to the will of your voluntarily submitting to you:
Power guns in his all-powerful right hand you hold
Unquenchable thunderbolt, obuostroe hot sting;
Powerful blow his entire life in the nature of the creating.
Them to send you the universal mind, spilled everywhere,
As shown in the smallest luminaries, as well as in great ones;
He will, God Almighty, the king and ruler sets,
So without your will on earth did not come to pass,
Neither the unexplored heights ether or in the depths of the sea -
Besides the fact that they are doing bad foolishly idle.
In odd you are creating odd in its wisdom eternal red-free
Things you give the glory and disgrace us nice pose.
So you are soldered together with the good all the bad,
To a single reason to subordinate everything to the universe.
But do not perceive it among men zemnorodnyh bad.
Pathetic! Forever chasing the ghost good volatile
Common law in God they do not see, nor hear,
Following to whom life in happiness they could arrange.
No! In their folly they tend to evil Blinded,
Those for the glory of the empty showing diligence through measure
Those unfortunate path directing for profit shameful
Those to the corrupting bliss and delight the body of sin;
Evil taking over good, tirelessly tossing people
And fruit extract unwanted false hope.
Generous Zeves, black clouds and fireballs lord,
Mortal men are protected against fatal darkness of unreason,
With their souls do not you it, our father, and touch and grant them
Reason, it is forever you the truth Universe of Rights,
So, you are honored, we will repay you honor,
Throughout Acts your singing, as we should be,
Death; because no more gods delight nor people
As the validity of the law praise the universal force.

So religion and Cleanthes, Zeus reigns over the physical and over
moral world, appearing ethereal fire in the first, the second reason
and "universal law" in both. With this conviction could go towards
hardships of life - and we, referring to this as the moral purpose of his
physics, that "the world, that the rotation of the earth passes", perhaps,
will treat
tolerant of intolerance shown by them as to the astronomer who
moved the earth from this place of honor (above 37).
Polutorastoletnyaya started a war between the middle and the Academy of
Stoey at first between Arcesilaus and Cleanthes - between the principles, not
among people about how noble it was conducted, evidenced by the fact that
Arcesilaus forbade comic poet Baton access to the school for
directed against Cleanthes mockery and softened its rigor only
Cleanthes when he stood up for the underdog. In the next generation dispute
flared up even more: Chrysippus himself came into the arena, having moved
the average of the Academy all the heavy weapons of their scholarship.
Sparing romantic
the mood of the Hellenistic world, and perhaps in part to obey him,
Hellenic representatives of this school, Arcesilaus and Carneades, unable to
bear his
controversy on the street; did it Klitomah, disciple of Carneades - in fact
he was
Carthaginian and was called, in fact, Azdrubalom. And that, when it is
did, his attacks have already lost their relevance: not waiting for them,
Standing in the face Panetiya Rhodes surrendered.
Deity - the world fire, the soul of the universe; this fundamental dogma
Stoic pantheism Panety not touched. Do not touch it and refractions on
mnogosti divine light, fluttering in the air; but the gods of the popular
faith he
rejected, recognizing their fictions of poets and the legislators in its
state it to them, so the place does not pay. Soul of the universe, as her
being spilled everywhere, controls it; in this sense, but in this
we can say that the universe is governed God's Providence. Being
controllable divine mind, it is in the best possible conditions; in that
is a guarantee of its eternity. But the intervention of a deity in human
things do not happen: Witchcraft Panety does not recognize and does not
recognize that the dogma,
in which his predecessors had seen his physical justification - the dogma
World sympathy. Metaphysical dogma, which was based on the doctrine of
witchcraft, was the doctrine of predestination, on rock: and he rejected
Recognizing in its entirety dogma of freedom of the human will. Reason
man, son of the divine, runs his life according to his
own inviolable laws; Only he can be called rock
This mind is a part of the human soul, which distinguishes it is
its cash flow from the soul of the animal. But predecessors were wrong in
that this soul from the outside enters the human body: no, she is born with
him and therefore has no distinctive existence outside it. In other words:
Panety rejected the immortality of the soul.
Little as the reader sees, is left of this theology Cleanthes
teachings of his successor all positive positions were given, preserved
was only pantheistic conception of the fire-mind as the world-soul.
I hasten to mention that merit Panetiya was never in his physics and
metaphysics, and in his ethics: recognizing high and unattainable except for
human virtues for a long time (to kathekon, officium) control our
behavior, he put next to perfect morality, but a step below,
morality of honest men; for her he was especially grateful to his new
- Romans. But for all that his philosophy was the philosophy of the secular;
as any prominent philosophical direction to the right of it (to put it
in our opinion) then was not, then we can say that his era - the median
second century R.X. - Was a period of total secularization of Greek
philosophy. She completed him a secularizing movement
Hellenistic era, which was discussed in the previous chapter.


But a string, stretched over the top, not sustained, and the reaction
was not long in
long in coming. Humanity still had a lot of experience and expertise in
field of religious philosophy: it could not refuse it. Implemented
reaction Panetiya student, the one that we, as a true philosopher
religion of Hellenism, to devote this chapter - Posidonius.
Panetiya with Posidonius we recognized the need to allocate a special
group, as
representatives of the "middle Stoa", and this selection is recommended for
several reasons.
They both carry the center of gravity with physics and metaphysics to ethics,
both in
It takes about the same position as representatives of the
practical ethics of debt as opposed to more theoretical ethics
virtue. Both are theoretically included in the circle of the rhetoric of
interests and practical use for its achievements over the real
propagation of his teachings: unlike their undemanding and downright
slovenly in his exposition predecessors, they write beautifully,
busy, effectively, trying to win over the hearts of his readers,
before acting on them beliefs. Finally, in both systems
thinkers there is a certain similarity, or, at least, a well-known
But especially in the area that concerns us here is not Posidonius
continues and develops the tenets of his teacher, and corrects them, partly
back to their common progenitor, but kind and paving
his way by himself. Recently, he's doing wherever a simple return to
old would leave unsatisfied reader anxious doubts and
Panetiya objections. His system, therefore, should be considered as proven
taken to its logical perfection vault Stoic doctrine; it is
came out rejuvenated and stronger from the crucible of philosophical thought,
it is enough
strong in order to not be afraid to attack the following times. But it was
not only the last one, so to speak, the editors of Stoicism; because the
within said polutorastoletney war between the Academy and the average
Stoey latter was recognized as a bulwark of religion, people are used to
identified with stoicism positive attitude to religion in general. The
Posidonius did not stay alone: for I in the middle. and the Academy, leaving
arkesilaevy way back to the tradition of its founder, and, therefore, to
religion. But the pre-eminent place of Stoicism remained uncontested, and
Mockingbird Lucian required to oppose atheist people
believer - he was the conclusion is stoic.
These circumstances give personality Posidonius of great interest,
as leading directly symbolic outgoing personality Hellenism; by
usual, however, we were about it very little is known. He was born around 135
in the Syrian city of Apamea - in an atmosphere of Antioch, then; at a young
went to Athens, then the center of philosophical studies, and there was
pupil aging Panetiya. Hard to believe that he limited his
lectures: to refute opponents, it is necessary to know them, and the most
adversary Stoa was a contemporary Panetiya, Klitomah. - For a period of
followed by a period of wandering. Posidonius captivated with its Museum of
then still the center of mathematical and astronomical and natural history
classes, ie, namely those who were to play such an important role in
future scientific work of the philosopher. But he was not satisfied
laboratory and observatory science: he was drawn into a living light, in such
mysterious for Hellene Western world, to the limits of Atlanta and the waves
of the Ocean.
At home, he is not returned; explore the commercial world,
naturally occurring in a young traveler, sent him to one of the
important trade and at the same time, mental focus our time in Rhodes.
There were able to appreciate the talents; Posidonius was not only
whereby we call it Posidonius of Rhodes - but so
honorable position that after a certain period of time it can be
elect Prytania, ie supreme magistrate active island republic.
Posidonius era began for loud glory. In Rome raged
civil war: the choice of the party to which it would be safest
join was for the life of the surrounding Rome and responsible
question. According to this kind of issue, and the Rhodians sent an
ambassador to Rome to Mary
our Posidonius, showing him that the greatest confidence in what he had just
could be expected from them. His audience in Rhodes visited not alone
Greeks: he had among his hearers, and the Romans, by the way, in '78 and
Cicero, who had gone just then in an educational trip
Greek East. And when ten years later the great Pompey visited
island, Posidonius hosted also this distinguished guests. Treat with
philosophers relied lecture on philosophical theme. Posidonius just
then suffered from gout; he chose the appropriate topic from the Stoic
heroism "that (bodily) pain is not evil." Sometimes he was tormented by
insidious disease; he said with a smile, "you have labored in vain, the pain
still do not recognize you as evil. "Cicero it, as it turned out,
leave a little too good memory when Consular Political
reasons it seemed desirable that its consulate with suppression
Conspiracy of Catiline and triumph over rock was dignified manner described
Greek - he turned with this desire to rock and philosopher
historian Posidonius mysticism. But the latter, for reasons of which he
preferred not to, did not need to take on such a
delicate task: his courteous refusal of his famous pupil in 59 -
the last thing we hear about him. He died 84 years to the end of the decade.
His literary career was as varied as his
life. To the religious philosophy of his works include: 1) the gods, 2) on
heroes and demons, 3) of the rock, 4) of witchcraft, 5) of the soul. But to
the concept of the extent of its knowledge, it should be remembered that the
same people in their
writings "about physics" (at least 5 books) and "the universe" treated on
origin of the world; in the writings of "the word" and "to Hermagor" - about
the rhetoric; "About
criteria "- the theory of knowledge," the passions, "" the wrath "," the
virtues "
"Ethics," "exhortation" and "on duty" - about ethics; in the writings of
Plato's Timaeus, "" of celestial phenomena, "" about the size of the Sun "- a
cosmology; in the book "to Zeno" - mathematics; in the book "the oceans and
its shores "- about the geography, in the book" continued Polybius "- about
the history;
and "tactics" - military affairs. None of these works, it has not
preserved; but are so hard to use the next generation of writers,
they, nevertheless we are sufficiently known. And what we are about them
known, gives us the right to say, as Aristotle is on the verge between
Attic and Hellenistic periods, collecting in all the rays of the first and
telling them the second and in the same role should Posidonius on the
borderline between
Hellenistic and Roman period. Both reflect a his era; and if
literary and scientific activities will be imbued with thirst Posidonius
deities and mystical revelations, then this will have to admit omen
time, which, after a long search and bold daring, his head
before the inscrutable mystery of life.


The basic tenet of Stoicism is required also for Posidonius. Ether-mind
- Soul of the world; from him all life, all consciousness. Single refracted
in many respects: light - refraction fiery soul of the world. They - like the
second degree; the gods of the third degree - spirits that inhabit the air
space (demons, as Plato calls them). No other gods; called
same way - a poetic or political impersonation created for
the needs of the cult. As can be seen from here, in the evaluation of the
national religion Poseidonius left
near Panetiya; everyone, however, will immediately notice that the place was
taken away from
the gods of popular religion, in this theological system provided the deities
bodies and demons. Religion fathers no longer sufficient unto itself, it
seeks support from
astrology the one hand, and its assistant demonology magic - other.
This is the sacralization in the spirit of late Hellenism.
Managed the deity world is a single and coherent
body, all parts of which are connected to one another thousand threads, so
none can change without changing it did not affect so
Anyway, on the other parts. This is the doctrine of the worldwide sympathy:
left, as we have seen, Panetiem, he was again nominated and Posidonius
placed at the center of his mystical cosmology. World sympathy for the
Posidonius corresponds to the language of universal gravitation Newton; it
differs from it as animacy of callousness. It only therein
assumed life of the world; she gives food to all cosmological
mysticism, astrology and magic during it, telepathy, occultism, etc.
now. She - the first word in the mysteries of the world of antiquity, as well
aptly expressed as soon as could be expressed Hellene. In many ways
judging it again now on the waiting list; the only question is, will it
follow though
now this first word of the second.
Developing within the time on its own internal laws, the world of
the number of its driving forces excludes accident: its development takes
place under
sign rock. In this respect, Posidonius returned to the doctrine first teacher
Stoicism, abandoned Panetiem. But as with this dogma agreed ethical
necessary principle of free will? This problem is being organically
unsolvable, has not been resolved and Posidonius. The will of man, no matter
felt like a free, can not have a different result than
predetermined; who knew it, he will perceive the meaning of their
activities only in accordance with the divine becoming. This is
"Resignation" of the Stoic sage

Lead me, Zeus, ruler and Rock,
The appointed you my limit!
Follow willingly; Well if not -
I, having become a coward, yet I do not izbegnu:
Rock leads obedient, implies obstinate,

wrote much earlier Cleanthes. The last verse, by the way,
only stored in the translation of Seneca and captured all its terrible beauty
style; commit his long memory understand - it's worth it:

Ducunt volentem fata, nolentem trahunt.

Aeneas Virgil - that obedient rock Stoic sage in the spirit of
Aeneid - not only in one respect this epic projection of his teachings. In
this is its great value for all fatal ensuing culture and its
great interest also for our times, in spite of all the criticism flat
So, Posidonius only repeated Cleanthes, returning the deposed throne
Panetiem rock? - With only fragments of the two exercises in
later tradition, we do not know how many were in the argument of Posidonius
original: but even if it was limited to a repetition, the cultural
value of his case still would be very large. Inexpert writer,
Cleanthes had his audience only in their students, the number of which,
all decreased: it would be buried I stand, if it is not a savior appeared in
Later his successor Chrysippus. On the contrary, Posidonius was truly
universal teacher, his audience was the whole world understands. Some
the average Academy has challenged its provisions - a curious specimen of
this dispute we survived, albeit in a mutilated form, Cicero
de fato. But soon, as we shall see, and she gave up; rock Posidonius
And with him prevailed and the original concept of the primordial Greek
religion, the concept of the power of the Iliad rock even the gods: cranky
Odyssey, rejected the later, especially the secular development of mental
culture of the Greeks, it is now once again impose its authority mortal mind.
Frivolous Fortuna, the goddess of daring adventurers and early
average absorption of Hellenism to willful Hellas fatal force of Rome,
goddess of Polybius and his friend Panetiya changes its guise: disappears
whimsical smile disappear perky blush and penciled eyebrows - before
us again ruthless, terribly beautiful marble face drevneprestolnoy
But it is not the one was giving mankind under her will, put a
it reliable bodyguard. After all, rock - it's predestination; who
rejects the rock, he thereby rejects the opportunity to know in advance what
that has to happen in the future: Panety, rejecting rock, quite
consistently with him rejected and ridiculed witchcraft. Due
opposite character Poseidonius it recognized. There is a worldwide
sympathy; all the creatures of the universe it linked, changes in one area
universe felt in any other, there may appear vague here.
Atmospheric phenomena which change the weather tomorrow, today
determine the behavior of a crow, by which they may be recognized; in this
science based prognostics and prognostics - only part of semantics, more
close to our understanding, but no more reliable: all the difference only
in power. Posidonius was on his way, if not true, it is very serious,
bringing witchcraft from invisible-only consciousness is very sensitive soul
entanglement phenomena; and he would say, like Maeterlinck: none
knows where does the soul.
Objective possibility of witchcraft is given in this entanglement
phenomena; but subjective? Who recognizes the strong, but invisible bond more
invisible, than those at the time Hephaestus forged his unkind mother
Hera? We have already hinted at it: the soul. Soul - is akin to a deity, as
well as
itself is woven from the same ethereal fire, which was a matter of a deity.
However, its vigilance clouded her immersion in the gross matter of the body;
This blurred different in different people, different in different moments
the life of one and the same person. There are people that have the nature of
extraordinary sensitivity of the soul: we call them prophets. But in others
appears depending on the attenuation of bodily ties: in a dream, in ecstasy,
before his death. All this - the state that contribute to natural witchcraft:
people in them directly, by virtue of the divine nature of his soul,
feels invisible bonds of worldwide sympathy. But regardless of this natural
witchcraft exists and artificial, there Witching science
based on centuries of observation. And here we are at the heart of global
sympathy. A change in audio directly important for us field phenomena,
accompanied by a change in another variable for us unimportant, but
but visible: for this we conclude about that. This artificial witchcraft,
thus closest to the prognostics; it differs from it even more
elusiveness clutch. Communication between tomorrow and today's weather
behavior of crows for us is unclear, but can be represented; the relationship
between pattern
liver brought me to the sacrifice of the animal and the upcoming death of my
brother and unclear and can not be represented. But what follows from this at
our limited view at all? Is represented the link between
juice hellebore and the state of unsound mind? And yet here we tell him
him, led by an exceptional experience. It is very likely that the principles
activities of physicians empirical school were not without influence on this
part of the
teachings of Posidonius: they helped him to successfully repel the attacks
and Klitomaha
the average of the Academy against the Stoic doctrine of witchcraft.
Successfully - for the time being, at least. Those attacks were immortalized
in Cicero "on witchcraft" and through him transferred to the new times,
the Enlightenment in France of Voltaire and Diderot, which from their point
revised view of the whole question of witchcraft and its grounds.
So Mantica is - well, for Greece is not a new word. It
always recognize her; her children from time immemorial were sent to Delphi
veschemu his god to learn from it threatens them in the future. Only
to know? No, of course: to learn and, by the grace of the gods, to prevent.
soothsayer by Solon - one of the respectable career in human life:
This Phoebus Apollo us broadcaster wise set:
From a distance, his eyes menacing rock he learns.
Know what? Certainly not to invite us
"Agree" with him. On the contrary, he warns us: "Do not swim - suffer a
downfall. "And I'm staying on the ground and saved. Currently there before us
cautionary Manteca. Rock Posidonius not like that, and it Mantica different.
Difference beautifully expressed Wallenstein Schiller:

Yes, there are such voices, do not argue:
Called "Beware" them
However, I decided not to b: they are in fact
Only inevitable proclaim to us.

It's the ones who hear the prophet and Posidonius in the depths of his
sensitive soul and the signs of his silent centuries experienced art.
Rather, their arts: because their lot, and Posidonius with respect
applies to everyone. The interpretation of dreams, the interpretation of
sacrificial characters
interpretation of the flight of birds - all of it is old, many times
unsuccessfully ridiculed. But
Now, what's new, what affects us all the power of its novelty, suppressing us
at the same time their millennia of experience: astrology! For it is not
the gift of those two centuries, that she, being Berosus moved to Greece
held in the near vicinity of the Greek science: she has become a science,
has developed its own methods, found its philosophical foundation, took her
permanent place of Witching Sciences. Attacks and ridicule the average
neglect of genuine astronomy also went to her for the future; being forced
defend, it has become even less vulnerable. Now she is celebrating its first,
great triumph: philosophy in the face of Posidonius takes her into his
Henceforth, astrology - the science of sciences, while equitable, soon
Central; moreover, it is - the first of bodyguards rock. Nowhere is it
imperious record has no effect on us with such overwhelming force, as in this
Fiery tablets heaven; nowhere, likewise, it is not the inevitability
becomes so clear for the most unlearned man. Escape from the Rock? Yes, as
same! Try to move one of the planets, to connect their aspects in your
Yes, astrology - is clear proof of the inevitability of fate. With
As long as our identity at the time of her birth - or, otherwise, at the time
its conception, has received from the "influence" their indelible stars
printing, it is by virtue of this print measures furnished predefined
milestones in the way of life, not being able to move any vain attempts
its pseudo-free will. That was the sign under which, thanks
Posidonius, humanity began its new life in the shadow of the Roman Empire.
Happy is he who could, believing, to think; happy, perhaps, those who believe
thinking could take a rock, "agree" with him. But what was to those in whom
raged thirst for freedom, whose will not let myself mesmerized buzz
spindle primordial spinner? Is it surprising that they are more than, the
listen to the gentle voice of grace, whispers to them that water
holy baptism washed away astral print?


Objective basis of witchcraft was the dogma of world sympathy: it
subjective basis was cash soul sister deity. And
on its back to the dogma of Posidonius first teacher, the discarded
Panetiem she is born with the body, being the same with him
origin - it is infused into it from the outside, being inherently
original. This distinctive soul existed before his incarnation and will
to exist after its separation from the body animated by it now: dogma
Arrival and immortality of the soul, too, rejected Panetiem not without
exhibited first teacher receives at its full Posidonius
certainty, is now mandatory for his followers.
Where is the soul remains free from the prison of the body? In the
No. With this view, going back to the age-old animism and based in
essentially on the identification of the grave, that abode decaying body,
abode is survived by his soul, Posidonius vigorously breaks, completing this
began in the V century fracture. Then we start to receive the right of
the opposite view - the view of the Earth ether as an abode
separated from the body of the shower: not without surprise, we read in one
of Athens
the public tombstone V c. words:

Their souls took ether ...

so sharply contradict also the state religion of Eleusis.
No, none of this: there is no bottomless abysses of hell, which suffer
eternal torment and evil outsiders, no Cerberus guards, no carrier
Charon and all this fantastic eschatology, which frighten children. Indeed
soul - the essential being related to God; it is clear that it is after
separation from the mortal body is reunited with his element, returns to
ether. Yes, the soul returns to the ether should firmly remember this "dogma
the ascension of the soul. "Yet it is limited to the realm of the soul - is
akin to God,
but still not a god, those pure sphere of the heavens, where the gods dwell,
for it
available. Her abode on leaving the body, and to the new incarnation -
space over which, in the first yard field stars, the moon floats,
the space occupied by the three above-ground elements - the celestial water,
and (natural) fire. They are cleaned and then cleaned, spend
remaining time until his reincarnation, to Alice, who Posidonius
is currently on the moon.
And then lets Posidonius in his system a jet platonic
Orphism; he could safely do so as well because Plato saw the air
(Though not exclusively there) abode separated from the body shower.
assigned them a place of purification sublunary space; It is, according to
Plato, was the abode of demons, that is, intermediaries between gods and men,
transmitting the first to the last their prayers and from the former to the
latter their
instructions. It is very convincing: since the soul - this is a demon.
Mediation between gods and men - is not this is the charm? And they unaware
soul separated from the body, the soul is purified in managed space
Moon, silent goddess charms and demons: it allows you to enter in the magic
eschatology Posidonius. But the moon at the same time and the first planet;
for her
followed by Hermes, Aphrodite, Sun, Ares, Zeus, Kronos, essential deity
celestial bodies - we saw them and only allowed Posidonius, except a single
his vseboga. This again is very convenient as it allows you to enter in the
eschatology Posidonius also astrology. Soul-demons pass people
guidance of the gods? It's only now become clear that we have verified that
these gods - planetary deities inhabiting each in its own sphere, above the
Let it be so; soul-demons live in the sublunary realm, touching the
nadlunnoy abode of the gods. Does this mean that their fate is the same here?
In any way.
"Anyone who stood up for the soundness of the motherland, gave her
contributed to its greatness, is scheduled for a certain place in heaven,
where they
enjoy eternal bliss. For there is no God higher in all the land
Nothing is more pleasing than those bonded right community of people who
States are called: their rulers and saviors here have their
origin and also return here "(Cicero).
This - posidonievskaya theory apotheosis.
"... Follow the justice and piety; great is their role in
relations with parents and friends, but most large in relation to the
This kind of life - the way to heaven, and in this assembly of people have
lived their lives
and living on his release from the body of the place that you see "- and
was a circle, wherein its radiance from the surrounding lights - "and
which you called the Milky Way. "With him and my other thought
watchful gaze of a beautiful and wonderful. There were stars, which we
never at this point we do not see, and all of such magnitude that we never
suspected: the smaller of them was the one that, as all further from the sky
closer to the ground, the light shines a stranger ...
Nine circles - or, more precisely, all spheres connected. One of them -
heaven, the outermost, one that surrounds all the others - she College
deity restraining others; attached to it swirling in the eternal
star rotates. Subordinated to those seven spheres which rotate in the
against the sky direction. One of them takes that star, which on earth
Saturnian name; should be happy for the human race and saving
Jupiter shine; followed by purple and menacing to the land of the star you
call Mars; under it takes an average of about Time Sun
leader, the head and ruler of other bodies, soul, and a measure of peace, of
such magnitude,
it illumines and fills all its light. He is accompanied by two gods -
Venus and Mercury, and in the lower field, lights rays of the sun rotates
Moon. Below its already placed one only mortal and transitory, except the
Data godsend human race, while everything above the moon,
immortal. Ninth same center - Earth, motionless ranks lower
place, and it tends everything has its own weight. "
Its rotation these areas produce certain sounds, a set of
which is the harmony of the spheres, "they reproduced the wise people on the
strings and
his song opened myself back to this place (ie,. e. paradise), as well as
which, due to their high intelligence, devoted his human life
divine pursuits "(ie, inventors, supra. 29).
"Know, therefore, you are mortal, mortal only your body. 'Cause you - it
not what is your external image of the soul of each - this is the one,
instead of that figure, which you can point the finger. Be sure you're a god
because God can be called a living creature, feeling, remembering
anticipate, control, Veda and the driving subordinate body in such
same extent that this world - the supreme god. Yes, just as the world
somewhat frail, he is driven by an immortal god and mortal body moves
immortal spirit. "
Thought it Posidonius, words - Cicero, vosproizvedshego them in your
"Dreaming of Scipio," which he ends the book on the State.
Through his eloquent presentation, eschatology Rhodes philosopher
captured the imagination of the West and has never let them ever: Posidonius
paradise - it
because also the paradise of Dante, a half millennium of anything it did not


Posidonius reluctance to recognize the underworld folk Orphic
eschatology undoubtedly depended on the fact that he had a deep underground
otherwise, the scientific concept that is incompatible with the
eschatological legend.
They are entirely in sublunary, mortal world. The influence of the moon on
atmosphere should be attributed to the origin of the winds; winds also
penetrate and
under the ground, in places where extensive and profound abyss alternate with
passes. Hence, the expansion and the condensation of air moving in the wind,
and their
consequences - earthquakes and other volcanic phenomena. It is clear that in
such, subject to scientific observation spaces there was no place to Charon
and other fears. But the strength of intellectual beliefs acted here
vengeance: we get an idea of it by "natural history
Research "Seneca, but especially in an anonymous poem" Etna "
whose dependence on research Posidonius certified.
But whence he drew his information Posidonius? He was not an armchair
scientist, his mentor was nature itself. She studied it on their
travel, zavedshih it, as we have seen, far away in the area adjacent to
Ocean. He spent a month in reptiles (now Cadiz), on the other side
Pillars of Hercules, to study the phenomena of the tides, almost
imperceptible in the Mediterranean Sea; three months, contrary winds detained
him in
insular band of the western basin of the sea - he dedicated them to study
themselves, these hostile winds.
Geology in contact with Posidonius meteorology (in this sense)
but also with geography; she has it in part descriptive,
This is understandable as the traveler and researcher, but partly also
Mathematics. The question of measuring the Earth interested him and he was
significantly moved forward, thanks to a number of independent research; but
associated with it, and the question of measuring celestial bodies as their
own, and their
routes and distances from the earth. And then the reader can read the ancient
striking a patron of astrology recognition that an astronomical
point of view of the heliocentric system (Aristarchus of Samos)
seems flawless, same objections against it are only possible with
the point of view of physics (in the ancient sense of the word). Based on the
same from nodularity
land, he was the first, to our knowledge, has announced it possible to
India Sea to the west: the problem of Columbus is aligned with the problem of
Such a giant of thought appears to us in the field of pure science, the
sakralizator Stoic philosophy: it truly combines the two currents
Hellenism as an early and later. It is also justified by its
attitude to history. It is primarily in their prehistoric part was
for him the subject of speculation, about the same as for Plato, with
which he, as befitted the Stoics shared the opinion of the periodic
obogneveniyah and sink and caused them renewals culture.
Place confidence in the legends of antiquity, he puts at the beginning of
cultural period of the golden age, representing the further development of
humanity - his gradual decline.
But speculative attitude toward history supplemented with Posidonius
science: antiquity knew him well as a historian, though as one of the
the largest. I am here referring to his lengthy essay, which he
gave apparently modest title "Continuation of Polybius" (ta meta
Polybius brought his story to 144 g .: its end ominous light illuminated
fire destroyed both commercial rivals of Rome, Carthage and
Corinth. These victims of the economic policy of Rome cried out for
avengers were violent reformers its economic structure,
Gracchus. External shocks, one after another fell on too cocky
city: keltiberiytsy, Cimbri, Jugurtha; but bloody seeds sown
Gracchi, climbed a rich harvest in the form of the first civil war between
Marius and Sulla, and inhumanly oppressed slaves fiercely stirred on
home of the plantation system, in Sicily. Sword hanging over Rome was ready
break from time to time - but he really hung in the form of rock
after the destruction of Troy-ancestors; period he had to come in '83
Yes, Rome was destined to die; and successor of his greatness was already
there, they
was a powerful king of Pontus, Mithridates Eupator. The only savior against
external and internal enemies against Sulla was happy: his dictatorship
82g. ended essay Posidonius. But this dictatorship was preceded by the taking
they have maryantsev Rome in 83, and the fire ... Fire Capitol Capitol! It
should be
feel into the Roman soul to appreciate the significance of this event, in
which then saw the first attack on the heir to the ancient
Troy, a harbinger of the coming of his death. Fire Carthage and Corinth there
retaliatory fire Capitol here - these were both livid dawn, covering the
beginning and end of the "story" of Posidonius.
If we compare the nature of the nature of the previous period,
described by Polybius, with its Philip, Antiochus and Perseus, it will be
say without exaggeration that as he had requested under the pen admirer
Quiet-Fortune, so that historians claimed his rights, to recognize the power
Roca. It would be frivolous to assert that Posidonius developed its own
rock influenced by the philosophy of historical events experienced by their
era: they
could be just one of the reasons for the total sacralization, which obeyed
he said. It would, on the other hand, correctly expect that it will represent
sixtieth anniversary of this terrible as a continuous and consistent rock
such unconditional obedience disparate historical material
central idea was not in the spirit of ancient historiography. You can make a
number of
reservations; and for all that story from the pen of Posidonius became
philosophy dying Hellenism.
Introduces whether it is primarily "the car of the gods" in its history,
as much as possible
be expected from its sakralizatora? Not at all. Of course, people are
but the historian above their superstitions. Worth reading as he
sarcastically describes
trick of Nicias, who used engiytsev piety for his escape (neg.
45 M), he ridicules the opinion of Aeschylus about the miraculous origin of
the boulders
Camargue in the delta of the Rhone (neg. 28) as he denounces charlatans by
Syrian oil thickening plots (neg. 63). No, from him to Cassius Dio
still far he still has the Hellenistic historian. But rock - is another
One of the many beauties posidonieva presentation was the fact that he,
entering the stage of a new enemy of Rome, describing its history and way of
A good rule to this ancient world was bound so that he could read it,
long before Caesar and Tacitus, ethnology Gauls and Germans, ethnology very
interesting, gleaned from his own observations. The same principle is made
it at the beginning of his story about the wars nevolnicheskih give his
connected account of the origins and development of slavery. Here speculation
shake hands with empiricism: the golden age, its degeneration, the emergence
of slavery,
War ... Some peoples were incapable of self-government - they
had to provide a different, more capable, and manage themselves and their.
Such was the natural slavery; was, however, and forced. In Greece
first hiostsy power subdued Singles, turning them into slaves.
But the time has come - hiostsy were themselves enslaved Mithridates were
grant to their slaves for resettlement in Colchis ground.
"So, obviously, was angry with them god because they are the first
benefited bought slaves, whereas there were for
Service workers and free them. "We have to judge the lion claw - from
Posidonius stories we preserved only fragments. What did he say about anger
the same for the fire deity of Carthage and Corinth, about desyativekovom
Looming over the offspring of Troy - this provides us with only
guess. But chance has preserved for us a significant place on the
Mithridates, "which throughout the oracle predicted dominion over the
(Neg. 41) and at least a significant alarm sevenfold Consul Maria,
"On his nightly fears and ominous dreams, and everything seemed that
he hears someone's words:

Threateningly, and the bed because even distant lion-murderer.

But since he is most afraid of insomnia, he devoted himself
brazhnichestvu, intoxicating themselves untimely and unusual for his age
least, trying in every way to bewitch yourself a dream, just a remedy from
worries. And then, finally, when he was a messenger came from the sea, it was
new alarm, partly from fear of the coming to him, and partly from
annoyance and satiety present. Adding insignificant occasion - and he fell
in severe disease "(neg. 40).
Then it was his visit to the Rhodes Posidonius as an ambassador of the
We lovingly delve now in these passages, these beautiful pieces once
beautiful picture; them a little, but still, they confirm the judgment
Athenaeus that "Stoic Posidonius create a history worthy of the philosophy
which he confessed "(neg. 25).


Posidonius - not one of those which can be covered by one simple
definition. Philosopher, scientist and historian connecting philosophical
with a sober scientific observation and building on both its history of one
of the
the most exciting periods in the life of mankind, he combines
warring forces of Hellenism, secularization and
sakralizatsionnuyu. But it is felt that the first - decreases, the second -
increases. Posidonius tries to collect in his mind escaping jet
first and block the path of the excessive pressure of the second. And also
that is not far off, and when she and the other dam is broken.
Handling Stoa in the face of Posidonius - it was the first step on the
sacralization of philosophy; Standing all new Age of Empires, Seneca,
Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius - is influenced by it.
The second step was the resurrection of Pythagoreanism, dozing century
odd after the massacre of the "Bacchanale" at the beginning of the II
century; it
development concerns, rather, Roman religion, but to mention it here
should, as it prepared heyday of magic in the era before and
after Christ.
And the third step was to appeal also to the Academy - that the average
Academy, which for nearly two centuries led his fierce
war with the pious Stoey eloquent, through their courageous
Representatives from Arkesilaya to Philo, the teacher of Cicero - its appeal
path first teacher in the person of Antiochus of Ascalon. Reading the
Cicero "about the nature of the gods", "about witchcraft" and others., it is
useful to remember
it - the last manifestation of secular thought of ancient philosophy, the
faith, the last representative of the average of the Academy; with his
contemporary of Antiochus
begins three hundred-year kingdom of the new Academy. She captivates us
originality - thanks to her and that she diligently interpreted in their
schools creations first teacher, not giving stall in the minds of the people
of his
inspired prophetic word. But we should not forget the fact that without
the new Academy would not have been neo-Platonism, and with it - the
brightest in
manifestations of the ancient world sacralized philosophical thought.
And as in the Lyceum of Aristotle never overpowering authority
serious danger not been subjected, a major philosophical schools by the end
I c. to R.X. Epicurean alone, strictly to keep the traditions of his
first teacher, was a stronghold of dissent. In Rome, she was very
Philodemos her honorably and successfully represented - we met up with
specimen of his relationship to the Hellenistic religion (23); heatedly
Lucretius it sang in his creative mania; Virgil and Horace her
I studied at school ... As a young man, yes; but later in life they both
She moved away from: Horace personal experience turn to the path of worship,
Virgil lured all the same magician's running times, then now deceased
Posidonius. Hence the fourth eclogue, this prophetic hi baby coming,
leader of a new golden age; here's favorite rock Aeneas; here stoic
Alice sixth song Aeneid.
Yes, many lured Posidonius; it was hard to compete with them
Epicurean with them from a strong, but its design surface
frivolous and physics. In essence, the Epicureans were not researchers:
physicist interested in them only insofar as it opened up the possibility
explanations of natural phenomena opera sine divum. Do not Posidonius. Its
scientific works were imbued with research and sistematizatorskim
spirit: science interested him in itself, not as a bypass channel for
"Superstition." Carefully designed in such a tireless researcher
serious works as "an Ocean" or "Meteorology" she aroused
trust and to its speculative physical theories. If such a profound scholar
Posidonius recognized as gods and immortality of the soul, and rock, and
witchcraft - that
who dares to contradict him?
Fan of Rock himself was the best proof of its power. Matter whether
mere chance that connection as diverse and vibrant
natural history talents with such deep and sincere
religiosity and so charming gift for words? No. Dying Hellenism sought
addition, through which he could pass on their majestic achievements
next, still developed and active, but not as creative,
era; he found it in Posidonius.

Chapter X


Posidonius died around 50 to R.X .; followed the death of his era
second and third civil wars could not strengthen the humanity in the
spirit, which he was kind of a creator, partly by. And then
long before it was the year that opens our era. It would, of course,
wrong to see in Christianity immediate successor of Hellenism:
for the vast majority of the inhabitants of the Greco-Roman universe they
separated from each other that religion that has characterized it for
this universe. But firstly, many still and immediate
transition was made possible all those to whom addressed preaching up.
Paul, were religiously pupils Hellenism. And secondly,
- Two steps that had to make to humanity on the path from
ancient Greek religion to Christianity, ie Hellenistic religion and religion
universal empire, the first one was a lot more significant second: religion
universal empire in many respects developed Hellenistic religion, and
leave it unattended is impossible, but its vital contribution to religious
treasury was relatively not so great.
This allows us to have now put the question of preparedness
Christianity the religion of Hellenism. Remind here that this question should
be understood in the sense that I was set to 4. We do not
intends to seek to Hellenism "sources" or "roots" of Christianity, with the
aim of
diminish the importance of the creative fix it Founder. Based on the
the fact that only the area of the Hellenistic universe was at first
covered by the movement of Christianity, we ask, what to say, so
say, the educational value of Hellenism: how to religious beliefs
Before he could teach humanity, facilitating this perception of Christianity;
which aroused his religious needs, which had eventually find
their satisfaction in Christianity.
Firstly, religion sacraments put at the center of the religious
the question of the salvation of the human soul, understood as salvation from
further "circle" incarnations and death, or from a dull half-conscious
vegetating, or from the torments of hell in the next world, but in all these
cases to eternal bliss. The word "salvation", as understood
(Soteria), meets for the first time in the Hellenistic religion (see. Above
Firmika certificate). Confidence in the possibility of salvation drawn
of the "prototypical" feat of a divine being who gave
the ordinances; feat as this is seen as a feat of love,
poborovshis death - and, really, that love is understood as long as private
sense of salvation divine being that which their
committed an act of self-sacrifice salvation. Condition as it gained put
sacramental act by which it is taken looking to the community
confessors of religion sacraments, and this sacred act can be
sacramental meal ("there is a tympanum, drink with cymbal") or namaschenie.
Secondly, the same religion sacraments in its various forms Requests
initiates worship the image of the goddess-mother, she is the one that your
selflessness saved favorite divine being and gave it
encouraging example of such a triumph over death and his admirers.
The image of the goddess-mother resides in a mystical relationship with an
original way
Mother Earth, but this relationship has only a vague sense of deep
religious consciousness, not surfacing over its surface. Compound
this Mother with her Holy Child is observed sporadically, but not yet
gained general acceptance. Sense of cash this mother goddess,
just as the suffering of the female creature, gives very much: they
that due to increased compassion, the religious sentimentalism,
which is a characteristic feature of Hellenistic religion.
Third, developing and extending parallel with religion
sacraments of the religion of ancient Olympus brings to the detriment of his
other gods, image
god-son, namely Apollo. This refers to God the Son as an intermediary between
God the Father, that is, Zeus, and the people he broadcasts his immutable
will of the people,
brings healing of ailments and all his advice helps them to arrange
better his earthly life. Echoes of the ancient religion of nature and here
heard so far as this is felt mystical kinship
god-son with helium-sun, but on the surface of the religious consciousness,
and it
representation no longer pops up. Yet next to the image of God-son
retained and even more primordial understanding of the God-man, the son of
ie of Hercules, the earthly penance which gives rise to a whole
special range of religious concepts. Flourished, however, they only
the next era.
Fourth, recognition of dedication necessary to salvation
naturally should have been supporting the conclusion that the community is
dedicated to
salvation is impossible, and with it one of the principles on which there
rests Institute
church. The second principle, organized priesthood, numerous enough
for personal communications with each initiate, also had there; we know it
more precisely about the mysteries of Isis, but also into the Eleusinian
religion of our era Institute
"Saints", mentioned andaniyskaya inscription ( 8), allows
speculate about similar phenomena also on this ground, especially at
moral requirements that were put to them. In the appointment of the priests
observed in the Eleusinian religion sacraments, and probably in the other,
the principle of
continuity of grace, which had its origin from the alleged
revelation of the goddess. Nowhere is it disrupted in apostolate, which had
place at the base of new religious communities (Mefap - in Andani, Timothy -
Fifth, gets more and more definite idea of the
threefold fate of souls in the afterlife, namely, of eternal torment for
sinners, of redemptive carts to heal and the eternal bliss for
good, and the question of reincarnation prabytii and sometimes solved
positive for the souls of the middle category, but it is only occasionally.
Idea of the abode of the blessed is between Alice and underground
heavenly paradise, with the advantage, however, in favor of the latter. Of
the total number
blessed identifies those who purchased their merits special
effective force, and with it the right to a special veneration by the people,
ie the so-called heroes; prerequisite for their recognition as such continues
considered the revelation of Apollo at Delphi.
Sixth, there is the opinion and belief that the deity can not
losing the fullness of his otherworldly nature, embodied in
human form and live earthly life with other people, so
only to the death to be reunited with his otherworldly natures so
Zeus Victorious was on the ground by Seleucus, king of Syria. Yet faith
limits this possibility to a narrow circle of rulers, recognizing in it,
on a par with the further development of the glorification of one of the
foundations of apotheosis
These are the major tenets of the religion of Hellenism, which prepared
adherents to the perception of teaching, which has become the canonical
church. Not all of them were first assimilated the cultural world is in our
era; but even those that have their origin from the previous era
Greek religions, got into our so greater certainty and
effectiveness, that may be declared in all fairness it was her


We looked forward; look back, however, and back. Ancient Greek
religion took place before the reader in its various aspects, and as a
nature, and sanctification of work, and sanctification of human society;
likewise, placing it in relation to the three great ideals of our culture,
we recognized it ad deity and in beauty, and goodness, and truth.
She kept in our era, these features that characterize it as a religion
Religion of nature, the fruit of love for Mother Earth and its forces,
and continues
in our time with unflagging zeal of piety: the temples of rural
deities and offering them the sacred caves, rocks and trees, all
stored on the old ground, is put on the new. At the same time seen even
penetration of aesthetic and scientific interest in religion. On one hill
Alexandria in honor of Pan splits magnificent park (Paneion), as a place
for public festivals; Artemis admits as "mistress of the animals"
potnia theron, and in honor of it settles on the island of Kos with a
Overseas curiosities. On the part of the intelligentsia there a special kind
loving attitude to religion of nature, the product of a double romantic
longing -
and imitators in the faith of a glorious past, and citizen of the village: it
is a real
idyllic religion. Poems of Theocritus and the Palatine Anthology,
Alexandria reliefs, Pompeian landscapes provide for her exhaustive
representation, and, moreover, one that is able to touch the soul of the
sensitive to the religious issues of modern man. Pan, satyrs, nymphs
strongly sharpened imagination of the artist; divine in the first few, but as
a symbol of wildlife he is in his good-natured rudeness is acceptable. But
the soul is not satisfied with this, with all the romance, a real
understanding of
nature: it is torn to aspirations in the world of dreams and ecstasy,
translating into
wondrous visions of a mysterious whisper wet wind warm seas: Sports games
Nereids and Tritons, Dryads dance with Artemis or Aphrodite on a moonlit
frenzied running Dionysus with his Bacchae by torchlight ... Harder
reconciled with Priapus, the acquisition of our era; responsible for it
Anatolian Lampsak first who found it necessary to enrich their pantheon of
too outspoken demon fertile gardens of their barbarous neighborhood.
Poets of our time, he gave rise to countless epigrams,
testifying, however, a lot more on their wits than their
moral rigor - not to mention the religious.
No less materials gives our epoch and labor dimension of Greek
religion. It should be remembered that it was the epoch of prosperity
korporatsionnogo case. Greek industrial and business elite in the eastern
States was well aware that its strength is in its solidarity: sectarian
organization, therefore, accompanied her everywhere, and the circle was
inconceivable without
guarding his deity, the patron saint of the industry's labor, which he
united, and the surrounding medium is still barbaric heightened consciousness
Hellenic unity, which created the office of the general patron god. And we
see no deviation from the employment aspect of religion, but only its organic
modification is that depending on the conditions of new income gods
easy money to some extent take away the ground from under those that bless
plodding and undemanding labor: torovaty Hermes outshines solid
Pallas worker and honest but clumsy blacksmith Hephaestus; but
the highest honor that uses whimsical goddess that easy
turn your wheels yesterday turns into a poor man rich and tomorrow
may return it to its former state - that which we already know how
goddess znamenositsu Hellenistic era (37) Quiet Fortuna.
Has changed a lot, as it is to believe, the political (in
original meaning) aspect of Greek religion. Greek Gods of Olympus
were in fact above all gods of the Greek polis, with its fall was
mouth and she. I have already pointed out that based on the epigraphic
monuments induction does not support this deductive inference: polis
polis remains the same and continues to honor their gods by the precepts of
their ancestors.
But, really, added something new - Hellenistic state,
is not identical with the polis, and accommodating a lot of these small
organisms. The new political formation, conclude further demanded Statement
religious figure in the new deity and found him in ... And well,
I will answer; such a requirement, whatever its satisfaction
proves nevertheless that the deity was still considered something necessary
for the consecration of all human society, ending with his most ambitious
form, the regional government. And if such a political philosophy
led to the strengthening of the cult of Isis and the Great Mother, or deified
Antiochus and Ptolemy, it will be only another proof of vitality
also the political aspect of Greek religion in our Hellenistic
It remains to speak of the three revelations - in beauty, in goodness,
and in
the truth; and then at first sight it may seem that the center of gravity in
the era
Hellenism is moved from the first to the last. Speaking above (36) on
art, I had to mention the fact that the sacralization of the Hellenistic
era it is almost untouched; and yet it would seem that the sacralization
Arts and aestheticization of religion - the two sides of the same coin, that
revelation of God in the beauty should equally lead to both. And
Yet it is not always. Who worshiped Zeus of Phidias, who imbued
with all the fullness of the great bogoponimaniya V century; our era -
Briaksida as creation the IV., Does not count - we can not show the same
match the image depicted. Isis Timothy focused a
the deeper meaning of sacrificial heroism religion sacraments; but in vain to
you look for the meaning of this expression on smooth Isis created this
era. Still, religious art has continued to work and create, it
creation overwhelmed him our museums, delight our eyes - but it is not
complete, but only partial, pervostupennoe revelation of deity, revelation
in a perfect humanity, but only just.
Physical beauty of the Hellenistic gods - the first stage of revelation;
who carefully read word Diotima in "Symposium" of Plato, he will understand
that it is
means. The second and third - is good and true. Identification of God with
the good
strongly, even angrily conducted by Plato in his "State"
becomes dogma in our era: its expression, we must of course
search in the philosophy, which alone in our era treated seriously
religion, in the Stoic - and there we will find it in the form of the famous
theodicy. The whole world is justified his good purpose if not the creator,
uporyadochitelya-god; it is better to transmit as it, and that for
he created it - a man. If it does not immediately seem so
uninitiated, let it penetrate deep into the matter, and he will make it
so. And even more so from the true God, for God - the higher mind, the source
of all his
partial incarnations in man. Not everyone agreed - but won
Posidonius, and with it this dogma by identifying God with the truth.


And now will be allowed to try to answer the question,
posed in the introduction: whether religion Hellenism progress or
regression, in comparison with the ancient Greek? Usually responds to it in
negative sense, and put the answer in connection with orientalization
Greek religion in the Hellenistic period. This is the image produced by the
Group in
written with visible annoyance last chapters of his voluminous writings:
Oriental influence was the consequence of the excessive expansion of
mysticism, so that "religion of art" has receded into the background.
Yet it seems to me difficult.
Of course, if you immerse yourself in the majestic soul religion
Aeschylus and from
go to at least Cleanthes (40), the Hellenistic religion seem to us a strong
a step backwards. But it is pure illusion. At the beginning of the V century
poets were
more teachers of the Greeks; IV in their role has passed to the philosophers.
Not anthem Cleanthes
we must oppose the tragedies of Aeschylus, and the treatises of Posidonius,
parse those and other non-poetic and religious-philosophical point
of view, reducing the grandiose symbols Eleusis singer to abstract
arguments - then the result will be different. No, as the reader can
considered in the previous section, and from the whole of this book,
Hellenism not sacrifice any of the religious achievements preceded
his era, but added a lot of myself; Thus, if visible at
notions of "progress" and "regress" concepts quantitative rather than
quality, it is necessary to recognize the religion of Hellenism major
Compared with religion independent Greece.
But it goes without saying that these concepts to the same extent
quality - if not more - in a quantitative; it was this that has
referring to the Group, accusing Hellenism that he, obeying ET
anesthesia, advanced unhealthy mysticism to the detriment of the "religion of
art", ie
Ancient Olympia. On anesthesia then; As for the "unhealthy" mysticism,
then the definition of affected atheist starter website, making it
generally a bad critic in religious matters. "Unwell" mysticism Francis
Assisi, Dante, Thomas a Kempis, Saint Therese, Calderon, Mickiewicz, Vl.
Solovyov ... fruitless to argue here. Yet it seems to me, who is with us
seriously delving into the essence of mysticism, Hellenistic religion and
with us weighed mapped in 46 items that agree to recognize
and in deepening religious feeling great progress.
But not over the entire line. The reader will allow me to refer only
on those aspects in which we saw flaws in the religious development of our
age; religious eroticism, astrology, magic, worship rock. It would be
to further discuss some of the points raised by us only in passing. Yes,
Of course, there are defects; but in total will still say there
and progress.
But what about the eastern anesthesia? Orientalization can not deny the
but we can and must be emphasized that it was preceded by Hellenization all
exclusion of religious forces that produced this orientalization - in this
Unlike our period of universal empire. And while progress
Hellenization transgressed those elements of oriental cults, which were in
property of the East. Great Mother? Yes, but without religious Skopchestvo.
Isis? Yes, but without the magic of the funeral. Astarte Aden? Yes, but
religious prostitution. The cult of the rulers? Yes, but without the
"proskinezy." And if
weigh how important the elements recline, what havoc they
would produce in the Hellenic folk soul, if they were not reclined, the
it will be clear that about any eastern anesthesia can be no question.
You can raise the question whether, under these conditions to be talking
orientalization in general, and not fair to recognize religion
Hellenism just a further stage in the development of the distinctive Greek
I myself am inclined to think, to accept this rather orientalization
external than internal; but as such, I still think it useful
hold. Names, and appearance were still one of great importance:
they created among the Greeks, perhaps the illusion, but beneficial, they
profess the same religion with the traditional fans of Isis, the Great
Mother, and so on, with the inhabitants of Egypt, Anatolia, Syria - and
hence, we can
continue, and all oikumene. In other words, thanks to them, religion
Hellenism was raised to the level of universalism.
Dare to believe that the reader of my "Ancient Greek religion" is not
forgot those Homeric poems, which I am more things instructed his
attention and memory verses, proving that even in those days
foundation of universalism was deeply ingrained in the Greek soul, which, if
all love to Pallas Achaeans and Trojans to Apollo, standing above both king
Olympus with equal participation of both men looked at each other hostile
mills, Mila person solely based on its own
merit. Noting that line, I, without going into particular, several bright
illustrated the further development of this universalism, bringing
it to our era and before the reformer, which this book
portrayed as the creator of the Hellenistic religion - to Timothy Eleusis.
Timothy concluded that - for us, at least - began Homer: he gave
what was then the universe, however, is not uniform, but still universal
Demeter again, as in the days of Queen Metaniry, changed its name: it
agreed to be Isis in Alexandria and the Great Mother in Cyzicus, but
and remained there, and: there by the same Eleusinian Demeter, queen of the
holy sacraments,
leading all nations equally to the same great and joyful purpose.
Is orientalization? No, of course not able to give East Hellas is
which had itself. He became only the passive mother, an effective force
Hellenic religion was, it was the awesome feature, thanks
which the consciousness of the people inspired by it was not a "heathen" was
"Infidels" and were surrounding nations, under various names, some esteeming
the same gods. Like the very concept of humanity and human
religion has been the creation of the Greeks; this should keep on reminding
Now, when all the developing process revarvarizatsii humanity
parts robs us of what a precious heritage that we have inherited from
this truly chosen people.

Origin and History serponosnye
AK Nefdkin

"So, they say, the blade chariots serponosnye often
so suddenly torn body in indiscriminate slaughter,
What on earth is of seeing the severed hands and feet
is possible at the time, the mind and the minds of people are unable to
feel the pain caused by more rapid wound;
For all the mind of people is entirely captured battle,
and the carnage and fight they break with the remains of the body,
often not seeing that there is no longer left arm, and dragged
her horses with a shield broad wheels and sickles ruthless,
no one notices that it is not right on the wall climbs,
on foot wants the other to lean on, which is really gone,
And on earth she wiggles her fingers writhing dying,
And my head, flying away from the lively and warm the body,
keeps life in the face and in her eyes, wide open,
Up to how the soul will not go away the last remnant. 1

- Describes the action serponosnye quadrigues Roman poet and philosopher Lucretius Carus T.
(On the Nature of Things, III, 642-656).

X hile the weapon, as we see, to excite the imagination of the ancients, but they have not had
clear information about its origin.
On this account we have two different ancient evidence.
First post belongs to the famous Athenian historian Xenophon (ca.. 430 - approx. 355 years.
BC. E.), Which, speaking of cooking Persian general Cyrus (the future of Cyrus the Great (559-530
gg. BC. E.)) To war with "Assyrians", says that this ruler converted the simple chariot on
serponosnye (Cyropaedia, VI, 1, 27-30, 2, 8).However, as you know, "Cyropaedia" is not a historical
work in the strict sense of the word, rather, it is a work of art on a historical theme, in which the
author of the introduction of many Persian customs of the time attributed to the hero 2 . This raises
the problem of the verification of the source, the need for comparison with other data.
Following the introduction of Xenophon message chariots with sickles Cyrus repeats historian
Arrian (approx. 95 - approx. 175 years.) In his "Tactical Art" (19, 4-5, Wed 2, 5). This is evident
from the following considerations. Firstly, in general, for the three tactics Asklepiodota, Eliana and
Arrina primary source of information about serponosnye chariots were not, they were written by the
author himself. Secondly, we know that Arrian Athenian classics and imitated in style and genre
(Photius, Library, 58, 4-5. Wed Arrian. Kinegitik, 1, 4), it is only in the "tactics", he twice called the
Attic historian (6, 3, 29, 8). Finally, and most importantly, you can see the certificate Cappadocian
legate about Persian serponosnye chariots direct retelling of "Cyropaedia" (Tactics, 19, 5-6): "From
the Asians as the ancient Persians were engaged
serponosnye riding chariots and armored horses, beginning with Cyrus (Cyropaedia, VI, 1, 27-
30, 2, 17; VII, 1, 2), and before them the Greeks and Trojans with Agamemnon Priam drove
chariots with horses unprotected (~ VI, 1, 27, 2, 8). Also kirentsy long time fought in chariots (~
VI, 1, 27, cp. VI, 2, 8). Thus, we can assume that Arrian borrowed his information on the subject is
not from any other source, but right from the "Cyropaedia" Xenophon, and, therefore, evidence
nikomediyskogo historian does not provide further evidence that teams with sickles introduced
In addition, there is still also a message of VI century lexicographer Gezihiya Alexandria
introducing serponosnye chariots (Gezihy. Lexicon), "say the Macedonians first used them." German
philologist I.Sheffer, who has studied many ancient chariots, interprets the message in the sense
that the Macedonians first borrowed from the Persians, these chariots 3 . However, it is difficult to
say what was discussed in the context of which Gezihy tore this information. But in this form, as
represented in the ancient lexicographer, it does not correspond to reality. This exhausts our
testimonies of the introduction of this type of weapons, one of which - is controversial, and the
second - is simply not true ...
By ak we have seen, information lexicographer Gezihiya (sv ) about the
origin of the chariot serponosnye incorrect and controversial evidence Xenophon (Cyr., VI, 1, 27,
wed .: Arr. Tact., 19, 4).Therefore, you should refer to the analysis and comparison of the facts
known to us from other sources, and to the historical and tactical analysis of events 4 .
We draw attention to the fact that Herodotus, describing in detail the forces of the Persian
Empire, does not mention chariots with sickles, although he reports the Libyan and the Indian
chariots (Hdt., VII, 86). No armed chariots, and other sources. The first historical mention of
chariots with sickles we meet at the Battle of Cunaxa (401 BC) in the description of the "Anabasis"
of Xenophon (An., I, 7, 10-12, 8, 20) and "Peaches" Ctesias of Cnidus , doctor of Artaxerxes II
(Diod., II, 5, 4), who lived at the turn of V-IV centuries. BC According to them, the chariots with
sickles appeared in ancient times, and not in their time. We know that for Thucydides, who wrote
his work in the last quarter of the V century. BC event earlier 510 BC antiquity were
already 5 . Therefore, it is believed that the armed chariots appeared between 479 and 401
years. BC
The only credible hypothesis about the origin of serponosnye chariots is Persian, it is no
accident that the ancient isolated "Persian chariot ( ) as a separate type, armed
with sickles (Arr. Tact., 2, 5; Poll., I, 141; Wed : Xen. Cyr., VI, 1, 27-30; VIII, 8, 24-25; Max. Tyr.,
XIII, 1). And the ancient military theorists specifically contrasted the usual unarmed chariots (
) serponosnye ( : Asclep. Tact., 8; Ael. Tact., 22, 3; Arr. Tact., 2, 5, 19,
4). Thus, the chariots with sickles appeared in the Achaemenid Empire.
In order to answer the question, when did this happen, contact the tactical characteristics of
the chariots with sickles. Serponosnye sled in their tasks very different from their predecessors - the
simple unarmed chariots. The latter are usually fought with each other before the collision infantry,
supported her flanks, and pursued the enemy after the battle, and to a much lesser extent the
function of the frontal attack on the enemy infantry, mostly when the enemy was not their chariots,
or they were driven from the battlefield. Rides with a sickle - a weapon solely for the frontal attack
of the enemy system, designed not only to defeat the enemy directly, but also on the psychological
effect, demoralizing the latter. The main task serponosnye chariot was destroyed cohesive failure of
the infantry.
During V in. BC permanent enemies of the Persians were the Greeks. That the Greeks had
persistent heavy infantry, which unsuccessfully attacked his swoop Persian horsemen, in the first
half of V. BC, mainly horse archers (Hdt., IX, 20-25; 49; Diod., XI, 30, 3). At the same time, it was
the Greeks were almost absent or inefficiently used throwers able to repel chariots, and,
consequently, a phalanx of hoplites are a convenient target for attack sleds. But the most important
thing is that it was the Greeks understood the importance of failure in the fight against the
individual soldiers (Hdt., VI, 112; VII, 104; Thuc., I, 126, 4-6; Xen. An., I, 7, 3, 2, 18; Cyr., VII, 1,
22; Diod., XI, 6, 2). This kind cohesion and should destroy the chariot with sickles. In addition, all
known historical cases serponosnye quadrigae Achaemenid used it against the Greek, and later
against the Macedonian phalanx.
Note that to create a new kind of troops needed substantial reasons to those training costs
and ensuring soldiers paid off to their advantage in battle. And this takes time. In the case of
serponosnye chariots had to create a whole new branch of service, in which the men had to have
the courage suicides to fly to sled right on the enemy ranks, often without the support of their
attack riders. No accident that Xenophon indicates honors (a kind of moral encouragement),
bestowed charioteer Persian kings (Cyr., II, 1, 47; VIII, 8, 24). Consequently, armed chariots, likely
could spread out in preparation for the war or during some long-standing conflict. Perhaps during
the long preparations for war with the Greeks, in the period since 467 BC. e. (Just., II, 15, 17) to
the 458 BC (Diod., XI, 74, 1), there are new chariot troops. Because now the preparations for war
were engaged in non-native princes, and the king himself, who had the power and the means for
the introduction and spread of the troops 6 .
Armed chariots of the Greeks were called literally "serponosnye
chariot." And the word the term applied to the Quadriga, that is, to a chariot drawn by four
horses abreast. To be precise, instead of "serponosnye" should say "kosonosnye", as do the British
(scythed chariots). However, as the Greeks did not know how to braid the implement, they called
these chariots "serponosnye." Consequently, the Russian name is a literal translation from the Greek
(cf. .: it. Sichelwagen; French. Char faux).
As I have indicated, for the first time in the surviving sources we meet application
serponosnye chariots in the battle between the army at Cunaxa contender for the throne of the
Achaemenid Cyrus the Younger and his brother king Artaxerxes II. The army consisted of
Artaxerxes, according to Xenophon (An., I, 7, 11), 900,000 and 150 chariots. In addition, the 50-
sled with the army did not have time Abrokoma come to the battlefield (Xen. An., I, 7, 12). Cyrus
came from Sardis, with 70,000 troops Asian (Diod., XIV, 22), 10,400 Greek mercenary hoplites,
2500 Hellenic peltasts, as well as about 20 serponosnye chariots (Xen. An., I, 7, 10). About the
location of enemy troops in the battle we have little information. Xenophon, like a military expert
says basically only what was happening on his wing and, therefore, what he saw. Ahasuerus set
before his battle line chariots (Diod., XIV, 22; Plut. Artax., 7). Xenophon says the appointment of
these quadrigues (An., I, 8, 10): "And to them [the Persians - AN] were spaced far apart chariots
called just serponosnye ... The idea was also to on Greek troops chased them and hacked them
them . "
Briefly, the course of the battle, as described by Xenophon was as follows. The Greeks went
on the attack and his menacing look drew the king's troops to flee. At this time, the chariots
attacked the left flank of the phalanx of the Greeks. Recently started hitting spears against their
shields to frighten enemy horses. Quadriga began to accelerate, but they do not have time to get
up to speed needed to attack, because the chariot did not want to attack, seeing that their army is
retreating. Charioteer, abandoning his quadriga, fled, and frightened rides, no people, and through
its rushing, and through the Greek ranks before them just parted (Xen. An., I, 8, 20, wed .: Xen.
Cyr., VIII, 8, 25). Moreover, the Greeks suffered only one man, apparently shot down the chariot
horses, but not killed (Xen. An., I, 8, 20). On the action of chariots Cyrus on the battlefield, we do
not know anything.
Based on the description of Xenophon, we can imagine the design serponosnye chariots turn
V-IV centuries.BC. e. (Xen. An., I, 8, 10; Cyr., VI, 1, 29-30; 1, 51 2, 17). Quadriga had big wheels,
revolving around the axis, the length of which should be approximately equal to the width of the
four teams of horses. To each end of the axis was attached to one sickle horizontal length of about
90 cm. Sickle These two were the main weapon of the chariot. Another two vertical sickle were
below the axis, on both sides of the cabin floor. In the back of a high wooden planks was the driver
wearing a coat of mail with long sleeves and a high collar, his head protected helmet. Other soldiers
in the back was not. Charioteer of weapons, obviously, had a sword. Some horses were covered
with bronze harnesses nalobnik, mesyatsevidnymi bib and plate protective cloths 7 .
Next in chronological order in case of application serponosnye quadrigues recorded in the
sources - a fight with Daskelione (395 BC. E.) Between the detachment and the Spartan king
Agesilaus cavalry satrap Pharnabazus Gellespontiyskoy Phrygia. Persian detachment, consisting of
about 400 riders and two chariots serponosnye, suddenly attacked the Greeks. The Greeks, in the
amount of about 700 people came running together, trying to build a phalanx. But satrap not
hesitated. He thrust forward chariots, attacked them. Rides dispersed ranks of the enemy, and
immediately after them horsemen attacked, killing about 100 of the mixed Greeks. The rest fled to
the camp (Xen. Hell., IV, 1, 17-19). Thus, in this battle, we see one of the few cases of successful
action serponosnye chariots. This is explained by the fact that immediately after attacking chariots
in a mess galloping horsemen who covered the teamsters.
Of battles in which participated serponosnye quadrigae best sources covered the battle of
Gaugamela (October 1 331 BC) between the armies of Alexander the Great and Darius III, the last
king of the Persian Achaemenid dynasty. Persians specially chosen field of battle, where they could
deploy their numerous troops.Moreover, the ground was leveled specifically for the action of the
chariots and cavalry (Curt., IV, 9, 10; Arr. An., III, 8, 7), and on the flanks were emptied spines -
Tribulation to neutralize the Macedonian cavalry - the main striking force Alexander's army (Curt.,
IV, 13, 36; Polyaen., IV, 3, 17).
Before the left wing of the Persians, who had to withstand attacks the right wing of the
Macedonians, were delivered (probably closer to the center) 100 serponosnye chariots, to which
was added around 1000 and 2000, the Bactrian (?) Saka horsemen (Arr. An., III, 11 6). Before the
Guard detachments center is located another 50 quadrigues (Arr. An., III, 11, 6), apparently not
supported by horsemen. In front of the right side of the Persian army stood still 50 quadrigues
supported by the Armenian and Cappadocian cavalry. The battle began gippomahiey on the right
wing of the Macedonian army. At this time, Darius let the right wing phalanx serponosnye chariots
(Arr. An., III, 13, 2), which were met with a hail of projectiles lightly and Agria confronting
getayrami (Arr. An., III, 13, 5; Ps .-Call., I, 41, 15; Jul. Val., 52). Throwers repulsed some chariots,
and others passed through razomknuvshuyusya phalanx, then the driver's were killed. Somewhat
different course of events on the left wing of the Macedonians, which served as a cover only a small
number of Cretan archers and Achaean mercenaries (Diod., XVII, 57, 4). Against them, the chief of
cavalry of the right wing of the Persians, Ointments, threw 50 serponosnye chariots, supported by
the Armenian and Cappadocian cavalry, stood with them (Arr. An., III, 11, 6; Diod., XVII, 58, 2-
5). Since this flank of the Macedonians, apparently, there was no effective protection from the
lightly armed, then they used a different tactic: they began to beat their spears against their
shields, scaring the horses. The latter, apparently, not being sufficiently trained (Curt., IV, 9, 4),
frightened and, as in the Battle of Cunaxa, part sled, turning back, jumped on its own, and some
rushed to the phalanx, which just parted (Diod ., XVII, 58, 4). Probably some of the Macedonians,
hesitated, were wounded (Diod., XIV, 58, 4). Curtius even speaks of their flight (Curt., IV, 15,
4). How did the attack of 50 chariots, facing the center of the Persian army, is unclear. After this
initial phase of the battle chariots did not participate in the battle.
So we see that the attack on the right flank of the chariots of the Macedonians had no
success, probably due to the fact that the task ahead of heavily armed cavalry, which could support
their attack quadrigues was prematurely thrown into the fray. And thus, the attack on the phalanx
of chariots did not bring any substantial benefit, as hoplites parted missed rushing teams, and then
closed. But if the riders supported their chariots, they will not only be able to break into the
phalanx, but also protect the charioteers of the enemy lightly. It is also possible that the plight of
the left wing of the Macedonians was caused not only by two blows of the enemy's cavalry, but also
harnesses frontal attack, supported by horsemen. Therefore, probably, the Battle of Gavgamegah
presents us as a good (against the left wing of the Macedonians) and relatively unsuccessful
(against the right wing Alexander) use serponosnye chariots.
By the end of the Achaemenid era there have been changes in the armed chariots. Discard the
bottom (under the body) sickles; however, the armed forces by adding the horizontal crescent, fixed
on each side at the end of the yoke, and by the end of the axis pridelyvaniya descending down the
blade, which is located below the horizontal sickle (Diod., XVII, 53, 1-2; Curt., IV, 9, 4 -5, 15, 4).
In the Hellenistic period quadriga with sickles, together with other elements of the military,
moving away from the Achaemenids to the Seleucids, who began to dominate the main settlement
area horsemen. Apparently, this, and even force of tradition, explains the appearance of this type of
troops in the state it is the descendants of Nicator. The basis of the Seleucid army was the phalanx,
while the cavalry was the shock troops of view.However, the use of chariots with sickles in this
period more recedes into the background. They were pushed back to its primary function - the
frontal attack of the enemy - war elephants.
For the first time in the Hellenistic period, we find the chariots with sickles at the Battle of
Ipsus (301 BC. E.) In the army of Seleucus I, who fought with the army of Antigonus. According to
the account of Diodorus (XX, 113), Seleucus had 20,000 infantry, 12,000 cavalry, including mounted
archers, 480 elephants and over 100 serponosnye harnesses. Unfortunately, about the battle itself
rather little is known, and to participate in her chariot generally not reported.
Another evidence of the use of Seleucus I serponosnye chariots refers to the period of struggle
against the invading his domain Poliorcetes Demetrius (286-285 gg. BC. E.). During these events,
Plutarch mentions an unsuccessful attack somewhere in Cilicia chariots Nicator against the small,
mostly walking army son of Antigonus (Plut. Dem., 48).
Then we meet serponosnye chariot at the Battle of Apollonia (220 BC. E.) Between the
Seleucid king Antiochus III and rebels against him satrap of Media Moloney. Succinct description of
the battle remained only in Polybius (V, 53-54). Molon has built its heavily in the center, and the
cavalry, under the cover lightly, situated on the flanks. Serponosnye quadrigae were put in front. In
Antiochus was not chariots. Unfortunately, Polybius says nothing about the use of chariots in battle,
perhaps because they have been used without much success until the beginning of the battle.
King Antiochus III had an unknown number of quadrigues with sickles in his army at the Battle
of Magnesia against the Romans (autumn 190 BC. E.). The king built his army typical Syrian rulers
in the center was the phalanx, supported by elephants on either side of her shield-bearers stood
behind them - a heavily armed, and then - light cavalry, to which the wings adjoining the light-
infantry of various types. Chariots of the king had set up on the left wing in front of his heavily
armed cavalry (Liv., XXXVII, 40; App. Syr., 32).
At the beginning of the Battle of Seleucus, son of Antiochus III, the commander of the left
flank, the enemy throws at serponosnye chariots, apparently hoping to cause confusion Italic
infantry. However, on the right side of the Romans, probably not coincidentally, was put union king
of Pergamon Eumenes II, who knew how to deal with serponosnye chariots (Liv., XXXVII, 41,
9). Last threw against attacking quadrigues lightly backed by several riders Turma. These troops,
scattered, everywhere began to throw shells into horses at the same time scaring them scream. At
the same time lightly deftly dodging riding chariots. Unable to withstand the firing teams turned
Battle of Magnesia - the only battle of the Seleucid era, in which we at least know something
about the action of the chariots with sickles on the battlefield. It is noteworthy that Livy specifically
notes that only after the attack began sleds "real battle (Liv., XXXVII, 41, 12: justum proelium),
indicating thereby that the battle chariots occurred before the collision, and was the main force
some components shootout Psilo before the introduction of the cause of infantry and cavalry
Later we meet the chariot in the first book of Maccabees (1, 17) in describing the forces of
Antiochus IV Epiphanes during his invasion of Egypt (170 BC. E.). Probably these quadrigae
involved in the campaign of Egypt in 165 BC. e. will be held in the triumph, the king arranged in
Daphne to commemorate the victory over Egypt (Polyb., XXXI, 3, 11). Finally, in 162 BC. e. during
the campaign of Antiochus V Eupator on rebellious Jew we meet again serponosnye 300 chariots,
110,000 infantry, 5,300 cavalry and 22 elephants (II Macc., 13, 2). Number of troops, of course,
In the Seleucid era weapons quadrigae enhanced by attaching the yoke couple of copies,
protruding forward (Liv., XXXVII, 41, 6-8). However, throughout the history of the house of
Seleucus we do not find successful application serponosnye chariots.
Revitalization serponosnye chariots in the army of the king of Pontus Mithridates VI Eupator at
the end of the II. BC. e. was caused by the militaristic policy of the king. In addition, this process is
influenced by Iranian and strong tradition of Pontus. Besides Mithridates himself, probably hoping
for a successful (mainly psychological) effect of such chariots against the Romans, who had
previously encountered with this weapon only once, at the Battle of Magnesia, and did not know
how to deal with it successfully. In 101/100 BC. e. we first find the quadriga with sickles in
Mithridates VII during his encounter with the king of Cappadocia Ariarathes VII of 600 units, with
80,000 infantry and 10,000 cavalry (Just., XXXVIII, 1, 8). Apparently, Eupator was not the first who
introduced serponosnye quadriga in the Pontic army, as indicated by their numbers, although
exaggerated, but still quite significant.
In 88 BC. e. vifinsky King Nicomedes III Philopator, a supporter of Rome, attacked the
possessions of Mithridates in Paphlagonia. Last, collecting 250,000 infantry, 50,000 cavalry and 130
chariots (App. Mith., 17), spoke out against the enemy. Ahead of the Pontic army was under the
command of the vanguard of Archelaus and Neotolema consisting of 40,000 light infantry, 10,000
cavalry and a few chariots. About the influx of the river Halys Amny Mithridatic strategists met all
the army of the king of Bithynia, exceeding them by number: 50,000 infantry and 6000 cavalry
soldiers (App. Mith, 17). Unfortunately, Appian does not describe how the enemy troops were built,
but perhaps traditionally infantry was placed in the center and on the wings was the cavalry. It is
known that the left wing of Pontiacs commanded Archelaus, and right - Neoptolemus. During the
battle soldiers last fled, pursued vifintsami. Then Archelaus, take a moment attacked pursuing the
right, forcing them to turn against him. In order to win the same time and not to fall into the
environment, he began to retreat, thereby making it possible to restore the system
Neoptolemus. When this happened, Archelaus, deploying troops suddenly attacked vifintsev
serponosnye chariots. This indicates that direct contact between opponents is still not there, and
therefore, there was a place to disperse quadrigues. Next Appian colorfully describes the wounds of
chariots, which led vifintsev horrified. However, the soldiers of Nicomedes, probably already knew
this weapon, not only scattered, but also by deploying the army on two fronts (for Neoptolemus
went to them in the rear), fought for a long time, but after heavy losses the army of Nicomedes
Thus, the Battle of Amnii - this is one of the few battles where serponosnye quadrigae
operated relatively successfully. After Archelaus was an experienced strategist who knew the
advantages and disadvantages of this type of weapon, so he kept in reserve chariots to the decisive
moment of the battle. It was a surprise, multiplied by the fear, explains the success of the attack
The next time we meet serponosnye rides at Taxila strategist Mithridates in Greece. Forces
were the last, according to Plutarch (Sull., 15), 100,000 infantry, 10,000 cavalry and chariots, 90,
also joined him and Archelaus, who was standing in Munihii. Sulla took Athens and willing rather to
meet the enemy, came out of the mountain in the plains of Attica Boeotia with an army of 15,000
infantry and 1500 cavalry, where about Chaeroneia spring '86 BC. e. he met the enemy.
Pontiacs traditionally lined in the center they had a phalanx, which occupied the right side of
mednoschitnye halkaspidy, on the wings was the cavalry, serponosnye quadrigae were pushed to
the center of the army. The first stage of the battle is to get out of a small Roman unit to the rear
of the king's soldiers, standing on the mountain of the Furies, the latter were driven out and ran
over his flight as a phalanx, upsetting its ranks. Sulla, seeing this, quickly moved forward (Plut.
Sull., 18). Archelaus to halt the advance of the enemy and restore order, throws him cavalry, the
Romans easily repulsed. Then throw in the Pontic attack 60 serponosnye quadrigues, "that, if
possible, the pressure to cut and break the phalanx [= legions] enemies (App. Mith., 42). But since
the place was small, the chariot had not dispersed and were easily missed by the Romans through
razomknuvshiysya system where charioteers were killed. During this battle, the soldiers of the king
were defeated.
Battle of Chaeronea gives us the traditional use of chariots with sickles as weapons, attacking
the front of the infantry of the enemy. However, here there is also another motive for their attacks
quadrigues - hold enemies in order to have time to build their strength. At the same time we see
that the quadriga, failing to disperse and walking at low speed, can be easily passed through the
ranks of the enemy.
In addition to this evidence, we find a few posts about Quadriga with sickles in the army of
Mithridates VI. At a meeting with Sulla in Dardania (85 BC. E.) King led, as if to show his power,
200 ships, 20,000 infantry, 6,000 cavalry and chariots set serponosnye (Plut. Sull., 24). And for the
third war with Rome pontiets collected (74 BC. E.) 120,000 infantry, 16,000 cavalry and still
unknown to us the number of quadrigues with sickles (Memnon., 38; Plut. Lucul., 7). However, as
the chariots were used in the fighting and used it at all, we have no information.
The latter application Pontic chariots we find in the Battle of Zela (47 BC. E.). Son of
Mithridates VI, Farnak II, king of Bosporus put Pompey took advantage of the civil war in Rome,
captured the Little Armenia, and then crashing Nikopol tsezarianskogo ruler Asia Domitius Calvin,
also Pont, who by this time a Roman province (Bel. Alex., 37-38). Apparently, here he scored the
army, using old, his father, recruitment system, and may use an old royal arsenals.
Caesar, graduating Alesandriyskuyu war came to Asia Minor, gathered local forces and met the
enemy near the town of Zela. At dawn on August 2, 47 BC. e. Farnak withdrew from the camp and
led them across the plain to the Romans, who set up camp on a hill. Caesar did not imagine that
the enemy would attack him in such unfavorable conditions for Asians and continued his fortification
work, before putting the shaft barrage line troops.However, quite unexpectedly, the king led his
troops to the hill, where there were the Romans, who hastily and in the confusion began to build
legions. It has not yet built an army Farnak and throws chariots, "which, however, were quickly
covered with a variety of projectiles (Bel. Alex., 75). Legionnaires, throwing Quadriga, pushed off
the hill and enemy infantry. Parnach army fled. On this victory Caesar briefly write: Veni, vidi, vici
(Suet. Caes., 37, 2).
Battle of Cunaxa (401 BC. E.) And the Battle of Zela (47 BC. E.) - Here is the historical path
serponosnye chariots, which is fixed in the surviving sources. We see that for these chariots
especially needed flat terrain.However, a special alignment of soil mentioned only before the battle
of Gaugamela, the place for which it was planned in advance (Curt., IV, 9, 10, 15, 28; Arr. An., III,
8, 7). Leveling served to facilitate the takeoff chariots, as indicated by Plutarch (Sull., 18). Quadriga
have always been in front of the army at some distance from each other (Xen. An., I, 8,
10). Apparently, the distance between them was about 25 m. Quadrigues Building had only one
line, which was enough to perform basic tasks chariot - a breakthrough system of the enemy (Xen.
Cyr., VI, 3, 34). Ancient was well known psychological effect chariot attack (Diod., XVII, 53; Curt.,
IV, 9, 4; Veget., III, 24).Obviously, just this experience was inspired by the description of the
bloody wounds produced sickles, because usually the loss of attack quadrigues were small (Curt.,
IV, 15, 17; Diod., XVII, 58; Lucret., III, 642; App. Mith ., 18; Suid. sv
). However, when the infantry was sure of myself and / or constantly faced with an enemy
serponosnye quadrigues, then the psychological aspect of the attack lost its importance, and she
ended up in tears attack chariots, often under the taunts defenders (Plut. Sull., 18; Veget ., III, 24).
We observe a chronological difference in the use of harnesses with sickles. So, the Persians,
the main attacking force which was the cavalry tried to combine the effect of this kind of troops
from attacks quadrigues.Their chariots they sought to thwart the ranks of the enemy, with the
support of their own riders, often with simultaneous flank attack cavalry. In the battle with the
Macedonian phalanx attack chariots were designed to bring the enemy into confusion hoplites. At
the same time as the attack was carried cavalry on the flanks failed Macedonians. It seems that the
Persians have little hope for the effectiveness of a frontal attack on quadrigues phalanx, so they are
not held to the desired time plate cavalry, which could, following a gap formed in the ranks of the
enemy as a result of the invasion of harnesses, affect the course of the battle decisively. In the era
of the Seleucids use chariots oust the application of the elephants, which are often the same
purpose - to break the ranks of the enemy infantry - put the front of the center building, while the
teams were established just before the flanks. If the elephants at the commander was not,
Quadriga could be placed in front of the center and down.Now the main task of the chariot was only
in frustration infantry damage the enemy as defeat in armed clashes in the Macedonian phalanxes
could the one who retained his system the least torn and most orderly. During the struggle of the
Pontic king Mithridates VI with Rome tactic of using quadrigues changed somewhat. The main
target of attack sled was to upset the ranks of the Roman Legion, followed by throw at them their
phalanx, and as much as possible and go to them in the rear of the cavalry. In addition, the
Pontiacs to a greater extent than before, used the element of surprise in the attack on the enemy
quadrigues (Chaeronea, Zela).
Serponosnye chariots in the form in which they were invented under the Achaemenids, and
then moved on to the Seleucids and Mitridatidam - a phenomenon sufficiently unique in world
history. We have no other stood the verification of evidence that would talk about these chariots as
a kind of troops from other nations, except, perhaps, China Eastern Zhou era (VIII-III centuries
BC.), Where there were armed chariots.

Upgrade serponosnye quadrigae Seleucids. The first half of the
Reconstruction and pattern P. Vasin.

Illustration made on the basis of the description of T. Libya and images Hellenistic weapons on
the reliefs of the altar of Athena in Pergamon. In some aspects, the reconstruction of the author
relied on another reconstruction of Anglo-Polish antikoveda Nick Seconds (Sekunda NV Seleucid and
Ptolemaic Reformed Armies168-145 BC (Montvert Publications). Vol. 1. Dewsbury, 1994. Pl. 5). The
driver is protected by an iron helmet with mask and armor of the same metal with two rows of linen
pterygium. On the shell tied "officer scarf."Hands covered with iron laminar vambraces. Wood,
covered with leather, body chariot pulled by four horses two drawbar and two yoke, at the outer
end of which is attached a pair of sickles, which had hit the top of the body of the enemy. At the
ends of the axle mounted four sickle designed to destroy enemy legs. To the ends of the drawbar
attached spear to defeat as the front end. Horses reserved iron breastplates with pterygium and
Brow bands of the same metal.


1. Pere. F.Petrovskogo
2. Diyakonov IM History of Media from ancient times to the end of the IV. BC Moscow-
Leningrad, 1956 S. 29-34; Frolov ED Xenophon and his "Cyropaedia" // Xenophon. Cyropaedia /
Ed. Prepare. VG Borukhovich and EDFrolov. M., 1976, pp 257-258.
3. J.Schefferi de Re vehiculari veterum. Lib. II. Francforti, 1671. P. 190.
4. Reconstruction G. Lordkipanidze bronze model chariot from Mount Gohebi (Eastern
Georgia) as Bigi with sickles controversial. In addition - and this is important - is unclear and the
date of the subject: researchers attribute it to the period from the end of the II millennium. Until
the first half of I millennium. BCE. e.(Lordkipanidze G. Model of the war chariot "Gohebi // A
Collection of Articles in Archaeology. I. Tbilisi, 1994. S. 151-154. Table. XXV-XXVI).
5. McDonnell M. The Introduction of Athletic Nudity: Thucydides, Plato, and the Vases //
Journal of Hellenic Studies. Vol. 101. 1991. P. 189, n. 40.
6. Refer .: Nefdkin AK Serponosnye chariot: the problem of the origin of // Vestnik St.
Petersburg University.Series 2 1997 Vol. 2 ( 9). S. 22-26; he same. Chariots in ancient Greece
(XVI-I centuries. BC. E.). Abstract of the thesis for the degree of candidate of historical sciences. St.
Petersburg., 1997, pp 13-16. The most detailed subjects related to serponosnye chariots, will be
discussed in my book "chariots of the ancient Greeks (XVI-I centuries. BC. E.)", Which is due out in
the publishing house "Petersburg oriental" in 2001.
7. Refer .: Nefdkin AK Armature chariot horses in the Middle East in the Achaemenid and
Hellenistic periods // ancient world: problems of history and culture. Collection of scientific papers of
the 65th anniversary of prof. EDFrolov / Ed. IJ Froyanova. St. Petersburg., 1998, pp 249-260.

Figure 1: Hunting with a chariot on the lion
Detail of a relief from Sakchegzu (first half of the VIII century
BC.). Vorderasiatisches Museum, 971, Berlin. Middle East-style heavy
cavalry. The horse is being protected eyecups, mesyatsevidnym bib blanket
and plate. Reproduced from the publication: MA Littauer, JH
Crouwel Wheeled Vehicles and Ridden Animals in the Ancient Near East,
Leiden-Kln, 1979. Fig. 58.

Figure 2 Detail of a relief Apadana at Persepolis (the beginning of
V century. BC. E.)
Ceremonial chariot, which is the driver in the lush courtly attire Elamite
cut. Showing only two horses and a corresponding amount of the
reins. Perhaps this is Big, but also, perhaps, this sled was a quadriga, which is
simply not shown a pair of horses. Note the accuracy of detail. The perimeter
of the body is decorated with a plate of reaching each other lions. Transverse
bands on the body is likely to represent a pattern, or just, or straps,
reinforcing the structure. Quiver hanging on the board of the
body. Dvenadtsatispichnoe wheel is held in place anthropomorphic
linchpin. Reproduced from the publication: MA Littauer, JH
Crouwel Wheeled Vehicles ... Fig. 80.

Figure 3 Reconstruction serponosnye chariot army Artaxerxes II
Upgrade serponosnye chariot army Artaxerxes II at the Battle Cunaxa (401
BC. E.) Figure S. Sabirov Illustrations made on the basis of descriptions of
Xenophon, archaeological material (nalobnik, bib, bits, traction control
system), and images (leaf blanket, design wheels). The driver is protected by
a metal (bronze or iron) scaly armor on the head - the Middle East peaked
hat, belt - sword oriental type, the charioteer whipping horses goad. He
stands in the back, made of planks. Coney reserved bronze breastplates and
Brow bands, I also plate cloths. Weapons are four chariots sickle. Large
sickles (about 90 cm) attached at the ends of the axis, the smaller - under the
axis. Last designed to destroy the fallen opponent. Traction system body
could be twofold: the drawbar or two and two yoke or one drawbar and one
quadruple yoke. On the yoke fixed guide rings that prevent tangling of the

Figure 4 noble Persian horseman
Noble Persian horseman, hastening from his horse at the Battle of
Gaugamela, 331 BC. e. On the head of a warrior - a tiara, body armor
protected, apparently, the Greek type with shoulder straps. Simultaneous with
the "Alexander Mosaic". The III. BC. e.Reproduced from the publication:
Bittner S. Tracht und Bewaffnung des persischen Heeres zur Zeit der
Achaimeniden. Mnchen, 1985. Taf. 44.

Figure 5-6. Roman legionaries.
Roman legionaries. Domitius Ahenobarbus monument (end of II - I in the
first half. BC. E.). Obviously these soldiers belong to the census for the first
class, as evidenced by the chain mail. Reproduced from the
publication: Harmand J . L'Arme et le soldat Rome de 107 50 avant
notre re. Paris, 1967. Fig. 1.
Para Bellum # 2, 1997 and 9, 2000

Megara in obschegrecheskih colonization stream
Zhebelevskie read-2 Abstracts of scientific conference. 26-27 October 1999
The purpose of this message The trace the Megarian colonization in the background
obschegrecheskih colonization movement, identify the external factors that influenced
this process and, as far as possible, to reveal the internal incentives and motives of
colonization in a given period.
In colonizing activities Megara are three successive stages. The first stage involves
the development of Sicily, where megaryane about 727 BC founded a colony of
Megara Gibleyskie. It can be assumed that the removal of the colony on the fertile
lands of Eastern Sicily was associated with a sharp decrease in the land fund in the
metropolis (about the middle of the VIII century BC. Corinth captured two Megara
area Giray and Piraeus). Penetration megaryan in Sicily took place in line with the
colonization flow directed to the eastern coast of the island. Since the mid 30s the
VIII. BC here direct migrants from Halkida, founded Naxos, Leontini and Catania, as
well as the Corinthians founded Syracuse. Early on, the colonization of the coast
megaryane have felt the pressure from neighboring polisov- Leontini and Syracuse,
whose land borders on chora Megara Gibleyskih. This confrontation was apparently
caused not only by the rivalry of neighboring colonies, but also events that are
deployed at this time in the Balkan Greece. The initial period of Greek colonization
coincided with Lelantskoy war caused demarcation of political forces in
Greece. Sources suggest that the confrontation, which was attended by the largest
Greek metropolis, and was moved to the areas of colonization, where the second half
of the VIII. BC clashes between the colonists of the two warring groups of
policyholders. Apparently, it was opposition Halkida and Korinfa- opponents Megara
in Lelantskoy voyne- made megaryan abandon further attempts to expand its sphere of
influence in Sicily and seek an area where the city of Chalcis group had not yet
capture the key positions.
The second stage of the Megarian colonization lasted five decades and was marked by
the base on the north coast of the Propontis Astaka, Kalhedona, Selimbrii and
Byzantium. By the time the base here megaryan northeastern direction (ie, the
Propontis and Pontus) had only Miletus charted as Megara in eretriyskuyu group
policies. Syuznicheskie relationship Megara and Miletus were probably the reason
that the colonization of the region for decades waged primarily by the Milesian
colonists and Megara. Millet colonies located along the southern coast of the
Propontis from the mouth of the Hellespont to Chios, while megaryane mastered the
northern coast. Location Megara and Milesian colonies compact groups suggest that
both metropolitan acted on the basis of agreements that define the sphere of influence
of the parties. First Megarian colony in this region was Astak based in 711g. BC in the
northeastern part of the Propontis. Location of the colony, namely its distance from
the Black Sea straits, shows that the appearance here megaryan was not the desire to
establish itself on the sea route to the Black Sea. At the end of the VIII. BC, when the
connection with the Black Sea region were sparse and irregular, the Greeks did not
realize the strategic advantages of areas adjacent to the Bosphorus. Founders Astaka
primarily interested the benefits that could be obtained from trade with Phrygia. This
suggests that the initiative belonged to the breeding colonies of the trade sections of
society. About 685g. BC megaryane founded Kalhedon. The main factor behind the
location of the colony, was the presence of deposits of copper ore on one of the
islands off the coast. Next Megarian koloniya- Selimbriya- was most likely a typical
agrarian settlement. Finally, at 660g. BCwas founded the largest Megarian colony of
Byzantium regionalism. City took the unique position on the Bosphorus cape,
allowing effective control of the strait.Megara desire to establish control over the
Bosphorus suggests that, although the mass colonization of the Black Sea has not yet
started, there were already trade ties with the region. Having said that, we can assume
that since the end of the VIII. BC Megara is an amplification of the new trade and
craft of the nobility, has a significant impact on the colonization policy of the city.
The third stage of the Megarian colonization associated with the development of the
Black Sea, flows in the VI. BC, during the active population of the Greek coast of the
Black Sea. Colonies founded at this time megaryanami- Heraclea Pontica and
Mesembriya- were first removed from Megara "superfluous" people who could not
give Megaride livelihoods. Perhaps, however, that at the base Mesembria taken into
account the presence in the region adjacent to the city of copper and iron ore, which
made it possible to organize the trade in these raw materials, and processing it in
In conclusion, the Megara material presented above if we take the reconstruction of
the colonization process, convincingly refuted not just offer artificial scheme,
according to which the great colonization rigidly divided into two stages: the
agricultural and trade (or vice versa, first shopping, then agrarian). Apparently, in the
colonizing activity of the same policy in different periods may dominate different
motives and incentives that in each case, due to the peculiarities of social and
economic development of the metropolis at this stage. Since the processes of social
and economic development do not flow simultaneously in different cities, it is hardly
possible to establish a common model for all metropolitan colonization.

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