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Erik Joplin

Block 2
Chapter 2 Section 1
The first settlers of North America brought ideas of government ith them! These ideas
included limited government" representative government" and ordered government! The #agna Carta
as signed in 121$" hich among other things" declared that the monarch%&s poer as not absolute!
'ne last English document that greatl% influenced American government as the English Bill of
(ights" hich promoted a fair trial" freedom from e)cessive bail" and protection from cruel and unusual
punishment! Thirteen colonies ere established" and each as born out f a particular set of
circumstances! Each colon% as established b% charter b% the king! #ar%land *enns%lvania" and
+elaare ere proprietar% colonies" hich meant that the king had given someone a plot of land!
,imited -overnment . the idea that government is restricted in hat it ma% do" and ever%
individual has certain rights that government cannot take aa%!
(epresentative -overnment . s%stem of government in hich public policies are made b%
officials selected b% voters and held accountable in periodic elections!
#agna Carta . The poer of monarch% as not absolute and guaranteed! Trial b% /ur% and due
process of la to the nobilit%! 0irst document to limit the poer of England&s #onarch!
English Bill of (ights . designed to prevent abuse of poer b% English #onarch agreed on b%
1illiam and #ar% of England in 1234!
Charter . a ritten grant of authorit% from the king!
Bicameral . a legislative bod% composed of to chambers!
Chapter 2 Section 2
*arliament took little part in the management of colonies as it as left to control of the
king! Earl% on" colonists figured out that the% could tighten the salar% for a legislator so that
the% could control his voting! Earl% attempts at colonial unit% included the Alban% *lan of
5nion" hich attempted to protect the colonies from the Native American threat! The 0irst and
Second Continental Congress started earl% talks about bo%cotting British goods after the stamp
act! The Second Continental Congress happened after the revolutionar% ar had alread% started!
The +eclaration of 6ndependence as signed slightl% more than a %ear after the revolutionar%
ar ended" the first document hich suggested that the people should rule!
Alban% *lan of 5nion . meeting to discuss the problems of colonial trade and the danger of
attacks b% the 0rench and their Native American allies!
+elegates . (epresentatives
Stamp Act of 172$ . parliament passed a la that re8uired the use of ta) stamps on all legal
documents" on certain business agreements and on nespapers
Bo%cott . a refusal to bu% or sell certain products or services
*opular Sovereignt% . government can e)ist onl% ith the consent of the governed!
(epealed . ithdran or canceled
Chapter 2 Section 9
The Articles of Confederation established a :firm league of friendship; for the colonies! 6t as
supposed to allo the governments to be individual hile alloing them to make important decisions
together! Congress as alloed to make treaties" borro mone%" set up a mone% s%stem" establish post
Erik Joplin
Block 2
offices" build a nav%" raise an arm%" fi) eights" and settle state disputes! 6n theor% it orked" but in
practice it did not give enough poer to the central government! ,ittle forced the states to follo the
Articles of Confederation and making a resolution re8uired 4 out of 19 states! A stronger government
as re8uired and movements ere organi<ed to make a ne form of government!
Articles of Confederation . established = a firm league of friendship among the states! The
states came together= for their common defense" the securit% of their liberties" and their mutual
and general elfare!
(atification . formal approval
*residing 'fficer . the person chosen b% congress to be their chair person of president! >Not of
the 5!S!?
0ramers . the group of delegates ho attended the *hiladelphia Convention
@irginia *lan . the first plan for a ne constitutionAAthis plan called for three separate branchesB
legislative" e)ecutive" and /udicial!
Ne Jerse% *lan . presented as an alternative to the @irginia plan! Called for a unicameral
legislature in hich each state ould be e8uall% represented!
Chapter 2 section C
Telve of the thirteen states >(hode 6sland did not attend?" sent delegates to *hiladelphia!
-eorge 1ashington as immediatel% elected as the first president b% the delegates! To ma/or plans
ere created for the ne government! These to plans ere the Ne Jerse% *lan and the @irginia *lan!
Each of these plans focused on favoring large or small states! 6n order to reach the best decision"
hoever" a compromise as made beteen the to plans" the Connecticut Compromise >:the -reat
Compromise;? stated that the government should have to houses" the s%stem e use toda%!
5ltimatel%" a ne form of government as reached based on the compromises beteen the to plans!
@irginia *lan . the first plan for a ne constitutionAAthis plan called for three separate branchesB
legislative" e)ecutive" and /udicial!
Ne Jerse% *lan . presented as an alternative to the @irginia plan! Called for a unicameral
legislature in hich each state ould be e8uall% represented!
Connecticut Compromise . Connecticut delegation suggested this! Congress should be
composed of to houses! The senate" the states ould be represented e8uall% and in the house
ould be represented based upon its population!
ThreeA0ifths Compromise . all =free persons= should be counted and three fifths of all persons
to be counted >slaves?
Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise . congress as forbidden the poer to ta) the e)port
of goods from an% state! 0orbidden the poer to act on the slave trade!
Duorum . ma/orit%

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