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College of Liberal Arts

De La Salle University Manila

Department: Political Science Department Room: Andre !all "#$
Course Code: P%L&SC&
Course 'itle: &ntroduction to Political Science
Sc(edule: 'uesday and '(ursdays) "*+,# am
&nstructor-s.: Louie C/ Montemar
Contact Details: #+#0*$,#*12,1
Consultation Days and 'ime: ''() +,#*3#am
C%URS4 D4SCR&P'&%5
This is an introductory course to the study of politics, and its accompanying institutions, the state and government.
It attempts to build on the students prior knowledge and questions on politics, and then seeks to describe and explain
them by providing real-life examples. ence, the course offers a thematic, problem-oriented and learner-centered
treatment of political science that seeks to educate to participate.
!ne way of defining politics emphasi"es the process of choosing among different values, with the state and
government as the structures by which polity works with or towards the chosen values. The features and characteristics
of this process are important, affecting the types and magnitudes of issues that different societies face at the local,
national, regional, and global levels. In this course, students shall be exposed to how political scientists attempt to
systematically analy"e various political phenomena. #mphasis will be placed on equipping students with introductory
theories, concepts, and approaches in political science and governance. The ultimate goal is to enable students to
develop a more informed and critical view of historical and contemporary socio-political issues in the $hilippines, the
region, and the world.
L4AR5&56 %U'C%M4
%s a general education course, $!&I'(I is designed to contribute to the well-rounded intellectual development of
&asallians through exposure in the social sciences. (ourse ob)ectives are anchored on three of the five #xpected
&asallian *raduate %ttributes +#&*%s, identified by the (ollege of &iberal %rts.
CLA 4L6As L4AR5&56 %U'C%M4
% -&'. graduate is a/
(ritical and creative knowledge producer0
'ocially responsive and collaborative citi"en0
-iversity-sensitive communicator.
!n completion of the course, students are expected to be able to
design and create a mass media product +e.g.,
newspaper1maga"ine, video documentary, website, portfolio of
public campaign ads, etc., that effectively applies various
analytical frameworks in examining contemporary national and1or
international socio-political issues.
7&5AL C%URS4 %U'PU'
%s evidence of attaining the learning outcome stated above, students are required to accomplish and submit the
following during the indicated dates of the term.
L4AR5&56 %U'C%M4 R48U&R4D %U'PU' DU4 DA'4S
!n completion of the course, students
are expected to be able to design and
create a mass media product +e.g.,
newspaper1 maga"ine, video
documentary, website, portfolio of
public campaign ads, etc., that
effectively applies various analytical
frameworks in examining
contemporary national and1or
international socio-political issues.
2inal course output/
% mass media product +e.g., newspaper1maga"ine,
video documentary, website, portfolio of public
campaign ads, etc., that applies analytical
frameworks in political science in the examination of
contemporary national and1or international socio-
political issues
P%L&SC& Syllabus A9 $#3,*31 'erm , - 2 -
(omponent outputs/
3. Two- to three-page concept paper that
discusses the proposed issue1s to be tackled
and explains how a chosen mass media
product can be effective in presenting the
issue1s and reaching a particular target
4. Three analytical essays to be included in the
final mass media product
5. 2inali"ed mass media product
Third week of the term
#ighth week of the term
&ast week of classes
ASS4SSM45' RU:R&C 7%R 7&5AL C%URS4 %U'PU'
The following rubric shall be used to assess the final pro)ect submitted by students. 6ou are advised to self-check
your work based on the assessment criteria identified below prior to submission.
CR&'4R&A 4;4MPLAR9
-6rade: +# and
-6rade: "#*"+.
-6rade: =#*=+.
-6rade: 2+ and
&SSU4S A5D 'AR64' AUD&45C4:
The issues chosen for discussion are
timely and relevant to politics and
governance. These issues are
discussed clearly, demonstrating
careful research of the facts from
multiple sources. The form of mass
media product chosen to communicate
The submitted work
manifests qualities
which go beyond the
requirements. In
particular, the research
is very extensive,
covering multiple
primary and secondary
sources. There is an
The submitted
work manifests
the required
The submitted
work partially
manifests the
aspects are
incomplete or
The submitted
work does not
manifest any of
the requirements.
P%L&SC& Syllabus A9 $#3,*31 'erm , - 3 -
these issues is appropriate for the
intended audience. The product is
creative and captures the interest of
the intended audience.
effective synthesis of
the multiple facets of
the issues emerging
from the research.
A5AL9'&CAL C%5'45': 0#>
The issues are analy"ed carefully and
systematically. %ttention is placed to
segregating known facts from biased
views. .nsubstantiated opinions are
avoided. % balanced perspective is
offered based on the use of a variety of
analytical frameworks and an
appropriate understanding of the views
of the variety of stakeholders in the
issues. 7ey concepts and theories in
politics and governance are
appropriately used and applied in the
analysis. 8ovel ways of thinking about
old issues are presented.
The submitted work
manifests qualities
which go beyond the
requirements. In
particular, there is an
effective examination
and synthesis of the
similarities and
differences emerging
from the application of
different analytical
The submitted
work manifests
the required
The submitted
work partially
manifests the
aspects are
incomplete or
The submitted
work does not
manifest any of
the requirements.
7%RMA') %R6A5&?A'&%5 A5D
LA56UA64: $0>
The final product is clean and well-
organi"ed. 9hether in written or
audio-visual form, essays +and scripts
within the control of producers, must
follow accepted standards of
university-level writing, with no
grammatical and spelling errors. The
language used is respectful of diversity
and sensitive to the conditions faced
by a variety of stakeholders, especially
marginali"ed groups. #xternal sources
used are cited appropriately.
The submitted work
manifests qualities
which go beyond the
requirements. In
particular, the final
output is excellently
demonstrating careful
attention to details.
The submitted
work manifests
the required
The submitted
work partially
manifests the
aspects are
incomplete or
The submitted
work does not
manifest any of
the requirements.
P%L&SC& Syllabus A9 $#3,*31 'erm , - 4 -
%'!4R R48U&R4M45'S A5D ASS4SSM45'S
%side from the final output identified above, students will be assessed at other times during the term through
participation in class discussions and activities, including various group work, individual assignments, recitation, and
6RAD&56 S9S'4M
The passing grade in the course is :;<. 6ou will be graded based on the following/
*roup final pro)ect =;<
o *roup grade for the final pro)ect +5;<,
o Individual contributions to group output +3;<,
%ssigned essays and seatwork +think pieces, pop qui""es, 5;<
$eer grading and feedback 4;<
%ttendance and class presentation 3;<
L4AR5&56 PLA5
The emphasis of this course is on enabling students to ask meaningful questions about politics and to acquire the
tools with which to answer these questions analytically. The course is organi"ed around the key concepts used by
political scientists in analy"ing the political world.
>ost of the learning activities throughout the term are based on group work that allows you to examine various
perspectives on the topics we shall explore. &ecture-discussions will also be conducted to introduce core concepts and to
synthesi"e key points explored during the learning activities.
The schedule for the term is as follows/
P%L&SC& Syllabus A9 $#3,*31 'erm , - 5 -
'%P&C R474R45C4S @44A L4AR5&56
completion of
the course,
students are
expected to
be able to
design and
create a mass
product +e.g.,
portfolio of
ads, etc., that
frameworks in
@(at is PoliticsB
.nderstanding politics
!rder, the state, and
%uthority, legitimacy, and
Issues of social )ustice and
the role of the state
'tudying politics
(hapter 3, >agstadt
(hapter 3, eywood
Additional readings
taken from selected
columns/op-eds in
newspapers will e
9eeks 3, 4, and 5 &ecture-discussions
Identification of issues
for group pro)ects
Competing visions of t(e
public good
$olitical ideologies
.topian visions of the state
and society
*roup politics, social
movements, and
(hapter 4, >agstadt
(hapter 4, eywood
(hapter 5, >agstadt
(hapter 5, eywood
(hapter 33, eywood
Additional readings on
Philippine political
groups and social
movements will e
9eeks =, ?, and @ %ctivity/ The political
2ilm showing
Democratic politics and
-emocracy and
Aepresentation and
$arties and party systems
$olitical sociali"ation and
(hapters =-@,
(hapter =, eywood
(hapter B, eywood
(hapter 3;, eywood
(hapters 3;-33,
9eeks :, C, and B &ecture-discussions
%ctivity/ -emocracy
2ilm showing
P%L&SC& Syllabus A9 $#3,*31 'erm , - 6 -
(hallenges of
democrati"ation and
democratic consolidation
(hapter 34, >agstadt
Additional readings on
Philippine democracy
will e assigned.
Political and governmental
2orms of government/
presidential, parliamentary
and hybrid governments
2orms of government/
.nitary and federal
governments, and issues
of local autonomy
(hallenges of governance
(hapters :-B,
(hapter 34, eywood

9eeks 3;, 33, and 34 &ecture-discussions
&ibrary and internet
(lass debates on
forms of government
Course synt(esis 9eek 35 &ecture-discussions
$resentation of final
mass media products
The basic texts we will be using for key concepts about politics and governance are the following/
eywood, %ndrew. 4;35. Politics. 2ourth edition. &ondon/ $algrave >acmillan.
>agstadt, Thomas >. 4;;B. !nderstanding Politics" Ideas, Institutions, and Issues. #ighth edition +International
student edition,. Delmont, (%/ 9adsworth.
!ther useful references are the following/
-an"iger, Eames 8. 4;;=. !nderstanding the Political #ord" A $omparative Introduction to Political %cience.
'eventh edition. 8ew Eersey/ &ongman.
P%L&SC& Syllabus A9 $#3,*31 'erm , - 7 -
&ipson, &eslie. 3BB:. The &reat Issues of Politics" An Introduction to Political %cience. Tenth edition. 8ew Eersey/
$rentice all.
#thridge, >arcus and oward andelman. 4;;C. Politics in a $hanging #orld" A $omparative Introduction to
Political %cience. 2ourth edition.
ague, Aon and >artin arrop. 4;;3. $omparative &overnment and Politics" An Introduction. 8ew 6ork/
$algrave >acmillan.
%5L&54 R4S%URC4S
'tudents are encouraged to explore the many resources about various aspects of politics available in the internet.
The following are some examples/
'n political eliefs and ideologies
$olitical beliefs are important motivating forces for individual and group-based political action. % variety of systems of
political beliefs F called political ideologies F have emerged throughout human history, and many are still quite influential
in contemporary politics. 2or a simple discussion of how political beliefs can be GmappedH into an ideological Gsystem,H
see the website of the $olitical (ompass pro)ect/ http/11www.politicalcompass.org1.
To learn more about specific ideologies1beliefs, see the following/
!n anarchism/ http/11flag.blackened.net1daver1anarchism1anarchism.html
!n libertarianism/ http/11www.libertarian.org1
!n the religious right/ http/
!n communism/ http/11cominternet.org1 and http/ +'ee http/11www.marxists.org1sub)ect1students1 for
a beginners guide to >arxism.,
!n democratic socialism/ http/11www.dsausa.org1
!n nihilism/ http/
'n utopias
.topias F or visions of an GidealH society F have historically formed the basis for much political action. 'ome have led to
disastrous consequences and have been called Gdystopias.H %n online presentation, G.topia/ The 'earch for the Ideal
'ociety in 9estern (ivili"ation,H is available in the 8ew 6ork $ublic &ibrarys website/ http/11utopia.nypl.org1.
To read about classical utopias, see the following/
!n $latos (epulic/ http/11www.friesian.com1plato.htm
P%L&SC& Syllabus A9 $#3,*31 'erm , - 8 -
!n 2rancis Dacons )ew Atlantis/ http/11www.levity.com1alchemy1atlantis.html
'n democracy
>any international organi"ations continuously monitor the state of democracy in various countries. Their websites include
a description of the methods they use to GmeasureH democracy, the scores theyve assigned to various countries in
different years, and country case reports on the state of democracy. 2or examples, see the following/
!n the 2reedom ouse Index/ http/11www.freedomhouse.org1
!n %mnesty International/ http/11www.amnesty.org1
'n the Philippine government
>any $hilippine government organi"ations are now online. 'ee the following, for instance/
!n the $hilippine $resident/ http/
!n the $hilippine (ongress/ http/ and http/
!n the $hilippine 'upreme (ourt/ http/11sc.)
P%L&SC& Syllabus A9 $#3,*31 'erm , - 9 -

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