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From The Presbytery

Apostle Tommy L Frederick

The Peace of God Part I

Praise the Lord LCC Family, Part-
ners and Friends,

Pursuing the Peace of God is an
exercise that Saints should consis-
tently engage in because of the
benefits. Peace or some variation
of it is mentioned over 339 times
in the Old and New Testament of
the Bible or Word of God, there-
fore, its repetition speaks to its
The definitions of peace from:

O.T. =(1) Safe, well, happy/
friendly, healthy,
prosperity, welfare and
(2) Be quiet, rest;
(3) Be still

N.T. =(1) Quietness, rest, set at
one again;
(2) To be calm;
(3) To harmonize, to make
(4) Live peaceably

1) There was a Song of Peace
sung by the Jews of the two
southern tribes, which were
known as Judah during the time
of the Prophet Isaiah Isaiah

Open the gates that the right-
eous nation which keeps the truth
may enter in.
You will keep him in perfect peace,
whose mind is stayed on You,
Because he trusts in You.
Trust in the Lord forever,
For in Yah, the Lord, is everlasting
strength. NKJV

Because we have been made
righteous in Christ, we have ac-
cess to truth which is the key to
our freedom. We have a guaran-
tee that our peace will remain
when the focus of our attention
remains in Yahweh. Our minds,
which includes our intellect,
meditations, thoughts, ponder-
ings and imagination is fixed
on Him. We trust in the Lord on a
continual basis. We learn to trust
Him as a way of life, not as an oc-
casional event. He is our strength,
the one in whom we can depend
on to work for us, through us and
with us.

He specializes in showing Himself
strong on our behalf. He saves
and delivers by His might anyone
that has ever been set free from a
stronghold can relate to what I
just said. That thing had a grip on
you like vice grip or a pit bull; you
could never imagine being free
from that thingnow you are
free praise Yah for the victory.
You now have the unique privi-
lege of sharing this freedom with
others who may be bound.

2) He Himself is our peace. He
not only gives us peace, but is
peace personified - Ephesians

For He Himself is our peace, who
has made both one, and has bro-
ken down the middle wall of sepa-
ration, having abolished in His
flesh the enmity, that is, the law
of commandments contained in
ordinances, so as to create in Him-
self one new man from the two,
thus making peace, and that He
might reconcile them both to God
in one body through the cross,
thereby putting to death the en-
mity. And He came and preached
peace to you who were afar off
and to those who were near. For
through Him we both have access
by one Spirit to the Father. NKJV

We are no longer separated from
the Father, but have access to
Him and His benefits through His
son Christ Jesus. He brought us
peace by removing the wall of
separation and providing recon-

Vol ume 2, I ssue 9 Sept . 2014
ciliation through the cross. He
brought peace by conquering
death, hell and the grave; ascend-
ing on high in victory. Access to
this peace was not cheap. It came
with a price. Blood was shed. Ag-
ony was experience. The enemy
brought the pain and the shame.
But Christ counted the cost know-
ing the spoils were worth the
cruel things that He experienced
in His flesh at the hands of His
executioners. He wanted us to
experience fellowship with the
Father and with each other like
He had from the beginning. My
natural children can walk in peace
knowing that they have access to
me and all that I have. No hin-
drance, no apprehension, no hesi-
tancy. My spiritual Sons also have
access to me.

The enemy works overtime to
keep our access in turmoil; lim-
ited access to the Father per-
ceived in our own minds through
guilt, shame and remorse; cutting
off access to each other through
offense, unforgiveness and irrec-
oncilable differences. The King
expects His kings to operate in the
peace that He brought to us
through His sacrifice, accessing
the Father and continuing in unity
by one Spirit.

3 (We have Overcoming Peace -
No matter what comes our way
we rest in this peace
John 16:29 -32;

His disciples said to Him, "See,
now You are speaking plainly, and
using no figure of speech! Now we
are sure that You know all things,
and have no need that anyone
should question You. By this we
believe that You came forth from
Jesus answered them, "Do you
now believe? Indeed the hour is
coming, yes, has now come, that
you will be scattered, each to his
own, and will leave Me alone. And
yet I am not alone, because the
Father is with Me. These things I
have spoken to you, that in Me
you may have peace. In the world
you will have tribulation; but be of
good cheer, I have overcome the
world. NKJV

The disciples were relieved that
Jesus now talking the right way
instead of riddles, parables and
figures of speech, they could feel
Him now if you will allow me to
use this phase. Christ told them
plainly that tribulation would
come but they would not be
alone. In Him we overcome the
world in spite of the trials. Our
local body is overcoming chal-
lenges as I write this letter. We
chose to operate in His peace. We
can be of good cheer by allowing
our peace to connect us to our Joy
which we know gives us strength.
We discipline ourselves to walk in
the peace that is beneficial to us.
The Peace of God Part II is coming
next time.

A heartfelt thanks to all LCC famly
members, partners and friends for
your time, talent, treasure and

Apostle Tom

Upcomi ng Events

Night of Worship
Sun. Sept. 28th @ 6pm

Recurring Events

Women Of Warfare
Empowering women, meeting
needs, and promoting sister-
9:30 am Every 1st Saturday

Strong Men
Manhood and Christ-likeness
are synonymous
9:30 am Every 3rd Saturday

Kingdom Life Institute
Bible Study
6:30 Every Thursday

Care Group
Fellowship in small groups
4:00 pm Every 3rd Sunday

A2 Fundraiser
Supporting and empowering
our youth
Every 1st and 3rd Sunday
After Service

LCC Classified!
Advertise/request business ser-
vices, for sale/wanted to buy
items, etc. Lets use our gifts and
talents to help one another as well
as promote business within the
Body of Christ! Please submit any
advertisements no later than the
20th of each month to;
Michelle Burton at

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