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The ULTIMATE Emerald
Get to Battle Frontier
To get to the Battle Frontier, you must defeat the Elite Four with Pokemon only with your
I.D. number. After you defeat them, you will get a tiket from your father to get to the
Battle Frontier. The Battle Frontier is another region with fourteen more badges to
ollet. Additionally, there are se!en gyms in the Battle Frontier. The se!en gyms are the
Battle Tube, Battle Dome, Battle Fatory, Battle Arena, Battle Palae, Battle Pyramid,
and Battle Tower. Eah gym has two badges to ollet.
"ohto starters
#hen you om$lete the full %&% Pokemon of 'oenn, Professor Birh will all you on
your Pokena! and say that he wants to gi!e you a sur$rise. (ou an now hoose one of
the three "ohto starters )*hikorita, *ynda+uil, or Totodile,.
-afari .one
The -afari .one is the same as the one in Pokemon /uby and -a$$hire. The only
differene is that after you defeat the Elite Four, two more areas a$$ear full of "ohto
Pokemon that you ould not get in any other games )besides Pokemon *olosseum,.
0agma -ymbol
To get the 0agma -ymbol )whih is re+uired to get to the Team 0agma Base,, you must
go to 0t. Pyre after you defeat Team A+ua in the o!e ne1t to 2ilyo!e *ity.
3ational De1
Immediately after you defeat the Elite Four, you will go to Professor Birh. 'e will gi!e
the 3ational De1 to you.


There are 4 odes for this game.
35TE6 -ome odes may effet e1isting item +uantities in your bag. To orret this
sim$ly $lay the game without odes and toss or sell the e1tra items.
Infinite Money
No Random Battles
Battle: 1 Hit Kills
Battle: R = More EXP
Have All Poe!alls
Have All "Ms#HMs
Poede$ %om&lete
'o( )ame "ime
"y&e %*art:
Hoenn +orld Ma&:
,e(ford )ym:
'avarid-e )ym +ar&s ).ide:
'and %aves:
Ma.ville )ym /ol.tions:
Mossdee& %ity +ar&s ).ide:
/ea %aves:
/ooto&olis %ity )ym:
4. Walkthrough
4.1 The Beginning
4.2 Petalburg Town And Forest
4.3 Rustboro City.. The First Badge
4.4 A!ross The "ea To #ew$ord City
4.% "late&ort City
4.' The Road To (au)ile
4.* The +le!tri$ying (au)ile ,y-
4.. Route 111 / 112
4.0 Fiery Path / Route 112 / 113
4.11 Fallarbor Town
4.11 Route 114 And The (eteor Falls
4.12 The Road To 2erdantur$ Town
4.13 (t.Chi-ney
4.14 The 3agged Pass 1
4.1% The 4ot 5a)aridge City
4.1' The 6nteresting #esert
4.1* The Petalburg ,y-
4.1. The 7!ean Path
4.10 The Abandoned "hi&
4.21 The Rest 7$ The Road
4.21 The 8ew (au)ile
4.22 The 4arsh Routes 11. / 110
4.23 The Weather 6nstitute
4.24 The Rest 7$ Route 110
4.2% The Con$using Fortree City
4.2' Route 121 / 121
4.2* 5ily!o)e City
4.2. (t. Pyre
4.20 Route 123
4.31 Tea- (ag-a9s 4ideout
4.31 The Tea- A:ua 4ideout
4.32 The 7!ean Route 124
4.33 The Psy!hi! (ossdee& City
4.34 The "&a!e Center
4.3% The Water Routes ;1<
4.3' =nderwater 4ideout
4.3* "a)ing.. The Poke-on World
4.3. The Wanted Ray:ua>a
4.30 "ooto&lis ,y- At 5ast
4.41 The Path To 2i!tory Road
4.41 2i!tory Road
4.42 The +lite Four 8+W
4.43 The +nd? 8+W
4.44 The "." Anne Tri& 8+W
4.4% The Battle Frontier ;=8C7(P5+T+#<
4 Walkthrough
The &art that &robably -ost o$ you !a-e to useA now as you see there9s so-e
di$$erent $ro- RB"A as we !an see both ,roudon and Cyogre at the beginningA
anywaysA Pro$. Bir!h will a&&ear talking about Poke-on and that he studies
the- and there9s -any -ysteriesA it9s the sa-e as RB" so no need to eD&lain
-oreA neDt he will ask you i$ your a boy or girlA the to& answer is boy and
the botto- answer is a girl. ;8oteA whene)er so-eone asks you a :uestionA Ees
will always be at the to&A while 8o is at the botto-.< 8eDt he will ask you
your na-eA i$ you want your na-e in +nglishA Fust go to the rightA and you
will see "ele!tA &ress it twi!e and the english letters will a&&ear.
4.1 The Beginning
8owA you9ll see yoursel$ inside the -o)ing )anA soon it will sto& and
you !an get out o$ itA your (o- will !o-e out and say that the neighborhood
is ni!e and the house is tooA soon you9ll go inside and see the &oke-on worker
@s &la!ing the obFe!tsA go u& your roo- and $iD your !lo!k to the ti-e you
wantA a$ter that go downstairs and your -other is !alling you to see your
$ather9s inter)iew on T2A but it turns out that you were too late. ,o outside
to the house near youA when you enter a lady will !o-e and introdu!es hersel$A
she9s your ri)als -otherA she will tell you to go u&stairs and -eet herA 6
guessA when you enter you will $ind a ite- in the roo-A try to take it and you
@r ri)al will a&&earA 6 don9t eDa!tly know what9s she is sayingA but 6 guess
she is -ainly introdu!ing hersel$. 5ea)e the house and go northA you will $ind
out the Pro$. Bir!h is being !hased by a Gig>agoonA not a Poo!hyena like in
RB"A anyways he will tell you to go to the bag and !hoose a &oke-onA now be
!are$ul as this will be your starter &oke-onA you ha)e three !hoi!es H
1. Tre!koA the grass &oke-onA it9s the best $or the beginner usersA easy to
trainA but it wont be as &ower$ul as the rest at the end. 6ts ability is
7)ergrowA and it9s the $irst one to the le$t.
2. (udki&A the water &oke-onA is &robably the best &oke-onA not too hard to
trainA and turns into a great &oke-on. 6t9s the last one to the le$tA and its
ability is Torrent.
3. Tor!hi!A the $ire &oke-onA is hard to train at the beginning but it turns
out to be a strong &oke-on at the endA it9s the one in the -iddle and its
ability is Bla>e.
A$ter you ha)e !hosenA you will begin the battle with Gig>agoonA its
&retty easyA he9s at le)el 2A basi!ally !on!entrate on the basi! -o)eA whi!h
is usually ta!kleA s!rat!h et!A sooner or later you should ha)e $ainted hi-A
Pro$ Bir!h will then thank youA and take you ba!k to his lab. 4e will thank
you and gi)e you the &oke-on you ha)e !hosen and tells you to -eet his
daughterBson. 5ea)e the lab and go north to Route 111 battle a $ew wild
&oke-on till you rea!h le)el 'A then go to the neDt town. 7ldale town really
has nothing $or nowA heal your &oke-on and !ontinue northA as a $reak is
blo!king the &ath. Try to a)oid battling wild &oke-onA as at the end o$ the
route you will see your ri)al. "he will be su&rised to see you ;What does
sheBhe think we areA losers? I&< and sheBhe will battle you. Tea!h her a
lesson by beating herA your &oke-on should be at le)el 'A sheBhe will ha)e
the &oke-on that9s weak to yoursA like Water I ,rassA ,rass I FireA Fire I
Water. Fortunately sBhe9s &oke-on didn9t learn the ele-ental -o)e yetA like
Water ,un et!A and at le)el ' so Fust stay with Ta!kle or "!rat!h till sBhe9s
&oke-on $aints. Eou will gain a le)elA and sBhe will tell you to !o-e ba!k to
ho-eA $ollow her to 7ldale town and healA !ontinue ba!k and you will end u&
in the lab. "Bhe will tell herBhis $ather that you beated herBhi-A he will be
su&rised and will end u& gi)ing you the PokedeD and tells you to go to Rustbor
@o to battle the gy- there. 5ea)e the labA and you will see your -other at the
doorA talk to her and she will gi)e the running shoesA &ress B and it will -ake
you runA a W475+ lot better than walkingA now go ba!k to route 111A battle and
gain a le)elA and heal at 7ldale and go by the route that the $reak was
4.2 Petalburg Town And Forest
8ow you ha)e entered Route 112 that leads to Petalburg TownA go u& a $ew
ste&s and you will -eet the $irst trainer you will battle in the ga-eA he has
a le)el % Poo!hyenaA should be easy as you should ha)e your &oke-on at le)el
.. As usualA kee& using the Ta!kle -o)e and you should easily beat hi-. =& a
$ew ste&s and you9ll -eet a bug !at!herA he will ha)e two le)el 4 Wur-&lesA
should be easyA and use the sa-e strategy as the other battle. The third
trainer is another beginnerA Fust like youA he will ha)e a le)el 4 Gig>agoon
and le)el 3 TailowA another easy battleA you should ha)e your starter at
around le)el 0 by now. Continue and get the two berries i$ you wantA !ontinue
and you will battle another trainerA whi!h will ha)e a le)el 4 Gig>agoon and
a le)el 4 "hroo-ish. A little harder $ro- the be$oreA but should be still
easy. (ake sure that your starter is at le)el 11A as it will be use$ul i$
you relay on one &oke-on like -eA whi!h 6 will use till Rustboro ,y-.
Petalburg Town... another s-all town but has so-e interesting stu$$A your
$ather has his own gy- hereA so heal at the Poke-on Center and enter the gy-.
4e will say hiA and then so-e kid will enter the gy- and talks to your $ather
asking $or the &oke-on he was su&&osed to re!ei)eA your $ather see-s to ha)e
$orgotten and asks you to go hel& the kid !at!h a &oke-onA he gi)es the kid
his &oke-on and you and the kid lea)e the gy- and go to the routeA the kid is
!alled WallyA he then !at!hes a Ralts. Eou will both go ba!k to the gy- and
your #ad will !ongratulate you on hel&ing WallyA Wally then has to goA so he
lea)es. Eour #ad tells you to go to Rustboro City and battle the gy- leader
thereA and then !o-e ba!k when you9re stronger. 8ow lea)e the town and you
will be sto&&ed by so-eone. 4e9s na-e is +nshidaA there isn9t -u!h in$or-ation
till nowA by $ro- what 6 know is that he -eets you e)ery ti-e you lea)eBbeat
a gy-. 6ll u&date when 6 know -ore. 8ow you will be on Route 114A go down to
the bea!h and you9ll see a trainer running aroundA he likes to see his
$ootste&s in the sand 6 guess HP. Battle hi-A he has a le)el % Gig>agoonA
and a le)el * "eedot. "wee& hi- with your basi! -o)e or use any new ele-ental
-o)esA shouldn9t be hard. Eour starter should now be at le)el 11A and i$
you ha)e a se!ond &oke-onA should be at least le)el *. ,o u& the bea!h and
you9ll see a guy with a hat and a $isherA talk to the $isher to battle hi-A
a le)el 0 (agikar&. 5et your weakest le)el &oke-on battle hi- all he does is
the -o)e "&lash whi!h does nothing.
+nter the house i$ you wantA but you will $ind nobody $or now. Take the
berries i$ you wantA and go le$t and battle a ri!h lady. Eou should get a good
a-ount o$ -oney $ro- her. "he has a le)el * Gig>agoon.. whi!h is really
nothing so :ui!kly get rid o$ her. 8ow go $orward to enter the Petalburg
Forest. 6$ you need a &oke ballA go le$t and &ass the guyA and go downA and
you will see an ite- whi!h is a &oke ballA go ba!k and go to your le$tA you
will see a bug !at!her he will ha)e 4 le)el 3 Wur-&le.... go u& and you will
see an ite-A it9s an antidote. Continue and you will see so-eone looking
aroundA he asks you i$ you see a "hroo-ishA then a Tea- A:ua guy a&&earsA
asking $or the #e)on ,oods ;+-erald has both Tea- (ag-a and A:ua< the #e)on
,oods guy will hide behind you $or hel&. The Tea- A:ua guy will atta!k you.
This -ight be the hardest battle yetA but you should beat hi- with no sweat
i$ your tea- is between le)els .@12. 4e will ha)e a le)el 0 Poo!hyena. A$ter
you beat hi-A he will go ba!k a ste& and he then runs awayA the #e)on9s ,oods
guy will thank youA and then re-e-ber about the goods and runs to Rustboro
Continue going $orward and you will see a bug !at!herA battle hi- he will
ha)e 2 le)el ' 8in!andasA swee& hi- with your water &oke-on. ,o $orward and
you will see an ite-A 6 think it9s an +liDir. Eou will see a &ath blo!ked by
s-all treesA you need 4( @ Cut to !ut the tree. ,o u& and you will be out o$
the $orest and on route 114. ,o to the building at the to&A it9s a Plant storeA
talk to the $irst girl and say yesA and then go to one in the -iddle and she
will gi)e you a Wail-er Pail. 6t9s a key ite- that is used to &lant BerriesA
go out and to the s-all &ath on the le$tA you will see an ite- whi!h is a
PotionA take the berries i$ you want and go right and you will $ind a Ri!h boy
trainer ;Eu--y -oney H#< 4e will ha)e a le)el * Gig>agoonA let your weakest
&oke-on battle hi-. Be !are$ulA he -ight use a Potion. Eou will re!ei)e 1411
Eens or -oney. 8eDt you will battle a 5ass with a le)el ' 5otad and "hroo-ish.
This -ight be tough i$ your using (udki&A but easy i$ your using Fire. (ainly
don9t use your water &oke-onA as "hroo-ish9s Absorb will be dangerous. Continue
on the &ath and you will battle your $irst #ouble Battle in the ga-e Their
&oke-on are a le)el ' 5otad and "eedot. "hould be easy as your tea- should be
around le)els 0@13. 8eDt you will see a $isher-anA he will ha)e a le)el %A
le)el ' and a le)el * (agikar&. "hould be easyA neDt to the $isher-an is so-e
berries and an old wo-en will gi)e you a berry. Finally you will be at
Rustboro City
4.3 Rustboro City.. The First Badge
First thing is go to the Poke-on Center and heal. This is the biggest
!ity $or ha)ing the $irst gy-. 2iolet in ,B"BC was way s-allerA sa-e thing $or
Pewter CityA anyways there9s so-e stu$$ to do hereA -ainly is the gy-A but also
the #e)on ,oods Cor&oration is here. 8ow you should ha)e a !ou&le o$ &otions
and you should ha)e a tea- between le)els 11@1%. (ost i-&ortant is that your
starter is around le)el 1%A i$ you ha)e a Tor!hi!A let it e)ol)e at le)el 1'
so it will learn a $ighting -o)e whi!h will hel& you beat RoDanne. +nter the
gy- and -ake sure you are ready. The $irst trainer in the gy- has a le)el 11
,eodude. =se your starter9s ele-ental -o)e like ,ro)yle9s AbsorbA and
(arshto-&9s water gun and Co-busken9s #ouble Ci!k. 6$ you ha)e two &oke-on
you will ha)e your $irst new kind o$ #ouble BattleA when you battle against
one trainerA another trainer Foins the battleA o$ !ourse you need a se!ond
&oke-on. 6t -ight be so-ewhat hard i$ your se!ond &oke-on has a weakness to
Ro!kA o)erall you should beat their 4 le)el . ,eodudes. 8ow you will $a!e the
gy- leaderA she has a whole lot better &oke-on than -ost o$ the &oke-on you
battledA in $a!t the highest le)el &oke-on you battled is le)el 0A so be ready.
6$ you ha)e a water or grass &oke-on or Co-buskenA this gy- will be easy.
RoDanne will use two le)el 12 ,eodudesA then a tough le)el 1% 8ose&ass. 4e
will &robably use Ro!k To-bA #e$ense Curl and -ight use a berry and a &otion.
"tay with yourstarter9s ele-ental -o)e and you should win soon enough.
Congratulations on your $irst badgeA and !ongrats to those who got their
starter e)ol)ed.
8ow you think that you should lea)e Rustboro City? Pretty -u!h rightA but
when you get out o$ the gy-A you will see a Tea- A:ua -e-ber running awayA then
you will see the #e)on9s guy trying to !at!h hi- ; 5ooks like so-eone needs a
diet or so-e workout J&< 8ow when they lea)eA go heal and then go north to
where they were running to. Eou will see hi- looking at the hori>onA he will
ask you to $ollow hi- ; What does he think we are? Free "er)ants?< 8ow go to
the north &ath ; We will go ba!k to the south in a -inute< and battle the
trainerA he has a le)el 0 (a!ho&. 6 don9t think 6 need to gi)e you ad)i!e on
beating this guy. I& 8ow go down then le$t and battle the Bug Cat!herA he has
a le)el . Wur-&le. 8eDt to hi- is an ite-. 8ow beat the neDt trainer with a
le)el 0 "hroo-ishA then a double battle with le)el . ,eodudeA 5otad and
"hroo-ish. Then another hiker will ha)e 2 le)el . ,eodudes. Eour &oke-on should
be now between le)els 14@1*. 6$ notA train a bit be$ore you lea)e. 8ow go enter
the !a)eA and the old -an will tell you that so-eone stole his Wingull and went
inside the !a)e. +nter take the ite- A and then battle the Tea- A:ua guyA he
will ha)e a le)el 11 Poo!hyena. ,et rid o$ hi- like the last ti-e. A$ter you
beat hi-A he will gi)e you ba!k the #e)on ,oodsA the old -an !alled (r. Briney
will !o-e and thank youA and tells you he will do you a $a)or whene)er you want.
;Re-e-ber the e-&ty house be$ore we entered the $orestA that9s his house and
where we will be going soon.<
8ow go ba!k to Rustboro City. ,i)e hi- the goodsA and he will de!ide to
take you to -eet the -anager o$ the !o-&any. ID 4e will thank youA and asks you
$or a $a)orA he will gi)e you a suit!ase $or so-eone in "late&ortA and a letter
$or "te)en in #ew$ord City. 4e will also heal your &oke-on and he will gi)e you
the Poke8a). The Poke8a) has a -a&A an +ntry Call where you !an !all &eo&le
like in ,B"BC. For right nowA it only has a -a& o$ 4oenn. 8ow when you lea)e
the buildingA so-e s!ientist will !o-e and talk to youA he will gi)e you the
+ntry Call. 8ow sin!e you9re already healed go south and you will see your
R62A5. "Bhe will be su&rised to see you and soon she will ask you $or a battle.
Ees is the to& !hoi!eA so the battle will begin "Bhe will $irst use a le)el 13
Wingull ; Wingull i$ you use (udki&A don9t know bout the other 2<A whi!h -ight
be tough as your &oke-on &robably )ary between le)els 14@1*. 6 don9t think you
ha)e an ele!tri! &oke-onA so Fust use your starter on Wingull. "Bhe will then
use herBhis starter &oke-on. 8ow use your toughest &oke-on other than your
starter and try to $aint hi-. 6$ you !an9tA you should at least lowered his 4P
in whi!h your starter or se!ond &oke-on !an $aint her. 8ow a$ter you beat
herBhi- !ontinue going south. ,o through the Petalburg Forest. 8ow go inside the
house and you will see (r. Briney !hasing his Wingull in a &lay$ul way. Talk to
hi- and you will tell hi- that you need to send so-e obFe!ts a!ross the sea. 4e
will o$$er you to go on his shi&. 8ow he will take you to #ew$ord City.
4.4 A!ross The "ea To #ew$ord City
8ow you ha)e landed in #ew$ord CityA there9s a !ou&le o$ stu$$ to do here.
4eal i$ you want and go to the house abo)e the Poke-on Center. Talk to the guy
outside o$ the houseA he will ask you what9s the !ool state-ent right now. Tell
hi- anything and enter the house and you will see e)eryone talking about it.
; 5ol< Anyways go u& the bea!h and battle the $isher-an. 4e will ha)e a le)el
11 Tenta!ool. The only thing that -ight bother you is his !on$use ray. Continue
and you will see another $isher-an. 8ow enter the !a)e and 6$ your tea- is not
between le)els 1'@21 then train here. Talk to the hiker and he will gi)e you
4( @ %. Eou still need the se!ond badge to use it out o$ battle. The $irst
le)el has around &oke-on *@11A the se!ond le)el o$ the !a)e needs 4( @ Flash
whi!h is a)ailable a$ter beating the gy- hereA so train and get your s:uad
ready. (ost o$ the &oke-on here are usually GubatA Aron and (akuhita.
When your s:uad is readyA lea)e the !a)e and go south and heal and enter
the gy-. 8ow in this gy- whene)er you beat a trainerA the there will be -ore
lightA so $irst go $orwardA rightA then down and battle the $irst trainer. "he
will only use a le)el 13 (editite. =se your starter to $aint her.
8ow go u& then right and stay on the &athA now you will ha)e a double battle.
Both trainers will use a le)el 13 (a!ho& and (editite. 8ow go ba!kA then take
the $orward &athA go right and another right to battle another trainer. "he
will ha)e a le)el 13 (editite. ,o le$t until you see BrawlyA the gy- leader.
6$ you want you !an go to the other side and battle the other trainers to
toughen u& your &oke-on be$ore you battle against BrawlyA it9s your !hoi!e.
The other two trainers ha)e a le)el 13 (a!ho& and a le)el 13 (akuhita.
8owA Brawly has 3 &oke-onA the $irst is a le)el 1' (a!ho&A le)el 1'
(edititeA and a le)el 10 (akuhita. 6$ you !aught and trained Taillow he
will be use$ul here. 4is Wing Atta!k !ould easily beat the- all 3 i$ he9s
around 1%@1.. 6$ you don9tA your starter with a little hel& with another
good &oke-on !ould do it.
CongratulationsA you won your se!ond badge. 8ow to do to the se!ond &artA
you need to gi)e "te)en the letter. FirstA you need a &oke-on to tea!h hi-
Flash. 8owA only Tre!ko and "hroo-ish !an learn FlashA those who ha)e the
water and $ire &oke-onA and didn9t !at!h "hroo-ish yet !an be in trouble so
instead o$ going ba!k to the $orest and looking $or itA you !an go without
using $lash. When you go to the se!ond le)elA stay on the right o$ the wall
and stay with itA sooner or later you will rea!h the ladder. 7n the third
le)elA go u& with the wallA and then le$t with the wall till you see a
s-ashable ro!k and so-e stairs. ,o u& the stairs then stay with the wall on
the right till you see the ladder. 7n the 4 le)el Fust go le$t and you will
see the ladder. Then you will be in a light area and should be easy. +nter
to the neDt area and you will see "te)en. ,i)e hi- the letter and he will
gi)e you T( @ "teel Wing. 6 think you will add his nu-ber to the +ntry CallA
he will then lea)e. Eou should ha)e an +s!a&e Ro&e i$ notA go ba!k till
the beginning. HP 4eal i$ you ha)e to and go to (r.Briney and !hoose the
answer in the -iddle and "late&ort City here we !o-e
4.% "late&ort City
"oon you will rea!h the bea!h areaA there are a !ou&le o$ trainers on the
bea!h so start battling First go to the two tubers. The girl will gi)e you
"o$t"andA while the boy will gi)e you nothing.. ; "el$ish kid..<8ow go to the
other side and battle the sailor ;Btw this is your 32nd trainer you ha)e
battled.. he he<. 4e will ha)e a le)el 12 Wingull and a le)el 12 (a!ho&.
There9s also another tuber trainer. 4e will ha)e le)el 13 Gig>agoon. ,o to the
sailor and then another girl tuber will !o-e to battle. They will use a le)el
13 (arill and a le)el 13 Wingull. Take the ite- at the to& o$ the bea!hA and
you will see a hidden girl tuber on the le$t greenish u-brellaA then you will
see a boy tuber $ro- the other u-brellaA and it will turn into a double battle.
IK They will together ha)e 4 &oke-on so this -ight be tough. First they will
use a 2 le)el 12 Tenta!ool and 2 A>urill. 8ow go to the le$t and you will see
a seashore hut. +nter and the owner will tell you he likes hot battlesA and i$
you beat all three trainers he will gi)e you a $ree drink. The wo-en trainer
will ha)e a le)el 13 ,oldeenA the tuber will ha)e 2 le)el 12 A>urill. The sailor
will ha)e a le)el 11 WingullA Tenta!ool and (a!ho&. ,o talk to the owner and he
will gi)e you your &ri>e whi!h is a drink whi!h heals '1 4P. 8ow lea)e the hut
and go $orward to enter "late&ort City.
First o$ allA heal i$ you ha)e to. Eou will noti!e a )ery long line o$
Tea- A:ua -e-bers at the -useu- o$ o!ean. 8ow go to the north and you will see
an interesting buildingA this is the Poke-on Tent. Eou !an battle herewith
three rando- &oke-onA so go the glasses guy and say yes to enter. 8ow you get
to !hoose three o$ the-A $or eDa-&le &ress on the $irstA i$ you want to see
in$or-ation about it !li!k on the to& !hoi!eA the se!ond to use it in the
battlesA and the last is to go ba!k to !hoosing. 6t9s the best to !hoose
di$$erent ty&esA like ,rassA WaterA +le!tri! et!. 8ow you will go to the
battle arena. The trainers and &oke-on are rando-. They all are at le)el 31.
Eou !an9t use any ite-s. 7nly &eo&le that know -any &oke-on9s -o)es !an easily
win herewith so-e lu!k. "o-e &oke-on -ight also ha)e ite-s !arried with the-.
When you winA they will heal you. 6 think you !an also !hange your &oke-on
a$ter the battleA but sin!e 6 don9t know 3a&anese 6 a- not sure. And you !an
!hoose one $ro- your last o&&onent. A$ter three battles you !an lea)e. Eour
&ri>e is a ,reat Ball. ;That9s what 6 got 6 think.<
8ow go to the building that9s below the -useu-A go $orward and talk to
the $irst guy you seeA then go to the -useu- and enter. The $ee is %1 Pokebu!ks.
Eou will see lots o$ Tea- A:ua -e-bersA 7ne o$ the- s the one that you battled
at Petalburg Woods. 8ow go !li-b the stairs and talk to the s!ientist. That
s!ientist guy is Ca&tain "ternA the &erson you -ust deli)er to hi- the suit!ase.
3ust be$ore he was about to take the suit!ase Tea- A:ua a&&ears. "ee-s they
want the suit!ase. 7ne o$ the- will !o-e and battle you. 4e will use a le)el 1%
Car)anha. 6t should be easyA as your tea- should be around le)els 10@23. Beat
hi-A and the -e-ber neDt to hi- will battle you. 4e has a le)el 1% Car)anha and
a Gubat. Beat hi- and they will get !on$used. FortunatelyA Ar!hie their -aster
will !o-e and tell you that you shouldn9t -ess with the-A and he wants to
eD&and the o!ean. =n$ortunately he won9t battle youA 6 guess he9s too s!ared.
ID 4e will heal you and lea)es. 5ea)e and you will see +nshidaA the -ysterious
guy until now. Eou will add hi- to your +ntry Call. 4e will talk a bit and then
lea)es. 8ow get so-e su&er &otionsA &oke balls and anything else you need $ro-
the "ho& and go north.
4.' The Road To (au)ile
Eou should now be at Route 111. There are two waysA the nor-al walkingA
and the Cy!le Road. =n$ortunately you don9t ha)e a bi!y!leA so you ha)e to go
by the nor-al road. "tay on the &ath and you will see Pro$ Bir!h 4e will be
su&rised to see you ; 4e looks around whi!h &robably -eans he9s su&rised to
see you ha)e rea!hed until here< and you will add hi- to your +ntry Call. 4e
will then ha)e to go. Contuse and you will see two trainers. They will ha)e 2
le)el 14 (inun and 2 Plusle. ,o $orward and you will see the Tri!k house 6ts
ba!k $ro- RubyA you !an only do the $irst &u>>le with CutA ill do a guide $or
that later. ,o le$t and !ontinueA and try not to ha)e -any battles with the
wild &oke-onA you will know why soon. Battle the trainer and he will ha)e a
le)el 1% Aron and +le!trike. ,o u&A and you will see..... your ri)al 8ow the
-ain reason is to not battle the wild &oke-on here is be!ause +le!trike has
ability to &araly>e the $oe on !onta!tA and there9s so-e +le!trike here.
Anyways she will ha)e a le)el 1' ,ro)yleA a le)el 1% WingullA and a le)el 1%
"lug-a. That9s i$ you ha)e the water starterA no idea yet about the rest. But
they will ha)e the sa-e le)el so good lu!k. (ainlyA !at!h one o$ the wild
ele!tri! &oke-on near youA and it should hel& you. =se the sa-e te!hni:ue you
used on the last battle and -ake sure your tea- is around le)els 21@24 and you
should be su!!ess$ul.
When you beat herBhi-A sBhe will gi)e you the 6te- Finder. The 6te- Finder
is used to $ind hidden ite-s that are !lose to you. ,o $orward and you will
battle a double battle. 5ooks like they were $ighting.. They well ha)e
+le!trikeA 5o-breA 8u>lea$ and 2oltorbA all le)el 14. Also another double
battleA they will ha)e a (agne-ite and an Abra both at le)el 1%. Take the ite-
whi!h is a (aD +liDir. ,o u& and battle the $isher-an. 4e will ha)e 2 le)el 14
WailordsA and 2 le)el 11 Tenta!ools. Take the berries i$ you wantA and (au)ile
City will a&&ear.
4.* The +le!tri$ying (au)ile ,y-
First o$ allA heal your &oke-onA it -ust ha)e been a rough roadA with
battling 3 double battles and your ri)al. (ake sure your &oke-on range between
21@2%. This will be an easy gy- $or -ost starters. For now go to the sho&
neDt to the Poke-on Center with bikesA here you !an get a bike. When he asks
you i$ you like bikes tell hi- yes and he will gi)e you a bike o$ two !hoi!esA
the to& one is the (a!h BikeA it9s a )ery $ast bikeA but not good $or your
ad)enture 6(7 right now. Choose the lower one to get the A!ro Bike. 6t9s not
)ery $astA but its good to steer whi!h is i-&ortant right now. Eou !an also
do tri!ks by holding B and &ressing B.
A$ter you ha)e gotten your bikeA head towards the gy- on the other side
o$ the !ityA and you will see WallyA the kid you hel&ed be$ore in Petalburg
City. Eou will see hi- talking with his =n!leA saying that he wants to battle
the gy- leaderA then he will noti!e youA and says that he wants to try the gy-A
then he asks $or a battle so he !an &ro)e that he is readyA a!!e&tA as its
$ree eD&A he isn9t really toughA you will see. 4e has a le)el 1' RaltsA see
what 6 -ean he should be easy !o-&ared to the last battlesA but here9s -y
ad)i!eA try $ainting hi- :ui!klyA he -ight use #ouble Tea- and raises his
e)adiness whi!h -ight get so-e what $rustratingA but as long your tea- is
around le)els 21@2%A you should beat hi- sooner or later. 4e will be a little
bit disa&&ointedA but he de!ides that he shouldn9t battle the gy- leader.
Then he will lea)eA but his =n!le will sto& and thank you $or hel&ing WallyA
as he has be!o-e in a better attitude sin!e he -o)ed to 2erdantur$ City.
Then +nshida will a&&ear a$ter a bitA he will lea)e. ,o to the ,a-e CornerA
the building under the gy-A and go to neDt the wo-en9s that are selling
!oinsA neDt to the- on the le$t is a girl who will gi)e you a $ree doll.H<
8ow i$ you want to &lay the ga-es you need a !oin !aseA to get the !oin !ase
go to the house between the ga-e !orner and the Poke (arketA talk to the
girl and she will wish she had a 4arbor (ail sold at "late&ort CityA
si-&ly go buy it at "late&ort Poke (arket and gi)e it to her $or the !oin!ase.
8ow to the &art -ost o$ you ha)e !o-e $or (au)ile CityA the gy-. 8ow
Wattson uses +le!tri! &oke-on and his gy- is like a s-all &u>>leA $irst
battle the double trainersA they will ha)e 2 le)el 1* (edititeA le)el 1*
2oltorb and +le!trike. 8ow &ress on the ele!tri! sign near the $e-ale trainer.
Continue and &ress on the neDt oneA and battle the young trainerA he will
ha)e a le)el 1* Gig>agoon and the sa-e le)el 5u&in. 8ow go down and walk on
the button. ,o u& and !li!k on the button and go down without walking on the
neDt one. 8eDt you will ha)e a double battleA they will use all o$ the- at
le)el 1* whi!h are (agne-iteA 2oltorbA 6llu-ise and 2olbeat. 8ow the way to
Wattson is !leared 4e will use a 2oltorb at le)el 21A be !are$ulA as when
his 4P is &retty low he -ight use +D&losion. Best to use a ro!k &oke-on or
Aron i$ you !aught hi- be$ore. A$ter hi- is +le!trike at le)el 21. Finish
hi- with (arshto-&9s (ud "hotA or Co-busken9s #ouble Ci!k. The sa-e $or the
52 22 (agneton. Again the sa-e -o)es $or (anetri! at le)el 24A but be !are$ul
Wattson !ould use a su&er &otionA so try to $inish hi- :ui!kly. "oon you
should ha)e won the badgeA and !ongratulations on your third badge Be$ore
you lea)e the !ityA go to the house that9s to the right o$ the Poke (art.
Talk to the guy to re!ei)e 4(@1' Ro!k "-ash. Tea!h it to a &oke-on and -ake
sure you ha)e been healedA go west.
4.. Route 111 / 112
M Route 111 Trainers M
M Trainer 1 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 10 "andshrew / 5e)el 1. RoseliaM
M Trainer 2 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 1. 8u-el / "hroo-ish M
M Trainer 3 H ;2instrate (e-berA "ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 1' Taillow / M
M Gig>agoon M
M Trainer 4 H ;2(A "ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 1* Roselia M
M Trainer % H ;2(A "ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 1% (arillA "hroo-ish /8u-elM
M Trainer ' H ;2(A "ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 1. (editite M
M Trainer * H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 1* Whis-ur / (agne-ite M
M Trainer . H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 1* "hroo-ish / (arill M
M Trainer 0 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 1. "andshrew M
8ow the $irst thing you will see is two trainers whi!h will ha)e a double
battle with you. 8eDt you see two &athsA the right is the Trainer 4illA 69ll
-ake a se!tion $or that later on. ,o to the le$t and you will battle another
double battle. Take the ite- as a &ri>e. Eou will see a houseA it9s the
2instrate house. 6t has 4 trainersA they all like to battleA when you beat the
$atherA he will !all the-A the -other will !o-eA then the little daughterA
then she will !ry $or her grand-otherA the grand-other is the toughestA so be
!are$ul. As you will ha)e 4 battles in a row. 6$ you lose.. then you should
go ba!k and train in the &re)ious routes till you win.
,o ba!k to (au)ile City i$ you want and healA go ba!k and !ontinue north.
Eou will see two s-ashable ro!ksA s-ash the- and !ontinue. 8ow you will see
two T2 re&orters. Battle the- and when you winA they will be a-a>ed and ask you
$or a short &hrase about the ga-eA gi)e the- anything you wantA it won9t really
-atter right now as -ost o$ you !an9t &robably read 3a&anese. Continue u& and
battle the neDt trainerA a$ter you beat her you will see another trainer. When
you $inishA you will noti!e a desertA and un$ortunately you !an9t go thru !ause
o$ the sandstor-A and you need goggles to go throughA don9t worry about it $or
now. That9s &retty -u!h all o$ the things you do in Route 111. Eour &oke-on
should raise between le)els 23@2*.
M Route 112 Trainers M
M Trainer 1 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 1. 8u>lea$ M
M Trainer 2 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 1* Tailow / 5o-bre M
M Trainer 3 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 2 5e)el 1' ,eodude / 5e)el 1* ,eodudeM
M Trainer 4 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 1* 8u-el / (a!ho& M
This route has &retty -u!h nothingA beat the two easy trainers and you
will see so-e grass. Eou !an !at!h a 8u-el and a (a!ho&A both ranging between
14@1*. Both are &retty use$ulA so i$ you don9t ha)e any strong or -u!h &oke-on
these two will be &retty use$ul. 6$ you ha)e Tor!hi! as a starterA then these
two won9t be that use$ul. Continue and you will battle two hikers. Continue
and you will see so-e Tea- (ag-as blo!king the &ath. Forget the- $or now and
go thru the !a)e.
4.0 Fiery Path / Route 112 / 113
M Route 112 Trainers M
M Trainer 1 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 1. "hroo-ishA 8u-elA "lug-aA M
M Roselia M
M Trainer 2 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 1* +le!trikeA Wail-er /(akuhitaM
M Trainer 3 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 1* WingullA 8u-elA / Roselia M
Fiery Path has really nothing $or nowA as you need 4(@4 "trength to -o)e
the boulder and there$ore re!ei)e Fire "tone and T(@%1 7)erheat. Eou !ould
!at!h a $ew &oke-on $or your PokedeDA or your tea- like ,ri-er and Co$$ing.
"oonA you will be ba!k on Route 112. 8ow you !an ha)e a double battleA or
a single battleA 69ll Fust assu-e that you had a double battle. 6t9s your
!hoi!e. When you beat the-A you !an take the berries i$ you want. Continue
and you will ha)e a harder battle than the rest with the !ool trainer. ,o
u& and talk to the guy neDt to the tree. 4e will gi)e you T(@43 "e!ret Power.
Eou !an use it $or -aking se!ret bases and as a good atta!k. ContinueA and
go to the house. Talk to the old lady and she will rest your &oke-on.
;Aweso-e< ,o u& and talk to the lady and she will gi)e you a Ra>> Berry.
Take the berries at the to& i$ you want to. Battle the last trainer on this
route and !ontinue to the neDt route.
M Route 113 Trainers M
M Trainer 1 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 10 Tra&in!h M
M Trainer 2 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 1. Co$$ingA BaltoyA "andshrewA/M
M 8inFask M
M Trainer 3 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 2 5e)el 1. Aron M
M Trainer 4 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 10 8u-el M
M Trainer % H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 2 5e)el 10 "&inda M
M Trainer ' H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 2 5e)el 1* Co$$ing M
M Trainer * H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 10 Aron M
M Trainer . H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 1* "kar-ory / (arillA 5e)el 10 M
M 5o-bre / "wellow M
As you begin this routeA you will see so-e ashes $allingA not snow. 6n
-y o&inionA this is one o$ the best areas. 6t looks &retty di$$erent $ro- the
other areas. Anyways the -ain &oke-on here are "lug-aA "&indaA and "kar-ory.
Cee& going le$t till you see a trainer ;This is the nu-ber .1 trainer you will
battle in this ga-e. J&<. ,o $orwardA then right and &ress A on the -ound. 6ts
an ite-. 3u-& right on the ledge and you will ha)e a double battle. As soon as
you $inish you will battle another trainer. Eou will re!ei)e a 4y&er Potion
and another ite-. ,o ba!k and !ontinue le$t this ti-e. Battle the trainerA and
then you will ha)e another double battle. ,o right and take the (aD +liDir.
3u-& o)er the ledge and !ontinue le$t. Eou will see a house. Talk to the guy
inside and he will gi)e you a "oot Pa!k. Eou need to !olle!t ashes by walking
aroundA when you get enough ashes he !an -ake you a Blue FluteA Bla!k / White
FluteA and a Pretty #esk and Pretty Chair. ,o le$t and you will see a trainer
!o)ered with ashesA when you get !lose to hi-A he will battle you. When you
$inishA go down then le$t till you -eet another trainer. Also don9t $orget the
ite- at the to& whi!h is a T(. Be$ore you lea)e the routeA you will ha)e a
double $ightA whi!h -ight be a single oneA de&ends on when you -ake the- noti!e
4.11 Fallarbor Town
There9s really nothing )ery i-&ortant here like the rest o$ the !itiesA
but there9s the (o)e Tutor hereA you need a 4eart "!ale so he !an tea!h your
&oke-on a -o)e. Also the Battle TentA whi!h is the -ost interesting &art here.
4eal your &oke-onA and enter the Battle Tent.
8ote H Eou don9t ha)e to enter the Battle Tent i$ you wantA this is Fust
an eDtra. When you enterA you will noti!e +nshida. Talk to hi- and then go to
the guy that bla!ks the entran!e inside. This Battle Tent is di$$erentA you
!hoose three o$ your &oke-on and use the- instead. Eou will sa)e and enter the
battle arena. 8ow you ha)e to $aint the &oke-on in three -o)esA i$ not you will
be Fudged de&ending on your -o)eA Triangle is 1 &ointA Cir!le is 2 &ointsA and
Cross is 1. ;Thanks to " $or this &art o$ in$o.< When you gain -ore
&ointsA they loser will $aint. 8ow you !an !ontinue till you winA or Fust lea)e.
Be$ore you lea)e this townA go to the Poke-on Center and talk to the lady
on the !o-&uter. she is 5anette the owner o$ the PC. "he li)es on route 114.
8ow that9s all $or this town.
4.11 Route 114 And The (eteor Falls

M Route 113 Trainers M
M Trainer 1 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 10 Barboa!h M
M Trainer 2 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 10 Barboa!h / 8u>lea$ M
M Trainer 3 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 1' (agikar& / 5e)el 1* ,oldeen M
M / 5e)el 10 Barboa!h M
M Trainer 4 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 1. (arill / 5o-breA 5e)el 1* M
M ,oldeen M
M Trainer % H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 1. "andshrew / 8u>lea$ M
M Trainer ' H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 10 Aron M
M Trainer * H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 1. "lug-a / Wingull M
M Trainer . H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 1. ,eodudeA 5o-breA 8u-el / M
M (arill M
M Trainer 0 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 1. ,eodude / (a!ho& M
8ow as you begin this routeA you will see a houseA go inside and into the
tunnel and talk to the -ania!A you will know why soon and !ontinue to battle
the $isher-an. Continue and talk to the old -an with a Poo!hyena to gi)e you
T(@% Roar. 8ow !ontinue and go right be$ore you go on the bridge. Eou will ha)e
a double battle. When you winA go $orward and take the ite- whi!h is
+nergyPowder. ,o down the bridge and battle the $isher-anA then you will battle
a lady. ,o down thru the grass and then right and get ready $or a double
battle. 8ow when you beat the-A go u& and enter the house. This is the ho-e
o$... the -essy ho-e o$ 5anette. "he will be e-barrassed about the -ess and
ho&es that you eD!use her. "he will then gi)e you a doll.
+Dit her houseA and i$ you want so-e berriesA go behind the house to get
the-. 8ow go ba!k then down and battle the trainer. ,o le$t and battle the
neDt trainer. When you beat hi-A go u& the stairsA then go downA then rightA
then u&A and then le$t to battle the trainer. Continue and you will ha)e a
double $ight. Continue to battle the last trainer on route 113. ;Finally<
8ow you ha)e arri)ed at (eteor FallsA its a wonder$ul &la!e. ,o $orward
till you see an ite-A take itA its Full 4eal. 8ow go down and go le$t to see
Tea- (ag-a $or the $irst ti-e They will steal the (eteorite $ro- the
s!ientist and then Tea- A:ua will arri)eA and Tea- (ag-a will run away. Eour
Fob here is done. 8ow go down the stairs and eDit the &la!e to go ba!k to
Rustboro City.
4.12 The Road To 2erdantur$ Town
M Route 11% Trainers M
M Trainer 1 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 1. (editite / (akuhita M
M Trainer 2 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 10 (a!ho& M
M Trainer 3 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 1. (edititeA "&oinkA "e)i&er M
M / Gangoose M
,et ready $or a long road ,o le$t and into the bea!h to battle the
trainerA go ba!k on the -ain road and s-ash the ro!k and take the ite-. Battle
the trainer and !ontinue going down. Eou will now ha)e a double battle. ,o
$orward to see an ite- whi!h is PP =&. 3u-& o)er the ledge and go $orward to
arri)e at Rustboro City again. 8ow healA and go to the owner o$ the #e)ons Cor&
building to get your gi$t $or doing the errand he asked you $orA whi!h is +D&
"hare. 8ow lea)e and go to the house underA and go u&stairs. Eou will see a
si!k girl in bedA with all o$ her &oke-on around her. 6 think you -ust tell her
a s&e!ial wordA and she will get u& and &robably gi)e you a gi$t. Thats what 6
think.. Anyways go east to Route 11'. 8ow you should see the #e)ons ,uy at the
entran!e o$ the !a)eA talk to hi- and he will gi)e you a Pre-ier Ball. +nter
the !a)e now.
M Rustur$ Tunnel Trainers M
M Trainer 1 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 1' ,eodudeA M

8ow go till the end to be sto&&ed by two ro!ksA s-ash the- by using Ro!k
"-ash. Then the guy will thank you and gi)e you 4( @ "trength. Then he will
talk to his belo)ed girl$riend and lea)e the !a)e. "trength is &robably the
se!ond best 4( in the ga-eA its base &ower is .1 and is one o$ the best nor-al
atta!ksA 6 do insist in gi)ing it to one o$ your &oke-onA as its a good -o)e.
Continue and take the ite- and get ready $or the only trainer battle here.
When you $inishA go le$t and down till you see an eDit. 8ow $ollow -y
dire!tion eDa!tly. Fro- the eDit you !a-e $ro-A go down 2 ste&sA then 3 ste&s
right and sto&. Press A to re!ie)e #ark ,lasses whi!h &ower u&s #ark (o)esA
gi)e it to a dark &oke-on. The guy was looking $or his glassesA but that wasnt
his glassesA and you !ant $ind it. 8ow lea)e this &la!e and go ba!k to where
you where a$ter the battle and go down to eDit this &la!e.
Wel!o-e to the beauti$ul and s-all town o$ 2erdantur$. This is so-ewhat
a !lone o$ Fallobar TownA with only a Battle TentA and Wally9s =n!les house
here. Be$oreA it was so-ewhat -ore i-&ortantA but now with the !ontests all
in 5ily!o)e CityA its -ade these two !ities so-ewhat useless. AnywaysA you
go )isit WallyA but no gi$tsA so Battle Tent here we !o-e.
This battle tent is so-ewhat di$$erentA you rando-ly use a -o)e and you
-ainly need lu!k to winA thats all what i know about it right nowA and you
also !hoose 3 o$ your &oke-on. 6 guess thats all $or 2erdantur$ CityA now go
east to route 11*.
4.13 (t.Chi-ney

M Route 11* Trainers M
M Trainer 1 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 11 WingullA (arillA ,oldeenA M
M "hroo-ish / "kitty M
M Trainer 2 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 1' Beauti$ly / #ustoD M
M Trainer 3 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 1* #oduo M
M Trainer 4 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 1* Ralts M
M Trainer % H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 1* (editite M
M Trainer ' H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 1* #oduo M
M Trainer * H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 11 Whis-urA AronA Poo!hyenaA M
M (akuhitaA Gig>agoon / Taillow M
M Trainer . H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 1* (akuhita /5e)el 1% Gig>agoonM
M Trainer 0 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 1* #oduo M
8ow go thru this routeA -ost o$ it is trainersA lots. Also a &oke-on
day!areA so i$ you want to &la!e a weak &oke-on hereA do it i$ you want. 6
really ha)e nothing else to sayA as the trainers !hart should be enough.

M (t. Chi-ney Trainers M
M Trainer 1 H ;Tea- (ag-a #ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 21 8u-el / Gubat M
M Trainer 2 H ;T( "ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 1. 8u-elA 5e)el 22 8u-elA M
M 5e)el 21 Poo!hyenaA / 5e)el 22 Gubat M
M Trainer 3 H ;Tea- (ag-a 5eader "ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 24 (ightyenaAM
M 5e)el 24 GubatA / 5e)el 2% Ca-eru&t M
,o north to route 111A and kee& !ontinuing till you rea!h route 112.
8ow go u& till the entran!e o$ Fiery PathA instead o$ entering go right to
where the Tea- (ag-a -e-bers were blo!king and get ready to take a !able to
(t. Chi-ney. 8ow as you enter (t. Chi-ney you will see ashes $alling and Tea-
A:ua -e-bers battling Tea- (ag-a -e-bers. Cli-b u& and you will see a double
battle between the -e-bers using Poo!hyenasA go le$t and get ready $or a
double battle. ,o $orward to ha)e another battle. This battle -ight be toughA
with -any le)el 21 &oke-on and the latest battles werent in the 219sA now get
ready $or the boss o$ Tea- (ag-a.
At the beggining he will talk about his drea- to eD&and land. This will
be a tough battleA he will $irst use (ightyena whi!h is kinda strongest
&oke-on. =se your starter as he should be the highest le)el and has the best
stats o$ the &oke-on that you were a)ailable to be !aught till now. "e!ond is
GubatA any groundBro!k or any good le)eled &oke-on !an get rid o$ hi- Fust
wat!h out $or his Con$use RayA swit!h i$ your &oke-on is !on$used as we dont
want to gi)e the- any !han!e in beating your &oke-on. Third and last &oke-on
is Ca-eru&tA whi!h !ould be tough i$ you dont ha)e a water Poke-on. (arshto-&
or Wingull !an end hi- :ui!klyA i$ not use your best atta!king &oke-on with a
!ou&le o$ &otions !an $inish the battle.
When you beat hi-A he will lea)eA then Ar!hie will !o-eA 6 dont know i$
he9s thanking you or threatening youA as he isnt like in RubyB"a&&hire. Also
take the (eteorite $ro- the -a!hine. 8ow go south and enter the &ath that was
blo!ked to enter the 3agged Pass.
4.14 The 3agged Pass 1
M 3agged Pass Trainers M
M Trainer 1 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 21 ,eodudeA / Baltoy M
M Trainer 2 H ;T( Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 22 Poo!hyenaA / 8u-el M
M Trainer 3 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 10 "hroo-ishA 7ddishA / "urksitM
M Trainer 4 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 21 (agne-iteA / "hroo-ish M
M Trainer % H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H M

By using A!ro BikeA you !an go ba!k in this routeA by ho&&ing o)er the
s-all ro!ks. AnywaysA go $orward to battle a hiker. 3u-& o)er the ledges and
you will see a Tea- (ag-a (e-ber looking at the wall. Re-e-ber this &la!eA as
6 think this will be the $uture hideout $or Tea- (ag-aA battle hi- and he will
say so-e weird stu$$A -aybe a &asswordA dont know what eDa!tly. Battle the
other trainer and then Fu-& o)er the ledges getting ready $or a double battle.
8ow Fu-& o)er the ledges and get ready $or the last battle.
4.1% The 4ot 5a)aridge City
Wel!o-e to 5a)aridge CityA $irst enter the Poke-on Center and go to the
u&&er le$t side and you will see a hot stea-y waterA you !an go in it. ,o ba!k
and heal your &oke-onA also -ake sure that you ha)e an e-&ty s&a!e in your
tea-A you will know why soon. J< 8ow go to the wo-en neDt to the -an in the
sandA and say yes to re!ie)e a egg whi!h will hat!h into an egg. Eou !an also
sit in the sandA Fust go behind it like the bed in your roo-. I& +nough
ha)ing $un and to get seriousA get so-e ite-s i$ you need toA and enter the
gy- and the $ar le$t !orner. 4o&e$ullyA your tea- is between le)els 2.@32A i$
it isA then you should be able to beat this leader.

M 5a)aridge ,y- Trainers M
M Trainer 1 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 23 8u-el M
M Trainer 2 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 23 "lug-a M
M Trainer 3 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 23 Ce!leon M
M Trainer 4 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 23 8u-el M
M Trainer % H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 23 8u-el M
M Trainer ' H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 23 "lug-a M
M Trainer * H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 23 (editite M
M Trainer . H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 2 5e)el 22 "lug-a M
M Trainer 0 H ;,y- 5eader Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 24 8u-elA "lug-aA 5e)el 2' M
M Ca-eru&tA / 5e)el 20 Torkoal M
This is kinda a &u>>le gy- and &retty !on$usingA you ste& on a $ire s&ot
and it sends you into another area. 7ne way to rea!h the leader is to go to
ea!h hole like 6 did. J< But sin!e 69- a ni!e guyA 69ll tell you how to go
eDa!tly. 8ow $ro- the entran!eA go le$t then u& to the se!ond s&ot you see.
,o downA then le$t ignoring all o$ the s&ots you seeA and go to the one at
the )ery to&. Fro- thereA go u& then le$t. Then go u&A and go to the s&ot at
the le$t side. 8eDtA go to the one thats kinda in the -iddle o$ all o$ the 3
s&ots. Then go right and then u& to the $irst s&ot you seeA whi!h is the one
in the -iddle. Then you will see two s&otsA take the one on the right side.
3u-& o)er the ledge and enter the $irst s&ot you see and you will rea!h the
gy- leader Flannery
8owA as 6 said be$ore ha)ing a good balan!ed tea- with le)els 2.@32
will &robably -ake you )i!torious in this battle. 6 used -y le)el 20 8u-el
against both 8u-el and "lug-aA using (agnitude 6 had no &roble-. Then Ca-eru&t
ga)e -e so hard ti-eA 6 lowered his 4P till the yellow range but he got rid
o$ -e. then -y (ightyena at le)el 31A he used a !ou&le o$ BitesA whi!h
$lin!hed hi- so-e ti-esA but he also used a su&er &otionA but he went down
&retty soon. 8eDt TorkoalA a !ou&le o$ BitesA and then he was down. 8eDt -y
(arshto-&. 4is Water ,un wasnt )ery su!!es$ulA but (ud "hot and (ud "la& was
at the endA 6 beated FlanneryA with around '1P o$ -y (arshto-&9s 4P gone.
4o&e$ully you ha)e !aught a water &oke-onA and ha)e a good ground or a good
atta!king &oke-onA they should hel& you alotA and kee& your water &oke-on
-ainly $or TorkoalA he is &retty good.
WhenA you lea)e the gy-A your ri)al will a&&ear. #ont worryA she wont battle
you this ti-eA but she will gi)e you ,o@,o goggles so you !an now go through
the desert 8ow where to go to? Ee&A to the desert
4.1' The 6nteresting #esert
M #esert Trainers M
M Trainer 1 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 22 "andshrewA TaillowA M
M "andslash / 8u>lea$ M
M Trainer 2 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 22 "andshrewA / (arill M
M Trainer 3 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 21 Baltoy / "andshrew M
M Trainer 4 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 23 "andshrew M
M Trainer % H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 22 "andshrewA / Baltoy M
M Trainer ' H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 23 "andslash M
M Trainer * H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 22 (arillA / 5e)el 22 5o-bre M
There is a new &la!e hereA the 6llusion PillarA its a )ery rando- &la!e
i$ you dont see itA you ha)e to kee& !o-ing and !he!kingA its really lu!k. Eou
also need (a!h BikeA as it has the sa-e holes in "ky Tower. At the to& you
$ind 2 $ossilsA when you !hoose oneA the other one will $all downA you !an get
it a$ter the +lite 4. 7ther than thatA there is trainers whi!h you !an battle.
4.1* The Petalburg ,y-
M Cy!le Road Trainers M
M Trainer 1 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 1' (agne-ite M
M Trainer 2 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 2 5e)el 14 (agne-ite M
M Trainer 3 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 1' (agne-ite M
M Trainer 4 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 2 5e)el 14 (agne-iteA / 5e)el ' M
M 2oltorb M
M Trainer % H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 2 5e)el ' 2oltorbA 5e)el 14 (agne-iteM
8owA we ha)e to go south to "late&ort CityA now we !an use the Cy!le Road
instead o$ walking thru the grass route with unwanted weak wild &oke-on. 6n
the Cy!le RoadA there isnt any tough trainersA as we were su&&osed to be here
be$oreA so -ost &oke-on here are around le)els 14@1'. (ake your weakest &oke-on
battle the-. When you $inally rea!h "late&ort CityA go south to Route 110A you
will see (r. Briney still waiting $or you to take you to Petalburg CityA well
a!tually near it. QLQ
Eou will be on Route 114A so Fust walk south a!ross the grass and to
enter Petalburg City
The gy- here isnt a &u>>leA but how you deal with status !hanges like
high a!!ura!yA !riti!al atta!kA s&eed et!. Eou get to !hoose two roo-sA all
lead to 8or-anA now 69ll -ake a way $or those who !hoose the le$t roo-sA and
those who !hoose the right roo-s.
M 5e$t Roo- ,y- Trainers M
M Trainer 1 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2' "wellow M
M Trainer 2 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2' "&inda M
M Trainer 3 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2' Gangoose ;Cno!k 7ut< M
M Right Roo- ,y- Trainers M
M Trainer 4 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2' Wigglytu$$ M
M Trainer % H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2' #el!atty M
M Trainer ' H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2' "lakoth ;Cno!k 7ut< M
M Trainer * H ;,y- 5eader Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2* "&indaA 5e)el 2* "lakothM
M 5e)el 20 5inooneA / 5e)el 31 "laking M
As you seeA you !an !hoose a sideA you !an also battle the- allA last
roo- in ea!h side is a Cno!k 7ut Roo-A where one hit !an do greta da-age.
5owering their a!!ura!y is a good ideaA or good de$ense or Fust kno!king the-
out :ui!kly. (a!ho& !an -ake this gy- easyA without hi- its gonna be tough.
The gy- leader has di$$erent &oke-on $ro- the last ga-esA but its still
as hard as the last ti-e. "&inda should be easyA Fust try to $inish hi-
be$ore he lowers your 4P alotA as 4P is )ery i-&ortant here. "lakoth is so-e
what as annoying as "lakingA try to lower his a!!ura!y and hit hi- with strong
atta!ks be$ore he !an re!ie)e a &otion whi!h will -ake it hard $or you.
5inoone is the sa-e as "&indaA Fust try to $inish hi- o$$ :ui!klyA then !o-es
"lakingA one o$ the toughest &oke-on you will -eet. 4e has an eD!ellent 4P and
stats si-iliar to legedenaries. The best way to beat hi- is to lower his
a!!ura!yA 6 used (arshto-&9s (ud "la& whi!h did the Fob &er$e!tly. When you
lower his 4P to the lowestA !hange your &oke-on to a good atta!king &oke-on.
At the beginning 6 used 8u-el9s (agnitudeA whi!h was &retty good. But when
"laking9s 4P rea!hed the red areaA the su&er &otion a&&eared "o 6 de!ided to
use -y (ightyenaA 6 began with Ro!k "-ashA yes its base atta!k is 21A but its
a$$e!ti)eA and lowers de$ense. 6 ke&t using it till the yellowish area. 6 then
kno!ked hi- out with a Bite. (ainlyA using strong atta!ks on "&inda and 5inoone
to $inish the- without a$$e!ting -ost o$ your 4PA and lowering "lakoth and
"laking9s a!!ura!y with the hel& that they only atta!k a turnA and the neDt
they dontA and then $inishing the- with a strong atta!k to a)oid the- using
"u&er Potions.
When you beat hi-A he will gi)e you the badge and a T(A then Wally9s
$ather will take you to his houseA and gi)e you 4(@13 "ur$. The best atta!king
4( -o)e. This is a -ust to any water &oke-on. ,ood a!!ura!yA good PPA and
eD!ellent base atta!k. 4e will also thank you $or hel&ing Wally. 8ow that you
ha)e sur$A you !an go o)er watersA now we ha)e to !ross the &ath o$ water on
the east o$ (au)ile. But we also ha)e another &athA a long one $illed with
-any trainersA and an abandoned shi&...
4.1. The 7!ean Path
M Route 114 To #ew$ord Trainers M
M Trainer 1 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2' (arill M
M Trainer 2 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2' Tenta!ool M
M Trainer 3 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2% "andshrewA "andslash M
M Trainer 4 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 2 5e)el 2% "andshrewA TaillowAWingullM
M Trainer % H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2% WingullA / Wail-er M
M Trainer ' H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2' Car)anha M
M Trainer * H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 2 5e)el 24 Tenta!ool M
M Trainer . H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2' Wail-er M
,o west $ro- Petalburg CityA to the bea!h area neDt to (r.Brinney9s house.
=se sur$ here. ,o south to -eet your $irst trainer in the water. Cee& going to
see a guy swi--er. "oon you will see an island with a walking trainerA battle
hi-. ,o to the neDt islandA to ha)e a double battle. ,o north in the sa-e area
to see a swi--ing trainer. ,o north to see a big ro!k without an entran!e. Eou
-ight ha)e e)en seen one in the desert too. Re-e-ber this $or nowA you will
know later why. 8ow go ba!k to the $irst island you were on. Eou will see a
trainer swi--ing in the water nearby. Continue going downA to see so-e s-all
islandsA you will see an ite-. ,o south to rea!h Route 11' and a new trainer.
,o east to -eet another trainer. Eou shall now see an ite-A take it and enter
#ew$ord City. 4eal here and go east to Route 11*.
M Route 11* / 11. Trainers M
M Trainer 1 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2% Wingull / ,oldeen M
M Trainer 2 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2' Car)anha M
M Trainer 3 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2* ,oldeenA 5e)el 2% Tenta!ool M
M Trainer 4 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 2 5e)el 24 Tenta!oolA5e)el 24 WingullM
M Trainer % H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2' "taryuA / 5e)el 2' ,oldeen M
M Trainer ' H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2' ,oldeen M
M Trainer * H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2' Car)anha M
Eou will now see a trainer. Then another trainer swi--ing around. Continue
to see a tuber and a girlA whi!h is a double battle. Continue to -eet another
swi--er. "wi- so-e -ore and get ready $or a double battle. 8ow you will be on
Route 11.. Eou will see a trainerA and another trainer so-ewhat !lose. Battle
the neDt and to $inally rea!h the Abandoned "hi&
4.10 The Abandoned "hi&
M The Abandoned "hi& Trainers M
M Trainer 1 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2% Wail-erA 4orseaA Gig>agoonA M
M / +le!trike M
M Trainer 2 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2% "&heal / (a!hoke M
M Trainer 3 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2' (arill M
M Trainer 4 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2% 6llu-iseA / 2olbeat M
M Trainer % H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2' "andslash / (arill M
As you enterA you will see holes on the right and le$t. "o Fust enter the
door. FirstA enter the !ra!ked o&en door. ,o right to ha)e a double battle.
When you $inishA lea)e. Eou will see a boyA ignore hi- and go u& the stairs to
see a sailor battle hi-. When you $inishA go inside the !ra!ked door. Take the
ite- and !ontinue to the le$t and lea)e the roo-. ,o u& to the stairs neDt to
you. Eou shall now see a tuber trainer running around. ,o down and into the
door to the roo-. Eou will ha)e a double battle. Continue u& and take the ite-
and you will ha)e a double battle be$ore you !an lea)e the roo-. 8ow go down
and eDit this area. Eou will be on the de!k o$ the shi&A go u& the stairs into
the roo-. The s!ientist inside is looking $or a s!anner a)ailable on this shi&.
#ont $orget to take the ite-. There is also another !ou&le o$ roo-s in the area
you battled the sailor. 6n the -iddle roo-A you !an di)e and then $ind the
s!annerA but sin!e you dont ha)e 4(@1. #i)e yetA lea)e the shi& by using the
+s!a&e Ro&e you Fust re!ie)ed. 8ow you will be ba!k on route 11*.
4.21 The Rest 7$ The Road
M Route 11* / 11. Trainers M
M Trainer 1 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2% 4orseaA / (arill M
M Trainer 2 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 24 WingullA 2 (anetri!A (a!ho&AM
M Tenta!oolA / "wellow M
M Trainer 3 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2' Tenta!ruel M
M Trainer 4 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 2 5e)el 2% "kar-oryA Wail-erA M
M / Tenta!ruel M
M Trainer % H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2' (arill M
M Trainer ' H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2' (arill M
M Trainer * H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2% Tenta!oolA / Car)anha M
M Trainer . H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2* Beauti$lyA / #ustoD M
"wi- right to battle another trainer. Continue going right to see two
trainers and an ite-. When you $inishA you will see a swi--er swi--ing towards
you. 8ow go right till you rea!h Route 110A !ontinue and you will see a s-all
island with two trainers to ha)e a double battle with the-. 8ow sur$ north but
be$ore doing that you should see a s-all island with an ite-A take it. ,o north
a bit and you will see another trainer. 8ow you should see a s-all island north
o$ your &la!e. Battle the two tubers then go east to $ind another swi--ing
trainer. 8ow go down a bit to battle another double battle on a s-all island.
8ow you should rea!h "late&ort City
8ow heal at the &oke-on !enterA as your &oke-on -ust be &retty tired. ,o
north till you rea!h (au)ile City. Best way is to use the Cy!le Road.
4.21 The 8ew (au)ile
8ow when you rea!hed (au)ile CityA in the -iddle o$ the &athA you will see
WattsonA the gy- leader o$ the (au)ile City. 4e will ask you to do hi- a $a)or.
The $a)or is to go to 8ew (au)ile and !lose the generator. 8ow go south and
you should see so-e water. "ur$ and go east and under the Cy!le Road bridge to
$ind a !a)e. +nter it.
8ow go $orwardA and the door will o&en sin!e you do ha)e the key. "ay yes
to o&en the door. 8ow this is a )ery !on$using &la!eA $illed with -any wild
ele!tri! ty&ed &oke-on. Eou !an !at!h oneA as ele!tri! &oke-on will be )ery
use$ul later on. Eou should $ollow -y dire!tions now. ,o down and ste& on the
$irst button you see. The blue door will o&en. "te& on the yellow button and
!ontinue. Eou will see a buttonA dont &ress it. ,o thru then u&. Take the ite-
and ste& on the button. 8ow go le$t and then u& to see two buttons. Take the
ite- on the le$t button and ste& on it. Then ste& on the other oneA and go u&
then le$t. 8ow you will see a &ath to a !losed doorA and a &ath to two buttons.
The one on the le$t is a wild &oke-onA and the other side is an ite-. "te& on
the yellow button and go to the other &ath to rea!h the generator area. ,o
right and then ste& on the button to sto& the generatorA take the ite- whi!h
is a Thunder "tone. Eou should ha)e re!ie)ed an +s!a&e Ro&eA use it to lea)e
this &la!e. ,o ba!k to (au)ile and talk to Wattson. 4e will gi)e you T(@24
Thunder Bolt. This is a &retty good ele!tri! atta!kA so use it s-artly.
4.22 The 4arsh Routes 11. / 110
(y Tea- At This Area H 5e)el 3% Ca-eru&tA 5e)el 3' (ightyenaA / 5e)el 3*
M Route 11. Trainers M
M Trainer 1 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2 5e)el 14 RoseliaA AronA M
M Gig>agoonA +le!trike / "hroo-ish M
M Trainer 2 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 1% (agne-ite / Whis-ur M
M Trainer 3 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 1' Tenta!ool M
M Trainer 4 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2* (agne-ite / 5oudred M
M Trainer % H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2% Tenta!oolA / Car)anha M
M Trainer ' H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2' Wingull M
M Trainer * H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2% TaillowA / "wellow M
8ow go east to route 11.. 4ere the trainers are easyA as you should ha)e
battled the- $ro- be$ore. 8ow when you $inishA your tea- should be around
le)els 32@3*A i$ notA then you will de$inately ha)e )ery hard ti-e on this
area o$ the ga-e. 8ow sur$ o)er to the other side o$ the route.
8ow when you rea!h landA you should see a $isher-an. "ay yes and he will
gi)e you the ,ood RodA its a &retty good rod $or !at!hing &oke-on. 8earby you
will see the t) re&orters Eou should ha)e battled the- on the route north o$
(au)ile City. To tell you the truthA 6 didnt tell the- anything about the
battleA its Fust a waste o$ ti-e i$ you !ant read 3a&anese. ,o $orward to battle
a $isher-an. ,o u& to see "te)en. 4e see-s to say hi and then will lea)e. ,o
right till you see a &ath going northA go to the trainer on the rightA then to
the one u& a bit. 8ow go north to begin Route 110.
M Route 110 Trainers M
M Trainer 1 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 24 Wur-&leA "il!oonA Beauti$ly M
M Trainer 2 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2% 2olbeat / 6llu-ise M
M Trainer 3 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2% "hedinFa M
M Trainer 4 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2* Wur-&leA "il!oonA / #ustoD M
M Trainer % H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2. 8inFaskA / "hedinFa M
M Trainer ' H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2' "urksit M
M Trainer * H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2' ,loo-A Roselia M
M Trainer . H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2* Breloo- M
M Trainer 0 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2' ,oldeen M
M Trainer 11 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2' "wellow M
M Trainer 11 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2% "hedinFaA "lug-aA 8u-elA M
M / Co$$ing M
M Trainer 12 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2% WingullA Tro&ius M
6n this area it has long grass in whi!h you !ant use a bikeA also they are
-any hidden trainers around the grass. 6t will also rain. 8ow go le$t then u&
and you should see a guy with dark hair battle hi-. There are -any other bug
@!at!hers around here. ,o u& to see a trainer neDt to the ite-. 8ow go down a
bit then right to battle another bug!at!her. 8ow go u& to -eet another trainer.
8ow go right a bit to -eet another trainer. 8ow go u& to see an ite-. To your
le$t is another trainer. 8ow you !an go u& and lea)e this annoying grass area.
8ow go $orward on this &ath to see a bridgeA be$ore you !an go o)er it
a trainer will battle you. 8ow go a!ross the bridge and then u& to enter a
new area o$ long grass. Eou should now see a trainer. ; Thank$ully its not
another grass !at!her< 8ow !ross the grass and you will see a hiding trainer
on your le$t. ,o $orward to -eet another trainer. ,o u&A i$ you ha)e the (a!h
Bike you !an !li-b the -udslideA Fust go ba!k a $ew ste&s and then go at to&
s&eed. 6t will -ake you a)oid the grass. 6$ not go through the grass to ha)e
a double battle. 7hA i$ you go ba!k a $ew ste&s don the stairs then right you
!an $ind an ite-. 8ow go ba!k u&A then le$t and down to see a trainer. 8ow
go north to rea!h the Weather 6nstitute and Tea- A:ua blo!king the way to
the bridge.
4.23 The Weather 6nstitute
(y Tea-H 5e)el 3' Ca-eru&tA 5e)el 3. (ightyenaA / 5e)el 3. "wa-&ert
Eour Tea- should be around le)els 3%@41.
M Weather 6nstitute Trainers M
M Trainer 1 H ;Tea- A:ua Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2. Car)anha M
M Trainer 2 H ;Tea- A:ua Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2* Gubat / Poo!hyena M
M Trainer 3 H ;Tea- A:ua #ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2* GubatA 2 Poo!hyenaM
M / Car)anha M
M Trainer 4 H ;Tea- A:ua Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2' Poo!hyenaA Cara)anhaA M
M / Gubat M
M Trainer % H ;Tea- A:ua Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2. Car)anhaA / (ightyena M

+nter the &la!eA here Tea- A:ua will try to steal the &oke-on that !an
!hange weatherA and -ake the weather rain to in!rease the o!eans. 8ow go u&
then go le$t instead o$ right to see a kid and a bed neDt to a !o-&uter. ,o to
the bed and &ress A to take a na& and heal your &oke-on "end a &oke-on to the
boD to ha)e so-e s&a!e in your tea-. Eou will know why soon. ,o down then right
to begin owning so-e Tea- A:ua -e-bers
,o right to battle a Tea- A:ua wo-en -e-berA then go u& to battle another
Tea- Agua -e-ber. 8ow go u& the stairs. Eou will ha)e a double battle. ,o le$t
to -eet another bad guy. Then !ontinue going le$t to battle the last -e-berA
but this is a s&e!ial -e-berA its an ad-inA so you better be !are$ul. A Tea-
A:ua -e-ber will !o-e and tell her that we -ust goA thats what 6 think. 8ow
the s!ientist will gi)e you the weather &oke-on as a gi$tA its Cast$or-.
Be$ore you lea)eA -ake sure you heal your &oke-onA trust -eA you will need it.
4.24 The Rest 7$ Route 110
(y Tea-H 5e)el 3* Ca-eru&tA 5e)el 3. (ightyenaA / 5e)el 30 "wa-&ert
Eour "hould Be H 5e)els 3'@41
M Route 110 ;2< Trainers M
M Trainer 1 H ;Ri)al Battle< Poke-on H "ee Below M
M Trainer 2 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2' (anetri! M
M Trainer 3 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2' 8inFask M
M Trainer 4 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 2 5e)el 2% Co$$ing M
The rain will now ha)e sto&&edA !ross the bridge that used to be blo!ked
and go u&A but you will be sto&&ed by.... your ri)al
6$ you !hose Water "tarter H 5e)el 20 "lug-aA Peli&&erA / 5e)el 31 "!e&tile
For this battle its best to use a ro!kBwater &oke-on on "lug-aA so-e good
atta!king &oke-on $or 5o-breA and a $ire &oke-on $or "!e&tile. "hould be a
so-ewhat easier battle $ro- the other battles with this ri)al.
6$ you !hose Fire "tarter H 5e)el 20 TorkoalA 5o-breA 5e)el 31 (arshto-&
The sa-e goes $or 5o-breA !ool o$$ Torkoal and ele!tri$y (arshto-&.
6$ you !hoose ,rass "tarter H 5e)el 20 Peli&&erA 5o-breA 5e)el 31 Co-busken
+le!tri$y Pelli&erA sa-e $or 5o-breA and !ool o$$ Co-busken.
7)erallA the battle shouldnt be hardA as -ost o$ your &oke-on should ha)e
around a % le)els di$$eren!e.
When you $inishA sheBhe will gi)e you 4(@12 Fly. +nshida will now
!o-e. 8ow go down till you see an ite-A its +liDir ;-aybe<. 8ow go u& till you
see a trainer on the right. 8ow go to your le$t to see a tree with a trainer
hidden inside. ; 4e thinks he9s so s-art in hiding..< 8ow go $orward to $ind
another trainer hiding in a tree. Eou !an go le$t and take the berries. 8ow
!ontinue right to F68A55E rea!h Fortree City.
4.2% The Con$using Fortree City
(y Tea- H 5e)el 3. Ca-eru&tA 5e)el 30 (ightyenaA / 5e)el 30 "wa-&ert
Eour Tea- "hould Be Between H 3'@41
This !ity is &retty interesting and )ery di$$erent. (ost houses here are
build on trees 4eal at the Poke-on Center. 8ow as you go to the Poke-on ,y-
at the !enter o$ the !ityA you will noti!e you !ant go thru as their is
so-ething in)isible blo!king your way. Eou !an go to the house at the )ery
south eastA they sell !hairs and desks $or your "e!ret Base. 7ther than that
go to Route 121A dont worry we will be ba!k )ery soon.
M Route 121 ;1< Trainers M
M Trainer 1 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2. RoseliaA / Wail-er M
M Trainer 2 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 31 5oudredA / (agneton M
M Trainer 3 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 20 "urksit M

,o east to battle a trainer. Continue to see a &at!h o$ long grassA you
will see the T) re&orters at the end o$ the &ath be$ore entering the grass.
8ow go through the grass on the )ery edgeA and when you go thru the grass you
will see another trainer. 8ow !ross the bridge to see on!e again "te)en. 4e
will noti!e that so-ething is blo!king the way hereA he will use a de)i!e and
you will get ready to battle it. 6t will be a le)el 31 Ce!leon. 8ow 6
re!o--end you to !at!h it now. 4e shouldnt be )ery tough to !at!h. 6 !aught
hi- with a &okeballA and in the $irst atte-&t. But 6 had lowered his 4P to the
red >one. 4e will gi)e you the #e)on "!o&e to hel& you use it at the gy-. 4e
will then $ly away. 8ow go ba!k to Fortree City.
8ow go to the Fortree CityA when you are sto&&ed by the in)isible obFe!tA
then &ress A to use the #e)ons Cor& -a!hine. The Ce!leon will run away. As you
see it was better to !at!h that one than this one. 8ow go heal and get ready
$or another &u>>ling gy-
M Fortree ,y- Trainers M
M Trainer 1 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 31 "kar-ory M
M Trainer 2 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 2 5e)el 2* "wabluA #oduoA Tro&ius M
M / "kar-ory M
M Trainer 3 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 20 #oduoA "wellowA Peli&&er M
M / Katu M
M Trainer 4 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 31 Tro&ius M
M Trainer % H ;,y- 5eader Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 20 "wabluA Tro&iusA 5e)el M
M 31 Peli&&erA 5e)el 31 "kar-oryA / 5e)el 33 Altaria M
,y- Ty&e H Flying Poke-onA also brining a $ire and water &oke-on will be
use$ul as so-e &oke-on ha)e two ty&es like "kar-oryA KatuA Tro&ius et!.
8ow 6 will gi)e you the eDa!t dire!tion $ro- the beginningA and yes you
will ha)e to battle all o$ the trainers.
@ 2 u&
@ 11 le$tA then battle the trainer under you.
@ 3 u&
@ 2 le$t
@ 2 down
@ 2 right
@ 4 u& and you will ha)e a double battle.
@ 1 down
@ 3 right
@ 4 u&
@ 2 right
@ 2 u&
@ 2 le$t
@ 3 down
@ 1 u&
@ 2 right
@ 4 u& and get ready $or a double battle.
@ 2 le$t
@ 2 u&
@ ' le$tA and get ready $or single battle.
@ 2 u&
@ 1 right
@ 2 down
@ 3 right
@ ' u&
@ 3 le$t
@ ' down
@ 4 right
@ 1 le$t
@ 4 u&
@ 11 right and you should see the gy- leader.
8ow heal your &oke-on and get the- ready $or the gy- leader battle. 6$
you got !on$used by the dire!tionsA kee& tryingA the -ain way to sol)e this
&u>>le is to &ush the thingies to -ake it o&en a &athA so-eti-es you ha)e
to o&en it and go ba!k or so-ethingA -ainly the dire!tions should be a!!urate
as i tested it a$ter i did it. Winoona the gy- leader uses % &oke-onA so 6
re!o--end you begin the battle with a weak &oke-onA as "wablu shouldnt be
hard and its only le)el 20. Tro&ius will be so-ewhat tougherA but 6 think
you !an beat hi-A use a $ire &oke-on i$ you !ant. Also she -ight use so-e
su&er &otionsA whi!h -ight be annoying. H& 8eDt is a Peli&&er at le)el 31
whi!h !ould be e)en tougher. Cee& using the &oke-on you began the battle
withA i$ he $aintsA an ele!tri! &oke-on will ha)e lots o$ $un with Peli&&er.
Eou should ha)e !aught oneA an +le!trikeA or an ele!tri! &oke-on $ro- the
8ew (au)ileA i$ you ha)ent use a ro!k or a good atta!king &oke-on. =sing
a $ast &oke-on will also be use$ulA as Peli&&er likes to use Prote!t. 4e
used Prote!t 3 ti-es to -y (ightyenaA who 6 was using $ro- the beginning
but he soon $ainted hi-.

8eDt is a e)en stronger &oke-onA "kar-oryA at le)el 31. A $ire &oke-on
will do it willA your starter or a Ca-eru&t will do itA or any water &oke-on.
6$ you dontA get ready to ha)e a tough battle. (y (ightyena had $ainted to
"kar-oryA so 6 sended out -y Ca-eru&t. Who had lots o$ $un by &laying $ire
with hi-. J& The last &oke-on is Altaria at le)el 33. =se a ro!k &oke-onA or
ele!tri!. 6$ you ha)entA your starter will be the best at hi-A as usually the
starter has a )ery good stats !o-&ared to other &oke-on in the beginning.
Altaria will use +arth:uake whi!h is a )ery strong atta!kA whi!h is also
use$ul as you are &robably using a ro!kBele!tri! &oke-on. (y Ca-eru&t re&lied
to the $irst +arth:uake with a strong Ro!k "lideA but Altaria then used a
berryA and $inished hi- with another +arth:uake. H; Then 6 used "wa-&ertA she
used #ragon Breath and &araly>ed hi-A and "ur$ didnt do -u!h. Then a 4y&er
Potion !ontinued -y sorrows. 6 lu!kily had a Full 4eal and $inished her o$$
with two Take#owns. 6$ you !ant beat herA Fust re@try andyou should soon beat
her. And now you !an tea!h a &oke-on Fly
4.2' Route 121 / 121
(y Tea- H 5e)el 30 Ca-eru&tA 5e)el 41 (ightyenaA 5e)el 41 "wa-&ert
Eour Tea- "hould Be BetweenH 53* @ 42
M Route 121 Trainers M
M Trainer 1 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2. Wingull / 8atu M
M Trainer 2 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 31 (anetri! / Cast$or- M
M Trainer 3 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2. (edititeA Co$$ingA 8in!adaA M
M / (akuhita M
M Trainer 4 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 31 Banette M
M Trainer % H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2. "eedotA 5o-breA / 8u>lea$ M
M Trainer ' H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2. 5otad / 5o-bre M
M Trainer * H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 3 5e)el 2* "urksit M
M Trainer . H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2. Co$$ing / 8inFask M
4eal and lea)e this !ityA !ontinue to the bridge you were on with "te)en.
,o down and it will begin to rain. Eou will see a trainer battle hi-. Continue
going south then go right to see two grou&s o$ double battles. When you $inish
with bothA you will see an ite-. ,o down to -eet another trainer. ,o down thru
the &ath o$ grassA 6 think you -ight -eet a Ce!leonA i$ you do Fust use #e)on
"!o&e -a!hine. 8ow $ro- the beginning o$ the &athA go down then rightA you will
see a trainer. 8eDt go le$t then down to the se!ond &ath to see a trainer.
Continue till you go thru so-e grass to rea!h the other &ath. ,o all the way
le$t to take an ite-A go ba!k right and !ontinue on the &ath to see a ledge.
3u-& o)er it and !ontinue right to Fu-& o)er another ledge. Cross the bridge
and go south to see another trainer. When you $inish go a!ross a !ou&le o$
grass to see an ite-. 6ts a 4y&er Potion. ,o down to see a !ou&le o$ berries
on your le$t. Take the- then go u& the stairs to see a hidden trainer. Take
the berries on that area and sur$ o)er the water to take an ite- whi!h is
Full 4eal. 8ow go ba!k and go east to rea!h Route 121.
M Route 121 Trainers M
M Trainer 1 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 20 #ustoD / Beauti$ly M
M Trainer 2 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 20 Ce!leon / "e)i&er M
M Trainer 3 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 31 "&inda / 5e)el 32 "lakoth M
M Trainer 4 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2% (akuhitaA Poo!hyenaA M
M "hroo-ishA WingullA +le!trikeA / Tro&ius M
M Trainer % H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 20 (anetri! / "hi$try M
M Trainer ' H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 20 5oudredA / "lakoth M
8ow you will see two trainersA it !ould turn into a double battle or into
a single de&ending on you. When you $inishA you !an go u& and take so-e
berries. 5ots o$ berries in this area 6 guess. Continue east to battle another
trainer. Continue to see so-e Tea- A:ua -e-bersA when they see youA they run
away. ,o down the stairsA then go right to the ite-A take itA and then go u&
to ha)e a double battle. 6$ you go u& you will see the "a$ari GoneA you need
the 8ational #eD to enterA whi!h you re!ie)e a$ter the +lite Four. ,o down
and !ontinue going east to ha)e a double battle. ,o take the ite-A then go
u& then le$t and down to battle another trainer. ,o thru tha grass to take
a Carbos. 8ow go ba!k right to battle a trainer. 8ow go down to see a trainer.
,o right to battle another trainer. 8ow !ontinue on the &ath to rea!h......
5ily!o)e City
4.2* 5ily!o)e City
(y Tea- H 5e)el 41 Ca-eru&tA 5e)el 41 (ightyenaA / 5e)el 42 "wa-&ert
Eour Tea- "hould Be Between H 5e)el 3.@43
The best thing to do $irst here is to healA this !ity has lots o$ stu$$ to
do in. 8ow go north to see a huge building with your ri)al out o$ the door.
This is a Poke-on (art #e&art-ent. 8ow get ready to $a!e your ri)al $or the last
M Ri)al Battle M
M 6$ Chosen Water "tarter H 5e)el 31 Tro&iusA 5e)el 32 "lug-aA Peli&&erA / M
M 5e)el 34 ,ro)yle M
M 6$ Chosen Fire "tarter H 5e)el 31 =nknownA 5e)el 32 TorkoalA 5o-breA / M
M 5e)el 34 (arshto-& M
M 6$ Chosen ,rass "tarter H 5e)el 31 =nknownA 5e)el 32 5o-breA Peli&&erA / M
M 5e)el 34 Co-busken M
=ntil now 6 a- not sure about the &oke-on your ri)al will useA i$ anyone
knows eDa!tlyA then &lease hel& -eA thanks. "houldnt be )ery hardA Fust do
what you used to do in the battle be$ore. When you beat herBhi-A sheBhe will
then lea)e without gi)ing you a gi$t. 8ow go inside the Poke(art #e&art-ent
and buy -any &otions and $ull heals and re)i)esA you will &robably need the-
soon. 8ow go heal your &oke-on. Eou will also see a !ou&le o$ Tea- A:ua
-e-bers. Fro- the Poke(artA go right and Fu-& o)er the ledges to go to the
bea!h area. =se sur$ and go north to enter a !a)e.
8ow go u& straight to see two Tea- A:ua -e-bers blo!king the way. Talk
to the- and they wont let you go in. 8ow go ba!k to route 121A and sur$ south
to rea!h (t.Pyre.
4.2. (t. Pyre
(y Tea- H 5e)el 41 Ca-eru&tA 5e)el 42 (ightyenaA / 5e)el 42 "wa-&ert
Eou Tea- "hould Be Between H 5e)els 3.@43
M (t. Pyre Trainers M
M Trainer 1 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 31 "&oinkA / Rhyhorn M
M Trainer 2 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 31 4ariya-a M
M Trainer 3 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 31 (anetri! / #el!atty M
M Trainer 4 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2' Wobbu$$etA / 8atuA / CadabraM
M Trainer % H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2' "kittyA Gig>agoonA 5otadA M
M Poo!hyenaA 5otad / Taillow M
M Trainer ' H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 2 5e)el 2' RaltsA M
M Trainer * H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 32 "hu&&et M
M Trainer . H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 32 4ariya-a M
M Trainer 0 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 32 "abyle M
M Trainer 11 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 32 Wobbu$$et M
M Trainer 11 H ;Tea- A:ua "ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 32 Car)anha M
M Trainer 12 H ;Tea- A:ua "ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 32 Gubat M
M Trainer 13 H ;Tea- A:ua #ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 31 Poo!hyenaA M
M Wail-erA Car)anhaA / Gubat M
8ow kee& going south then go east to see an entran!e to a -ountain. Eou
will now enter (t.Pyre. 6ts -ainly a gra)e $or dead &oke-onA there are also
so-e trainers. First we will do the trainer battling &artA then the -ain
&ur&ose o$ why we are here.
Fro- the beginningA go u& to see so-e stairs. 8ow go down to ha)e a double
battle. 8ow go righ to battle another trainer. 8ow go down then le$t to battle
the double trainers. 8ow go take the ite- whi!h is a =ltra Ball. 8ow go to
the u&&er right side to go u& the neDt stairs. 8ow go down to ha)e a battle.
8ow go down a bitA then le$t all the way to take an ite- whi!h is a (aD Re&el.
,o u& to the guy trainer and battle hi-A then go to the $e-ale trainer. 8ow go
!li-b u& to the neDt $loor. 8ow go to the other side to see a trainer. ,o to
the neDt $loorA to also see one trainer. 7n the neDt $loor you will see two
trainersA it -ight be a single battle or a double battle de&ends on when you
let the- see you. 8ow go to the other side to see an ite- whi!h is T(@31.
8ow to go ba!k you ha)e to $all into the holes. 8ow when you $allA you should
see an ite-A take it and $all into the B7TT7( hole to lead you to a &art
o$ the $loor that you !ouldnt enter. Eou will see another ite-. Fall into the
neDt hole. Fro- here go to the neDt hole. Eou will now be ba!k on the $irst

4eal your &oke-on i$ you need to with so-e o$ the ite-s. 8ow go to the
le$t side o$ this $loor to !li-b u& the -ountain. 8ow go thru the grass on the
right sideA then !li-b u& the stairs. Cross the grass and go down to re!ie)e
a T(@4.. 8ow go ba!k and le$t to !li-b u& the long stairs. 8ow go right and
!li-b u& the neDt stairs and you will see an area with an ite-. Also you will
noti!e so-e -ist will a&&ear in this area. 8ow i$ you go to so-e to-bsA you
-ight $ind so-e hidden ite-s. 8ow go u& the stairs and $ollow the &ath to
enter a new area. 8ow go $orward to see so-e Tea- A:ua -e-bers. Eou will ha)e
two single battlesA then a double battle. FinallyA you will see Ar!hie. 4e
see-s to ha)e stolen the Blue 7rbA and (aDie stoled the Red 7rbA so the old
!ou&le will gi)e you a !oin that !an let you go inside Tea- (ag-a9s 4ideout.
"o $ly to (au)ile CityA or you !an do the long way through Route 123.
4.20 Route 123
(y Tea- H 5e)el 42 Ca-eru&tA 5e)el 43 (ightyenaA / 5e)el 43 "wa-&ert
Eour Tea- "hould Be Between H 5e)els 30 @ 44
M Route 123 Trainers M
M Trainer 1 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 31 GangooseA #uskullA "hu&&etA M
M / "e)i&er M
M Trainer 2 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 20 (auwileA RoseliaA / Peli&&erM
M Trainer 3 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2. TaillowA "hi$tryA Tra&in!hA M
M / Wail-er M
M Trainer 4 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 31 Peli&&erA +le!trikeA KatuA M
M / 5oudred M
M Trainer % H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 31 CadabraA (akuhitaA 5unatoneAM
M / (a!hoke M
M Trainer ' H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2' #ustoD / Beauti$ly M
M Trainer * H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2' Roselia / ,loo- M
M Trainer . H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2* Pinsir / Absol M
8ow lea)e (t.Pyre and $ro- the entran!e o$ the -ountain sur$ down to see
the beginning o$ Route 123. 8ow as you begin this routeA you will see a !ou&le
o$ berries. 8ow go $orwardA you !an ignore the grass i$ you want by !utting the
s-all trees. "oon you will ha)e a double battle. 8ow you !an either Fu-& o)er
the ledge nowA or go u& $ro- their. Fro- u& you !an take so-e berries then Fu-&
o)er the ledge to take an ite-. 3u-& o)er the ledge and go le$tA you !an Fu-&
on the ledge to the le$t side and ha)e a double battleA or go u& to ha)e a
single battle. Continue and then Fu-& o)er a ledge. Eou ha)e two ways againA
either you Fu-& o)er the ledge at the botto- and go ha)e the double battle
and !ontinue westA or go u& to battle the trainer at the to&. When you $inish
the battle go west by Fu-&ing o)er the ledges to see a lakeA with a ite- neDt
to itA go down and Fu-& o)er the ledge to ha)e a double battle. 8ow i$ you took
the other way and Fu-&ed down to ha)e the double battleA go west a$ter
$inishing it to ha)e another one with an ite-. 3u-& o)er to ha)e a double
battle. 8ow you will rea!h a houseA neDt to the berry $ield is a trainerA battle
her then enter the house.
This is the Berry (aster houseA talk to the old -anA and he will gi)e you
about a !ou&le o$ berries. 6$ you talk to his wi$e and tell her a s&e!i$i!
&hrase she will gi)e you a berry. 8ow go out and take the berries in the $ield
i$ you wantA and go west. Eou will ha)e a double battleA or a single de&ending
on the ti-e you -ake the- see you. 8ow go $orward a bit to rea!h route 11..
4.31 Tea- (ag-a9s 4ideout
(y Tea- H 5e)el 43 (ightyenaA 5e)el 44 Ca-eru&tA / 5e)el 4% "wa-&ert
Eour Tea- "hould Be Between H 5e)els 30 @ 44
M Tea- (ag-a 4ideout Trainers M
M Trainer 1 H ;Tea- (ag-a "ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 20 Poo!hyena M
M Trainer 2 H ;Tea- (ag-a "ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 20 8u-el M
M Trainer 3 H ;Tea- (ag-a "ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 20 (ightyena M
M Trainer 4 H ;Tea- (ag-a "ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2. Baltoy / 8u-el M
M Trainer % H ;Tea- (ag-a "ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2. Baltoy / Gubat M
M Trainer ' H ;Tea- (ag-a "ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 20 Gubat M
M Trainer * H ;Tea- (ag-a "ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 20 Baltoy M
M Trainer . H ;Tea- (ag-a "ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 20 Baltoy M
M Trainer 0 H ;Tea- (ag-a #ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 20 8u-el / Gubat M
M Trainer 11 H ;Tea- (ag-a Ad-in Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2' 8u-elA 5e)el 2. M
M (ightyenaA 5e)el 31 Gubat / 5e)el 33 Ca-eru&t M
M Trainer 11 H ;(aDie 7wner 7$ T( Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 3* (ightyenaA 5e)elM
M 3. CrobatA / 5e)el 30 Ca-eru&t M
M R 87T+ H The trainers abo)e are the ones you battle i$ you $ollowed -y M
M instru!tionsA below is the trainers you -eet i$ you go on a di$$erent way. M
M Trainer 12 H ;Tea- (ag-a "ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 20 Poo!hyena M
M Trainer 13 H ;Tea- (ag-a "ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 20 Gubat M
M Trainer 14 H ;Tea- (ag-a #ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 20 (ightyena / M
M 8u-el M
M Trainer 1% H ;Tea- (ag-a "ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 20 (ightyena M
M Trainer 1' H ;Tea- (ag-a "ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 20 Gubat M
8owA you !an $ly to (au)ile CityA or Fallorbar !ityA then walk till (t.
Chi-neyA or you !an go walking their by $oot. Theres a Wingull in this grass
area so you !an !at!h it and tea!h it $ly. Also -ake sure to ha)e a &oke-on
that knows "trength.
When you rea!h (t. Chi-neyA the only thing you will noti!e is so-e
trainers whi!h are underle)eledA around le)els 21 and so. 8ow go south to the
3agged Pass. 3ust kee& going down till you will be sto&&ed by a noise. Then
a hidden door will a&&earA in the eDa!t &la!e you saw the Tea- (ag-a -e-ber
be$ore on this &ass.
8ow as you enter this &la!eA it will be si-iliar to
the Fiery Path. Also their will be -any &u>>les. First one Fust &ush the boulder
thats at the botto-A &ush it till the wallA then &ush the other one to the
wall to o&en a &ath. This &la!e see-s to ha)e lots o$ -a>es and di$$erent ways.
"o $or nowA you will use -y dire!tions. 8ow go through the &ath . ,o to your
right and go down to ha)e your $irst battle here with a -e-ber. ,o down to see
so-e weird looking -a!hines and !ontinue down ignoring the stairs. 8ow go down
to see a -e-ber. ,o le$t to see another one. ,o down to the neDt area to battle
so-e -e-bers that are walking around a -a!hine. Continue going down the stairsA
and ignore the doorA kee& going to $ind another eDit. 8ow go le$t till you will
-eet another -e-ber. 8ow go down the stairsA then right ignoring the door
entran!eA and go down the stairs and kee& going down to battle another -e-ber.
By nowA you should noti!e that -ost o$ the- ha)e their &oke-on around le)els 20.
8ow go le$t then u& to take an ite-A then go down to the eDit. 8ow go down the
stairs and go le$t &assing the weird -a!hines. 8ow go down a bit then u& to
battle a -e-ber. ,o u& and get ready $or a double battle. Continue on the &ath
to battle the Ad-in. 4e will use a le)el 2' 8u-elA le)el 2. (ightyenaA le)el 31
GubatA then a le)el 33 Ca-eru&t. At the beginning it should be easyA Gubat
shouldnt be -u!h o$ a troubleA but Ca-eru&t will be trouble though. Continue
and you will see an ite- behind a -a!hine. Then go downA then le$t to see
(aDie and ,roudon slee&ing Eou will noti!e that he is also blo!king the way
to the eDit hehe.
When you talk to hi-A he will use the Blue 7rb that he stolenA ,roudon will
awakeA then walk $orward a bitA then $lys away (aDie will look aroundA !on$used
o$ whats ha&&ening. Then he will battle you $or kinda -essing it u&. 8owA this
battle is kinda way tougher than the be$ore 4e will begin with a le)el 3*
(ightyena "tillA your &oke-on should be around 3@% le)els higher. Begin the
battle with a strong atta!king &oke-onA and you should be able to beat hi-. Be
!are$ulA he -ight use a "u&er Potion too. 8eDt is a e)en stronger &oke-onA a
le)el 3. Crobot. +le!tri$y or $ree>e hi- out :ui!klyA or any ro!k &oke-on too.
AlsoA (aDie will &robably use a "u&er Potion too. ;Thats what he did with -e.<
8eDt is his last &oke-onA a le)el 30 Ca-eru&t Water &oke-on will ha)e lots o$
$un hereA es&i!ially anyone who has the atta!k "ur$. J& When you beat hi-A he
will lea)e. ,o to the eDit on your rightA you will be in a new areaA go le$t
and take the ite-. 8ow go through the )ery long stairs to enter a new area. Eou
will also ha)e to !li-b another grou& o$ long stairs. 8ow in the new areaA Fu-&
o)er the ledge and then go north to be ba!k on the sa-e &ath you !a-e $ro-. The
rest should be easy. And $or the boulders at the beginningA Fust &ush the $irst
one downA then go right to be able to !ontinue.
4.31 The Tea- A:ua 4ideout
(y Tea- H 5e)el 44 Ca-eru&tA 5e)el 4% (ightyenaA / 5e)el 4' "wa-&ert
Eour Tea- "hould Be Between H 5e)els 41 @ 4%
M The Tea- A:ua 4ideout Trainers M
M Trainer 1 H ;Tea- A:ua "ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 32 Poo!hyena M
M Trainer 2 H ;Tea- A:ua "ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 32 Car)anha M
M Trainer 3 H ;Tea- A:ua #ouble Battle< Poke-on H 2 5e)el 31 GubatA Poo!hyenaM
M / Car)anha M
M Trainer 4 H ;Tea- A:ua "ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 32 Car)anha M
M Trainer % H ;Tea- A:ua "ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 32 Gubat M
M Trainer ' H ;Tea- A:ua #ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 32 Gubat / Car)anha M
M Trainer * H ;Tea- A:ua Ad-in Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 34 ,olbat / (ightyena M
8ow $ly to "late&ort CityA healA then go to the northeast building to see
a !rowd o$ &eo&le. 6t turns outA the t) re&orters are inter)iewing Ca&tain
"tern. The t) re&orters will lea)eA and Ca&tain "tern will talk to youA soon
Tea- A:ua will be talking on the -i!ro&hones saying they will take o)er the
sub-arine. C&t. "tern will take you insideA to see Ar!hie and a -e-ber o$ Tea-
A:ua al-ost about to take the sub-arineA go to the- and they will say it is too
late to sto& the-. With that they will Fu-& inside the sub-arine. C&t. "tern
will then tell you that you need to sto& the-.
Fly to 5ily!o)e CityA and go to their hideout. This ti-eA their wont be
so-eone blo!king the wayA allowing you to enter. Eou will $ind a -e-ber walking
aroundA battle hi-. 8ow go north then on the right side to see a door. 8ow you
will see two war&s. ,o to the one on the rightA to go to a roo- with an ite-.
Then go ba!k to the le$t one. ,o righ then down to battle a -e-ber. When you
$inishA go right to ha)e a double battle. 8ow go to the war&. Eou will be in a
roo- with a doorA enter it. Eou will see a -e-ber walking aroundA battle hi-.
Then go down to a war&A it will lead you to a roo- with an ite-. ,o ba!k and go
to the other side to see a war&. 6n the neDt roo- go through the door. ,o down
a bit and a -e-ber will battle you. 8ow go u& to the neDt door. 6n this roo-
you will ha)e a double battle. 8ow go through the neDt war&. 4ere you will see
an Ad-in blo!king the way to the sub-arineA battle hi-. This guy shouldnt be
that tough.
When you beat hi-A the sub-arine will begin -o)ingA then he will say
that 6 was Fust here to stall youA while their were getting ready to lea)e. ,o
through the war& at the botto- to be ba!k around the beginningA got to the le$t
war&. 8ow instead o$ going all the way right then u&A go rightA then down and
le$t to see a new war&. 6n this areaA there will be three war&s to !hoose.
Choose the one in the le$tA then the -iddleA then the one on the le$t. 8ow go
to the one on the le$t too. Eou will be in a roo- with 4 ite-sA but not all
are ite-s 2 o$ the- will be a le)el 31 +le!trode. Eou !an either beat it or
!at!h it i$ you want. FirstA you -ust battle oneA either the to& or the botto-.
Then !hoose the one behind itA and it will be an ite-A and then !hoose the one
under it. 8ow you are a &roud owner o$ the rare (aster Ball. H# =se it wisely.
8ow go ba!kA !hoose the one in the -iddle. Then the one on your right. Eou will
be ba!k to the $irst war&A ste& away then walk on it to go ba!k. 8ow go ba!k
all the way and lea)e this hideout. 8ow you !an sur$ eastA to (ossdee& CityA
be!ause there isnt any Tea- A:ua or Wailords blo!king the way.
4.32 The 7!ean Route 124
(y Tea- H 5e)el 4% Ca-eru&tA 5e)el 4% (ightyenaA / 5e)el 4' "wa-&ert
Eour Tea- "hould Be Between H 5e)els 41 @ 4%
M Route 124 Trainers M
M Trainer 1 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 34 ,yarados / (arill M
M Trainer 2 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 33 Tenta!ool / Wingull M
M Trainer 3 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 33 Car)anha / 5e)el 34 Chin!houM
M Trainer 4 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 34 Wail-er M
M Trainer % H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 33 Tenta!ool / Wail-er M
Be$ore sur$ing eastA go heal your &oke-on. 8ow go ba!k and sur$ east on
Route 124 to go to (ossdee& CityA get your *th badgeA sto& the e)il gangsA and
get ready $or -ore eD!iting stu$$.
Fro- the beginning you will ha)e a double battle. 8ow $ro- where you areA
go all the way east till you 9bu-&9 into a trainer. 8ow go southA then west to
see a two trainers. 8ow go ba!k east till you -eet another trainer. Eou will
&robably noti!e so-e areas with dark !olored blueA thats a &la!e where you !an
use 4(@1. #i)eA you !ant di)e right now though. 8ow go down a bit then go east
to see another trainer swi--ing around. 8ow !ontinue going east to see so-e
islandsA soon you will rea!h (ossdee& City
4.33 The Psy!hi! (ossdee& City
(y Tea- H 5e)el 4% Ca-eru&tA 5e)el 4' (ightyenaA / 5e)el 4' "wa-&ert
Eour Tea- "hould Be Between H 5e)els 41 @ 4%
While you are still on the watery bea!h areaA you will see a $ighting guy.
4e is a!tually a (o)e Tutor and tea!hes a $ighting -o)e whi!h 6 a- un!ertain
until now. 8ow go inside the !ity and heal your &oke-on. When you heal the-
go to the northwest side o$ the !ity. 6ts "te)ens houseA but its -ainly e-&ty
as he has Fust re!enly -o)edA you wont see hi- inside so lea)e. Follow the &ath
that leads to the eastern side o$ the !ityA to see +nshida. ,o u& the stairs to
see a white ro!k. 6t see-s its -ainly useless 6 guess. ,o right and !li-b the
$ollowing stairs. This is the "&a!e Center areaA inside you will see "te)en and
so-e other s!ientists and &eo&le working. 8ow lea)e and buy so-e ite-s and get
ready to battle the gy- leader here.
M (ossdee& ,y- Trainers M
M Trainer 1 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 3' Cadabra / Cirlia M
M Trainer 2 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 3' Katu / ,ira$arig M
M Trainer 3 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 3' Wobu$$et / Cadabra M
M Trainer 4 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 3' 8atu / ,ira$arig M
M Trainer % H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 3' Ralts M
M Trainer ' H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 3' "&oink M
M Trainer * H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 3' (editite / Cirlia M
This gy- will be )ery !on$using. 6ts di$$erent than the old gy- in RubyB
"a&&hire. Fro- the beginningA go u& and le$t and &ress on the yellow s:aure
on!e. Eou will now be $or!ed to a double battle. When you $inish go $orward to
the neDt war&. 6n here &ress the yellow s:aure on!eA and then go down then right
to ha)e a double battle. Continue to $ind two ways. ,o to the war& on the right.
,o $orward a ste& to &ress the &ink s:uare whi!h will -ake you ha)e a double
battle. Press on the neDt s:uare and go down to ha)e two single battles.
Continue on the &ath till you rea!h a green s:uare. "te& on it on!eA then go
ba!k a ste& and then ste& on it again. 8ow go u& and go to the war& on the le$t
side. Eou will now arri)e at the beginning. ,o ba!k to the two !hoi!es areaA
the $irst ti-e you !hoosed rightA now go to the le$t war&. 6n here ste& on the
&ink s:uare and go $orward to ha)e a double battle. 8ow go ba!k and ste& on the
buttonA and then do it again to o&en u& two &athsA go to the one on your le$t.
,o u& and !li!k the red s:uareA go le$t to ha)e another double battle. ,o
ba!k to the red s:uare and ste& on it twi!eA whi!h will allow a &ath on the
u&&er right side. 8ow go and ste& on the &ink s:uare that is on the le$t side
o$ the red one. "te& on it 4 ti-es to o&en a &ath. ,o down to the other s:uare
to o&en a &ath on your right side. ,o u& to the neDt war&. Fro- the new areaA
go to the neDt war&. Eou will now arri)e at the gy-leader. A!tuallyA theres two
leadersA its a double battle
M (ossdee& ,y- 5eader M
M Trainer 1 H ;,y- 5eader #ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 41 Katu / ClaydolA M
M / 5e)el 42 5unatone / "olro!k M
M Ty&es To =se 6n Battle H WaterA +le!tri!A Ro!kA ,round M
WaterA ,roundA Ro!k will be )ery wanted here. They will begin with le)el
41 Claydol and KatuA Ro!k "lide and "ur$ !an be a )ery strong duo atta!k here.
Then they will use le)el 42 5unatone / "olro!k. Water &oke-on will be )ery
use$ulA also 6!e. "ur$ !an $inish this battle $or you. 7)erall this battle
shouldn9t be that tough.
4.34 The "&a!e Center
(y Tea- H 5e)el 4% Ca-eru&tA 5e)el 4' (ightyenaA / 5e)el 4* "wa-&ert
Eour Tea- "hould Be Between H 5e)els 41 @ 4'
8ow go heal at the Poke-on CenterA then go to the &ath that leads to the
"&a!e Center. Eou will noti!e a line o$ Tea- (ag-a and (aDieA then they will
head to the "&a!e Center. "ee-s that they want to use the s&a!e ro!ket to
eD&and the landA wellA we better sto& the-.
M Tea- (ag-a 4ideout Trainers M
M Trainer 1 H ;Tea- (ag-a "ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 31 Gubat / Poo!hyenaM
M Trainer 2 H ;Tea- (ag-a "ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 32 8u-el M
M Trainer 3 H ;Tea- (ag-a "ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 32 Baltoy M
M Trainer 4 H ;Tea- (ag-a "ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2' (ightyenaA 5e)el M
M 31 8u-elA / 5e)el 2. (ightyena M
M Trainer % H ;Tea- (ag-a "ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 32 Gubat M
M Trainer ' H ;Tea- (ag-a "ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 32 (ightyena M
M Trainer * H ;Tea- (ag-a "ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 32 Baltoy M
Fro- the beginning go right and battle the -e-ber. 8ow go u& a bit and
battle the -e-ber on your right. ,o u& then right to battle another -e-ber. ,o
battle the guy blo!king the way u&A when you beat hi-A he will ba!k away. ,o
u& and you will be blo!ked by three -e-bers all around you. Eou will ha)e to
battle the- one by one without any rest. ,o down then all the way le$t to -eet
the Ad-inA (aDieA both against "te)enA go u& and talk to "te)en $ro- there and
he will gi)e you the !hoi!e to !hoose three &oke-onA as you will ha)e a R+A5
double battle with "te)en against the Ad-in and (aDie.
M #ouble Battle With Ad-in / (aDie M
M Trainer 1 H ;Tea- (ag-a #ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 42 (ightyenaA 5e)el M
M 3' Ca-eru&tA 5e)el 43 CrobatA 5e)el 3. (ightyenaA 5e)el 44 Ca-eru&t / 5e)elM
M 41 ,olbat M
M Ad-in9s Poke-on H 5e)el 3' Ca-eru&tA 5e)el 3. (ightyenaA / 5e)el 41 ,olbat M
M (aDie9s Poke-on H 5e)el 42 (ightyenaA 5e)el 43 CrobatA / 5e)el 44 Ca-eru&t M
M "te)en9s Poke-on H 5e)el 42 (etangA 5e)el 43 "kar-oryA / 5e)el 44 Aggron M
As you !an see in the trainers guideA "te)en has a le)el 42 (etangA and
le)el 43 "kar-ory and le)el 44 Aggron. 5ooks like he de&ends alot on "teel.
The best atta!ks to use in this battle is the one that hits both o$ the
o&&onents &oke-onA i$ you dont ha)e one like thatA then use a &ower$ul atta!k.
The ad-in and (aDie will begin with a le)el 3' Ca-eru&tA and a le)el 42
(ightyena. Also dont de&end -u!h on "te)en9s &oke-onA they wont always atta!kA
doing so-e other kind o$ atta!ks. Also !on!entrate on one &oke-onA whi!h is
usually the toughest. Also wat!h out $or (ightyena9s "wagger. Then when 6
$ainted (ightyenaA le)el 43 Crobat a&&eared. Again lea)e Ca-eru&t $or "te)en9s
(etangA or whate)er his &oke-on is. Ad-ins neDt &oke-on will be a le)el 3.
(ightyena. Ad-ins last &oke-on will be a le)el 41 ,olbat. (aDie9s last
&oke-on will be le)el 44 Ca-eru&t. "oon you should win this battle. When you
$inish the "&a!e Center should be ba!k to nor-al. ,o heal your &oke-on then go
to "te)en9s house we went earlier. 4e will gi)e you 4(@1. #i)e. 8ow get ready
to head south.
4.3% The Water Routes ;1<
(y Tea- H 5e)el 4' Ca-eru&tA 5e)el 4* (ightyenaA / 5e)el 4* "wa-&ert
Eour Tea- "hould Be Between H 5e)els 42 @ 4*
M The Water Routes ;1< Trainers M
M Trainer 1 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 34 Car)anha / "taryu M
M Trainer 2 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 34 Car)anha / "taryu M
M Trainer 3 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 2 5e)el 31 Car)anha / Wingull M
M Trainer 4 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 32 TaillowA (anetri!A "kar-ory M
M / 5inoone M
,o to the bea!h areaA then go all the way eastA then use sur$. ,o le$t a
bit then go down thru the &ath that leads southA it will also begin with a
double battle. Also be !are$ul to -y dire!tionsA as this area is hugeA and
!ould lead you to 3 !ities whi!h are "ooto&lisA Pa!i$i!lodgeA and +)ergrande
City. ,o down a bit to arri)e in Route 12'. This route !o)ers "ooto&lis CityA
and the only way to rea!h this !ity is to use #i)e. 6$ you noti!e in this area
-any dark areasA those areas are where you !an di)e. Right now we dont want
route 12'A but we are Fust gonna use this area to go to Route 12*. 8ow you will
ha)e a double battle. Also try to !at!h a Tenta!oolA as its )ery !o--on here
and we need it to tea!h it #i)e. #i)e isnt a )ery good 4(A es&i!ially when
there is "ur$. Continue going down to see a swi--ing trainer. Eou will also
see white ro!ksA those are also another indi!ator that you are near "ooto&lis
City. 8ow go all the way right till you see so-e ro!ksA go south along it till
you see an o&ening whi!h will lead you to Route 12*.
8ow go u& to battle so-e trainers and get ite-s whi!h are on the islands.
When you $inish go ba!kA and go to the right side. Eou will also see a dark
area. Fro- there go right to see a e)en huger dark area. Press A to use #i)eA
and when you want to go outA si-&ly &ress B. Fro- hereA kee& going south till
you are $or!ed to go right. Then you will ha)e two !hoi!esA downA or rightA go
down. Then !ontinue on that &ath till you see a huge door to an underwater
!a)ern. +nter it to see the stolen sub-arine Press B to go u& to see this
4.3' =nderwater 4ideout
(y Tea- H 5e)el 4* Ca-eru&tA 5e)el 4* (ightyenaA / 5e)el 4* "wa-&ert
Eour Tea- "hould Be Between H 5e)els 42 @ 4*
M =nderwater 4ideout Trainers M
M Trainer 1 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 3' Poo!hyena M
M Trainer 2 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 3' Car)anha M
M Trainer 3 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 3* "har&edoA 5e)el 3% (ightyenaM
M 5e)el 3* (ightyenaA / 5e)el 3% Crobat M

,o to the bea!hy area and $orward to enter a door. This is the Tea-9s
A:ua !urrent 4ideout. This &la!e is $ull o$ &u>>lesA so read -y dire!tions well.
Eou will also need Ro!k "-ash and "trength. Fro- the beginning go u& ignoring
the right &ath. Eou will see a ro!k and a boulder. Break the ro!k and &ush the
boulder down. ,o on the &ath you Fust o&ened and &ush the neDt boulder out o$
your way. 8ow go u& and battle the -e-ber. ,o u& the stairs and battle that
-e-ber $or eDtra trainingA go ba!k and enter the door. 8ow go le$t and break
the ro!k. ,o all the way le$tA then go to the one at the to& instead o$ the
one at the botto-A &ush it all the way to the to&A then go right and break the
ro!k. Push the boulder twi!e and then go u& to the neDt area.
6n this areaA you ha)e to !hoose the !urrent that will take you to the
to&. ,o all the way right and sur$ thru the !urrent that takes you to the other
side. Then go to the !urrent that goes all the way to the to&A and you will then
ha)e to !hoose three &aths. Choose the u&&er oneA then it will lea)e you in
nor-al water. Then go u& to the !urrent that takes you to the right. "oon it
will lea)e you in nor-al water again. ,o le$t then all the way u& to rea!h the
8ow in this area you ha)e two &athA go le$t and ha)e a double battleA or
go right doing the &u>>le. 6(7A its better to go and battle. ,o thru to the neDt
roo-. This roo- is kinda !on$using. 8ow &ush the boulder that is in the -iddle
o$ the three boulders. Then &ush the boulder on your le$t on!e. 8ow go le$t one
ste& and one ste& u&. Push the one on your right on!e. 8ow go right one ste& and
&ush the boulder thats u& o$ you on!e. Then &ush the boulder on your le$t. Then
&ush the boulder on to& o$ you. ,o down one ste&A then 2 ste&s right whi!h will
!ause you to &ush the boulder to the wall. Push the boulder that is on to& o$
youA and &ush the boulder on your le$t on!e to $inally sol)e this &u>>le
Eou will now enter a -isty areaA also take the ite- you will see soonA
whi!h is T(@2' +arth:uakeA an aweso-e ground atta!k. 8ow !ontinue going down the
stairs and kee& walking on the &ath till you rea!h a lake with Cyogre in it
"oon Ar!hie will !o-e and talk with youA get ready to battle hi-.
M Tea- A:ua Ar!hie M
M Trainer 1 H ;Tea- A:ua Ar!hie Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 41 (ightyenaA Crobat M
M / 5e)el 43 "har&edo M
The battle shouldnt be that toughA +le!tri! &oke-on will &robably be the
best ty&e in this battle. The only who should gi)e you troubles -ight be
"har&edoA Fust be !are$ul o$ their "u&er PotionsA whi!h -ight -ake the battle a
bit harder.
When you beat hi-A the Red 7rb will a!ti)ateA and Cyogre will awake and go
$orwards to you and then $lys away. Ar!hie will get a !all saying that u& on
sur$a!e the weather is )ery weird. Ar!hie will get !on$used o$ whats ha&&ening.
"oonA (aDie will !o-e. (aDie will tell you to !o-e and see whats ha&&ening. When
you are out in the island you will see strong rainA thunderA and so-eti-es
strong sun. (aDie and Ar!hie will start to reali>e what they did was wrong.
(aDie will tell you to go ho-eA and lea)e this to the-A hahaA they would be
doo-ed without us 5ooks like we ha)e to sa)e the world. When they lea)eA "te)en
will arri)e. 6ts ti-e to go to "ooto&lis CityA $ly to (ossdee& $irst.
4.3* "a)ing.. The Poke-on World
(y Tea- H 5e)el 4* Ca-eru&tA 5e)el 4. (ightyenaA / 5e)el 4. "wa-&ert
Eour Tea- "hould Be Between H 5e)els 42 @ 4*
M Route 121 Trainers M
M Trainer 1 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2' Wingull / 5e)el 34 "taryu M
M Trainer 2 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 34 ,loo- / A>-urill M
M Trainer 3 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 3% "taryu M
M Trainer 4 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 33 "&heal / "har&edo M
M Trainer % H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2' Wingull / 5e)el 34 "taryu M
M Trainer ' H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 2* Wingull / 5e)el 33 "taryu M
M Trainer * H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 34 "har&edo / Chin!hou M
M Trainer . H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 34 ,yarados M
M Trainer 0 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 33 ,oldeenA Tenta!ruelA "&heal M
M / Wail-er M
M Trainer 11 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 34 "taryu / "&heal M
M Trainer 11 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 34 Peli&&er M
M Trainer 12 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 34 "eaking M
M Trainer 13 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 33 Wingull / Tenta!ruel M
M Trainer 14 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 34 5ud)is! M
M Trainer 1% H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 33 Wingull / 5e)el 3% A>-urillM
4eal and sur$ ba!k to the eDa!t area 6 was talking about in !ha&ter 4.3%.
,o to those dark areas on Route 12' and use #i)e. 8ow in this underwater areaA
its in the sha&e o$ a !ir!le. Eou ha)e to go southA and you will see a door.
Eou will enter a s-all roo-A di)e out. 8ow get ready to see a short -o)ie o$
,roudon and Cyogre battling ea!h other When its o)erA you will be in the bay
o$ "ooto&lis City. ,o to land and you will see e)eryone looking at the-A
in!luding (aDieA Ar!hie and "te)en. 6gnore the gy-A as its ob)iously !losed
right now. Also the sa-e $or the housesA its all blo!ked other than the Poke-on
Center. Talk to "te)en and he will take you to the -iddle o$ the !ity. 4e will
take you to a !a)eA he will sto& and go talk to the old -an who is sto&&ing
the way. Eou will now enter the Ca)e 7$ 7rigin. 6ts &retty si-&leA Fust go
with the &ath till you rea!h a ladderA it will lead you to a -isty area. ,o
to the botto- to $ind so-eone. 6ts Walla!eA the eD@gy- leader o$ "ooto&lis. 6t
see-s he tells you to go so-ewhereA whi!h !ould be "ky Pillar. 4e also asks
you 3 :uestionsA but i$ you !hoose either the $irst or se!ondA he will Fust
say so-ething and re@ask you. "o si-&ly !hoose the third answer and he will
then lea)e. #ont try to enter any houseA the only &la!es a)ailable here is
the Poke-on Center and Poke-on "ho&A go ba!k to Route 12' to go to Pa!i$idlog
,o ba!k to route 12*A and kee& going south. "oon you will rea!h an area
with a trainer between two ro!ksA battle her. Continue south till you rea!h
Route 12.A you will also see an island with a trainerA ho& o$$ and battle.
"oon you shall see the &la!e we were when we !a-e to sur$a!e a$ter battling
Ar!hieA you shall see a trainer swi--ing around battle hi-. ,o south a bit
to rea!h Route 120A and a new trainer to battle. 8ow go west instead and to
see a trainer swi--ing around. 8ow you ha)e two &athsA down or u&A down has
a double battleA and u& has a swi--ing trainer. Continue west to rea!h route
131 and a swi--ing trainer.
Cee& going westA and it will be a while be$ore you see a trainer. "oon
you will see two trainersA de&ening on when you -ake the- see you it -ight be
a double or single. Continue going west to rea!h route 131A and another
double battle whi!h is like the one be$ore. ,o west so-e -ore to -eet another
swi--ing trainer. Another swi--ing trainer will a&&ear i$ you !ontinue west.
;Boring..right?< Continue west and at the to& you will see two trainersA and
two others who will ha)e a double battle with you. "oon you will F68A55E arri)e
at Pa!i$idlog City.
4.3. The Wanted Ray:ua>a
(y Tea- H 5e)el 4. Ca-eru&tA 5e)el 40 (ightyenaA / 5e)el %1 "wa-&ert
Eour Tea- "hould Be Between H 5e)el 43 @ 4.

We now need to awaken the legedenary #ragonBFlying &oke-on Ray:ua>a. 6t
li)es in the "ky Pillar. 6t will &robably sto& the battle between ,roudon /
Cyogre. A$ter you ha)e healed your &oke-on at Pa!i$idlog CityA go ba!k east to
Route 131.
"ky Pillar isnt that $ar $ro- Pa!i$idlog !ity. Be sure to sur$ R6,4T neDt
to the ro!ks at the to&A so a$ter awhile you will see an o&ening &ath that
leads to the "ky Pillar. Eou will also noti!e a -ale trainer swi--ing around
below. ,o north thru this &ath till you rea!h an entran!e to a !a)e. ,o thru
the stairs then go right till you $ind an eDit. 8ow you will see Walla!e !o-ing
to you. 4e will talk to you and he see-s he tells you that we ha)e to wake this
&oke-on. Then a noise will a&&ear $ro- the Pillar. Walla!e see-s to say that it
has awaken and goes toward the Pillar. Be$ore entering a e)en stronger noise and
a shake ha&&ensA whi!h is $ollowed by the strong rainA thunderA and strong sun
a&&earan!e. 4e then will disa&&ear. The "ky Pillar is easier than in
RubyB"a&&hireA without ha)ing the !ra!ksA so si-&ly go thru the doors easily.
6n one o$ the le)els ; 6 think its either 3rd or 4th..< there are so-e !ra!ks.
"te& on the- to take you to a area that was blo!ked by ro!ksA with a door.
Continue ignoring the $ollowing !ra!ks you see. Also there are so-e ni!e &oke-on
hereA with &retty good le)els to train with $or +lite Four. "oon you will rea!h
the to& with Ray:ua>a slee&ing. 4e will then wake u&. 6t looks &retty !ool in -y
o&inion. 4e will then si-&ly $ly away
Well.. what to do now? 3ust $ly $ro- where you are to "ooto&lis CityA as
we are !lose to $inish this &roble-. When you arri)eA you will see another short
-o)ie. "uddenlyA out o$ nowhereA Ray:ua>a !o-es out o$ the skyA with so-e light.
; 5ol he looks like an angel. < 4e then goes to both o$ the &oke-onA and uses
so-e atta!k that &ushes both o$ the- away and they both sink away. Ray:ua>a will
$ly awayA and e)erything is ba!k to nor-al ,o to the island in the -iddle whi!h
!ontains the gy-. Talk to both (aDie and Ar!hie and they see-ed a-a>ed. Then
they will lea)e. Talk to Walla!e and he will gi)e you 4(@1* Water$all 4e will
then -o)e away $ro- blo!king the way to gy-A and now you will ha)e a battle with
the last gy-
4.30 "ooto&lis ,y- At 5ast
(y Tea- H 5e)el 4. Ca-eru&tA 5e)el 40 (ightyenaA / 5e)el %1 "wa-&ert
Eour Tea- "hould Be Between H 5e)el 43 @ 4.
This gy- -ainly uses water &oke-onA 6 think your &oke-on should be in a
&retty high le)elA around the late 41s. 6t should be i$ you battled e)ery
trainer in the trainers !hart that !o-es with ea!h !ha&ter. As usual this gy-
also !ontains a &u>>le. 4ere you ha)e so-e i!e blo!ksA ste& on one and it will
!ra!k. "te& on it again and you will $all down to an area $illed with trainers.
7h.. and you ha)e to ste& on ea!h blo!k to o&en the stairs to the neDt oneA
whi!h will be harder. There is 3 o)erall. The $irst one should be )ery +A"EA
se!ond -ight need so-e eD&erien!e $ro- RubyB"a&&hire but it isnt that hard.
While the third is &retty hardA but dont worryA 6ll gi)e you the eDa!t
dire!tions to &ass it without battling any eDtra trainers.
The $irst &u>>le9s dire!tions ;Fro- the last stair be$ore entering the i!e
area < H
@ 1 u&
@ 1 le$t
@ 1 u&
@ 2 right
@ 1 u&
@ 1 le$t
@ 1 u& to !li-b the stairs to the neDt &u>>le.
The se!ond &u>>leA the beginning &oint is the sa-e as be$ore H
@ 1 u&
@ 3 le$t
@ 2 u&
@ 2 right
@ 1 down
@ 2 right
@ 1 down
@ 2 right
@ 2 u&
@ 3 le$t
@ 1 u& and enter to the neDt &u>>le and the last one.
The third and last &u>>le H
@ 1 u&
@ % le$t
@ 3 u&
@ 1 right
@ 1 down
@ 1 right
@ 1 down
@ 1 right
@ 2 u&
@ 1 right
@ 1 down
@ 1 right
@ 1 down
@ 1 right
@ 1 down
@ 1 right
@ 2 u&
@ 1 right
@ 1 down
@ 1 right
@ 1 down
@ 1 right
@ 3 u&
@ % le$t then go u& the stairs to $inally -eet Ardan
Ardan uses water &oke-onA so i$ you had listened to what 6 said in 8ew
(au)ile and !aught one o$ those ele!tri! &oke-onA then it would be )ery use$ul
in hereA also in the watery routes and the gy- trainers here. 7$ !ourse ,rass
will do well too. 7)erall -ost o$ his &oke-on are &retty easyA but Cingdra will
be a real &ain in the rear. 4e -ainly uses 6!e Bea-A when his 4P is low he
uses rest then has a berry atta!hed to hi- that heals slee&ness. Then he will
!ontinue with 6!e Bea- and #ouble Tea- whi!h will lower your e)adiness and
&retty -u!h annoy you. 5u)dis! -ight be annoying i$ you use a -ale &oke-on
with attra!tA the rest are &retty si-&leA Fust atta!k till you $aint the-. "o
!ongratulations on winning the last badgeA +lite Four.. here we !o-e
4.41 The Path To 2i!tory Road
(y Tea- H 5e)el 40 Ca-eru&tA 5e)el %1 (ightyenaA / 5e)el %1 "wa-&ert
Eour Tea- "hould Be Between H 5e)el 44 @ 40
M Trainers Around "ooto&lis City M
M Trainer 1 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 34 ,yarados M
M Trainer 2 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 2 5e)el 33 "taryu / 2 5u)dis! M
M Trainer 3 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 34 ,oldeen M
M Trainer 4 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 33 (arill / "&heal M
M Route 12. Trainers M
M Trainer % H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 34 "hi$try / 8ose&ass M
M Trainer ' H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 3% "taryu M
M Trainer * H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 2 5e)el 31 Tenta!ool / 5e)el 3' M
M Wail-er M
M Trainer . H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 3% "taryu M
M Trainer 0 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 3% Tenta!ruel / "eaking M
6$ you need so-e eDtra training be$ore going to the +lite FourA then you
!an sur$ around the !ir!le -ountain !o)ering "ooto&lis to $ind around %
trainers. There is also a ni!e grou& o$ trainers north o$ (ossdee& City with a
!a)e whi!h 6 will -ake a se!tion $or it AFT+R 6 $inish the +lite Four. 8ow
when you $inish these battles $ly to (ossdee& City and sur$ down to Route 12*.
7hA and bring a &oke-on that knows Water$all. As you !an see in your -a& that
Route 12* is &retty bigA so bringing (aD Re&els $or the annoying Wingulls and
Tenta!ools will be use$ul and so-e &atien!e. While sur$ing down Route 12* you
will also noti!e dark areas $or di)ingA whi!h led to the =nderwater 4ideout.
"oon you should arri)e Route 12.. Eou should see the island when the disaster
beganA and to the west and east a trainer on ea!h island. The one on the west
should be already battled when sur$ing to Pa!i$idlog !ity.
,o down a bit $ro- the islandA to see a swi--ing trainer. 8ow go rightA
be!ause i$ you go down you will enter Route 120. "oon you will see a big
island with a $isher on it. 4o& o$$ to ha)e a battle. Continue right to -eet a
swi--ing trainer. The route will be!o-e thinnerA and soon you will see two
trainers and -ight be a double battle de&ending on when you 9a!ti)ate9 the-.
Continue right to see the route get thinner and soon you will arri)e to the
beauti$ul !ity o$ +)ergrande City.
4.41 2i!tory Road
(y Tea- H 5e)el %1 Ca-eru&tA 5e)el %1 (ightyenaA / 5e)el %2 "wa-&ert
Eour Tea- "hould Be Between H 5e)el 4% @ %1
M 2i!tory Road Trainers M
M Trainer 1 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 43 (agneton / (uk M
M Trainer 2 H ;Wally Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 44 AltariaA 5e)el 43 #el!attyA M
M 5e)el 41 (agnetonA 5e)el 44 Roselia / 5e)el 4% ,arde)oir M
M Trainer 3 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 4% Roselia M
M Trainer 4 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 4% Claydol M
M Trainer % H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 42 "andslashA 8inetales / M
M Tro&ius M
M Trainer ' H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 42 Ce!leonA ,ra)elerA / WailordM
M Trainer * H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 43 (edi!hanA 2 Claydol / M
M 5anturn M
M Trainer . H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 43 "kar-ory / "abyele M
M Trainer 0 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 42 #odrioA CadabraA +le!trode M
M / "hi$try M
M Trainer 11 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 42 TorkoalA (edi!hanA / M
M 5udi!olo M
M Trainer 11 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 43 "abyeleA 5unatoneA "olro!k M
M / Absol M
M Trainer 12 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 43 Ca!turne / Peli&&er M
M Trainer 13 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 2 5e)el 43 "lakingA ,arde)oirA M
M / #uskull M
M Trainer 14 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 42 TaillowA (auwileA / CadabraM
FirstA you will see a water$all blo!king the way. Press A when you are in
$ront o$ it to use water$all and !li-b u& the water$all. 8ow you will enter the
!ity. A!tually its really only a Poke-on Center and the +lite Four 4eadSuarters
and the 2i!tory Road. +nter the Poke-on Center and you will see +nshida. 4eal
your &oke-on and take the &oke-on you need $ro- your PC. Then lea)e and go north
to enter the 2i!tory RoadA the &la!e that has the toughest trainers and &oke-on.
Also dont $orget to bring a &oke-on who knows Flash.
WellA 2i!tory Road has e)erything toughA &oke-onA trainerA and &u>>les -ake
this &la!e a tough &la!e. 6 re!o--end you to not battle the wild &oke-onA it
will weaken youA we $irst want to beat the trainers. Fro- the beginning go
$orward then le$t then u&. Then !ontinue on the &ath till it goes down and you
will see a trainer. ,o down then le$t and go through the stairs to go ba!k to
the beginning. ,o u& then right to see a stairs. ,o through it and when you
began to walk through the new &ath you will be sto&&ed by.. Wally? The last
ti-e you -et hi- was when you beat hi- with his le)el 1' Ralts. But nowA he is
WAE stronger than be$ore. This !ould be a tough battleA -ainly ,arde)oir will
be the -ost &ain$ul one. When you $inish it would be better to go ba!k to the
Poke-on Center and healA as your not that $ar inside the !a)e.
8ow go ba!k to the sa-e &la!e where you beat Wally and !ontinue $orward.
Eou will soon be sto&&ed by a trainer. When you $inish go down thru the ladder.
4ere you will need Flash. ,o down then le$t and &ush the boulder. 8ow go down
then right and &ush the boulder away and !ontinue thru this &ath. Eou will see
a &ath !losed by a ro!kA ignore it and go u& to see another &ath !losed by so-e
ro!ks and boulders. "-ash the ro!ks and &ush the $irst boulder downA and the
se!ond one u& to !ontinue the &ath. "oon you will -eet another trainer. Continue
to soon see so-e stairs. Cli-b it and go a!ross the bridge. ,o down to rea!h
a ladder going u&.
4ere you will $ind a deadend and an ite-. ,o ba!k to the $irst le)elA and
Fu-& o)er the ledge and go le$t to the ladder. Fro- here go u& and get ready
to ha)e another battle. Eou will now rea!h to a s-all lake. There are two waysA
the long one with so-e eDtra trainersA and the short one. The stairs lead to the
long wayA and the water$all leads to the short way. Those who !hoose the short
way ski& the neDt &aragra&h.
When you $inish !li-bing the stairsA $ollow the &ath to see a &ath leading
to a stair. ,o u& to it to rea!h a roo- with an ite- whi!h is T(@20. 8ow lea)e
and go so ba!k the $irst area and go south. "oon you will bu-& into a trainer.
Be !are$ul to not Fu-& o)er the ledge and go le$t !rossing the bridge. When you
$inish with the bridgeA a double battle awaits you. Then !ross the $ollowing
bridge. "oon the &ath will go u& north and a trainer will be waiting $or you.
Continue on the &ath to rea!h a water$all. 6gnore the water$all $or now and go
east on the lake to rea!h a water$all. This is the $irst water$allA the way that
lead to a shorter one.
8ow $or those who had to !li-b the water$allA and $or those that took the
long wayA now go west. "oon you will see a trainer on the landA this is the
2instrate9s older son. The one they said you !ant beatA &ro)e the- wrong. Take
the ite- and go west so-e -ore to rea!h a water$all. ,o all the way right to
rea!h a ladderA but there9s also a new &ath below. The below &ath is a longer
way and is &retty si-&le to go throughA it !ontains one trainer and a double
battle. The ladder leads all the way to neDt to the double battle trainersA so
!hoose your way.
8ow a$ter you $inished battling the double battleA go down. Eou will be
sto&&ed by two ro!ks and two boulders. First break the u&&er le$t ro!kA then
&ush the botto- le$t boulder &ushing it down. Then break the botto- right ro!k
to o&en a &athA and -aking sure that you #78T tou!h the u&&er right boulder or
it will ruin e)erything. The short &ath will lead to a ladder. 6n the new area
!li-b u& the stairs and go a!ross the bridge. Cli-b down the stairs and go
all the way north. Eou will soon be sto&&ed by a trainer. ,o u& a bit to be
sto&&ed to ha)e a double battleA whi!h are kinda hidden under the bridge.
Continue on the &ath till it turns right to see the eDit Eou will now be
&leased by the beauti$ul &ath that leads to the +lite Four 4S.

4.42 +lite Four
This it itA get readyA heal your &oke-on $irst. Then get at least 11
4y&er PotionsA Full Restore and Re)i)es. ,o to the door that is blo!ked by the
two boysA soon it will o&en letting you enter to battle the +lite Four.
M +lite Four "ydney M
M Trainer 1 H ;+lite Four "ydney Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 4' (ightyenaA 5e)el M
M 4' Ca!turneA 5e)el 4. "hi$tryA CrawdauntA / 5e)el 40 Absol M
1. +lite Four "ydney H "ydney uses #ark &oke-on. Bringing +le!tri! $or Crawdaunt
and Fire $or "hi$try and Ca!turne. 6ts not a )ery tough battleA so you should
be able to beat it. =sually the $irst o$ the +lite Four is easyA so you should
ha)e a good le)eled +le!tri! and Fire &oke-on. Eou -ight want to get rid o$
Absol be!ause o$ "words #an!e whi!h raises atta!k. Ca!turne9s 5ee!h "eed will
be annoying so one Fire atta!k $ro- a le)el %1 or so Fire &oke-on will $inish
M +lite Four Phoebe M
M Trainer 1 H ;+lite Four Phoebe Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 40 #us!lo&sA 5e)el M
M %1 #us!lo&sA 2 5e)el 40 BanetteA / 5e)el %1 "abyele M
2. +lite Four Phoebe H Phoebe uses ghost &oke-on. 6$ you ha)e a &sy!hi! &oke-onA
then you will be able to beat this +lite Four easily. 6$ notA then use your
+le!tri!A Water and Fire &oke-onA but be !are$ul that you will lose PP :ui!kly
against these &oke-on. Be !are$ul o$ #us!lo&9s Con$use RayA "abyele9s Attra!tA
and she is a $e-aleA so -ake your -ale &oke-on !are$ul.
M +lite Four ,la!ia M
M Trainer 1 H ;+lite Four ,la!ia Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el %1 ,lalieA "ealeoA M
M 5e)el %2 "ealeoA ,lalieA / 5e)el %3 Walrein M
3. +lite Four ,la!ia H ,la!ia uses 6!e and so-e Water &oke-on. +le!tri! and
Fire &oke-on will ha)e lots o$ $unA and you should ha)e those two ty&es in
your tea-. The only &oke-on that -ight !ause you so-e trouble is Walrein. With
Bli>>ard and "heer ColdA whi!h are )ery strong 6!e atta!ksA so :ui!kly get rid
o$ Walrein. Also be !are$ul o$ ,lalie9s +D&losion atta!kA !ould be deadly.
M +lite Four #rake M
M Trainer 1 H ;+lite Four #rake Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el %2 "helgonA 5e)el %3 M
M FlygonA 5e)el %3 CingdraA 5e)el %4 AltariaA / 5e)el %% "ala-en!e M
4. +lite Four #rake H #rake uses #ragon &oke-on. 6!e &oke-on are 2+RE wanted
here. #ragon &oke-on will also workA and +le!tri! &oke-on as they are so-e
#ragonBFlying &oke-on. Also be !are$ul o$ their s&eed. Flygon will use "andstor-A
whi!h is &retty -u!h nothingA but #ragonbreath !ould be annoyingA as its a
&retty good -o)e whi!h -ight !ause Paral>e. (ostlyA 6!e and +le!tri! &oke-on
will do well here.
M Cha-&ion Walla!e M
M Trainer 1 H ;Cha-&ion Walla!e Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el %* WailordA 5e)el %% M
M Tenta!ruelA 5e)el %' 5udi!oloA ,yaradosA Whis!ashA / 5e)el %. (iloti! M
The Cha-&ion Walla!e H Cinda su&rising to see Walla!e the !ha-&ion instead o$
"te)en right? Walla!e uses Water &oke-onA so +le!tri! and ,rass &oke-on will
do well. (iloti! !an be a tough &oke-onA so :ui!kly get rid o$ itA and wat!h
out $or the tri&le or -ore 4y&er Potions. A strong ground atta!k will do it
$or Tenta!ruelA and a tough ro!k atta!k $or ,yarados. 7)erallA the !ha-&ion
isnt that strongA -ainly be!ause he uses -ostly one ty&eA whi!h +le!tri!
&oke-on !an easily beat.
When you beat Walla!eA you are now the Cha-&ion Congrats The ri)al will
!o-e and tell you that sBhe has so-e ad)i!e $or you. Then she will reali>e that
you already beated hi-. "Bhe will be su&risedA and Pro$. Bir!h will !o-e
and !ongralate you. "oon Walla!e will take you inside. This is the 4all 7$ Fa-e
roo-. 6n where they will &ut u& the &oke-on9s you used and your na-e. "oon the
!redits will a&&ear. T4+ +8#
4.43 The +nd?
WellA now that you ha)e beaten the +lite FourA is it the end? 8o&e. 8ow
you will be ba!k at your sweet roo-. ,o downstairs to see your $ather talking
your -o-. 4e will !ongrat you on beating the +lite FourA and gi)e you the "."
Anne ti!ket and lea)e. Eour -o- will talk to youA and then ask you to look at
the t). "he will then ask you i$ the bird you saw is either red or blue. 8ow
be !are$ulA you will now get to !hoose either 5atias or 5atios. The u&&er
o&tion is R+#A whi!h e:uals 5atias. 6$ you !hoose the botto- !hoi!e its B5=+
and whi!h is 5atios. "o now you are able to !at!h the one you !hoosed in the
wildA whi!h will be )ery hard to !at!h.
5ea)e your house and you will $ind Pro$. Bir!h and your ri)al. 4e will talk
to you and gi)e you the 8ational #eD. 8ow we !an ha)e so-e $un. WellA where to
go to right now? 5ets start with the Battle Frontier. 6ts a new 4=,+ the-e &ark
whi!h has -any tourna-ents and !ontests and -any -ore. To go there $ly to
5ily!o)e City. Fro- thereA go to the southern west &art to see a building whi!h
is where the shi& will be sailing. Talk to the lady and show her the ti!ketA
then she will gi)e you two o&tions. =n$ortunately we ha)e to $irst sail to
"late&ort CityA and beat the trainers insideA then we will be able to enter the
Battle Frontier.
4.44 The "." Anne Tri&
M Trainers Around "ooto&lis City M
M Trainer 1 H ;#ouble Battle< Poke-on H 2 5e)el 4% 5u)dis! M
M Trainer 2 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 4% A>u-arill M
M Trainer 3 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 2 5e)el 44 (anetri! M
M Trainer 4 H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H % 5e)el 22A 41A 12A 31A 3' "kittyA / M
M 5e)el 42 #el!atty M
M Trainer % H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 4% Roselia M
M Trainer ' H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 4% Gangoose M
M Trainer * H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 44 (a!hoke / Tenta!ruel M
M Trainer . H ;"ingle Battle< Poke-on H 5e)el 43 (a!ho&A Peli&&erA / (a!hoke M
Fro- the beginningA you will bu-& into +nshida. 6t see-s he wants you to
)isit the Battle Frontier. There isnt -u!h to do here other than battling
trainers. ,o to ea!h !abin to -eet a trainerA one !abin is yoursA and the other
one has a guy who will gi)e you T(@40. ,o downstairs to battle two sailor-enA
and look at the trash !an at the u&&er le$t side to $ind 5e$to)ersA a use$ul
ite- that heals around 21 4P ea!h round without -aking you -iss your turn. When
you $inish go to Cabin 2A and slee& in your bedA and soon you will be able to
lea)e the boat. Eou will $ind yoursel$ at the harborA lea)e and enter again
and talk to the lady again. This ti-e their will be a new !hoi!e. The one in
the -iddle is the !hoi!e $or the Battle Frontier.
4.4% The Battle Frontier
The Battle Frontier is a 4=,+ &la!e. Fro- the beginningA go right then
u&. The lady will sto& you and talk to you till +nshida !o-es and lets you
enter the &la!e. As you !an see there9s -any stu$$ to do here.
Thats all $or nowA the neDt u&date will !ontain al-ost e)erything about the
Battle Frontier. A$ter it ill -ake se!tions $or !at!hing the other legedenaries
and other !a)es and -any -ore.
SH Can you get Ray:ua>a?
AH EesA it will be a)ailable be$ore +lite Four at to& o$ the "ky Pillar.
SH Can we !at!h both 5atios and 5atias?
AH 8oA your -o- will ask you what !olor is the T2A red $or 5atias and blue $or
5atios then you !an !at!h the-.
SH Who is +nshida?
AH 4e is the owner o$ Battle FrontierA he !he!ks to see who are the best
trainers and gi)es you a 5ansta Berry when you win all o$ the gold badges
and a "tra$ Berry when you win all o$ the sil)er badges.
SH 4ow do we rea!h Tea- A:ua9s 4ideout with it being blo!ked??
AH +asyA go ba!k to the 3agged PassA and in the -iddle o$ the route you will
see a hole. Thats the Tea- (ag-as 4ideout in whi!h you need to beat.
This is simply a list of the locations where pokemon can be fond in the
This incldes in "rass# srfin"# fishin" and smashin" rocks!
This $%& is in the appro'imate order in which yo will(can enconter
each area!
)o *%+ "o ot of order# so don,t blame me if it isn,t in the order yo
the "ame in! %nd yes# - know yo cannot srf in the early areas ntil
ac.ire the /rf 01 and the bad"e that lets yo srf# and that yo
cannot fish
in the early areas ntil yo "et a rod! To"h! This is not a
This is merely a list of what 2-34 pokemon are a5ailable in each area!
- ha5e
+6T inclded one7of pokemon# sch as 8ay.a9a# 8e"i7s# :rodon# or
;yo"re! -f
yo cannot find them# conslt one of the e'cellent $%&s on them# or <st
attention to the "ame and follow the cles the "ame "i5es yo=
8emember that yo can se >*T83?@$ to find a specific location A8ote is
abbre5iated as B8tB# and is the only abbre5iation - sed in this "ideC!
can also find a pokemon 5ia the same means!
-f yo are interested in the 5ersion history# it is at the end of this
*ommonality(8arity Awhiche5er yo likeC is rated in the followin"
Eery *ommon 7 ?40F
*ommon 7 16740F
Gncommon 7 6715F
8are 7 375F
Eery 8are 7 172F
3e5el ran"e is only the hi"hest and lowest a5ailable in that area! +ote
not all le5els within the ran"e are necessarily a5ailable in an areaH
that the first nmber is the lowest possible le5el and the second nmber
the hi"hest possible le5el a5ailable!
8t 101
2rmple 35 273 Eery *ommon
Ioochyena 35 273 Eery *ommon
Ji"9a"oon 35 273 Gncommon
8t 103
Ioochyena 35 274 Eery *ommon
2in"ll 35 274 *ommon
Ji"9a"oon 35 374 *ommon
Tentacool 35 5735 Eery *ommon
2in"ll 35 10730 *ommon
Ielipper 35 25730 Eery 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 10730 *ommon
2ailmer 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
/harpedo 35 30735 *ommon
2ailmer 35 25745 Eery *ommon
8t 102
Ioochyena 35 374 *ommon
2rmple 35 374 *ommon
3otad 35 374 *ommon
Ji"9a"oon 35 374 Gncommon
8alts 35 4 8are
/eedot 35 3 Eery 8are
1arill 35 5735 Eery *ommon
:oldeen 35 20730 Eery 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
:oldeen 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
:oldeen 35 10730 *ommon
*orphish 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
*orphish 35 20745 Eery *ommon
Ietalbr" *ity
1arill 35 5735 Eery *ommon
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
:oldeen 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
:oldeen 35 10730 *ommon
*orphish 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
*orphish 35 20745 Eery *ommon
8t 104
Ioochyena 35 475 *ommon
2rmple 35 4 *ommon
1arill 35 475 *ommon
Taillow 35 475 Gncommon
2in"ll 35 375 Gncommon
2in"ll 35 10730 *ommon
Ielipper 35 25730 8are
1a"ikarp 35 5745 Eery *ommon
Ietalbr" 2oods
Ioochyena 35 576 *ommon
2rmple 35 576 *ommon
/hroomish 35 576 Gncommon
/ilcoon 35 5 Gncommon
*ascoon 35 5 Gncommon
Taillow 35 576 8are
/lakoth 35 576 8are
8t 116
Ioochyena 35 678 *ommon
2hismr 35 6 *ommon
+incada 35 677 *ommon
%bra 35 7 Gncommon
Taillow 35 678 *ommon
/kitty 35 778 Eery 8are
8strf Tnnel
2hismr 35 578 Eery *ommon
8t 105
Tentacool 35 5735 Eery *ommon
2in"ll 35 10730 *ommon
Ielipper 35 25730 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 10730 *ommon
2ailmer 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
2ailmer 35 20745 Eery *ommon
8t 106
Tentacool 35 5735 Eery *ommon
2in"ll 35 10730 *ommon
Ielipper 35 25730 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 10730 *ommon
2ailmer 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
2ailmer 35 20745 Eery *ommon
4ewford Town
Tentacool 35 5735 Eery *ommon
2in"ll 35 10730 *ommon
Ielipper 35 25730 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 10730 *ommon
2ailmer 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
2ailmer 35 20745 Eery *ommon
:ranite *a5e $1
Jbat 35 778 *ommon
1akhita 35 6710 Eery *ommon
%bra 35 8 Gncommon
:eodde 35 679 Gncommon
:ranite *a5e K$1
Jbat 35 9710 *ommon
%ron 35 9711 *ommon
%bra 35 9 Gncommon
1akhita 35 10711 Gncommon
/ableye 35 9711 Gncommon
:ranite *a5e K$2
Jbat 35 10711 *ommon
%ron 35 10712 *ommon
%bra 35 10 Gncommon
/ableye 35 10712 *ommon
rock smash
:eodde 35 5720 Eery *ommon
+osepass 35 10720 *ommon
:ranite *a5e /tephenLs 8oom
Jbat 35 778 *ommon
1akhita 35 6710 Eery *ommon
%bra 35 8 Gncommon
%ron 35 778 Gncommon
8t 107
Tentacool 35 5735 Eery *ommon
2in"ll 35 10730 *ommon
Ielipper 35 25730 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 10730 *ommon
2ailmer 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
2ailmer 35 20745 Eery *ommon
8t 108
Tentacool 35 5735 Eery *ommon
2in"ll 35 10730 *ommon
Ielipper 35 25730 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 10730 *ommon
2ailmer 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
2ailmer 35 20745 Eery *ommon
%bandoned /hip
Tentacool 35 5735 Eery *ommon
Tentacrel 35 30735 Eery 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
Tentacool 35 25735 Eery *ommon
Tentacrel 35 20735 *ommon
8t 109
Tentacool 35 5735 Eery *ommon
2in"ll 35 10730 *ommon
Ielipper 35 25730 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 10730 *ommon
2ailmer 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
2ailmer 35 20745 Eery *ommon
/lateport *ity
Tentacool 35 5735 Eery *ommon
2in"ll 35 10730 *ommon
Ielipper 35 25730 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 10730 *ommon
2ailmer 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
2ailmer 35 20745 Eery *ommon
8t 110
Ioochyena 35 12 *ommon
Mlectrike 35 12713 *ommon
:lpin 35 12713 Gncommon
1inn 35 13 Gncommon
6ddish 35 13 Gncommon
2in"ll 35 12 Gncommon
Ilsle 35 12713 Eery 8are
Tentacool 35 5735 Eery *ommon
2in"ll 35 10730 *ommon
Ielipper 35 25730 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 10730 *ommon
2ailmer 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
2ailmer 35 20745 Eery *ommon
8t 117
Ioochyena 35 13714 *ommon
6ddish 35 13714 *ommon
1arill 35 13 Gncommon
-llmise 35 13714 *ommon
Eolbeat 35 13 Eery 8are
/eedot 35 13 Eery 8are
1arill 35 5735 Eery *ommon
:oldeen 35 20730 Eery 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
:oldeen 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
:oldeen 35 10730 *ommon
*orphish 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
*orphish 35 20745 Eery *ommon
8t 111
/andshrew 35 19721 *ommon
Trapinch 35 19721 *ommon
Kaltoy 35 19721 *ommon
*acnea 35 20722 Gncommon
rock smash
:eodde 35 5720 Eery *ommon
1arill 35 5735 Eery *ommon
:oldeen 35 20730 Eery 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
:oldeen 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
:oldeen 35 10730 *ommon
Karboach 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
Karboach 35 20745 Eery *ommon
-llsion Iillar
/andshrew 35 20724 Eery *ommon
Trapinch 35 20724 Eery *ommon
8t 112
+mel 35 14716 Eery *ommon
1arill 35 14716 *ommon
$iery Iath
+mel 35 15716 *ommon
;offin" 35 15716 *ommon
1achop 35 15716 Gncommon
Torkoal 35 14716 *ommon
/l"ma 35 15 Gncommon
:rimer 35 14 8are
8t 113
/pinda 35 14716 Eery *ommon
/l"ma 35 14716 *ommon
/karmory 35 16 8are
8t 114
/wabl 35 15717 *ommon
3otad 35 15716 *ommon
3ombre 35 16718 *ommon
/e5iper 35 15717 Gncommon
+9leaf 35 15 8are
rock smash
:eodde 35 5720 Eery *ommon
1arill 35 5735 Eery *ommon
:oldeen 35 20730 Eery 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
:oldeen 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
:oldeen 35 10730 *ommon
Karboach 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
Karboach 35 20745 Eery *ommon
1eteor $alls Mntrance
Jbat 35 14720 Eery *ommon
/olrock 35 14718 *ommon
Jbat 35 5735 Eery *ommon
/olrock 35 5735 Gncommon
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
:oldeen 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
:oldeen 35 10730 *ommon
Karboach 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
Karboach 35 20745 Eery *ommon
1eteor $alls 4ra"on 8oom
:olbat 35 33740 Eery *ommon
Ka"on 35 25735 *ommon
/olrock 35 35739 *ommon
:olbat 35 30735 Eery *ommon
/olrock 35 5735 Gncommon
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
:oldeen 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
:oldeen 35 10730 *ommon
Karboach 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
Karboach 35 25735 Eery *ommon
2hiscash 35 30745 *ommon
1eteor $alls Kack %reas
:olbat 35 33740 Eery *ommon
/olrock 35 33739 *ommon
:olbat 35 30735 Eery *ommon
/olrock 35 5735 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
:oldeen 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
:oldeen 35 10730 *ommon
Karboach 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
Karboach 35 25735 Eery *ommon
2hiscash 35 30745 *ommon
8t 115
/wabl 35 23725 *ommon
Taillow 35 23725 *ommon
/wellow 35 25 Gncommon
Ni""lypff 35 24725 Gncommon
2in"ll 35 24726 Gncommon
Tentacool 35 5735 Eery *ommon
2in"ll 35 10730 *ommon
Ielipper 35 25730 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 10730 *ommon
2ailmer 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
2ailmer 35 20745 Eery *ommon
Na""ed Iass
+mel 35 20722 Eery *ommon
1achop 35 20722 *ommon
/poink 35 20722 *ommon
+ew 1a5ille Kasement
Eoltorb 35 22726 Eery *ommon
1a"nemite 35 22726 Eery *ommon
Mlectrode 35 26 Eery 8are
1a"neton 35 26 Eery 8are
+ew 1a5ille Mntrance
Eoltorb 35 22726 Eery *ommon
1a"nemite 35 22726 Eery *ommon
8t 118
Ji"9a"oon 35 24726 *ommon
Mlectrike 35 24726 *ommon
3inoone 35 26 Gncommon
1anectric 35 26 Gncommon
2in"ll 35 25727 *ommon
;ecleon 35 25 Eery 8are
Tentacool 35 5735 Eery *ommon
2in"ll 35 10730 *ommon
Ielipper 35 25730 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 10730 *ommon
*ar5anha 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
/harpedo 35 30735 *ommon
*ar5anha 35 20745 Eery *ommon
8t 119
Ji"9a"oon 35 25727 *ommon
3inoone 35 25727 *ommon
6ddish 35 24727 *ommon
Tropis 35 25727 Gncommon
;ecleon 35 25 Eery 8are
Tentacool 35 5735 Eery *ommon
2in"ll 35 10730 *ommon
Ielipper 35 25730 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 10730 *ommon
*ar5anha 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
*ar5anha 35 20745 Eery *ommon
+6TMD 2hen fishin" on 8ote 119# there are 6
tiles where $eebas can be ca"ht! Those
6 tiles are random# and can be randomi9ed
a"ain by resettin" the BTrendy IhraseB on
4ewford -sland! $eebas can be ca"ht by
any rod at a le5el that corresponds with
the le5el of the rod!
8t 120
Ioochyena 35 25 *ommon
1i"htyena 35 25727 *ommon
6ddish 35 25727 *ommon
1arill 35 25727 Gncommon
%bsol 35 25727 Gncommon
;ecleon 35 25 Eery 8are
/eedot 35 25 Eery 8are
1arill 35 5735 Eery *ommon
:oldeen 35 20730 Eery 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
:oldeen 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
:oldeen 35 10730 *ommon
Karboach 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
Karboach 35 20745 Eery *ommon
8t 121
Ioochyena 35 26 *ommon
/hppet 35 26728 *ommon
1i"htyena 35 26728 *ommon
6ddish 35 26728 Gncommon
:loom 35 28 8are
2in"ll 35 26728 Gncommon
;ecleon 35 25 Eery 8are
Tentacool 35 5735 Eery *ommon
2in"ll 35 10730 *ommon
Ielipper 35 25730 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 10730 *ommon
2ailmer 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
2ailmer 35 20745 Eery *ommon
/afari Jone Mntrance O /othwest
6ddish 35 25727 *ommon
:irafari" 35 25727 *ommon
+at 35 25 Gncommon
4odo 35 25 Gncommon
:loom 35 25 8are
2obbffet 35 27729 Gncommon
Iikach 35 25727 8are
srf A/othwestC
Isydck 35 20735 Eery *ommon
fish A/othwestC
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
:oldeen 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
:oldeen 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
:oldeen 35 25735 Eery *ommon
/eakin" 35 25740 *ommon
/afari Jone +ortheast
Ihanpy 35 27729 *ommon
6ddish 35 27729 *ommon
+at 35 27729 Gncommon
:loom 35 29731 Gncommon
Pat 35 29731 8are
0eracross 35 27729 8are
rock smash
:eodde 35 5730 Eery *ommon
/afari Jone +orthwest
8hyhorn 35 27729 *ommon
6ddish 35 27729 *ommon
4odo 35 27729 Gncommon
:loom 35 29731 Gncommon
4odrio 35 29731 8are
Iinsir 35 27729 8are
Isydck 35 20735 Eery *ommon
:oldck 35 25740 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
:oldeen 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
:oldeen 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
:oldeen 35 25735 Eery *ommon
/eakin" 35 25740 *ommon
/afari Jone M'tra 1
/nkern 35 33735 *ommon
1areep 35 34736 *ommon
%ipom 35 34 Gncommon
/pinarak 35 33 Gncommon
0oothoot 35 35 8are
/nbbll 35 34 8are
/tantler 35 36739 8are
:li"ar 35 37740 8are
2ooper 35 25730 Eery *ommon
1arill 35 25735 *ommon
&a"sire 35 35740 Eery 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 25730 Eery *ommon
:oldeen 35 25730 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 25730 Eery *ommon
:oldeen 35 25730 *ommon
8emoraid 35 30735 *ommon
/per 8od
:oldeen 35 25730 *ommon
8emoraid 35 25735 Eery *ommon
6ctillery 35 35740 Eery 8are
/afari Jone M'tra 2
%ipom 35 33735 *ommon
Teddirsa 35 34736 *ommon
/nkern 35 34 Gncommon
3edyba 35 33 Gncommon
0oothoot 35 35 8are
Iineco 35 34 8are
0ondor 35 36739 8are
1iltank 35 37740 8are
rock smash
/hckle 35 20740 Eery *ommon
3ilyco5e *ity
Tentacool 35 5735 Eery *ommon
2in"ll 35 10730 *ommon
Ielipper 35 25730 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 10730 *ommon
2ailmer 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
2ailmer 35 25745 Eery *ommon
/tary 35 25730 Gncommon
8t 122
Tentacool 35 5735 Eery *ommon
2in"ll 35 10730 *ommon
Ielipper 35 25730 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 10730 *ommon
2ailmer 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
/harpedo 35 30735 *ommon
2ailmer 35 25745 Eery *ommon
1t Iyre $173
/hppet 35 22729 Eery *ommon
1t Iyre $476
/hppet 35 22729 Eery *ommon
4skll 35 25729 Gncommon
1t Iyre 1ontain 2all
/hppet 35 27729 Eery *ommon
Elpi' 35 25729 *ommon
2in"ll 35 26728 Gncommon
1t Iyre /mmit
/hppet 35 24730 Eery *ommon
4skll 35 26730 Gncommon
*himecho 35 28 Eery 8are
8t 123
Ioochyena 35 26 *ommon
/hppet 35 26728 *ommon
1i"htyena 35 26728 *ommon
6ddish 35 26728 Gncommon
:loom 35 28 8are
2in"ll 35 26728 Gncommon
;ecleon 35 25 Eery 8are
Tentacool 35 5735 Eery *ommon
2in"ll 35 10730 *ommon
Ielipper 35 25730 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 10730 *ommon
2ailmer 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
2ailmer 35 20745 Eery *ommon
8t 124
Tentacool 35 5735 Eery *ommon
2in"ll 35 10730 *ommon
Ielipper 35 25730 8are
*lamperl 35 20735 Eery *ommon
*hincho 35 20730 *ommon
8elicanth 35 30735 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 10730 *ommon
2ailmer 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
/harpedo 35 30735 *ommon
2ailmer 35 25745 Eery *ommon
1ossdeep *ity
Tentacool 35 5735 Eery *ommon
2in"ll 35 10730 *ommon
Ielipper 35 25730 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 10730 *ommon
2ailmer 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
/harpedo 35 30735 *ommon
2ailmer 35 25745 Eery *ommon
8t 125
Tentacool 35 5735 Eery *ommon
2in"ll 35 10730 *ommon
Ielipper 35 25730 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 10730 *ommon
2ailmer 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
/harpedo 35 30735 *ommon
2ailmer 35 25745 Eery *ommon
/hoal *a5e Mntrance# $1 O K$1
Jbat 35 26732 Eery *ommon
:olbat 35 32 8are
/pheal 35 26732 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 5735 Eery *ommon
Jbat 35 5735 *ommon
/pheal 35 25735 Gncommon
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 10730 *ommon
2ailmer 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
2ailmer 35 20745 Eery *ommon
/hoal *a5e K$2
Jbat 35 26730 *ommon
/nornt 35 26730 Gncommon
:olbat 35 30732 8are
/pheal 35 26732 Eery *ommon
8t 126
Tentacool 35 5735 Eery *ommon
2in"ll 35 10730 *ommon
Ielipper 35 25730 8are
nderwater srf
*lamperl 35 20735 Eery *ommon
*hincho 35 20730 *ommon
8elicanth 35 30735 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 10730 *ommon
2ailmer 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
/harpedo 35 30735 *ommon
2ailmer 35 25745 Eery *ommon
/ootopolis *ity
1a"ikarp 35 5735 Eery *ommon
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
/per 8od
1a"ikarp 35 30735 Eery *ommon
:yarados 35 5745 *ommon
*a5e of 6ri"in Mntrance
Jbat 35 28734 Eery *ommon
:olbat 35 33736 Gncommon
*a5e of 6ri"in K$173# $1
Jbat 35 30734 Eery *ommon
/ableye 35 30734 *ommon
:olbat 35 33736 Gncommon
8t 127
Tentacool 35 5735 Eery *ommon
2in"ll 35 10730 *ommon
Ielipper 35 25730 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 10730 *ommon
2ailmer 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
/harpedo 35 30735 *ommon
2ailmer 35 25745 Eery *ommon
8t 128
Tentacool 35 5735 Eery *ommon
2in"ll 35 10730 *ommon
Ielipper 35 25730 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 10730 *ommon
2ailmer 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
35disc 35 30735 *ommon
2ailmer 35 30745 Eery *ommon
*orsola 35 30735 Gncommon
/eafloor *a5ern
Jbat 35 28736 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 5735 Eery *ommon
Jbat 35 5735 *ommon
:olbat 35 30735 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 10730 *ommon
2ailmer 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
2ailmer 35 20745 Eery *ommon
8t 129
Tentacool 35 5735 Eery *ommon
2in"ll 35 10730 *ommon
Ielipper 35 25730 8are
2ailord 35 25730 Eery 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 10730 *ommon
2ailmer 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
/harpedo 35 30735 *ommon
2ailmer 35 25745 Eery *ommon
8t 130 1ira"e -sland
2ynat 35 5750 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 5735 Eery *ommon
2in"ll 35 10730 *ommon
Ielipper 35 25730 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 10730 *ommon
2ailmer 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
/harpedo 35 30735 *ommon
2ailmer 35 25745 Eery *ommon
8t 131
Tentacool 35 5735 Eery *ommon
2in"ll 35 10730 *ommon
Ielipper 35 25730 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 10730 *ommon
2ailmer 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
/harpedo 35 30735 *ommon
2ailmer 35 25745 Eery *ommon
8t 132
Tentacool 35 5735 Eery *ommon
2in"ll 35 10730 *ommon
Ielipper 35 25730 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 10730 *ommon
2ailmer 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
/harpedo 35 30735 *ommon
2ailmer 35 30745 Eery *ommon
0orsea 35 25730 Gncommon
8t 133
Tentacool 35 5735 Eery *ommon
2in"ll 35 10730 *ommon
Ielipper 35 25730 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 10730 *ommon
2ailmer 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
/harpedo 35 30735 *ommon
2ailmer 35 30745 Eery *ommon
0orsea 35 25730 Gncommon
8t 134
Tentacool 35 5735 Eery *ommon
2in"ll 35 10730 *ommon
Ielipper 35 25730 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 10730 *ommon
2ailmer 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
/harpedo 35 30735 *ommon
2ailmer 35 30745 Eery *ommon
0orsea 35 25730 Gncommon
M5er :rande *ity
Tentacool 35 5735 Eery *ommon
2in"ll 35 10730 *ommon
Ielipper 35 25730 8are
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
Tentacool 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
35disc 35 10730 *ommon
2ailmer 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
35disc 35 30735 *ommon
2ailmer 35 35745 Eery *ommon
*orsola 35 30735 8are
Eictory 8oad $1
:olbat 35 38740 *ommon
0ariyama 35 38740 *ommon
3airon 35 40 Gncommon
3odred 35 40 Gncommon
Jbat 35 36 Gncommon
1akhita 35 36 Gncommon
%ron 35 36 8are
2hismr 35 36 8are
Eictory 8oad K$1
:olbat 35 38742 *ommon
0ariyama 35 38742 *ommon
3airon 35 40742 *ommon
1awile 35 38 8are
rock smash
:eodde 35 30740 *ommon
:ra5eller 35 30740 Eery *ommon
Eictory 8oad K$2
:olbat 35 40744 *ommon
/ableye 35 40744 *ommon
3airon 35 40744 *ommon
1awile 35 42744 8are
:olbat 35 25740 Eery *ommon
6ld 8od
1a"ikarp 35 5710 Eery *ommon
:oldeen 35 5710 *ommon
:ood 8od
1a"ikarp 35 10730 Eery *ommon
:oldeen 35 10730 *ommon
Karboach 35 10730 *ommon
/per 8od
Karboach 35 25735 Eery *ommon
2hiscash 35 30745 *ommon
%lterin" *a5e
%lterin" *a5e 5aries based on mystery e5ents!
Gntil chan"ed# only Jbat will be encontered!
6nce chan"ed# only the pokemon chan"ed to will
be encontered# therefore all are Eery *ommon(
Jbat 35 6714
1areep 35 5713
Iineco 35 19729
0ondor 35 12722
Teddirsa 35 6716
%ipom 35 18728
/hckle 35 18728
/tantler 35 18728
/mear"le 35 18728
4esert Tnnel
4itto 35 38745 Eery *ommon
2hismr 35 35738 *ommon
3odred 35 38744 Gncommon
1a"ma 0ideot
:eodde 35 27730 Eery *ommon
Torkoal 35 28730 *ommon
:ra5eller 35 30733 Gncommon
/ky Iillar $1# $3
/ableye 35 33734 *ommon
:olbat 35 34735 *ommon
*laydol 35 36738 *ommon
Kanette 35 37738 Gncommon
/ky Iillar $5
/ableye 35 33734 *ommon
:olbat 35 34735 *ommon
*laydol 35 36737 *ommon
%ltaria 35 38739 8are
Kanette 35 37738 Gncommon
/tdio 0ole
/mear"le 35 40750 Eery *ommon
/M*8MT K%/M $%&
1C 2hat is a /ecret KaseR
7 The /ecret base is a place where yo can decorate and ha5e fn!
There are
many kinds of it thro"h the 0oenn world!
2C 0ow do - "et the /ecret KaseR
7 To "et th esecret base# yo need T143 and se it on circle trees#
tress or ca5es with holes!
3C 2here - "et T143R
7 )o need to find someone who looked at the tree on 8ote 111! Talk
to him
and he will "i5e yo the T1! %fter his# yo can by T143 from the
/3%TMI68T 1arket!
4C 2here - "et decorationsR
7 3ook in the ne't section=
5C *an - ha5e more than one secret baseR
7 +o# yo only ha5e one 3aptop
6C 2hat will happen if - se /I on another secret base location# if -
ha5e one
7 -f yo se /I on new location# the old one will be packed p and
transferred to new loaction!!
7C 0ow - co5er those black holes in secret baseR
7 )o need to by some /63-4 K6%84/! They can be fond on 866$T6I
/%3M in
3ilyco5e 4epartment /tore!
8C 2hat the hell is 866$T6I /%3MR
7 8ooftop sale is on rooftop of 3ilycome 4epartment /tore near the
1achines! They only appear some parts of the week! -f yo want to
when its "oin" on# talk to the TE in hoses! 6nly a5ailable after
defeat Mlite $or
9C -s there is a limition amont of itemsR
7 )es# only si'teen !!! Kt wait# yo can pt dolls and cshions on
red r" in yor bedroom# need access from yor I*,s 4ecoration
4M*68%T-6+/ 36*%T-6+/
+%1M 36*%T--6+
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
/1%33 4M/; $rnitre /hop in $ortree *ity AS3000C
I6;T16+ 4M/; $rnitre /hop in $ortree *ity AS3000C
0M%E) 4M/; $rnitre /hop in $ortree *ity AS6000C
8%::M4 4M/; $rnitre /hop in $ortree *ity AS6000C
*61$68T 4M/; $rnitre /hop in $ortree *ity AS6000C
I8MTT) 4M/; :lass 2orkshop on 8ote 113
K8-*; 4M/; $rnitre /hop in $ortree *ity AS9000C
*%1I 4M/; $rnitre /hop in $ortree *ity AS9000C
0%84 4M/; $rnitre /hop in $ortree *ity AS9000C
+%1M 36*%T--6+
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
/1%33 *0%-8 $rnitre /hop in $ortree *ity AS2000C
I6;T16+ *0%-8 $rnitre /hop in $ortree *ity AS2000C
0M%E) *0%-8 $rnitre /hop in $ortree *ity AS2000C
I8MTT) *0%-8 :lass 2orkshop on 8ote 113
*61$68T *0%-8 $rnitre /hop in $ortree *ity AS2000C
8%::M4 *0%-8 $rnitre /hop in $ortree *ity AS2000C
K8-*; *0%-8 $rnitre /hop in $ortree *ity AS2000C
*%1I *0%-8 $rnitre /hop in $ortree *ity AS2000C
0%84 *0%-8 $rnitre /hop in $ortree *ity AS2000C
+%1M 36*%T--6+
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
8M4 I3%+T Iretty Ietal $lower /hop on 8ote 104 AS3000C
T86I-*%3 I3%+T Iretty Ietal $lower /hop on 8ote 104 AS3000C
I8MTT) $362M8/ Iretty Ietal $lower /hop on 8ote 104 AS3000C
*6368$G3 I3%+T Iretty Ietal $lower /hop on 8ote 104 AS5000C
K-: I3%+T Iretty Ietal $lower /hop on 8ote 104 AS5000C
:68:M6G/ I3%+T Iretty Ietal $lower /hop on 8ote 104 AS5000C
+%1M 36*%T--6+
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
8M4 K8-*; /lateport 1arket AS500C
)M3362 K8-*; /lateport 1arket AS500C
K3GM K8-*; /lateport 1arket AS500C
8M4 K%3366+ /lateport 1arket AS500C
K3GM K%3366+ /lateport 1arket AS500C
)M3362 K%3366+ /lateport 1arket AS500C
8M4 TM+T 8ote 110# after finishin" the 8th 1a9e in Trick 0ose
K3GM TM+T /ame as 8ed Tent bt /apphire only!
/63-4 K6%84 3ilyco5e 8ooftop /ale S3000
/3-4M 3ilyco5e 8ooftop /ale S8000
$M+*M 3M+:T0 3ilyco5e 8ooftop /ale S500
$M+*M 2-4T0 3ilyco5e 8ooftop /ale S500
T-8M 3ilyco5e 8ooftop /ale S800
/T%+4 3ilyco5e 8ooftop /ale S7000
1G4 K%33 3ilyco5e 8ooftop /ale S200
K8M%;%K3M 4668 3ilyco5e 8ooftop /ale S3000
/%+4 68+%1M+T 3ilyco5e 8ooftop /ale S3000
/-3EM8 /0-M34 $rom Kattle Tower 1ana"er after 50 wins
:634 /0-M34 $rom Kattle Tower 1ana"er after 100 wins
:3%// 68+%1M+T $rom 3ilycome %rt :allery# after "ot 5 paintin"s from 5
different contest types
TE 3ilyco5e 8ooftop /ale S3000
86G+4 TE 3ilyco5e 8ooftop /ale S4000
*GTM TE 3ilyco5e 8ooftop /ale S4000
+%1M 36*%T--6+
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
:3-TTM8 1%T 3ilycome 4epartment /tore AS2000C
NG1I 1%T 3ilycome 4epartment /tore AS2000C
/I-+ 1%T 3ilycome 4epartment /tore AS2000C
* 3ow +6TM 1%T /lateport 1arket AS500C
4 +6TM 1%T /lateport 1arket AS500C
M +6TM 1%T /lateport 1arket AS500C
$ +6TM 1%T /lateport 1arket AS500C
: +6TM 1%T /lateport 1arket AS500C
% +6TM 1%T /lateport 1arket AS500C
K +6TM 1%T /lateport 1arket AS500C
* 0i"h +6TM 1%T /lateport 1arket AS500C
/G8$ 1%T 3ilycome 4epartment /tore AS4000C
T0G+4M8 1%T 3ilycome 4epartment /tore AS4000C
$-8M K3%/T 1%T 3ilycome 4epartment /tore AS4000C
I624M8 /+62 1%T 3ilycome 4epartment /tore AS4000C
%TT8%*T 1%T 3ilycome 4epartment /tore AS4000C
$-//G8M 1%T 3ilycome 4epartment /tore AS4000C
/I-;M/ 1%T 3ilycome 4epartment /tore AS4000C
+%1M 36*%T--6+
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
K%33 I6/TM8 3ilycome 4epartment /tore AS1000C
:8MM+ I6/TM8 3ilycome 4epartment /tore AS1000C
8M4 I6/TM8 3ilycome 4epartment /tore AS1000C
K3GM I6/TM8 3ilycome 4epartment /tore AS1000C
*GTM I6/TM8 3ilycome 4epartment /tore AS1000C
I-;% I6/TM8 3ilycome 4epartment /tore AS1500C
36+: I6/TM8 3ilycome 4epartment /tore AS1500C
/M% I6/TM8 3ilycome 4epartment /tore AS1500C
/;) I6/TM8 3ilycome 4epartment /tore AS1500C
;-// I6/TM8 Kattle $rontier AMmerald 6nlyC
+%1M 36*%T--6+
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
I-*0G 4633 3ilycome 4epartment /tore AS3000C
I-;%*0G 4633 3ilycome 4epartment /tore AS3000C
1%8-33 4633 /lateport 1arket AS500C ( 3ilycome 4epartment /tore
T6:MI- 4633 Kattle $rontier AMmerald 6nlyC
*)+4%&G-3 4633 Kattle $rontier AMmerald 6nlyC
*0-;68-T% 4633 Kattle $rontier AMmerald 6nlyC
T6T64-3M 4633 Kattle $rontier AMmerald 6nlyC
N-::3)IG$$ 4633 3ilycome 4epartment /tore AS3000C
1M62T0 4633 Kattle $rontier AMmerald 6nlyC
*3M$%-8) 4633 Kattle $rontier AMmerald 6nlyC
4-TT6 4633 Kattle $rontier AMmerald 6nlyC
/166*0G1 4633 Kattle $rontier AMmerald 6nlyC
T8MM*;6 4633 1a5ille *ity *asino A1000 *oins(S20000C
T68*0-* 4633 1a5ille *ity *asino A1000 *oins(S20000C
1G4;-I 4633 1a5ille *ity *asino A1000 *oins(S20000C
4G/;G33 4633 3ilycome 4epartment /tore AS3000C
2)+%GT 4633 3ilycome 4epartment /tore AS3000C
K%3T6) 4633 3ilycome 4epartment /tore AS3000C
;M*3M6+ 4633 3ilycome 4epartment /tore AS3000C
%JG8-33 4633 /lateport 1arket AS500C ( 3ilycome 4epartment /tore
/;-TT) 4633 /lateport 1arket AS500C ( 3ilycome 4epartment /tore
/2%K3G 4633 3ilycome 4epartment /tore AS3000C
:G3I-+ 4633 3ilycome 4epartment /tore AS3000C
36T%4 4633 3anette,s 06se on 8ote 114 A/apphireC
/MM46T 4633 3anette,s 06se on 8ote 114 A8byC
+%1M 36*%T--6+
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
I-;% *G/0-6+ 3ilycome 4epartment /tore AS3000C
86G+4 *G/0-6+ 3ilycome 4epartment /tore AS3000C
;-// *G/0-6+ Kattle $rontier AMmerald 6nlyC
J-:J%: *G/0-6+ 3ilycome 4epartment /tore AS2000C
/I-+ *G/0-6+ 3ilycome 4epartment /tore AS2000C
4-%16+4 *G/0-6+ 3ilycome 4epartment /tore AS2000C
K%33 *G/0-6+ 3ilycome 4epartment /tore AS2000C
:8%// *G/0-6+ 3ilycome 4epartment /tore AS2000C
$-8M *G/0-6+ 3ilycome 4epartment /tore AS2000C
2%TM8 *G/0-6+ 3ilycome 4epartment /tore AS2000C
77QQK-: 4633/QQ77
+%1M 36*%T--6+
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
/+683%P 4633 Kattle $rontier AMmerald 6nlyC
80)46+ 4633 3ilyco5e 8ooftop /ale S10000
3%I8%/ 4633 Kattle $rontier AMmerald 6nlyC
EM+G/%G8 4633 Kattle $rontier AMmerald 6nlyC
*0%8-J%84 4633 Kattle $rontier AMmerald 6nlyC
K3%/T6-/M 4633 Kattle $rontier AMmerald 6nlyC
2%-31M8 4633 /ootopolis *ity 7 0ose ne't to the Ioke*enter
8M:-86*; 4633 Gnknown
8M:-*M 4633 Gnknown
8M:-/TMM3 4633 Gnknown
/M*8MT K%/M 36*%T-6+/
There are 4 desi"ns in 6 themes ATrian"le Trees# *ircle Trees# /tone
/and *a5e# 4irt *a5e O 1ontain *a5eC The $or 4esi"ns areD
1C /.are# 2C8ectan"le 3CIarallel 4C0oles!
The total amont of the same desi"n for most ca5e is 3 and trees 4!
36*%T-6+/ 6$ /M*8MT K%/M/ 4M/-:+/
/tone *a5es A/.areC
78ote 116# 8i"ht top side
78ote 123
78ote 123
/tone *a5es A8ectan"leC
78ote 116# 8i"ht bottom side
78ote 120# $rom the first batch of tall "rass near the water
78ote 123
/tone *a5es AIarallelC
78ote 116# 3eft top side
78ote 119# +eed to "et the place sin" the %cro Kike from side soth of
berry trees 7 located on left side of the 2aterfall
78ote 120# %fter rains# left side near the water
/tone *a5es A0olesC
78ote 116# 3eft bottom side
78ote 120# %fter rains# ri"ht side near the water
786te 119# near the 2eather Klidin"
4irt *a5es A/.areC
78ote 113# Mast and little soth from the :lass 2orkshop
78ote 118# east from the fisherman and ha5e two li"htborwn rocks arond
the base
78ote 125# east of /haol *a5e 7 3eft /ide
4irt *a5es A8ectan"leC
78ote 111# a little northeast from the dirtslop on far top
78ote 118# east of the enterance to 86te 119
78ote 121#soth of /afari Jone :ate
4irt *a5es AIarallelC
78ote 115# west from Klackbelt trainer whose near the 86ck
78ote 119# 8-"ht side of the 2aterfall behind the Kerry trees
78ote 121# +ear the wide white brid"e
4irt *a5es A0olesC
78ote 111# +ear Klackbelt 4aiske
78ote 125# east of /haol *a5e 7 8i"ht /ide
78ote 127# northwest on second island soth of 1ossdeep
/and *a5es A/.areC
78ote 111# $rom desert north of fossil place
78ote 118# +ear the fisherman who "a5e yo the :ood 8od
78ote 127# sothwest on first island soth of 1ossdeep
/and *a5es A8ectan"leC
78ote 111# east from the dirt slope
78ote 115# /oth of the trees on coast
78ote 124# west of /hoal *a5e
/and *a5es AIarallelC
78ote 111# east from the Iicnicker trainer
78ote 127# sotheast on first island soth of 1ossdeep
78ote 127# sothwest on second island soth of 1ossdeep
/and *a5es A0olesC
78ote 111# 3ittle soth from Klackelt 4aiske
78ote 125# /oth of /0oal *a5e
78ote 127# east on second island soth of 1ossdeep
1ontain *a5es A/.areC
78ote 114# west from the bottomest batch of wild pokemon "rasses
78ote 115# 3ittle sotneast from 1eoteor $alls enterance
78ote 115# near the 4irt /lope on left side
1ontain *a5es A8ectan"leC
78ote 114# behind two rocks on ri"ht side
78ote 115# little north from fences and rock
78ote 115# topest of 3 panels from the steps
1ontain *a5es AIarallelC
78ote 114# +ear 1etoer $all enterance
78ote 115# 1iddlesest of 3 panels from the steps
78ote 115# Kottomest of 3 panels from the steps
1ontain *a5es A0olesC
78ote 114# +ear the ;indler
78ote 114# Ketween two steps# rock on ri"ht side
78ote 115# near the 4irt /lope on ri"ht side
*ircle Trees A/.areC
78ote 119# +eed to "et the place sin" the %cro Kike from side soth of
berry trees
78ote 119# 6n fart left north side of map# need %rco bike to "et across
white lines73eft side
78ote 120# +ear the lar"e s.are of tall "rass
78ote 120# Kehind the Ketty tree in front of %ncient Tomb
*ircle Trees A8ectan"leC
78ote 119# west of the $isheman on otherside of the ri5er A0a5e to srf
side near the hoseC
78ote 120# +ear Kerry trees
78ote 119# 6n fart left north side of map# need %rco bike to "et across
white lines Kt soth Hp 7 3eft /ide /ide
*ircle Trees AIarallelC
78ote 119# /oth from $ortree *ity
78ote 119# 6n fart left north side of map# need %rco bike to "et across
white lines Kt soth Hp 7 8i"ht /ide
78ote 120# 3ittle north from the first brid"e seen on 8ote 120
*ircle Trees A0olesC
78ote 119# +eed to srf to "et there
786te 119# 6n fart left north side of map# need %rco bike to "et across
white lines73eft side78-"ht side
78ote 120# +ear enterance to 86te 121
Trian"le Trees A/.areC
78ote 111# 3eft sides# opposite the 6ld 3ady,s hose
78ote 111# 8i"ht sides# opposite the 6ld 3ady,s hose
78ote 118# 8i"ht side# east of the Kerry trees
78ote 121# 8i"ht side# near /afari Jone :ate
Trian"le Trees A8ectan"leC
786te 115# 3eft side near the sea# below the 6ld 2oman
78ote 118# 3eft side# east of the Kerry trees
78ote 119# 8i"ht side# +eed to srf to "et there
78ote 121# 3eft side# near /afari Jone :ate
Trian"le Trees AIarallelC
786te 110# 3eft /ide on -sland soth of the :atehose
786te 114# 3eft /ide on -sland east of the brid"e
786te 115# 8i"ht side near the sea# below the 6ld 2oman
Trian"le Trees A0olesC
786te 110# 8i"ht /ide on -sland soth of the :atehose
786te 114# 8i"ht /ide on -sland east of the brid"e
78ote 119# 3eft side# +eed to srf to "et there
/M*8MT K%/M %/**-- 4M/-:+/
7 T 7 Trainer A6nly appear after yo mi' recordsC
7 U 7 2all tops
7 S 7 2alls sides
7 M 7 Mnterance
7 V 7 0oles
7 0 7 Eines# stones bit on "rond
7 3 7 3aptop
T8-KG/0 /&
U 3 U
T8-KG/0 8M*T
U 3U
T8-KG/0 I%8%33M3
T8-KG/0 063M/
/T6+M /&
U3 T U
/T6+M 8M*T
/T6+M I%8%33M3
U // UU
UU 3 //UUU
/T6+M 063M/
U /U
*-8KG/0 /&
U 3 T U
*-8KG/0 8M*T
*-8KG/0 I%8%33M3
U T 3 UU
*-8KG/0 063M/
U 0 U
U 0 U
4-8T /&
4-8T 8M*T
U 3U
4-8T I%8%33M3
U // / UU
4-8T 063M/
U 3U
/%+4 /&
U 3U
/%+4 8M*T
/%+4 I%8%33M3
U 3 T U
/%+4 063M/
U 0 U
U 0 U
16G+T%-+ /&
U 3 T U
16G+T%-+ 8M*T
16G+T%-+ I%8%33M3
16G+T%-+ 063M/
U3T 0 U
U 0 U
I8MTT) IMT%3 $362M8 /06I
78M4 I3%+T S3000
7T86I-*%3 I3%+T S3000
7I8MTT) $362M8/ S3000
7*6368$G3 I3%+T S5000
7K-: I3%+T S5000
7:68:M6G/ I3%+T S5000
/3%TMI68T 1%8;MT W1X
7%JG8-33 4633 S3000
71%8-33 4633 S3000
7/;-TT) 4633 S3000
/3%TMI68T 1%8;MT W2X
7T110 S3000
7T143 S3000 >77 That T1 yo need to open /ecret bases!!!
/3%TMI68T 1%8;MT W3X
78M4 K8-*; S500
7K3GM K8-*; S500
7)M3362 K8-*; S500
78M4 K%3366+ S500
7K3GM K%3366+ S500
7)M3362 K%3366+ S500
7* 3ow +6TM 1%T S500
74 +6TM 1%T S500
7M +6TM 1%T S500
7$ +6TM 1%T S500
7: +6TM 1%T S500
7% +6TM 1%T S500
7K +6TM 1%T S500
7* 0i"h +6TM 1%T S500
$68T8MM $G8+-TG8M /06I W3M$T /-4MX
7/1%33 4M/; S3000
7I6;M16+ 4M/; S3000
70M%E) 4M/; S6000
78%::M4 4M/; S6000
7*61$68T 4M/; S6000
7K8-*; 4M/; S9000
7*%1I 4M/; S9000
70%84 4M/; S9000
$68T8MM $G8+-TG8M /06I W8-:0T /-4MX
7/1%33 *0%-8 S2000
7I6;M16+ *0%-8 S2000
70M%E) *0%-8 S2000
78%::M4 *0%-8 S2000
7*61$68T *0%-8 S2000
7K8-*; *0%-8 S2000
7*%1I *0%-8 S2000
70%84 *0%-8 S2000
3-3)*61M 4MI%8T1M+T /T68M 3$ WT6I73M$T /-4MX
7I-*0G 4633 S3000
7I-;%*0G 4633 S3000
71%8-33 4633 S3000
7N-::3)IG$$4633 S3000
74G/;G33 4633 S3000
72)+%GT 4633 S3000
7K%3T6) 4633 S3000
7;M*3M6+ 4633 S3000
7%JG8-33 4633 S3000
7/;-TT) 4633 S3000
7/2%K3G 4633 S3000
7:G3I-+ 4633 S3000
3-3)*61M 4MI%8T1M+T /T68M 3$ WT6I78-:0T /-4MX
7I-;% *G/0-6+ S2000
786G+4 *G/0-6+ S2000
7J-:J%: *G/0-6+ S2000
7/I-+ *G/0-6+ S2000
74-%16+4*G/0-6+ S2000
7K%33 *G/0-6+ S2000
7:8%// *G/0-6+ S2000
7$-8M *G/0-6+ S2000
72%TM8 *G/0-6+ S2000
3-3)*61M 4MI%8T1M+T /T68M 3$ WK6TT6173M$T /-4MX
7K%33 I6/TM8 S1000
7:8MM+ I6/TM8 S1000
78M4 I6/TM8 S1000
7K3GM I6/TM8 S1000
7*GTM I6/TM8 S1000
7I-;% I6/TM8 S1500
736+: I6/TM8 S1000
7/M% I6/TM8 S1500
7/;) I6/TM8 S1500
3-3)*61M 4MI%8T1M+T /T68M 3$ WK6TT6178-:0T /-4MX
7/G8$ 1%T S4000
7T0G+4M8 1%T S4000
7$-8M K3%/T 1%T S4000
7I624M8/+62 1%T S4000
7%TT8%*T 1%T S4000
7$-//G8M 1%T S4000
7/I-;M/ 1%T S4000
7:3-TTM8 1%T S4000
7NG1I 1%T S2000
7/I-+ 1%T S2000
866$T6I /%3M/
71d Kall S200
7$ence 3en"th S500
7$ence 2idth S500
7Tire S800
7Kreakable 4oor S3000
7/olid Koard S3000
7/and 6rnament S3000
7/tand S7000
7/lide S8000
7TE S3000
78ond TE S4000
7*te TE S4000
72ailmer 4oll S10000
78hydon 46ll S10000
Kattle $rontier 3eft /ide AMmerald 6nlyC
+ame Irice
;iss Ioster 16 K!I!
;iss *shion 32 K!I!
/moochm 4oll 32 K!I!
To"epi 4oll 48 K!I!
1eowth 4oll 48 K!I!
*lefairy 4oll 48 K!I!
4itto 4oll 48 K!I!
* 4oll 80 K!I!
*hikorita 4oll 80 K!I!
Totodile 4oll 80 K!I!
Kattle $rontier 8i"ht /ide AMmerald 6nlyC
+ame Irice
3apras 4oll 128 K!I!
/norla' 4oll 128 K!I!
Eensar 4oll 256 K!I!
*hari9ard 4oll 256 K!I!
Klastoise 4oll 256 K!I!

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