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blame, defect, error, fault, mistake, wrong

a. The attorney admitted that she had made a(n) . in writing the contract.
b. The decision to expand the company was a(n) .. of judgement.
c. She stole the money but she's trying to put the on me.
d. It's your . we're late.
e. Those who do .. should be punished.
f. .. in the bra!ing system caused se"eral accidents before the car was
g. #enjy's too young to !now right from
h. I opened this by .$ %aula$ but I thin! it's for you & sorry.
2. say, speak, talk, tell
a. 'an you me the (uic!est way to the centre of town)
b. *Is +oyce coming o"er later)* *She didn't ..*
c. I find it really difficult to . the difference between ,ran! and his brother.
d. -e was utter nonsense as usual.
e. -e doesn't a word of ,rench.
f. I always !now when he's lies.
g. .n this playing field$ actions louder than words.
3. amount, extent, number, quantity, range
a. The price "aries depending on the purchased.
b. The students come from a wide . of bac!grounds.
c. The water here contains small . of calcium and other minerals.
d. Its success will depend to a large . on local attitudes.
e. .nly a small of people still spea! /aelic.
4. manner, path, route, way, direct
a. I don't recogni0e this part of town & we must ha"e come the wrong
b. 1rs. Smith was singing as she came up the garden ..
c. Is there any .. of controlling the heating in here)
d. It loo!ed as though the most .. route was through the forest.
e. The dri"er's .. was "ery unfriendly.
5. angry, anxious, nerous, scared, worried
a. She's always been . of heights.
b. ,or one . moment$ I thought the rope was going to brea!.
c. She rushed to the station$ . that she might miss her train.
d. She's still "ery .. with me for forgetting our anni"ersary.
e. %aul always gets . whene"er he has to gi"e a presentation.
!. adise, insist, persuade, recommend, suggest
a. I we ta!e a brea! and finish this later.
b. The man on helping me find a taxi e"en though I told him I didn't need
any help.
c. -e was con"icted of the murder$ but he is still trying to the public that he's
d. I . you to thin! "ery carefully before ma!ing any decision.
e. s! your tour guide to .. the best places to eat.
". course, court, pitch, track
a. The "illage has attracti"e playing fields$ with a football and a cric!et ..
b. To run a mile$ you ha"e to run four circuits of the .
c. Some of the fans rushed onto the .. at the end of the match.
d. The new leisure complex has a sauna$ a swimming pool and tennis .
e. Saturday morning$ we arri"e at the golf .. a bit later than we should.
#. audience, crowd, gang, listeners, member, spectators, iewers
a. ,ighting bro!e out between two ri"al ..
b. #roo!s is a "ery "aluable . of the team.
c. 1illions of tele"ision . tuned in to the president's speech.
d. n enormous gathered to watch the parade.
e. Some of our regular ha"e complained about the new program schedule.
f. The . consisted mainly of young girls under sixteen.
g. ."er 34$444 . turned out for the women's bas!etball match against 5aire.
$. annoy, disturb, matter, mind, ob%ect
a. It doesn't . if you're a few minutes late. 6e'll wait for you.
b. It really me when I see people dropping litter.
c. 7ebecca . to being told what to do.
d. %lease a"oid . me during the day unless it's an emergency.
e. 6ould you .. waiting outside)
f. 6hen drying the flowers$ be careful not to the petals.
1&.memorise, recall, recognise, remember, remind
a. .. me to buy some batteries for my 6al!man$ .8)
b. I .. her from the mo"ies$ but she was much taller than I expected.
c. ..$ the examiner will expect you to demonstrate a !nowledge of motorway
dri"ing too.
d. 9on't write your password down$ it.
e. I don't .. seeing any cars par!ed outside.
f. 'orinne me of myself when I was her age.
11. artificial, fake, false, imitation
a. -is I.9. is ob"iously .
b. Ted was wearing an leather jac!et.
c. :early a third of adults in the ;8 ha"e teeth.
d. <ou can buy . /ucci bags all o"er the city.
e. ,ire fighters responded to a . alarm at one of the college dormitories.
f. It too! ,ran! a while to learn to wal! with the . leg.
g. fter se"eral starts$ the concert finally began.
=, achiee, capable, fulfil, manage, succeed
a. #eing deaf hasn't stopped 8aren her ambition to be a hairdresser.
b. The company isn't . of handling an order that large.
c. Scientists claim they ha"e in finding a cure for cancer.
d. 6ilson has . considerable success as an artist.
e. I'd li!e to do more gardening$ but I ne"er seem .. to find the time.
f. I'd li!e to see him .. his promise to reorgani0e the army.
g. 6e somehow . to persuade him.
13.%ourney, trael, trip, oyage
a. In the 2>th century$ between the two countries was extremely difficult.
b. 1uch of the Ancient Mariner came from the sea . of disco"ery.
c. 1y husband's away on a business in 'hina.
d. They arri"ed in :ice after an eight&hour by car.
14.client, customer, guest, patient
a. .ne out of e"ery se"en plastic surgery is a man.
b. The firm is one of our oldest .. & we don't want to lose them.
c. The hotel bar is for only.
d. ,ord has launched a big sales campaign in an effort to bring in new ..
15.burgle, cheat, rob, steal
a. Two men . the 'entral #an! yesterday$ escaping with o"er ?2 million.
b. Thie"es paintings worth ?@ million from a %aris art gallery.
c. -e was caught .. the house of a police officer.
d. The airline's been accused of its customers out of free bonus flights.
e. -er first husband had her of her fortune.
1!.deny, refrain, refuse, re%ect, resist
a. %lease .. from smo!ing in the restaurant.
b. She .. the temptation to laugh.
c. The singer . that he copied the tune from an old #eatles song.
d. +im was .. by e"ery college he applied to.
e. I as!ed Ste"ie if she would help us$ but she
1".gap, interal, pause, rest
a. There was a . in the con"ersation as e"eryone turned to say hello to %aul.
b. 6e can get some drin!s in the .
c. They decided to stop dri"ing and ta!e a short ..
d. ,reddie managed to s(uee0e through a .. in the fence and run away.
1#.flock, herd, pack, pride, shoal, swarm
a. of cattle is almost as easy to tend if it contains fifty animals as twenty&fi"e.
b. n a"erage&si0ed locust .. de"ours in the region of =4$444 tons of "egetation
e"ery day.
c. The swordfish will follow a of fish for a considerable distance before it
decides to attac!.
d. few minutes ago we disco"ered the fresh trac!s of a wolf
e. -ere and there$ shepherds guide . of sheep through shaded "alleys.
f. young lion had strayed some distance from the
1$.cost, price, alue, worth
a. 1any old people ha"e to li"e in po"erty because of the steady rise in the ..
of li"ing.
b. The house must be .. (uite a lot of money now.
c. 1icrosoft chairman #ill /ates said it was impossible to build a good computer for such a
low ...
d. The . of the sculpture was estimated at ?@44$444.
2&.bring up, grow, grow up
a. s we . old$ we worry more about our health.
b. 1argaret -allworth was born in 1anchester but .. in :orth 6ales.
c. -e was by his grandparents.
21.pass, spare, spend, waste
a. -e .. the whole morning reading the report.
b. Aet's not . any more time on this.
c. If anyone can .. a couple of hours a wee! to help out$ it would be much
d. s time $ the disease progresses through se"eral distinct stages.
e. Stacey . all her free time painting.
22.borrow, hire, lend, rent
a. 'ity lawyer has been to handle the case.
b. I .. my '9 player to 9a"e and I ha"en't got it bac! yet.
c. 1any young couples an apartment until they'"e sa"ed enough money to
buy a house.
d. 'an I your car for the wee!end)
23.bargain, chance, occasion, opportunity, possibility
a. 6hat are your .. of getting a college scholarship)
b. I got this shirt when I was in Indonesia. It was a real ..
c. The management course is being paid for by the company and it's a(n) .
to impro"e your s!ills.
d. 6e need to in"estigate all . for helping these children.
e. If e"er the arises when I want ad"ice$ you're the first person I'll come to.
24.damage, harm, in%ury, pain, wound
a. It wouldn't do you any .. to get some experience first.
b. -e told the doctor he was suffering from chest ..
c. cid rain has caused serious to the pine forests of northern Burope.
d. -e died of a single gunshot to the left side of his head.
e. ;nfortunately$ she had to withdraw from the game because of a leg
25.lay, lie, scatter, spread
a. -er pac!ed suitcase was .. near the door.
b. The search party . out to search the surrounding fields.
c. They their eggs in midwinter$ incubating their eggs and chic!s through
many bli00ards.
d. t the sound of gunfire$ the crowd in all directions.
e. Aibby switched off the light and . on the couch$ staring into the dar!ness.
2!.origin, source, stock, supply
a. .ur .. informed us that there was a possibility of another attac! the
following wee!$ possibly in the central Aondon area.
b. The new "ideo store has a huge . of mo"ies to rent.
c. The drought is threatening the water .. in some areas.
d. The tan!'s losing water$ but we can't find the . of the lea!.
e. -e's writing a dictionary that explains the . of words.
2".beat, earn, gain, win
a. t the pea! of his career$ 7ogers was more than se"en million dollars a year.
b. #ac! then$ girls were told that they could ne"er a boy at tennis.
c. -e a gold medal in the 2>D= .lympics.
d. She stayed in the job for gi"e years$ .. "aluable experience.
2#.forget, leae, lose, miss
a. .h$ I . your camera. Is it all right if I bring it to you tomorrow)
b. #y the time we got there we'd the beginning of the mo"ie.
c. *6hat are you loo!ing for)* *1y purse. I thin! I might ha"e . it.*
d. I'm sure I .. my bag somewhere around here.
e. If you're not going to ta!e this project seriously we might as well .. it.
2$.crack, leak, puncture, tear
a. The tyreEs gone flat again & I thin! we'"e got a .
b. The water pressure's right down & there must be a in the pipe.
c. -ow did you get that in your jac!et)
d. The in the bedroom wall seems to be widening.
3&.bite, lick, nibble, sip, suck, swallow
a. :ina the melted chocolate off her fingers.
b. +ennie up the last bit of mil!sha!e with her straw.
c. 7eyes puts out nuts and bread for s(uirrels to
d. I threw a piece of meat to the dog and he . it in one go.
e. 9on't worry about the dog & he won't
f. She water all the way through the inter"iew.
31.court, %ury, sentence, trial
a. man from Seattle is on for the murder.
b. B"ans was gi"en a light in return for gi"ing information to the police.
c. She says she will go to to try to pro"e that she was unfairly dismissed from her job.
d. The .. found him not guilty.
32.charge, fee, payment, reward, tip
a. The entrance .. to the par! ha"e gone up by @4F.
b. The boy carried my suitcases up to my room and then stood waiting for a ..
c. The police say there is a ?@4$444 for any information that helps them find
the !iller.
d. 1ost hotels here only accept . in dollars.
e. 1embers and their guests are welcome to use the club's facilities at no extra
33.attendance, attention, care, notice
a. The note on the box read$ *,ragile & handle with ..*
b. She tried to pay . to what he was saying.
c. 'onsidering the seriousness of the matter to be debated there was an unusually low
. at the meeting.
d. I wa"ed but they too! no .
e. -er case attracted a great deal of media
34.common, general, ordinary, typical, usual
a. 9id you notice anything out of the .. in +ulie's beha"ior)
b. ,oxes are .. in the area.
c. This guideboo! will gi"e you a good idea of the city.
d. I'll meet you at the . time.
e. 8im's a .. teenager & she doesn't want anything to do with her parents.
f. 9ating agencies try to match people with similar personalities and .. interests.
35.bruise, cut, scar, scratch, sprain
a. They say the wound's (uite deep$ and will probably lea"e a
b. That's (uite a nasty & you ought to get it seen to by a doctor.
c. I thought my wrist might be bro!en$ but it was just a bad .
d. I banged into the shelf so hard that I got an ugly purple on my hip.
e. It's just a . & nothing serious.
3!.age, period, term, time
a. The money can be paid bac! o"er a fi"e&year .
b. The main exams are at the end of the summer ..
c. I went to a good deal of time and trouble to get this tic!et.
d. .n 1onday mornings there was ,rench$ Bnglish$ and then a double . of 1aths.
e. In this .. of the Internet$ finding a job can be much easier.
3".abandon, desert, disappear, mislay, anish
a. She watched the boat sail out to sea until it . o"er the hori0on.
b. If your ban! card is lost$ . or stolen$ call our 'ard -otline number.
c. -e obtained the grenades from a friend who had from the army.
d. woman friend saw her dri"ing out of town a few minutes laterG after that she just
.. into thin air.
e. ll attempts to find a peaceful solution to the conflict ha"e now been .
3#.aoid, ban, block, escape, forbid, preent
a. She was .. from dri"ing for H months.
b. 6rap small ornaments in paper to them being damaged.
c. Bxcept when they were filming$ the two actors .. each other li!e the plague.
d. 1any young offenders .. punishment completely.
e. -undreds of protesters the entrance to the %resident's palace.
f. Their religion .. the eating of por!.
3$.condition, position, situation, state
a. .ne of the "ictims was in a critical . after suffering se"ere burns.
b. 6hen we bought the house$ it was in a terrible
c. In the present .$ I don't thin! it would be a good idea to try to sell your house.
d. -e e"entually became Aord 'hancellor$ the most powerful in the #ritish
legal system.
4&.alike, identical, same, similar
a. The tablets were in si0e$ shape$ and colour$ and I too! the wrong ones.
b. Tom's "oice is "ery .. to his brother's.
c. <ou lawyers are all .. <ou just tal! a lot$ tell a few lies$ and send the bill.
d. She was born on the day as me.
41.approal, attitude, opinion, iew
a. -e ac!nowledged that he had no e"idence to support his ..
b. trip to the island can be either "ery relaxing or "ery boring$ depending on your point of
c. 6e need parental . before allowing students to go on field trips.
d. %ete's towards women really scares me.
42.eidence, fact, proof, sign
a. -e was the only person in the room when the money disappeared & what more
.. do you want)
b. The pro"es clearly and beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant is
c. She ob"iously !nows what she's doing & the . spea! for themsel"es.
d. %olice searched the house thoroughly but found no of a brea!&in.
e. 9o you ha"e any . of purchase)
f. There is no hard . to support this theory.
43.prescription, receipt, recipe, reiew
a. She said that fi"e small boys on s!is was a for disaster$ not a holiday.
b. %urchases may be returned if you show your
c. 6e are trying to cut the price of . drugs.
d. 'ould you gi"e me the . for that chocolate ca!e)
e. .ur first Bnglish assignment was to write a boo! ..
D, factory, firm, industry
a. 6ages in the clothing .. were found to be lower than in any other sector.
b. I was wor!ing in a car .. at the time.
c. The typical executi"e has a .. car$ pri"ate medical insurance and a pension scheme.
d. She wor!s for a law .. in msterdam., %ob, post, work
a. 9aniel starts his new . on 1onday.
b. Bn"ironmentalists supported 1urphy as the best candidate for the director's
c. lexander commutes 34 miles to . each day.
d. . prospects within the company are excellent.
e. -is injuries ha"e made it impossible for him to go bac! to .
4!.deck, floor, layer, storey
a. . of dust co"ered e"erything in the room.
b. 6e are located on the se"enth . of the building.
c. The increase in the incidence of s!in cancer is directly due to the hole in the o0one
d. TheyE"e bought a two&.. house on the outs!irts of the town.
e. The sea grew more turbulent and the wa"es began to brea! o"er the .
4".discoer, find out, inent, recoer, set up
a. 'ould you . his address for me$ please)
b. They want to . their own import&export business.
c. lexander /raham #ell .. the telephone in 2IDH.
d. The ban! is planning to sue the company in order to try and it's money.
e. The planet %luto was . in 2>34.
4#.bring, carry, fetch, go, take
a. +im's gone to .. the police.
b. porter helped me my bags.
c. -e a dictionary down from the shelf.
d. Shannon .. upstairs to .. some blan!ets.
e. B"eryone's .. a bit of food and a bottle to the party.
4$.angle, corner, edge, margin, iew
a. group of children were playing at the water's ...
b. Thompson says his committee has loo!ed at the problem from e"ery possible
c. I don't agree with the .. that longer prison sentences stop people from
committing crime.
d. ;se double spacing and wide .. to lea"e room for comments.
e. The TJ station's name appears in the .. of the screen.
5&.notice, obsere, see, watch
a. She was worried that her boss would . how long she had been gone.
b. *9o you want to play too)* *:o$ than!s. I'll just ..*
c. The space shuttle crew will . the atmosphere$ aurora$ and stars.
d. '-ow do you !now it's true)' '#ecause I . it with my own eyesK'
51.consist, contain, form, hold, include, inole
a. The price for the hotel .. brea!fast.
b. The thie"es stole a purse .. ban!notes.
c. -eat the stoc! in a pot large enough to the fish.
d. The audience .. mainly of teenagers.
e. 'ommunity ser"ice can anything from gardening to helping in old
people's homes.
f. The ri"er a natural boundary between the two countries.
52.inhabitant, neighbour, resident, tenant
a. This is a poor rural area$ with only one doctor per 24$444 .
b. -a"e you found any .. for your house yet)
c. Aocal .. are protesting about the new road.
d. .ur next&door .. say they'll loo! after our cat for us while we're away.
53.ability, qualification, skill, talent
a. .n the course you will de"elop . in business management.
b. It was during one of these shows that he was spotted by a . scout and
signed up by 6arner #rothers.
c. pplicants should ha"e an B,A . and a year's teaching experience.
d. :o one doubts his .. to get wor! done (uic!ly.
54.limp, stagger, stroll, tiptoe, wander
a. They .. along the ri"erban!$ enjoying the e"ening sun.
b. 1y father was . under the weight of a huge parcel.
c. She . aimlessly about the house.
d. She . painfully o"er to a chair and sat down.
e. I along the passage to 'laire's door and peeped in.
55.bite, peck, pinch, scratch, sting
a. There was a red mar! where the pigeon had her hand.
b. -enry was .. by a bee at the picnic.
c. Sometimes she had to .. herself to ma!e sure it was not all a dream.
d. The cat me while I was playing with her.
e. .n just the second day of the trip$ I was .. on the leg by a sna!e.
5!.inland, inner, interior, internal
a. The doctor said they found some signs of bleeding.
b. The mountains are fi"e miles ..
c. s an .. decorator$ %aula 'urry was a real professional.
d. Suburban styles of life are "ery different from those in the . city.
5".cause, happen, lead, occur, result
a. I suppose it didn't .. to you to phone the police)
b. Try to isolate the problems that are . you the most difficulty.
c. 6or!ers fear that the company's reorgani0ation will .. in layoffs.
d. 6e'd always feared that this might .
e. degree in Bnglish could to a career in journalism.
f. This .. to be my houseK
5#.logical, reasonable, sensible, sensitie
a. %aul is too .. for this job. -e can't ta!e e"en the smallest criticism.
b. .nly L2@ a night) That sounds ..
c. .lder people tend to be "ery .. to cold.
d. It would ha"e been more . to sa"e the money than to spend it all on clothes.
e. There is no . reason for teaching boys and girls separately.
f. I thought her re(uest for more information was $ but it was refused.
5$.expand, extend, increase, rise
a. Smith %oint is a small piece of land . a hundred yards or so into the water.
b. -eat ma!es the gas in the container ..
c. Temperatures rarely . abo"e free0ing.
d. The business was growing rapidly and beginning to .. abroad.
e. The ;S go"ernment is still trying to its influence o"er Buropean politics.
f. The %resident's popularity has enormously in recent months.
!&.coast, port, resort, seaside, shore
a. 6e'll ha"e two days ashore while the ship is in .
b. 6e dro"e along the %acific . to Seattle.
c. 6hen I was little I used to go to the . most wee!ends.
d. 6e spent summer at a holiday resort on the . of the driatic.
e. capulco is one of 1exico's most popular .
!1.carry out, celebrate, hold, perform
a. This year's conference will be . at the -ilton -otel.
b. The children . a 'hristmas pantomime e"ery year.
c. 6e .. her instructions precisely.
d. -arry . his thirtieth birthday with a meal in a fancy restaurant.
!2.complete, inclusie, package, thorough
a. The rent is L2=4 a wee!$ of heating.
b. The police ha"e made a search of the area.
c. This is a .. waste of time.
d. 6hen choosing an o"erseas . tour$ do not s!imp.
!3.glance, sight, iew, ision
a. Bdwina's office was south&facing$ with a .. of the la!e.
b. 8aren wa"ed until the car was out of ..
c. (uic! . at the map showed that we were on the right road.
d. s 1artha grew older$ her began to fail.
e. 7ic! caught . of the dri"erEs face as the car raced by.
!4.crossing, cruise, expedition, passage
a. The se"en&day . stops at 'abo San Aucas$ %uerto Jallarta and other 1exican resorts.
b. The purpose of the was to explore the :orth merican coastline.
c. -e was guaranteed safe .. out of the country.
d. The tlantic . too! nearly three months.
!5.commentator, correspondent, editor, reporter
a. %arcells$ the former :ew <or! /iants coach$ later became a sports . on tele"ision.
b. She wor!s as a junior .. on a local paper.
c. The .. is the one in charge of the newspaper and he decides what articles to include.
d. 1artin #ell wor!ed for many years as the ##''s war ..$ co"ering conflicts
all o"er the world.
!!.earth, ground, land, soil
a. 7oses do best in well&drained$ slightly acid
b. 6hat on .. did you do that for)
c. -e lay on the . and stared up at the s!y.
d. Bach family was gi"en a small piece of .. where they could grow food for
!".arrie, get, reach
a. It too! se"en hours before we .. the border.
b. It was already dar! by the time they . at their hotel.
c. #y the time we . to :ew <or!$ it was snowing.
d. .ur flight . in .sa!a two hours ahead of schedule.
!#.accurate, exact, precise
a. She's wearing the same dress I bought last wee!K
b. She's a lot older than you$ isn't she)' ',ifteen years$ to be .'
c. The cutter is . to within M a millimetre.
!$.discount, offer, sale
a. Tic!ets are ?>$ with a ?= for !ids.
b. melia bought her jac!et at a . for twenty dollars.
c. I'll sell the car if I get a good ...
"&.current, draught, drought, flood
a. se"ere . has caused most of the corn crop to fail.
b. 'an you close the window) I'm in a .
c. -elicopters continued to search for others who had climbed trees to escape from the
. waters.
d. It's dangerous to swim in the sea here because the . is so strong.
"1.damp, humid, mild, wet
a. 9on't touch the wall & the paint's still .
b. Some plants will sur"i"e outside during a winter.
c. I couldnEt stand the hot atmosphere of the greenhouse.
d. It's cold and .. outside & ma!e sure you wear a warm coat.
"2.course, dessert, meal, starter
a. *6ould you li!e a ..$ 1adam)* *<es please$ I'll ha"e the cheeseca!e.*
b. 6hat would you li!e for a .. & soup or garlic mushrooms)
c. ,or the main we had roast tur!ey with "egetables.
d. The hotel was nice$ and the were really good.
", lump, piece, sheet, slice
a. 1elt a .. of butter in your frying&pan.
b. ''6ould you li!e some more toast)'' ''+ust one more .$ please.''
c. Aet me gi"e you a .. of ad"ice.
d. I used to buy a . of chocolate e"ery day and gi"e half to my friend.
e. 6rite each answer on a separate of paper.
"4.cure, heal, recoer, treat
a. -e's in hospital$ from a heart attac!.
b. sprain usually ta!es longer to than a bro!en bone.
c. It was difficult to patients because of a shortage of medicine.
d. %enicillin or other antibiotics will .. most infections.
"5.branch, compartment, department, section, ward
a. -er company has in 9allas and 'hicago.
b. ,irst class seats are in the front .. of the plane.
c. Jera wor!s in the public relations .
d. Ainda is a doctor in a . for premature babies.
e. -e always sat at the end of the second coach$ in the small$ first&class ..
with red plush seats.
"!.combine, connect, %oin, share, stick
a. I'd probably !now %hil by sight$ but I just can't the face and the name.
b. I ha"e my own room$ but we . the !itchen and bathroom.
c. 6e should be able to get out of this mess$ pro"ided we . together.
d. Students were able to their experiences.
e. -e designed the first great suspension bridge$ an idea that .. beauty and
function perfectly.
f. ny child wanting to . the after&school club should see 1rs 6illiams.
"".decrease, drop, lessen, lower
a. -e shifted his position a little$ in order to the pain in his leg.
b. The temperature .. 24 degrees during the night.
c. #etter health education should help to . the incidence of heart disease.
d. -elen . her "oice as they approached.
"#.only, separate, single, unique
a. The car par! is for staff ..
b. The exhibition pro"ided a . opportunity to see all of the artist's wor!.
c. %lease fill in the section on the form that as!s if you're .$ married or di"orced.
d. The princess grew up thin!ing she was an . child but one day disco"ered
she had twel"e brothers.
e. ll the children ha"e . bedrooms.
"$.last, late, latter, latest, recent
a. 6here unemployment and crime are high$ it can be assumed that the .. is
due to the former.
b. She set up the fund in memory of her husband.
c. report said that small amounts of alcohol are good for the health.
d. -a"e you seen Spielberg's . mo"ie)
e. 1oney was the thing I cared about right now.
#&.agenda, calendar, catalogue, diary, directory, list, memo
a. <ou will find new information about all the sale items in our
b. I forgot to bring my shopping with me.
c. The meeting's been cancelled. 9idn't you get my )
d. The fuel crisis will be at the top of the .. for today's board meeting.
e. This is the guest . for the wedding.
f. The Tour de ,rance is the biggest race in the cycling .
g. I decided to !eep a . of our trip to Toronto.
h. Sam's number should be listed in the telephone ..
i. 6hat do you do if you want to discuss something that's not on the )
#1.claw, hoof, paw, talon
a. The cat dug his . into my leg.
b. .ur dog cut his .. on a piece of metal.
c. s eagles close in on the prey$ they thrust their . forward.
d. Bxcept for a lame and swollen front ..$ the bull seemed to be fine.
#2.pollute, rot, spoil, stain
a. 6hy did you ha"e to in"ite +erry) <ou'"e the whole wee!end.
b. n in"estigation re"ealed that the mine was .. both the air and the
c. The blac!berry juice had . their clothes and fingers.
d. If water gets inside the woodwor!$ it causes it to
#3.chop, grate, peel, slice
a. I thin! my mother the nuts a little finer.
b. . the tomatoes about N inch thic!.
c. 'ould you .. an orange for me)
d. I always li!e to some cheese o"er the potatoes before ser"ing them.
#4.conert, exchange, swap, switch
a. This shirt is too big. 'an I it)
b. 6e . phone numbers$ but I don't thin! I'll call him.
c. -e was accused of the price labels on goods.
d. 6e'"e the basement to gi"e the children more room to play.
e. I'm trying to sell my bi!e$ or it for a slightly bigger one.
#5.allowance, pass, permission, permit
a. The guard chec!ed our ..
b. <ou can't par! here unless you ha"e a .
c. Sales staff get a generous mileage .. or a company car.
d. The changes to the boo! were all made with the author's .
#!.broad, deep, extensie, wide
a. bby came in with a smile on her face.
b. This year's festi"al includes a range of entertainers.
c. SheEd been so in thought she hadnEt heard the man open the dining room
d. The exhibition has recei"ed co"erage in the national press.
#".income, interest, inestment, salary
a. If you had half a million dollars you could easily li"e off the ..
b. #uying shares in blue&chip companies is always a sound .
c. -e reportedly earns an annual of ?=4 million.
d. ,amilies on low .. are eligible for state benefits.
##.aisle, corridor, line, row
a. 6e had to wait outside in the until our names were called.
b. s she wal!ed down the .. her heart brimmed o"er with lo"e and for 'harles.
c. 'an you see me in the photo) I'm in the bac! . on the left.
d. The trail follows a disused railroad along the edge of the "alley.
#$.base, depend, rely, trust
a. I'm . on you to tell me e"erything.
b. 9a"id's one of my oldest friends & I .. him completely.
c. ,or its income$ the company .. hea"ily on only a few contracts.
d. Their relationship was .. upon mutual respect.
$&.consider, guess, reckon, wonder
a. 6hat do you .. & would this ma!e a good present for 9onald's birthday)
b. . how much I paid for this watchK
c. I . if she'll recogni0e me after all these years.
d. #efore you resign$ you should .. the effect it will ha"e on your family.
$, go with, match, suit
a. I lo"e that pale blue wallpaper$ but I don't thin! it would . the carpet.
b. ,or e"ery outfit$ Stephanie seemed to ha"e a handbag and shoes to ..
c. Ste"e was wearing a red sil! shirt that didn't him at all.
d. -e's put on so much weight that his clothes don't .. any more.
$2.demonstration, display, exhibition, show
a. They held a spectacular firewor! . to mar! the new millennium.
b. ll the photographs in the .. are for sale.
c. -ega"e a practical of the boat's military potential.
d. nneEs 'ollie won the dog . last summer.
$3.bunch, bundle, collection, packet
a. -as anyone seen a of !eys)
b. %aul tore open the . as soon as it arri"ed.
c. -a"e you seen her '9 .. & it's enormousK
d. -e put his hand on his poc!et$ and pulled out a large of L@4 notes.
e. I bought a !ilo of apples and a . of grapes.
$, cheque, credit, installment
a. 1ost new cars are bought on ..
b. 1any retailers offer discounts on merchandise when you open a store card.
c. The shop charges less if the customer pays in ..
d. They're letting me pay for the washing machine by monthly ..
e. <ou could write her a .
$5.comment, mention, note, refer
a. I forgot to that I won't be in tomorrow.
b. The prime minister was as!ed to on the crisis.
c. 6e agreed ne"er to to the matter again.
d. %lease .. that the bill must be paid within ten days.
$!.danger, emergency, risk, urgency
a. The staff need to !now what to do in a(n)
b. 6e must stop these rumoursG the firm's reputation is at ..
c. I !new we were ta!ing a(n) when we lent him the money.
d. This is a matter of great .
e. Is there any of 1i!e being arrested)
$".improe, lift, raise
a. The go"ernment plans to its ban on cigar imports.
b. your hand if you !now the right answer.
c. They ga"e a concert to money for charity.
d. -e had been tired when he arri"ed but the sight of the little children playing really
.. his spirits.
e. I wanted to . my ,rench$ so I got a job in %aris.
$, border, boundary
a. s soon as we crossed the . we began to see signs of po"erty.
b. he stream cur"es round to mar! the of his property.
c. They were building a new theatre on the south .. of the Thames.
$$.bang, beat, hit, knock
a. 6ould you mind before you come in)
b. 'hildren were .. on different !inds of drums.
c. I fell and .. my head on the pa"ement.
d. #e careful with that stic!K <ou nearly .. me with it.
1&&. pat, slap, stroke, tap
a. -e turned as someone .. him on the shoulder.
b. I was so angry I wanted to him.
c. 1iss %oole calmed herself by .. the cat's fur.
d. *9on't worry$* he said$ her hand gently.
1&1. adantage, benefit, exploitation, profit
a. Tourism has brought many . to the area.
b. ,or the first time$ the company's annual were o"er ?2 million.
c. The company was fined for the .. of its immigrant wor!ers.
d. I felt that my friends were ta!ing . of me as a free babysitter.
1&2. direct, immediate, instant, straight
a. .ur concern was to stop the fire spreading.
b. There are also new . flights from :ewcastle$ :orwich and #irmingham.
c. I'm not in . contact with them.
d. /o.. home and tell your mother.
e. Sorry$ all I ha"e is coffee.
1&3. certificate, degree, diploma, licence, sub%ect
a. B"eryone was gi"en a at the end of the course.
b. -er dream is to get a .. in computer science and then get a high&paying job.
c. -e was arrested for dri"ing without a ...
d. 'ould you tell me where to apply for a full birth . with all my parents' details on it)
e. Bnglish was my fa"ourite .. at school.
1&4. bark, bu'', grunt, hiss, howl, roar, squeak
a. %olice helicopters bac!wards and forwards o"er the area all day.
b. Strong winds . across the region.
c. .. with effort$ she lifted me up.
d. The dog always . at strangers.
e. The lions . in their cages.
f. rat . and ran into the bushes.
g. Sna!es only .. when they are afraid.
1&5. hatch, hunt, migrate, nest
a. The leopard . at night.
b. -ow do birds !now when to $ and how do they find their way bac! home)
c. The eggs ta!e three days to ...
d. They say eagles used to . in those roc!s.
1&!. aerage, normal, regular, standard
a. ;nder .. conditions$ a number of plants grow well in a(uariums.
b. The company holds .. meetings with employees.
c. 6e ma!e shoes in all .. si0es.
d. ,oreign affairs do not usually interest the .. "oter.
1&". sigh, snee'e, yawn, yell
a. The dust was ma!ing him ..
b. *That's life$ I suppose$'' she ....
c. ,red stood up$ and stretchedG he was ob"iously bored.
d. The children were .. at each other across the street.
1&#. direction, indication, proposal, suggestion
a. #e sure you read the .. before using any piece of e(uipment.
b. She politely declined his of marriage.
c. She made some useful . about places we could "isit.
d. If she !new what was going on ..$ she ga"e no indication of it.
1&$. know, realise, recognise, understand
a. #en as!ed a few (uestions to ma!e sure he .. what to do.
b. :one of us .. the danger we were in.
c. I didn't you in your uniform.
d. *re you going home for 'hristmas)* *I don't .. yet.*
11&. alie, lie, liely, liing
a. -e's one of the greatest .. composers.
b. She was a . and ad"enturous girl & not one for a (uiet life.
c. %aramedics fought for an hour by the roadside to !eep him
d. The band will be gi"ing a . concert performance next wee!.
111. belong, own, possess
a. 6e don't the apartment$ we're just renting it.
b. -e . an unusual ability to learn languages (uic!ly.
c. 'an you put that bac! where it )
112. crest, lid, peak, top
a. 6here's the for this jar)
b. In the distance we could see a small boat riding the . of the wa"es.
c. The . of the trees swayed in the bree0e.
d. -otel rooms are difficult to find at the . of the holiday season.
113. contest, game, eent, match
a. I'm not "ery good at card ...
b. Bric scored the only goal in the against lbany.
c. She won se"eral beauty when she was in her early twenties.
d. The town's beer festi"al is an annual ..
114. area, district, region, territory
a. The antelope will control and defend its ...
b. Se"ere winter weather is expected in the northeast . of the country.
c. 'rime rates are significantly higher in urban ..
d. -e added that the council supported the scheme and the turbines would be
positioned outside the national par!.
115. demand, inform, instruct, order
a. :ew recruits are in marching and the handling of weapons.
b. I to !now what's going on.
c. It wasn't until 2>D3 that :ixon finally ;S troops out of Jietnam.
d. 9octors should patients about the possible side effects of any drugs they
e. 6ould you li!e to . a drin! before dinner)
11!. check up, examination, in%ection, operation
a. fter a brief by a local doctor$ I was ta!en to the city's main hospital.
b. 1rs. 6ilson$ I'm going to gi"e you an .. to help you relax.
c. It's been a couple of years since I had my last ..
d. s! the surgeon how many times he has performed the . before$ and with
what success.
11". nation, people, race, tribe
a. %eople should be treated e(ually$ regardless of their ..$ age$ or sex.
b. The Statue of Aiberty was a gift from the . of ,rance.
c. 7epresentati"es from the world's leading industrial will meet in /ene"a.
d. s groupings became larger$ .. were formed on the basis of more extensi"e
!inship ties.
e. .. are getting "ery worried about rising crime.
11#. conseration, maintenance, preseration, protection
a. The tribe is concerned with the of its culture and traditions.
b. Jitamin ' pro"ides some . against minor illnesses.
c. The group is mainly concerned with bird . in coastal areas.
d. #ecause there had been no $ the college buildings were in a poor state.
11$. alarm, anxiety, care, concern, worry
a. lex loo!ed as though he didn't ha"e a .. in the world.
b. Scientists ha"e said there is no cause for ...
c. -er heart began to pound frantically$ as if she were ha"ing an . attac!.
d. The poor mother was sic! with o"er her missing daughter.
e. I did "oice my .. about the financial management$ but was told to stay (uiet.
12&. base, bed, bottom, end
a. 9i"ers ha"e disturbed the sea .. in some areas.
b. The .. of the pool is "ery slippery.
c. The .. of the column was crac!ed.
d. 6e sat in silence at either of a long wooden table.
121. complete, entire, total, whole
a. This is a .. list of educational publishers in #ritain.
b. 6e're going to ha"e a .. lot of problems if we don't finish this by tomorrow.
c. 6hen my grandmother died$ I inherited a .. set of 9resden china.
d. 9ad spent the .. day in the !itchen.
e. The . cost was far higher than we had expected.
f. It was months before the truth came out.
122. location, point, site, spot
a. /reen fences were put up around the construction ...
b. 1ost of the mo"ie was shot on . in frica.
c. This loo!s li!e a good .. to stop and rest.
d. Soon they came to a .. where the road di"ided.
e. uthorities say they ha"e pinpointed the .. of the sun!en ship.
f. It too! me about twenty minutes to find a par!ing .
123. close, draw, shut, turn off
a. It was getting dar!$ so I . the curtains and switched on the light.
b. 'ome in and . the door behind you.
c. -ughes had . ?I444 in cash from a ban! in Toronto.
d. 6ould you . the heater before you go to bed)
e. I told her not to come bac! until she . a deal.
124. among, between, within
a. 'hildren must remain .. the school grounds during the lunch brea!.
b. I saw him standing . a group of students.
c. re there any public holidays . 'hristmas and Baster)
125. early, former, past, preious
a. ,or the . two wee!s$ I'"e been doing my boss's job while she's away on
b. -e was an ad"iser to %resident 7eagan.
c. 9o you ha"e any .. experience of this type of wor!)
d. 6e're planning to go to #arcelona in .. September.
12!. main, ma%or, principal, significant
a. It is . that the writers of the report were all men.
b. <our taxes depend on where your residence is located.
c. 6e wal!ed up the stairs to the . entrance of the building.
d. I thought we agreed to tal! to each other before ma!ing any .. decisions.
12". absolutely, greatly, highly, really
a. She loo!ed .. relie"ed when she heard the news.
b. +im !new . nothing about the business when he joined the firm.
c. 9o you want to come with us) It'll be "ery boring for you.
d. ,reire introduced successful literacy programs in #ra0il.
12#. certainly, likely, possibly, probably, surely
a. It is more than the "otes will ha"e to be counted again.
b. -ow could anyone .. do that to her)
c. *6here is +oan)* *She's still at wor!.*
d. <our car must be worth more than ?@44$ K
e. Incredible as they seem$ these e"ents . too! place.

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