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BSS Performance

Troubleshooting Instructions
TCH Drop (RF Reason)
Version 0.2
Copright 2!!" #o$ia Siemens #et%or$s&
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Title an) (ersion Performance troubleshooting instructions * BSS
Target +roup #P, engineers (%or$ing in #,' pro-ects)
Technolog an)
S. release
2+/ 2&0+
Relate) Ser(ice
Ra)io net%or$ optimi1ation 2 Capacit 34tension 5anagement
Ser(ice Item
'uthor 6arri Sunila
Date *
'ppro(er 3ric 6roon
This section pro(i)es a histor of changes ma)e to this )ocument
!&7 28&!2&2!7! 6arri Sunila '99 First )raft:
!&2 !;&!<&2!7! 6arri Sunila '99 5o)ifications base) on comments
Copright = #o$ia Siemens #et%or$s& This material/ inclu)ing )ocumentation an) an
relate) computer programs/ is protecte) b copright controlle) b #o$ia Siemens #et%or$s&
'll rights are reser(e)& Coping/ inclu)ing repro)ucing/ storing/ a)apting or translating/ an
or all of this material re>uires the prior %ritten consent of #o$ia Siemens #et%or$s& This
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
7& Purpose an) Scope&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
2& TCH Drop (RF Reason)&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
2&7 TCH Drop 6PIs&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
2&2 Referencing 6PIs to be chec$e)&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
2&< Referencing parameters&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
2&8 Referencing Features&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
<& Troubleshooting&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
<&7 'larms&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
<&2 ?ualit 2 Interference&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
<&< Co(erage&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
<&8 Bloc$ing&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
<&0 H, Failure&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
<&@ #eighbor plan&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
<&" Parameters&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
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7& Purpose an) Scope
This )ocument is an optimi1ation gui)eline %ith the purpose to instruct #P,
engineers %or$ing in #,' pro-ects to )eli(er performance troubleshooting&
This )ocument is meant for I#T3R#'9 AS3 ,#9B
The scope of the )ocument is the follo%ing:
To sho% ho% to troubleshoot cells to impro(e certain 6PIs&
Note 'll the net%or$s are )ifferent an) thus is hea(il recommen)e) to anal1e
net%or$ properl before optimi1ation& 'lso properl optimi1ation strateg shoul)
be create)/ %ill it be better to use special cell le(el optimi1e) parameter (alues
an) loose control of the net%or$ or use some general (not cell le(el optimi1e))
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2& TCH Drop (RF Reason)
Droppe) call ratio is one of the most important in)icators to monitor the net%or$
>ualit& Droppe) TCH means that TCH transaction en)e) because of a ra)io
failure on the source channel& Reason for )rops can be )ifferent& In follo%ing
chapters )rop call rate relate) 6PIs are )escribe) an) some troubleshooting
instructions/ ho% to fin) the reason for )roppe) calls&
2&7 TCH Drop 6PIs
The formula of the Drop Call Rate is )efine) as the ratio bet%een the failures
occurre) )uring the call an) the number of calls occurring )uring the obser(e)
Different formulas can be )e(elope) accor)ing to the perio) of obser(ation an)
the area of obser(ation/ accor)ing to customer nee)s& The )ifferent approaches 2
)ifferent )rop call 6PI triggering points can be seen here (attache) file)

#S# recommen)ation for DCR formula is a benchmar$ing 6PI/ )crC0a
Different )rop reasons can be seen )crC<- is use):
Copright 2!!" #o$ia Siemens #et%or$s&
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RF reason relate) counters are/
o 7!7< TCHCra)io fail
o 7!78 TCHCrfCol)Cho
Tpical reasons for TCH )rops (RF reasons) are
o Interference
o Co(erage problems
o Dominance area problems
.rong a)-acent cell parameters
o 5issing neighbors
There are man times se(eral reasons for )roppe) calls in certain cell/ so all
reasons shoul) be anal1e)& 5ore )etaile) information/ see troubleshooting
2&2 Referencing 6PIs to be chec$e)
Droppe) call is not a reason/ it is al%as a conse>uence& In this chapter DCR
relate) 6PI are mentione)& These 6PIs shoul) be al%as chec$e) in parallel %ith
2&2&7 ?ualit (ul>C2a/)l>C2a/ R4C9e(elCStatistics table)
Ba) >ualit is tpicall measure) as B3R (bit error rate) or as F3R (frame erasure
rate)& The F3R 5easurement pro(i)es the uplin$ frame erasure rate (A9 F3R)
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from each co)ec of each TRD in the BTS&& In this )ocument >ualit (D9 an) A9) is
measure) using B3R measurements&
Ba) >ualit is effecting hea(il on Drop call rate& In this chapter it is sho%n ho%
>ualit can be measure) an) ho% to anal1e if >ualit is on reason %hich is
causing TCH )rops in the net%or$& In Troubleshooting chapter more )etaile)
information/ ho% to anal1e ba) >ualit is )escribe)
RD le(el E >ualit )istribution can be seen belo%& The )istribution (lo%est picture)
sho%s that there are >uite a lot ba) >ualit samples %hich %ill cause problems in
the net%or$&
o Foice >ualit %ill be )ecrease)
o PS >ualit (throughput ) %ill be )ecrease)
o Dominance areas are not %or$ing properl
o Drops G H, failures %ill be increase)
2&2&2 Bloc$ing (blc$C;i)
Bloc$ing is also effecting hea(il on )rop call rate& If there %ill be lots of bloc$ing
in the net%or$
o Dominance areas are not %or$ing properl& This %ill cause more )rops
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Note Bloc$ing shoul) be chec$e) also in target cells
2&2&< Co(erage (R4C9e(elCStatistics table)
Ba) co(erage means that recei(e) signal le(el is near the (5S2BS) sensiti(it
le(el& Here the >ualit %ill be )ecrease) )ue to ba) signal le(el an) li$e ba)
>ualit/ this ba) >ualit %ill cause user percei(e) problems&
Ba) co(erage is effecting hea(il on )rop call rate& If there are ba) co(erage )ips
in the cell/ >ualit %ill be )ecrease) an) call %ill be )roppe)& In troubleshooting
chapter more )etaile) information ho% to anal1e ba) co(erage is )escribe)&
See picture belo%/ ba) co(erage samples are )ue to ba) co(erage&
#oteH It shoul) be chec$e) that there is no imbalance problems bet%een A9 an)
D9& 5an times A9 is the %ea$er one/ so A9 co(erage shoul) be also chec$e)&
2&2&8 H, failure
H, failure is goo) in)icator %hen )rop call rate analsis %ill be )one& H, failure
is a conse>uence (li$e a )rop)/ there are some problems in the net%or$& H,
failure might in)icate that there are
o Incorrect a)-acenc parameters
o 5issing neighbors
o Bloc$ing in the target cells
Ho failures shoul) be al%as chec$e) %ith )roppe) calls& In troubleshooting part
more information ho% to anal1e H, failures are )escribe)&
2&< Referencing parameters
Parameter assessment shoul) be )one to ma$e sure that there are no an
parameter )iscrepancies %hich coul) cause )rops& Some parameters are
effecting on )rop call rate&
o Han)o(er Threshol) Parameters/ le(el/ >ualit/ interference& Threshol)
(alues an) P4/#4 (alues
o +eneral control parameters E H,s must be enable) (e4cept 35S/ 3nable
5S Distance Process)
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o H, margin parameters/ PB+T/>ualit/le(el
o R4 9e( 5in Cell (S9)
o R4 9e( 'ccess 5in (RDP)
2&8 Referencing Features
o '5R HR
o '5R unpac$ing optimi1ation
o Fre>uenc hopping
o DFC'
o Directe) retr
o Traffic han)ling features/ see 2&;
Droppe) call is al%as a conse>uence/ not a reason& In this chapter some
troubleshooting items/ %hich shoul) be chec$e) %hen anal1ing DCR 6PI/ are
There are man times se(eral reasons for 6PI )egra)ation/ so all step shoul) be
chec$e) to be sure that reasons for )roppe) calls %ill be foun)&
2&0 'larms
Chec$ that there are no an JJ or JJJ acti(e alarms& Connection to #et'ct is
2&@ ?ualit 2 Interference
Ba) >ualit is the most common reason for )roppe) calls& Some troubleshooting
steps to re)uce interference are mentione) belo%&
If there are ba) >ualit (>8K>") samples more than 0L/ there are ba) >ualit
problems& 'lso fe%er samples can cause ba) )rop problems in the net%or$&
'ccurate threshol) le(el is )ifficult to set/ because net%or$s are so )ifferent&
o R4C9e(elCsatistics table can be use) for >ualit2interference analsis
o If ba) >ualit in goo) signal le(el/(M*"0)B)
Fre>uenc changes (ne% fre>uenc plan) shoul) be )one& This is the
%orst situation/ because no better cell a(ailable to ma$e interference
Copright 2!!" #o$ia Siemens #et%or$s&
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Interference H, threshol) can be a)-uste) to for e4ample *"0)B to
ma$e the )ifference bet%een >ualit H, an) interference H, more
o If ba) >ualit in signal le(el/(*"0)BK&&*7!!)B)
Fre>uenc changes can be )one to re)uce interference
Han)o(er Threshol) Parameters/ le(el/ >ualit/ interference& Threshol)
(alues an) P4/#4 (alues can be a)-uste)
#ormall some o(erlapping e4ists/ so H,s to a)-acenc/ reasons
>ualit2Interference %ill happen&
Chec$e) that no missing a)-acenc cells& 5issing neighbors can be
one reason for ba) >ualit/ ser(ing areas are not %or$ing properl&
If '5R feature can be use)/ Han)o(er Threshol) Parameters/ le(el/
>ualit/ interference& Threshol) (alues an) P4/#4 (alues can be
a)-uste) little more loose&
o If ba) >ualit in ba) signal le(el/(N*7!!)B)
Ba) >ualit )ue to ba) co(erage&
Impro(e co(erage/ see 2&"
Chec$ also imbalance bet%een A9 an) D9& .hich co(erage A9 or D9
is more important to impro(e
Parameters (R4 9e( 5in Cell (S9)/ R4 9e( 'ccess 5in (RDP)) can be
a)-uste) to a(oi) call setups 2 H,s in (er ba) co(erage&
o Bro$en components/ >ualit results are strange/ see picture belo%
?8 samples are strange/ no tpical interference& 5ore >ualit8
samples than >ualit< samples& H. problem/ after TRD reset TRD
starte) to %or$ properl&
If '5R feature a(ailable an) if lots of >ualit samples in >ualit0/ but not in
>ualit@ or >ualit"/
2&" Co(erage
Ba) co(erage problems are usuall in)oor problems )ue to increase) losses
(%alls etc)& These can be out)oor problems also& .hen cell le(el co(erage
problems are anal1e)/ it is goo) to chec$ from planning tool or map/ %hat $in) of
area it is (urban/ suburban etc)
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Ba) co(erage li$e ba) interference is causing lots of )roppe) calls& Some
troubleshooting step/ ho% to monitor 2 impro(e ba) co(erage are mentione)
If there are more than 0L ba) co(erage samples/ these can cause lots of )rops
in the net%or$& 'ccurate threshol) for ba) co(erage is )ifficult to set/ net%or$s are
so )ifferent&
o R4C9e(elCsatistics table can be use) for co(erage analsis
o If ba) A9 signal le(el/(N*7!!)B) samples &
Chec$ imbalance bet%een A9 an) D9& If lots of A9 imbalance/ A9
co(erage impro(ement can impro(e net%or$ performance&
o ')) 5H' to impro(e A9 co(erage
o Chec$ that recei(er is %or$ing properl/ no bro$en components
o If ba) D9 signal le(el/(N*7!!)B) samples &
Chec$ imbalance bet%een A9 an) D9& If lots of D9 imbalance/ D9
co(erage impro(ement can impro(e net%or$ performance&
o Chec$ that transmitter is %or$ing properl/ no bro$en
o Chec$ that po%er parameter (P5'D) is correct
o If no imbalance an) ba) co(erage
Impro(e co(erage b a))ing RF components
o ')) more gain antennas
o Ase Fle4i BTS
o ')) ne% sector
o ')) ne% site
Parameters (R4 9e( 5in Cell (S9)/ R4 9e( 'ccess 5in (RDP)) can be
a)-uste) to a(oi) call setups 2 H,s in (er ba) co(erage&
o Bro$en components (lots of sample N*7!!)B)/ see picture belo%
'lmost all A9 samples in ba) co(erage& D9 is %or$ing fine OM H.
problems/ bro$en combiner/ TRD etc& #o alarms&
2&; Bloc$ing
It is important that )ominance areas are %or$ing properl& If there are bloc$ing in
the net%or$/ it means that bloc$e) call is not in the right )ominance area& This
means that interference le(el %ill increase an) )rop call rate %ill be higher
o Chec$ bloc$ing/ chec$ bloc$ing also in neighbor cells (blc$C;i)
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o Chec$ TCH una(ailabilit/ chec$ also in neighbor cells (ua(C70a)
o If some bloc$ing/ traffic han)ling can be )one
')) HR if HR is not use)&
o Chec$ HR pea$ (alues (RSC277)& 5a4imum (alues shoul) be
reache) to get ma4imum gain&
o Chec$ frl/ fru parameters&
Chec$ that no missing neighbors
Chec$ that no ba) interference problems in neighbor cells (soft
Traffic han)ling to other cells
o ')-usting H, parameters
9e(el an) >ualit H, margins
BTS po%er parameters can be also a)-uste)/ but before
P,C changes/ H,C changes shoul) be )one (P,C is
affecting to all neighbors an) can cause problems)
Before a)-usting H,C parameters/ H, strateg shoul)
be create)/ to $eep call on )ominance area or use
o(erlapping area as a bac$up co(erage&
Note H,C optimi1ation shoul) be base) on strateg& If lots
of cell le(el optimi1e) (alues/ control of the net%or$ can be
)ifficult to han)le&
o ')-usting antenna configurations
5ore gain antennas
A9 2D9 boosters (chec$ lin$ balance)
Re)ucing losses (cable/ combiner etc)
o Asing traffic han)ling features
Dual ban) net%or$
Ambrella feature
'AC9 parameter
9oa) parameters
Signal le(el parameters
Segment le(el parameters
Traffic reason H,
o Cell splitting
o Asing features/ %hich are impro(ing interference&
H, margins (for e4ample %hen fre>uenc hopping is
'5R (impro(ing (oice >ualit)
Fre>uenc hopping
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DFC'/ impro(es spectral efficienc
o ')) TRD 2 ne% sector to get more capacit
5ore information relate) to capacit issues (inclu)ing features) can be foun) from
I5S https:22sharenet*ims&insi)e&no$iasiemensnet%or$s&com2,pen28!88!8<0@
2&I H, Failure
H, Failure is goo) in)icator ho% mobilit is %or$ing in the net%or$& If there are
lots of H, failures in the cell/ there are also lots of )roppe) calls in the cell&
o Chec$ that H, failure is not )ue to bloc$ing (hfrC00c)
If )ue to bloc$ing/ see bloc$ing chapter 2&;
o Chec$ that neighbor plan is properl )one/ no missing neighbors& See 2&7!
o Chec$ that there are no bro$en components in a)-acent cells (source cell/
%here H, failL is high)
Chec$ RDle(el*?ualit )istribution in a)-acent cells (R49e(elStatistics)
o Chec$ that there are no ba) interference problems is neighbor cells
o Chec$ that there are no ba) co(erage problems is neighbor cells
If lots of 9e(el H, OM there might be some co(erage problems
Chec$ also le(el H, parameters/ ho% much signal le(el in a)-acent
cell shoul) be better
o Chec$ if H, failures are in BSC or in 5SC controlle) H,s
Counters 8!!!*8!"! (Han)o(er control table)
Chec$ also if these are incoming H, fails or outgoing H, fails
If lots of 5SC controlle) fails/ optimi1e BSC 2 5SC bor)ers
o Chec$ that H,C parameters are correct ()efault (alues if no other customer
set )efault (alues)/ see 2&77
2&7! #eighbor plan
+oo) neighbor plan in plaing important role& If some o(ershooting an) )ue to
that some neighbor cells are missing/ there %ill be )efinitel be some )roppe)
o Chec$ all neighbor cells in planning tool ((isual chec$ is recommen)e))
Chec$ Timing a)(ance )istribution& If high )istance samples an) onl
nearest cells as a neighbor cells/ these %ill be some missing neighbors
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#oteH If cell is locate) near the sea/ neighbor planning is more
challenging& Signal in the sea might come far a%a/ so neighbor
planning shoul) be base) on that information&
2&77 Parameters
It is important that parameter (alues are the same as these are planne)& If there
are some parameter )iscrepancies/ these shoul) be correct before more )etaile)
Parameter assessment shoul) be )one to get clear picture %hat $in) of
parameters (alues are in the net%or$& 5ore )etaile) information ho% to )o
parameter assessment can be foun) from here
Some parameters/ %hich can impro(e )rop call rate/ are mentione) belo%& It is
important that engineer/ %ho reall un)erstan)s ho% these parameters are
effecting on net%or$/ can a)-ust these parameters& .ith incorrect (alues DCR can
be e(en higher&
o 'ccess parameters
Parameters (R4 9e( 5in Cell (S9)
R4 9e( 'ccess 5in (RDP))
o P,C parameters
If re)uce) po%er OM co(erage problems
o H,C parameters
H,s are enable)
o P95# permitte) parameters are correct
'll combinations are )efine)&

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