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Going to

Going to is not a tense. It is a special expression to talk about the future.

Structure of Going to
The structure is:
subject + be + going + infinitive
The verb be is conjugated (past, present or future).
subject be (not) going infinitive
+ I am going to buy a new car.
+ I'm going to go swimming.
- He is not going to take the exam.
- It isn't going to rain.
? Are you going to paint the house?
Use of Going to
Going to - intention
We use going to when we have the intention to do something before we speak. We have already made a decision before
speaking. Look at these examples:
Jo has won the lottery. He says he's going to buy a Porsche.
We're not going to paint our bedroom tomorrow.
When are you going to go on holiday?
In these examples, we had an intention or plan before speaking. The decision was made before speaking.
Going to - prediction
We often use going to to make a prediction about the future. Our prediction is based on present evidence. We are saying
what we think will happen. Here are some examples:
The sky is very black. It's going to snow.
It's 8.30! You're going to miss the train!
I crashed the company car. My boss isn't going to be very happy!
In these examples, the present situation (black sky, the time, damaged car) gives us a good idea of what is going to
La forma GOING TO seguida de infinitivo se utiliza:

1) Para expresar la intencin de realizar en el futuro alguna accin que ya est decidida.
What are you going to do at the weekend?
Qu hars durante el fin de semana?
I'm going to visit a friend near Bogota.
Visitar (Tengo intenciones de visitar) a un amigo cerca de Bogot.

2) Para predecir acontecimientos futuros basndose en una evidencia presente. (Estos acontecimientos
suelen estar situados en un futuro prximo.)
Look at those clouds. It's going to rain.
Mira esas nubes. Llover. (Va a llover.)
Este ltimo uso no debe confundirse con el del tiempo Present Continuous el cual indica una accin que
est realizando en el momento en que se la menciona.

Compara ahora estas dos frases:
Going to + infinitivo: I'm going to answer it. (Lo responder; Voy a responderlo.)
Present continuous: I'm answering it. (Lo estoy respondiendo).

Esta estructura se construye con las formas del tiempo Present Continuous del verbo go (I'm going,
She's going, etc.) ms el infinitivo del verbo principal precedido de la partcula to (to visit, to answer,

Practica un poco leyendo en voz alta estos ejemplos:
I'm going to visit some friends this afternoon.
He's going to watch TV tomorrow.
She's going to leave in ten minutes.
We're going to play tennis at six o'clock.
You're going to paint the kitchen on Friday.
They're going to go to the movies next week.

Cuando el verbo en infinitivo que sigue a la forma going to es el mismo verbo go, la frase puede parecer
un poco confusa a causa de la repeticin verbal. Este tipo de frases se suelen abreviar de la siguiente

En lugar de: We're going to go to the cinema on Friday.
Se omite to go y se dice: We're going to the cinema on Friday.

Y en las preguntas suele omitirse tambin, a fin de evitar la redundancia verbal con el verbo go. Observa:

En lugar de: Where are you going to go?
Se omite to go y se dice: Where are you going to?

Las formas negativas e interrogativas se construyen de acuerdo con las normas que seguramente ya
conoces. Las formas negativas se construyen colocando la partcula not entre el verbo auxiliar y la forma
going to. Observa:

I'm not going to play tennis tomorrow.
He's not / He isn't going to watch TV this evening.

Las formas interrogativas se construyen invirtiendo el orden del sujeto y del verbo auxiliar. De este modo:

Are you going to stay at home tonight?
Is it going to rain?
What is he going to do?

En el habla coloquial la forma verbal going to a menudo se pronuncia /gona/ o /gana/, lo que a veces se
refleja en la forma escrita gonna. No obstante, esta forma coloquial no debe utilizarse en el lenguaje
escrito habitual, limitando su uso al lenguaje informal, como el empleado, por ejemplo, en la transcripcin
de canciones modernas.

Aqu tienes un mini-dilogo para que practiques cmo utilizan los norteamericanos el famoso gonna:

A: What are you gonna do tonight?
B: I'm gonna stay home.
A: What are you gonna do for your birthday?
B: I'm gonna go out with some friends.
A: Where are you gonna go?
B: We're gonna go to a restaurant.

Verbo TO DO Hacer
El verbo TO DO es otro de los verbos que se caracteriza por su amplia utilidad dentro del idioma ingles. Puede ser
empleado como verbo ordinario cuyo significado es HACER o como verbo auxiliar en diferentes tiempos verbales. El
siguiente cuadro muestra su conjugacin en el modo indicativo del Presente Simple:

El verbo HACER en el Pasado Simple tiene una nica forma de conjugacin como vemos a continuacin:

Cabe aclarar que dentro del idioma ingls se debe distinguir el verbo TO DO (hacer) del verbo TO MAKE (hacer de
fabricar) como por ejemplo:
I do my homework. Yo hago mi tarea.
I make cakes. Yo hago pasteles. (Hacer de fabricar)
I did my homework. Yo hice mi tarea.
I made cakes. Yo hice pasteles.
Como verbo auxiliar se utiliza para formar los modos interrogativo y negativo del Presente Simple y del Pasado Simple:
Do you study the lesson? Estudias la leccin?
You dont study the lesson. T no estudias la leccin.
Did you study the lesson? Estudiaste la leccin?
You didnt study the lesson. T no estudiaste la leccin.
I do
you do
he does
we do
you do
they do
I have done
you have done
he has done
we have done
you have done
they have done

I did
you did
he did
we did
you did
they did

I had done
you had done
he had done
we had done
you had done
they had done

I will do
you will do
he will do
we will do
you will do
they will do

Future perfect
I will have done
you will have done
he will have done
we will have done
you will have done
they will have done

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