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Industry Injury and Illness Data

Summary News Release - first release of survey data
(2012) (2011) (2010) (2009) (2008) (2007) (2006) (2005) (2004) (2003) (2002) (2001) (2000)
(1999) (1998) (1997) (1996) (1995) (1994)
Supplemental News Release Tables - data presented to supplement that presented in the
news release
(2012) (2011) (2010) (2009) (2008) (2007) (2006) (2005) (2004) (2003) (2002) (2001) (2000)
(1999) (1998) (1997) (1996) (1995) (1994)
Summary Tables - detailed industry data presenting incidence rates and numbers of injuries
and illnesses combined and injuries only
(2012) (2011) (2010) (2009) (2008) (2007) (2006) (2005) (2004) (2003) (2002) (2001) (2000)
(1999) (1998) (1997) (1996) (1995) (1994)
Quartile Data - incidence rates and quartile distributions for selected characteristics and
presented by detailed industry and establishment size (based on employment)
(2012) (2011) (2010) (2009) (2008) (2007) (2006) (2005) (2004) (2003) (2002) (2001) (2000)
(1999) (1998) (1997) (1996) (1995) (1994)
Illness Data - selected tables presenting work related illnesses
(2001) (2000) (1999) (1998) (1997) (1996) (1995) (1994)
Charts - for each release since 1996, charts have been prepared that present selected data
from the survey.
(2012 PDF) (2011 PDF) (2010 PDF) (2009 PDF) (2009 HTML) (2008) (2007) (2006) (2005)
(2004) (2003) (2002) (2001) (2000) (1999) (1998) (1997) (1996)

Industry Injury and Illness Data - 2012
Summary News Release
o Text and tables - 2012 (HTML) (PDF)

Supplemental News Release Tables
o SNR01. Highest rates for total cases - Injuries and Illnesses - 2012 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR02. Highest rates for cases with days away from work, restricted work activity, or
job transfer (DART) - Injuries and Illnesses - 2012 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR03. Highest rates for cases with days away from work - Injuries and illnesses -
2012 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR04. Highest rates for cases with days of job transfer or restriction - Injuries and
Illnesses - 2012 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR05. Injury cases - rates, counts, and percent relative standard errors - detailed
industry - 2012 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR06. Highest rates for total injury cases - 2012 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR07. Illness cases by category of illness - rates, counts, and percent - industry
division - 2012 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR08. Illness rates by category of illness - detailed industry - 2012 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR09. Percent relative standard errors of illness rates by category of illness -
detailed industry - 2012 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR10. Number of illnesses by category of illness - detailed industry - 2012 (TXT)
o SNR11. Percent relative standard errors of illness counts by category of illness -
detailed industry - 2012 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR12. Highest rates for total illness cases - 2012 (TXT) (PDF)
o Charts presenting the 2012 survey results (PDF)

Summary Tables and percent relative standard errors. The percent relative standard errors in
tables A1 and A2 are a measure of sampling error, one of the measures of the reliability of our survey
Table 1 - Incidence rates - detailed industry level - 2012 (TXT) (PDF)
o Table A1 - Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry rates - 2012 (TXT)
Table 2 - Number of cases - detailed industry level - 2012 (TXT) (PDF)
o Table A2 - Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry case counts - 2012

Quartile Data
Q1. Total recordable cases - injuries and illnesses - detailed industry by establishment size -
2012 (TXT) (PDF)
Q2. Cases with days away, restriction, and job transfer - injuries and illnesses - detailed
industry by establishment size - 2012 (TXT) (PDF)
Q3. Days away from work cases - injuries and illnesses - detailed industry by establishment
size - 2012 (TXT) (PDF)
Q4. Cases with days of job transfer or restriction - injuries and illnesses - detailed industry by
establishment size - 2012 (TXT) (PDF)
Q5. Other recordable cases - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
establishment size - 2012 (TXT) (PDF)
Q6. Total recordable cases - injuries only - detailed industry by establishment size - 2012
Industry Injury and Illness Data - 2011
Summary News Release
o Text and tables - 2011 (HTML) (PDF)

Supplemental News Release Tables
o SNR01. Highest rates for total cases - Injuries and Illnesses - 2011 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR02. Highest rates for cases with days away from work, restricted work activity, or
job transfer (DART) - Injuries and Illnesses - 2011 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR03. Highest rates for cases with days away from work - Injuries and illnesses -
2011 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR04. Highest rates for cases with days of job transfer or restriction - Injuries and
Illnesses - 2011 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR05. Injury cases - rates, counts, and percent relative standard errors - detailed
industry - 2011 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR06. Highest rates for total injury cases - 2011 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR07. Illness cases by category of illness - rates, counts, and percent - industry
division - 2011 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR08. Illness rates by category of illness - detailed industry - 2011 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR09. Percent relative standard errors of illness rates by category of illness -
detailed industry - 2011 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR10. Number of illnesses by category of illness - detailed industry - 2011 (TXT)
o SNR11. Percent relative standard errors of illness counts by category of illness -
detailed industry - 2011 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR12. Highest rates for total illness cases - 2011 (TXT) (PDF)
o Charts presenting the 2011 survey results (PDF)

Summary Tables and percent relative standard errors. The percent relative standard errors in
tables A1 and A2 are a measure of sampling error, one of the measures of the reliability of our survey
Table 1 - Incidence rates - detailed industry level - 2011 (TXT) (PDF)
o Table A1 - Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry rates - 2011 (TXT)
Table 2 - Number of cases - detailed industry level - 2011 (TXT) (PDF)
o Table A2 - Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry case counts - 2011

Quartile Data
Q1. Total recordable cases - injuries and illnesses - detailed industry by establishment size -
2011 (TXT) (PDF)
Q2. Cases with days away, restriction, and job transfer - injuries and illnesses - detailed
industry by establishment size - 2011 (TXT) (PDF)
Q3. Days away from work cases - injuries and illnesses - detailed industry by establishment
size - 2011 (TXT) (PDF)
Q4. Cases with days of job transfer or restriction - injuries and illnesses - detailed industry by
establishment size - 2011 (TXT) (PDF)
Q5. Other recordable cases - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
establishment size - 2011 (TXT) (PDF)
Q6. Total recordable cases - injuries only - detailed industry by establishment size - 2011
Industry Injury and Illness Data - 2010
Summary News Release
o Text and tables - 2010 (HTML) (PDF)

Supplemental News Release Tables
o SNR01. Highest rates for total cases - Injuries and Illnesses - 2010 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR02. Highest rates for cases with days away from work, restricted work activity, or
job transfer (DART) - Injuries and Illnesses - 2010 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR03. Highest rates for cases with days away from work - Injuries and illnesses -
2010 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR04. Highest rates for cases with days of job transfer or restriction - Injuries and
Illnesses - 2010 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR05. Injury cases - rates, counts, and percent relative standard errors - detailed
industry - 2010 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR06. Highest rates for total injury cases - 2010 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR07. Illness cases by category of illness - rates, counts, and percent - industry
division - 2010 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR08. Illness rates by category of illness - detailed industry - 2010 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR09. Percent relative standard errors of illness rates by category of illness -
detailed industry - 2010 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR10. Number of illnesses by category of illness - detailed industry - 2010 (TXT)
o SNR11. Percent relative standard errors of illness counts by category of illness -
detailed industry - 2010 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR12. Highest rates for total illness cases - 2010 (TXT) (PDF)
o Charts presenting the 2010 survey results (PDF)

Summary Tables and percent relative standard errors. The percent relative standard errors in
tables A1 and A2 are a measure of sampling error, one of the measures of the reliability of our survey
Table 1 - Incidence rates - detailed industry level - 2010 (TXT) (PDF)
o Table A1 - Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry rates - 2010 (TXT)
Table 2 - Number of cases - detailed industry level - 2010 (TXT) (PDF)
o Table A2 - Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry case counts - 2010

Quartile Data
Q1. Total recordable cases - injuries and illnesses - detailed industry by establishment size -
2010 (TXT) (PDF)
Q2. Cases with days away, restriction, and job transfer - injuries and illnesses - detailed
industry by establishment size - 2010 (TXT) (PDF)
Q3. Days away from work cases - injuries and illnesses - detailed industry by establishment
size - 2010 (TXT) (PDF)
Q4. Cases with days of job transfer or restriction - injuries and illnesses - detailed industry by
establishment size - 2010 (TXT) (PDF)
Q5. Other recordable cases - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
establishment size - 2010 (TXT) (PDF)
Q6. Total recordable cases - injuries only - detailed industry by establishment size - 2010
Industry Injury and Illness Data - 2009
Summary News Release
o Text and tables - 2009 (HTML) (PDF)

Supplemental News Release Tables
o SNR01. Highest rates for total cases - Injuries and Illnesses - 2009 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR02. Highest rates for cases with days away from work, restricted work activity, or
job transfer (DART) - Injuries and Illnesses - 2009 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR03. Highest rates for cases with days away from work - Injuries and illnesses -
2009 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR04. Highest rates for cases with days of job transfer or restriction - Injuries and
Illnesses - 2009 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR05. Injury cases - rates, counts, and percent relative standard errors - detailed
industry - 2009 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR06. Highest rates for total injury cases - 2009 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR07. Illness cases by category of illness - rates, counts, and percent - industry
division - 2009 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR08. Illness rates by category of illness - detailed industry - 2009 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR09. Percent relative standard errors of illness rates by category of illness -
detailed industry - 2009 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR10. Number of illnesses by category of illness - detailed industry - 2009 (TXT)
o SNR11. Percent relative standard errors of illness counts by category of illness -
detailed industry - 2009 (TXT) (PDF)
o SNR12. Highest rates for total illness cases - 2009 (TXT) (PDF)
o Charts presenting the 2009 survey results (PDF) (HTML)

Summary Tables and percent relative standard errors. The percent relative standard errors in
tables A1 and A2 are a measure of sampling error, one of the measures of the reliability of our survey
Table 1 - Incidence rates - detailed industry level - 2009 (TXT) (PDF)
o Table A1 - Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry rates - 2009 (TXT)
Table 2 - Number of cases - detailed industry level - 2009 (TXT) (PDF)
o Table A2 - Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry case counts - 2009

Quartile Data
Q1. Total recordable cases - injuries and illnesses - detailed industry by establishment size -
2009 (TXT) (PDF)
Q2. Cases with days away, restriction, and job transfer - injuries and illnesses - detailed
industry by establishment size - 2009 (TXT) (PDF)
Q3. Days away from work cases - injuries and illnesses - detailed industry by establishment
size - 2009 (TXT) (PDF)
Q4. Cases with days of job transfer or restriction - injuries and illnesses - detailed industry by
establishment size - 2009 (TXT) (PDF)
Q5. Other recordable cases - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
establishment size - 2009 (TXT) (PDF)
Q6. Total recordable cases - injuries only - detailed industry by establishment size - 2009
Industry Injury and Illness Data - 2008
Summary News Release
o Text and tables - 2008 (TXT) (PDF 160K)

Supplemental News Release Tables
o SNR01. Highest rates for total cases - Injuries and Illnesses - 2008 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR02. Highest rates for cases with days away from work, restricted work activity, or
job transfer (DART) - Injuries and Illnesses - 2008 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR03. Highest rates for cases with days away from work - Injuries and illnesses -
2008 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR04. Highest rates for cases with days of job transfer or restriction - Injuries and
Illnesses - 2008 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR05. Injury cases - rates, counts, and percent relative standard errors - detailed
industry - 2008 (TXT) (PDF 9K)
o SNR06. Highest rates for total injury cases - 2008 (TXT) (PDF 24K)
o SNR07. Illness cases by category of illness - rates, counts, and percent - industry
division - 2008 (TXT) (PDF 19K)
o SNR08. Illness rates by category of illness - detailed industry - 2008 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR09. Percent relative standard errors of illness rates by category of illness -
detailed industry - 2008 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR10. Number of illnesses by category of illness - detailed industry - 2008 (TXT)
(PDF 10K)
o SNR11. Percent relative standard errors of illness counts by category of illness -
detailed industry - 2008 (TXT) (PDF 17K)
o SNR12. Highest rates for total illness cases - 2008 (TXT) (PDF 17K)
o Charts presenting the 2008 survey results (PDF 103K)

Summary Tables and percent relative standard errors. The percent relative standard errors in
tables A1 and A2 are a measure of sampling error, one of the measures of the reliability of our survey
Table 1 - Incidence rates - detailed industry level - 2008 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
o Table A1 - Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry rates - 2008 (TXT)
(PDF 112K)
Table 2 - Number of cases - detailed industry level - 2008 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
o Table A2 - Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry case counts - 2008
(TXT) (PDF 112K)

Quartile Data
Q1. Total recordable cases - injuries and illnesses - detailed industry by establishment size -
2008 (TXT) (PDF 229K)
Q2. Cases with days away, restriction, and job transfer - injuries and illnesses - detailed
industry by establishment size - 2008 (TXT) (PDF 241K)
Q3. Days away from work cases - injuries and illnesses - detailed industry by establishment
size - 2008 (TXT) (PDF 248K)
Q4. Cases with days of job transfer or restriction - injuries and illnesses - detailed industry by
establishment size - 2008 (TXT) (PDF 257K)
Q5. Other recordable cases - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
establishment size - 2008 (TXT) (PDF 239K)
Q6. Total recordable cases - injuries only - detailed industry by establishment size - 2008
(TXT) (PDF 233K)
Industry Injury and Illness Data - 2007
Summary News Release
o Text and tables - 2007 (TXT) (PDF 160K)

Supplemental News Release Tables
o SNR01. Highest rates for total cases - Injuries and Illnesses - 2007 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR02. Highest rates for cases with days away from work, restricted work activity, or
job transfer (DART) - Injuries and Illnesses - 2007 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR03. Highest rates for cases with days away from work - Injuries and illnesses -
2007 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR04. Highest rates for cases with days of job transfer or restriction - Injuries and
Illnesses - 2007 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR05. Injury cases - rates, counts, and percent relative standard errors - detailed
industry - 2007 (TXT) (PDF 9K)
o SNR06. Highest rates for total injury cases - 2007 (TXT) (PDF 24K)
o SNR07. Illness cases by category of illness - rates, counts, and percent - industry
division - 2007 (TXT) (PDF 19K)
o SNR08. Illness rates by category of illness - detailed industry - 2007 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR09. Percent relative standard errors of illness rates by category of illness -
detailed industry - 2007 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR10. Number of illnesses by category of illness - detailed industry - 2007 (TXT)
(PDF 10K)
o SNR11. Percent relative standard errors of illness counts by category of illness -
detailed industry - 2007 (TXT) (PDF 17K)
o SNR12. Highest rates for total illness cases - 2007 (TXT) (PDF 17K)
o Charts presenting the 2007 survey results (PDF 103K)

Summary Tables and percent relative standard errors. The percent relative standard errors in
tables A1 and A2 are a measure of sampling error, one of the measures of the reliability of our survey
Table 1 - Incidence rates - detailed industry level - 2007 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
o Table A1 - Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry rates - 2007 (TXT)
(PDF 112K)
Table 2 - Number of cases - detailed industry level - 2007 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
o Table A2 - Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry case counts - 2007
(TXT) (PDF 112K)

Quartile Data
Q1. Total recordable cases - injuries and illnesses - detailed industry by establishment size -
2007 (TXT) (PDF 229K)
Q2. Cases with days away, restriction, and job transfer - injuries and illnesses - detailed
industry by establishment size - 2007 (TXT) (PDF 241K)
Q3. Days away from work cases - injuries and illnesses - detailed industry by establishment
size - 2007 (TXT) (PDF 248K)
Q4. Cases with days of job transfer or restriction - injuries and illnesses - detailed industry by
establishment size - 2007 (TXT) (PDF 257K)
Q5. Other recordable cases - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
establishment size - 2007 (TXT) (PDF 239K)
Q6. Total recordable cases - injuries only - detailed industry by establishment size - 2007
(TXT) (PDF 233K)

Industry Injury and Illness Data - 2006
Summary News Release
o Text and tables - 2006 (TXT) (PDF 160K)

Supplemental News Release Tables
o SNR01. Highest rates for total cases - Injuries and Illnesses - 2006 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR02. Highest rates for cases with days away from work, restricted work activity, or
job transfer (DART) - Injuries and Illnesses - 2006 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR03. Highest rates for cases with days away from work - Injuries and illnesses -
2006 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR04. Highest rates for cases with days of job transfer or restriction - Injuries and
Illnesses - 2006 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR05. Injury cases - rates, counts, and percent relative standard errors - detailed
industry - 2006 (TXT) (PDF 9K)
o SNR06. Highest rates for total injury cases - 2006 (TXT) (PDF 24K)
o SNR07. Illness cases by category of illness - rates, counts, and percent - industry
division - 2006 (TXT) (PDF 19K)
o SNR08. Illness rates by category of illness - detailed industry - 2006 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR09. Percent relative standard errors of illness rates by category of illness -
detailed industry - 2006 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR10. Number of illnesses by category of illness - detailed industry - 2006 (TXT)
(PDF 10K)
o SNR11. Percent relative standard errors of illness counts by category of illness -
detailed industry - 2006 (TXT) (PDF 17K)
o SNR12. Highest rates for total illness cases - 2006 (TXT) (PDF 17K)
o Charts presenting the 2006 survey results (PDF 103K)

Summary Tables and percent relative standard errors. The percent relative standard errors in
tables A1 and A2 are a measure of sampling error, one of the measures of the reliability of our survey
Table 1 - Incidence rates - detailed industry level - 2006 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
o Table A1 - Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry rates - 2006 (TXT)
(PDF 112K)
Table 2 - Number of cases - detailed industry level - 2006 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
o Table A2 - Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry case counts - 2006
(TXT) (PDF 112K)

Quartile Data
Q1. Total recordable cases - injuries and illnesses - detailed industry by establishment size -
2006 (TXT) (PDF 229K)
Q2. Cases with days away, restriction, and job transfer - injuries and illnesses - detailed
industry by establishment size - 2006 (TXT) (PDF 241K)
Q3. Days away from work cases - injuries and illnesses - detailed industry by establishment
size - 2006 (TXT) (PDF 248K)
Q4. Cases with days of job transfer or restriction - injuries and illnesses - detailed industry by
establishment size - 2006 (TXT) (PDF 257K)
Q5. Other recordable cases - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
establishment size - 2006 (TXT) (PDF 239K)
Q6. Total recordable cases - injuries only - detailed industry by establishment size - 2006
(TXT) (PDF 233K)

Industry Injury and Illness Data - 2005
Summary News Release
o Text and tables - 2005 (TXT) (PDF 160K)

Supplemental News Release Tables
o SNR01. Highest rates for total cases - Injuries and Illnesses - 2005 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR02. Highest rates for cases with days away from work, restricted work activity, or
job transfer (DART) - Injuries and Illnesses - 2005 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR03. Highest rates for cases with days away from work - Injuries and illnesses -
2005 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR04. Highest rates for cases with days of job transfer or restriction - Injuries and
Illnesses - 2005 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR05. Injury cases - rates, counts, and percent relative standard errors - detailed
industry - 2005 (TXT) (PDF 9K)
o SNR06. Highest rates for total injury cases - 2005 (TXT) (PDF 24K)
o SNR07. Illness cases by category of illness - rates, counts, and percent - industry
division - 2005 (TXT) (PDF 19K)
o SNR08. Illness rates by category of illness - detailed industry - 2005 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR09. Percent relative standard errors of illness rates by category of illness -
detailed industry - 2005 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR10. Number of illnesses by category of illness - detailed industry - 2005 (TXT)
(PDF 10K)
o SNR11. Percent relative standard errors of illness counts by category of illness -
detailed industry - 2005 (TXT) (PDF 17K)
o SNR12. Highest rates for total illness cases - 2005 (TXT) (PDF 17K)
o Charts presenting the 2005 survey results (PDF 103K)

Summary Tables and percent relative standard errors. The percent relative standard errors in
tables A1 and A2 are a measure of sampling error, one of the measures of the reliability of our survey
Table 1 - Incidence rates - detailed industry level - 2005 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
o Table A1 - Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry rates - 2005 (TXT)
(PDF 112K)
Table 2 - Number of cases - detailed industry level - 2005 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
o Table A2 - Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry case counts - 2005
(TXT) (PDF 112K)

Quartile Data
Q1. Total recordable cases - injuries and illnesses - detailed industry by establishment size -
2005 (TXT) (PDF 229K)
Q2. Cases with days away, restriction, and job transfer - injuries and illnesses - detailed
industry by establishment size - 2005 (TXT) (PDF 241K)
Q3. Days away from work cases - injuries and illnesses - detailed industry by establishment
size - 2005 (TXT) (PDF 248K)
Q4. Cases with days of job transfer or restriction - injuries and illnesses - detailed industry by
establishment size - 2005 (TXT) (PDF 257K)
Q5. Other recordable cases - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
establishment size - 2005 (TXT) (PDF 239K)
Q6. Total recordable cases - injuries only - detailed industry by establishment size - 2005
(TXT) (PDF 233K)

Industry Injury and Illness Data - 2004
Summary News Release
o Text and tables - 2004 (TXT) (PDF 160K)

Supplemental News Release Tables
o SNR01. Highest rates for total cases - Injuries and Illnesses - 2004 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR02. Highest rates for cases with days away from work, restricted work activity, or
job transfer (DART) - Injuries and Illnesses - 2004 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR03. Highest rates for cases with days away from work - Injuries and illnesses -
2004 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR04. Highest rates for cases with days of job transfer or restriction - Injuries and
Illnesses - 2004 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR05. Injury cases - rates, counts, and percent relative standard errors - detailed
industry - 2004 (TXT) (PDF 9K)
o SNR06. Highest rates for total injury cases - 2004 (TXT) (PDF 24K)
o SNR07. Illness cases by category of illness - rates, counts, and percent - industry
division - 2004 (TXT) (PDF 19K)
o SNR08. Illness rates by category of illness - detailed industry - 2004 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR09. Percent relative standard errors of illness rates by category of illness -
detailed industry - 2004 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR10. Number of illnesses by category of illness - detailed industry - 2004 (TXT)
(PDF 10K)
o SNR11. Percent relative standard errors of illness counts by category of illness -
detailed industry - 2004 (TXT) (PDF 17K)
o SNR12. Highest rates for total illness cases - 2004 (TXT) (PDF 17K)
o Charts presenting the 2004 survey results (PDF 103K)

Summary Tables and percent relative standard errors. The percent relative standard errors in
tables A1 and A2 are a measure of sampling error, one of the measures of the reliability of our survey
Table 1 - Incidence rates - detailed industry level - 2004 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
o Table A1 - Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry rates - 2004 (TXT)
(PDF 112K)
Table 2 - Number of cases - detailed industry level - 2004 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
o Table A2 - Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry case counts - 2004
(TXT) (PDF 112K)

Quartile Data
Q1. Total recordable cases - injuries and illnesses - detailed industry by establishment size -
2004 (TXT) (PDF 229K)
Q2. Cases with days away, restriction, and job transfer - injuries and illnesses - detailed
industry by establishment size - 2004 (TXT) (PDF 241K)
Q3. Days away from work cases - injuries and illnesses - detailed industry by establishment
size - 2004 (TXT) (PDF 248K)
Q4. Cases with days of job transfer or restriction - injuries and illnesses - detailed industry by
establishment size - 2004 (TXT) (PDF 257K)
Q5. Other recordable cases - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
establishment size - 2004 (TXT) (PDF 239K)
Q6. Total recordable cases - injuries only - detailed industry by establishment size - 2004
(TXT) (PDF 233K)

Industry Injury and Illness Data - 2003
Summary News Release
o Text and tables - 2003 (TXT) (PDF 160K)

Supplemental News Release Tables
o SNR01. Highest rates for total cases - Injuries and Illnesses - 2003 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR02. Highest rates for cases with days away from work, restricted work activity, or
job transfer (DART) - Injuries and Illnesses - 2003 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR03. Highest rates for cases with days away from work - Injuries and illnesses -
2003 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR04. Highest rates for cases with days of job transfer or restriction - Injuries and
Illnesses - 2003 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR05. Injury cases - rates, counts, and percent relative standard errors - detailed
industry - 2003 (TXT) (PDF 9K)
o SNR06. Highest rates for total injury cases - 2003 (TXT) (PDF 24K)
o SNR07. Illness cases by category of illness - rates, counts, and percent - industry
division - 2003 (TXT) (PDF 19K)
o SNR08. Illness rates by category of illness - detailed industry - 2003 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR09. Percent relative standard errors of illness rates by category of illness -
detailed industry - 2003 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR10. Number of illnesses by category of illness - detailed industry - 2003 (TXT)
(PDF 10K)
o SNR11. Percent relative standard errors of illness counts by category of illness -
detailed industry - 2003 (TXT) (PDF 17K)
o SNR12. Highest rates for total illness cases - 2003 (TXT) (PDF 17K)
o Charts presenting the 2003 survey results (PDF 103K)

Summary Tables and percent relative standard errors. The percent relative standard errors in
tables A1 and A2 are a measure of sampling error, one of the measures of the reliability of our survey
Table 1 - Incidence rates - detailed industry level - 2003 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
o Table A1 - Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry rates - 2003 (TXT)
(PDF 112K)
Table 2 - Number of cases - detailed industry level - 2003 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
o Table A2 - Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry case counts - 2003
(TXT) (PDF 112K)

Quartile Data
Q1. Total recordable cases - injuries and illnesses - detailed industry by establishment size -
2003 (TXT) (PDF 229K)
Q2. Cases with days away, restriction, and job transfer - injuries and illnesses - detailed
industry by establishment size - 2003 (TXT) (PDF 241K)
Q3. Days away from work cases - injuries and illnesses - detailed industry by establishment
size - 2003 (TXT) (PDF 248K)
Q4. Cases with days of job transfer or restriction - injuries and illnesses - detailed industry by
establishment size - 2003 (TXT) (PDF 257K)
Q5. Other recordable cases - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
establishment size - 2003 (TXT) (PDF 239K)
Q6. Total recordable cases - injuries only - detailed industry by establishment size - 2003
(TXT) (PDF 233K)

Industry Injury and Illness Data - 2002
Summary News Release
o Text and tables - 2002 (TXT) (PDF 160K)

Supplemental News Release Tables
o SNR01. Highest rates for total cases - Injuries and Illnesses - 2002 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR02. Highest rates for cases with days away from work, restricted work activity, or
job transfer (DART) - Injuries and Illnesses - 2002 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR03. Highest rates for cases with days away from work - Injuries and illnesses -
2002 (TXT)(PDF 11K)
o SNR04. Highest rates for cases with days of job transfer or restriction - Injuries and
Illnesses - 2002 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR05. Injury cases - rates, counts, and percent relative standard errors - detailed
industry - 2002 (TXT) (PDF 9K)
o SNR06. Highest rates for total injury cases - 2002 (TXT) (PDF 24K)
o SNR07. Illness cases by category of illness - rates, counts, and percent - industry
division - 2002 (TXT) (PDF 19K)
o SNR08. Illness rates by category of illness - detailed industry - 2002 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR09. Percent relative standard errors of illness rates by category of illness -
detailed industry - 2002 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o SNR10. Number of illnesses by category of illness - detailed industry - 2002 (TXT)
(PDF 10K)
o SNR11. Percent relative standard errors of illness counts by category of illness -
detailed indutry - 2002 (TXT) (PDF 17K)
o SNR12. Highest rates for total illness cases - 2002 (TXT) (PDF 17K)
o Charts presenting the 2002 survey results (PDF 103K)

Summary Tables and percent relative standard errors. The percent relative standard errors
in tables A1 and A2 are a measure of sampling error, one of the measures of the reliability of
our survey estimates.
o Table 1 - Incidence rates - detailed industry level - 2002 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
Table A1 - Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry rates - 2002
(TXT) (PDF 112K)
o Table 2 - Number of cases - detailed industry level - 2002 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
Table A2 - Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry case counts -
2002 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
Quartile Data
o Q1. Total recordable cases - injuries and illnesses - detailed industry by establishment
size - 2002 (TXT) (PDF 229K)
o Q2. Cases with days away, restriction, and job transfer - injuries and illnesses -
detailed industry by establishment size - 2002 (TXT) (PDF 241K)
o Q3. Days away from work cases - injuries and illnesses - detailed industry by
establishment size - 2002 (TXT) (PDF 248K)
o Q4. Cases with days of job transfer or restriction - injuries and illnesses - detailed
industry by establishment size - 2002 (TXT) (PDF 257K)
o Q5. Other recordable cases - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
establishment size - 2002 (TXT) (PDF 239K)
o Q6. Total recordable cases - injuries only - detailed industry by establishment size -
2002 (TXT) (PDF 233K)

Industry Injury and Illness Data - 2001
Summary News Release
o Text and tables - 2001 (TXT) (PDF 160K)

Supplemental News Release Tables
o S01. Highest rates for total cases - Injuries and Illnesses - 2001 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o S02. Highest rates for lost workday cases - Injuries and Illnesses - 2001 (TXT) (PDF
o S03A. Highest rates for cases with days away from work - Inj/Ill - 2001 (TXT) (PDF
o S03B. Highest rates for cases with days of restricted work activity only - Inj/Ill - 2001
(TXT) (PDF 11K)
o S04. Highest rates for total cases - Injuries only -2001 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o S05. Highest rates for lost workday cases - Injuries only - 2001 (TXT )(PDF 11K)
o S06A. Highest rates for cases with days away from work - Injuries only - 2001 (TXT)
(PDF 11K)
o S06B. Highest rates for cases with days of restricted work activity only - Injuries only -
2001 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o S07. Industries with 100,000 or more injuries and illnesses - 2001 (TXT) (PDF 9K)
o S08. Illnesses by type of illness - rates, numbers, and percent - 1997-2001 (TXT) (PDF
o S09. Illnesses by type by industry division - 2001 (TXT) (PDF 19K)
o S10. Highest rates of repeated trauma disorders (w/number of cases)- 2001 (TXT)
(PDF 11K)
o S11. Highest rates of repeated trauma disorders - 2001 vs 2000 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o S12. Highest number of repeated trauma disorders (3-digit Industry) - 2001 vs 2000
(TXT) (PDF 10K)
o S13. Number of injury cases by 2-digit SIC - 2001 (TXT) (PDF 17K)
o Charts presenting the 2001 survey results (PDF 103K)

Summary Tables and percent relative standard errors. The percent relative standard errors
in tables A1 and A2 are a measure of sampling error, one of the measures of the reliability of
our survey estimates.
o Table 1 - Incidence rates - detailed industry level - 2001 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
Table A1 - Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry rates - 2001
(TXT) (PDF 112K)
o Table 2 - Number of cases - detailed industry level - 2001 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
Table A2 - Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry case counts -
2001 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
Quartile Data
o Total recordable cases - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
establishment size - 2001 (TXT) (PDF 229K)
o Lost workday cases - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
establishment size - 2001 (TXT) (PDF 241K)
o Days away from work cases - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
establishment size - 2001 (TXT) (PDF 248K)
o Cases with days of restricted work activity only - injuries and illnesses combined -
detailed industry by establishment size - 2001 (TXT) (PDF 257K)
o Cases without lost workdays - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
establishment size - 2001 (TXT) (PDF 239K)
o Total recordable cases - injuries only - detailed industry by establishment size - 2001
(TXT) (PDF 233K)
o Lost workday cases - injuries only - detailed industry by establishment size - 2001
(TXT) (PDF 246K)
o Days away from work cases - injuries only - detailed industry by establishment size -
2001 (TXT) (PDF 254K)
o Cases with days of restricted work activity only - injuries only - detailed industry by
establishment size - 2001 (TXT) (PDF 260K)
o Cases without lost workdays - injuries only - detailed industry by establishment size -
2001 (TXT) (PDF 244K)
Illness Data
o Illnesses by type
S14. Incidence rates by detailed industry - 2001 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
S15. Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry rates -
2001 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
S16. Number of cases by detailed industry - 2001 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
S17. Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry case
counts - 2001 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
S08. Rates, numbers, and percents - 1997-2001 (TXT) (PDF 24K)
o Repeated trauma
S10. Highest rates of repeated trauma disorders (w/number of cases)- 2001
(TXT) (PDF 11K)
S11. Highest rates of repeated trauma disorders - 2001 vs 2000 (TXT) (PDF
S12. Highest number of repeated trauma disorders (3-digit Industry) - 2001
vs 2000 (TXT) (PDF 10K)
S18. Incidence rates, number of cases and percent relative standard errors of
repeated trauma disorders (most detailed industry level) - 2001 (TXT) (PDF

Industry Injury and Illness Data - 2000
Summary News Release
o Text and tables - 2000 (TXT ) (PDF 160K)

Supplemental News Release Tables
o S01. Highest rates for total cases - injuries and illnesses - 2000 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o S02. Highest rates for lost workday cases - injuries and illnesses - 2000 (TXT) (PDF
o S03. Highest rates for cases with days away from work - Inj/Ill - 2000 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o S04. Highest rates for total cases - injuries only -2000 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o S05. Highest rates for lost workday cases - injuries only - 2000 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o S06. Highest rates for cases with days away from work - Injuries only - 2000 (TXT)
(PDF 11K)
o S07. Industries with 100,000 or more injuries and illnesses - 2000 (TXT) (PDF 9K)
o S08. Illnesses by type of illness - rates, numbers, and percent - 1996-2000 (TXT) (PDF
o S09. Illnesses by type by industry division - 2000 (TXT) (PDF 19K)
o S10. Highest rates of repeated trauma disorders (w/number of cases)- 2000 (TXT)
(PDF 11K)
o S11. Highest rates of repeated trauma disorders - 2000 vs 1999 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o S12. Highest number of repeated trauma disorders (3-digit Industry) - 2000 vs 1999
(TXT) (PDF 10K)
o S13. Number of injury cases by 2-digit SIC - 2000 (TXT) (PDF 17K)
o Charts presenting the 2000 survey results (PDF 103K)

Summary Tables and percent relative standard errors. The percent relative standard errors
in tables A1 and A2 are a measure of sampling error, one of the measures of the reliability of
our survey estimates.
o Table 1 - Incidence rates - detailed industry level - 2000 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
Table A1 - Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry rates - 2000
(TXT) (PDF 112K)
o Table 2 - Number of cases - detailed industry level - 2000 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
Table A2 - Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry case counts -
2000 (TXT) (PDF 112K)

Quartile Data
o Total recordable cases - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
establishment size - 2000 (TXT) (PDF 229K)
o Lost workday cases - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
establishment size - 2000 (TXT) (PDF 241K)
o Days away from work cases - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
establishment size - 2000 (TXT) (PDF 248K)
o Cases with days of restricted work activity only - injuries and illnesses combined -
detailed industry by establishment size - 2000 (TXT) (PDF 257K)
o Cases without lost workdays - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
establishment size - 2000 (TXT) (PDF 239K)
o Total recordable cases - injuries only - detailed industry by estabishment size - 2000
(TXT) (PDF 233K)
o Lost workday cases - injuries only - detailed industry by establishment size - 2000
(TXT) (PDF 246K)
o Days away from work cases - injuries only - detailed industry by establishment size -
2000 (TXT) (PDF 254K)
o Cases with days of restricted work activity only - injuries only - detailed industry by
establishment size - 2000 (TXT) (PDF 260K)
o Cases without lost workdays - injuries only - detailed industry by establishment size -
2000 (TXT) (PDF 244K)

Illness Data
o Illnesses by type
S14. Incidence rates by detailed industry - 2000 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
S15. Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry rates -
2000 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
S16. Number of cases by detailed industry - 2000 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
S17. Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry case
counts - 2000 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
S08. Rates, numbers, and percents - 1996-2000 (TXT) (PDF 24K)
o Repeated trauma
S10. Highest rates of repeated trauma disorders (w/number of cases)- 2000
(TXT) (PDF 11K)
S11. Highest rates of repeated trauma disorders - 2000 vs 1999 (TXT) (PDF
S12. Highest number of repeated trauma disorders (3-digit Industry) - 2000
vs 1999 (TXT) (PDF 10K)
S18. Incidence rates, number of cases and percent relative standard errors of
repeated trauma disorders (most detailed industry level) - 2000 (TXT) (PDF

Industry Injury and Illness Data - 1999
Summary News Release
o Text and tables - 1999 (TXT ) (PDF 160K)

Supplemental News Release Tables
o S01. Highest rates for total cases - injuries and illnesses - 1999 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o S02. Highest rates for lost workday cases - injuries and illnesses - 1999 (TXT) (PDF
o S03. Highest rates for cases with days away from work - Inj/Ill - 1999 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o S04. Highest rates for total cases - injuries only -1999 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o S05. Highest rates for lost workday cases - injuries only - 1999 (TXT )(PDF 11K)
o S06. Highest rates for cases with days away from work - Injuries only - 1999 (TXT)
(PDF 11K)
o S07. Industries with 100,000 or more injuries and illnesses - 1999 (TXT) (PDF 9K)
o S08. Illnesses by type of illness - rates, numbers, and percent - 1995-1999 (TXT) (PDF
o S09. Illnesses by type by industry division - 1999 (TXT) (PDF 19K)
o S10. Highest rates of repeated trauma disorders(w/number of cases)- 1999 (TXT)
(PDF 11K)
o S11. Highest rates of repeated trauma disorders - 1999 vs 1998 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o S12. Highest number of repeated trauma disorders (3-digit Industry) - 1999 vs 1998
(TXT) (PDF 10K)
o S13. Number of injury cases by 2-digit SIC - 1999 (TXT) (PDF 17K)
o Charts presenting the 1999 survey results (PDF 103K)

Summary Tables and percent relative standard errors. The percent relative standard errors
in tables A1 and A2 are a measure of sampling error, one of the measures of the reliability of
our survey estimates.
o Table 1 - Incidence rates - detailed industry level - 1999 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
Table A1 - Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry rates - 1999
(TXT) (PDF 112K)
o Table 2 - Number of cases - detailed industry level - 1999 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
Table A2 - Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry case counts -
1999 (TXT) (PDF 112K)

Quartile Data
o Total recordable cases - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
estabishment size - 1999 (TXT) (PDF 229K)
o Lost workday cases - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
establishment size - 1999 (TXT) (PDF 241K)
o Days away from work cases - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
establishment size - 1999 (TXT) (PDF 248K)
o Cases with days of restricted work activity only - injuries and illnesses combined -
detailed industry by establishment size - 1999 (TXT) (PDF 257K)
o Cases without lost workdays - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
establishment size - 1999 (TXT) (PDF 239K)
o Total recordable cases - injuries only - detailed industry by estabishment size - 1999
(TXT) (PDF 233K)
o Lost workday cases - injuries only - detailed industry by establishment size - 1999
(TXT) (PDF 246K)
o Days away from work cases - injuries only - detailed industry by establishment size -
1999 (TXT) (PDF 254K)
o Cases with days of restricted work activity only - injuries only - detailed industry by
establishment size - 1999 (TXT) (PDF 260K)
o Cases without lost workdays - injuries only - detailed industry by establishment size -
1999 (TXT) (PDF 244K)

Illness Data
o Illnesses by type
S14. Incidence rates by detailed industry - 1999 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
S15. Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry rates -
1999 (TXT ) (PDF 112K)
S16. Number of cases by detailed industry - 1999 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
S17. Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry case
counts - 1999 (TXT ) (PDF 112K)
S08. Rates, numbers, and percents - 1995-1999 (TXT) (PDF 24K)
o Repeated trauma
S10. Highest rates of repeated trauma disorders(w/number of cases)- 1999
(TXT) (PDF 11K)
S11. Highest rates of repeated trauma disorders - 1999 vs 1998 (TXT) (PDF
S12. Highest number of repeated trauma disorders (3-digit Industry) - 1999
vs 1998 (TXT) (PDF 10K)
S18. Incidence rates, number of cases and percent relative standard errors of
repeated trauma disorders (most detailed industry level) - 1999 (TXT) (PDF

Industry Injury and Illness Data - 1998
Summary News Release
o Text and tables - 1998 (TXT ) (PDF 160K)
Supplemental News Release Tables
o Highest rates for total cases - injuries and illnesses - 1998 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o Highest rates for total cases - injuries only -1998 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o Highest rates for lost workday cases - injuries and illnesses - 1998 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o Highest rates for lost workday cases - injuries only - 1998 (TXT )(PDF 11K)
o Highest rates for cases with days away from work - Inj/Ill - 1998 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o Highest rates for cases with days away from work - Injuries only - 1998 (TXT) (PDF
o Industries with 100,000 or more injuries and illnesses - 1998 (TXT) (PDF 9K)
o Illnesses by type of illness - rates, numbers, and percent - 1994-1998 (TXT) (PDF 24K)
o Illnesses by type by industry division - 1998 (TXT) (PDF 19K)
o Highest rates of repeated trauma disorders(w/number of cases)- 1998 (TXT) (PDF
o Highest rates of repeated trauma disorders - 1998 vs 1997 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o Highest number of repeated trauma disorders (3-digit Industry) - 1998 vs 1997 (TXT)
(PDF 10K)
o Number of injury cases by 2-digit SIC - 1998 (TXT) (PDF 17K)
o Charts presenting the 1998 survey results (PDF 103K)
Summary Tables and percent relative standard errors. The percent relative standard errors
in tables A1 and A1 are a measure of sampling error, one of the measures of the reliability of
our survey estimates.
o Table 1 - Incidence rates - detailed industry level - 1998 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
Table A1 - Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry rates - 1998
(TXT) (PDF 112K)
o Table 2 - Number of cases - detailed industry level - 1998 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
Table A2 - Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry case counts -
1998 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
Quartile Data
o Total recordable cases - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
estabishment size - 1998 (TXT) (PDF 229K)
o Lost workday cases - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
establishment size - 1998 (TXT) (PDF 241K)
o Days away from work cases - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
establishment size - 1998 (TXT) (PDF 248K)
o Cases with days of restricted work activity only - injuries and illnesses combined -
detailed industry by establishment size - 1998 (TXT) (PDF 257K)
o Cases without lost workdays - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
establishment size - 1998 (TXT) (PDF 239K)
o Total recordable cases - injuries only - detailed industry by estabishment size - 1998
(TXT) (PDF 233K)
o Lost workday cases - injuries only - detailed industry by establishment size - 1998
(TXT) (PDF 246K)
o Days away from work cases - injuries only - detailed industry by establishment size -
1998 (TXT) (PDF 254K)
o Cases with days of restricted work activity only - injuries only - detailed industry by
establishment size - 1998 (TXT) (PDF 260K)
o Cases without lost workdays - injuries only - detailed industry by establishment size -
1998 (TXT) (PDF 244K)
Illness Data
o Illnesses by type
Incidence rates by detailed industry - 1998 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry rates - 1998
(TXT ) (PDF 112K)
Number of cases by detailed industry - 1998 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry case counts -
1998 (TXT ) (PDF 112K)
Rates, numbers, and percents - 1994-1998 (TXT) (PDF 24K)
o Repeated trauma
Highest rates of repeated trauma disorders(w/number of cases)- 1998 (TXT)
(PDF 11K)
Highest rates of repeated trauma disorders - 1998 vs 1997 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
Highest number of repeated trauma disorders (3-digit Industry) - 1998 vs
1997 (TXT) (PDF 10K)
Incidence rates, number of cases and percent relative standard errors of
repeated trauma disorders (most detailed industry level) - 1998 (TXT) (PDF

Industry Injury and Illness Data - 1997
Summary News Release
o Text and tables - 1997 (TXT ) (PDF 160K)
Supplemental News Release Tables
o Highest rates for total cases - injuries and illnesses - 1997 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o Highest rates for total cases - injuries only -1997 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o Highest rates for lost workday cases - injuries and illnesses - 1997 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o Highest rates for lost workday cases - injuries only - 1997 (TXT )(PDF 11K)
o Highest rates for cases with days away from work - Inj/Ill - 1997 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o Highest rates for cases with days away from work - Injuries only - 1997 (TXT) (PDF
o Industries with 100,000 or more injuries and illnesses - 1997 (TXT) (PDF 9K)
o Illnesses by type of illness - rates, numbers, and percent - 1993-1997 (TXT) (PDF 24K)
o Illnesses by type by industry division - 1997 (TXT) (PDF 19K)
o Highest rates of repeated trauma disorders(w/number of cases)- 1997 (TXT) (PDF
o Highest rates of repeated trauma disorders - 1997 vs 1996 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o Highest number of repeated trauma disorders (3-digit Industry) - 1997 vs 1996 (TXT)
(PDF 10K)
o Number of injury cases by 2-digit SIC - 1997 (TXT) (PDF 17K)
o Charts presenting the 1997 survey results (PDF 103K)
Summary Tables and percent relative standard errors. The percent relative standard errors
in tables A1 and A1 are a measure of sampling error, one of the measures of the reliability of
our survey estimates.
o Table 1 - Incidence rates - detailed industry level - 1997 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
Table A1 - Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry rates - 1997
(TXT) (PDF 112K)
o Table 2 - Number of cases - detailed industry level - 1997 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
Table A2 - Percent relative standard errors for detailed industry case counts -
1997 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
Quartile Data
o Total recordable cases - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
estabishment size - 1997 (TXT) (PDF 229K)
o Lost workday cases - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
establishment size - 1997 (TXT) (PDF 241K)
o Days away from work cases - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
establishment size - 1997 (TXT) (PDF 248K) Republished table
o Cases with days of restricted work activity only - injuries and illnesses combined -
detailed industry by establishment size - 1997 (TXT) (PDF 257K)
o Cases without lost workdays - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
establishment size - 1997 (TXT) (PDF 239K)
o Total recordable cases - injuries only - detailed industry by estabishment size - 1997
(TXT) (PDF 233K)
o Lost workday cases - injuries only - detailed industry by establishment size - 1997
(TXT) (PDF 246K)
o Days away from work cases - injuries only - detailed industry by establishment size -
1997 (TXT) (PDF 254K)
o Cases with days of restricted work activity only - injuries only - detailed industry by
establishment size - 1997 (TXT) (PDF 260K)
o Cases without lost workdays - injuries only - detailed industry by establishment size -
1997 (TXT) (PDF 244K)
Illness Data
o Illnesses by type
Rates, numbers, and percents - 1993-1997 (TXT) (PDF 24K)
Number of cases by detailed industry - 1997 (TXT) (PDF 129K)
Incidence rates by detailed industry - 1997 (TXT) (PDF 105K)
o Repeated trauma
Highest rates of repeated trauma disorders(w/number of cases)- 1997 (TXT)
(PDF 11K)
Highest rates of repeated trauma disorders - 1997 vs 1996 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
Highest number of repeated trauma disorders (3-digit Industry) - 1997 vs
1996 (TXT) (PDF 10K)
Incidence rates, number of cases and percent relative standard errors of
repeated trauma disorders (most detailed industry level) - 1997 (TXT) (PDF

Industry Injury and Illness Data - 1996
Summary News Release
o Text and tables - 1996 (TXT ) (PDF 160K)
Supplemental News Release Tables
o Highest rates for total cases - injuries and illnesses - 1996 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o Highest rates for total cases - injuries only - 1996 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o Highest rates for lost workday cases - injuries and illnesses - 1996 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o Highest rates for lost workday cases - injuries only - 1996 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o Highest rates for cases with days away from work - Inj/Ill - 1996 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o Highest rates for cases with days away from work - Injuries only - 1996 (TXT) (PDF
o Industries with 100,000 or more injuries and illnesses - 1996 (TXT) (PDF 9K)
o Illnesses by type of illness - rates, numbers, and percent - 1992-1996 (TXT) (PDF 24K)
o Illnesses by type by industry division - 1996 (TXT) (PDF 19K)
o Highest rates of repeated trauma disorders(w/number of cases)- 1996 (TXT) (PDF
o Highest rates of repeated trauma disorders - 1996 vs 1995 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
o Highest number of repeated trauma disorders (3-digit Industry) - 1996 vs 1995 (TXT)
(PDF 10K)
o Number of injury cases by 2-digit SIC - 1996 (TXT) (PDF 17K)
o Charts presenting the 1996 survey results (PDF 103K)
Summary Tables
o Table 1 - Incidence rates - detailed industry level - 1996 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
o Table 2 - Number of cases - detailed industry level - 1996 (TXT) (PDF 112K)
Quartile Data
o Total recordable cases - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
estabishment size - 1996 (TXT) (PDF 229K)
o Lost workday cases - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
establishment size - 1996 (TXT) (PDF 241K)
o Days away from work cases - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
establishment size - 1996 (TXT) (PDF 248K) Republished table
o Cases with days of restricted work activity only - injuries and illnesses combined -
detailed industry by establishment size - 1996 (TXT) (PDF 257K)
o Cases without lost workdays - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
establishment size - 1996 (TXT) (PDF 239K)
o Total recordable cases - injuries only - detailed industry by estabishment size - 1996
(TXT) (PDF 233K)
o Lost workday cases - injuries only - detailed industry by establishment size - 1996
(TXT) (PDF 246K)
o Days away from work cases - injuries only - detailed industry by establishment size -
1996 (TXT) (PDF 254K)
o Cases with days of restricted work activity only - injuries only - detailed industry by
establishment size - 1996 (TXT) (PDF 260K)
o Cases without lost workdays - injuries only - detailed industry by establishment size -
1996 (TXT) (PDF 244K)
Illness Data
o Illnesses by type
Rates, numbers, and percents - 1992-1996 (TXT) (PDF 24K)
Number of cases by detailed industry - 1996 (TXT) (PDF 129K)
Incidence rates by detailed industry - 1996 (TXT) (PDF 105K)
o Repeated trauma
Highest rates of repeated trauma disorders(w/number of cases)- 1996 (TXT)
(PDF 11K)
Highest rates of repeated trauma disorders - 1996 vs 1995 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
Highest number of repeated trauma disorders (3-digit Industry) - 1996 vs
1995 (TXT) (PDF 10K)
Incidence rates, number of cases and percent relative standard errors of
repeated trauma disorders (most detailed industry level) - 1996 (TXT) (PDF

Industry Injury and Illness Data - 1995
Summary News Release
o Text and tables - 1995 (TXT) (PDF 56K)
Supplemental News Release Tables
o Highest rates for total cases - injuries and illnesses - 1995 (TXT) (PDF 5K)
o Highest rates for total cases - injuries only -1995 (TXT) (PDF 6K)
o Highest rates for lost workday cases - injuries and illnesses - 1995 (TXT) (PDF 6K)
o Highest rates for lost workday cases - injuries only - 1995 (TXT) (PDF 6K)
o Highest rates for cases with days away from work - Inj/Ill - 1995 (TXT) (PDF 6K)
o Highest rates for cases with days away from work - Injuries only - 1995 (TXT) (PDF 7K)
o Industries with 100,000 or more injuries and illnesses - 1995 (TXT) (PDF 5K)
o Illnesses by type of illness - 1992-1995 incidence rates, percents,
and numbers (TXT) (PDF 8K)
o Highest rates of repeated trauma disorders(w/number of cases)- 1995 (TXT) (PDF
o Highest rates of repeated trauma disorders - 1995 vs 1994 (TXT) (PDF 19K)
o Highest number of repeated trauma cases - 1995 (TXT) (PDF) 10K
o Number of injury cases by 2-digit SIC - 1995 (TXT) (PDF 13K)
Summary Report
o Entire summary report including text and both tables - 1995 (TXT) (PDF 198K)
Quartile Data
o Total recordable cases - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
estabishment size - 1995 (TXT) (PDF 229K) Republished table
o Lost workday cases - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
establishment size - 1995 (TXT) (PDF 241K)
o Days away from work cases - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
establishment size - 1995 (TXT) (PDF 248K) Republished table
o Cases with days of restricted work activity only - injuries and illnesses combined -
detailed industry by establishment size - 1995 (TXT) (PDF 257K)
o Cases without lost workdays - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
establishment size - 1995 (TXT) (PDF 239K)
o Total recordable cases - injuries only - detailed industry by estabishment size - 1995
(TXT) (PDF 233K)
o Lost workday cases - injuries only - detailed industry by establishment size - 1995
(TXT) (PDF 246K)
o Days away from work cases - injuries only - detailed industry by establishment size -
1995 (TXT) (PDF 254K)
o Cases with days of restricted work activity only - injuries only - detailed industry by
establishment size - 1995 (TXT) (PDF 260K)
o Cases without lost workdays - injuries only - detailed industry by establishment size -
1995 (TXT) (PDF 244K)
Illness Data
o Illnesses by type
Rates, numbers, and percents - 1992-1995 (TXT) (PDF 24K)
Number of cases by detailed industry - 1995 (TXT) (PDF 129K)
Incidence rates by detailed industry - 1995 (TXT) (PDF 105K)
o Repeated trauma
All publishable industries - incidence rates, numbers,
and sampling errors (TXT) (PDF 70K)
Highest rates of repeated trauma disorders (w/number of cases) - 1995 (TXT)
(PDF 19K)
Highest rates of repeated trauma disorders w/1994 rates (TXT) (PDF 19K)
Highest number of repeated trauma disorders - (3-digit idustry) - 1995 vs
1994 (TXT) (PDF 10K)

Industry Injury and Illness Data - 1994
Summary News Release
o Text and tables - 1994 (TXT) (PDF 56K)
Table 1 - Injury and illness incidence rates by industry division - 1994 (TXT)
(PDF 5K)
Table 2 - Number of injuries and illnesses by industry division - 1994 (TXT)
(PDF 6K)
Table 3 - Injury incidence rates by size of establishment - 1994 (TXT) (PDF 5K)
Table 4 - Injury and illness incidence rates, 1973-1994 (TXT) (PDF 6K)
Table 5 - Injury and illness incidence rates by industry division, 1992-1994
(TXT) (PDF 6K)
Table 6 - Number of injuries by 2-digit industry, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 11K)
Table 7 - Industries with 100,000 or more injury cases, 1994 (TXT) (PDF 6K)
Supplemental News Release Tables
o Highest rates for total cases - injuries and illnesses - 1994 (TXT) (PDF 5K)
o Highest rates for total cases - injuries only - 1994 (TXT) (PDF 6K)
o Highest rates for lost workday cases - injuries and illnesses - 1994 (TXT) (PDF 6K)
o Highest rates for lost workday cases - injuries only - 1994 (TXT) (PDF 6K)
o Highest rates for cases with days away from work - Inj/Ill - 1994 (TXT) (PDF 6K)
o Highest rates for cases with days away from work - Injuries only - 1994 (TXT) (PDF 7K)
o Industries with 100,000 or more injuries and illnesses - 1994 (TXT) (PDF 5K)
o Illnesses by type of illness - 1992-1994 incidence rates, percents,
and numbers (TXT) (PDF 8K)
o Highest rates of repeated trauma disorders(w/number of cases)- 1994 (TXT) (PDF
o Highest rates of repeated trauma disorders - 1994 vs 1993 (TXT) (PDF 19K)
o Highest number of repeated trauma cases - 1994 (TXT) (PDF) 10K
o Number of injury cases by 2-digit SIC - 1994 (TXT) (PDF 13K)
o All supplemental tables for 1994 (TXT) (PDF 85K)
Summary Report
o Entire summary report including text and both tables - 1994 (TXT) (PDF 198K)
Table 1 - Incidence rates of injuries and illnesses - 1994 (TXT) (PDF 85K)
Table 2 - Number of injuries and illnesses - 1994 (TXT) (PDF 89K)
Quartile Data
o Total recordable cases - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
estabishment size - 1994 (TXT) (PDF 229K)
o Lost workday cases - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
establishment size - 1994 (TXT) (PDF 241K)
o Days away from work cases - injuries and illnesses combined - detailed industry by
establishment size - 1994 (TXT) (PDF 248K)
Illness Data
o Illnesses by type
Rates, numbers, and percents - 1992-1994 (TXT) (PDF 24K)
o Repeated trauma
All publishable industries - incidence rates, numbers,
and sampling errors - 1994 (TXT) (PDF 70K)
Highest rates of repeated trauma disorders (w/number of cases) - 1994 (TXT)
(PDF 19K)
Highest rates of repeated trauma disorders w/1993 rates (TXT) (PDF 19K)
Highest number of repeated trauma disorders - (3-digit industry) - 1994 vs
1993 (TXT) (PDF 10K)

Last Modified Date: November 7, 2013

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